
Пасха Предмет :английский язык Класс: 5-11 классы Задачи разработки :познакомить учащихся с лексическими единицами, с историей происхождения Пасхи, с традициями православия Автор разработки: Дегтярева Елена Александровна Областное государственное общеобразовательное учреждение «Верхотурская гимназия » города Верхотурья 1 Дегтярева Е А Верхотурье



Transcript of Easter

Page 1: Easter

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ПасхаПредмет :английский язык

Класс: 5-11 классы

Задачи разработки :познакомить учащихся с лексическими единицами, с историей происхождения Пасхи, с традициями православия

Автор разработки: Дегтярева Елена Александровна

Областное государственное общеобразовательное учреждение «Верхотурская гимназия » города Верхотурья

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History of Easter

The word "Easter" has its origin from the name of the Old Testament feast of the Passover, which was so named from the Jewish word "Pasach" ("passes") - in memory of the events of the ancient Jewish exodus from Egypt and from slavery in Egypt when the angel , smote the Egyptian firstborn, the sight of blood on the door of the Passover, Jewish homes passed.

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On the third day after the burial of Christ early Sunday morning, several women with Maria went to the tomb to bring incense, designed for the body of Jesus. Approached, they saw that big stone, stopped the entrance to the tomb, rolled back, the tomb was empty and on the stone angel of the Lord was sitting. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow. Angel proclaimed that Christ was not here, He was risen, as he said.

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"Christ is risen! - Truly He is risen".

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Easter Sunday is the day of the feast. This day, the third since

crucifixion, the Christ is believed to have shown up himself. And

not just that, Jesus also joined his disciples on a meal! Easter comes

at the end of the six days of the Holy Week which came to be

associated with the life of Jesus before the Resurrection. This is when Christ is believed to show

himself up after his death through crucifixion. He had risen up from his tomb that was guarded by the sentries. And met his disciples to get them prepared to carry out his

works in his absence.

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Easter eggs

Coloring Easter eggs - this is the real art.


Drapanki Krapanki

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Even today in Britain people decorate Easter eggs and very often hang them with ribbons or strings on beautiful egg trees.

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Easter rabbitThe tradition of the Easter Hare, or Easter Bunny comes from a Northern European legend. Long ago in a small village the mothers had no money to buy their children presents for Easter. They painted eggs with lots of beautiful pictures and hid them in the forest near the village. When the children went to play in the forest on Easter Sunday they saw the eggs but they didn't know where they came from. Suddenly a hare ran out from behind a pile of eggs and the children started shouting: " They are hare's eggs!".

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Easter food

Easter cake

Easter Kulich

Easter royal in cream

Many families have a traditional Sunday roast, particularly roast lamb, and eat

foods like Simnel cake, a fruit cake with eleven marzipan balls representing the

eleven faithful apostles.

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Earth and the sun,

Fields and Forest -

All praise God:

Christ is risen!


In the smile of the blue

Live Heaven

All the same joy:

Christ is risen!

On the fields of black and flat, Again, I am God, and no-one! Tomorrow, Easter, the smell of wax, The smell of warm cakes. Before my life has flowed so Light changing exact days And now a balance One happy patient. After all, winter, spring and summer, Easter, Christmas and Post, If you can look into it In the small drop - the Godhead. Let small, albeit foolish, Assume that we will of proud But in the throat of mushroom soup Joy of the same turn.

Easter poems

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Mary had a little lamb

Mary had a little lamb.

Its fleece was while as snow;   

And everywhere that Mary went       

The lamb was sure to go

It followed her to school

one day,

That was against the rule:

It made the children laugh

and play

To see a lamb at school.

Hot cross buns!

Hot cross buns!Hot cross buns!One-a- penny,Two-a-penny,Hot cross buns!If you have no daughters,Give them to your sons,One - a - penny,Two -a-penny,Hot cross buns!

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Easter service

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Easter games"Egg rolling" is an old Easter game, traditionally played on Easter Monday. Children roll eggs down a grassy slope and the first egg to reach the bottom without breaking is the winner. If the eggs reach the bottom without breaking it is said to bring good luck. A famous egg-rolling contest takes place on the lawns of the White House in Washington DC, every Easter Monday.

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E g gM a r y

s u n d a yB e t h l e h e m

a n g e lC h r i s t







crossword The symbol of resurrection







The Mother of our God

The day when Christ is risen

The place where Christ was born

Who told to the shepherds about

the birth of Christ

Who was born

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Easter presents

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