İHTİYAÇ 9 deneme




Transcript of İHTİYAÇ 9 deneme

  • Bu testlerin her hakk sakldr. Hangi amala olursa olsun, testlerin tamamnn veya bir ksmnn htiya Yaynclkn yazl izni ol-madan kopya edilmesi, fotorafnn ekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla oaltlmas, yaymlanmas ya da kullanlmas yasaktr. Bu yasaa uymayanlar, gerekli cezai sorumluluu ve testlerin hazrlanmasndaki mali klfeti peinen kabullenmi saylr.

    TG 9


    22 HAZRAN 2014 PAZAR






    1. Snavnzbittiindehersorununzmntektekokuyunuz.

    2. Kendicevaplarnziledorucevaplarkarlatrnz.

    3. Yanlcevapladnzsorularnzmlerinidikkatleokuyunuz.

  • TG 9

    Dier sayfaya geiniz.3


    1. Words in closed class are not likely to have derivational morphemes. These words are pronouns, determiners, articles etc. The interjections(exclamations), verbs, adverbs, nouns are open class words. However, pronouns are closed class words. So, the answer is E.

    A B C D E

    2. There is a need for a reflexive pronoun rather than an object pronoun in option A. The correct version should be I ignored him and reminded myself never to listen to him ever again Therefore, the correct option is A.

    A B C D E

    3. Monosyllabic words have only one syllable in pronunciation. The words in A,B,C and D are pronounced as polysyllabic. Only the word school in E is monosyllabic. So, the answer is E.

    A B C D E

    4. Fricatives are sounds that are articulated with a friction. The words in A,B,D and E have at least one fricative sound in articulation. Only the word jargon does not have a fricated sound. So, the answer is C.

    A B C D E

    5. The structural ambiguity in A, is he a student who is a hero or is he a hero of students? In C, is it a pay for double job or is it double pay for a job? In D, is the duck ready to eat something or is the duck ready to be eaten by someone ? In E, is the teachers room new or is the room for the teachers who are new? However, option B does not have any structural ambiguity. So, the answer is B.

    A B C D E

    6. The description that is given in the question is directly related to the Motor cortex. So, the answer is C.

    A B C D E

    7. The sentence needs to be completed with an adjective meaning basic, or limited. Therefore, the correct option is D.

    A B C D E

    8. There is a strong contrast between the two sentences, which requires the use of a contrasting conjunction. Therefore, the correct option is C.

    A B C D E

    9. The verb obsessed is followed by with meaning preoccupied with, and the correct phrase is to be in the service of someone or something Therefore, the correct option is E.

    A B C D E

    10. The first sentence is speculating about past, and the second one is a comment on present. However suggests contrasting statements. Therefore, the correct option is B.

    A B C D E

    11. Neither should be followed by a singular verb. The correct form should be: Neither of my sisters does anything to make life better for our parents who are both suffering from severe depression. Therefore, the correct option is A.

    A B C D E

    12. Definite article cannot be used for abstract nouns. Fiction shouldnt be preceded by a definite article. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

    A B C D E

    13. In option C, the subject is a gerund phrase, and should be followed by the verb, not a comma. Therefore, the correct option is C.

    A B C D E

    14. A lot of pronunciation teaching is done in response to learners errors, they are unplanned. Therefore, the correct option is A.

    A B C D E

    15. The author says that A look at the contents pages of most coursebooks will show that we tend to think of the organisation of language in terms of grammatical structures. Therefore, the correct option is A.

    A B C D E

  • Dier sayfaya geiniz.4

    2014 ABT / NG TG 9

    16. According to the text, pronunciation should be integral to language analysis and lesson planning. Therefore, the correct option is B.

    A B C D E

    17. Of course they do suggests that the speaker agrees with the previous comment. Therefore, the correct option is E.

    A B C D E

    18. Richard says he cant make it, which means he cant go. Therefore, the correct option is B.

    A B C D E

    19. Amy mentions for 4 days, so buying is not appropriate for the dialogue, and we know shes already finished reading. Therefore the correct option is D.

    A B C D E

    20. Few of the participants ... realised and Many of the people who attended...unable to appreciate, remarkable and significance are given altogether in similar form. Therefore, the correct option is A.

    A B C D E

    21. The keywords and phrases like notwithstanding and although, limitations and restraints, think and are of the opinion are given altogether in a similar form. Therefore, the correct option is E.

    A B C D E

    22. They often start with, soon and at a later stage suggest a logical order. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

    A B C D E

    23. constantly talks a lot and it may cover up the fact suggest that there should be a previous sentence about the balance between teaching and having fun. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

    A B C D E

    24. The paragraph is about young learners, the only sentence that is not about them is sentence III. Also, the following sentence begins with We are conscious, too,.. , which suggests that the preceding sentence should be about something similar. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

    A B C D E

    25. The paragraph begins with a sentence about the learning types, which is followed by a rather specific example. The rest of the paragraph is about the relationship between the learning types and NLP. The example stands out. Therefore, the correct option is B.

    A B C D E

    26. The definition refers to the term oxymoron since two contradicting items are used together. Therefore, the correct option is A.

    A B C D E

    27. When it comes to mock epic, also called mock-heroic, it is a form of satire that adapts the elevated heroic style of the classical epic poem to a trivial subject. Therefore, the correct option is E.

    A B C D E

    28. John Donne is not a cavalier but a metaphysical poet with George Herbert and Andrew Marwell. Therefore, the correct option is C.

    A B C D E

    29. Augustan Age or Classic Age, in other words, refers to the 18th century witnessing the birth and rise of the novel in English Literature. Therefore, the correct option is D.

    A B C D E

    30. All but option E contain the works with their authors. The work The Flea is written by a metaphysical poet John Donne, not John Milton. Milton is best known for his work Paradise Lost. Therefore, the correct option is E.

    A B C D E

  • Dier sayfaya geiniz.5

    2014 ABT / NG TG 9

    31. Paradox refers to a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true. Therefore, the correct option is D.

    A B C D E

    32. In the option B, simile is applied by using the word like. However, metaphor is applied in all the other options since all the subjects resemble to something respectively in an implicit way. Therefore, the correct option is B.

    A B C D E

    33. In B ,C ,D and E the words can be both inflected as a verb and derived as an adjective or noun. However, in A, darling is only a noun with no inflectional and derivational morphemes. So, the answer is A.

    A B C D E

    34. Homophonuos words are known as homophones that have different spelling and meaning but the same pronunciation. In A,C,D and E, the words pronounced the same. However, in B, the words are pronounced differently. So, the answer is B.

    A B C D E

    35. The word way in the sentences given have the same spelling,writing,pronunciation and related meaning. These kind of words are polysemic. So, the answer is C.

    A B C D E

    36. In the given phrase structure, only the PPs(Prepositional Phrases) with P,Art,(adj),N and P,Proper N between the curly brackets are accepted . In A,B,C and E, there are PPs that are stated in the question. However, in D the PP to me consists of a preposition and pronoun that is not stated in the phrase structure. So, the answer is D.

    A B C D E

    37. Bow-wow Theory claims that language has revealed with the imitation of natural and unintentional sounds. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, claims that language that people use shows us the peoples point of view and the perception of the world. Linguistic Relativity claims that some words such as time concepts are different from language to language. Linguistic Determinism claims that language people use determines their thoughts. The statement that is given in the question is claimed by Monogenetic Theory. So, the answer is A.

    A B C D E

    38. Open-endedness is also known as Creativity and Productivity that states people use languages creatively with finite number of rules. Displacement states human language is not restricted in now and here. Arbitrariness states that the words people use do not have direct relations with their meanings. Reflexivity states that people talk about language rules etc. with the help of language they speak, they reflect the language with language. Of all the properties of human languages, only Duality that is also known as Double Articulation is related to the description given in the question. So, the answer is E.

    A B C D E

    39. Morpheme is the minimal unit of a word that has a meaning or function. All the words except civilizations have 2 or 3 morphemes. Only the word in B has 4 morphemes. So, the answer is B.

    A B C D E

    40. Errors reflect the language competence of students and gives information about whether they know something correctly or not. However, mistakes are performance errors that can be random or incidental. Students can self correct their mistakes but this is not possible for the errors. In the example situation, although the teacher provides feedback, the student does not notice it since she lacks the competence about the target item. This kind of an utterance is an example of error.

    A B C D E

    41. When we recall the communicative approach, we should remember that the communicative competence (knowing when and how to say what to whom) and the authenticity are among the key factors in this approach. Functions are emphasized over forms. So the semantic notions should always be the point. The phrases to use the language appropriately and semantic notions clearly refer to Communicative approach. Therefore, the correct answer is B.

    A B C D E

    42. Buzz group is a whole group or class discussion in which students discuss about any subject. Formal debate is a kind of debate in which the teacher divides the class into two groups and each group tries to support their opinion. In for and against, students discuss the positive and negative aspects of a topic/situation. Spidergram which is also known as mind map is a version of brain storming about a topic. However, dicto-comp is a kind of dictation in which students rewrite or retell something they have listened.

    A B C D E

  • 62014 ABT / NG TG 9

    43. Cohesion is a term provided through the use of lexical and grammatical connectors which are the linguistic connectors such as tense agreement, linkers and article reference. However, coherence creates internal logic in a text through meaning relation of the parts, even in the absence of linguistic connectors.

    A B C D E

    44. Teacher asks students to write ten sentences about their daily routines by using Simple Present Tense. This kind of sentence production and personalization is done at the immediate creativity stage of a deductive lesson. Lead-in is the stage in which teacher creates content and context for the teaching. During explanation and elicitation, teacher provides the rules of form and use, and checks understanding of students. Accurate reproduction is where the practice is done.

    A B C D E

    45. UG Perspective which is known as Innatist Perspective is interested in the language competence of advanced learners and their complex knowledge of grammar . It assumes that each human being has an innate capacity and system to acquire any language existing. Innatists also compare the native performance and competence with the advanced second language learners.

    A B C D E

    46. Neuro Linguistics Programming consists of a number of primary representational systems to experience the world. It gives teachers the chance to offer students activities which suit their primary preferred systems. According to this view, The zone of Congruence is where teachers and students interact affectively. However, The zone of student Resistance is where students do not appreciate the teachers teaching style.

    A B C D E

    47. Discrete item tests are prepared with the assumption that language competence can be divided into its components and students are tested on the basis of these components of the language separately. Performance tests, however, test the language use of students in real communicative situations, and these tests basically focus on performance while discrete item tests focus on competence.

    A B C D E

    48. Before we start to make a lesson plan we need to consider a number of crucial factors such as the language level of our students, their educational and cultural background, their levels of motivation, age and their cognitive skills as well. Therefore among the options given in the question gender and homework types will be the correct answer. So the answer is D.

    A B C D E

    49. Based on the surveys about differences of learning styles of Keith Willing, it shows in the given situation that they prefer to avoid groups, and who are independent and confident in their own abilities. So it clearly describes the characteristics of convergers among the others conformists, concrete learners and communicative learners. There is no such a learner style like contextual learners. Therefore the correct answer is A.

    A B C D E

    50. When we look at the figure given in the question, we can not see a program based exclusively on topics, situations, grammatical categories etc. However the syllabus now shows any combination of items from grammar, lexis, language functions situations, topics, different language skill tasks or pronunciation issues. Therefore the correct answer is D.

    A B C D E