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Transcript of memeGupta

  • 8/3/2019 memeGupta


    1. Describe your character's relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad?

    Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no?

    As far as Gupta is concerned, Ancient Egypt is his mother and his father is no one less than Amun Ra (at

    least thats what he liked to envision as a child; in this day and age he only claims Ancient Egypt). There

    is speculation as to whether or not Rome had any influence genetically on him, but regardless of that

    Gupta is not very fond of the idea and denies any possibility of it. The closest thing hes ever considered

    as a paternal figure would have to be Anubis, who has been at his side as long as he can remember. He

    sees Anubis as his guardian companion, and has learned many things from the telepathic bond they


    Gupta loves Ancient Egypt more than anything, but it feels at times like a one-sided love because from

    his birth he never had the chance to know her. She was always with the nobility (so he believed and

    rightfully so), while he was meant to wander about the country as far as his legs would take him. There

    were times when the government would find and bring him in to make sure he was cultured the same as

    other children of class (explaining his sometimes higher-than-thou attitude and abilities), but he never

    seemed to be brought where she was. Gupta doesnt think he was particularly lonely because there

    were many families and peoples he stayed with thanks to her good word, and he always justified her

    absence as the will of Heaven. Still, it did affect him greatly growing up. The quiet demeanor he is known

    for is partially due to the fact that he had trouble establishing his own identity in his beginning as a

    nation, hence the lack of personality. He would develop it much more slowly than others, but he got

    by alright. You learn more being quiet as it is.

    Ancient Egypt was his ideal when he took the mantle of nationhood, but unfortunately Gupta was never

    really able to reach this pedestal as whatever he knew of her fragmented over the years. He sometimes

    feels as though he lives in her shadow, but rather than expressing inferiority he uses it as a security

    blanket. If the outside world chooses to only see his story as his mother, than he couldnt be happier.

    While he no longer consciously yearns to see her, there are times in which he will dream like he did so

    often in his childhood days.

    2. What are your character's most prominent physical features?

    Likely his face, which seems to be set in stone. His expressions range from blank, curious, coy,

    exasperated, demonic and if youre lucky: pleased. He does not indulge these in habit, and when he

    does they arent exaggeratingly animated. Also, sometimes when he speaks you cant see his mouth

    move; hence why Gupta cannot be observed speaking.

    His ears are very sensitive. To sounds, to temperature, to whatever other stimulation you might

    throw at them. Both are self-pierced with golden studs.

    Other than that...his Ptolemy skin if that counts. He is pure Egyptian, but his skin reflects their

    complexion if and when portrayed in the anime; otherwise he is darker.

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    -Golden-brown eyes

    -Brown hair

    -[Military] Muscular, but a lean frame allows him to slip into slimming fabrics well

    -Hands are 10 inches from middle finger-tip to wrist.

    -7 inches ready

    -Size 8 sandal

    -Because he is a skin cream enthusiast, Guptas skin is incredibly smooth if he isnt made to do hard

    labor for a while.

    -Nails break easily and grow slowly/ragged, so he keeps them trimmed

    3. Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don't have any, is there a


    Nations tend to gather a number of scars, but Gupta covers the few he has well.

    4. How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive?

    He's not vain at all, he doesn't care much about how he looks. The only part he seems to care about are

    his scars, which is why he bandages the visible ones. Other than that, he doesn't really care. He has

    much better things to worry about.

    5. What's your character's ranking on the Kinsey Scale?

    David is straight, but he's very open-minded towards those who aren't. He thinks it doesn't matter so

    much who you love, as long as both parties are happy. Tel Aviv is the gay capital of the Middle East.

    6. Describe your character's happiest memory.

    Huh. His happiest memory would likely be finally gaining independence in 1948. Even though the

    happiness was short-lived, as about six minutes later, his new neighbors offered him a housewarming

    gift of a war, it was still a moment of pride and happiness. Israel was finally free of Ottomans, Brits, all of

    those. He did end up winning the war his neighbors started with him, which he refers to as his War for

    Independence, against all odds. Despite popular belief, he actually does not enjoy fighting. Any of the

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    fighting his does is in self-defense. He's surrounded by people who don't necessarily enjoy his presence.

    7. Is there one event your character would like to forget? Why?

    Honestly, as many painful and/or "bad" memories as he has- he wouldn't want to forget most of them.

    They helped him get to where he is today, they made him stronger- because that which does not kill you

    makes you stronger. He also would not want to forget the brave men and women who lost their l ives in

    many of the events I'm referring to. However, if there was one even he could choose to forget, it would

    likely be someone that went on between him and Palestine.

    8. Day of Favorites! What's your character's favorite ice cream flavor? Color? Song? Flower?

    Ice cream...probably mint chocolate chip. XD No whipped cream, David thinks that stuff tastes like

    vanilla air. He doesn't really have much of a sweet-tooth, though. He tends to like anything with mint in

    it, however.

    Color, it's blue. A medium shade of blue. Even though he tends to wear a lot of green, even when not in

    uniform, blue is his favorite color.

    Favorite song would be the national anthem, of course! It's called "Hatikvah" (lit, "The Hope"), and it

    really is a beautiful song. National anthem aside, Izzy tends to like alternative rock music. One of his

    favorites includes Eviatar Banai. Interestingly enough, he's also partial to jazz.

    As far as his favorite flower is concerned, it's the cyclamen, which is the national flower.

    9. Who does your character trust?

    Not very many people at all. David has paranoia issues, because it tends to happen when you're

    surrounded by people who wish you a slow and painful death. After everything that's happened to him,

    he doesn't really trust much of anyone. He's always on edge, and always tried to be as prepared for an

    incident as possible. However, he does have friends and people he trusts more than others, of course.

    One of these people is America/Alfred. America is one of his closest friends, and, though they do fight

    sometimes, they are good bros at the end of the day.

    Another person he has trust in is India. He's been training her to fight, and they often share military

    tactics and defense strategies. India has been one of his best friends and ally in Asia. India is also the

    most pro-Israel nation in the world. I know canon!India is male, but my friend's is girl, SO SCREW DA


    There are several others (Singapore, Canada, UK, etc), of course, but not an overwhelming amount.

    10. Can you define a turning point in your character's life? Multiples are acceptable.

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    I'm just gonna do from 1948 on. 1948 was a major turning point, clearly, since that was the year he

    gained independence after being controlled by the Ottomans, Britain, etc. That was also the year he

    fought his War for Independence. Israel managed to beat back almost the entire Arab world, much to

    everyone's surprise. Another turning point would be the Camp David Accords, in which he finally signed

    a peace treaty with Egypt, ending years of hostilities and taking one of his biggest problems out of the

    picture. Egypt still doesn't like him much, and Israel is always extremely wary of him, to say the least,

    but they aren't fighting wars against each other anymore. There are more but I'm too tired to list them,

    including the Oslo Accords, which gave Palestine self-rule in exchange for an end to the (First) Intifada.

    11. Is there an animal you equate with your character?

    The honey badger. /SHOT

    Um...probably a cat. Cats are very popular in Israel, first of all, they're kind of a thing throughout the

    Mideast. Izzy himself has one named Chaya. Cats are also smart and can be...quite terrifying when

    they're mad. Have you ever seen angry cat videos on YouTube? .__.;;

    12. How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Letters or email?

    Extremely good at it. XD Israel's a major technology country. Izzy's usually on the cutting edge of new

    technological advancements, or he's starting them himself. If there's something wrong with his laptop,

    he can just fix it himself, since he probably programmed the thing in the first place. As far as letters or

    email, it's email, of course, unless he has to be formal and write a letter. Also, he's kind of addicted to

    Facebook. One of the biggest technological innovations Israel does are weapons, however, and they're

    always coming up with new ones, and new and improved defense systems.

    Israel's also quite good with medical technology, and is trying to use new improvements in it to find a

    cure for cancer.

    [And then we get to that awkward part when I didn't feel like doing this for five days and have to do

    them all in one.]

    13. What does your character's bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of

    the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep?

    It all depends, really. The covers tend to be on the floor most of the time, I would think. Sometimes he

    just passes out in front of his laptop at the kitchen table, though. Israel doesn't sleep very well.

    14. How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold?

    Extreme heat he doesn't mind so much, seeing as he lives in the desert and it can get pretty hot. The

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    cold, he doesn't like so much, but he can deal with it. As long as he can complain sufficiently enough,

    he's good.

    15. Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl?

    He's not much of a morning person. As I mentioned before, he tends not to sleep well, so he's a bit

    groggier in the morning. It wears off after a little while. He tends to be more active at night, but if you

    throw some kind of situation at him, he'll be alert any time of the day.

    16. Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate

    ones? Cousins, Uncles, Grandfathers, Aunts, et cetera. Are there any others that your character

    practically considers a blood relative?

    Oh boy, the family goes.

    Israel's immediate family includes his mother, whom is deceased, and Palestine. The relationship with

    Palestine is, as you can imagine, not good, to say the very least. There are glimpses- fleeting moments of

    times when it looks like they can at least put up with each other, but then it collapses and they go right

    back to the way things were before. They fight all the time, and it didn't just start in 1948. Under the

    British Mandate of Palestine, as more Jews fleeing the Nazis in Europe began to come into Palestine

    (legally or not), more fighting broke out with the Arabs.

    Immediate family aside, the Middle East is kind of one, big, messed-up family where (almost) everyone

    is related in some convoluted way. Israel's cousin is Jordan, and they get along well enough, since 1994.

    Jordan's been pushing Israel to try and make peace with Palestine, but to no avail. He is the diplomat of

    the Mideast, after all. Gaza is his nephew, and to put it lightly, hate each other. As far as everyone else

    goes, they're more or less distant relations, but they don't get along.

    17. What's your character's desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy?

    It's organized in a way so that Izzycan find things. To everyone else, it looks like a mess. If you try and

    clean it, he'll never be able to find anything ever again. Don't touch his desk. It's been Izzy-organized.]]v