
1/6 ave! we’ve checked a lot of your profiles on facebook. it’s not that we like stalking that much, we just wanted to see what our fan-base is made of. to be honest, we were pretty surprised by the amount of talent that we saw, and often we found hidden gems. so, we decided we’d love to have your fingerprint on our new album coming this year. we don’t like it when you have to buy the cd just to check out some printed pictures of the band or to read the lyrics while the actual cd becomes essentially useless (after most of us convert it to mp3). the worst thing is that all these pictures and art pieces are limited because of the dimensions of the cd box. d’oh! that’s why we decided to print a book and sell it with our music; and here comes your part: we think a lot of you have great ideas and skills that would push the experience to a new level. okay, so here’s the deal: we provide you with this moodboard and all the new lyrics (it’s kinda like listening to a score before watching the movie) and the rest is totally up to you. pictures, doodles, computer graphics, typography - anything we can print. it can be something you did years ago and after checking the moodboard you think it would fit. just keep in mind that the required resolution is 2400×2400px / 20×20cm / 300dpi and the artwork has to be yours and as uncompressed as possible. we can’t promise we will use all of them, but we will definitely display all of them on our channels on the web.we’ll send a free copy to everyone whose artwork will be used; and for those who won’t make it to the book, we’ll have some discount codes for the cd/book and free digital downloads. ready? ok this is the email where we will await all of your pieces: [email protected] if your artwork is too big for email you can use droplr.com or mediafire.com but feel free to use any service you like. deadline: 10th feb 2013 man, we’re excited already!

Transcript of unqs_moodboard

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we’ve checked a lot of your profiles on facebook. it’s not that we like stalking that much, we just wanted to see what our fan-base is made of. to be

honest, we were pretty surprised by the amount of talent that we saw, and often we found hidden gems. so, we decided we’d love to have your fingerprint on our new album coming this year.

we don’t like it when you have to buy the cd just to check out some printed pictures of the band or to read the lyrics while the actual cd becomes essentially useless (after most of us convert it to mp3). the worst thing is that all these pictures and art pieces are limited because of the

dimensions of the cd box. d’oh!

that’s why we decided to print a book and sell it with our music; and here comes your part: we think a lot of you have great ideas and skills that would push the experience to a new level.

okay, so here’s the deal: we provide you with this moodboard and all the new lyrics (it’s kinda like listening to a score before watching the movie) and the rest is totally up to you. pictures, doodles, computer graphics, typography - anything we can print.

it can be something you did years ago and after checking the moodboard you think it would fit. just keep in mind that the required resolution is 2400×2400px / 20×20cm / 300dpi and the artwork has to be yours and as uncompressed as possible.

we can’t promise we will use all of them, but we will definitely display all of them on our channels on the web.we’ll send a free copy to everyone whose artwork will be used; and for those who won’t make it to the book, we’ll have some

discount codes for the cd/book and free digital downloads.

ready? ok this is the email where we will await all of your pieces: [email protected] if your artwork is too big for email you can use droplr.com or mediafire.com but

feel free to use any service you like. deadline: 10th feb 2013

man, we’re excited already!

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checkli sme veľa vašich profilov na facebooku. nie že by sme radi stalkovali, len sme chceli vidieť, čo zač vlastne ste. Aby sme boli úprimní, boli sme

celkom prekvapení množstvom talentov medzi nimi, často skrytých. tak sme sa rozhodli, že by sme radi mali váš “odkaz” na našom novom albume, ktorý vyjde tento rok.

nemáme radi, keď musíte kupovať cd len kvôli pozretiu tlačených fotiek kapely, alebo kvôli čítaniu textov a samotné cdčko je už len viacmenej odpad (potom, čo väčšina z nás ho konvertne na empétrojky). a najhoršie je, že všetky tieto fotky a grafika je obmedzená rozmermi cd obalu.

to je dôvod, prečo sme sa rozhodli vytlačiť knihu a predávať ho s našou hudbou. a tu prichádza vaša rola. vieme, že veľa z vás má fresh nápady a skills, ktoré by posunuli celkový zážitok z albumu na vyššiu úroveň.

ok, takže tu je náš návrh. nižšie nájdete moodboard (alebo v preklade nejakú tématiku ktorej by sme sa radi držali) a všetky nové texty (trochu ako počúvanie soundtracku ešte pred videním filmu) a zvyšok je už úplne na vás. fotky, čmáranice, počítačová

grafika, typografia, v podstate čokoľvek, čo môžeme vytlačiť. môže to byť niečo nepoužité, čo ste spravili pred rokmi a myslíte, že by sa to vošlo do konceptu. Len treba myslieť na to, že požadované rozlíšenie je 2400 × 2400px / 20 × 20 cm / 300dpi

a dielko musí byť vaše, v čo najmenej komprimovanom formáte ako sa dá.

nemôžeme sľúbiť, že použijeme všetky z nich, ale určite všetky z nich hodíme na naše kanály na webe. knihu s hudbou zašleme zadarmo každému, ktorého dielo bude použité a pre tých, ktorí sa nevojdú do knihy budeme

mať nejaké zľavo-kódy pre cd/knihu a album v digitálnej forme zadarča.

ready? ok, toto je email kde budeme čakať všetky vaše diela: [email protected] ak je však file príliž veľký pre email, môžte použiť služby ako uloz.to alebo akúkoľvek

službu, ktorá vyhovuje. deadline: 10. február 2013

nevieme sa dočkať!

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mathematics, black, subtle,

matte, ancient rome, numbers, ancient/modern,

precision, quiet, geometry, non-symmetry, star gate, universe, grayscale,

detail, randomness, light, line, time, future, non-living, vision, metal, brain, air, reflections, prime


matematika, čierna, jemné, matné, staroveký rím, čísla, staroveké/moderné, presnosť, pokoj, geometria, nesymetria, star gate, vesmír,

čiernobiele, detail, náhodnosť, svetlo, linka, čas, budúcnosť, neživý, vízia , kov, mozog, vzduch, odrazy, prvočísla

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led by wet eye sweat dried drive slow little feet on the seat his defeat is your let-go (in the back: you just go, you don’t know 4x)

the endless horizon is the destination just to fade in the dawn by this time he’s read your resignation *(it) had to stop

have to give your kids an explanation why this road won’t lead home it’s hard to talk through hyperventilation have to stop

motel stale smell refuge from hell (in the back: every cell, rings a bell 4x)

the more you tried to save yourself from breaking *(the) more the wheel steered you wrong only those whose foundation’s been shaking will understand

how many times can one bear to reach the ceiling then get smashed to the floor only distance brings the needed healing tremble

…far away… keep pressing on …isolated… it’s over


stone by stone frame by frame we’ve learned to ask for more while we drown in a sea of luxury we feed but starve our souls

a dumb show

I’m afraid beauty is a bit out of date it fades away let’s venerate the art of trade

tales told of heroes awarded with gold same mold that makes our fools feel secure and bold

in defense of existence hear my hopeful plea let’s not burn the decree: diversity, let it breed on its own

we’re not clones

Dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem


I need to go to the unknown your closing line to friends sounds so intense and final the wind is low depressed, I’m heading west, I want to grow

the air’s dense like a fire melted all your plans from the instance you aspired on a fence it’s plain it’s worth the pain you need to go

join us, we’re all beginners royal circle of sinners coal mining foreigners away from home

you’ve found your place the yet unknown our headless race must seem from space so trivial, convivial the stars are still unchanged from here below


you said you always wanted to have your own chance to take the plunge and move up higher as it turned out the chance slipped too easy from your hands where’s your fire you seem tired

like a limestone all of your dreams have been drowned forgot how it feels to be admired the meaning of success was completely redefined your advisors bunch of liars

in the eye of a twister the heavens will whisper your name and the cross you’ve been carrying will turn to gold

brother, hold on you’re much closer to the yet unknown it’s brighter up here at the other end of the rope I wish you could see what’s beyond your comfort zone concrete and steel becoming your cornerstone

moving away seemed to be a perfect plan to materialize all of your desires but the tough world made you an extraordinary man and the fire burns even higher


incoming! we warn the brave under the pine strengthened we join the tired front line must rid the zombies from our lawn

drums drumming fighting for freedom one on one unlimited ammo for our guns must reach their base by dawn

miss the days when we used to play on the streets of our ghost town (a) vacant place, imaginations rebuilt everything around how we spat off the bridge and didn’t care about tv sure supplies by Sergeant Fridge, a little government of geeks

call the feds, we made a huge discovery an alien built sanctuary

someone just turned the flashlight on

digging holes as deep as an arm’s length we explore must be the bones of dinosaurs millions of years walked upon

fast forward, screen is blurred, plot inverts

as kids we want to play our jobs once big our job is to show up but as my world burns to the ground some kids make it their own ghost town


I’m a frequency invisible to the eye I float through hollow space through endless nights so I traced the place where water bathes the land and I thought that I might take a look

fade to blue as I enter the local atmosphere I see life on ground, in oceans the oxygen makes all crystal clear

I’ve been called down to earth to observe the moving life, the birthplace of verve despite the wilderness of elements there’s a unity beyond perfect sense

I envy your home, ‘cause the place I come from is a desert of rock, an unbreathable fog how I cherish that song, so sing to the young from the top of their lungs the hills sing along

oh oh

and the soil gives birth to every kind of seed it gives breath to being and ground for its feet what’s the force that pushes you to survive do you just fear death? or do you love life?

© the uniques 2013

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books, magazines, arguments and love affairs heads bob, synced to the rhythm of this packed coupe then I smile and people nod, but they just don’t understand they are actors in this moment set to my own headphones’ score

I leave my body as I sync with the swing I’m half awake slouched down my limbs start to sink eighty five miles an hour and the scene starts to blend I revive (a) microworld where I’m (an) invincible observer

schemer nobody knows playwright what i know daydreamer or what I’m gonna do

scripter stories unfold painter in my microworld dreamweaver but no one has a clue

a jolt awakes me and now all is reset (my) collar has soaked up all my daydreaming sweat now I feel a dozen eyes staring at me in a strange way and my world dissolves as people find I’m nothing but a


information’s getting over compressed all of these headlines are hard to process yesterday’s fight for freedom of speech today i’m sifting facts on a digital beach

buzz, noise and hum I’m getting tired of our vague public diaries

hell, I succumb i’m not fighting this what have I now become? I’m feeling numb

I think I got to get used to (a) world full of brains on overdrive I‘m losing track now of who’s who and of what makes me feel alive images show the surface not enough when I’m about to dive

I feel this aching in the back of my head I’m not at home and my phone’s almost dead on the street we look bizarre I’d rather use the link to your avatar


exactae abstractae aeterni gratiae numeri / thank you for numbers, having been driven out and expelled from infinity /


circle’s closing thinking of what you could have said the past is frozen so it’ll be this very day let me remind you you are a product of history but where you’re going is part of future’s mystery can you imagine now?

we’re sorry when we see things go and there’s no time to keep them here the ending’s just as much the show as is the very start

free decisions the options aren’t optional superstition soon suppressed by the rational feel the presence you can just lay down and wait but you can’t stop time from flowing slowly to its fate can you imagine now

(like) laser beams cut through the night in slow motion


I turned around and found you strolling down through the crowd You beg for one look at your face they don’t seem concerned whatsoever they don’t know your serfs stay forever young while you keep them drunk oh Sophia gentle Sophia

you spark each question mark invite me to ignite the unknown we stayed at home all alone when most of my peers had fun in the sun

and then you promised me you’d keep me from certainty as I keep your commandment graciously given to all men “(to) ask again”

teach me to hold my tongue rather keep me drunk sing me one of your songs gentle sophia oh sophia

she romances with her simple dance she illuminates the eager every day, she grants another chance to drink her wine and please her

I turn around and find you strolling down through the crowd I beg for one look at your face it is scarred but soft, kindly though weathered please, dear, correct my endeavours as long as we can stay together

© the uniques 2013