Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 The Well …/media/Files/A/Atkins... ·...

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Transcript of Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 The Well …/media/Files/A/Atkins... ·...

The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015

Volume 1 2020

Our Response

Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015

Cyfrol 1 2020

Ein Ymateb

2 Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 3Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru)


Rydym yn cydnabod y gall ein gweithrediadau cynllunio, dylunio, rheoli prosiect a busnes wneud cyfraniad pwysig at fyd mwy cynaliadwy. Ein cyfrifoldeb o ran arwain yw gwella ein perfformiad amgylcheddol ein hunain drwy’r ffordd rydym yn rhedeg ein busnes a dylanwadu ar eraill. Gwneir hyn drwy ein cyngor, gwaith dylunio, prosesau cyflawni a gwasanaethau strategol sydd wedi’u cysoni â’n strategaeth a’n cynlluniau busnes.

Yn y ddogfen hon, mae Atkins a Faithful+Gould yn dangos ein hymrwymiad i Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol. Rydym yn dangos sut y cyflawnir y saith nod llesiant ar hyn o bryd drwy ein prosiectau, gan dynnu sylw at ein haddewidion hirdymor i ymgorffori ‘ffyrdd cynaliadwy o feddwl’ yn barhaus.

Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru)

“Rydym wedi bod yn chwarae rôl allweddol yn nyfodol Cymru ers mwy na 70 mlynedd. Yn 1947 gwahoddwyd peiriannydd ifanc, William Atkins, gan Gwmni Haearn a Dur De Cymru i drafod cynlluniau i ymestyn safle Gwaith Dur Abbey ym Mhort Talbot. Ers y dyddiau cynnar hynny â Syr William wrth y llyw, rydym wedi tyfu fel cyflogwr a buddsoddwr yng Nghymru gyda gweithlu uniongyrchol o fwy na 250 a swyddfeydd yng Nghaerdydd ac Abertawe.

Mae ein gwerthoedd craidd yn seiliedig ar Ddiogelwch, Uniondeb, Cydweithio ac Arloesedd gyda phwyslais cryf ar greu’r canlynol:

Cymdeithas ar gyfer ein dyfodol - ysbrydoli’r genhedlaeth nesaf; buddsoddi mewn cymunedau; datblygu cynaliadwyedd, gwybodaeth a sgiliau, a chreu gweithle iach a diogel,

Amgylchedd gyda dyfodol - cefnogi economi carbon isel; dangos parch tuag at yr amgylchedd drwy effeithlonrwydd adnoddau ac atal llygredd; ac amddiffyn a gwella ecosystemau,

Busnes cyfrifol ar gyfer y dyfodol - dylanwadu ar dwf economaidd cynaliadwy a’i gefnogi, gyda threfniadau llywodraethu ac atebolrwydd cadarn; bod yn rhan o fusnes rhyngwladol, gan ar yr un pryd gydnabod pwysigrwydd darparu gwasanaethau lleol.

Mae’r egwyddorion hyn bellach wedi’u cwmpasu gan y saith nod llesiant a’r pum ffordd o weithio a nodir yn Neddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015.


LIAM RYANCyfarwyddwr Cleientiaid


5Atkins and Faithful+Gould - how we deliver on the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales)4 Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru)


Adfywio Tref Maelfa

Canolfan Ganser Rutherford

Pentref Trefol Coed Darcy

Ffordd Gyswllt Chimneys

Nant Bawddwr

Ysgol Uwchradd Whitmore

Cylchfan Pont-y-pŵl

Ein Pobl a’n Hymrwymiadau



Cymru lewyrchusCymdeithas arloesol, gynhyrchiol, carbon isel sy’n cydnabod y terfynau sydd ar yr amgylchedd byd-eang ac sydd, o ganlyniad, yn defnyddio adnoddau mewn modd effeithlon a chymesur (gan gynnwys gweithredu ar newid yn yr hinsawdd); ac sy’n datblygu poblogaeth fedrus ac addysgedig mewn economi sy’n cynhyrchu cyfoeth.

Cymru gydnerthCenedl sy’n cynnal ac yn gwella amgylchedd naturiol bioamrywiol gydag ecosystemau iach gweithredol sy’n cynnal cydnerthedd cymdeithasol, economaidd ac ecolegol ynghyd â’r gallu i addasu i newid (er enghraifft newid yn yr hinsawdd)..

Cymru iachachCymdeithas lle mae llesiant corfforol a meddyliol pobl cystal â phosibl a lle deellir dewisiadau ac ymddygiadau sydd o fudd i iechyd yn y dyfodol

Cymru sy’n fwy cyfartalCymdeithas sy’n galluogi pobl i gyflawni eu potensial ni waeth beth fo’u cefndir neu eu hamgylchiadau (gan gynnwys eu cefndir a’u hamgylchiadau cymdeithasol-economaidd).

Cymru o gymunedau cydlynusCymunedau atyniadol, hyfyw a diogel sydd â chysylltiadau da.

Cymru â diwylliant bywiog lle mae’r Gymraeg yn ffynnuCymdeithas sy’n hyrwyddo ac yn gwarchod diwylliant, treftadaeth a’r Gymraeg, ac sy’n annog pobl i gyfranogi yn y celfyddydau, a chwaraeon a gweithgareddau hamdden.

Cymru sy’n gyfrifol ar lefel fyd-eangCenedl sydd, wrth iddi wneud unrhyw beth i wella llesiant economaidd, cymdeithasol, amgylcheddol a diwylliannol Cymru, yn ystyried a allai gwneud peth o’r fath gyfrannu’n gadarnhaol at lesiant byd-eang.


IntegreiddioHirdymor Cydweithio


6 Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 7Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru)

dewisiadau diogel drwy ddylunio lle y bo’n bosibl i sicrhau diogelwch y cyhoedd.public safety.

Integreiddio: Cafodd holl amcanion angenrheidiol y cyrff cyhoeddus y tynnwyd sylw atynt eu hystyried o gyfnod sefydlu’r prosiect i’r cyfnod cwblhau.

Cydweithio: Cafodd y prosiect hwn ei ddylunio a’i gwblhau gan ddilyn dull gweithredu cyfannol o’r cam cysyniadol i’r cam cwblhau. Roedd y preswylwyr yn cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf, dewiswyd deunyddiau a oedd yn gweddu i gymeriad yr ardal a chafodd y broses adeiladu ei rheoli’n dda gyda’r contractwyr eraill ar y safle.

Cynnwys: Gwnaeth y prosiect hwn gynnwys y preswylwyr lleol, y gymuned gyfagos, y cleient, contractwyr a staff mewnol Atkins. Roedd sawl adolygiad dylunio a rhannwyd gwybodaeth drwy gydol y broses, gan roi sylw penodol i gyflawni’r nodau llesiant.

Y nod dylunio oedd sicrhau bod mannau cymunedol allanol a mewnol nad ydynt yn cael eu defnyddio ar hyn o bryd ac sy’n denu sylw negyddol yn cael eu newid i ardaloedd mwy diogel, cyfforddus a bywiog.

Sam Everett, Uwch-dechnolegydd Pensaernïol - Atkins

“Rydym yn addo creu pensaernïaeth drawiadol gan ddefnyddio egwyddorion

dylunio sy’n cynnwys pawb ac a gyflwynir yn gydweithredol gyda ffocws ar ffyrdd

hirdymor o weithio.”


Mae gwaith adnewyddu tŵr Maelfa yn rhan o uwchgynllun ehangach ailddatblygu Canolfan Siopa Maelfa. Mae gwaith y Tŵr yn cynnwys dros-gladin rhannol, ffenestri newydd effeithlon a balwstrad balconi newydd. Mae’r rhain yn helpu i wella amwynder y preswylwyr sy’n byw yno, yn ogystal â gwella esthetig gweledol y tŵr ar gyfer y bobl yn yr ardal o amgylch.

Mae’r uwchgynllun yn ceisio darparu hyb cymunedol wedi’i adfywio yn ystad ehangach Llanedeyrn: drwy adnewyddu’r tŵr preswyl presennol, gwaith i adeiladu eiddo preswyl a manwerthu newydd at ddefnydd cymysg a thai teras newydd. Mae gwaith tirlunio caled a meddal ychwanegol o amgylch y tŵr yn creu mannau allanol newydd, mwy diogel, ar gyfer cwrdd a rhyngweithio cymunedol.

Cymru lewyrchus, Cymru o gymunedau cydlynus a Chymru sy’n gyfrifol ar lefel fyd-eang

Gwnaeth y syniad o adnewyddu yn hytrach na dymchwel arbed adnoddau, amser a gwnaeth sicrhau nad oedd y preswylwyr, y mae’r rhan fwyaf ohonynt dros 50 oed, ac mae gan rai ohonynt anableddau, yn cael eu symud. Defnyddiwyd adnoddau yn effeithlon i wella’r amgylchedd oddi amgylch drwy greu mynedfa fwy diogel ac ymarferol a chanolfan siopa ar y llawr gwaelod. Nid yn unig mae hyn yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar y preswylwyr, ond y boblogaeth oddi amgylch hefyd, yn ogystal â pherchenogion siopau a fyddai’n cael budd mawr o’r hwb i’w busnesau a’u cyflogadwyedd.

Fel enghraifft o gymdeithas gynhyrchiol sy’n ailddefnyddio ei hadnoddau, yn ystod y cyfnod adeiladu, roedd cytundeb o fudd i’r ddwy ochr rhwng y contractwyr a’r gymuned o ran ailddefnyddio unrhyw ddeunyddiau adeiladu a oedd yn weddill ar gyfer prosiectau lleol eraill.

Cymru iachach a Chymru gydnerth

Am fod y defnyddwyr terfynol yn hŷn ar y cyfan, ag anableddau difrifol a phroblemau yn integreiddio â chymdeithas, roedd y prosiect hwn yn sicrhau bod eu budd pennaf yn cael ei ystyried. Roedd y safle yn fyw drwy gydol y prosiect, gyda’r rhan fwyaf o’r gwaith wedi’i gynllunio heb unrhyw darfu mawr ar y tenantiaid i sicrhau nad oedd yn effeithio ar eu hiechyd meddwl na’u llesiant.

Cymru sy’n fwy cyfartal

Daeth agoriad Siop Gymunedol Churches Together, lolfa gymunedol Preswylwyr Maelfa, ac ardaloedd podiwm allanol â’r rhaglen o waith i ben, gan drawsnewid hen rodfa siopa o’r 1970au i ardal wedi’i hadfywio sy’n gwasanaethu preswylwyr Maelfa a chymuned ehangach Llanedeyrn gan sicrhau bod pob rhan o gymdeithas yn gallu defnyddio’r ardal ac integreiddio yno.

Cymru â diwylliant bywiog lle mae’r Gymraeg yn ffynnu

Gyda Chyngor Caerdydd fel y cleient a llawer o’r preswylwyr yn siarad Cymraeg, cafodd posteri dylunio eu darparu yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg ar gyfer cyfarfodydd ymgynghori cyhoeddus cynnar a sesiynau ymgysylltu er mwyn cynnwys pawb. Cyflawnwyd y prosiect hwn o’r swyddfa leol yng Nghaerdydd, gyda’r tîm dylunio yn aml yn gweithio ar y safle yn y cabanau.

Y pum ffordd o weithio y mae’n eu cyflawni

Hirdymor: Mae’r prosiect hwn yn diwallu’r anghenion hirdymor o greu hyb cymunedol cynhwysol, mwy agored, bywiog sy’n ffynnu, wedi’i leoli o fewn yr uwchgynllun adfywio ac yn sicrhau ar yr un pryd bod anghenion tymor byr y preswylwyr, er enghraifft, yn cael eu diwallu h.y. gwnaethant aros ar y safle.

Atal: Roedd y cynllun ar gyfer y tŵr yn canolbwyntio ar ddefnyddio deunyddiau cladin nad ydynt yn llosgadwy fel mesur ataliol ar gyfer unrhyw broblemau tân. Roedd yn cynnwys

Cleient Cyngor Dinas Caerdydd

Gwerth £5.5m


› Pensaernïaeth › Strwythurau › Rheoli Prosiectau › Rheoli Costau › Gweinyddu Contractau › Clerc Gwaith

› BIM › BREEAM › Dylunio cysyniad › Dylunio tirwedd › Cyngor Peirianneg Tân

8 Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 9Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru)

Mae’r technegau adeiladu arloesol sy’n defnyddio elfennau wedi’u castio’n barod ar gyfer y fowtiau wedi cael eu dewis oherwydd cyflymder y gwaith adeiladu. Gellid cymhwyso’r system ledled y DU er mwyn ymateb i’r galw uwch am gyfleusterau gofal canser. Yn gyffredinol, mae’r prosiect wedi integreiddio nifer o gwmnïau i lunio canlyniad terfynol cydgysylltiedig.

Cynnwys ac Atal: Gan adeiladu ar enw da’r DU am ragoriaeth glinigol, a thrwy gysylltiadau academaidd ag Ysgol Feddygaeth Prifysgol Buckingham, bydd ein canolfannau Therapi Pelydrau Proton yn datblygu’n hybiau rhagoriaeth ar gyfer triniaethau canser datblygedig.

Yn sicr, bydd rhannu gwybodaeth y cwmnïau sy’n rhan o’r gwaith o fudd i’r diwydiannau adeiladu a meddygol yn Ne Cymru a ledled y DU.

“Mae Proton Partners International yn ymrwymedig i drawsnewid gofal canser yn y

DU. Gyda chyfraddau canser yn codi, mae angen cynyddol i gleifion gael cynnig lefel gyfannol a

soffistigedig o ofal canser.”

Yr Athro Gordon McVie, Cadeirydd Proton Partners International


Bydd Canolfan Ganser Rutherford Casnewydd yn gyfleuster trin canser o’r radd flaenaf yn y DU, yn arwain y ffordd o ran cyflawni a datblygu triniaethau canser drwy Therapi Pelydrau Proton.

Y nod oedd adnewyddu’r ganolfan feddygol bresennol i gynnal gwasanaethau ymgynghori a diagnostig, ac adeiladu ardaloedd arbenigol newydd i gynnal yr ardaloedd triniaeth radiotherapi a therapi pelydrau proton. Mae dull gweithredu cyfannol wedi cael ei fabwysiadu i ddarparu amgylchedd tawel drwy gydol y broses o roi triniaeth.

Cymru lewyrchus, Cymru o gymunedau cydlynus a Chymru sy’n gyfrifol ar lefel fyd-eang

Drwy ailddefnyddio’r cyfleuster presennol rydym wedi rhoi pwrpas newydd i adeilad a oedd wedi dyddio, gan ei wella’n fewnol yn ogystal â gwella ei esthetig gweledol allanol gan ddefnyddio adnoddau yn effeithlon.

Bydd y Ganolfan yn cynnig profiad i’r cleifion o’r sectorau preifat a’r GIG a all newid eu bywydau o bosibl, gan ddenu nifer mawr o ddefnyddwyr a fyddai wedi gorfod cael eu hanfon dramor neu wario symiau mawr o arian yn flaenorol ar gyfer gweithdrefnau tebyg, gan felly greu ecosystem fwy cynaliadwy yn y gymdeithas gan wneud cyfraniad cadarnhaol at lesiant byd-eang.

Cymru iachach

Gan adeiladu ar enw da’r DU am ragoriaeth glinigol, a thrwy gysylltiadau academaidd ag Ysgol Feddygaeth Prifysgol Buckingham, bydd ein canolfannau Therapi Pelydrau Proton yn datblygu’n hybiau rhagoriaeth ar gyfer triniaethau canser datblygedig.

O ran ei ddyluniad, nid yn unig mae’r wal wyrdd yn y blaen yn gwella amwynder gweledol yr adeilad, ond mae hefyd yn helpu i buro’r aer drwy ddefnyddio planhigion byw.

Cymru sy’n fwy cyfartal a Chymru gydnerth

Mae’r ganolfan hon yn agored ac yn gynhwysol i bawb. Yn y bôn, mae’r arloesedd yn Rutherford De Cymru o fudd i’r cleifion preifat a chleifion y GIG sydd o bosibl yn dibynnu ar y ganolfan ar gyfer triniaeth a therapi sy’n achub bywydau ac sy’n ymestyn bywydau.

Drwy fabwysiadu egwyddorion dylunio cynhwysol, nod yr adeilad presennol a’r estyniadau arfaethedig yw cyflawni darpariaeth i bawb gan gynnwys y rhai â nam symudedd, nam ar y synhwyrau ac

anawsterau dysgu.

Y pum ffordd o weithio y mae’n eu cyflawni

Hirdymor: Mae’r prosiect hwn yn hynod effeithiol o ran diwallu anghenion tymor byr a hirdymor cael clinig canser yng Nghasnewydd sydd â chysylltiadau trafnidiaeth da â gweddill y DU. Ar hyn o bryd, nid oes unrhyw gyfleusterau Therapi Proton gweithredol yn y DU. Mae’r GIG wedi talu i anfon cleifion dramor, fel arfer i ddwyrain Ewrop neu UDA ar gost sylweddol. Bydd Canolfan Ganser Rutherford yn cynnig Therapi Pelydrau Proton i ddemograffig eang yn y DU, gan leddfu pwysau ar y GIG i ddarparu ar gyfer ei gleifion.

Megis dechrau mae CT proton a digidol yn y DU, felly bydd cymhwyso’r dechnoleg hon yn darparu cyfleoedd i ddatblygu’r broses o arloesi o ran y gwaith dylunio, y gwaith adeiladu a’r gwasanaethau meddygol y gellir eu datblygu ym mhob rhan o’r diwydiant.

Mae’r dechnoleg a’r dulliau adeiladu a ddefnyddir yn Ne Cymru eisoes wedi cael eu hintegreiddio yn y gwaith o ddylunio dwy ganolfan bellach yn y DU, yn Newcastle a Reading. Y bwriad yw parhau i ehangu er mwyn datblygu rhwydwaith o gyfleusterau ledled y DU.

Cydweithio ac Integreiddio: Mae’r prosiect hwn yn dod â phartneriaid technegol ynghyd o ledled Ewrop, gan gynnwys IBA, Elekta, Philips, Atkins a’r contractwyr Pravida Bau a John Weaver Contractors Ltd.

Cleient Proton Partners International

Private Healthcare provider with funding from the Welsh Government

Gwerth £6m


› Pensaernïaeth › Dylunio Tirwedd › Dylunio mewnol

› Peirianneg Strwythurol/M › Peirianneg Sifil › Peirianneg MEP › Geodechnegol

10 Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 11Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru)

Rydym yn defnyddio’r dulliau unioni cynaliadwy a thechnegol uwch gan gynnwys technegau bioddirywio lle y defnyddir micro-organebau i lanhau’r pridd.

Ychwanegu at y coetir presennol a’i gysylltu â gwaith plannu newydd i greu coridorau gwyrdd a chynefinoedd amrywiol

Y pum ffordd o weithio y mae’n eu cyflawni

Integreiddio, Cydweithio, Atal, Hirdymor a Chynnwys:

Gwnaeth y prosiect hwn gynnwys y preswylwyr, y gymuned gyfagos, y cleient, contractwyr a staff mewnol Atkins. Cynhelir adolygiadau dylunio parhaus a chaiff gwybodaeth ei rhannu gan roi sylw penodol i gyflawni’r nodau llesiant a chreu mannau gwerthfawr.

Mae’r dyheadau lleol ar gyfer y defnydd o’r safle a’r effaith ar y gymuned wedi cael eu hystyried yn ofalus drwy gydol y broses o ddatblygu dyluniad y prosiect.

Caiff Coed Darcy ei lunio gan berchenogion cartrefi a busnesau’r gymuned, a fydd yn aelodau o Gwmni Rheoli Cymuned Coed Darcy. Bydd y Cwmni Rheoli Cymuned yn galluogi preswylwyr a pherchenogion busnes i helpu i lunio’r datblygiad ffisegol h.y. gwaith cynnal a chadw’r ardaloedd cyhoeddus a chymunedol, a gwaith dylunio’r gymuned gan gynnwys adeiladau, strydoedd a chyfleusterau cymunedol.

“Rydym yn addo darparu atebion peirianneg daear arloesol ym mhob sector

rydym yn gweithredu ynddo, gan hybu datblygiad seilwaith cynaliadwy er budd

cymunedau ledled Cymru.”

Jack Blake, Peiriannydd Geodechnegol, Atkins


Bydd Coed Darcy yn darparu 4,000 o gartrefi i dua 10,000 o breswylwyr, gan gynnig amrywiaeth eang o fathau, meintiau a deiliadaethau.

Mae’r camau cyntaf o dai yn Heritage Gate, a adeiladwyd gan Atlantic Properties yn 2010, a 300 o gartrefi gan Persimmon yn 2017 bellach i gyd yn llawn.

Cymru lewyrchus

Caiff y gwaith o gyflawni Coed Darcy ei ategu gan ymrwymiad i liniaru gwaddol ac effeithiau gweithrediadau’r purfa a oedd ar y safle’n flaenorol.Mae amrywiaeth eang o dechnegau trin ac ailddefnyddio deunydd arloesol wedi cael eu defnyddio i drin a gwella priddoedd halogedig ar y safle a galluogi iddynt gael eu hymgorffori yn ddiogel yn y datblygiad ehangach, gan felly leihau’r angen i fewnforio neu allforio deunydd a’r defnydd cysylltiedig o adnoddau a symudiadau cerbydau yn y gymuned ehangach.

Cymru gydnerth

Mae Coed Darcy wedi’i leoli mewn man unigryw wrth ymyl gwlyptiroedd gwarchodedig Cors Crymlyn, sy’n cael ei gydnabod fel ardal gadwraeth ac ardal o bwysigrwydd ecolegol RAMSAR a SSSI. Ni fydd ymylon gorllewinol y safle yn cael eu datblygu’n helaeth er mwyn amddiffyn bioamrywiaeth ac ecoleg naturiol Coed Darcy yn ogystal â’i olygfeydd deniadol a’i dirweddau eithriadol.

Mae rhaglen o waith ecolegol helaeth i amddiffyn rhywogaethau sensitif, a fydd yn cynnwys darparu cynefinoedd ychwanegol i annog amgylchedd cynaliadwy bioamrywiol. Y nod cyffredinol yw creu amrywiaeth eang o dirwedd a chynefinoedd ecolegol ym mhob rhan o’r cynllun, pob un â chymeriad a swyddogaeth benodol.

Caiff y gymuned ei phoblogi ag amrywiaeth eang o blanhigion a choed lleol – rhai wedi’u tyfu drwy gynaeafu hadau ar y safle – er mwyn helpu i adlewyrchu’r amgylchedd naturiol ehangach

Cymru iachach

Bydd tair cymdogaeth Coed Darcy yn cysylltu â’i gilydd drwy feysydd pentref, ardaloedd chwarae a lonydd troellog i roi ymdeimlad o bentref i’r gymuned. Caiff cyfleusterau megis siopau, ysgolion a pharciau eu hadeiladu o fewn pellter cerdded i’r cartrefi er mwyn creu’r gymuned berffaith.

Bydd rhwydwaith cynhwysfawr o lwybrau seiclo a llwybrau troed yn rhedeg drwy’r cynllun ac o’i

amgylch. Bydd gan y llwybrau gysylltiadau da â chyfleusterau hamdden, ysgolion ac ardal fusnes y safle, gan hyrwyddo dewis amgen i’r car a dull mwy cynaliadwy o deithio. Bydd hefyd ardaloedd chwarae yn agos at gartrefi ar gyfer plant bach. Bydd gan Coed Darcy Ardaloedd Chwarae Cymdogaeth (NEAPS) ac Ardaloedd Chwarae Lleol (LEAPS) ar gyfer plant hŷn.

Cymru sy’n fwy cyfartal, Cymru o gymunedau cydlynus a Chymru â diwylliant bywiog lle mae’r Gymraeg yn ffynnu

Gweledigaeth y prosiect yw defnyddio topograffi eithriadol y safle presennol i gyflawni cymuned gynaliadwy newydd lle mae cyfleusterau pob dydd ar gael i bobl er mwyn byw, gweithio, dysgu ac ymlacio. Bydd y gymuned hon yn helpu i gyfrannu at waith ehangach i adfywio rhan fawr o Dde Cymru dros y 20-25 mlynedd nesaf a fydd yn gwella’r diwylliant ac yn datblygu’r Gymraeg.

Wrth gyflawni’r uwchgynllun, bydd St. Modwen yn gweithio’n unol â Chod Tref, cyfres o reolau, darluniadau a chanllawiau sy’n sicrhau cysondeb ac y caiff y weledigaeth ddylunio ar gyfer cymuned newydd Coed Darcy ei gwireddu.

Cymru sy’n gyfrifol ar lefel fyd-eang

Mae Atkins yn gweithio i lanhau ac ailddatblygu hen safle Purfa Olew Llandarcy BP mewn ffordd ddiogel a chynaliadwy. Caiff y broses gyfan ei monitro a’i goruchwylio gan Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd Cymru a Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot.

Cleient Datblygiad St Modwen’s

Gwerth £6m


› Unioni ac adfer tir › Dylunio Tirwedd › Dylunio cysyniad

ac uwchgynllunio peirianneg

› Rheoli Prosiectau

› Gwaith daear a gwaith dylunio i ailbroffilio’r safle

› Gwaith gwella priffyrdd › Strategaeth ddraenio › Ecoleg › Gweinyddu Contractau

13Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru)12 Atkins and Faithful+Gould - how we deliver on the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales)

gweithredwr rhwydwaith, cyngor cymuned lleol a staff mewnol Atkins. Sicrhaodd tîm y prosiect eu bod yn cael eu cynnwys drwy gydol y broses a gwnaethant gydgysylltu nifer o gyfnodau saib yn ystod y broses ddylunio er mwyn ymgynghori ac addasu’r dyluniad i ddiwallu anghenion rhanddeiliaid unigol. .

Atal: Gwnaeth dyluniad y ffordd gyswllt alluogi gwelliannau ehangach, gan gynnwys gwelliannau i droedffyrdd a threfniadau llwytho peryglus blaenorol. Gwnaeth hyn hwyluso symudiadau mwy diogel i gerddwyr a chefnogi swyddogaeth busnesau lleol.

“Profodd perthnasoedd‘ Atkins ’â SWTRA a CSP yn amhrisiadwy drwy’r prosiect. Sicrhaodd eu dealltwriaeth

o’n rhwydwaith a’n perthnasoedd staff ein bod yn gallu cydweithredu’n effeithiol a chynhyrchu cynllun er budd

yr holl bartïon, gan gynnwys y cyhoedd.”

Hywel Davies, Prif Beiriannydd, SWTRA (Rhanbarth y Gorllewin)


Fel rhan o Gynllun Datblygu Lleol Cyngor Sir Penfro am dros 15 mlynedd, cynigiwyd cynllun Ffordd Gyswllt Chimneys er mwyn lleddfu problemau o ran tagfeydd yn Abergwaun, gan fynd i’r afael â seilwaith cerdded sy’n llawer is na’r safon a chreu mynediad i blotiau datblygu mawr o amgylch safle ysgol nad oedd yn cael ei defnyddio.

Roedd y cynllun yn cynnwys dymchwel adeiladau’r ysgol nad oeddent yn cael eu defnyddio, ac adeiladu cyswllt priffyrdd, gan hwyluso system unffordd ehangach gan gynnwys troedffyrdd gwell a mwy diogel, canolbwynt bysiau, gwaith tirlunio a llifoedd traffig gwell. Fel rhan o’r gwaith, adeiladwyd cynefinoedd newydd hefyd, gan gynnwys tŷ ystlumod er mwyn lliniaru effeithiau ecolegol.

Cymru lewyrchus, Cymru o gymunedau cydlynus a Chymru sy’n gyfrifol ar lefel fyd-eang

Gwnaeth cyflwyno canolbwynt bysiau alluogi cyfleusterau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus gwell, gan annog defnydd o ddulliau cynaliadwy o deithio. Defnyddiwyd dulliau adeiladu cynaliadwy hefyd ym mhob rhan o’r cynllun, gan ddefnyddio carreg wedi’i hadfer o’r ysgol a ddymchwelwyd wrth adeiladu waliau a nodweddion ffin.

Cymru iachach

Darparodd y cynllun welliannau seilwaith cerdded sylweddol i’r dref, gan alluogi cerddwyr a beicwyr i deithio’n ddiogel a hybu llesiant corfforol.

Cymru sy’n fwy cyfartal, Cymru gydnerth, Cymru â diwylliant bywiog lle mae’r Gymraeg yn ffynnu:

Gyda Chyngor Sir Penfro fel y cleient a llawer o’r preswylwyr lleol yn siarad Cymraeg, cafodd posteri eu cyfieithu ar gyfer yr holl gyfarfodydd ymgynghori cyhoeddus a’r sesiynau ymgysylltu, ac roedd staff Atkins yn cyfathrebu yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg er mwyn cynnwys pawb. Cyflawnwyd y prosiect hwn o’r swyddfa leol yn Abertawe, gyda’r tîm dylunio yn aml yn gweithio ar y safle yn y cabanau.

Gwnaeth defnyddio carreg wedi’i hadfer yn y gwaith dylunio sicrhau bod ardaloedd tirwedd yn cyd-fynd â threftadaeth yr ardal gyfagos ac yn ystyriol o’r amgylcheddau.

Y pum ffordd o weithio y mae’n eu cyflawni

Hirdymor: Mae’r prosiect hwn yn diwallu’r anghenion hirdymor o gefnogi cymuned cynhwysol, mwy agored, bywiog sy’n ffynnu yng nghanol tref Abergwaun ac yn sicrhau ar yr un pryd bod anghenion tymor byr y preswylwyr yn cael eu diwallu, er enghraifft, cynnal mynediad i bob eiddo ac ymgynghori â busnesau er mwyn lliniaru cyfyngiadau yn ystod y gwaith adeiladu.

Cydweithio: Cafodd y prosiect hwn ei ddylunio a’i gwblhau gan ddilyn dull gweithredu cyfannol o’r cam cysyniadol i’r cam cwblhau. Gwnaeth Atkins gydgysylltu ac arwain gwaith ymgynghori sylweddol â nifer o gleientiaid, rhanddeiliaid a phreswylwyr, ac aethpwyd i’r afael â phryderon drwy fersiynau dylunio, gan ddarparu ateb i gynllun a oedd wedi cael ei ohirio am bron i bymtheg mlynedd. Cyflawnwyd hyn drwy gytuno ar sail dylunio cydweithredol a rennir rhwng pob parti.

Integreiddio: Cafodd yr holl gyrff cyhoeddus, rhanddeiliaid a phreswylwyr angenrheidiol y tynnwyd sylw atynt eu cynnwys yn y gwaith o gyflawni’r prosiect. Sicrhaodd Atkins yr ymgynghorwyd yn llawn â phreswylwyr, busnesau, perchenogion asedau a gweithredwyr rhwydwaith lleol a bod eu gofynion wedi’u hymgorffori yn y gwaith dylunio.

Cynnwys: Gwnaeth y prosiect hwn gynnwys y preswylwyr lleol, y gymuned gyfagos, y cleient,

Cleient Cyngor Sir Penfro

Gwerth £3.5m (Adeiladu)


› Rheoli Prosiectau › Asesiad Dichonoldeb › Dylunio Cychwynnol › Goruchwylio Gwaith

Adeiladu a Chymorth Swyddfa

› Ymgysylltu â Rhanddeiliaid

› Dylunio Manwl

› Cyngor Cynllunio a Chyflwyno Ceisiadau Cynllunio

› Ymgynghoriad Cyhoeddus › Dylunio Tirwedd › Gweinyddu Contractau

(NEC3) › Arolygon a Cheisiadau


14 Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 15Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru)

Nilushi Perera, Peiriannydd

“Gan ddefnyddio’r cynllun hwn, a chynlluniau eraill tebyg, rydym yn addo cynnal sesiynau ar sut y gellir defnyddio prosiectau

peirianneg sy’n ymddangos yn drwm i wella’r economi a’r gymuned. Rydym yn ceisio newid y ffordd rydym yn meddwl am

beirianneg er mwyn cynnwys y gymuned i wella ein hatebion.”


Roedd gan gwlfert Nant Bawddwr, sy’n rhedeg o dan gefnffordd yr A40 yn Llanymddyfri, derfyn llwytho dros dro ar ffurf rhwystrau, a oedd yn lleihau’r mathau o gerbydau a allai ddefnyddio’r ffordd ac yn lleihau faint o ofod oedd ar gael ar y ffordd.

Roedd y lleihad o ran gofod y ffordd yn achosi tagfeydd yn y dref, ac roedd hefyd angen arolygiad dyddiol gan beiriannydd er mwyn asesu ymddygiad strwythurol y cwlfert. Gofynnwyd i Atkins gan Asiant Cefnffyrdd De Cymru (SWTRA) ddatblygu cynllun er mwyn atgyweirio’r cwlfert i alluogi cerbydau i ddefnyddio’r ffordd eto. Dyluniodd Atkins gynllun newydd ar gyfer y cwlfert, a oedd yn golygu y gellid ailddefnyddio deunyddiau presennol; gan leihau faint o wastraff a gynhyrchir a gwella bywyd dylunio’r strwythur; gan leihau faint o waith cynnal a chadw fydd ei angen yn y dyfodol. At hynny, drwy waith ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid gyda’r cynghorydd lleol, Llywodraeth Cymru a phreswylwyr, llwyddodd Atkins

i awgrymu a gweithredu gwelliannau pellach i’r dref yn ystod y cynllun a oedd yn cynnwys gwaith dylunio ar gyfer perygl o lifogydd, lleihau dŵr yn y dyfodol, arwyddion gwell i dwristiaid ac adfer wal restredig.

Cymru lewyrchus:

Gwella’r seilwaith ar gyfer galwadau o ran draenio yn y dyfodol oherwydd newid yn yr hinsawdd, defnyddio llafur a deunyddiau lleol gan gynhyrchu economi gylchol, ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid yn y caffi lleol, defnyddio prentisiaid yn ystod y gwaith dylunio a goruchwylio gwaith adeiladu (roedd rheolwr y prosiect yn brentis ei hun).

Cymru gydnerth

Drwy ddylunio cwlfert gyda bywyd dylunio o 120 o flynyddoedd, mae’r cwlfert yn ymdopi â galwadau perygl o 1 achos o lifogydd mewn 100 mlynedd, a thrwy ddefnyddio adnoddau lleol, ac ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid yn y caffi lleol, cyfrannwyd at lesiant cymunedol

Cymru sy’n gyfrifol ar lefel fyd-eang

Ailddefnyddio deunyddiau, dylunio am oes, gwella arwyddion diwylliannol i ymwelwyr, dylunio seilwaith i ymdopi â gofynion yn y dyfodol

Y pum ffordd o weithio y mae’n eu cyflawni

Hirdymor: Dylunio ateb optimaidd, gan gydbwyso’r costau yn erbyn gofynion cynyddol llif dŵr a lleihau dŵr

Cynnwys: Defnyddio gwaith ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid er mwyn mynd i’r afael â chymaint o broblemau â phosibl a’u datrys yn ystod y cynllun, gan roi dyluniad sy’n fwy cyflawn

Cydweithio: Amlddisgyblaethau o fewn Atkins, ond hefyd trawsgydweithio wrth ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid. Mae’r cynllun wedi cael ei ddefnyddio mewn sesiynau dysgu lleol o fewn Atkins er mwyn defnyddio’r ethos hwn mewn cynlluniau dylunio eraill.

Gan ddefnyddio’r cynllun hwn, a chynlluniau eraill tebyg, byddwn yn cynnal sesiynau ar sut y gellir defnyddio prosiectau peirianneg sy’n ymddangos yn drwm i wella’r economi a’r gymuned. Rydym yn ceisio newid y ffordd rydym yn meddwl am beirianneg er mwyn cynnwys y gymuned i wella ein hatebion.

Cleient Asiant Cefnffyrdd De Cymru (SWTRA)

Gwerth £1.25m (dylunio ac adeiladu)


› Modelu Perygl Llifogydd

› Peirianneg Dylunio › Goruchwylio Safle


› Mesur Meintiau › Rheoli Prosiectau › Cynllunio › Treftadaeth

16 Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 17Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru)

a ffefrir dros gylch oes dylunio o 60 mlynedd ac yn sicrhau bod y datblygiad yn bodloni’r amcanion trafnidiaeth a bennwyd ac yn cynrychioli gwerth am arian i’r cyhoedd.

Atal: Un o’r prif amcanion yn ystod y gwaith o ddatblygu ac arfarnu opsiynau oedd datblygu opsiynau a fyddai’n lleddfu problemau tagfeydd presennol ar y rhwydwaith ac yn ystyried gwelliannau i ddiogelwch cerddwyr ar linellau dymuno presennol. Gwnaeth y broses dylunio ac arfarnu opsiynau ystyried gwydnwch y rhwydwaith er mwyn atal mwy o oedi ar y rhwydwaith strategol o ganlyniad i’r twf mewn traffig a ragwelir yn ogystal â darparu capasiti i ddatblygu yn yr ardal yn y dyfodol. Roedd diogelwch ac atal damweiniau, ar gyfer pob dull, drwy ddewisiadau dylunio mewnweledol ac yn seiliedig ar wybodaeth hefyd yn ystyriaethau allweddol.

Integreiddio – Yn ystod datblygiad y prosiect cafodd arfarniad pob opsiwn yn erbyn y nodau llesiant ei ddatblygu mewn cydweithrediad â SWTRA.

Cydweithio – Cafodd y prosiect ei gyflwyno yn gydweithredol rhwng SWTRA, fel asiant i Lywodraeth Cymru, Cyngor Sir Torfaen ac Atkins. Cafodd y cydweithrediad hwn ei osod a’i gynnal drwy gyfarfodydd cynnydd rheolaidd lle cafodd datblygiad y prosiect ei drafod, yn ogystal ag adroddiadau diweddaru ar gerrig milltir allweddol.

Cynnwys– Bydd astudiaeth Cam Dau WelTag sy’n cael ei chynnal ar hyn o bryd yn ymgysylltu ymhellach â rhanddeiliaid lleol er mwyn casglu cudd-wybodaeth leol a llywio’r gwaith dylunio opsiynau. Bydd dyluniadau’r opsiynau a’r strategaeth ymgynghori cyhoeddus hefyd yn cydymffurfio â Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010.

“Rydym yn addo datblygu’r pum ffordd o weithio o gyfnod sefydlu’r prosiect i’r cyfnod cyflawni gyda’r saith nod

llesiant wedi’u sefydlu wrth wraidd pob prosiect cynllunio trafnidiaeth. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau bod gwaith cynllunio

trafnidiaeth effeithiol yn helpu i wella llesiant ac amgylchedd cymunedau lleol.”

Louie Vaughan, Cynllunydd Trafnidiaeth Graddedig, Atkins

CYLCHFAN PONT-Y-PŴLPont-y-pŵl, De Cymru, y DU

Comisiynwyd Atkins gan Asiant Cefnffyrdd De Cymru (SWTRA) i lunio Cam Un WelTAG ar gyfer Cylchfan yr A4042 / A472 ym Mhont-y-pŵl, Cymru. Yn unol â chanllawiau WelTAG 2017, lluniodd Atkins adroddiad Cam Un cynhwysfawr a oedd yn nodi’r problemau trafnidiaeth presennol ac arfaethedig wrth y gyffordd, cyn trafod cyd-destun ehangach y problemau

Ar ôl deall y problemau, datblygwyd amrywiaeth o ymyriadau gallu a diogelwch priffyrdd er mwyn mynd i’r afael â’r problemau a nodwyd. Yna cafodd ‘rhestr hir’ o ymyriadau trafnidiaeth ac nad ydynt yn ymwneud â thrafnidiaeth ei harfarnu (gan gyfeirio at raddfa arfarnu saith pwynt WelTAG) yn erbyn yr Amcanion Cynllunio Trafnidiaeth (TPOs) a amlinellwyd, Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) a meini prawf arfarnu WelTAG.

Cafodd y ‘rhestr hir’ o 15 o opsiynau ei harfarnu yn ansoddol yn erbyn 7 nod Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru), gan ddefnyddio’r paramedrau asesu canlynol:

Cymru lewyrchus

Cafodd oedi cerbydol, ciwio ac ansawdd aer eu hystyried wrth arfarnu’r nod hwn. Bydd llai o oedi a chiwio o ran traffig ar y rhwydwaith strategol yn arwain at ostyngiad yn y costau sy’n gysylltiedig ag amser teithio ac allyriadau sy’n gysylltiedig â cherbydau o draffig nad yw’n symud

Cymru gydnerth

Cafodd yr effaith ar fioamrywiaeth a gwydnwch pob opsiwn eu hystyried wrth arfarnu’r nod hwn. Cafodd opsiynau a oedd yn cyflwyno arwyddion traffig eu hystyried fel opsiynau cadarnhaol gan eu bod yn cynnig y potensial ar gyfer trawsatebwyr (sy’n blaenoriaethu mynediad bysiau) ac i integreiddio rhwydwaith 5G i’r systemau, gan wella gallu’r gyffordd i addasu i newid.

Cymru iachach

Cafodd yr effaith ar ddefnyddwyr teithio llesol a diogelwch ar y ffyrdd eu hystyried wrth arfarnu’r nod hwn.

Cymru sy’n fwy cyfartal

Cafodd opsiynau a oedd yn helpu defnyddwyr sy’n agored i niwed (y rhai heb fynediad i gar preifat) i deithio drwy’r gyffordd eu hystyried fel opsiynau cadarnhaol.

Cymru o gymunedau cydlynus

Cafodd teithio llesol a diogelwch eu hystyried hefyd wrth arfarnu’r nod hwn. Cafodd opsiynau a

oedd yn lleihau’r rhaniadau presennol ar gyfer dulliau teithio llesol wrth y gylchfan eu hystyried fel opsiynau cadarnhaol. Bydd gwaith ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid yn parhau i gaffael barn y gymuned leol a’i hintegreiddio yn y gwaith dylunio opsiynau

Cymru â diwylliant bywiog lle mae’r Gymraeg yn ffynnu

Cafodd pob opsiwn ei arfarnu yn erbyn yr effaith ar unrhyw asedau treftadaeth, y celfyddydau, chwaraeon, hamdden Cymreig dynodedig neu fynediad i gyfleusterau addysg Gymraeg.

Cymru sy’n gyfrifol ar lefel fyd-eang

Cafodd yr effaith ar ddefnyddwyr teithio llesol ac ansawdd aer eu hystyried yn yr opsiwn hwn. Caiff yr effaith yn ystod gwaith adeiladu pob opsiwn ei hasesu ar gam yn y dyfodol gydag egwyddorion y system economi gylchol yn cael eu cynnal drwy gydol gwaith datblygu’r prosiect.

Y pum ffordd o weithio y mae’n eu cyflawni

Yn ystod datblygiad astudiaeth Cam Un WelTag, roedd y pum ffordd o weithio a nodir yn Neddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) yn hanfodol o ran cyflawni’r prosiect yn llwyddiannus.

Hirdymor: Cafodd effeithiau tymor byr a hirdymor pob opsiwn eu hystyried yn yr arfarniad gydag asesiad o allu pob opsiwn yn y flwyddyn 2033. Caiff effeithiau tymor byr y gwaith adeiladu eu hystyried mewn astudiaeth Cam Tri WelTAG. Bydd astudiaeth Cam Dau WelTag yn ystyried gwerth am arian yr opsiynau

Cleient Asiant Cefnffyrdd De Cymru (SWTRA)

Gwerth £ Heb ei ddatgelu


› Arfarniad aml-feini prawf › Dylunio Opsiynau › Asesiad o Allu Cyffordd

› Arfarniad Llesiant › Cam 1 WelTAG › Arfarniad Trafnidiaeth

18 Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 19Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru)

mannau i gymdeithasu, ymlacio a dysgu gan helpu i wella llesiant meddyliol. Mae’n darparu gwelliannau ecolegol drwy goridor cysylltiedig o bantiau a basnau cadw. Mae’r detholiad gofalus o ran plannu yn creu tirwedd bioamrywiol ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt. Mae’r dyluniad yn darparu amgylchedd addysgol amgen, gan alluogi disgyblion i ddysgu yn yr awyr agored a chysylltu â’r amgylchedd.

Y pum ffordd o weithio y mae’n eu cyflawni:

Hirdymor ac Atal: Drwy ddylunio i gyfrif am effaith newid yn yr hinsawdd ar lefelau glaw yn y dyfodol sy’n lleihau’r perygl o lifogydd yn y dyfodol, mae’r dyluniad yn addas ar gyfer yr anghenion hirdymor.

Cynnwys: Mae’r system hefyd yn ystyried ffordd gyfannol o weithio, gan anelu at addysgu’r myfyrwyr am reoli dŵr wyneb drwy ei dyluniad hygyrch. .

Cydweithio ac Integreiddio: Roedd y prosiect hwn yn cynnwys y cleient, yr ysgol, y contractwr a’r tîm dylunio o’r cychwyn cyntaf. Roedd yn enghraifft wirioneddol o gydweithio i sicrhau bod y dyluniad gorau yn cael ei ddatblygu a’i ddewis. Cynhaliodd y prosiect sesiynau ymgysylltu â chleientiaid a chyfarfodydd gyda chynllunwyr yn gynnar er mwyn sicrhau bod gweledigaeth yr ysgol yn cael ei nodi a bod y briff yn cael ei deilwra i ddiwallu anghenion y myfyrwyr a’r athrawon.

Roedd y tîm dylunio yn rhan o’r cynllun buddiannau cymunedol lle roedd yr aelodau yn rhan o ddiwrnodau glanhau traethau, yn cyflogi graddedigion o’r prifysgolion lleol yng Nghymru i weithio ar ddyluniad yr ysgol ac yn integreiddio â’r ysgol leol. Cymerodd y tîm ran mewn nifer o ddiwrnodau STEM gan sicrhau bod gwybodaeth yn cael ei rhannu ar bob cam o’r ffordd.

“Drwy gydol ein gwaith ar Ysgol Uwchradd Whitmore, a phrosiectau seilwaith tebyg eraill, rydym yn addo rhoi

prosesau draenio cynaliadwy ar waith er mwyn lleihau’r perygl o lifogydd a llygredd ledled Cymru.”

Jamie Lowe, Peiriannydd Draenio Graddedig, Atkins

YSGOL UWCHRADD WHITMORECaerdydd a’r Fro, De Cymru, y DU

Mae Ysgol Uwchradd Whitmore yn ysgol uwchradd tri llawr newydd ar safle’r ysgol bresennol, wedi’i dylunio â chyfleusterau chwaraeon dan do a gaiff eu rhannu â’r gymuned.

Mae’r prosiect wedi cael ei ddatblygu i gyflawni dyhead Ysgolion yr 21ain Ganrif Bro Morgannwg. Mae’r rhaglen yn dangos dull y Cyngor o ran datblygiad cynaliadwy, gan gyfrannu at Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 er mwyn mynd i’r afael â llesiant cymdeithasol, diwylliannol, economaidd ac amgylcheddol. Mae addysg yn gyfrannwr allweddol o ran gwella’r rhain, ac mae safonau uchel o amgylcheddau dysgu modern yn helpu disgyblion i gyflawni hyd eithaf eu potensial. Mae’r rhaglen yn ystyried anghenion hirdymor, gan ystyried y twf a ragwelir a Strategaeth y Gymraeg.

Cymru lewyrchus a Chymru o gymunedau cydlynus

Mae’r cynnig o ysgol yn hyrwyddo addysg a dysgu. Mae gwaith dylunio cynaliadwy yr

adeilad yn cefnogi’r nod hwn am ei fod yn sicrhau bod y gwaith datblygu yn ymrwymedig i gydnabod terfynau amgylcheddol byd-eang ac effeithlonrwydd adnoddau. Mae’r ysgol yn creu cymdeithas fedrus sy’n addysgedig gan helpu i wella’r economi a darparu cyfleoedd cyflogaeth.

Mae’r ateb dylunio tirwedd ar gyfer yr ysgol hon yn sicrhau effaith isel o ran dull dylunio a defnyddio deunyddiau. Mae’r trosolwg hwn yn amrywio o sicrhau bod unrhyw lystyfiant ar y safle yn cael ei gadw a’i wella, gan gynyddu cyfleoedd ar gyfer bioamrywiaeth drwy rywogaethau cynhenid, draenio a dŵr storm ffo, yr ymdrinnir â nhw mewn ffordd gynaliadwy a sicrhau bod pobl sy’n mynychu’r ysgol yn meddwl ‘cerdded, beicio, bws’ yn gyntaf cyn defnyddio’r car. Caiff llwybrau cerdded, hawliau tramwy cyhoeddus a chyfleusterau presennol eu dylunio o safbwynt sicrhau cyfrifoldeb amgylcheddol a chysylltiadau cymuned cynhwysol

Cymru sy’n gyfrifol ar lefel fyd-eang:

Bydd yr adeilad yn bodloni achrediad ‘Rhagorol’ BREEAM, a thrwy hynny bydd yn cefnogi’r nod i fod yn ‘Gymru sy’n gyfrifol ar lefel fyd-eang.’

Cymru iachach, Cymru sy’n fwy cyfartal, Cymru â

diwylliant bywiog lle mae’r Gymraeg yn ffynnu

Mae ysgol newydd yn helpu i wella addysg a galluogi disgyblion i gyflawni eu potensial, gan gynnwys darparu mynediad i ddyluniad sy’n gynhwysol i bawb.

Mae’r gwaith dylunio tirwedd yn sicrhau bod y mannau allanol yn cynnig defnyddiau amrywiol sy’n cefnogi iechyd cymdeithasol, emosiynol ac iechyd meddwl disgyblion a’u twf i fod yn oedolion. Mae hyn yn cyd-fynd â gweithgarwch corfforol a darparu amgylchedd sy’n galluogi plant i sicrhau llesiant corfforol a meddyliol cystal â phosibl. Mae darparu meysydd chwaraeon o ansawdd uchel gyda mynediad i gyfleusterau newid yr ysgol newydd yn galluogi disgyblion i brofi amrywiaeth o chwaraeon drwy gydol y flwyddyn mewn amgylchedd modern a chyfforddus. Bydd dyluniad cynhwysol, cydnerth i newid yn yr hinsawdd ac ecolegol gyfeillgar Ysgol Uwchradd Whitmore a thir yr ysgol yn annog cenedlaethau’r dyfodol yng Nghymru i symud tuag at ffordd fwy cynaliadwy, iach a ffyniannus o fyw.

Cymru gydnerth:

Mae’r system ddraenio gynaliadwy yn Ysgol Uwchradd Whitmore yn newydd ac arloesol. Mae’n un o’r prosiectau cyntaf i fod yn destun Atodlen 3 newydd Deddf Rheoli Llifogydd a Dŵr 2010, a ddaeth yn rhan o gyfraith Cymru ym mis Ionawr 2019. Mae’r system yn sicrhau bod dŵr storm ffo o’r safle yn cael ei leihau o gymharu â’r rhwydwaith presennol. Mae hefyd yn sicrhau bod llygryddion yn cael eu tynnu o’r dŵr storm ffo, drwy gyfres o bantiau trin, maes parcio hydraidd a basn ymdreiddio.

Mae’r egwyddorion SDCau hyn yn ategu’r gwaith dylunio tirwedd ac maent wedi llywio a darparu’r

Cleient Bro Morgannwg

Gwerth £25m


› Pensaernïaeth › Strwythurau › BIM › BREEAM

› Dylunio cysyniad › Dylunio tirwedd › Peirianneg Draenio › Peirianneg Daear

21Atkins and Faithful+Gould - how we deliver on the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales)20 Atkins a Faithful+Gould - sut rydym yn cyflawni Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru)


Bae Oxwich - Tîm Atkins Abertawe

Rydym yn falch o ddangos ein cyfrifoldeb i Gymru a sicrhau dyfodol ffyniannus a chynaliadwy ar gyfer ein holl gymunedau.

EIN POBL A’N HYMRWYMIADAU “Rydym yn addo gwneud yr amgylchedd gwaith yn lle cynhwysol

lle mae cyflogeion yn cael y cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau elusennol a rhoi yn ôl i’r gymdeithas ehangach.”

Ellen-Marie Jefferies a Mel Difford, Blaen y Tŷ



dweithio Uniondeb









TEITHIO › Diwrnodau gwirfoddoli › Diwrnodau STEM › Codi arian › Nosweithiau cwis

elusennol › Arwerthiannau Addo ›


Casglu Sbwriel - Glanhau Traeth y Tri Chlogwyn

Sesiynau DPP mewnol ar gyfer Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol

STEM - Ysgolion Lleol

Adeiladu Tîm - Bae Oxwich

Cydnabyddiaeth i Gyflogeion Digwyddiad cysgu allan er budd Digartrefedd

› Triathlon Caerdydd › ‘Tough Mudder’ › Badminton › Pêl-droed

Codi Arian - ‘Tough Mudder’

› Papur › Cardbord › Plastig

› Gwastraff Bwyd

Datblygu Gyrfa - Dod â’ch Plentyn i’r Gwaith › Rhaglen Datblygu

Menywod Mewnol Atkins

› Cyflogeion - Fforwm Ymgysylltu #wow

› Mentora wedi’i Wrthdroi › Cymorth i Fenywod

Casnewydd › Cadwraeth Forol › Cymdeithas Alzheimer › Felindre

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We have been playing a key role in Wales’ future for more than 70 years. In 1947 a young engineer, William Atkins, was invited by the South Wales Iron and Steel Co. to discuss plans to extend the Abbey Steelworks in Port Talbot. Since those early days of Sir William we have grown in Wales as employer and investor with a direct workforce of over 250 and offices in Cardiff and Swansea.

Our core values are built upon Safety, Integrity, Collaboration & Innovation with strong emphasis on creating:

A society for our future - inspiring the next generation; investing in communities; developing sustainability, knowledge and skills, and creating a healthy, safe and secure workplace,

An environment with a future - supporting a low carbon economy; demonstrating respect for the environment through resource efficiency and preventing pollution; and protecting and improving ecosystems,

A responsible business of the future - influencing and supporting sustainable economic growth with strong governance and accountability; being part of an international business whilst recognising the importance of providing local services.

These principles are now encompassed by the seven well-being goals and five ways of working set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.



We recognise our planning, design, project management and business operations can make an important contribution to a more sustainable world. It is our leadership responsibility to improve our own environmental performance through the way we run our business and influence others. This is through our strategic advice, design, delivery and services aligned to our business strategy and plans.

In this document, Atkins and Faithful+Gould demonstrate our commitment to the Well-Being of Future Generations Act. We showcase how the seven well-being goals are currently achieved through our projects highlighting our long-term promises to continuously embed ‘sustainable ways of thinking’.

LIAM RYANClient Director Atkins

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A prosperous WalesAn innovative, productive and low carbon society which recognises the limits of the global environment and therefore uses resources efficiently and proportionately (including acting on climate change); and which develops a skilled and well-educated population in an economy which generates wealth.

A resilient WalesA nation which maintains and enhances a biodiverse natural environment with healthy functioning ecosystems that support social, economic and ecological resilience and the capacity to adapt to change (for example climate change).

A healthier WalesA society in which people’s physical and mental well-being is maximised and in which choices and behaviours that benefit future health are understood.

A more equal WalesA society that enables people to fulfil their potential no matter what their background or circumstances (including their socio economic background and circumstances).

A Wales of cohesive communityAttractive, viable, safe and well-connected communities.

A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh languageA society that promotes and protects culture, heritage and the Welsh language, and which encourages people to participate in the arts, and sports and recreation.

A globally responsible WalesA nation which, when doing anything to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales, takes account of whether doing such a thing may make a positive contribution to global well-being.


Prevention IntegrationLongterm


llaboration In



Maelfa Town Regeneration

The Rutherford Cancer Centre

Coed Darcy Urban Village

Chimneys Link Road

Nant Bawdrr

Whitmore High School

Pontypool Roundabout

Our People & Our committments


26 Atkins and Faithful+Gould - how we deliver on the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 27Atkins and Faithful+Gould - how we deliver on the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales)


The Maelfa tower refurbishment is part of the wider Maelfa Shopping Centre masterplan redevelopment. The Tower works include partial overcladding, new high performing windows and new balcony balustrading. These help in improving the amenity of the residents inhabiting the space as well as lift the visual aesthetic of the tower for those in the surrounding area.

The masterplan strives to provide a reinvigorated community hub within the wider Llanedeyrn estate: through the refurbishment of the existing residential tower, new mixed use residential & retail building and new terrace housing. Additional hard & soft landscaping surrounding the tower block creates new, safer, external spaces for gathering and community interaction.

A prosperous Wales, A Wales of cohesive communities and a globally responsible Wales

The idea of refurbishment instead of demolition saved resources, time and ensured that the residents, most of whom are over 50, some with disabilities were not displaced. Resources were efficiently used to enhance the surrounding environment by creating a safer, more viable entrance area and shopping centre on the ground floor. This not only positively impacts the residents, but the surrounding population as well as the shop owners who would greatly benefit from the boost in their business and employability.

As an example of a productive society that re-uses their resources, during the construction phase, there was a mutually beneficial agreement between the contractors and the community in reusing any excess in building materials for other local projects.

A healthier Wales & A resiliant Wales

As the end users were mostly older with severe disabilities and problems integrating with society, this project ensured that their best interests were observed. The site remained live throughout, with most of the works planned without any major disruption to the tenants to ensure their mental health and well-being was not disturbed.

A more equal Wales

The opening of the Churches Together Community

Shop, the Maelfa Residents communal lounge, and external podium areas, concluded the program of works and the transformation from a tired 1970s shopping mall to a revitalised precinct serving the Maelfa residents and the wider Llanderyn community ensuring that all parts of society can access & integrate within the area.

A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving welsh language

With Cardiff Council as the client and many of the resident’s Welsh speakers, early public consultation meetings and engagement sessions had design posters translated in both Welsh & English as inclusion for all. This project was delivered from the local Cardiff office with the design team often sitting on site within the cabins.

The five ways of working it meets

Long term: This project meets the long term needs of creating an inclusive, more open, vibrant & thriving community hub situated within the masterplan regeneration scheme whilst ensuring the short term needs of the resident’s for example, were kept intact i.e they remained on site.

Prevention: The design for the tower focussed on the use of non-combustible cladding materials as a preventative measure for any fire issues. It included ‘safe by design’ choices where possible to ensure public safety.

Integration: All of the highlighted necessary public

bodies objectives were kept in view whilst the project went from conception to completion.

Collaboration: This project was designed & completed following a holistic approach from concept stage to completion. Resident’s were kept informed, materials chosen were suited to the character of the area and the construction process was well managed with the other contractors on site.

Involvement: This project involved the local residents, the surrounding community, the client, contractors and Atkins internal staff. There were several design reviews and knowledge sharing throughout the process with particular attention paid to achieving the well-being goals.

The design aim was to ensure both external and internal community spaces that are presently disused attracting negative attention to be replaced with safer, comfortable and vibrant areas.

Client Cardiff City Council

Value £5.5m


› Architecture › Structures › Project Management › Cost Management › Contract Administration › Clerk of Works

› BIM › BREEAM › Concept design › Landscape design › Fire Engineering Advice

Sam Everett, Senior Architectual Technologist- Atkins

“We pledge to create striking architecture using design principles that are inclusive for all & delivered

collaboratively with focus on long term ways of working.”

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The Rutherford Cancer Centre Newport will be a state-of-the-art cancer treatment facility, in the UK, leading the way for the delivery and development of cancer treatment via Proton Beam Therapy.

The aim has been to refurbish the existing medical centre to host consulting and diagnostic services, and to build new specialist areas to host the radio therapy and Proton Beam therapy treatment areas. A holistic approach has been adopted to provide a calming environment through the treatment process.

A prosperous Wales, a Wales of cohesive communities and a globally responsible Wales

By reusing the existing facility we have given new purpose to a run down building, improving it internally as well as it’s external visual aesthetic utilising resources efficiently.

The Centre will offer a potentially life changing

experience for its patients from both the private and NHS sectors capturing a large number of users that would previously have to be sent abroad or spend large sums of money for similar procedures thereby creating a more sustainable eco-system within the society whilst making a positive contribution to global well-being.

A healthier Wales

Building upon the UK’s reputation for clinical excellence, and through academic affiliations with the University of Buckingham School of Medicine, our Proton Beam Therapy centres will become hubs of excellence for advanced cancer treatment.

Regarding it’s design, the green wall at the front not only improves the visual amenity of the building but also helps purify the air from the benefits of having a living plant wall.

A more equal Wales and a resilient Wales

This centre is open and inclusive design for all. Fundamentally, the innovation within the Rutherford South Wales is of benefit to the private and NHS patients who may depend on the centre for life saving and life extending treatment and therapy.

By adopting inclusive design principles the existing building and proposed extensions aim to deliver provision for all people including those with mobility impairments, sensory impairments and learning difficulties.

The five ways of working it meets

Long term: This project is highly effective in catering to the short term & long term needs of having a cancer clinic within Newport that has well connected transport links for the rest of the UK. There are currently no operational Proton Therapy facilities in the UK. The NHS have paid to send patients abroad, typically to Eastern Europe or the USA at a significant cost. The Rutherford Cancer Center will make Proton Beam Therapy accessible to a wide demographic within the UK, alleviating pressures on NHS to provide for their patients.

Proton and digital CT is in its infancy within the UK, so the application of this technology will provide opportunities to carry forward the process of innovation in design, construction and medical services which can be carried forward throughout the industry.

The technology and construction methods used in South Wales have already been integrated into the design of two further centres in the UK in Newcastle and Reading. The intention is to continue this expansion to develop a network of facilities throughout the UK.

Collaboration & Integration: This project brings together technical partners from across Europe including IBA, Elekta, Philips, Atkins and contractors Pravida Bau and John Weaver Contractors Ltd.

The innovative construction techniques utilising

precast elements for the vaults have been selected for their speed of construction. The system could be applied throughout the UK to respond to the increased demand in cancer care facilities.Overall, the project has integrated multiple companies to produce a coordinated end result.

Involvement & Prevention: Building upon the UK’s reputation for clinical excellence, and through academic affiliations with the University of Buckingham School of Medicine, our Proton Beam Therapy centres will become hubs of excellence for advanced cancer treatment. The sharing knowledge of the companies involved will undoubtedly benefit both the construction and medical industries in South Wales and throughout the UK.

Client Proton Partners International

Private Healthcare provider with funding from the Welsh Government

Value £6m


› Architecture › Landscape Design › Interior Design

› Structural Engineering/M › Civil Engineering › MEP Engineering › Geotechnical

Proton Partners International is committed to transforming cancer care in the UK. With cancer on the rise, there is a growing need

for patients to be offered a holistic and sophisticated level of cancer care.”

Professor Gordon McVie, Chairman of Proton Partners International

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Coed Darcy will provide 4,000 homes to around 10,000 residents, offering a wide range of types, sizes and tenures.

The first phases of housing at Heritage Gate, built by Atlantic Properties in 2010, and 300 homes by Persimmon in 2017are both now fully occupied.

A prosperous Wales

The delivery of Coed Darcy is underpinned by a commitment to mitigating the legacy and impacts of the former refinery operations.

A wide range of innovative material treatment and re-use techniques have been used to treat and improve contaminate soils on-site and allow them to be incorporated safely into the wider development, thus reducing the need for import or export of material and the associated use of resources and vehicle movements within the wider community.

A resilient Wales

Coed Darcy is uniquely set adjacent to the protected wetlands of Crymlyn Bog, which is recognised as a RAMSAR and SSSI area of conservation and of ecological importance. The western margins of the site will remain largely undeveloped to protect the natural biodiversity and ecology of Coed Darcy as well as its attractive views and remarkable landscapes.

There is a programme of extensive ecological works to protect sensitive species, which will include the provision of additional habitats to encourage a bio-diverse sustainable environment. The overall aim is to create a diverse range of landscape and ecological habitats throughout the scheme, each with its own specific character and function.

The community will be populated with a vast array of local plants and trees – some grown from site-won seed harvesting - to help reflect the wider natural environment.

A healthier Wales

Coed Darcy’s three neighbourhoods will be linked by village greens, play areas and winding lanes to give the community a village feel. Amenities such as shops, schools and parks will be built within walking distance from the homes to create the perfect community.

A comprehensive network of cycle routes and footpaths will thread through and around the scheme. The routes will have good connections to the site’s leisure facilities, schools and business area promoting

alternatives to the car and a more sustainable form of transport. There will also be play areas close to homes for toddlers and young children. Coed Darcy will have Neighbourhood Equipped Areas for Play (NEAPS) and Local Equipped Areas for Play (LEAPS) for older children.

A more equal Wales, A Wales of Cohesive Community & A Wales of vibrant culture & thriving Welsh Language

The project vision is to use the remarkable topography of the existing site to deliver a new sustainable community where people have access to everyday facilities in order to live, work, learn and relax. This community will help contribute to the wider regeneration of a large part of South Wales over the next 20-25 years which will enhance the culture and develop the Welsh Language.

In delivering the masterplan, St. Modwen will work to a Town Code, a series of rules, illustrations and guidelines which ensure consistency and that the design vision for the new community of Coed Darcy will be realised

A globally responsible Wales

Atkins is working to clean up and redevelop the former BP Llandarcy Oil Refinery site in a safe and sustainable way. The entire process is monitored and overseen by Environment Agency Wales and Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. We employ the sustainable and technically advanced remediation

methods including biodegradation techniques whereby micro-organisms are used to clean up the soil.

Augmenting and connecting the existing woodland with new planting to create green corridors and diverse habitats

The five ways of working it meets

Integration, Collaboration, Prevention, Longterm & Involvement:

This project involved the residents, the surrounding community, the client, contractors and Atkins internal staff. There are ongoing design reviews and knowledge sharing with attention paid to achieving the well-being goals and creating valuable places.

The local aspirations for the use of the site and the effect upon the community have been closely considered throughout the design development of the project.

Coed Darcy will be shaped by the community’s home and business owners, who will become members of the Coed Darcy Community Management Company. The Community Management Company will allow residents and business owners to help shape the physical development i.e. the maintenance of public and community areas, and the community’s design including buildings, streets and community facilities.

Client St Modwen’s development

Value £6m


› Land remediation & Reclamation

› Landscape Design › Concept Design

& Engineering masterplanning

› Project Management

› Earthworks and site reprofiling design

› Highway improvement works

› Drainage strategy › Ecology › Contract Administration

“We pledge to provide innovative ground engineering solutions across all sectors we operate in, promoting the development of

sustainable infrastructure for the benefit of communities across Wales.”

Jack Blake, Geotechnical Engineer, Atkins

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CHIMNEYS LINK ROADFishguard, Pembrokeshire, UK

Part of PCC’s Local Development Plan for over 15 years, the Chimneys Link Road scheme was proposed to alleviate congestion problems within Fishguard, addressing severely sub-standard pedestrian infrastructure and unlocking access to large development plots surrounding the site of a disused school.

The scheme involved the demolition of the disused school buildings, and the construction of a highway link, facilitating a wider one-way system including improved, safer footways, a bus focal point, landscaping works and improved traffic flows. As part of the works, replacement habitats were also constructed, including a bat house to mitigate ecological impacts.

A prosperous Wales, a Wales of cohesive communities and a globally responsible Wales

The introduction of the bus focal point allowed for improved public transport facilities, encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport. The scheme also included the use of sustainable construction throughout, utilising reclaimed stone from the demolished school in the construction of walls and boundary features.

A healthier Wales

The scheme provided significant pedestrian infrastructure improvements to the town, allowing safe travel for pedestrians and cyclists promoting physical well-being.

A more equal Wales, A resilient Wales, A Wales of vibrant culture & thriving Welsh Language:

With Pembrokeshire County Council as the client and many of the local resident’s Welsh speakers, all public consultation meetings and engagement sessions had posters translated and Atkins staff communicating in both Welsh & English as inclusion for all. This project was delivered from the local Swansea office with the design team often sitting on site within the cabins.

The use of reclaimed stone in design ensured that landscape areas were in keeping with the heritage of the surrounding area, and sympathetic to their surroundings.

The five ways of working it meets

Long term: This project meets the long term needs of supporting an inclusive, more open, vibrant & thriving community within Fishguard Town Centre whilst ensuring the short term needs of the resident’s for example, maintaining access to all properties and consulting with businesses to mitigate constraints during construction

Collaboration: This project was designed & completed following a holistic approach from concept stage to completion. Atkins coordinated and lead significant consultation with multiple clients, stakeholders and residents, with concerns addressed through design iterations, providing a solution to a scheme that had stalled for nearly fifteen years. This was achieved by agreeing a collaborative shared basis of design between all parties.

Integration: All of the highlighted necessary public bodies, stakeholder and residents were embedded in the project delivery. Atkins ensured local residents, businesses, asset owners and network operators were fully consulted and their requirements embedded in design.

Involvement: This project involved the local residents, the surrounding community, the client, network operator, local community council and Atkins internal staff. The project team ensured their involvement throughout and coordinated a number of design freezes to consult and adapt the design to individual

stakeholder needs.

Prevention: The link road design allowed for wider enhancements, including improvements to existing dangerous footways and loading arrangements. This facilitated safer pedestrian movements and supported the function of local businesses.

Client Pembrokeshire County Council

Value £3.5m (Construction)


› Project Management › Feasibility

Assessment › Preliminary Design › Construction

Supervision & Office support

› Stakeholder Engagement

› Detailed Design › Planning Advice &

Submission › Public Consultation › Landscape Design › Contract

Administration(NEC3) › Ecological Surveys &


“Atkins’ relationships with SWTRA and PCC proved invaluable throught the project. Their understanding

of our network and staff relationships ensured we were able to collaborate effectively and produce a scheme to

the benefit of all parties, including the general public.”

Hywel Davies, Principal Engineer, SWTRA (Western Region)

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Nant Bawddwr culvert which runs beneath the A40 trunk road in Llandovery, had a temporary load restriction in the form of barriers, reducing the types of vehicles which could use the road and minimising road space available.

This reduced road space was causing congestion within the town, whilst also requiring a daily inspection from an engineer to assess the structural behaviour of the culvert. Atkins were asked by the South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWRTA) to develop a scheme to repair the culvert to allow vehicles to use the road again. Atkins designed a culvert replacement scheme, which meant that existing materials could be re-used; minimising the amount of waste generated, whilst improving the design life of the structure; reducing the maintenance required in the future. Furthermore, through stakeholder engagement with the local councillor, the Welsh Government and residents, Atkins were able to suggest and implement further

improvements to the town during the scheme which including design for flood risks, future water attenuation, improved tourist signs and restoring a listed wall.

A prosperous Wales:

Improving the infrastructure for future drainage demands due to climate change, use of local labour and materials generating a circular economy, stakeholder engagement in the local café, use of apprentices during the design and construction supervision (PM was an apprentice himself ).

A resilient Wales

Designing a culvert with a design life of 120 years, culvert copes with the demands of a 1 in 100 year flood risk, use of local resources, stakeholder engagement in the local café helped contribute toward community well-being

A Globally responsible Wales

Re-use of materials, designing for life, improving cultural signage for visitors, designing infrastructure to cope with future demands

The five ways of working it meets

Long-term: Designing an optimal solution, balancing the costs against the increasing demands of water flow and attenuation

Involvement: Using stakeholder engagement to address and solve as many problems as possible during the scheme, giving a more well-rounded design

Collaboration: multi-disciplines within Atkins, but also cross-collaboration within the stakeholder engagement. The scheme has been used in local learning sessions within Atkins to use this ethos in other design schemes.

Using this scheme, and other similar schemes, we will hold sessions on how seemingly heavy engineering projects can be used to improve the economy and community. We are looking to change the way we think about engineering to involve the community to enhance our solutions.

Client South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA)

Value £1.25m (design and construction)


› Flood Risk Modelling › Design Engineering › Construction Site


› Quantity Surveying › Project Management › Planning › Heritage

Nilushi Perera, Engineer

“Using this scheme, and other similar schemes, we pledge to hold sessions on how seemingly heavy engineering projects

can be used to improve the economy and community. We are looking to change the way we think about engineering

to involve the community to enhance our solutions.”

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Atkins were commissioned by the South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA) to produce a WelTAG Stage One for the A4042 / A472 Roundabout in Pontypool, Wales In line with WelTAG 2017 guidance, Atkins produced a comprehensive Stage One report which identified the existing and forecast transport issues at the junction, before discussing the wider context of the problems.

After understanding the issues, a range of highway capacity and safety interventions were developed to address the identified issues. A ‘long-list’ of transport and non-transport interventions were subsequently appraised (with reference to the seven-point WelTAG appraisal scale) against the outlined Transport Planning Objectives (TPOs), Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act, and the WelTAG appraisal criteria.

The ‘long list’ of 15 options were qualitatively appraised against the 7 goals of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act, using the following

assessment parameters:

A prosperous Wales

Vehicular delay, queuing and air quality were considered in the appraisal of this goal. Reduced traffic delay and queuing on the strategic network will lead to a reduction in the costs associated with travel time and vehicle related emissions from idle traffic.

A resilient Wales

The impact on biodiversity and the resilience of each option were considered in the appraisal of this goal. Options that introduced traffic signals were considered positive as they enable the potential for transponders (that prioritise bus access) and the integration of a 5G network to be built into the systems, improving the ability of the junction to adapt to change.

A healthier Wales

The impact on active travel users and road safety were considered in the appraisal of this goal.

A more equal Wales

Options that supported travel through the junction for vulnerable users (those without access to the private car) were considered positive.

A Wales of cohesive communities

Active travel and safety were also considered in the appraisal of this goal. Options that reduced the existing severance for active travel modes at the

roundabout were considered positive. Ongoing stakeholder engagement will continue to capture the views of the local community and integrate them into the option design.

A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language

Each option was appraised against the impact on any designated Welsh heritage assets, arts, sport, recreation or access to Welsh education facilities.

A globally responsive Wales

The impact on active travel users and air quality were considered in this option. The impact during the construction of each option will be assessed in a future stage with principles of the circular economy system maintained throughout the projects development.

The five ways of working it meets

During the development of the WelTAG Stage One study, the five ways of working set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act remained integral to the successful delivery of the project.

Long term: The short and long-term impacts of each option were considered in the appraisal with the capacity of each option assessed in the year 2033. The short-term impacts from construction will be considered in a WelTAG Stage Three study. The WelTAG Stage Two study will consider the preferred options value for money over a 60-year

Client South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA)

Value £Undisclosed

Services › Multi Criteria appraisal › Option Design › Junction Capacity


› Well-Being Appraisal › Well-Tag Stage 1 › Transport Appraisal

design lifecycle and ensure that the development meets the transport objectives set and represents value for money to the public.

Prevention: One of the main objectives during the option development and appraisal was to develop options that would alleviate existing congestion problems on the network and consider improvements to safety for pedestrians at existing desire lines. The option design and appraisal considered network resilience in order to prevent increased delay on the strategic network from forecast traffic growth as well as providing capacity for future development in the area. Safety and accident prevention, for all modes, through insightful and informed design choices was also a key consideration.

Integration – During the project’s development the appraisal of each option against the well-being goals was developed in collaboration with SWTRA.

Collaboration – The project was delivered collaboratively between the SWTRA, as a agent to the Welsh Government, Torfaen County Council and Atkins. This collaboration was instilled and maintained through regular progress catch ups where the project development was discussed, as well as update reports at key milestones.

Involvement – The WelTAG Stage Two study currently being undertaken will further engage with local stakeholders in order to capture local intelligence and inform the option design. The option designs and public consultation strategy will also comply with the Equality Act 2010.

“We pledge to develop the five ways of working from project inception to delivery with the seven well-being goals

established at the forefront of every transport planning project. This will ensure that effective transport planning

continues to help improve the well-being and environment of local communities.”

Louie Vaughan, Graduate Transport Planner Atkins

38 Atkins and Faithful+Gould - how we deliver on the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 39Atkins and Faithful+Gould - how we deliver on the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales)

WHITMORE HIGH SCHOOLCardiff & Vale, South Wales, UK

Whitmore High School is a new three storey secondary school at the site of the existing school designed with indoor sports facilities that will be shared with the community.

The project has been developed to fulfil the aspiration of the Vale of Glamorgan’s 21st Century Schools. The programme demonstrates the Council’s approach to sustainable development, contributing to The Well-being and Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to address social, cultural, economic and environmental well-being. Education is a key contributor to improving these with high standards of modern learning environments, supporting pupils to achieve their best potential. The programme takes a long-term view of need, considering projected growth and Welsh Language Strategy.

A prosperous Wales and a Wales of cohesive communities

The proposal of a school promotes education and

learning. The sustainable design of the building supports this goal as it ensures that development is committed to recognising global environmental limits and resource efficiency. The school creates a skilled society that is well-educated helping to improve the economy and provide employment opportunities.

The landscape design solution for this school ensures low impact in term of design approach and material use. This overview ranges from ensuring that any vegetation on site is retained and enhanced, increasing opportunities for biodiversity through native species, drainage and stormwater runoff which are dealt with in a sustainable way, people attending the school think ‘walk, cycle, bus’ first before using the car. Existing walking routes, public rights of way and facilities are designed from a perspective of ensuring environmental responsibility and inclusive community connections.

A globally responsible Wales:

The building will meet the BREEAM ‘Excellent’ accreditation, thereby supporting the goal to become ‘a globally responsible Wales.’

A healthier, More equal Wales, A Wales of vibrant

culture & thriving Welsh Language:

A new school helps to improve education and allow pupils to fulfil their potential including providing access to design that is inclusive to all.

The landscape design ensures that the external spaces offer multiple uses supporting pupils social, emotional, mental health and growth into adulthood. This aligns with physical activity and the provision of an environment that allows children to maximise their physical and mental well-being. The provision of high quality sports pitches with access to the new schools changing facilities, allows pupils to experience a variety of sports all year round in a modern and comfortable environment. The inclusive, climate change resilient and ecologically friendly design of Whitmore High School, school grounds, will encourage future generations of Wales to move towards a more sustainable, healthier and prosperous way of life.

A resilient Wales:

The sustainable drainage system at Whitmore High School is new and innovative. It is one of the first projects to be subject to the new schedule 3 section of the flood and water management act 2010, which became part of Welsh law in January 2019. The system ensures that stormwater runoff from the site is reduced compared to the existing network. It also ensures pollutant removal from the stormwater runoff achieved through a series of treatment swales, a porous car park and an infiltration basin.

These SuDS principles underpin the landscape design and have informed and provided the spaces to socialise, rest and learn helping to

Client Vale of Glamorgan

Value £25m

Services › Architecture › Structures › BIM › BREEAM

› Concept design › Landscape design › Drainage engineering › Ground Engineering

improve mental well-being. It provides ecological enhancements through a connected corridor of swales and detention basins. The careful planting selection creates a bio diverse landscape for wildlife. The design provides an alternative educational environment, allowing pupils to learn in the outdoors and connect with the environment.

The five ways of working it meets:

Long term & Prevention: By designing to account for climate change’s effect on future rainfall which reduces future flood risk, the design caters to the long-term needs.

Involvement: The system also considers a holistic way of working, aiming to educate the students about surface water management through its accessible design.

Collaboration & Integration: This project involved the client, the school, the contractor and the design team from the very beginning. It was a true testament of working collaboratively to ensure the best design was evolved and selected. The project held early Client Engagement Sessions and meetings with planners to ensure the vision of the school was captured and the brief tailored to suit the needs of the students & teachers.

The design team was a part of the community benefits scheme where they were part of beach clean-up days, hired graduates from the local Welsh Universities to work on the school design and integrated with the local school. The team participated in several STEM days ensuring that knowledge is shared every step of the way.

“Throughout our work on Whitmore High School, and other similar infrastructure projects, we pledge to implement

sustainable drainage to minimise flood risk and pollution throughout Wales.”

Jamie Lowe, Graduate Drainage Engineer Atkins

40 Atkins and Faithful+Gould - how we deliver on the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 41Atkins and Faithful+Gould - how we deliver on the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales)



Oxwich Bay - Swansea Atkins Team

We are proud to illustrate our responsibility to Wales and to securing a prosperous, sustainable future for all our communities.

“ We pledge to make the work environment an inclusive place where employees have a chance to participate in

charitable events & give back to the wider society.”

Ellen-Marie Jefferies & Mel Difford, Front of House











TRAVEL › Volunteer days

› STEM days › Fundraising

› Charity quiz nights › Promise Auctions

› Newport Women’s Aid

› Marine Conservation

› Alzheimer’s Society › Velindre

› Prostrate Cymru


Litter Picking- Three Cliff ’s Beach Clean

In house CPD’s for Future Generations STEM- Local Schools

Team Building - Oxwich Bay

Employee RecognitionCharity Sleep out in aid of Homelessness

› Cardiff Triathlon › Tough Mudder › Badminton › Football

Fundraising-Tough Mudder

› Paper

› Cardboard

› Plastic

› Food Waste

Career Building - Bring Your Child to Work › Atkins Internal Womens

Development Programme › Employee - #wow

Engagement Forum › Reverse Mentoring