Strategies for Maximizing the Effectiveness of Social Media

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of Strategies for Maximizing the Effectiveness of Social Media

May 3-5, 2011LECET Information Technology Conference

Washington, DCMay 2, 2012

Strategies for Maximizing the Effectiveness of Social Media

LECET on Social Media

• LECET activity: 14 months • 2011 – 2012: Facebook & Twitter• 2012: Google+

LECET on FBOne Year Comparison

April 22, 2011 – 59 Fans April 22, 2012 – 228 Fans

+169 Fans

Facebook Engagement Rate Number of people “talking about this” / ”Likes”

LECET FB Engagement Rate on 3/16/2012 = 27.8% 56 / 201 = 0.2786 (27.8%)


Facebook’s Front Page “Talking About This” is the number of unique users who have created a “story” about a page in a seven-day period. On Facebook, stories are items that display in News Feed. Users create stories when they:

like a page post on the page wall like a post comment on a post share a post answer a question RSVP to a page’s event mention the page in a post tag the page in a photo check in at a place share a check-in deal like a check-in deal write a recommendationSource:


Average Engagement Rate is 1%


Facebook Activities Interacting with LECET Affiliates

Facebook ActivitiesInteracting with Laborers

Facebook Activities Interacting with LIUNA Regional Offices

and District Councils

Interacting with LIUNA’s Local Unions

Facebook Activities Interacting with LIUNA’s Training Funds

Facebook Activities Interacting with our Signatory

ContractorsLECET follows 53 signatory contractors on FB and/or on Twitter.

Facebook Activities LECET Facebook Polls

Facebook Activities Promoting Videos on LIUNA’s Training & Benefits

Facebook Activities Promoting LIUNA through LECET’s ads

What type of content drives the most interaction on FB?

#2: Quotations#1:Pictures


How Engaging is Your Social Media Network?

• FB is the most engaging site on the planet.

• A recent FB poll conducted by a construction marketing association, shows that Twitter is the best social media vehicle for construction.

Source: WSJ- 2/28/2012

LECET on TwitterOne Year Comparison

April 22, 2011 – 67 Followers April 22, 2012 – 303 Followers


Twitter Activities Interacting with Audience

• Review Interactions

• Thank followers for retweeting/following/mentioning

Twitter ActivitiesExpanding Our Social Network

• Review Twitter’s suggestions on who to follow and follow anyone of interest to LECET.

• Review activities tab to see who followed whom and follow anyone of interest.

Twitter ActivitiesFollowing Industry News

• Search # topics of interest• Save searches• Review saved searches on topics

of interest. • Retweet newsworthy items• Post to FB and• Post to BNS if applicable

Twitter ActivitiesFollowing Lists

• Create lists to categorize followers and people/companies of interest

• Review tweets in lists • Retweet any items of interest • Post to FB• Post to BNS if applicable

Contractors on TwitterLECET follows 53 signatory contractors on Twitter.

Following us back:

Klout is a social scoring service that measures online influence

• Online influence is the ability to drive action

• The more engaging our audience is, the more action they will drive, and the more influential we will be online.

LECET on Klout

LECET influences 177 people

Klout Scores on Twitter

If you use Firefox or Chrome, you can install the Klout add-on which will display on Twitter everyone’s social score according to Klout.

2,000 companies have now bought data from Klout to use for assessing online influence for hiring and for finding people who are

influential in their industry and area of interest.

Social Media Management Tools Maximize Efficiency• Buffer -• ifttt –• Hootsuite -• Timely -

Tools to Maximize Efficiency

Using blogging & Pinterest to bring the audience to your website



“Anyone can start a community, but it takes real talent and commitment to get people to show up and keep coming back.”

Andy Sernovitz How to start building your fan community

It’s better to have a small and engaged audience than a large network that doesn't act upon your content.