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Transcript of dmm1

  • 7/29/2019 dmm1




    Dr. Hitesh Arora

    Submitted by:

    Samridhi Madaan


    ROLL NO.- 201142



  • 7/29/2019 dmm1


    A furniture Company produces three types of furniture- End Tables, sofas and Chairs. These products

    are processed in five departments- Saw Lumber, Cut Fabric, Sand, Stain and Assemble. Each chair

    and tables are produced from raw lumber only, and the sofas require lumber and fabric. Glue and

    thread are plentiful and represent a relatively insignificant cost that is included in operating expense.

    The specific requirements for each product are as follows:







    Lumber( 4350 broad


    10 board feet @ Rs.

    10/foot= Rs. 100/table

    7.5 board feet @ Rs.

    10/foot= Rs. 75

    4 board feet @ Rs.

    10/foot = Rs. 40

    Fabric(2500 yards) None 10 yards @ Rs. 17.50/

    yard= Rs. 175


    Saw lumber (280


    30 minutes 24 minutes 30 minutes

    Cut fabric (140 hours) None 24 minutes None

    Sand (280 hours) 30 minutes 6 minutes 30 minutesStain (140 hours) 24 minutes 12 minutes 24 minutes

    Assemble (700 hours) 60 minutes 90 minutes 30 minutes

    The companys direct labour expenses are Rs. 75,000 per month for the 1,540 hours of labour, at Rs.

    48.70 per hour. Based on current demand, the firm can sell 300 end tables, 180 sofas and 400 chairs

    per month. Sales prices are Rs. 400 for end tables, Rs. 750 for sofas and Rs. 240 for chairs. Assume

    that labour cost is fixed and the firm does not plan to hire or fire any employees over the next


    a. What is the most limiting resource to the furniture company?b. Determine the product mix needed to maximize the profit at the furniture company. What is

    the optimal number of end tables, sofas and chairs to produce each month?

    c. What is the impact of shadow prices?

  • 7/29/2019 dmm1



    Defining X1 as the number of end tables,

    X2 as the number of sofas,

    and X3 as the number of chairs to produce each month.

    Profit is calculated as the revenue for each item minus the cost of materials (lumber and fabric)

    minus the cost of labour.

    Since each labour is fixed, we subtract this (Rs. 75,000) out as a total sum.

    Mathematically we have,

    Materials used Cost of End Tables Cost Of Sofas Cost of Chairs

    Lumber 100 75 40

    Fabric 0 175 0

    Total Cost 100 250 40

    Sales 400 750 240

    Profit 300 500 200

    Profit is calculated as follows:

    Profit = 400X1 + 750X2 +240X3 75,000

    We have to maximise the profit (Z).

    Constraints are the following:

    Lumber availability

    10X1 + 7.5X2 + 4X3

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    Assemble availability

    1X1 + 1.5X2 + 0.5X3

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    Now we will solve the table in Excel using data solver:

    Step 1: here we will get the initial values. Wherein we get the number of sofas to be produced which

    is 180 and the profit is Rs. 15,000.

    End Tables Sofas chairs Total Limit

    Changing cells 0 180 0

    Profit 300 500 200 15000

    Lumber 10 7.5 4 1350 4350

    Fabric 0 10 0 1800 2500

    Saw 0.5 0.4 0.5 72 280

    cut table 0 0.4 0 72 140

    Sand 0.5 0.1 0.5 18 280

    Strain 0.4 0.2 0.4 36 140

    Assemble 1 1.5 0.5 270 700Table Demand 1 0 300

    Sofa Demand 1 180 180

    Chair Demand 1 0 400

    Step 2: Again by using solver we get the final values where our profit is Rs. 93,000.

    End Tables Sofas Chairs Total Limit

    Changing cells 260 180 0

    Profit 300 500 200 93000

    Lumber 10 7.5 4 3950 4350

    Fabric 0 10 0 1800 2500

    Saw 0.5 0.4 0.5 202 280

    cut table 0 0.4 0 72 140

    Sand 0.5 0.1 0.5 148 280

    Strain 0.4 0.2 0.4 140 140

    Assemble 1 1.5 0.5 530 700

    Table Demand 1 260 300

    Sofa Demand 1 180 180Chair Demand 1 0 400

    Final Result: After solving the problem we get final values as follows:

    Maximum profit which can be earned is Rs. 93,000.

    Cell Name Original Value Final Value

    $E$5 Profit Total 93000 93000

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    End table 260 units

    Sofas 180 units

    And we are not producing Chairs, i.e. number of chairs is zero.

    Cell Name Original Value Final Value

    $B$4 Changing cells End Tables 260 260

    $C$4 Changing cells Sofas 180 180

    $D$4 Changing cells chairs 0 0


    Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack

    $E$7 Lumber Total 3950 $E$7

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    Revenue for each table can range from Rs1000 (Rs. 300+ Rs. 700) to Rs. 200 (Rs. 300- Rs.100).

    Here, the value for 1E+30 is a very large number, especially infinity.


    Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable

    Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease

    $F$7 Lumber Total 3950 0 4350 1E+30 400

    $F$8 Fabric Total 1800 0 2500 1E+30 700

    $F$9 Saw Total 202 0 280 1E+30 78

    $F$10 cut table Total 72 0 140 1E+30 68

    $F$11 Sand Total 148 0 280 1E+30 132

    $F$12 Strain Total 140 749.9999992 140 16 104

    $F$13 Assemble Total 530 0 700 1E+30 170

    $F$14 Table Demand


    260 0 300 1E+30 40

    $F$15 Sofa Demand


    180 350.0000006 180 70 80

    $F$16 Chair Demand


    0 0 400 1E+30 400

    Since the shadow prices of Lumber, Fabric, Saw and cut table is zero, there will be no impact of its

    increase or decrease in the profit margin.

    Also, the shadow price of strain is 749.99, it shows we can increase the profit by this amount just by

    employing one additional unit of Strain. But the strain is fully utilised thus there will be no impact of

    its increase in the profit.

    The limiting resource in the production process is straining capacity; we can take benefit of the

    allowable increase which is 16 hours to increase our profits as 1 hour increase in strain would

    increase the profit by Rs. 749.99.

  • 7/29/2019 dmm1



    1. For question, Operation Management For Competitive Advantage, Richards B. Chase and F.Jacob, Tata McGraw Hill

    2. For excel formula,