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Yuletide Because Yule (or Jl) is 12 nights long, beginning with the night of the Winter Solstice, this Greater Ht ritual will actually consist of three rituals to be held during the twelve nights. They are Mother Night, Middle-Night, and 12thNight. Some groups do all three rituals in the same night or space it over a weekend. Mother Night(The Journey of Sunna): This is the longest night of the year, where Sunna takes her longest journey with the wolf, Skll close behind her trying to devour her. The satr sacrifice for her safe return. This ritual is to be conducted at sunset. A. Helga 1. Calling of the Folk (A blowing horn is blown 3 times.) 2. Lighting of the Need-Fire The Goi says, By the holy gods of our folk, we kindle the fires of creation! Let fire be quickened by flame and may the sacred flame of our folk, which forever burns, radiate in Migar! then lights the bonfire, candle, or glker. B. Frn 1. Declaration of Ht The Goi says, We now enter the Yuletide of our folk! Hail to Mother Night! From the years dark end comes a brighter beginning! Hail to these days and nights, for the gods and our ancestors hear us more clearly through the mists of Life, Death, and Time. From across the Bifrst Bridge into the realms of sgar, Vanaheim, and Hel we hail! 2. Invocation The Goi says, Glorious goddess Sunna! Upon this night of your lowest stead, we gather to wish you great luck and frith for your longest journey. May the jaws of Skll never find their desire! May mighty sa- rr clear your path, and the loyal Heimdall guard your way! Hail Sunna! > The Goi says, By this flame, we hold and protect Sunnas light, hail to Sunna. (This candle or fire should be kept lit all night until dawn.) 3. Meditation/Reading 4. Presentation of Frn The Goi says, Hail to Sunna! We give to you this sacrifice for might, main, and luck! Hail to your journey! Let all who wish well come forward and speak! 5. Giving of Frn The Goi says, Sunna! Accept this gift! then sacrifices the frn All say, From the gods, to the earth, to us from us, to the earth, to the gods. A gift for a gift. At this point, the Yule-log, or Yulecandle, should be kept going all night until dawn. Be sure to do this safely! The frn should be followed by the veizla and then sumble. Come dawn, the folk should gather in the first morning light and all recite the Greeting Sunna, given in chapter 7, together. Middle-Night(Honoring of the Gods): The gods, as a whole, should be honored during this Yuletide ht. A. Helga 1. Calling of the Folk (A blowing horn is blown 3 times.) 2. Lighting of the Need-Fire The Goi says, By the holy gods of our folk, we kindle the fires of creation! Let fire be quickened by flame and may the sacred flame of our folk, which forever burns, radiate in Migar! then lights the bonfire, candle, or glker. B. Blt 1. Declaration of Ht The Goi says, We again gather during the Yuletide on this Middle-Night, to give honor and sacrifice to the gods and goddesses of our folk! We also give honor and sacrifice to our great ancestors, whose blood runs through our veins! The great wheel of our year turns, the Wild Hunt is at its peak, and our ancestors continue to, and have been, visiting us in the nights of this tide. 2. Invocation/Calling of the Gods The Goi says, From across the Bifrst Bridge, lend us your might and main in Migar, great gods and goddesses all! We call upon you to witness this blt! Come from sgar to our realm and take your seats of honor! Hail the Gods! Hail the Goddesses! 3. Meditation/Reading > 4. Sanctifying of Sacrifice The sacrificial animal is brought forth, with reverence. The Goi then holds high a representation of Mjllnir and says, By the primordial essences of Fire & Ice, mighty sa-rr, hallow and bless this sacred beast! Then pass the hammers headover the sacrificial animal. At this point, the Goi says, May any who desire to wish our warded traveler well, you may do so now. The assembled folk, one at a time, may step forward and lay a hand on the animal and say a few words, thank it for its sacrifice, or to wish it a good journey. It may be asked to deliver a message. But such should NEVER be DEMANDED. 5. Sacrifice In a gentle fashion, any handlers should step forward and assist. The Goi then steps forward and appropriately sacrifices (the usual method being by bleeding) the animal after saying, Great Gods of sgar, accept our gift. Another person, preferablya woman, should hold the hlautbolli to catch the sacrificial blood. 6. Rau/Blessings to the Folk The Goi then takes the hlautteinar, drips them into the hlautbolli, and sprinkles the folk lightly while saying, May the blessings of the gods be upon you. The hlautbolli is then handed to the Goi and it is held high over the harrow and the assembled folk say, From the gods, to the earth, to us from us, to the earth, to the gods. The Goi then pours the contents onto the harrow, if it is an outdoor stone type. If it is a temporary or movable altar, a designated ground space should be chosen. The assembled folk may then cheer loudly.The folk should then prepare the veizla from the sacrificial animal, hold the feast, and then sumble accordingly, as usual protocol suggests. 12thNight-(The New Year!): On this last night of Yuletide, the three main gods associated with Yule by our ancestors are honored (inn, rr, and Frey), wishes and oaths are made; and the Yule-wreath is burned. Before the ritual, people should write a short, simple wish they have for the coming year in runes on a piece of ribbon and tie it to the Yule-wreath. This ritual is more appropriateand impressive at night, in my opinion, with a bonfire used as the Need-Fire. A. Helga 1. Calling of the Folk (A blowing horn is blown 3 times.) 2. Lighting of the Need-Fire The Goi says, By the holy gods of our folk, we kindle the fires of creation! Let fire be quickened by flame and may the sacred flame of our folk, which forever burns, radiate in Migar! then lights the bonfire, candle, or glker. B. Frn 1. Declaration of Ht The Goi says, We now end the Yuletide of our folk! From across the Bifrst Bridge into the realms of sgar, Vanaheim, and Hel we hail! The Wild Hunt is at its last night, Sunna and the sun are at full strength once again, and our folk are revitalized for the coming year! We now bring forth and hail the New Year! 2. Invocation/Calling of the Gods The Goi says, By the gallop of the horse, the bristles of the boar, and the charge of the chariot, we call the Jlnar forth! Mighty inn, master of inspiration and magic! Red rr, warder of Migar and friend of mankind! Ingvi-Frey, god of wealth, fertility, and frith! We honor you all on this 12th Night! Come and be honored by your folk! Hail inn! Hail rr! Hail Frey! 3. Meditation/Reading 4. Presentation of Frn The Goi says, Hail to inn, rr, and Frey! We give to you this sacrifice for might, main, and luck! Hail to your strengths! Let all who wish well come forward and speak! 5. Giving of Frn The Goi says, Mighty inn, Red rr, and Ingvi-Frey hear these words and let words turn to deeds! Accept this gift! then places the frn(the Yule-wreath) into the bonfire. All say, From the gods, to the earth, to us from us, to the earth, to the gods. A gift for a gift. Based upon the flames of the Yule-wreath, the flames of the bonfire, and any omens prophecies may be derived. Veizla and then sumble should follow.Dsablt Dsablt is an old, traditional ht which is in honor of the Dsir. As mentioned in previous chapters, they were often worshipped in the autumn or late winter. Most satr celebrate it in mid-February. This is when the female ancestrial, or tutelary, spirits are worshipped. A. Helga 1. Calling of the Folk (A blowing horn is blown 3 times.) 2. Lighting of the Need-Fire The Goi says, By the holy gods of our folk, we kindle the fires of creation! Let fire be quickened by flame and may the sacred flame of our folk, which forever burns, radiate in Migar! then lights the bonfire, candle, or glker.B. Frn 1. Declaration of Ht The Goi says, We remember on this day/night our bonds with our elder kin, the Dsir. Dsablt reminds us of both the nurturing care and the harsh vengeance of our female ancestrial spirits. Let us not forget, and learn, from the folly of Thirandi! 2. Invocation The Goi says, Tonight (Today) we call forth from the dead, and our own blood, the holy dsir of our folk, tribes, and families! Come and honor us with your presence among us! Mighty mothers of old, we turn our thoughts, words, deeds, and hearts towards you all! Hail the Dsir! 3. Meditation/Reading 4. Presentation of Frn The Goi says, Hail to the Dsir! We give to you this sacrifice for might, main, and luck! Hail to your powers and influence! Let all who wish well come forward and speak! 5. Giving of Frn The Goi says, Great Mothers of old,beloved dsir, hear these words and let words turn todeeds! Accept this gift! then places the frn into the bonfire. All say, From the gods, to the earth, to us from us, to the earth, to the gods. A gift for a gift. Based upon the flames of the bonfire, and any omens prophecies may be derived. Veizla and then sumble should follow.stara blt This holiday occurs on the Vernal Equinox, in March, and is a celebration of the coming of spring and growth. Customs include egg painting and egg hunts, which were later adopted by Christianity since the practices could not be stopped. A. Helga 1. Calling of the Folk (A blowing horn is blown 3 times.) 2. Lighting of the Need-Fire The Goi says, By the holy gods of our folk, we kindle the fires of creation! Let fire be quickened by flame and may the sacred flame of our folk, which forever burns, radiate in Migar! then lights the bonfire, candle, or glker. B. Frn 1. Declaration of Ht The Goi says, On the day of spring, we give honorto the goddess, stara. May rr ward her way, beating back the rime thurses, for she brings forth the spring and light. 2. Invocation The Goi says, Holy stara, daughterof Delling, lady of white and golden light, and mistress of the dawn and spring. Come forth from the east, bringing sweet spring and life with you. Hail stara! 3. Meditation/Reading 4. Presentation of Frn The Goi says, Hail to stara! We sacrifice this to you for your help with bringing forth the springtide! Let all who wish well come forward and speak! 5. Giving of Frn The Goi says, Beautiful stara, goddess of the coming spring, please accept this gift! then places the frn into the bonfire. All say, From the gods, to the earth, to us from us, to the earth, to the gods. A gift for a gift.Based upon the flames of the bonfire, and any omens prophecies may be derived. Veizla and then sumble should follow.Walburga's Night/May Day As said before, some satr have associated Walburgawith the goddess Freyja in modern aspects, so they honor her and inn with elements of runic magic and seir. This ht is observed on April 30th at night. Then, in the morning, May Day folk customs are observed, like the Maypole's fertility dance, with merriment and fun. This example rituals structure is a bit different than the usual. But, of course, one may utilize the former structures or create one. In this ht, one utilizes a Vitki (rune-worker) or Seikna (Sei-worker) instead of the Goi role. Walburgas Night-A night of magic and mystery. A. Helga 1. Calling of the Folk (A blowing horn is blown 3 times.) 2. Lighting of the Need-Fire The Vitki says, By the holy gods of our folk, we kindle the fires of creation! Let fire be quickened by flame and may the sacred flame of our folk, which forever burns, radiate in Migar! then lights the bonfire and glker. B. Working & Frn 1. Declaration of Ht Vitki says, We stand in a night between the worlds. We wend the worlds and seek the mysteries of both the subjective and objective realms of being. We strengthen our hamingja, our might and main, and our spirits. 2. Invocation/Calling of the Gods Everyone chants the names of the elder FUTHARK runes, Fehu, Uruz, urisaz, Ansuz, Raio, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo, Hagalaz, Nauiz, Isa, Jera, Eihwaz, Perro, Elhaz, Sowilo, Tiwaz, Berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz, Dagaz, Oala. Vitki says, Upon this night we stand within the gates of the here and there, seeing the ends of the darktide. The Galdrafair, inn, shows us to the Lady Walburga and the mysteries of the multiverse. Hear us, inn and Freyja! We call for you to be with us on this night of magic, might, and main! Hail inn! Hail Freyja! The Vitki says, Let the flames of Walburgas fires ignite within us! And may our hamingja, our might and main, be rejuvenated! May it increase our sight along the wondrous wending roads of the gods. The participants then begin to dance/move around the bonfire for luck and might. At times, to increase their hamingja, they may leap over or through the flames. When folks feel they have entered a trance-like, or state of energy, they may sit back. Once all have sat down, theypass wooden tines to each other. 3. Working The participants then carve a runeor multiple runes upon their tines. The Vitki recites the portion of the Hvamlconcerning inns ordeal from the Poetic Edda, then joins them. When all are finished they all chant the ALU runic formula nine times. (I would suggest utilizing Edred Thorssons book & tape, RuneSongor the more basic, FUTHARKto help prepare.) 4. Presentation of Frn/Giving of Frn The Vitki says, Hail to the gods and goddesses of magic and luck! We give to you this sacrifice for might, main, and luck! Hail to your powers and influence! Let all who wish well come forward and speak! 5. Closing The Vitki recites;Runes wilt thou find and read the staves, very strong staves, very stalwart staves, which the mighty theal colored and the magical gods made and Hropt of the gods carved them. inn among the sir, and for the Ljslfar, Din, Dvalinn for the Svartlfar, svidh for the Etins, I carves some for myself. Knowest how to write, knowest how to read? Knowest how to redden, knowest how to bring about? Knowest how to bid, knowest how to bless? Knowest how to send forth, knowest how to put to sleep? All say, From the gods, to the earth, to us from us, to the earth, to the gods. A gift for a gift. Based upon the flames of the bonfire, and any omens prophecies may be derived. Veizla andthen sumble should follow. Also, if felt appropriate, having a Sei-worker perform a service to the community gathered would be appropriate later in the evening. May-Day-The day arrives with the light and joy of life. One may do a blt or frn, though it isnt absolutely necessary. But something that shouldhappen is the group should have a lot of fun. A Maypole should be set up and danced around. Field games and contests should be played and other entertaining enjoyments should be indulged in to celebrate Life & Light. Have a BBQ, enjoy the outside!Misummer Blt Misummer Blt is a traditional, Greater Ht, (during the Summer Solstice, around June 21st) which honors the summer and all of the gods and goddesses collectively. Again, this is because of the reason that all of the gods and goddesses should beworshipped together is due to a myth given to us by Saxo Grammaticus Saxonis Gesta Danorun. Great bonfires, feasts, and games should occur! A. Helga 1. Calling of the Folk (A blowing horn is blown 3 times.) 2. Lighting of the Need-Fire The Goi says, By the holy gods of our folk, we kindle the fires of creation! Let fire be quickened by flame and may the sacred flame of our folk, which forever burns, radiate in Migar! then lights the bonfire, candle, or glker. B. Blt 1. Declaration of Ht The Goi says, We gather at this noon-tide of Misummer, to give honor and sacrifice to the gods and goddesses of our folk! We also give honor and sacrifice to our great ancestors, whose blood runs through our veins! The great wheel of our year turns, the sun is at its peak, and our ancestors continue to give us great wisdom. 2. Invocation/Calling of the Gods The Goi says, From across the Bifrst Bridge, lend us your might and main in Migar, great gods and goddesses all! We call upon you to witness this blt! Come from sgar to our realm and take your seats of honor! Hail the Gods! Hail the Goddesses! 3. Meditation/Reading > 4. Sanctifying of Sacrifice The sacrificial animal is brought forth, with reverence. The Goi then holds high a representation of Mjllnir and says, By the primordial essences of Fire & Ice, mighty sa-rr, hallow and bless this sacred beast! Then pass the hammers headover the sacrificial animal. At this point, the Goi says, May any who desire to wish our warded traveler well, you may do so now. The assembled folk, one at a time, may step forward and lay a hand on the animal and say a few words, thank it for its sacrifice, or to wish it a good journey. It may be asked to deliver a message. But such should NEVER be DEMANDED. 5. Sacrifice In a gentle fashion, any handlers should step forward and assist. The Goi then steps forward and appropriately sacrifices (the usual method being by bleeding) the animal after saying, Great Gods of sgar, accept our gift. Another person, preferablya woman, should hold the hlautbolli to catch the sacrificial blood. 6. Rau/Blessings to the FolkThe Goi then takes the hlautteinar, drips them into the hlautbolli, and sprinkles the folk lightly while saying, May the blessings of the gods be upon you. The hlautbolli is then handed to the Goi and it is held high over the harrow and the assembled folk say, From the gods, to the earth, to us from us, to the earth, to the gods. The Goi then pours the contents onto the harrow, if it is an outdoor stone type. If it is a temporary or movable altar, a designated ground space should be chosen. The assembled folk may then cheer loudly. The folk should then prepare the veizla from the sacrificial animal. Baldurs Dirge-This should be done at sunset. Gather the folk together by a fire, and all sit around. Someone should read, Baldrs Draumarfrom the Poetic Edda. Once read, place a straw representation of Baldr in his funeral boat upon the fire. All should wish him well journey. Then, as this more informal frn burns, all should contemplate life and lust-for-life to bring things into perspective. Then, the festivities should begin again. The veizla and then sumble accordingly, as usual protocol suggests should be held.ings Tide ings Tide is a modern holiday based upon old heathen, Icelandic influences concerning their Alingi which was held in August. Many groups use this ht as a time to honor Tr (being a god of law, order, self-sacrifice, and community), a time to make large, group internal decisions, and a time to settle disputes. A. Helga 1. Calling of the Folk (A blowing horn is blown 3 times.) 2. Lighting of the Need-Fire The Goi says, By the holy gods of our folk, we kindle the fires of creation! Let fire be quickened by flame and may the sacred flame of our folk, which forever burns, radiate in Migar! then lights the bonfire, candle, or glker. B. Frn 1. Declaration of Ht The Goi says, By the strength, might, and main of Tr, we all gather here as men and women, gods and goddesses to hold our holy ings Tide. We look out for our community, our innangars, and the folk. 2. Invocation The Goi stands in the shape of the Tiwaz rune and says, Great One-Handed God, valiant Tr, we ask you to come forth from your stronghold within the Irminsl! God of war, god of justice, lord of law hear us! Hail Tr! 3. Meditation/Reading 4. Presentation of Frn The Goi says, Valiant, courageous Tr! We sacrifice this to you for your help with bringing forthright justice and fair law upon our tribe (kindred/fellowship/etc.)! Help and watch over this ing with approval! Let all who wish well come forward and speak! 5. Giving of Frn The Goi says, Tr! Accept this gift! then sacrifices the frn All say, From the gods, to the earth, to us from us, to the earth, to the gods. A gift for a gift. At this point, the ing should commence. I would recommend Jesse Byocks book, Viking Age Iceland. First, the Lawspeaker (or appointedlawspeaker for that time) should begin by reciting the law of your group, tribe, kindred, fellowship, etc. This can be the bylaws, Statement of Principles, or even the groups creed, etc. Any suggested changes for the group should be suggested, debated upon, and then voted on. Then any personal grievances should be brought forth and resolved. Once all business is finished the Lawspeaker should call the ing ended. If agreed, the Lawspeaker says, By might, right action, and the wisdom of Tr, this ing is now ended! Let us all leave with pure hearts and conscious! Veizla and sumble should follow, as usual.Freyfaxi/Harvest Blt Freyfaxi blt is sometimes referred to as Harvest blt, this modern ht is in honor of Freyr, a god of fertility, agriculture, and harvest. It occurs during the Autumn Equinox (around Sept. 23rd) and is named after a horse of the same name kept by a Freysgoi named Hrafnkell. At this ht, it is important to keep all weapons, or edged blades, out of the v (roped off enclosure) unless this is a blt proper. Then, the only edged blade should be for the sacrifice itself (I would suggest using possibly a very sharp sickle.). Otherwise, keep a small table outside the v for personsto leave their weapons, etc. Suggestions I have is to try to have as much as the food eaten come from a local farm, or farmers market, as you can. (It is even better if folks attending made or grew it themselves.) Perhaps brewing beer (or mead) or making bread could also be a fun activity. A. Helga 1. Calling of the Folk (A blowing horn is blown 3 times.) 2. Lighting of the Need-Fire The Goi says, By the holy gods of our folk, we kindle the fires of creation! Let fire be quickened by flame and may the sacred flame of our folk, which forever burns, radiate in Migar! then lights the bonfire, candle, or glker. B. Blt 1. Declaration of Ht The Goi says, We gather on this Freyfaxi and Harvest, to give honor and sacrifice to Ingvi-Freyr! Now, we reap what we have sown. The bounties of life and deeds are here for us to take. We give thanks and contemplate our nourishments and hard works.

2. Invocation/Calling of the Gods The Goi (if possible holding deer antlers in his/her hands) says, From across Ginnungagap, into Vanaheim and Ljslfheim we call the Lord of the Ljslfar! Come Ingvi-Freyr, take your seat of honor and join us in our harvest! We thank you for the bounty! Hail Freyr! 3. Meditation/Reading 4. Sanctifying of Sacrifice The sacrificial animal is brought forth, with reverence. The Goi then holds high a representation of Mjllnir and says, By the primordial essences of Fire & Ice, mighty sa-rr, hallow and bless this sacred beast! Then pass the hammers headover the sacrificial animal. At this point, the Goi says, May any who desire to wish our warded traveler well, you may do so now. The assembled folk, one at a time, may step forward and lay a hand on the animal and say a few words, thank it for its sacrifice, or to wish it a good journey. It may be asked to deliver a message to Freyr. But, such should NEVER be DEMANDED. 5. Sacrifice In a gentle fashion, any handlers should step forward and assist. The Goi then steps forward and appropriately sacrifices (the usual method being by bleeding) the animal after saying, Lord of the Ljslfar! Mighty Ingvi-Freyr, accept our gift! Another person, preferably a woman, should hold the hlautbolli to catch the sacrificial blood. 6. Rau/Blessings to the Folk The Goi then takes the hlautteinar, drips them into the hlautbolli, and sprinkles the folk lightly while saying, May the blessings of Ingvi-Freyr be upon you. The hlautbolli is then handed to the Goi and it is held high over the harrow and the assembled folk say, From the gods, to the earth, to us from us, to the earth, to the gods. The Goi then pours the contents onto the harrow, if it is an outdoor stone type. If it is a temporary or movable altar, a designated ground space should be chosen. The assembled folk may then cheer loudly. The folk should then prepare the veizla from the sacrificial animal.lfablt lfablt occurs around mid-October. The earliest reference to lfablt occurs in Austfararvisur("Verses on a Journey East") written by the poet Sighvat rdarson to describe his journeys to West Gautland in the autumn of 1080. Traditionally, it was a very private ceremony of the household or stead. Some good events could be bonfires, riddles, and making various crafts. A. Helga 1. Calling of the Folk (A blowing horn is blown 3 times.) 2. Lighting of the Need-Fire The Goi says, By the holy gods of our folk, we kindle the fires of creation! Let fire be quickened by flame and may the sacred flame of our folk, which forever burns, radiate in Migar! then lights the bonfire, candle, or glker. B. Frn 1. Declaration of Ht The Goi says, We remember on this day/night our bonds with our elder kin, the lfar. Be they the bright Ljslfar above, the Dkklfar below, or the Svartlfar of the deep below. They bring us strength, wisdom, and some of our ancestrial bindings. 2. Invocation The Goi says, Great fathers of old, we call you from bright Ljslfheim, from the ancient mounds here in Migar, and from the depths of Svartlfheim! Be you the craftsmen of the gods; our ancient ancestors of stone, wood, and earth; or of the fair ones above come and take your seats of honor this day/night! 3. Meditation/Reading 4. Presentation of Frn The Goi says, Hail to the Ljslfar! Hail to the Dkklfar! Hail to the Svartlfar! We give to you all this sacrifice for might, main, creativity, and luck! Hail to your powers, skills, and influence! Let all who wish well come forward and speak! 5. Giving of Frn The Goi says, Great lfar of our folk! Please, hear these words and let words turnto deeds! Accept this gift! then places the frn into the bonfire. All say, From the gods, to the earth, to us from us, to the earth, to the gods. A gift for a gift. Based upon the flames of the bonfire, and any omens prophecies may be derived. Veizla and then sumble should follow.Ancestor Blt This is a modern, created a ht by satr folks, which takes place in November, to commemorate their own ancestors. In this new, modern holiday participants honor and talk about their direct ancestors on a more personal level. Suggestions would be for people to bring personal family items, pictures, and tales of their direct ancestors. A. Helga 1. Calling of the Folk (A blowing horn is blown 3 times.) 2. Lighting of the Need-Fire The Goi says, By the holy gods of our folk, we kindle the fires of creation! Let fire be quickened by flame and may the sacred flame of our folk, which forever burns, radiate in Migar! then lights the bonfire, candle, or glker. B. Frn 1. Declaration of Ht The Goi says, We remember on this day/night our ancestors of blood, culture, and spirit! Our own bloodlines are a link to our past but also our path to the future. We are a piece of our ancestors reborn. We are forever linked. 2. Invocation The Goi says, Honorable ancestors, we call you to join us here in Migar from the realms of Hel, the halls of sgar, and from within our own blood! Your ascendants call for you come and take your seats of honor this day/night! Grant us your wisdom and luck! 3. Meditation/Reading 4. Presentation of Frn The Goi says, Hail to our Ancestors! Let all who bring gifts come forward. 5. Giving of Frn The Goi says, Ancestors of our blood, culture, and spirits, your ascendants honor you, and hold you dear. Accept these gifts, with honor! then everyone places their personal frns into the bonfire. All say, From the gods, to the earth, to us from us, to the earth, to the gods. A gift for a gift. Based upon the flames of the bonfire, and any omens prophecies may be derived. Veizla and then sumble should follow. That is the end of the examples of various blts and frns. I hope they were helpful.