Search results for Pycon APAC 2013 closing

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1. Python プロダクトを活用した 開発チーム運営 in PyCon APAC 2013 株式会社ALBERT @iktakahiro 2013-09-14 2. Agenda •ALBERTの開発環境の紹介 •Pythonプロダクト活用事例…

1.How to Integrate Python into a Scala Stack to Build Realtime Predictive Models Jerry Chou Lead Research Engineer [email protected] 2. Stories Beforehand • Product pivoted…

1. 如何用 grs 擷取台灣 上市股票股價資訊 Toomore / PyCon APAC 2014 2014/5/18 1 2. Toomore Chiang Pinkoi Python Parselmouth COSCUP2012、2013 PyConTW 2013 2…

1. Django a modo mio: makosafare + Alessandro Dentella 2. Avviso ai naviganti Non sono un esperto web nè un teorico Presento 'jungle', l' intepretazione di…

Google App Engine â Dev Zen Renzo Nuccitelli [email protected] Construir um app sozinho Somente Python Pouca configuração Sem preocupação com infra Sem preocupação…

Solving Logical Puzzles with Natural Language Processing Pycon-India 2015 by Ashutosh Trivedi Founder, bracketPy Pycon-India-2015 The NLP Story I know Natural…

Closing Cockpit 28.01.2016 1 SAP Closing Cockpit Closing Cockpit  Ein erster Schritt zur Einhaltung von GRC Richtlinien sind Ansätze zur Beschleunigung… Kommentarframework für Plone2. Some time ago ... 3. Viele verschiedene Erweiterungen 4. BarcelonaBarcelona 5. Distributed Agile 6. Kommentarsystem?…

1.那些年Python攻佔GIS The Year Python Takes Over GIS鄧東波 Dongpo Deng 中央研究院資訊科學研究所﹠胡崇偉 marr, Tsung Wei Hu中央研究院人文社會科學中心PyCon…

1.PyCon Taiwan Report2012-06-29 BPStudy #58Takanori Suzuki2. Who am I(お前誰よ)• 鈴木 たかのり/ Takanori Suzuki• Twitter: @takanory••…

파이썬: 내다보기 파이썬: 내다보기 PyCon Korea 2015 서상현 2015-08-29 컴퓨터 언어란 사람이 컴퓨터와 서로 대화하는 데 필요한 언어이다.…

1. Pythonによる文章自動生成入門! Python×自然言語処理×ディープラーニング The Automatic Text Generation by using NLP & DL with Python Pycon…

U K R A I N E P Y T H O N U S E R G R O U P P Y C O N U K R A I N E ⢠2010 - ~300 participants ⢠2011 - ~350 participants ⢠2012 - ~350 participants ⢠2014 -…

APAC - Santa Luzia APAC - Santa Luzia 114 115 Prisão Aberta O termo Prisão Aberta refere-se a uma proposta de modificação da gestão do meio prisional. De início,…

1. Technology that underlie PyCon JP PyCon JP 2014 Lightning Talk / 2014 Sep 14 Takanori Suzuki 2. Who am I(お前誰よ) 鈴木 たかのり / Takanori Suzuki PyCon JP 2014…

1. PyCon 2012 紀行 2012/04/14 Sat. t2y2012年4月14日土曜日 2. お前、誰よ 森本 哲也 (もりもと てつや) Python プログラミングが好きです Twitter:…

1.PyCon JP Sprints2. Development Sprints• Date: September 17(Mon, National holiday)• Time: 10:00-18:00• Venue: Room 351a, 357, 358• Admission Free / 入場無料…

1. WSGI A resposta para a questão definitiva sobre Python, a web e tudo mais? 2. Humberto DiógenesPalestras e MinicursosPython developerevangelist Python, TurboGears e…