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  • 1. 103/04/09

2. Stephen Wiltshire draws Rome from memory 3. ? CliveWearing The man with a 30 second memory 4. 5. What are the basic stages of memory? 6. (encode) (storage) (retrieval) I Information processing model 7. Encoding stage 8. 9. ( Attention ) : familiarity novelty significance 10. (Emotion) (flashbulb memory) EX: 921911 11. Encoding specificity (cue) Context-dependent memory: 12. Encoding specificity Godden and Baddeleys study : 13. Encoding specificity ? : 14. Retrieval 15. 16. (recall) (recognition) v.s. 17. (tip-of-the-tongue): Ex: Ex: 18. levels of processing theory Craik & Lockhart, 1972Craik, 1990 (retrieval cue) 19. II The modal model of memory Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968) 20. Sensory memory : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (afterimage)(echo) 21. 22. F R A T B S L D Q E KU 23. 24. !!! 25. G L O I U H K R E A C Z 26. 27. Sperling1960 vs. () () 4.5 3 ( 9) 28. Short-term memory 29. Miller (1956) 72 (5~9) Cowan (2001) 4 Jonides (2009) 1 30. (chunking)! Chunk 31. (maintenance rehearsal) 32. (elaborative rehearsal) 33. Working memory 34. Baddeley & Hitch (1974) : 35. Long-term memory 36. : RAM Shepard (1967) 60099% Standing et al. (1970) 250090% 37. 38. (semantic memory) Ex: 2012? Ex: ? 39. (episodic memory) Ex: ? Ex: ? Ex: 921? (autobiographical memory) 40. (classical conditioning) (priming) 41. (procedural memory): (habit) (skill) Ex: 42. 43. anterograde amnesia retrograde amnesia 44. 45. CliveWearing A.T. H.M. () 46. 47. (false memory) 48. 16 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. (forgetting) (decay) (memory trace) (interference) (proactive interference) (retroactive interference) (intentional forgetting) 68. (repressed memory) ?! 69. -- TrainYour Brain Like a Champ 70. 2013/4/15 12 71. 72.