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Transcript of FM10e_ch09

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    2005, Pearson Prentice Hall

    Chapter 9 -Chapter 9 -

    Capital BudgetingCapital Budgeting

    Decision CriteriaDecision Criteria

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    Capital Budgeting

    Capital Budgeting:: The processThe process

    of planning for purchases of long-of planning for purchases of long-

    term assets.term assets.

    For exampleFor exam

    ple:: Suppose our firm mustSuppose our firm must

    decide whether to purchase a new plasticdecide whether to purchase a new plasticmolding machine for $12!""". #ow domolding machine for $12!""". #ow do

    we decidewe decide

    %ill the machine &e%ill the machine &e profita&leprofita&le

    %ill our firm earn a%ill our firm earn a high rate of returnhigh rate of return

    on the in'estmenton the in'estment

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (ecision-ma)ing Criteria(ecision-ma)ing Criteria

    in Capital Budgetingin Capital Budgeting

    #ow do we decide#ow do we decide

    if a capitalif a capital


    pro*ect shouldpro*ect should

    &e accepted or&e accepted or


  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    The ideal e'aluation method should:The ideal e'aluation method should:

    a+ includea+ include all cash flowsall cash flowsthat occurthat occurduring the life of the pro*ect!during the life of the pro*ect!

    &+ consider the&+ consider the time 'alue of mone,time 'alue of

    mone,! and! and

    c+ incorporate thec+ incorporate the reuired rate ofre

    uired rate of

    returnreturnon the pro*ect.on the pro*ect.

    (ecision-ma)ing Criteria in(ecision-ma)ing Criteria in

    Capital BudgetingCapital Budgeting

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    a,&ac) erioda,&ac) eriod

    #ow long will it ta)e for the pro*ect#ow long will it ta)e for the pro*ect

    to generate enough cash to pa, forto generate enough cash to pa, for


  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    a,&ac) erioda,&ac) eriod

    #ow long will it ta)e for the pro*ect#ow long will it ta)e for the pro*ect

    to generate enough cash to pa, forto generate enough cash to pa, for


    " 1 2 / 0 3

    4""+ 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    a,&ac) erioda,&ac) eriod

    #ow long will it ta)e for the pro*ect#ow long will it ta)e for the pro*ect

    to generate enough cash to pa, forto generate enough cash to pa, for


    a,&ac) period 5 /.// ,ears

    " 1 2 / 0 3

    4""+ 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6s a6s a /.// ,ear/.// ,earpa,&ac) period goodpa,&ac) period good

    6s it accepta&le6s it accepta&le

    Firms that use this method will compareFirms that use this method will comparethe pa,&ac) calculation to somethe pa,&ac) calculation to some

    standard set &, the firm.standard set &, the firm.

    6f our senior management had set a cut-6f our senior management had set a cut-

    off ofoff of ,ears ,earsfor pro*ects li)e ours! whatfor pro*ects li)e ours! what

    would &e our decisionwould &e our decision

    7ccept the pro*ect7ccept the pro*ect..

    a,&ac) erioda,&ac) eriod

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (raw&ac)s of a,&ac) eriod(raw&ac)s of a,&ac) eriod

    Firm cutoffs areFirm cutoffs are su&*ecti'esu&*ecti'e..

    (oes not consider(oes not consider time 'alue oftime 'alue of

    mone,mone,.. (oes not consider an,(oes not consider an, reuiredreuired

    rate of returnrate of return..

    (oes not consider all of the(oes not consider all of the

    pro*ect8spro*ect8s cash flowscash flows..

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (raw&ac)s of a,&ac) eriod(raw&ac)s of a,&ac) eriod

    (oes not consider all of the pro*ect8s(oes not consider all of the pro*ect8s

    cash flows.

    Consider this cash flow stream9Consider this cash flow stream9

    " 1 2 / 0 3

    4""+ 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (raw&ac)s of a,&ac) eriod(raw&ac)s of a,&ac) eriod

    (oes not consider all of the pro*ect8s cash(oes not consider all of the pro*ect8s cash


    This pro*ect is clearl, unprofita&le! &ut weThis pro*ect is clearl, unprofita&le! &ut we

    wouldwould acceptacceptit &ased on a 0-,ear pa,&ac)it &ased on a 0-,ear pa,&ac)


    " 1 2 / 0 3

    4""+ 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (iscounted a,&ac)(iscounted a,&ac)

    (iscounts the cash flows at the firm8s(iscounts the cash flows at the firm8s

    reuired rate of return.reuired rate of return.

    a,&ac) period is calculated usinga,&ac) period is calculated usingthese discounted net cash flows.these discounted net cash flows.


    Cutoffs are still su&*ecti'e.Cutoffs are still su&*ecti'e.

    Still does not examine all cash flows.Still does not examine all cash flows.

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (iscounted a,&ac)(iscounted a,&ac)

    " 1 2 / 0

    4""+ 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"


    earear Cash FlowCash Flow CF 410;+CF 410;+ "" -""-"" -"".""-"".""

    11 2"2" 21

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (iscounted a,&ac)(iscounted a,&ac)

    " 1 2 / 0

    4""+ 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"


    earear Cash FlowCash Flow CF 410;+CF 410;+ "" -""-"" -"".""-"".""

    11 2"2" 21

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (iscounted a,&ac)(iscounted a,&ac)

    " 1 2 / 0

    4""+ 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"


    earear Cash FlowCash Flow CF 410;+CF 410;+ "" -""-"" -"".""-"".""

    11 2"2" 21

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09



    earear Cash FlowCash Flow CF 410;+CF 410;+ "" -""-"" -"".""-"".""

    11 2"2" 21

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (iscounted a,&ac)(iscounted a,&ac)

    " 1 2 / 0

    4""+ 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"


    earear Cash FlowCash Flow CF 410;+CF 410;+ "" -""-"" -"".""-"".""

    11 2"2" 21

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (iscounted a,&ac)(iscounted a,&ac)

    " 1 2 / 0

    4""+ 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"


    earear Cash FlowCash Flow CF 410;+CF 410;+ "" -""-"" -"".""-"".""

    11 2"2" 21

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (iscounted a,&ac)(iscounted a,&ac)

    " 1 2 / 0

    4""+ 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"


    earear Cash FlowCash Flow CF 410;+CF 410;+ "" -""-"" -"".""-"".""

    11 2"2" 21

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    =ther >ethods=ther >ethods

    1+1+ ?et resent @alue?et resent @alue4?@+4?@+

    2+2+ rofita&ilit, 6ndexrofita&ilit, 6ndex46+46+

    /+/+ 6nternal Aate of Aeturn6nternal Aate of Aeturn46AA+46AA+

    Consider each of these decision-ma)ingConsider each of these decision-ma)ing

    criteria:criteria: 7ll net cash flows.7ll net cash flows.

    The time 'alue of mone,.The time 'alue of mone,.

    The reuired rate of return.The reuired rate of return.

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    ?@ 5 the total @ of the annual netcash flows - the initial outla,.

    ?@?@ 5 - 6=5 - 6=FCFFCFtt

    41 )+41 )+ tt



    ?et resent @alue?et resent @alue

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    ?et resent @alue?et resent @alue

    (ecision Aule(ecision Aule::

    6f ?@ is positi'e!6f ?@ is positi'e! acceptaccept.. 6f ?@ is negati'e!6f ?@ is negati'e! re*ectre*ect..

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    NPV ExampleNPV Example

    Suppose we are considering a capitalSuppose we are considering a capital

    in'estment that costsin'estment that costs $2"!"""$2"!"""andand

    pro'ides annual net cash flows ofpro'ides annual net cash flows of

    $1""!"""$1""!"""for fi'e ,ears. The firm8sfor fi'e ,ears. The firm8s

    reuired rate of return isreuired rate of return is 1;1;..

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    NPV ExampleNPV Example

    " 1 2 / 0

    42"!"""+ 1""!""" 1""!""" 1""!""" 1""!""" 1""!"""

    Suppose we are considering a capitalSuppose we are considering a capital

    in'estment that costsin'estment that costs $2"!"""$2"!"""andand

    pro'ides annual net cash flows ofpro'ides annual net cash flows of

    $1""!"""$1""!"""for fi'e ,ears. The firm8sfor fi'e ,ears. The firm8s

    reuired rate of return isreuired rate of return is 1;1;..

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    ?et resent @alue?et resent @alue

    ?@ is *ust the @ of the annual cash?@ is *ust the @ of the annual cashflows minus the initial outflow.flows minus the initial outflow.

    Using TVM:Using TVM:

    5 1 ? 5 6 5 1 5 1 ? 5 6 5 1

    >T 5 1""!""">T 5 1""!"""

    @ of cash flows 5@ of cash flows 5 $//!21$//!21

    - 6nitial outflow:- 6nitial outflow: 4$2"!"""+4$2"!"""+

    5 ?et @5 ?et @ $!21$!21

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    ?@ with the #1"B:?@ with the #1"B:

    -2"!"""-2"!""" CF*CF*

    1""!"""1""!""" CF*CF*

    shift ?*shift ?*

    11 6A6A

    shift ?@shift ?@

    ou should get ?@ 5ou should get ?@ 5 !21.1!21.1..

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    ?@ with the #13B66:?@ with the #13B66:

    SelectSelect CFD=CFD=mode.mode.

    FD=%4"+5FD=%4"+5 -2"!""" 6?ET-2"!""" 6?ET

    FD=%41+5FD=%41+5 1""!""" 6?ET1""!""" 6?ET

    T6>GS41+51T6>GS41+51 6?ET 6?ET


    C7DC 1 6; ?@C7DC 1 6; ?@

    ou should get ?@ 5ou should get ?@ 5 !21.1!21.1

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    ?@ with the T6 B766 lus:?@ with the T6 B766 lus:

    Select CF mode.Select CF mode.

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    ?@ with the T6 B766 lus:?@ with the T6 B766 lus:

    Select CF mode.Select CF mode.

    CFo5CFo5 -2"!"""-2"!""" G?TGAG?TGA

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    ?@ with the T6 B766 lus:?@ with the T6 B766 lus:

    Select CF mode.Select CF mode.

    CFo5CFo5 -2"!"""-2"!""" G?TGAG?TGA

    C"15C"15 1""!"""1""!""" G?TGAG?TGA

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    ?@ with the T6 B766 lus:?@ with the T6 B766 lus:

    Select CF mode.Select CF mode.

    CFo5CFo5 -2"!"""-2"!""" G?TGAG?TGA

    C"15C"15 1""!"""1""!""" G?TGAG?TGA

    F"15 1F"15 1 G?TGAG?TGA

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    ?@ with the T6 B766 lus:?@ with the T6 B766 lus:

    Select CF mode.Select CF mode.

    CFo5CFo5 -2"!"""-2"!""" G?TGAG?TGA

    C"15C"15 1""!"""1""!""" G?TGAG?TGA

    F"15 1F"15 1 G?TGAG?TGA

    ?@?@ 6565 11 G?TGAG?TGA

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    ?@ with the T6 B766 lus:?@ with the T6 B766 lus:

    Select CF mode.Select CF mode.

    CFo5CFo5 -2"!"""-2"!""" G?TGAG?TGA

    C"15C"15 1""!"""1""!""" G?TGAG?TGA

    F"15 1F"15 1 G?TGAG?TGA

    ?@?@ 6565 11 G?TGAG?TGA CTCT

    ou should getou should get ?@ 5 !21.1?@ 5 !21.1

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    Profitability Index

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    Profitability Index

    ?@ 5 - 6=FCFt

    41 )+ t



  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    Profitability Index

    6 5 6=FCFt41 )+




    ?@ 5 - 6=FCFt

    41 )+ t



  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    (ecision Aule:

    6f 6 is greater than or eualto 1! accept.

    6f 6 is less than 1! re*ect.

    Profitability Index

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6 with the #1"B:6 with the #1"B:

    -2"!"""-2"!""" CF*CF*

    1""!"""1""!""" CF*CF*

    shift ?*shift ?* 11 6A6A

    shift ?@shift ?@

    7dd &ac) 6=:7dd &ac) 6=: 2"!""" 2"!""" (i'ide &, 6=:(i'ide &, 6=: 2"!""" 5 2"!""" 5

    ou should getou should get 6 5 1./06 5 1./0

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6nternal Aate of Aeturn 46AA+6nternal Aate of Aeturn 46AA+

    6AA6AA::The return on the firm8sThe return on the firm8s

    in'ested capital. 6AA is simpl, thein'ested capital. 6AA is simpl, the

    rate of returnrate of returnthat the firm earns onthat the firm earns onits capital &udgeting pro*ects.its capital &udgeting pro*ects.

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6nternal Aate of Aeturn 46AA+6nternal Aate of Aeturn 46AA+

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6nternal Aate of Aeturn 46AA+6nternal Aate of Aeturn 46AA+

    ?@ 5 - 6=FCFt

    41 )+




  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6nternal Aate of Aeturn 46AA+6nternal Aate of Aeturn 46AA+

    ?@ 5 - 6=FCFt

    41 )+






    6AA: 5 6=FCFt41 6AA+ t

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6nternal Aate of Aeturn 46AA+6nternal Aate of Aeturn 46AA+

    6AA is the6AA is the rate of returnrate of returnthat ma)es thethat ma)es the@@

    of the cash flowsof the cash flowseualeualto theto the initial outla,initial outla,.. This loo)s 'er, similar to our ield toThis loo)s 'er, similar to our ield to

    >aturit, formula for &onds. 6n fact! T>>aturit, formula for &onds. 6n fact! T>

    isisthe 6AA of a &ond.the 6AA of a &ond.



    6AA: 5 6=FCFt

    41 6AA+ t

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    Calculating 6AACalculating 6AA

    Doo)ing again at our pro&lem:Doo)ing again at our pro&lem:

    The 6AA is the discount rate thatThe 6AA is the discount rate that

    ma)es the @ of the pro*ected cashma)es the @ of the pro*ected cash

    flowsflows eualeualto the initial outla,.to the initial outla,.

    " 1 2 / 0

    42"!"""+ 1""!""" 1""!""" 1""!""" 1""!""" 1""!"""

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6AA with ,our Calculator6AA with ,our Calculator

    6AA is eas, to find with ,our financial6AA is eas, to find with ,our financial


    Iust enter the cash flows as ,ou didIust enter the cash flows as ,ou didwith the ?@ pro&lem and sol'e forwith the ?@ pro&lem and sol'e for


    ou should getou should get 6AA 5 2.;96AA 5 2.;9

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09



    (ecision Aule(ecision Aule::

    6f 6AA is greater than or eual to6f 6AA is greater than or eual tothe reuired rate of return!the reuired rate of return!


    6f 6AA is less than the reuired6f 6AA is less than the reuired

    rate of return!rate of return! re*ectre*ect..

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6AA is a good decision-ma)ing tool as6AA is a good decision-ma)ing tool as

    long as cash flows arelong as cash flows are con'entionalcon'entional..

    4- +4- +

    Problem:Problem:6f there are multiple sign6f there are multiple sign

    changes in the cash flow stream! wechanges in the cash flow stream! we

    could get multiple 6AAs.could get multiple 6AAs. 4- - +4- - +

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6AA is a good decision-ma)ing tool as6AA is a good decision-ma)ing tool as

    long as cash flows arelong as cash flows are con'entionalcon'entional..

    4- +4- +

    Problem:Problem:6f there are multiple sign6f there are multiple sign

    changes in the cash flow stream! wechanges in the cash flow stream! we

    could get multiple 6AAs.could get multiple 6AAs. 4- - +4- - +

    " 1 2 / 0

    4""+ 2"" 1"" 42""+ 0"" /""

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6AA is a good decision-ma)ing tool as6AA is a good decision-ma)ing tool as

    long as cash flows arelong as cash flows are con'entionalcon'entional..

    4- +4- +

    Problem:Problem:6f there are multiple sign6f there are multiple sign

    changes in the cash flow stream! wechanges in the cash flow stream! we

    could get multiple 6AAs.could get multiple 6AAs. 4- - +4- - +

    " 1 2 / 0

    4""+ 2"" 1"" 42""+ 0"" /""


  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6AA is a good decision-ma)ing tool as6AA is a good decision-ma)ing tool as

    long as cash flows arelong as cash flows are con'entionalcon'entional..

    4- +4- +

    Problem:Problem:6f there are multiple sign6f there are multiple sign

    changes in the cash flow stream! wechanges in the cash flow stream! we

    could get multiple 6AAs.could get multiple 6AAs. 4- - +4- - +

    " 1 2 / 0

    4""+ 2"" 1"" 42""+ 0"" /""

    1 2

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    6AA is a good decision-ma)ing tool as6AA is a good decision-ma)ing tool as

    long as cash flows arelong as cash flows are con'entionalcon'entional..

    4- +4- +

    Problem:Problem:6f there are multiple sign6f there are multiple sign

    changes in the cash flow stream! wechanges in the cash flow stream! we

    could get multiple 6AAs.could get multiple 6AAs. 4- - +4- - +

    " 1 2 / 0

    4""+ 2"" 1"" 42""+ 0"" /""

    1 2 /

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    Summar, ro&lemSummar, ro&lem

    Gnter the cash flows onl, once.Gnter the cash flows onl, once.

    Find theFind the 6AA6AA..

    Esing a discount rate ofEsing a discount rate of 1;!1;!findfind ?@?@.. 7dd &ac) 6= and di'ide &, 6= to get7dd &ac) 6= and di'ide &, 6= to get 66..

    " 1 2 / 0


  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    Summar, ro&lemSummar, ro&lem

    6AA 5 /0./3;.6AA 5 /0./3;.

    Esing a discount rate of 1;!Esing a discount rate of 1;!

    ?@ 5 $1".2.?@ 5 $1".2.

    6 5 1.36 5 1.3..

    " 1 2 / 0


  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    >odified 6nternal Aate of Aeturn>odified 6nternal Aate of Aeturn


    6AA6AAassumes that all cash flows areassumes that all cash flows are

    rein'ested at therein'ested at the 6AA6AA..

    >6AA>6AApro'ides a rate of returnpro'ides a rate of returnmeasure that assumes cash flows aremeasure that assumes cash flows are

    rein'ested at therein'ested at the reuired rate ofreuired rate of


  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    >6AA Steps:>6AA Steps:

    Calculate the @ of the cash outflows.Calculate the @ of the cash outflows. Esing the reuired rate of return.Esing the reuired rate of return.

    Calculate the F@ of the cash inflows atCalculate the F@ of the cash inflows at

    the last ,ear of the pro*ect8s time line.the last ,ear of the pro*ect8s time line.This is called the terminal 'alue 4T@+.This is called the terminal 'alue 4T@+.

    Esing the reuired rate of return.Esing the reuired rate of return.

    >6AA: the discount rate that euates>6AA: the discount rate that euatesthe @ of the cash outflows with the @the @ of the cash outflows with the @

    of the terminal 'alue! ie! that ma)es:of the terminal 'alue! ie! that ma)es:


    5 @5 @inflowsinflows


  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09



    Esing our time line and a 1; rate:Esing our time line and a 1; rate:

    @ outflows 5@ outflows 5 4

  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    Esing our time line and a 1; rate:Esing our time line and a 1; rate:

    @ outflows 5@ outflows 5 46AA


  • 7/25/2019 FM10e_ch09


    Esing our time line and a 1; rate:Esing our time line and a 1; rate:

    @ outflows 5@ outflows 5 46AA