Search results for Pycon APAC 2013 closing

Explore all categories to find your favorite topic Japanese from here ここから日本語で話します 2. Takanori Suzuki •鈴木たかのり •Twitter: @takanory •PyCon APAC 2013 Administration staff •PyCon…

1.ClosingPyCon JP 20122. CodeIQ challenge 3. Problem• 指定された領域にロゴ画像を配置する• Place the logo image in the specified area 4. 3rd Place: Python…

1.Introduction ofPyCon APAC2. Who am I ?•Takanori Suzuki / 鈴木 たかのり•Twitter: @takanory•PyCon JP 2011/2012: Core staff•PyCon JP: Board member•Python Bouldering…

PyconAPAC2016 후기 PyconAPAC2016 후기 파이콘만 3년째 안성현 [email protected] 파이콘 특징 커뮤니티 기반. 누구나 돈을 낸다. 전세계적으로…

1.Webセキュア コーディングの基本 on 2013-09-15 13:00-13:50JST at PyCON APAC 2013 Room A0765 (Ja2) by OCHIAI, Gouji (@gjo) 2. Abstract • セキュアコーディングとは何か?…

1.©2014 CMScom [email protected] edx-platform CMS communications Inc, Manabu TERADA [email protected] 17 / May / 2014 PyCon APAC 2014 in Taipei 2. Who am…

1. 高橋 道也 at PyCon APAC 2013 2. 高橋 道也 東洋ソフトウェアエンジニアリング株式 会社勤務  Windows Azureの導入支援業務を担当 …

Regular�Expression[A-Z]+ PYCON�APAC�2016� 양민지� MATA�COMPANY [email protected] 발표자�소개 양민지�/�검객�개발자� 현)�MATA�COMPANY�Software�Engineer��…

Regular�Expression[A-Z]+ PYCON�APAC�2016� 양민지� MATA�COMPANY [email protected] 발표자�소개 양민지�/�검객�개발자� 현)�MATA�COMPANY�Software�Engineer��…

19 대 국회 뽀개기 이홍주 Aug 14, 2016 Who am I? ● Research Engineer at fintech startup. – Fraud Detection System based on Machine Learning techniques. ● Previous…

19 대 국회 뽀개기 이홍주 Aug 14, 2016 Who am I? ● Research Engineer at fintech startup. – Fraud Detection System based on Machine Learning techniques. ● Previous…

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션 Django로 음반 관리하기 박윤곤 [email protected] Background 2014년부터 지금까지 Network 장비 회사에서 SNMP, 시스템/트래픽…

ドキュメントを作りたくなってしまう 魔法のツール Sphinx Easy contributable internationalization process with Sphinx Takayuki Shimizukawa Sphinx co-maintainer…

지적 대화를 위한 깊고 넓은 딥러닝 김태훈 carpedm20 저는 UNIST�������� 졸업 데브시스터즈 병특 딥러닝,…

EXCLUSIVELY SENIOR HR OFFICERS 95% of practitioners would recommend the conference to colleagues. 27-28 SEPTEMBER, 2017 • HONG KONG APAC www.HROTodayForum.comAPAC @HROToday…

나의 사진은 내가 지난 과거에 한 일을 알고 있다 - 사진 데이터 분석해 보기:최규민 MY PICTURE KNOW WHAT I DID LAST DAYS 잘���������…

IBM Bluemix Django, Flask 고민없이개 발하고서비스하는 PaaS, IBM Bluemix Jin Gi KONG, 공진기 Bluemix Technical Evangelist PyCon APAC 2016 IBM Bluemix 목차…

1. PyCon  APAC  2013 Pythonと DataDogを 使って簡単な システムモニターリング 13年9月15日日曜日 2. Engineering Advice You are only as smart as the…

1. 5分で絶対に分かる PyCon APAC 2013 in Japan 2. お前だれよ ● 筒井隆次(@ryu22e) ● 本業はWebエンジニア (主に使っている言語はJava, PHP)…