Download - UCLTIP Introduction @PyCon Japan 2011




, Hsin-Yi Chen (hychen),

2011/08/27 PyCon JP 2011, ,

,,~ freddi.

Who am I?


From Taiwan

Debian Maintainer

Work for Canonical OEM Service Team

More about me:

How we execute command line tool in Python?

Subprocess is better choiceDon't use shell


os.systemPass command string to shell

return status code, not value

Question: Why UCLTIP

Provide a hyper interface for executing command line tool with subprocess

Introduce UCLTIP

Helper interface of pipeline as C libpipeline

CLI Tool arguments to function/method arguments

CLI Tool Boolean option style to function/method keyword arguments

CLI Tool Key-Value option style to function/method keyword arguments

CLI Tool Key-Value option style to function/method keyword arguments

CLI Command as Python Class and use it in your script


>>>pipe = ucltip.Pipe()

>>>pipe.add('expr', 1, '+' 3)

>>>pipe.add('sed', 's/4/5/', '--posix')



Demo: pipe

Command Args and Options Python function args / kwargs

#/usr/bin/env python
from GitPython Import this_idea
# ls --quoting-style=cls(quoting_style='c')

Transform CLI Tool arguments

The command string combine the option string if the value is True(boolean)

Exampleuser@host: expr 1 + 3 expr(1, '+', 3)


For command without sub command

Create a callable instance by implemented __call__

Raises ComandNotFound if command not exists

ReturnSuccess return result string

Failed raises CommandExecutedFalur

Demo: ex_get and ex_err

To get a result

Transform CLI Tool Boolean option style

The command string combine the option string if the value is True(boolean)

Example-d func(d=True)

--dry-run func(dry_run=True)

Transform CLI Tool Key-Value option style

The command string will execute combines If the option value is string or number

Example:-t maverick func(t='maverick')

--text hello func(text='hello')

Transform CLI Tool Key-Value option style II

The command string will execute combines If the option value is string or number

Example:-t=maverick func(t='maverick')

--text=hello func(text='hello')

Same option name, but more than 1

# `foo -a -b -o Dir=/var -o Dir::Cache=/tmp`
# so you need to use make_optargs to create args if the opt name is duplicateoptargs = ucltip.make_optargs('o' ,('Dir=/var','Dir::Cache=/tmp'))Cmd('foo')(*optargs, a=True, b=True)

command with sub command

Without prefixgit




With prefixZenity


apt-get install vim

zenity --info=text

UCLTIP - CmdDispatcher

For CLI tool has sub command

Command name instance

Subcommand name method name

args, options method args, kwargs

Example:apt-get install vim git -t maverick

apt_get.install('vim', 'git', t='maverick')

Set Default Option

>>>apt_get.opts(t='maverick') >>>apt_get.install('vim') ['apt-get', 'install', 'vim', '-t maverick'] >>>apt_get.opts(t=False)

['apt-get', 'install', 'vim']

Demo: ext_zenity1 and ext_zenity2


Use UCLTIP to create a CLI tool Python Binding

~ ,

Python Binding with Native Code (Cython or Ctype)

Python Binding (UCLTIP))

Demo: ext_cls

Create a custom Binding class

Another example:

Helper function / PIPE


regcmds('apt-get', cls=ucltip.CmdDispatcher)


UCLTIP Installation

user@host# add-apt-repository ppa:ossug-hychen/python-ucltip

user@host# apt-get install python-ucltip

Source Code can be found in


UCLTIP Homepage :

UCLTIP Source Code:



Open Source Conferences in Taiwan

OSDC - Open Source Developers' Conference

Usually in March or April

A lot Ruby or Perl speaker from Japan gave talks

Sadly, No many Python talks!

COSCUP - Conference for Open Source Coder, Users and Promoters

Usually in August

1000+ people this year, biggest open source conference in Taiwan

Creative Commons 3.0 , Hsin-Yi Chen (hychen)

Email: [email protected]

