
SSTEM DL 0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geçiniz. 1 Bu testte 80 soru vardır. Cevaplama süresi 180 dakikadır. Cevaplamaya istediiniz sorudan balayabilirsiniz. Sayfalar üzerindeki bo yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz. Kasım,2004 [email protected]



Transcript of tumudssorulari


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 1

    Bu testte 80 soru vardr. Cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr. Cevaplamaya istediiniz sorudan balayabilirsiniz. Sayfalar zerindeki bo yerleri msvedde iin kullanabilirsiniz.


    [email protected]


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 2

    1-21. Sorularda bo braklan yere uygun den ifadeyi bulunuz.

    1. For the chemists of the 18th and 19th centuries, an understanding of the chemical nature of food was a major ____ .

    A) objective B) agreement C) submission D) significance E) estimation

    2. The green button on the far left of the machine ____ the volume.

    A) interferes B) discloses C) regulates D) allows E) arises

    3. You should have attended that lecture on durability testing of fibres; it really was most ____ .

    A) irrelevant B) stimulating C) dull D) reluctant E) feasible

    4. His forecast turned out to be ____ accurate considering how little information he had to work on.

    A) lately B) effortlessly C) intentionally D) surprisingly E) heavily

    5. The new engineer is highly knowledgeable, but can we ____ him to lead the team successfully?

    A) run on B) put on C) make off D) take up E) rely on

    6. Many of the lesser developed countries find it hard to ____ the more developed ones, due to the rapid advances in technology there.

    A) make up for B) keep up with C) look out for D) turn upon E) run through

    7. Many experiments ____ blood composition are carried out in this laboratory.

    A) related to B) led from C) followed through D) contained in E) denied by

    8. This is not a new theory; quite a lot of scientists ____ on it for several decades.

    A) would have worked B) had worked C) have been working D) would work E) have to work


    Bu testte cevaplayacanz soru says 80dir. nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 3

    9. If the equipment ____ us on time, we ____ the bridge by now.

    A) would have reached / could complete B) reached / had completed C) reaches / will have completed D) will reach / can complete E) had reached / could have completed

    10. Unfortunately there was an electricity cut just as we ____ the new computer.

    A) are installing B) would install C) have installed D) were installing E) will install

    11. It is recommended that you wear a helmet in this part of the plant, but it's up to you; you ____ .

    A) have got to B) will have to C) shouldn't have D) need to E) don't have to

    12. ____ a piece of metal is denser than water, it sinks in water.

    A) Because of B) While C) Since D) Despite E) Therefore

    13. ____ he was aware of the dangers of this kind of research, he still continued with the project.

    A) If B) Even though C) So that D) Whereas E) However

    14. ____ the semester is over, Dr. Baines will supervise the sinking of the shaft as it seems likely that they'll strike oil.

    A) In order that B) As a result C) If only D) Once E) In case

    15. It took him several months to set ____ the experiment, but results are beginning to come ____ now.

    A) up / in B) off / over C) in / up D) over / out E) back / through

    16. Obviously, during the second World War, many scientists were involved ____ the development of new weapons.

    A) by B) in C) at D) through E) about

    17. An honorary degree will be conferred upon the physicist ____ contributions to energy studies have proved the most beneficial.

    A) which B) who C) whose D) that E) whom

    18. Is that the professor ____ received the Nobel Prize in chemistry?

    A) whom B) whose C) where D) which E) who


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 4

    19. Diary farming has received a lot of coverage in the media lately, ____ on account of the dry season ____ because of the radiation scare.

    A) both / more than B) more / even so C) only / also D) not only / but also E) such / as well as

    20. Thanks to improvements in car design, ____ of the power produced is wasted in friction ____ was formerly the case.

    A) far less / than B) as much / as C) a little / than D) little / than E) more / as

    21. As regards the decision to modernize the mines in the region, here is a report which contains ____ relevant information.

    A) another B) any C) many D) a E) some

    22. Robert Boyle, who was a leading English scientist in the seventeenth century, had a great influence on the development of science in Europe.

    A) nl ngiliz bilim adam Robert Boyle, on yedinci yzylda Avrupa'da bilimsel aratrmalarn balamasna nemli katkda bulunmutur.

    B) On yedinci yzylda nde gelen bir ngiliz bilim adam olan Robert Boyle'un Avrupa'da bilimin gelimesinde byk bir etkisi olmutur.

    C) On yedinci yzyl ngiltere'sinin en nl bilim adam olan Robert Boyle, Avrupa'daki bilimsel aratrmalar zerinde ok etkili olmutur.

    D) Avrupa'daki bilimsel almalara katklar olan Robert Boyle, on yedinci yzylda ngiltere'de ok nl bir bilim adamyd.

    E) Avrupa'da bilimin gelimesine katkda bulunan on yedinci yzyln nde gelen ngiliz bilim adamlarndan biri de Robert Boyle'du.

    23. One reason why supercomputers can achieve such high speeds is that they can do several calculations simultaneously.

    A) Sper bilgisayarlarn bu kadar yksek hza ulaabilmelerinin bir nedeni, birka ilemi ayn anda yapabilmeleridir.

    B) Sper bilgisayarlarn bu kadar ok ilemi ksa srede yapmalarnn bir nedeni, ok hzl almalardr.

    C) Ayn anda birka ilem yapabilmeleri iin sper bilgisayarn ok yksek bir hzla almalar salanmtr.

    D) Sper bilgisayarlarn ok tercih edilmesinin bir nedeni, ok farkl ilemleri ayn anda yapma zelliine sahip olmalardr.

    E) Bu kadar yksek bir hzla sper bilgisayar retilmesinin nedenlerinden biri, ayn anda yaplabilen ilemlerin artm olmasdr.

    24. Crop yields per acre are declining in some parts of the world because of air pollution as well as the build-up of salt and other chemicals.

    A) Hava kirlilii sonucu dnyann baz blgelerinde tuz va kimyasal madde orannn artmas, ekinde dnm bana verimi azaltyor.

    B) Dnyann baz blgelerinde ekinlerde grlen bozulmann yan sra tuz ve kimyasal madde birikimi de hava kirliliine balanyor.

    C) Dnyann baz blgelerindeki hava kirlilii, ekin eitlerinde azalma yannda, tuz ve kimyasal madde birikimine yol ayor.

    D) Dnyann baz blgelerinde verimli tarm alanlarnn azalmasnn nedeni, havadaki kirlenmeyle birlikte tuz ve kimyasal madde orannn artmasdr.

    E) Hava kirliliinin yan sra, tuz ve dier kimyasal maddelerin birikimi yznden, dnyann baz blgelerinde dnm bana rn verimi dyor.

    22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin Trke dengini bulunuz.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 5

    25. Plutonium is also produced in all nuclear reactors fuelled by uranium, including those built for generating electric power.

    A) Yakt olarak uranyum kullanlan nkleer reaktrlerde elektrik enerjisinin yan sra pltonyum da retilir.

    B) Elektrik enerjisi retmek iin kurulan reaktrler arasnda yakt olarak uranyum kullanlanlarda pltonyum retimi de yaplr.

    C) Elektrik enerjisi retmek amacyla kurulanlar da dahil, pltonyum reten tm nkleer reaktrlerde yakt olarak uranyum da kullanlr.

    D) Elektrik enerjisi elde etmek amacyla kurulmu olanlar da dahil, yakt olarak uranyum kullanlan tm nkleer reaktrlerde pltonyum da retilir.

    E) Yakt olarak uranyum kullanlanlar dahil, elektrik retmek iin kurulmu nkleer reaktrlerde pltonyum da retilir.

    26. The geometry of the straight line and the circle goes back to the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians, but it was only with the ancient Greeks that geometry was developed as a logically organised field of study.

    A) Doru ve ember geometrisi eski Msrllara ve Babillilere kadar gider, fakat geometrinin mantkla birlikte ele alnmas eski Yunanllarda olmutur.

    B) Eski Msrllar ve Babilliler zamannda balayan doru ve ember geometrisi, eski Yunanllar tarafndan gelitirilerek mantk gibi dzenli bir alma alan haline gelmitir.

    C) Doru ve ember geometrisi eski Msrllara ve Babillilere kadar uzanr, fakat geometrinin mantksal biimde dzenlenmi bir alma lan olarak gelimesi ancak eski Yunanllarla olmutur.

    D) Doru ve ember geometrisi eski Msrllar ve Babilliler'den ok eski Yunanllar tarafndan mantksal bir alma alan olarak dzenlenmitir.

    E) Eski Msrllar ve Babilliler doru ve ember geometrisinde olduka geriydiler, ancak eski yunanllar bunu mantksal bir alma alan olarak dzenlemi ve gelitirmilerdir.

    27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin ngilizce dengini bulunuz.

    27. Joseph Henry, tpk manyetik bir alanda bir arkn dnmesinin elektrik retebilecei gibi, elektriin de bir ark dndrebileceini gsterdi.

    A) Joseph Henry discovered that, in the presence of a magnetic field, electricity can both be generated by turning wheels and cause wheels to turn.

    B) Joseph Henry showed that, in the presence of a magnetic field, just as the turning a wheel can generate electricity, so electricity can turn a wheel.

    C) Joseph Henry discovered that, in the presence of a magnetic field, electricity could both turn wheels and be generated by the turning of these wheels.

    D) Joseph Henry proved that the electricity produced by a turning wheel in the presence of a magnetic field could be immediately used to turn the wheel.

    E) Joseph Henry showed that, in the presence of a magnetic field, electricity is generated by turning a wheel and at the same time causes the wheel to turn.

    28. zafiyet kuramnn ortaya koyduu bir dier nemli gerek, ktlenin enerjiye dnebilmesidir.

    A) The relativity theory is mainly concerned with the conversion of mass into energy.

    B) More important is the fact that the relativity theory relates speed to energy.

    C) According to the relativity theory, there is a close relationship between speed, mass and energy.

    D) One other important fact demonstrated by the relativity theory is that mass can be converted into energy.

    E) Until the discovery of the relativity theory, little was known about mass and energy.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 6

    29. Yerkrenin i yaps, depremlerin veya byk patlamalarn neden olduu ok dalgalar kullanlarak aratrlabilir.

    A) The internal structure of the earth can be investigated using shock waves caused by earthquakes or large explosions.

    B) Shock waves which cause earthquakes and various massive explosions can be used to investigate the internal structure of the earth.

    C) Our knowledge of the internal structure of the earth derives from the investigation of shock waves caused by earthquakes and explosions.

    D) Earthquakes and large-scale explosions produce shock wave which, in turn, give us information concerning the internal structure of the earth.

    E) The shock waves that accompany earthquakes and violent explosions increase the problems of examining the internal structure of the earth.

    30. Uzun vadede, doal afetlerin hibiri lke iin orman yangnlar kadar zararl deildir.

    A) It is a long time since any natural disaster has caused so much harm as this forest fire.

    B) In the future no natural disaster will prove as harmful as a forest fire.

    C) From time to time forest fires are more harmful to the country than other natural disasters.

    D) It took a long time for the country to recover from the harmful effects of forest fires and other natural disasters.

    E) In the long run, none of the natural disasters are as harmful to a country as forest fires.

    31. Galaksinin bir baka nemli zellii de zayf fakat son derece yaygn bir manyetik alana sahip olmasdr.

    A) The galaxy is also important because its wide magnetic field is very strong.

    B) Another important feature of the galaxy is that it has a weak but enormously extensive magnetic field.

    C) The other important fact about the galaxy is that its magnetic field is actually very weak.

    D) Another special feature of the galaxy is the fact that its magnetic field is very weak.

    E) Another important feature of the magnetic field of the galaxy is that, though weak, it is extremely extensive.

    32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

    32. If energy could be produced efficiently by clean methods, ____ .

    A) oil prices were expected to rise again B) the production of food had to be reduced C) these would naturally be preferred D) most governments would have invested in

    them E) a lot of firms might have been expected to

    contribute generously

    33. They consulted several geologists ____ .

    A) why the coal miners are in Zonguldak B) before they began constructing the dam C) if they are employed by North Sea Oil D) that new oil fields will have to be opened E) unless the region turned out to be on

    earthquake zone

    34. ____ , the annual rainfall has a profound influence on the success or failure of agriculture.

    A) As has been emphasised in a relevant article

    B) Given the fact that population growth in most countries has become one of the top issues

    C) Whatever decision the government may have taken about food exports

    D) Until all the data concerning the world climate are gathered and processed

    E) Even though groundwater resources were fully exploited

    35. Recently scientists have been working on substitutes for fossil fuels ____ .

    A) though Japan had strongly objected to the results

    B) whether they could have been used in the car industry

    C) if the problems of environmental pollution had not prevented this

    D) unless more money is poured into research on the subject

    E) as the oil reserves in the world are diminishing rapidly


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 7

    36. ____ , they still haven't chosen the team of engineers.

    A) Since the bridge had already been planned B) When they start work on the dam next

    week C) Whoever made the designs for this block of

    flats D) Although work on the project should have

    started last week E) As soon as the new model becomes


    37. While the captain was working on that film about underwater life, ____ .

    A) a whole new fascinating world has opened up for him

    B) his team of divers are taken ill C) he accidentally discovered the wreck of an

    old ship D) he had been attacked by sharks E) his boat will be in danger of drifting ashore

    38. ____ even though it was obviously very limited in scope.

    A) The experiment he has recently been engaged in has produced some interesting results

    B) His paper aroused considerable interest C) The research project will be assigned to a

    team of specialists D) The hypothesis will finally be put to the test E) His intention will, an all likelihood, be


    39. ____ that the sun had not illuminated the earth for more than one hundred million years.

    A) Thomson's studies concentrated on the dissipation of energy

    B) Thomson is just one of several physicists who were awarded the Nobel Prize

    C) Thomson, through his experiments on heat and energy, showed conclusively

    D) Thomson was to gain universal recognition as are of the greatest physicists of his time

    E) One of Thomson's earlier research projects was concerned with the age of the earth

    40. ____ which expands when heated.

    A) A thermometer contains mercury B) This is a characteristic of all metals C) The atmosphere contains various gases D) Parts of the floor remain unexplored E) The hole in the ozone layer is becoming

    more and more dangerous

    41. Since the buildings on the north side had been well-constructed ____ .

    A) the landslide cannot be presented B) the architect has received more than his

    share of praise C) the town-council will be reluctant to give a

    licence D) they were unaffected by the earthquake E) the mayor of the city is absolutely opposed

    to the project

    42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan yere uygun den ifadeyi bulunuz.

    42. Most mysterious, perhaps, of all substances in the sea is iodine. In sea water it is one of the least common of the non-metals, difficult to detect and resisting exact analysis. ____ . Sponges, corals and certain seaweeds, in particular, accumulate vast quantities of it.

    A) The ocean is the earth's greatest storehouse of minerals.

    B) In the human body, iodine functions as a regulator of the basal metabolism.

    C) Yet it is found in almost every marine plant and animal.

    D) The plants and animals of the sea are very much better chemists than men.

    E) Iodine deficiency in the body causes certain metabolic disorders.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 8

    43. Bridges are among the most important, and often the most spectacular, of all civil engineering works. ____ . Without them it would be impossible to imagine how traffic in Istanbul could circulate. Moreover, they are the symbolic link of two continents.

    A) A further aspect of civil engineering is the suitable choice of a suitable site

    B) The bridges across the Bosphorus are a case in point

    C) One of the major problems posed by long bridges is that of maintenance

    D) The construction of bridges requires a number of engineering skills

    E) Historically there has always been a dream to construct a bridge across Bosphorus

    44. When scientists are trying to understand a particular set of phenomena, hey often make use of a model: A model, in the scientist's sense, is a kind of analogy or mental image of the phenomena in terms of something we are familiar with. ____ . We cannot see waves of light as we can see water waves; but it is valuable to think of light as if it were made up of waves because experiments indicate that light behaves in many respects as water waves do.

    A) Other natural laws have been discovered over centuries

    B) The atomic model of matter has gone through many refinements

    C) Models often lead to important theories D) One example is the wave model of light E) This is the obvious difference between a

    theory and a model.

    45. Evaporation can be described as the process by which liquid is changed into vapour by heat. ____ . The higher the temperature, the quicker the process. Obviously, evaporation is a fundamental process in nature.

    A) Desalination depends upon the process of evaporation

    B) Whenever a liquid is exposed to heat, evaporation takes place

    C) The average annual temperature in the arctic region is far below that in the Mediterranean.

    D) The human body can easily adapt to a humid climate.

    E) Some plants are more affected by evaporation than others.

    46. ____ . He was one of the earliest to argue that the interior of the earth was not solid but that it consisted of a condensed, though highly heated, fluid or gas. He also argued that on its exterior the earth had a relatively thin shell of matter.

    A) The great achievements of Benjamin Franklin in natural science should not blind us to the fact that he was a great statesman.

    B) When Benjamin Franklin was a young man, he moved from Boston to Philadelphia where he spent the rest of his life studying political science.

    C) In the eighteenth century, Benjamin Franklin made remarkable contributions to the field of electricity.

    D) Benjamin Franklin played an important part in the early development of American political thought.

    E) Benjamin Franklin had many original and penetrating ideas on geology.

    47-51 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi cmlenin paraya uymadn bulunuz.

    47. (I) When rainfall occurs regularly, the moisture of surface soil is maintained in a constant condition. (II) In some countries irrigation can be costly. (III) This is made possible by the downward movement of water through the soil. (IV) However, during periods of drought the surface soil becomes very dry, its moisture having evaporated into the air. (V) On the whole this is not harmful since within two or three inches of the surface moist soil can still be found.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


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    48. (I) Biologists have made various studies of living organisms. (II) First of all, they have classified them on the basis of their structure. (III) They have divided them into two classes, the single-celled organisms and the many-celled organisms. (IV) In almost all plants and animals, the individual cells have different functions. (V) For instance, bacteria and algae are single-celled, while insects, fish and flowering plants are many-celled.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    49. (I) Cyclones are constantly recurring fact of life in Bangladesh. (II) But the one that hit the country on 29 April 1991 was the worst for a decade. (III) However, controlling the flow of water can reduce the risks of floods. (IV) Within hours, 130.000 people were dead and four million people were homeless. (V) Conditions were so bad that, only a week after the cyclone, many felt that the dead, not the living, were the fortunate ones.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    50. (I) It is common for a liquid to turn into a vapour when heated. (II) It is less common for a solid substance to turn directly into a vapour without ever going through a liquid stage. (III) The best known example of this latter process is solid carbondioxide, which has the appearance of cloudy ice. (IV) When this is heated, it doesn't turn into liquid but to gas. (V) Indeed, nuclear reactions involving certain substances are highly complex and unpredictable.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    51. (I) In the universe, hydrogen is apparently the most abundant of all the elements. (II For instance, analysis of the light emitted by stars indicates that most stars are predominantly hydrogen. (III) Molecular hydrogen is the lightest of all gases. (IV) Similarly, of the sun's mass, approximately 90 % is hydrogen. (V) However, hydrogen is much less abundant on the earth.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    52-56 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi cmlenin paraya uymadn bulunuz.

    52. Mary: What's in that bottle? Paul: Sulphuric acid. Mary: ____ Paul: Yes, I'm sorry. I'll do it straight

    away. A) Don't you know that all dangerous

    substances have to be properly labelled? B) Do you mind if I use some of it in my

    experiment? C) Do you know where all the acids and other

    dangerous substances are kept? D) Then what is it doing here? E) You haven't been burned, have you?

    53. Roger: Where will the new bridge be? Bill: Five miles downstream. Roger: ____ Bill: No, the rock formation isn't suitable

    there. A) People living there won't be pleased, will

    they? B) Have the engineers submitted their plans? C) Couldn't they build it nearer here? D) But the river is very wide there. E) There's already a good road there.


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    54. David: I thought there was an abundance of aluminium in the earth's crust.

    Peter: There is. David: ____ Peter: Because most of it is not in a

    form that can be removed and processed at a profit.

    A) Then what's special about bauxite? B) Is it really necessary to import so much? C) Where are the major deposits in France? D) Then why is it short supply? E) Are processing costs still going up?

    55. Seyfi: What's the first item on the agenda?

    Sait: Rubbish disposal and recycling of waste.

    Seyfi: ____ Sait: I know it is. But no one takes it

    seriously. One day we'll have to, though! A) It just can't be done under these

    circumstances. B) But we discussed that last week C) Then what follows? D) Who's brought this subject up? E) That's always on the agenda.

    56. Farmer: What can I do to increase the harvest?

    Expert: Well, there are a number of ways I can suggest. One is irrigation.

    Farmer: ____ Expert: Quite a lot, I'm afraid. A) Yes, but how much expense will that

    entail? B) You mean a modern irrigation method? C) Are you trained in irrigation engineering? D) Do you think there is plenty of underground

    water? E) The rainfall in this region is adequate, isn't


    57-59 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    We are warm-blooded animals. The temperature inside us is generally higher than the temperature outside us. It follows from this fact that, just as a kettle of hot water cools as it loses heat to the air around it, so the human body is continuously losing heat. But, unlike the kettle, it does not cool down, for all the time fresh quantities of heat are being generated inside. The body is both making heat and losing some of it at the same time. The loss of heat is controlled by a very delicate mechanism. The body resembles a thermostat heater in that while it gives off heat, it manages to remain at the same temperature.

    57. In this passage, the body is likened to a thermostat because ____ .

    A) the loss of heat would cause serious diseases

    B) the temperature of the body is always equal to the outside temperature

    C) the control of the body heat is unimportant D) the temperature remains constant in spite

    of heat loss E) the body heat is influenced by the outside


    58. It is pointed out in the passage that the body's loss of heat ____ .

    A) means man is not warm-blooded B) should be regarded as a danger signal C) cannot be controlled easily D) can only be affected by the environment E) is compensated for by the generation of

    fresh heat

    59. The passage describes the mechanism ____ .

    A) which keeps the body at the same temperature

    B) which prevents loss of heat in detail C) concerned with the generation of surplus

    heat D) which regulates the temperature of the

    water in a kettle E) by which the temperature of the air remains



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    60-62 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    Genetics is the study of mechanisms of the hereditary process. Modern genetics began with the experiments of Gregor Mendel in 1865. He studied the inheritance of different factors in peas, and found that some traits were "dominant" and some "recessive", the "dominant" appearing in a ratio of very nearly three to one. Mendels results were ignored for many years until their discovery at the beginning of the twentieth century .

    60. According to the passage ____ . A) the results of Mendel's experiments were

    immediately put into practise B) the purpose of Mendel's experiments was

    primarily agricultural C) genetics is essentially concerned with

    heredity D) modern genetics owes very little to

    Mendel's experiments E) the mechanisms of heredity were known

    prior to Mendel

    61. Clearly, in the field of genetics, ____ . A) certain traits have been given too much

    importance B) the 20th century has contributed very little C) Mendel's experiments have received and

    used attention D) Mendel is the pioneer E) new dominant and recessive traits are

    constantly being discovered

    62. Mendel discovered that ____ .

    A) recessive traits exceeded the dominant ones

    B) in peas, dominant traits appear in a ratio of three to one

    C) in peas, nearly one-third of the traits were dominant

    D) by 1865 the theory of heredity had been convincingly formulated

    E) genetics was becoming a popular science

    63-65 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    Geologists are especially interested in the mineral content of rocks. All rocks consist of one or more minerals, many of which are needed as raw materials for industry or have properties which make them valuable or useful. Gold, for example, is valuable. Diamonds are both valuable and useful. Coal is also found in rocks, usually underground and it is vitally important as fuel in modern life. Britain is rich in coal because it was covered in dense forests more than 300 million years ago. Coal is formed from the remains of trees, and other plants which have gradually been compressed and hardened in the rock structure of the earth.

    63. In all types of rocks ____ . A) we can find the hardened remains of trees B) a wide variety of mineral deposits is to be

    found C) at least one type of mineral is to be found D) one is likely to find fuel deposits E) there are seemingly useless deposits

    64. It is pointed out that coal ____ . A) is usually found in thickly-forested regions B) has lost its importance as a fuel C) is one of Britain's major exports D) takes millions of years to form E) is the most indispensable material for


    65. According to the passage, one of the major interests of geologists is to ____ .

    A) determine the coal reserves in the earth B) produce diamonds in coal deposits C) explore mineral deposits in rocks D) study the properties of valuable minerals E) decide which raw materials are useful in



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    66-68 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    There are about forty distinct kinds of wild cats known to inhabit the earth today. They range in size from the mighty Siberian tiger to several little spotted species about the size of the average domestic cat. The cats are the most efficient land predators left on earth. They combine power, speed, patience, camouflage, and considerable individual skill. All swim well, most climb with great agility, and at least for short distances, most can move with amazing swiftness. The African lion can reach a speed of almost forty miles per hour when it charges.

    66. It is stressed in the passage that wild cats in the world today ____

    A) show a remarkable range and variety B) are completely confined to the African

    continent C) are rapidly on the decline due to the

    environmental changes D) are now only to be located in Siberia and

    the rest of Asia E) seem to be losing the ability to climb trees

    67. According to the passage, wild cats are noted for a number of distinct qualities ____

    A) of which their great strength is the most important

    B) which together make them physically superior to all other animals regardless of size

    C) but their sense of smell is poor D) of which their ability to hide from the enemy

    is of first importance E) including the unmatchable efficiency in


    68. It is pointed out in the passage that the speed with which most wild cats can move ____

    A) compensates for their lack of efficient sight B) has never been measured C) is truly remarkable D) doesn't exceed that of the average

    domestic cat E) helps them to survive in a hostile


    69-71 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    Civil engineering offers a particular challenge because almost every structure of system that is designed and built by civil engineers is unique. One structure rarely duplicates another exactly. Even when structures seem to be identical, site requirements or other factors generally result in modifications. Large structures like dams, bridges, or tunnels may differ substantially from previous structures. The civil engineer must, therefore, always be ready and willing to meet new challenges.

    69. It is argued in the passage that virtually no civil engineering work ____

    A) is substantially different from the other B) can be completed without benefit of other

    branches of engineering C) can be as complicated as the construction

    of a dam D) is exactly the same as any another E) is affected by site requirements

    70. According to the passage , since every site will have different requirements ____

    A) modifications of all types should be avoided B) almost every bridge or dam will be different

    from every other C) the work of a civil engineering is likely to be

    monotonous D) site requirements are not important E) this does not pose a challenge

    71. One can understand from the passage that the civil engineer ____

    A) can rarely be persuaded to modify a design B) always keeps to traditional designs C) confines his interests to dams, bridges or

    tunnels D) is less open to new ideas in construction

    than other engineers E) is likely to have to modify the original

    design of a structure to suit the site


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 13

    72-74 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    All our sources of power are "natural"; we have found that matter can be turned into energy and energy into matter, but that nothing can be created. We can convert one into the other with relative ease, but all our power is based upon the control of natural sources, in the sense that the energy or fuel is never man-made. It already exists as in the wind and in rivers; or it may be stored up as in oil or coal.

    72. One important point emphasised in the passage is that ____.

    A) nature is the only source of energy B) man-made energy is more economical C) energy sources have been used wastefully

    in recent decades D) the world's oil reserves ought to be used

    more carefully E) coal production should be increased to

    bridge the energy gap

    73. According to the passage, the conversion of matter into energy and vice versa ____.

    A) will no longer be necessary as new energy sources are found

    B) has been possible only in our century C) is a fairly easy process D) is possible only in the case of solid matter E) depends to a great extent on new


    74. It is obvious from the passage that energy ____.

    A) should be consumed more considerately B) cannot be stored for long C) can readily be created by man D) is stored more abundantly in oil and coal

    than in wind and water E) is derived from many different sources in


    75-77 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    To astronomers, the great accomplishment of the flights to the moon was the bringing back of rocks from the lunar surface. It was the first extraterrestrial material ever to reach Earth, with the exception of meteorites. The lunar rocks seemed to show that the moon was virtually free of water and of organic material and was, therefore, a world utterly without life. In fact, this had been suspected by astronomers, since 1660s; but there had been some hope of traces of air and water that might have made possible very primitive life at the bacterial level, if nothing more.

    75. As the author explains, the study of lunar rocks has confirmed that ____

    A) no life whatsoever exists on the moon B) only a very primitive form of life could have

    existed on the moon C) the moon is actually a large meteorite D) some of them contain bacterial remains E) the moon has traces of extraterrestrial life

    76. According to the passage, it was once hoped that ____

    A) there was a large variety of rocks on the moon

    B) the moon was capable of supporting primitive life

    C) the amount of water on the moon was increasing

    D) there were higher forms of life on the moon than the bacterial ones

    E) the lunar surface was similar to that of the earth

    77. It seems from the passage that, from the seventeenth century onwards, ____

    A) man has ceased to be interested in the moon

    B) interest in the moon has been confined to the study of rocks

    C) astronomers have had a reasonably correct understanding of the moon

    D) the existence of life on the moon has been accepted as a fact

    E) a large amount of extraterrestrial material, excluding meteorites, has reached the earth


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 14

    78-80 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    Long after the discovery of electricity, man found that he could use the great power of water to produce it. At first, he used natural waterfalls. Later, man began to build dams to generate hydroelectric power. Dams are immense structures which hold back the water of a river and form a lake behind. The water is let through under control and allowed to fall through pipes to the turbines below. The rushing water drives the turbines, and as they revolve, they spin electro-magnets; these magnets generate electricity.

    78. According to the passage, dams ____ A) are primarily used to form lakes B) can be used to prevent flooding C) date back to very early times D) were in use well before electricity was

    discovered E) are important for the production of

    hydroelectric power

    79. When electro-magnets are set in motion by turbines, ____

    A) electricity is generated B) the water is allowed to fall through the

    pipes C) the water has to be held back D) the speed is immediately reduced E) the water power becomes uncontrollable

    80. According to the passage, electricity was discovered ____

    A) after observing the immense power of water in natural waterfalls

    B) long before man learned to generate hydroelectric power

    C) soon after the first dams were built D) because of the need to create artificial light E) as soon as he realised how much power

    there was in water

    Test Bitti...


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 15

    1-21. Sorularda bo braklan yere uygun den ifadeyi bulunuz.

    1. Air pollution is obviously one of the major _____ of city life.

    A) references B) disadvantages C) attempts D) definitions E) expressions

    2. The lawyer submitted to the court several documents to _____ his point of view.

    A) support B) overcome C) refrain D) improve E) alienate

    3. The latest figures concerning the company's sales are certainly very _____.

    A) determined B) intensive C) emphatic D) reluctant E) disturbing

    4. On Tuesday, I'll be able to let you know _____ how many people will be attending the conference.

    A) mostly B) fortunately C) comparatively D) precisely E) immensely

    5. From the evidence, it seems pretty obvious that someone _____ the office sometime during the night.

    A) found out B) took after C) broke into D) made out E) ran up

    6. It has become a fashion among film stars to use some of their money to _____ needy children.

    A) do with B) make up C) go without D) put up with E) provide for

    7. If it rains, the football match will be _____ until next week.

    A) given out B) put off C) turned off D) run through E) taken on

    8. If I _____ a similar kind of research, I _____ on just two decades.

    A) will do / concentrate B) had done / concentrated C) have done / would have concentrated D) were doing / would concentrate E) did / will concentrate


    Bu testte cevaplayacanz soru says 80dir. nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 16

    9. The committee _____ the question for nearly an hour, and still hasn't come to a decision.

    A) has been discussing B) had discussed C) will discuss D) is discussing E) would discuss

    10. Towards the end of the 15th century, many political and social changes _____ in Europe which _____ all countries profoundly.

    A) had been occurring / had affected B) were occurring / have affected C) have occurred / will affect D) had occurred / would affect E) occurred / affected

    11. Before I read Freud, I _____ dreams were of so much significance.

    A) haven't thought B) wouldn't think C) didn't think D) don't think E) wouldn't have thought

    12. _____ the critics, the film is almost as good as the novel itself.

    A) With regard to B) According to C) Owing to D) Concerning E) In comparison to

    13. It is thought to be basically a Hittite settlement _____ there are some traces of earlier civilisations.

    A) in spite of B) even so C) instead D) even though E) in case

    14. The next meeting will be held _____ February, probably _____ the second Tuesday of the month.

    A) in / on B) in / at C) at / in D) on / at E) at / on

    15. Venice is joined to the mainland _____ road and railway viaducts.

    A) from B) over C) by D) on E) off

    16. The conference was a great disappointment; in fact, it was quite _____ I have ever attended.

    A) the worst B) as bad as C) worse than D) so bad E) the worse

    17. The Sumerian King Ur - Engur was a great ruler _____ dominions extended from the Gulf to the Mediterranean.

    A) whom B) who C) which D) whose E) that

    18. In advertising it is important to decide _____ you are aiming to attract.

    A) by whom B) whoever C) who D) which E) whose


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 17

    19. I told him that the ultimate responsibility for solving the problem was not _____ but _____ .

    A) us / theirs B) his / me C) her / yours D) him / ours E) mine / his

    20. He said he would apply for the job immediately after he returned, _____?

    A) did he B) didn't he C) would he D) hadn't he E) wouldn't he

    21. The last exhibition I went to was _____ crowded that I could hardly see anything .

    A) as B) too C) more D) so E) very

    22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin Trke dengini bulunuz.

    22. Anyone who wishes to begin selling industrial goods in a foreign country must first carry out market research.

    A) Yabanc bir lkede sanayi mallar satmaya balamak isteyen herkes nce Pazar aratrmas yapmaldr.

    B) steyen herkes, Pazar aratrmas yaptktan sonra yabanc bir lkede sanayi mallar satabilir.

    C) Hi kimse pazar aratrmas yapmadan baka bir lkeye sanayi rnleri satmaya girimemelidir.

    D) Yabanc bir lkede Pazar aratrmas yapmak isteyen herkes, nce sanayi mallar pazarndan balamaldr.

    E) Sanayi mallar satmaya balamadan nce yaplacak pazar aratrmas yabanc lkeleri de kapsamaldr.

    23. As a matter of fact one of the most important aims of education must be to produce individuals who can think and act independently.

    A) Bir eitim sistemi zgrce dnebilen bireyler yetitiriyorsa en nemli amacn gerekletirmi demektir.

    B) Eitim zgrce hareket edebilen ve dnebilen kiiler yetitiremiyorsa en nemli amalarndan birini yerine getirmiyor demektir.

    C) Esas olarak zgr dnce ve davran retmeyi hedef alan bir eitim sistemi, retken kiiler yetitirebilir.

    D) Aslnda, eitimin nemli hedeflerinden biri zgrce dnebilen ve davranabilen bireyler yetitirmek olmaldr.

    E) zgr dnen ve hareket eden kiiler yetitirmenin eitimde nemli bir hedef olduu bilinen bir gerektir.

    24. Most sociologists maintain that the most significant element of culture that we must learn are values, norms of conduct and social roles.

    A) Pek ok sosyoloa gre, kltrn en nemli gelerinden biri herkesin rendii deerler, davran normlar ve toplumsal rollerdir.

    B) ou sosyolog, renmemiz gereken en nemli kltr gelerinin deerler, davran normlar ve toplumsal roller olduunu ileri srer.

    C) Sosyologlar ounlukla kltrel deerler ve davran normlarnn toplumsal rollerle birlikte renilebildiini savunurlar.

    D) Sosyologlarn tm, deerler, davran normlar ve toplumsal roller dnda renmemiz gereken baz ok nemli kltrel geler olduunu belirtmektedir.

    E) Kltrn bize rettii belli bal gelerin deerler, davran normlar ve toplumsal roller olduu sosyologlarn ou tarafndan vurgulanmaktadr.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 18

    25. Some art historians argue that, as in the Middle Ages so in the Renaissance, art served the purposes of faith.

    A) Baz sanat tarihileri, sanatn Ortaa'da olduu gibi Rnesans'ta da dinin amalarna hizmet ettiini ileri srmektedir.

    B) Baz sanat tarihilerine gre, sanat, gerek Ortaa'da gerek Rnesans'ta tamamen dinsel amalara ynelik olarak gelimitir.

    C) Sanat tarihilerinin bir ksm, Rnesans'ta sanatn, Ortaa'dakinden farkl olarak, dinin amalarna hizmet ettii grndedir.

    D) Sanat tarihileri arasnda, Ortaa'da ve Rnesans'ta sanatn dinin amalarna hizmet edip etmedii konusunda gr ayrl vardr.

    E) Sanat tarihilerinin bir ksm, Ortaa'da olduu kadar Rnesans'ta da din adamlarnn sanata hizmet ettiini kabul etmektedir.

    26. Psychoanalysis has brought about a radical change in the study of human behaviour and in the concepts of psychology.

    A) nsan davranlarnn psikoanalizle incelenmesi, psikolojiye bir ok kavram kazandrmtr.

    B) Psikoanaliz, insan davranlarnn incelenmesinde ve psikoloji kavramlarnda kkl bir deiiklie neden olmutur.

    C) Psikoanalizin getirdii en nemli deiiklik, insan davranlarnn aratrlmasnda ve baz psikoloji kavramlarnn tanmnda grlr.

    D) Psikoanalizde, insan davranlar ve psikoloji kavramlar ok farkl bir biimde ele alnr.

    E) nsan davranlarna yaklam ok farkl olan psikoanaliz, psikolojideki baz kavramlar kknden deitimitir.

    27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin ngilizce dengini bulunuz.

    27. Ekonomik gelimenin balca amalarndan biri, lkedeki btn insanlarn hayat standardn ykseltmektir.

    A) Importance must be given to economic development in order to raise the people's living standars.

    B) The living standards of the people can't be raised unless more emphasis is given to economic development.

    C) One of the major aims of economic development is to raise the living standards of all the people in the country.

    D) The aim of most people in the country is to raise their living standard in line with economic development.

    E) The economic development of the country is essential for the improvement of the living standards of all the people.

    28. Mzii halk tarafndan ok beenilmesine ramen, besteci Hugo Wolf hayatnn ounu yoksulluk iinde geirdi.

    A) This composer was Hugo Wolf whose music was much admired by the public though he lived in poverty.

    B) The music of composer Hugo Wolf only attracted the attention of the public after he had died in poverty.

    C) The composer Hugo Wolf lived in poverty, but his best music was much liked by people at the time.

    D) Though his music greatly admired by the public, the composer Hugo Wolf lived most of his life in poverty.

    E) The music of Hugo Wolf reflects the life of this composer which was spent mostly alone and in poverty.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 19

    29. Hatrlanaca gibi, Japon medeni kanunu, tpk eitim sistemi gibi temel olarak Franszlardan alnmtr.

    A) It should be recalled that the civil code of Japan and the educational system, were both taken from that of the French.

    B) One should remember that the Japanese civil code, like the education system, is in some ways similar to the French.

    C) It will be remebered that the Japanese civil code, just like the education system, resembles the French one quite closely.

    D) One should recall that Japann fashioned her civil code, and even more her educational system, on the example of France.

    E) As one may remember, the Japanese civil code, just like the education system, was basicaly adopted from that of the French.

    30. Annda tercmenin, bir uzman iin bile ne kadar zor olduunun ok az kii farkndadr.

    A) For the expert, simultaneous translation is not as difficult as most people imagine.

    B) Simultaneous translation, even for an expert, is extremely diffucult as everyone realises.

    C) Very few people realise how difficult simultaneous translation is, even for an expert.

    D) Most people cannot realise that simultaneous translation is diffucult for all but the expert.

    E) The difficulties of simultaneous translation are only appreciated by a very few experts.

    31. Anadolu'da kurulan ilk byk uygarlk M 2000 yllarndaki Hitit Uygarldr.

    A) The major period of the Hittite civilisation in Anatolia was around 2000 B.C.

    B) The Hittites were the first civilised people to settle in Anatolia around 2000 B.C.

    C) Well before 2000 B.C. Anatolia had come under the influence of Hittite civilisation.

    D) The major civilisations established in Anatolia around 2000 B.C. ncluded the Hittite one.

    E) The first major civilisation established in Anatolia was that of the Hittites around 2000 BC.

    32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

    32. After Muhammed Ali had won a gold medal in the Olympics, _____.

    A) he turned professional B) the newspapers are not aware of it C) there will be other fights in Europe D) he'd claim to be the best in the world E) he is still well-known

    33. _____ whose genius was recognised in his own life time.

    A) The great Turkish architect Sinan built many mosques

    B) Sinan is one of the few architects C) Sinan's major works must be studied from

    various angles D) Some of Sinan's bridges were of strategic

    importance E) Sleyman the Magnificent greatly respected

    Sinan and admired his works

    34. _____ that Victoria was a remarkable queen.

    A) It was impossible to avoid asking the questions

    B) I was introduced to a historian C) Dr. Robertson has been wondering D) This is an article on the British royal family E) It is generally agreed

    35. _____ if the government had given priority to the problem of pollution.

    A) Meteorologists are extremely worried B) As far as the research centre is concerned C) It would have been better D) A group of ecologists have complained E) Urbanisation is under attack


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 20

    36. _____ while the mother is there to provide security.

    A) The child had reached school age B) Most young children will confidently explore

    a strange environment C) The children of a large family feel they have

    more advantages than those of smaller families.

    D) Those children found it harder to make social contacts

    E) The children liked to get away on their own

    37. Let's allow the students a break in the middle of each term _____

    A) unless they ask for it B) if the courses were being revised C) however beneficial this could have proved D) as it was hoped they would come back

    refreshed E) as this will, certainly, improve efficiency

    38. To increase productivity, it is essential that the workers receive further training _____ .

    A) even if they had been gratified by wage increases

    B) so that the factory had to undergo considerable reorganisation

    C) in order to keep up with new developments in technology

    D) whether they wanted it or not E) unless the government lifts restrictions on

    imports in general

    39. I am reading that article on maritime law _____.

    A) which has caused so much controversy B) if I can find it C) while it was highly recommended D) that I can't explain it E) so that you lend it to me

    40. After taking a degree in archaeology, he went to the States _____.

    A) which is what he is still hoping to do B) as he is being offered a two year scholarship C) when any further study there is out of the

    question D) where he specialised in Roman sculpture E) unless he had been appointed as a lecturer

    in his own department

    41. Many critics have wondered _____. A) although the audience enjoyed the

    performance immensely. B) because it was a best seller C) why his plays have not been more popular D) so long as the young novelists follow this

    technique E) that his novels are so powerful

    42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan yere uygun den ifadeyi bulunuz.

    42. Wages and salaries are usually paid in regular weekly or monthly instalments. However, one's expenses are normally much less regular. Bills often arrive irregularly and are usually to be paid immediately. ____ .

    A) It is dangerous to spend more than one earns.

    B) Similarly, preparing an annual budget has a number of disadvantages.

    C) Of course, much of this expenditure was almost unavoidable.

    D) Therefore, some form of financial planning is needed.

    E) Unfortunately, many people are unable to make a decent living.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 21

    43. Ballet dancers work within a tradition. They have generations of knowledge and experience behind them. ____ . For theirs is a hard world, but at least they have the example of the past to turn to when they need it.

    A) It originated in the French court. B) Originality can be overrated. C) It is this that supports them. D) Art should appear effortless. E) It is possible to improve one's sense of


    44. In 1746 a group of London publishers commissioned Samuel Johnson to compile an English dictionary. Johnson was pleased wit the commission and hoped to finish it within three years. ____ . For a work of such quality, however, nine years was not really very long, especially when we remember how much of the work was his alone.

    A) It didn't take him as long as this. B) Actually, though, it took him nine years. C) There were six people to help him. D) Another dictionary was published in the next

    century. E) Many words have changed in meaning since

    Johnson's day.

    45. Michelangelo did not like to delegate work to the students in his studio, though at that time the studios of the great masters of one age were the training ground for those of the next. ____ . Another was that Michelangelo left a lot of unfinished works.

    A) One of his biographers has criticised. B) It has been suggested that Michelangelo

    was jealous of talent in others. C) Michelangelo was ambitious, and was

    satisfied with nothing short of perfection. D) Michelangelo enjoyed enormous prestige

    even in his own day. E) One result of this practice of his was that no

    great artist emerged from Michelangelo's studio.

    46. Deserts are vast , barren, rocky and sandy wastes where there is almost no rainfall and little or no vegetation. ____ . In fact, Europe is the only continent without a desert. Among the most famous deserts in the world as the Sahara, the Gobi and the Kalahari.

    A) Such regions are found in the interior of Africa, Asia, North America and Australia.

    B) Another major problem is the sand storm. C) Moreover, many people have lost their lives

    trying to cross the desert. D) It is, of course, very costly to reclaim desert

    land in this bay. E) The United Nations has financed various

    projects for the irrigation of deserts.

    47-51 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi cmlenin paraya uymadn bulunuz.

    47. (I) Some people are against the English system of trial by jury. (II) They argue that only people trained in the law can understand properly all the evidence given at a trial. (III) At the end of a trial all the evidence is summed up by the judge. (IV) Until I served on a jury last month, I used to think this way myself. (V) But now I understand the advantages of the jury system.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    48. (I) The declaration of Human Rights gives great emphasis to education. (II) After all, the declaration shows how near the world is to being ideal. (III) This is natural as advances in the cause of freedom and of social rights depend very largely on education. (IV) Indeed, educators must accept a major share of the responsibility for shaping a society's attitudes towards Human Rights. (V) If they do not do so, the document will remain ineffective.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 22

    49. (I) A potential weakness of committees is their tendency to make compromise decisions. (II) Their plans, too, are often middle-of-the-road plans. (III) Nevertheless, most high-level decisions are now being taken by individuals. (IV) In other words, these are the sort of plans that nobody actually opposes. (V) Nobody really believes in them either, so actually they are not much use.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    50. (I) Symbolism is the bridge between Romanticism and Modernism and its use provides a basis of continuity. (II) Romantic writers mostly used symbols drawn from nature or from mythology. (III) Modern writers tend to use less obvious symbols. (IV) Rhyme is rarely used in modern poetry. (V) In one modern novel a bar of soap, for instance, has great symbolic force.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    51. Many people find that libraries provide an excellent environment for serious study. (II) Even so the young in particular find background music is essential. (III) They offer the necessary quietness and the right atmosphere. (IV) The presence of others working there is also a bonus psychologically. (V) Their main drawback is that they close at fixed hours.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    52-56 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi cmlenin paraya uymadn bulunuz.

    52. Bank Manager : Good Morning, Mr. Hepper. What can I do for you?

    Mr. Hepper : I wanted to discuss the possibilities of a loan.

    Bank Manager : ____ Mr. Hepper : Thank you, I will.

    A) Then let's do so over a cup of tea. B) I'm afraid we can give no loans at present. C) How much do you require? D) Then sit down and tell me about it. E) You could have asked me earlier.

    53. Seyfi : I hear you went to the opening of Jame's art exhibition last night; how was it?

    Sait: Quite good, I suppose. But I prefer his earlier, more concrete style.

    Seyfi : ____ Sait: Yes, he is. I suppose an artist has to

    try out different styles. A) Were people buying them? B) How about the colours? C) Is he painting abstract pictures now? D) I used to like his animal pictures best. E) I will look in on the exhibition later in the


    54. Librarian : You know you should have returned the art book today.

    Robert : ____ Librarian : I'm afraid I can't do that.

    There's someone else wanting to borrow it.

    Robert : Then I'll rush back home and bring it here before closing time.

    A) Please let me keep it for one more day. I have only one chapter left.

    B) It seems I have borrowed the wrong book. May I see the one by W. Peter?

    C) Nobody would want that book anyway. I thought I could keep it as long as I wished.

    D) Yes, I know. But I can only return it on Friday.

    E) Oh, I thought I had two more days. I'll bring it back and borrow it again later.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 23

    55. Peter : Are you going to the opening of that ceramics' exhibition?

    Mavis : ____ Peter : I want to; but I don't want to go by

    myself. Mavis : In that case, I'll join you.

    A) No, I'm not. I'm flying to Rome for a conference this evening.

    B) Well, I wasn't intending to. Are you? C) I didn't know you were interested in

    ceramics. D) There's been a lot in the newspapers about

    it. E) What exhibition? I've heard nothing about it.

    56. Philip : What did he lecture on? Claude : The civilisation of ancient Egypt. Philip : ____ Claude : I really don't know. I couldn't

    understand a thing. A) Was he any good? B) How long have you been interested in

    ancient Egypt? C) He's written a book on the subject, hasn't

    he? D) I wish I could have been there. E) That's one of your special topics, isn't it?

    57-59 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    Any criminal justice system is an apparatus that society uses to enforce the standards of conduct necessary to protect individuals and the community. It operates by apprehending, prosecuting , convicting, sentencing these members of the community who violate the basic rules of group existence. The action taken against lawbreakers is designed to serve three purposes beyond the immediately punitive one. It removes dangerous people from the community; it deters others from criminal behaviour and it gives society an oppurtunity to attempt to transform lawbreakers into law-abiding citizens.

    57. We understand from the passage that the basic aim of criminal justice is ____

    A) the protection of society and its individuals. B) to define socially acceptable behaviour. C) to educate lawbreakers. D) the violation of the law. E) to renew, as necessary, the traditions and

    customs of society.

    58. According to the passage, prosecution is ____

    A) a process which follows conviction. B) concerned with the transformation of criminal

    justice. C) not to be considered a vital part of the criminal

    justice system. D) actually the removal of lawbreakers from the

    community. E) one of the stages in the operation of criminal


    59. It is pointed out in the passage that one of the effects of the criminal justice system is to _____

    A) give guidelines for group existence B) discourage crime C) prevent the enforcement of capital punishment D) take immediate action against the community E) investigate the reasons behind criminal



    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 24

    60-62 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    Chronic psychological stress depends much more on the person than on what happens to him. Someone promoted above his abilities will probably be under constant stress but some personalities may not be aware of the pressure, or of not being up to the job. On the other hand, someone in a position well within his abilities may still find everything a strain. Perhaps it is because he does not realise he can do it easily or because he wants to win promotion; or simply because that is his way of going about things.

    60. The main argument of the passage is that ____

    A) chronic stress may lead to serious disorders.

    B) stress results from difficult environmental conditions.

    C) some people work better under stress D) people of high ability cope better with stress E) stress is more related to personality than to

    external conditions

    61. According to the passage, some people ____

    A) misunderstand the term "stress" B) are afraid of being promoted. C) work well when they are promoted above

    their ability. D) do not notice how much pressure they're

    under in their work. E) take on any work they happen to find.

    62. A person often experiences tension in his work ____

    A) because he deserves promotion B) until he has been properly trained C) if he is particularly easy-going D) if there isn't adequate competition E) when he is promoted above his capabilities.

    63-65 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    In a competitive economy, the consumer usually has the choice of several different brands of the same product. Yet underneath their labels, these products are often nearly identical. One manufacturer's toothpaste tends to differ very little from another manufacturer's. Two different brands of shampoo may vary only in scent and colour. And the tobacco in two different brands of cigarettes frequently come from the same fields. This close similarity means that a shopper has little reason to choose one brand over another. Thus, manufacturers are confronted with a problem: how to keep sales high enough to stay in business. Manufacturers solve this problem by advertising.

    63. According to the passage, the average consumer ____

    A) always buys the same brands B) realises that brand names are unimportant C) thinks he is faced with a wide choice but he is

    mistaken D) is well-protected by law against deception E) cannot be fooled by advertising

    64. The author suggests that ____

    A) you should read the label on every product carefully.

    B) one should realise that with many products, one brand is almost the same as another.

    C) you should always make your purchases at the same shop .

    D) one should find out where certain products, like tobacco, have been produced.

    E) the colour of a special brand of shampoo is a sign of its quality.

    65. It is understood from the passage that a manufacturer's chief concern is to ____

    A) adopt scientific approach B) make one product look the same as another

    product. C) produce different brands of the same product. D) know what the potential buyer wants. E) convince customers that his product is special.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 25

    66-68 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    A great deal of archaeological evidence has revealed the importance of water supply systems in the ancient world. Probably the most impressive system were built by the Romans, whose aqueducts still stand in modern Italy, Spain, France and Turkey. Rome itself had a water supply estimated at 50 million gallons a day, or about 50 gallons a day for each resident of the city. The water has delivered to fountains where people collected it in pots and then carried it to their homes; only a few buildings and residences had connections to the main pipelines.

    66. According to the passage, there is considerable archaeological evidence ____

    A) concerning ancient water supply systems. B) showing that water supply systems were

    almost unknown in ancient times. C) to explain why some countries had better

    water delivery systems than others. D) to show that ancient peoples, too, suffered

    from water shortages. E) to suggest that the ancient water supply

    systems of Italy and Turkey fell into disuse.

    67. According to the passage, some of the waterways built by the Romans, ____

    A) were more impressive than their other buildings

    B) were inferior to those of earlier civilisations. C) are still in existence in several countries. D) were insufficient to meet the demands of the

    public they served. E) are still in use in modern Europe.

    68. Most people in Rome ____ A) had running water in their houses. B) had residences with connections to several

    fountains. C) helped to build the aqueducts. D) did not have enough water for their needs. E) got their water from public fountains.

    69-71 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    The literature of any society reveals the values, the conflicts and the experiences, both past and present of its members. Through the literature of a people it is possible to gain some insight into their attitudes, beliefs and problems. Much of human experience is similiar because basically all men have similiar needs, and the reader may find his own concern voiced by a character in a novel written centuries before.

    69. It is pointed out in the passage that through literature we can ____

    A) gain considerable information about a given society.

    B) forget our own problems for a while. C) gain insight into the beliefs and problems of

    authors. D) learn how to change the values and attitudes of

    our friends. E) realise how different we are from the people of

    the past.

    70. The passage mainly concerned with ____

    A) the literature of the past. B) the contrast between a man's past experience

    and his present beliefs. C) the need to build on one's experience of

    literature D) the relationship between literature and life. E) the differences between literature and real life.

    71. It's implied in the passage that human experience ____

    A) differs because everyone has different needs. B) varies from society to society . C) is not reflected in literature. D) is actually quite unlike anything we find in a

    novel. E) often varies little over the centuries.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 26

    72-74 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    The emergence of new processes for producing goods and services that provide better quality at lower cost them. Mass production has transformed the nature of work. This is a fundamental change in economic life. People perform a much more central role in the new production system. There is now more democracy in the workplace. A reduction of business hierarchies, the creation of production teams, more worker participation in decision making and employee ownership are some of the indicators of this economic democracy. The heart of this process is not technology; it's a new set of social relations in the workplace which means that most workers now enjoy more work satisfaction.

    72. One can infer from the passage that with the introduction of new working process ____.

    A) the manufacturing of goods has became more costly

    B) the role of workers in the work place has diminished noticeably

    C) the work place now offer employees more satisfaction than it used to be in the past

    D) companies feel they really own their employees

    E) the importance of teamwork has been totally disregarded

    73. According to the passage, the new production system ____.

    A) continues to make of the methods and techniques of mass production

    B) is characterised by the growing importance of the human element in the workplace

    C) is basically contrary to the principles of democracy

    D) rests solely upon the will and initiative of management

    E) has been the result of considerable technologic advance

    74. According to the author, two of the major assets of the new production ____.

    A) are an improvement in the quality of goods and services and reduction in the costs

    B) are competition and increased marketing potential

    C) have been highly overrated D) are also characteristic of mass production E) play a remarkable role in the services

    industry but not in the manufacturing industry

    75-77 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    The urge to dance is one of the most powerful of human instincts. Nearly all dances from antiquity to the 19th century , had one important common characteristic. They alternated between collective movements and solo twins, in which every dancer or couple in succession would become the centre of attention and then merge back into the crowd. Thus dancing expressed both the communal and the individualistic impulse of humanity, holding the two in delicate balance to the benefit of a healthy society.

    75. The passage emphasises that dancing ____. A) is generously regarded as a professional

    occupation B) has always been a most powerful urge for a

    person C) only goes back to the nineteenth century D) has always been a group activity E) has changed dramatically over the centuries

    76. According to the passage, through most of the history of dancing ____.

    A) it has been individual talent which has inspired new models

    B) there has been surprisingly little in the way of innovation

    C) this art has attracted very little attention D) it is the female solo dancer who has attracted all

    the attention E) collective and solo movement have

    characteristically alternated with each other

    77. The passage deals with ____. A) man's desire to dance, and the character and the

    effect of dancing B) the differences between dancing now and in the

    past C) the changing art of dancing since antiquity. D) the main components of a healthy society E) the advantages of collective dancing over solo



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    78-80 sorular, aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz.

    The term "Third World" is used to denote the poor nations of Africa, Asia and Latin America as opposed to the "Second World" of communist developed nations. The terminology is far from satisfactory, as there is a great social and political variation within the "Third World". Indeed, there are some countries where extreme poverty prevails, and these could be regarded as a "fourth" group.

    78. The terms "First", "Second", and "Third World" point to ____

    A) the different social institution of East and West.

    B) the political systems in the western world. C) political and economic groupings among

    countries. D) distinctions covering one quarter of the

    world. E) differences in educational standards

    throughout the world.

    79. According to the author, ____ A) the "Second World" includes all the poor

    nations of the world. B) the distinction between "First World" and

    "Second World" is political. C) there is a strong resemblance between the

    countries of the "First World" ant the "Third World".

    D) only the "First World" countries are developed.

    E) extreme poverty is to be found in all these four groups.

    80. The author argues that the term "Third World" ____

    A) refers only to he Asian countries. B) is synonymous with extreme poverty. C) satisfactorily describes the poor nations of

    the world. D) is not adequately descriptive. E) ought to be more widely used.

    Test Bitti...


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 28

    1-21. Sorularda bo braklan yere uygun den ifadeyi bulunuz.

    1. In the past, too, people relied on plant substances to ____ a wide range of illnesses

    A) recover B) undermine C) infect D) cure E) restrain

    2. He was discharged from hospital but was advised to return after a month for further ____ .

    A) treatment B) recovery C) admission D) diagnosis E) expansion

    3. Some women are ____ troubled with backache as they get older.

    A) relevantly B) consecutively C) continually D) sufficiently E) reluctantly

    4. A poorly-planned vegetarian diet will typically be ____ in iron, zinc and calcium.

    A) unhealthy B) deficient C) varied D) nutritious E) essential

    5. I don't know how the nurse ____ the constant demands of that elderly patient.

    A) thinks over B) changes over C) turns on D) wakes up E) puts up with

    6. As he has taken those antibiotics, it will be very difficult to ____ just what the problem is.

    A) turn up B) give up C) put down D) find out E) look up

    7. The brain and spinal cord ____ the central nervous system.

    A) stand for B) turn down C) make up D) get on E) count on

    8. Before Alexander Fleming ____ penicillin, a great many people ____ of meningitis.

    A) has discovered / would die B) discovered / died C) will discover / have died D) would discover / died E) was discovering / were dying


    Bu testte cevaplayacanz soru says 80dir. nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 29

    9. When the new hospital ____ in March, you ____ one of the first patients to be admitted.

    A) opened / have been B) will open / will be C) has opened / can have been D) is opening / are E) opens / will be

    10. Don't take him into the operating room until the anaesthetist ____ you to.

    A) tells B) will tell C) tell D) can tell E) told

    11. Of all the medicines we have tested, this is obviously ____ effective.

    A) Much B) More C) less D) a little E) the most

    12. The nurse claimed that it wasn't ____ responsibility but the doctor's.

    A) hers B) herself C) theirs D) her E) himself

    13. If you had followed the doctor's advice, you ____ a complete recovery by this time.

    A) would make B) would have made C) had made D) will make E) were making

    14. ____ she gave up smoking, she has enjoyed the best of health.

    A) Although B) If C) Since D) For E) When

    15. Millions of children in these third world countries will suffer and die ____ these infectious diseases remain uncontrolled.

    A) if B) unless C) as soon as D) however E) so as

    16. He was advised not to discontinue this medicine ____ this might bring a recurrence of the complaint.

    A) so that B) despite C) until D) as E) due to

    17. The patient was not satisfied ____ the treatment he received.

    A) on B) for C) of D) from E) with

    18. Be sure ____ take a look ____ the article on infant mortality rates.

    A) in / of B) to / at C) of / for D) for / up E) by / from


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 30

    19. AIDS is a disease ____ has given rise to much speculation.

    A) whom B) whose C) what D) which E) who

    20. A lot of people want to become surgeons but ____ make the grade.

    A) few B) not much C) very little D) any E) all

    21. A drug of this kind is ____ dangerous to be sold without a prescription.

    A) as B) just C) too D) so E) enough

    22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin Trke dengini bulunuz.

    22. Nobody really knows very much about the causes of sleeplessness, but everyone knows how necessary sleep is.

    A) Uykusuzluun ne olduunu bilenlerin says ok olmasa da herkes buna kar ne yapmak gerektiini bilir.

    B) Uykusuzluun nedenlerini bilen pek fazla kimse yoktur, ancak bunlar bilmek herkes iin gereklidir.

    C) Uykusuzluun nedenleri hakknda kimse aslnda fazla bir ey bilmez, ama herkes uykunun ne kadar gerekli olduunu bilir.

    D) Uykusuzluun asl nedenini bilenlerin says ok olmasa da herkes buna kar bireyler yapmak gerektiini bilir.

    E) Uykusuzluun nedenlerini kimse fazla aratrmad halde, herkes uykunun gerekli olduunu sanyor.

    23. While modern practice in patient care is the central theme of the education programme, considerable stress is placed on research and teaching in all fields related to health.

    A) Eitim programnn ana konusu hasta bakmnda modern uygulama olduu halde salkla ilgili tm alanlarda aratrma ve retime de gerek vardr.

    B) Hasta bakmnda eitim programnn ana konusunu modern uygulama oluturmasna ramen, salkla ilgili her alanda aratrma ve retime de yer verilmektedir.

    C) Eitim programnn ana konusu hasta bakmnda modern uygulama olmakla birlikte, aratrmaya da olduka nem verilmekte ve salkla ilgili her alanda retim srdrlmektedir.

    D) Bir yandan eitim programnn ana konusu olarak hasta bakmnda modern uygulama srdrlrken, te yandan salkla ilgili tm alanlarda aratrma ve retimin nemi de yerine gre gereince vurgulanmaktadr.

    E) Eitim programnn ana konusu hasta bakmnda modern uygulama olmakla birlikte salkla ilgili her alanda aratrma ve retime olduka nem verilmektedir.

    24. With the aid of advanced technology, forensic medicine is now contributing greatly to crime detection.

    A) Gnmzde adli tp,ileri teknolojinin yardmyla, sularn belirlenmesinde byk katk salamaktadr.

    B) Bugn adli tpta, ileri teknolojiden yararlanld iin, sularn belirlenmesinde byk baar salanabilmektedir.

    C) leri teknolojiden yararlanan adli tp gnmzdeki su trlerine ilikin nemli veriler salamaktadr.

    D) Adli tp, sularn belirlenmesinde salad byk gelimeyi bugnn ileri teknolojisine borludur.

    E) Adli tbbn sular belirlemede salad baarda gnmzdekiileri teknolojinin katks byktr.

    25. When there are outbreaks of cholera or typhoid, it is necessary to take such precautions as the boiling of drinking water.

    A) Kolera ve tifo salgnlarn nlemek iin alnacak en iyi nlem ime suyunu kaynatmaktr.

    B) Tifo ve kolera gibi salgnlarda, suyu kaynatarak imek alnmas gereken bir nlemdir.

    C) me suyunu kaynatmak, kolera ve tifo salgnlarnda alnmas gereken ilk nlemlerden biridir.

    D) Kolera ve tifo salgnlarna kar alnmas gereken ilk nlem, ime suyunun kaynatlarak iilmesidir.

    E) Kolera ve tifo salgnlar olduunda, ime suyunun kaynatlmas gibi nlemler alnmas gerekir.


    0 222 233 99 66 Dier sayfaya geiniz. 31

    26. Experts also argue that children born to older women risk having weaker immune systems.

    A) Uzmanlar bu arada, ileri yataki kadnlardan doan ouklarda baklk sisteminin zayf olmas eklinde bir riskin bulunmadn ne sryorlar.

    B) Uzmanlarn tarttklar konulardan biri de baklk sistemi zayf kadnlarn ocuk dourmalarnn riskli olup olmaddr.

    C) Uzmanlar ayrca, ileri yataki kadnlardan doan ocuklarn daha zayf baklk sistemine sahip olma riskiyle kar karya olduunu ne sryorlar.

    D) Uzmanlar ayrca, baklk sistemleri zayf olmadka yal kadnlarn ocuk dourmalarnn riskli olmad grndeler.

    E) Uzmanlar bunun dnda, yalandka kadnlarn baklk sistemlerinin zayfladn ve ocuk dourmalarnn daha riskli olduunu ne sryorlar.

    27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin ngilizce dengini bulunuz. 27. Kusursuz dilere sahip olmann

    gerekten ok byk bir ayrcalk olduunu hi dndnz m?

    A) Have you ever happened to meet anyone with really perfect teeth?

    B) Would you agree that it is a really great pleasure to have perfect teeth?

    C) Do you realise how lucky you are to have such perfect teeth?

    D) Has it ever occurred to you that it is really a great privilege to have perfect teeth?

    E) Do you think that people with perfect teeth actually realise how fortunate they are?

    28. Ar kesici ve ate drc niteliklerinden dolay yaygn olarak kullanlan aspirin bile mide ve ince barsaklarda kanamaya neden olabilir.

    A) The widespread use of aspirin for its pain relieving and fever reducing qualities has led to an increase of cases of bleeding in the stomach and small intestine.

    B) Even though aspirin can cause bleeding in the stomach and small intestine, it is still widely used for the relief of pain and for bringing down the temperature.

    C) Since aspirin causes bleeding in the stomach and small intestine, it is being used less to control pain and fever.

    D) Aspirin is widely used to relieve pain and bring down fewer even though it may cause bleeding in the stomach and small intestine.

    E) Even aspirin, widely used for its pain relieving and fever reducing qualities, can cause bleeding in the stomach and small intestine.

    29. almalar gsteriyor ki insanlar ne kadar ok protein alrlarsa, idrarlarnda o kadar ok kalsiyum atlyor.

    A) Research shows that the lack of protein in the diet leads to the over-excretion of calcium.

    B) Studies show that the more protein people take in, the more calcium is excreted in the urine.

    C) The project is designed to show that there is a relationship between the amount of protein eaten and the amount of calcium in the urine.

    D) Research has shown that people are eating more protein and excreting more calcium.

    E) According to the study, more people are taking in protein to increase the amount of calcium in the urine.

    30. Tiroit bezi en nemli organlardan biri olduu halde, ou kimse onun vcudun neresinde olduunu bilmez.

    A) Although the thyroid gland is one of the most important organs, most people dont know in which part of the body it is.

    B) Even though the thyroid gland is such an important organ in the body, most people dont know what it does.

    C) Since most people dont realise how important the thyroid gland is, they dont know where it is.

    D) Many people dont seem to understand that the thyroid gland in their body is an organ of great importance.

    E) Despite the importance of the thyroid gland in the working of the body, many people dont even realise that they have one.

    31. Yksek ate, her zaman durumun ciddi olduu anlamna gelmez, ama yine de bir hekime bavurmaldr.

    A) It is not necessary to consult a doctor every time there is a high temperature but no other symptoms.

    B) A high temperature invariably suggests that something is seriously wrong and that a doctor should be called.

    C) A high temperature does not always mean that the situation is serious but still a doctor should be consulted.

    D) A high temperature usually indicates a serious condition and the advisability of consulting a doctor.

    E) The doctor advised us to call him at once if the temperature rose indicating something serious.


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    32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

    32. Dr. Hall's secretary wanted to know ____ A) unless the pain got worse B) if I had an appointment C) that he is feeling better D) so the medicine was having bad side-effects E) whether I will take another course of


    33. Dr. Martin took his students to see the patient ____

    A) if he had an open heart operation B) that he was coughing badly C) who had made such a good recovery D) unless he was given the right medicine E) whoever he is treating

    34. There was no one but the anaesthetist there ____

    A) unless the operation was cancelled B) if the surgeon required more C) and so were the nurses D) though it's already nine o'clock E) when we arrived

    35. Dr Douglas won't operate until tomorrow ____

    A) unless the case proves to be particularly urgent

    B) so that he is seriously ill C) if some help him D) that he has made an appointment E) when he would talk to him privately

    36. They didn't operate on him ____ A) unless they have to B) until they had got the results of the tests C) if they think it's necessary D) so he was 7 years old E) while his blood pressure has been so high

    37. After he had lost five kilos ____. A) he looked and felt much better B) he tends to discontinue his diet after a short

    while C) this is the most effective diet he has come

    across D) he had started to go a fitness centre E) he will have achieved his goal

    38. However qualified the young surgeon may be ____.

    A) his appointment was approved by the Board B) they have already promoted him C) his colleagues always admire him greatly D) he will have to be on probation for some

    time E) he had carried out his studies at a top

    medical school

    39. ____ whether or not the patient will respond to his treatment.

    A) The only advice I can give you is B) Naturally the doctors have diagnosed C) It is still too early to say D) Various forms of therapy have been

    recommended E) It is felt that an injection should have been


    40. ____ whose diagnosis turned out to be correct.

    A) There's still no information B) That's the doctor C) Several doctors are of the same opinion D) Their advice seems to be the best E) There's still a question

    41. ____ as soon as they get him into the ambulance.

    A) We were still waiting for the news of him B) It was your job to find out C) His condition deteriorated rapidly D) Be sure to give me a call E) The situation has proved urgent


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    42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan yere uygun den ifadeyi bulunuz.

    42. Developments in the field of anaesthesia have been remarkably rapid. Now it is sometimes possible to grant the patient his choice as to type of anaesthesia. Often, however, a certain kind of anesthesia better suited to a particular operation ______.

    A) In such cases the actual choice of technique should be left to the anaesthetist and the surgeon.

    B) As anaesthesia is complicated field of study it requires a full knowledge of medicine.

    C) Without anaesthesia it would be impossible for a surgeon to operate successfully.

    D) However, there is still a great shortage of trained anaesthetists, especially in developing countries.

    E) In the past, anaesthesia was not regarded as a field of medical study.

    43. Many patients need special diets. _____. In their diet, vegetables and dairy products should be given preference. Only very small quantities of fat, sugar and salt are permitted.

    A) Patients with heart disease, however, can eat everything.

    B) For instance, people with diabetes have to be very careful about what they eat.

    C) However, very few patients keep their diets. D) The elderly are one big exception. E) Most hospitals take special care of their

    patients' diets.

    44. Although doctors do not know all the causes of high blood pressure, they kn