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  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report




    27 April 2015

    Kelompok 1

    Frid!" 0700#1000

    P$AR%AC& KP'I

     Nama: Tan Mei Lee

     NPM: 260110142014


    1. Yudha Pra

    2. Devi






  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report



    Kelarutan diuna!an untu! men"ata!an #umlah ma!$imal %at "an da&at larut dalam

    $e#umlah tertentu larutan. Pada &er'()aan !elarutan diuna!an larutan a$am (!$alat* &elarut

    'am&ur +ethan(l* a,uade$t* l"$erin* &r(&"lenl"'(l dan larutan Natrium -"dr(ide +Na/-

    $erta rea!$i "an ter#adi dalam &er'()aan ini. Tu#uan untu! mema$ti!an !elarutan a$am

     )en%(ate dari em&at #eni$ &elarut 'am&ur "an )er)eda dan a$am $ali$ilat dari em&at #eni$

     &elarut 'am&ur "an )er)eda. Pr($edur "an diuna!an adalah met(de titra$i. Titra$i

    meru&a!an $alah $atu met(de untu! menentu!an !(n$entra$i $uatu larutan denan 'ara

    merea!$i!an $e#umlah v(lume larutan ter$e)ut terhada& $e#umlah v(lume larutan lain "an

    !(n$entra$in"a $udah di!etahui. Titra$i "an meli)at!an rea!$i a$am dan )a$a di$e)ut titra$i

    a$am )a$a. Larutan a$am (!$alat dititra$i denan menuna!an larutan natrium hidr(!$ida

    !(n$entra$i 0*1 N denan dua !ali denan indi!at(r en(talein. Data ha$il titra$i a$am

    (!$alat denan larutan Na/- !emudian dianali$i$ denan menuna!an rumu$ titra$i a$am

     )a$a "an !emudian di&er(leh !elarutan a$am (!$alat. Sedan!an Na/- dititra$i denan

    la&an #eni$ &elarut 'am&ur dari a$am )en%(ate dan a$am $ali$ilat denan indi!at(r

    en(talein* a!an menha$il!an 3arna r($e merah $ema$a !(n$entra$i e,uivalen ter'a&ai.

    Sele&a$ itu* a$am )en%(ate dan a$am $ali$ilat denan rumu$ "an ditentu!an dan mem)uat

    rai! untu! menun#u!an hu)unan !(n$entra$i &elarut 'am&urn"a.


    S(lu)ilit" i$ u$ed t( de'lare the maimum num)er ( $u)$tan'e$ that 'an di$$(lve in a 'ertain

    am(unt ( $(luti(n. /n the $(lu)ilit" e&eriment$ u$ed a $(luti(n ( (ali' a'id* mied

    $(lvent +ethan(l* di$tilled 3ater* l"'erin* &r(&"lenl"'(l and $(luti(n $(dium h"dr(ide

    +Na/- and rea'ti(n$ that (''ur in thi$ e&eriment. The aim t( en$ure )en%(ate a'id$(lu)ilit" ( (ur dierent t"&e$ ( mied $(lvent$ and $ali'"li' a'id r(m (ur dierent t"&e$

    ( mied $(lvent$. The &r('edure u$ed i$ a titrati(n meth(d. Titrati(n i$ (ne meth(d (r

    determinin the '(n'entrati(n ( a $(luti(n )" rea'tin the $(luti(n v(lume num)er t( a

    v(lume ( an(ther $(luti(n 3h($e '(n'entrati(n i$ !n(3n. Titrati(n rea'ti(n$ inv(lvin a'id$

    and )a$e$ 'alled a'id)a$e titrati(n. A $(luti(n ( (ali' a'id i$ titrated )" u$in a $(luti(n (

    $(dium h"dr(ide '(n'entrati(n ( 0.1 N 3ith t3i'e the &hen(&htalein indi'at(r$. Data r(m

    (ali' a'id titrati(n 3ith Na/- $(luti(n and then anal"%ed u$in a'id)a$e titrati(n (rmula

    thu$ ()tained (ali' a'id $(lu)ilit". The Na/- i$ titrated 3ith eiht t"&e$ ( mied $(lvent

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report


     )en%(ate a'id and $ali'"li' a'id 3ith &hen(&htalein indi'at(r* 3ill &r(du'e the '(l(r red r($e

    durin the e,uivalent '(n'entrati(n i$ rea'hed. Ater that* )en%(ate a'id and $ali'"li' a'id

    3ith the (rmula $&e'iied and 'reate a ra&h t( $h(3 the relati(n$hi& mied $(lvent


    &eriment I : S(luti(n

    I /)#e'tive

    T( ma!e $(dium h"dr(ide +Na/- $(luti(n $tandardi%ed )" (ali' a'id +-252/4

    $(luti(n 3ith &hen(ltalein indi'at(r.

    T( ma!e mi $(lvent 3ith ethan(l* 3ater* l"$erin and &r(&"lenl"'(l.

    T( determine the $(lu)ilit" ( )en%(i' a'id r(m vari(u$ mi $(lvent$.

    T( ma!e 'urve ( '(n'entrati(n ver$u$ &er'entae ( miin $(lvent.

    II Prin'i&le

    1. A%a$ Le 5haterlier 

    hen the $"$tem e,uili)rium 3a$ held a'ti(n * then the $"$tem 3ill h(ld a rea'ti(n

    $u'h that the ee't ( that a'ti(n )e a$ $mall a$ &($$i)le .

    1. S(lu)ilit"

    The $(lu)ilit" i$ u$ed t( de'lare the maimum num)er ( $u)$tan'e$ that 'an

    di$$(lve in a 'ertain am(unt ( $(luti(n .

    2. Titrati(n A'id7a$e

    Titrati(n i$ (ne meth(d (r determinin the '(n'entrati(n ( a $(luti(n 3ith 'are

    rea'tin a v(lume ( the $(luti(n t( a v(lume ( an(ther $(luti(n 3h($e '(n'entrati(ni$ !n(3n. Titrati(n rea'ti(n$ inv(lvin a'id$ and )a$e$ 'alled a'id)a$e titrati(n .

    8. Li!e di$$(lve li!e

    A '(m&(und 3ill di$$(lve the '(m&(und havin the $ame 'hemi'al $tru'ture &(lar

    3ith &(lar and n(n&(lar and n(n &(lar .

    4. 9ea'ti(n neutrali$ati(n

    The rea'ti(n (''ur$ 3ith the (rmati(n ( $alt$ and -20 neutral + &- ; the

    rea'ti(n )et3een - < r(m an /- a$an da) ( a )a$e .

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report


    =. Diluti(n

    The &r('edure (r &re&arati(n ( the $(luti(n !uran&e!at ( a m(re '(n'entrated

    $(luti(n 'alled diluti(n . In the diluti(n &r('e$$ * !ee& in mind T-AT addin m(re

    $(lvent int( a 'ertain am(unt ( $t('! $(luti(n 3ill 'hane the '(n'entrati(n ( the

    $(luti(n 3ith(ut 'hanin the num)er ( m(le$ ( $(lute '(ntained in $(luti(n .

    6. St(i'hi(metr"

    St(i'hi(metr" ( the rea'ti(n i$ the determinati(n ( the ma$$ rati( ( the element$

    in a '(m&(und in the (rmati(n ( '(m&(und$.

    III 9ea'ti(n

      -252/4 < 2 Na/- Na252/4 < 2 -2/


    A $(luti(n i$ a h(m(ene(u$ miture '(m&($ed ( (nl" (ne &ha$e. In $u'h a miture*

    a $(lute i$ a $u)$tan'e di$$(lved in an(ther $u)$tan'e* !n(3n a$ a $(lvent. The $(luti(n m(re

    (r le$$ ta!e$ (n the 'hara'teri$ti'$ ( the $(lvent in'ludin it$ &ha$e* and the $(lvent i$

    '(mm(nl" the ma#(r ra'ti(n ( the miture. The '(n'entrati(n ( a $(lute in a $(luti(n i$ a

    mea$ure ( h(3 mu'h ( that $(lute i$ di$$(lved in the $(lvent* 3ith reard t( h(3 mu'h

    $(lvent i$ &re$ent.A $(luti(n i$ a h(m(en(u$ miture ( t3( (r m(re $u)$tan'e$. 5hemi$t

    'hara'teri$ti'$ $(luti(n )" their 'a&a'it" t( di$$(lve a $(lute. Thi$ h(m(en(u$ miture are in

    $ame &h"$i'al $tate li!a all ei$t a$ a$e$ (r li,uid (r a,ue(u$ .S(lu)ilit" i$ a miture ( h(3

    mu'h $(lute 3ill di$$(lve in a $(lvent at a $&e'ii' tem&erature. S(lvati(n i$ a &r('e$$ in3hi'h an i(n (r a m(le'ule i$ $urr(unded )" $(lvent m(le'ule$ arraned in a $&e'ii' manner.

    Thi$ &r('e$$ i$ 'alled h"drati(n 3hen the $(lvent i$ in 3ater+?ian'(lli*200=.

    M(le'ule$ a$ '(m&(nent$ ( matter are '(mm(n in (rani' $u)$tan'e$ +and there(re

     )i('hemi$tr". The" al$( ma!e u& m($t ( the ('ean$ and atm($&here. -(3ever* the ma#(rit"

    ( amiliar $(lid $u)$tan'e$ (n arth* in'ludin m($t ( the mineral$ that ma!e u&

    the 'ru$t* mantle* and '(re ( the arth* '(ntain man" 'hemi'al )(nd$* )ut are n(t made (

    identiia)le m(le'ule$. Al$(* n( t"&i'al m(le'ule 'an )e deined (r i(ni' 'r"$tal$ +$alt$ and

    '(valent 'r"$tal$ +net3(r! $(lid$* alth(uh the$e are (ten '(m&($ed ( re&eatin unit

    'ell$ that etend either in a &lane +$u'h a$ in ra&hene (r threedimen$i(nall" +$u'h a$in diam(nd* ,uart%* (r  $(dium 'hl(ride. The theme ( re&eated unit'ellular$tru'ture al$(

    h(ld$ (r m($t '(nden$ed &ha$e$ 3ith metalli' )(ndin* 3hi'h mean$ that $(lid metal$ are

    al$( n(t made ( m(le'ule$. In la$$e$ +$(lid$ that ei$t in a vitre(u$ di$(rdered $tate* at(m$

    ma" al$( )e held t(ether )" 'hemi'al )(nd$ 3ith(ut &re$en'e ( an" deina)le m(le'ule* )ut

    al$( 3ith(ut an" ( the reularit" ( re&eatin unit$ that 'hara'teri%e$ 'r"$tal$. M(le'ule$ in

    $(lid dru$ )(und t(ether 3ith 'ertain interm(le'ular (r'e $u'h a$ di&(ledi&(le indu'ed

    ('e* di&(ledi&(le (r'e and i(ni(n intera'ti(n. In $u'h the 'a$e ( $(lvent. S(lvent i$

    'la$$iied t( &(lar* $emi&(lar* (r n(n&(lar de&end (n h(3 )i the )(und a&&ear

    + I@PA5*2nd editi(n*1;.

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report


    9a(ultB$ la3 i$ a la3 ( therm(d"nami'$ e$ta)li$hed )" Cren'h &h"$i'i$t Cran(i$

    Marie 9a(ult in 1EE2. It $tate$ that the &artial va&(ur &re$$ure ( ea'h '(m&(nent ( anideal

    miture ( li,uid$ i$ e,ual t( the va&(r &re$$ure ( the &ure '(m&(nent multi&lied )" it$ m(le

    ra'ti(n in the miture. 9a(ultB$ la3 i$ a &hen(men(l(i'al la3 that a$$ume$ ideal )ehavi(r

     )a$ed (n the $im&le mi'r($'(&i' a$$um&ti(n that interm(le'ular (r'e$ )et3een unli!em(le'ule$ are e,ual t( th($e )et3een $imilar m(le'ule$: the '(nditi(n$ ( an ideal $(luti(n. 

    Thi$ i$ anal((u$ t( theideal a$ la3* 3hi'h i$ a limitin la3 valid 3hen the intera'tive

    (r'e$ )et3een m(le'ule$ a&&r(a'h %er(* (r eam&le a$ the '(n'entrati(n a&&r(a'he$ %er(.

    9a(ultB$ la3 i$ in$tead valid i the &h"$i'al &r(&ertie$ ( the '(m&(nent$ are identi'al. The

    m(re $imilar the '(m&(nent$ are* the m(re their )ehavi(r a&&r(a'he$ that de$'ri)ed )"

    9a(ultB$ la3. C(r eam&le* i the t3( '(m&(nent$ dier (nl" in i$(t(&i' '(ntent* then

    9a(ultB$ la3 i$ e$$entiall" ea't.

    5(m&arin mea$ured va&(r &re$$ure$ t( &redi'ted value$ r(m 9a(ultB$ la3 &r(vide$

    in(rmati(n a)(ut the true relative $trenth ( interm(le'ular (r'e$. I the va&(r &re$$ure i$

    le$$ than &redi'ted +a neative deviati(n* e3er m(le'ule$ ( ea'h '(m&(nent than e&e'ted

    have let the $(luti(n in the &re$en'e ( the (ther '(m&(nent* indi'atin that the (r'e$

     )et3een unli!e m(le'ule$ are $tr(ner. The '(nver$e i$ true (r &($itive deviati(n$.

    A''(rdin t( 9(ultF$ La3* the &artial va&(r &re$$ure ( a '(m&(nent GAH in a $(luti(n i$

    e,ual t( the &r(du't ( the va&(r &re$$ure ( &ure GAH and the m(le ra'ti(n ( HAH in the

    miture at $ame tem&erature.

    PA = XAPAØ

    Where, XA  = 

    Similarl"* P7  7P7J and the t(tal va&(r &re$$ure ( $(luti(n* PI PA

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report


    in 3ater )e'au$e their m(le'ule$ in $(luti(n 3(uld &revent 3ater m(le'ule$ r(m (rmin a$

    man" h"dr(en )(nd$ a$ in &ure 3ater. A &(lar $u)$tan'e $u'h a$ a $uar i$ $(lu)le in 3ater

     )e'au$e the de'rea$e in the num)er ( 3ater3ater )(nd$ i$ '(m&en$ated )" the (rmulati(n

    ( $tr(n h"dr(en )(nd$ )et3een the 3ater m(le'ule$ and the h"dr(en )(nd$ ( the

    $uar.The $(lu)ilit" &r(&ertie$ ( a )i(l(i'al $u)$tan'e 3ill enerall" )e (ne ( it$ m($tim&(rtant 'hara'teri$ti'$. S(lu)ilit" determine$ 3hi'h $u)$tan'e$ 'an &a$$ dire'tl" thr(uh

    the n(n&(lar interi(r ( the 'ell mem)rane +i.e. $ter(id h(rm(ne$ and 3hi'h $u)$tan'e$

    re,uire a 'hannel +i(n$ and $uar$.

    aP(lar $u)$tan'e$ 3ill di$$(lve in &(lar $(lvent

     )N(n&(lar $u)$tan'e$ 3ill di$$(lve in n(n&(lar $(lvent +Kent5hemi$tr".'(m

    In 'hemi$tr"* neutrali%ati(n i$ a 'hemi'al rea'ti(n in 3hi'h an a'id and a )a$e rea't

    ,uantitativel" 3ith ea'h (ther. In a rea'ti(n in 3ater* neutrali%ati(n re$ult$ in there )ein n(

    e'e$$ ( h"dr(en (r h"dr(ide i(n$ &re$ent in $(luti(n. The &- ( the neutrali%ed $(luti(n

    de&end$ (n the a'id $trenth ( the rea'tant$. Neutrali%ati(n i$ u$ed in man" a&&li'ati(n$. A

    neutrali%ati(n rea'ti(n i$ 3hen an a'id and a )a$e rea't t( (rm 3ater and a $alt and inv(lve

    the '(m)inati(n ( -< i(n$ t( enerate 3ater. In the '(ntet ( a 'hemi'al rea'ti(n the term

    neutrali%ati(n i$ u$ed (r a rea'ti(n )et3een an a'id and a )a$e (r al!ali. -i$t(ri'all"* thi$

    rea'ti(n 3a$ re&re$ented a$

    a'id < )a$e $alt < 3ater 

    C(r eam&le:

    -5l < Na/- Na5l < -2/ +Steven S. umdahl*200.

    The $tatement i$ $till valid a$ l(n a$ it i$ under$t((d that in an a,ue(u$ $(luti(n the

    $u)$tan'e$ inv(lved are $u)#e't t( di$$('iati(n* 3hi'h 'hane$ the $u)$tan'e$ i(ni%ati(n

    $tate. The arr(3 $in* * i$ u$ed )e'au$e the rea'ti(n i$ '(m&lete* that i$* the $aid

    neutrali%ati(n i$ a ,uantitative rea'ti(n. A m(re eneral deiniti(n i$ )a$ed (n 7rn$tedO 

    L(3r" a'idO)a$e the(r".

    A- < 7%  A 

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report


    al$( )e 'alled the e,uivalen'e &(int. The ,uantitative nature ( the neutrali%ati(n rea'ti(n i$

    m($t '(nvenientl" e&re$$ed in term$ ( the '(n'entrati(n$ ( a'id and al!ali. At the

    e,uivalen'e &(int:

    v(lume +a'id R '(n'entrati(n +-

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report






  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report




    r/0 0he r05/ 67 80er/ re 9/he7 67 rere7. The6

    /067r7:0;6 N#$ /;50;6. 1&&&8 90er / he0e7 67 0he6 N#$ ee0 67 750e 6 0he 1&&&8 ;> 90er. Weh ;?< 67;5r 7ere60 8?05re ;> /8e /;50;6 5/6 ;5r eer //. De0er86e 0he /;50 ;> 0he /;50;6 67 ;/er@e7 0he

    ;r8e7. The 70 / re Na/-RN Na/->-252/4RN-252/4

    1.>1 N1>2 N2


  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report



    2. >1 N1>2 N2



    9ata9ata 0.08N

    A$am 7en%(ate

    2.Pem)uatan Larutan 5am&ur 

     N(. 7ahan @#i tan(l+mL Air+mL ?li$erin+mL Pr(&il(ni!(l+mL

    1 A$am



    2 1E

    2 A$am


    8 1;

    8 A$am



    2 16 2

    4 A$am



    2 16 2

    8.Penentuan Kelarutan

    Pelarut >(lume Larutan+mL >(lume Na/-+mL Kelarutan+rmL

    1 20 6. 1.26

    2 20 6.6 1.21

    8 20 4.6 0.E4

    4 20 6. 1.26



    7 A$am 7en%(ate122.12

    Pelarut 11.26rmL

    Pelarut 21.21rmL

    Pelarut 80.E4rmL

    Pelarut 41.26rmL

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report


  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report


  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report



    A $(luti(n i$ a h(m(ene(u$ miture )et3een the $(lvent and $(lute. S(lu)ilit" i$ the a)ilit"

    ( a $u)$tan'e t( di$$(lve in a &arti'ular $(lvent. The $(luti(n i$ enerall" divided int( three

    namel" $aturated $(luti(n i$ a $(luti(n ( the $(lute 'an )e di$$(lved in a $(lvent (

    $u)$tan'e$ in the maimum '(n'entrati(n. Le3ad $aturated $(luti(n (''ur$ 3hen the $(lute

    i$ alread" &a$t the maimum limit ( the $(lvent t( di$$(lve are u$uall" 'hara'teri%ed )" the

    (rmati(n ( de&($it$. @n$aturated ('ean (''ur$ 3hen the $(lute ha$ n(t rea'hed the

    maimum limit ( the $(lvent t( di$$(lve it. In the te'hni'al term $(lu)ilit" $(lvent and

    '($(lvent 3here '($(lvent i$ a material that i$ u$ed t( in'rea$e the $(lu)ilit" $u'h a$ the u$e

    ( $(lvent$ mied 3hile '($(lvent an in'rea$e $(lu)ilit" event$. Ca't(r$ ae'tin the

    $(lu)ilit" ( a $u)$tan'e $u'h a$: 1. &- /rani' $u)$tan'e$ that are 3ea! a'id$ 3et 3ea! i$

    the a'tive $u)$tan'e 3hi'h i$ (ten u$ed in medi'ine. S(lu)ilit" i$ inluen'ed )" &-* 3hi'h i$

    t( )e di$$(lved. /rani' $u)$tan'e$ that are 3ea! a'id$ iven (r ir$t mied 3ith an al!aline

    $(luti(n in the (rm ( (rani' $alt$ that are $(lu)le in 3ater* and vi'e ver$a. 2. Tem&erature

    There are three $tatement$ a)(ut the $(lu)ilit" ( 3hi'h i$ inluen'ed )" tem&erature*

    namel": a. hen the tem&erature i$ in'rea$ed* the $(lu)ilit" 3ill in'rea$e* )ut 3hen '((led he

    3(uld $ettle. ). hen the tem&erature i$ in'rea$ed* the $(lu)ilit" 3ill in'rea$e. '. hen the

    tem&erature i$ in'rea$ed* the $(lu)ilit" 3ill )e $mall. 8. The ee't ( &arti'le $ha&e and $i%e

    The $maller the &arti'le $i%e* the $(lu)ilit" ( the$e $u)$tan'e$ 3ill in'rea$e* and vi'e ver$a.

    4. e't ( the t"&e ( $(lvent P(lar $(lvent$ 3ill di$$(lve )etter &(lar $u)$tan'e$ (r i(ni'*

    and vi'e ver$a. N(n&(lar $(lvent$ 3ill di$$(lve )etter n(n&(lar $u)$tan'e$ (r m(le'ule$. =.

    e't ( the diele'tri' '(n$tant The manitude ( the diele'tri' i$ $et 3ith the additi(n (

    (ther $(lvent$. 6. e't ( the additi(n ( (ther $u)$tan'e$ Sura'tant i$ a $u)$tan'e that i$

    (ten u$ed t( in'rea$e the $(lu)ilit" ( a $u)$tan'e. Pra'ti'um thi$ time 3e eamined the

    three !ind$ ( e&eriment$* namel"* the inluen'e ( mied $(lvent$ (n the $(lu)ilit" (

    $u)$tan'e$* the ee't ( addin a $ura'tant t( the $(lu)ilit" ( a $u)$tan'e and the ee't (

     &- (n the $(lu)ilit" ( a $u)$tan'e. Cir$tl" all the a&&aratu$ and material$ are 3a$hed and

     &re&ared. Then $tandardi%ati(n Na/- $(luti(n. 1000ml 3ater i$ heated and then '((led.

    eih 4 ( Na/- &ellet and dilute in the 1000ml ( 3ater. eih (ali' a'id and dilute

    3ith 3ater .then* add three dr(&$ ( indi'at(r &hen(l&hatelien. titrate the $(luti(n 3ith Na/-

    0.08 N . 5al'ulate the v(lume am(unt ( Na/- u$ed. Pre&are (ur dierent miture (

    $am&le $(luti(n u$in l"'er(l *3ater *&r(&l""nl"'(l*ethan(l. eih 0.1m ( )en%(i' a'id

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report


    and $ali'"li' a'id and mied 3ith the (ur $am&le $(luti(n. Three dr(&$ ( &hen(ltalein i$

    added int( the (ur )ea!er la$$. Determine the $(lu)ilit" ( the $(luti(n and ()$erved the

    '(l(ur that i$ (rmed.

    In e&erimental determinati(n ( the ee't ( $(lvent$ (n the $(lu)ilit" ( a $u)$tan'e* i$

    d(ne )" ta!in =0 ml ( mied $(lvent$ are $(lvent$ are &redetermined '(n$tant$ then &ut

    0*8 ram ( $ali'"li' a'id. . I ater the" 3hi&&ed then added aain &re'i&itate $(lu)le

    $ali'"li' a'id t( (rm a &re'i&itate. Then la$t diiltrate iltrate re$ult$ in dr" and determine the

    level$ ( $(lu)le $ali'"li' a'id* ater it 3a$ made )et3een the $(lu)ilit" 'urve ( $ali'"li' a'id

    3ith diele'tri' '(n$tant &ri'e$. In thi$ la) numer(u$ err(r$ in the re$ult$ ( the la) (ne a't(r

    that i$ le$$ meti'ul(u$ 'are &ra'titi(ner 3hen ma!in a $u&er$aturated $(luti(n. A&&li'ati(n

    ( thi$ e&eriment i$ ver" im&(rtant material in the &harma'euti'al ield* )e'au$e it 'an hel&

    her 'h(($e the m($t ((d $(lvent medium (r a dru (r '(m)inati(n ( dru$* hel&in t(

    (ver'(me 'ertain dii'ultie$ that ari$e durin the manua'ture ( &harma'euti'al $(luti(n

    +&harma'euti'al and urtherm(re* 'an )e a't a$ a $tandard (r te$t the &urit".The data i$

    re'(rded. ?ra&h i$ &l(tted )et3een '(n'entrati(n and mied $(lvent &er'entae.


    e have !ne3 t( ma!e $(dium h"dr(ide $(luti(n $tandardi%ed )" u$in (ali' a'id

    and 3ith addin &hen(l&hthalein indi'at(r.

    e have !ne3 t( ma!e mi $(lvent r(m ethan(l* 3ater* l"'erin* &r(&"lenl"'(l.

    e have !ne3 t( determine the $(lu)ilt" ( )en%(i' a'id r(m vari(u$ mi $(lvent$.

    T( ma!e 'urve ( '(n'entrati(n ver$u$ &er'entae ( miin $(lvent.

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report




    Se)elum titra$i dimula!an* $emua &elarut !ena ditam)ah!an 8 tete$

     &hen(l&talein $e)aai indi!at(r 


    Pelarut1+2mL tan(l< 1EmL Air

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report



    Pelarut 1 7eru)ah 3arna dari tran$&arent !e 3arna &in! 


    Pelarut1+8mL tan(l< 1;mL Air

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report



    Pelarut 2 7eru)ah 3arna dari tran$&arent !e 3arna &in! 


    Pelarut 8+2mL tan(l< 16mL Air

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report


    Pelarut 8 7eru)ah 3arna dari tran$&arent !e 3arna &in! 


    Pelarut 4+2mL tan(l< 16mL Air

  • 8/19/2019 Farfis Report


    Pelarut 8 7eru)ah 3arna dari tran$&arent !e 3arna unu !arena terle)ih Na/-


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    2.P. At!in$ and . de Paula* Physical Chemistry +Eth ed.* .-. Creeman 2006 &.146

    8. Li!e Di$$(lve Li!e a''e$$ at

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    4. Stumm* .Q M(ran* .. +16. Water Chemistry. Ne3 Y(r!: ile"


    Steven S. umdahl +200. Chemical Principles +6th ed.. Ne3 Y(r!: -(uht(n Milin

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