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2 (3 )

1. 1. 1. 1. (Freud) 1. (Erikson) 1. (Piaget) 1. (Kohlberg) 1.


1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

1. 1. 2 1.

1. 1. 1.

2(Human Development)


2 (Development) (Growth) (Maturation) (Bernstein. 1999 : 330) 3 6 12 (Critical Period) 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. (The Process of Development)

4 1. (Changes in size) 1. (Changes in Proportion) 1 4 1 7 3 1. (Changes in complexity) 2-3 1. (Disappearance of old feature and acquisition of new features)

3. (Principles of Growth Development)

1. (Pattern) 2 (Directions) 1.1 Cephalo caudal direction 0. Proximo distal direction 2. 3. 4. 2 1. 1. 1. 1. 21 2


1. (Prenatal Period) 250 280 9 (Ovum)(Sperm Cell) 23 X Y X XX XY (Genes) (Mendel) (Fallopian tube) 24 2 7 2/100 3 (Bernstein. 1988 : 38-39)1 Germinal stage 2 2 Embryonic stage 2 6 4 3 (endoderm) (mesoderm) (ectoderm) 2 3 Fetal stage 7 alcohol syndrome (anxiety) 1 (Nairne. 2000 : 112)

2-1 : Bernstein. 1999 :332

2. (Infancy Period) 2 () 5

2.1 (Physical Development) ( 65 )

2-2 : . 2527 : 65

2.2 (Intellectual Development) 3 1. 2. 3. 1. (Playing is Learning) 2 ( . 2527 : 71 ) 2. 3. (Sensory motor) - (Educational Toys)

2.3 (Emotion Development)

2.4 (Social Development) 1. 2. 3. 4. (Value) (Moral)

0. (Speech Development) 6 ()

2-3 : Bernstein. 1999 : 330

1. (Early Childhood or Pre School Age) 2 6 (Negativistic Period)

3.1 (Physical Development) 5 6 (Playing is Learning)

3.2 (Negativistic Phase) (Negativistic) 4 5 3.3 6 (Speech)

0. 0. 0. 0. (Self center)0. (Imaginative Friend) 2 4 0. (Imaginative Word or Imaginative Play) 0. (Sex Difference) (Sexual Typing) (Freud) Oedipal Stage (Model or Idedtification Figures) 1. 1. 1. 2. 3. Fixation () Oedipus Complex Oedipus Complex

2-4 : Bernstein. 1999 : 356

3.5 (Moral and Value Development) 2 3.6 (Cognitive Development) 2 6 2 1 2 4 2 4 7 (Classification or Categorization) (Associative thinking) 4. (Late Childhood or School Age) 6 12 13 4.1 (The World of Peer) (Competition) (Cooperative) (Basic Social Needs)

4.2 1. 1. 1.

4.3 6 12

4.4 (Conservation) ( 5-6 ) 2 7 2 2 () 5. (Puberty) 12 25 12 15 16 18 19 25 5.1 (Maturation)

5.2 (Gang Age) 2 (Sex Role) (Goodbye to Oedipus)

2-5 : Bernstein. 1999 : 362


5.4 11 (Formal operation) (Mental images)

(Search for Identity) (Self awareness) (The great Unknow)

6. (Adolescence)Adolescence 16-25

6.1 (Storm and Stress) 1. 2. 3.

6.2 2 (Puppy love) 2 6.3

6.4 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 6. 7.

6.5 1. 1. 1. 1.

6.6 (Heroic Worship) 1. 2. ( Heroes) (Models)

6.7 1. 2. 3.

6.8 1. 2. 3.

1. (Early Adulthood) 50 65 3 25 40 (Peer Group) 7.1 1. 1. 1.

7.2 (Selecting a Mate) 1. 1. 1. 10 1. 1. 1.

7.3 2



8. (Middle Age) 40 65

9. (Old Age) (Deterioration) 65

9.1 1. 1. 1. 1.

5. (Stages of development)

1. Freudian Theory ( Sigmund Freud) (Psychoanalysis) ( . 1920 1950 ) (Libido) Genital Phallic Anal Oral Latency Puberty and adulthood 18 3 6 12

2-6 : . 2537 : 37

1 Oral State Orial Fixation 2 Anal State 2-3 Anal Fixation 3 Phallic State 3-6 Phallic Fixation Oedipus Complex 4 Latency State 6-12 Latency Fixation 5 Genetal Stage 12 Fixation Anal Phallic

2. Eriksons Theory (Erik Erikson) .. 1964 Psychosocial development Interprity v.s Despair Generativity V.S Self-Absorption Intimacy V.S Isolation Identy V.S Role confusion Industry V.S Inferiority Initiative V.S Guilt Autonomy V.S ShameTrustV.S Mistrust

2 3 5 11 18

2-7 : .2537 : 40

1 - (Trust V.S Mistrust) 1 2 - (Autonomy V.S Shameand Doubt) 2 3 - (Initiative V.S Guilt) 3-5 4 - (Industry V.S Inferiority) 6- 11 5 - (Identy V.S Role confusion) 12-18 (Who am I) 6 - (Intimacy V.S Isolation) 19-40 7 - (Generativity V.S Self-Absorption) 40-60 (Self-centered) 8 - (Integrity V.S Despair) 60

3. Piagets Theory (Jean Piaget) (Alps) Cognitive Development Theory 4 Formal Operations Concrete Operations PreoperationalSensory Motor

2 7 11

2-8 : . 2537 : 43

1 Sensory-motor period 2 Sensory Motor Sensory-motor 2 Preoperational period 2-7 (Ego centric Behavior) 3 Period of Concrete Operations 7-11 -- 4 Period of Formal Operations 11-15

( : . 2535 : 72-73)

1. ( Sensorimotor period ) 2 - 1. 1.

1. (Preoperational thought period) 1. (Preopertional) 2 4

1. (Intuitive) 4-7

1. 1. 1. 1. ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 )

3. (Concrete operation) 7 11 ( )

4. (Formal operation) 11-15

4. Kohlbergs Theory (Lawrence Kohlberg) - -- (Moral Development Theory) .. 1969

Principled Conventional Premoral

2-9 : . 2537 : 44

Premoral - Conventional Principled ..1930-1940 Conventional Premoral 6 ( . 2520 : )

1. 7 1. 7-10 1. 13 16 1. 1. 5


1. 1. 1. 1. (Freud) 1. (Erikson) 1. (Piaget) 1. (Kohlberg) 1. 1. 1. Oedipus Complex

1. . (2520) . .1. . (2537) . : ...3. . (2530) . .4. . (2535) . . .5. Bernstein. D. A. (1999) Essentials of Psychology. Houghton Mifflin Company.6. Bernstein. D. A. (1988) Psychology. Houghton Mifflin Company.7. Nairne. J. S. (2000) Psychology : the adaptive mind. (2nded.) Australia : Wadsworth.