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    Procedure Documentation

    GIS Database Integration

    MS Access 2000 and ArcView 3.2

    For St. Kitts/e!is "a#ardVu$nerabi$it% Assessment

    Post-Georges Disaster Mitigation Projectin Antigua & Barbuda and St. Kitts & Nevis

    June 200

    Post-Georges Disaster Mitigation in Antigua & Barbuda and St. Kitts & Nevisis implemented by the rgani!ation o" Ameri#an States$ %nit "or

    Sustainable Development and nvironment "or %SA'D-(amai#a)*aribbean +egional Program

    Organization of American States

    Unit of Sustainable Development and Environment

    1889 F Street N as!ington D" #$$$%!ttp&''((()oas)org'pgdm

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    *!is report (as prepared under contract (it! t!e OAS b+ Eduardo ,) ,attenet- ,S+s)


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    1.0 Introduction

    *!e .ost /eorges Disaster ,itigation 0./D, program is one of t!ree components of

    *!e 2urricane /eorges 3econstruction and 3ecover+ in t!e Eastern "aribbean program)

    *!e ./D, is responsible for implementing t!e disaster mitigation capacit+ building

    component and see4s to reduce t!e vulnerabilit+ of population and economic activities to

    natural !azards) As a result- t!e ./D, includes a !azard vulnerabilit+ assessment


    *!e !azard vulnerabilit+ assessment component re5uires t!at critical facilities be

    identified and collect statistic data on t!eir disaster !istor+ 0D2- structural 0S and

    operational vulnerabilit+ 0O) *!is data is to be entered into a database- and integrated

    into a /6S database) *!e 4e+ la+ers in t!e /6S database are !azard vulnerabilit+ maps

    prepared b+ specialists in different areas suc! as (ind- droug!t 0Nevis onl+- storm surge-

    floods- coastal erosion- and inland erosion 0St) 7itts onl+) *!ese la+ers are to be used to

    assess t!e locational vulnerabilit+ : of critical facilities) Ot!er spatial la+ers of features

    could be also included suc! as agricultural land- ma;or roads in future vulnerabilit+


    *o define t!e best met!od to use during t!e assessment- t!ree main topics !ave been

    ta4en into consideration&

    < A userarbuda- (as also ta4en into

    consideration in preparing t!is met!odolog+)


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    *!e approac! used for t!e 2azard ?ulnerabilit+ Assessment (as to develop a database in

    ,S Access for t!e critical facilities- and to lin4 t!e database to an Arc ?ie( @)# pro;ect

    t!at (ill process t!e !azard vulnerabilit+ maps and t!e spatial anal+sis involved in t!e


    *!e Access database includes data on critical facilities:- lin4ing tables suc! as

    Facilities "odes: and NE,A districts): in4s to buildings and contact information

    (ere defined for a future upgrade to t!e critical facilities database- (!ic! (ill provide t!e

    basis for a Facilities ,anagement S+stem)

    2.0 Vulnerability Assessment Process

    *!e vulnerabilit+ assessment process (as defined and presented b+ Dr) ") 3ogers during

    t!e 2azard ,apping .rioritization or4s!op in St) 7itts in September #$$$) Follo(ing

    (it! t!e guidelines given during t!e (or4s!op- t!e vulnerabilit+ assessment consisted of

    t!e follo(ing&

    6dentification and prioritization of !azards 0ind- Storm Surge- Flood- 6nland

    Erosion- >eac! Erosion- Droug!t)

    "reation of an inventor+ of critical facilities 0!ealt!- education- s!elters-

    protective- infrastructure- government buildings- utilities)

    Assessment of eac! facilit+ in terms of damage !istor+ 0D2- structural

    vulnerabilit+ 0S and operational vulnerabilit+ 0O for eac! !azard under


    "reation of !azard vulnerabilit+ zone maps

    Assessment of facilities location 0 (it!in !azard zones

    "alculation of a facilit+ vulnerabilit+ score 0F?S for eac! facilit+ and eac!


    *!e vulnerabilit+ assessment process is defined b+ t!e follo(ing formula&

    ,S /012 3PS

    F?S:& Facilit+ ?ulnerabilit+ Score:& ocational ?ulnerabilit+

    ?:& Facilit+ ?ulnerabilit+ Score- ? D2BSBO2.S:& 2azard .riorit+ Score)

    *!e forms utilized at t!e (or4s!op are attac!ed at Appendi= 1) *!ree forms (ere

    provided& a !azard prioritization table and t(o forms for facilities anal+sis) *!e !azard


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    prioritization table produces a (eig!ted listing of !azards and t!e facilit+ forms calculate

    t!e ?:- : and F?S: values)

    *!e (or4s!op generated a priorit+ listing of t!e five !azards listed belo() As indicated-

    t!e !azards (ere (eig!ted from 1 to C to generate a 2azard .riorit+ Score 02.S) *able 1

    indicates t!e values utilized in t!is assessment) *!ese values can be replaced and t!e

    assessment regenerated)

    *able 1 2azard .riorit+ Scores 02.S

    2azard 2.S 0St) 7itts 2.S 0Nevisinds ' 2urricanes C CDroug!t 0Nevis onl+ < 1Storm Surge # #Floods @"oastal Erosion @ 6nland Erosion 0St) 7itts onl+ 1 uildings- and "ontacts (ere left for a future definition and integration into t!e

    s+stem) *!e individual original facilities tables (ere cut and pasted 0to create a uni5ue

    table t!at (ill include all critical facilities under consideration- and at t!e same minimize

    data re

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    )% Forms

    *!e follo(ing forms (ere created to facilitate data entr+ and retrieval)

    Adding ' Editing Facilities

    Facilit+ ?ulnerabilit+ Assessment

    Adding ' Editing Facilities is t!e main Facilit+ form) As Figure indicates- it is proposed

    t!at once t!e building table is included in t!e database- t!e form (ill contain a button t!at

    (ill launc! a lin4 to t!e >uilding Form)

    Figure ) Adding ' Editing Facilit+ Form

    Figure C indicates t!e ?ulnerabilit+ Assessment Form) *!e Facilit+ name and address

    fields on t!e ?ulnerabilit+ Assessment Forms are read

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    Figure C) ?ulnerabilit+ Assessment Facilities Form

    6t (as envisaged t!at t!e vulnerabilit+ of critical facilities (ould be assessed subse5uent

    to initial data entr+- as e=pert 4no(ledge is re5uired to assess facilities) *!e assessment

    form facilitates t!is process) As Figure C indicates- users select descriptive te=t but

    numeric values are entered into t!e database)

    Eac! facilit+ is assessed in terms of its damage !istor+- structural vulnerabilit+ and

    operational vulnerabilit+) A facilit+ is assessed separatel+ for eac! !azard) *able #

    indicates t!e assessment categories and scores assigned) ?alues are incrementall+

    numbered (it! $: representing no !istor+ or no vulnerabilit+)

    *able # ?ulnerabilit+ Assessment Factors- Descriptions and Scores


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    ulnerability Des#ription S#ore

    None 9Damage 3istory Minor :

    Moderate ;

    !e"etitive#Signi$icant nn

    9009 4t,er +ouris'

    90091 ondos ondo # :i))a

    90093 P)antation >nn P)antations

    90096 B&B Bed & Brea;$ast

    %tilities 30000 %)ectricit # +e)e",one # 8ater # Petro)eu' # Gas

    300330032 %)ectricit %)ectricit stations and sub-stations

    3003 8ater 8ater catc,'ents? booster station? (e))s? etc

    30031 +e)eco''unication

    30033 Petro)eu' Petro)eu' re$ineries # redistribution centers

    30036 Gas Gas station

    30037 4t,er =ti)ities


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    Appendi/ 4 Addin% Point &eatures "o a ",eme

    P4S+-G%4!G%S D>SAS+%! M>+>GA+>4N P!4J%+ - S+. K>++S AND N%:>S

    Plotting a Ne6 ,a#ility in Ar#ie6

    'n A##ess

    . 4"en t,e ritica) aci)ities Database in Access @5a/ardsaci)ities.'db and"rint t,e @aci)ities (it,out G>S4D% re"ort

    2. %nsure t,at ou ,ave entered t,e G>S4D% $or an aci)ities t,at ,avea)read been ")otted be$ore generating re"ort.

    . )ose Access.

    Starting Ar#ie6 and pening the Pro5e#t ,ile

    . Start Arc:ie(. Se)ect Start Programs S+' Ar#ie6

    2. )ic; pen eisting pro5e#t. >$ our "roject is )isted c)ic; on it and c)ic; K.4t,er(ise navigate to "roject and se)ect it. 4"en Project@CG>S5a/ard5a/ardPGDM.a"r $or St. Kitts and Nevis data.

    Determining last 'D 'ssued

    . Se)ect ie6 $ro' Project (indo( and o"en t,e ,a#ilities:ie( b doub)ec)ic;ing on it.

    2. %nsure t,at t,e ritica) $aci)ities t,e'e is dra(n b c)ic;ing on t,e c,ec; bo tot,e )e$t o$ t,e t,e'e in t,e )egend.

    . )ic; on t,e ritica) $aci)ities t,e'e to ensure t,at is t,e active t,e'e. E+,et,e'e s,ou)d ,ave a bo around it.F

    1. Se)ect 8heme 8ableto o"en t,e ritica) aci)ities tab)e. )ic; on t,e co)u'nna'e ,A*='Dand c)ic; on t,e Sort buttonto sort t,e data in ascending order.Go to t,e )ast record and deter'ine t,e )ast >D issued. Note t,is nu'ber? ou(i)) issue t,e net seuentia) nu'ber to t,e ne( $aci)it.

    3. =se t,e Access !e"ort and enter t,e Ne( G>S4D% net to eac, aci)it.+,is )ist (i)) be used $or t,e data entr in Arc:ie(.


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    Adding Ne6 ,a#ilities to the *riti#al ,a#ilities theme

    . >$ t,e ritica) aci)ities tab)e is joined? t,e joins 'ust be re'oved. 8it, t,e+,e'e tab)e o"en and active? se)ect 8able +emove all 5oins. 8,en ou ,ave$inis,ed adding $aci)ities ou 'a (is, to re-join t,e tab)e be$ore saving t,e


    2. Se)ect ,ile tensionsand Se)ect t,e Digiti!er%tension. )ic; K. 8ait(,i)e it is )oaded.

    . 4"en t,e aci)ities :ie( and 'a;e t,e (indo( active b c)ic;ing on it. )ic; ont,e ritica) aci)ities +,e'e to 'a;e it active. Se)ect 8heme 8ableto o"ent,e t,e'e tab)e. E+(o (indo(s s,ou)d no( be o"en on screen.F

    1. )ic; on t,e :ie( (indo( and Se)ect 8heme Start diting.A bro;en )ines,ou)d a""ear around t,e ritica) aci)ities t,e'e to indicate t,at it is beingedited.

    3. )ic; on t,e Dra( too) and se)ect t,e "oint o"tion. Move t,e cursor on to t,e:ie(? and care$u)) c)ic; on t,e )ocation o$ t,e ne( $aci)it. Hou 'a need to/oo' in to se)ect t,e site accurate). Hou can use dit %ndo ,eature dittore'ove t,e "oint and tr again.

    6. Hou 'a (is, to add a)) "oints or a$ter ever "oint enter t,e re)evant A>Dand G>S4D%? in t,e tab)e.

    7. 8,en ou ,ave co'")eted adding "oints Se)ect8heme Stop ditingandc)ic; onesto save t,e edits to our t,e'e.

    9. Hou can a)so save our (or; inter'ittent) b se)ecting 8heme Save ditsand c)ic; ones$ and continue editing.

    Adding Ne6 ,a#ilities to the 8heme 8able

    . A ne( record is added to t,e t,e'e tab)e (,en a ne( $eature is added to t,et,e'e. Hou can eit,er add t,e data to t,e record a$ter ever $eature is added oradd a)) t,e records a$ter ou ,ave added t,e $eatures. +,e 'enu t,at isavai)ab)e is de"endant on t,e active (indo(.

    2. )ic; on t,e dit 8ool>con and t,en on t,e record ou (is, to edit. Add ourne( A>D and aci)it na'e. )ic; on anot,er record be$ore 'oving bac; tot,e :ie(.

    . Note t,at )ic;ing on a record in t,e tab)e (i)) ,ig,)ig,t t,e $eature on t,e :ie(.=se t,is $eature to ensure t,at ou are entering data $or t,e correct $eature.


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    iting Ar#ie6

    A$ter entering ne( $aci)ities on t,e t,e'e and into t,e tab)e save t,e "roject and eitArc:ie(. Se)ect ,ile Save Pro5e#tand t,en ,ile it.

    nter Ne6 G'S='D in A##ess Database>n order $or t,e Access database to connect to Arc:ie( it is necessar to enter t,eG>S4D% into t,e Access database.

    . 4"en t,e ritica) aci)ities Database

    2. =se t,e Add # %dit aci)ities or' and enter t,e ne( G>S4D% nu'bers $oreac, aci)it )isted on t,e @aci)ities (it,out G>S4D% re"ort.

    . %it Access