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Transcript of fifastepguidefield

  • 7/29/2019 fifastepguidefield



    Quality Concept or Football Tur

    Step by step to a

    FIFA Recommendedootball tur feld

    In recent years, ootball tur has emerged as the best alternative to

    natural tur or playing ootball. Thanks to technical enhancement o

    the products, installations and maintenance, todays ootball tur also

    meets the games highest standards. FIFA is responsible or quality

    assurance and saeguards the highest quality through its FIFA Quality

    Concept or Football Tur. The key to assuring quality is not only to

    consider the quality o the ootball tur product, but the entire instal-

    lation process. The FIFA RECOMMENDED quality mark is awarded

    when the pitch has been installed successully and assures outstanding

    pitch quality and the ultimate in comort or the player. For urther

    inormation, go to

    The ollowing step-by-step guide is aimed at helping you install your

    FIFA RECOMMENDED pitch. Please bear in mind, however, that it

    cannot replace the proessional assistance o an architect or engineer.

    The FIFA Preerred Producers would also be glad to assist and advise

    you in selecting the ideal solution. For a list o contact details, go to

    Ajax Amsterdam training center

  • 7/29/2019 fifastepguidefield


    Composition o the substrate

    The suitability o the ootball tur depends on the products compatibil-

    ity with the site and the builders requirements. It is equally important

    that the characteristics o the substrate are suitable. Ater all, a sports

    pitch requires a solid oundation.

    Except in the case o existing stadiums, we recommend that you carry

    out the ollowing checks and carry out soil-drilling tests i necessary.

    General inormation

    Is the site in question abandoned, lived on or undeveloped?

    Could the site be chemically contaminated?

    Could there be any gas pipelines?

    Topography and other actors

    What kind o geological substrate exists?

    Is the land composed o solid rock or scree?

    What type o vegetation is ound in the surrounding area?

    What is the topography o the area (e.g. a basin or a hill)?

    Where are the electricity and water connections? Has the site been


    What level o precipitation is expected?

    In the stadium

    Where are the entrances to the pitch and the

    dressing rooms situated?

    How ar is the pitch rom the stands?

    For more inormation about planning a stadium, reer to the FIFA

    manual Football Stadiums Technical recommendations and

    requirements (available at

    Choosing a ootball tur producer

    You can choose to have your FIFA RECOMMENDED ootball tur

    pitch installed either by a FIFA Preerred Producer or a FIFA licensee.

    The dierence is that FIFA Preerred Producers have the civil engineer-

    ing, project management and maintenance expertise required to

    install top-quality ootball tur pitches, and can thereore be assigned

    the role o general contractor. We recommend that you obtain several

    quotations so that you can compare products and prices. You should

    request the ollowing rom the producer:

    a product description based on your needs

    (the products must have passed the FIFA laboratory tests)

    a description o how the product will be installed

    (method statement)

    a reerence list detailing which pitches have already been installed

    using this product.

    We also recommend that you inspect a pitch that has already been

    installed using the product beore making your purchase.

    For an overview o all FIFA Preerred Producers and FIFA licensees,

    go to and

    STEP 1 STEP 2

  • 7/29/2019 fifastepguidefield


    Contract and implementation plan

    The contract should be based on a clear defnition o the expected

    quality level FIFA 1 or 2 STAR Recommended.

    Negotiate fxed prices with all parties whenever possible.

    Take the legal requirements into account,

    especially saety regulations.

    Take out all the required insurance cover in time.

    Ensure all parties agree to the details and scheduleo the installation plan.

    Ensure the ecological compatibility o your ootball tur pitch.

    Agree with the other parties involved on a sotware program or

    planning your installation.

    Agree with the other parties involved on a common plan o action

    or installing your pitch.

    Establish clear rules about liability or errors during the

    installation phase.

    Clariy all guarantee issues relating to the various tasks being

    carried out and the quality and subsequent maintenance

    o your pitch.

    STEP 3

    Installation phase and costing

    The installation phase can roughly be divided into the ollowing fve areas:



    Sub-base (E-layer, Asphalt, underground heating, surace irrigation)

    Synthetic suracing

    Installation o sport equipment (goals, bench)

    Your costing should include not only the construction phase but also

    the costs o maintaining the pitch. Use the ollowing guide when

    drawing up your plan:



    E-Layer (i desired)

    Underground heating (i desired)

    Surace irrigation (i desired)

    Synthetic Grass

    Sport equipment

    Maintenance equipment

    Running Costs/replacement costs

    STEP 4

    Oosterenk Stadium

  • 7/29/2019 fifastepguidefield


    Delivery and certifcation o the

    installed ootball tur pitch

    Draw up a list covering the points set out in the contracts and check

    each one o during fnal inspection o the installation. It is important

    to obtain a copy o the FIFA certifcate with the FIFA RECOMMENDED

    quality mark in order to ensure the quality o the installation. It is also

    vital to maintain the pitch regularly to ensure its long-term playability.

    Guidelines on how to maintain ootball tur pitches correctly can be

    downloaded at

    In addition to ensuring compliance with the contracts, it is also essen-

    tial to ensure the pitchs compliance with national and international

    requirements, e.g. the size o the pitch and its markings. The sports

    equipment used must also comply with the applicable saety regula-

    tions. In the case o international matches, this can be checked by

    reerring to the Laws o the Game. In the case o domestic competi-

    tion matches on ootball tur, it should be checked with the relevant

    member association.

    STEP 5

    Football tur feld at Queenstown Secondary School


    For detailed inormation please contact FIFA Quality Concept

    or Football Tur at the address below:

    Fdration Internationale de Football Association

    FIFA-Strasse 20 P.O. Box 8044 Zurich Switzerland

    E-Mail: Web: