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  • 7/22/2019 CAE_GP_EM_U1






    exam maximiser

    Elaine Boyd

  • 7/22/2019 CAE_GP_EM_U1



    Introduction to the CAE Gold Plusexam maximiser

    Exam overview

    Unit 1: Tuning inVocabulary 1:music 1Grammar 1: overviewListening: sentence completion (Part 2)Reading: multiple matching (Part 4)Vocabulary 2: entertainment: musicUse of English: word formation (Part 3)Speaking: Part 1Grammar 2: verb tenses (perfect aspect)Use of English: open cloze (Part 2)Writing: a formal letter (Part 1)

    Unit 2: Spend it or save itReading: multiple choice (Part 1)Vocabulary 1: compound adjectivesListening: multiple choice (Part 3)Grammar 1: relative clausesUse of English: open cloze (Part 2)

    Vocabulary 2: advertising and marketingUse of English: word formation (Part 3)Speaking: Part 3Grammar 2: articlesWriting: informal letter (Part 2)

    Unit 3: What makes us tickListening: multiple matching (Part 4)Vocabulary 1: adjectives of characterUse of English: multiple choice cloze (Part 1)Reading: multiple choice (Part 3)Grammar 1: modal verbs 1

    Vocabulary 2 : relationshipsSpeaking: Part 2Grammar 2: gerunds and infinitivesUse of English: key word transformations (Part 5)Writing: a contribution to a longer piece (Part 2)

    p.4 Unit 4: Pushing the boundariesReading: gapped text (Part 2)Vocabulary 1 : science and medicineListening: short texts (Part 1)Grammar 1: conditionals 1

    Use of English: gapped sentences (Part 4)Vocabulary 2: collocations and fixed phrasesGrammar 2: conditionals 2Use of English: key word transformations (Part 5)Speaking: three-way discussion (Part 4)Writing: article (Part 1)

    Unit 5: Thrills and skillsVocabulary 1: sportGrammar 1 : intensifiers/modif iersReading: multiple matching (Part 4)Listening: multiple choice (Part 3)Vocabulary 2: prefixesUse of English: word formation (Part 3)Speaking

    Grammar 2. comparativesUse of English: open cloze (Part 2)Writing: a report (Part 2)

    Unit 6: Family tiesListening: multiple matching (Part 4)Vocabulary 1:word + 0reposition collocationsGrammar 1: wishVocabulary 2: easily confused wordsUse of English: key word transformations (Part 5)Reading: short texts (Part 1)Use of English: open cloze (Part 2)Grammar 2: substitution/ellipsisWriting: competition entry (Part 2)

    Unit 7: Creative talentsReading: multiple choice (Part 3)Grammar 1: the futureVocabulary 1 : phrasal verbsListening: sentence completion (Part 2)Vocabulary 2: words with similar meaningUse of English: word formation (Part 3)Speaking: Part 4Grammar 2; verb patternsUse of English: key word transformations (Part 5)Writing: review (Part 2)





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  • 7/22/2019 CAE_GP_EM_U1


  • 7/22/2019 CAE_GP_EM_U1


    lntroduction to the CAE GoldPlus exam maximiser

    The CAE Gold PIus exam maximiser is speciallydesigned to maximise your chances of success in theCambridge Advanced English Certificate.

    The exam maximiser will help you prepare for theCambridge Advanced exam by offering you:

    o further practice and revision of all the importantvocabulary, grammar and skills (reading, writing,listening and speaking) that you study in the CAE

    Gold Plus Coursebookmore information about the kinds of questions youwill have to answer in the CAE exam

    guidance with strategies and techniques youshould use to tackle exam tasks

    exam-style exercises so that you can practise usingthe techniques

    a complete sample exam which you can use forpractice just before you sit the exam. This meansthat you will know exactly what to expect in eachpaper and that there are no unpleasant surprises.

    How can I use the CAE GoldPIus exam maximiser?The exam maximiser is very flexible and can be used bystudents in a variety of situations and in a variety ofways. Here are some typical situations:

    IYou are doing a CAE course with other studentsprobably over an academic year. You are allplanning to take the exam at the same time.

    You are using the CAE Gold Plus Coursebook in class.Sometimes you will also do the related exercises oreven a whole unit from the exam maximiser in class,though your teacher will ask you to do exercises fromit at home as well. You will use the entire exammaximiser or you will use it selectively, depending onyour needs and the time available.

    IYou have already done a CAE course and you arenow doing an intensive course to prepare for theexam.

    Since you have already worked through Ihe CAE GoldPlus Coursebook or perhaps another CAE coursebook,you will use the exam maximiser in class. This, togetherwith the CAE Practice Tests PIus New Edition, will giveyou a concentrated and highly focused short examcourse.

    IYou have a very short period in which to preparefor the CAE exam.

    Your level of English is already nearing CAE examstandard, though you have not been following a CAEcoursebook. You now need exam skills. You will use theexam maximiser independently, because you needpractice in the exam tasks and how to approach them.

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    IYou are retaking the CAE exam as unfortunatelyyou were not successful in your first attempt.

    You may be having to retake the exam because youwere not sufficiently familiar with the examrequirements. You will not need to follow acoursebook, but you will use the exam maximiser todevelop your exam techniques and build up yourconfidence.


    You are preparing for the exam on your own.

    Maybe you are not attending a CAE class but wish totake the exam and prepare for it independently. Youwill get the practice and preparation by using theexam maximiser by itself. You can give yourself extrapractice by using the CAE Practice Tests Plus NewEdition just before taking the exam.

    What is in each unit?Each unit in the exam maximiser contains Vocabularysections. These practise the words and expressionswhich you studied in the CAE Gold Plus Coursebookand introduce you to some new words and expressionsas well. There are plenty of exercises to do, includingexam-style tasks from Paper 3 (English in Use) andcrossword and wordsearch grids for a bit of fun. Thereare also opportunities to practise the vocabularythrough Paper 5 (Speaking) tasks.

    You will find two Grammar sections in each unit. Bydoing the exercises in these sections, you can practiseand revise the grammar points you have studied in theCAE Gold Plus Coursebook. Some of the exam-styletasks focus on a particular grammar point to give youplenty of practice but in the exam each task will test avariety of structures. Once again, there are alwaysexam-style tasks from Paper 3 (English in Use), togetherwith Tips to help you complete the tasks. There arealso opportunities to practise the grammar pointsthrough Paper 5 (Speaking) tasks. ln these tasks, youcan hear example answers by listening to therecordings of good CAE candidates performing thespeaking tasks.

    Every unit has a Listening section. These sections helpyou train for each of the four parts in Paper 4 :(Listening). First, you read some information about theexam and then you are given some advice on thestrategy you should use in that particular part. You doan exercise to help you practise the strategy and thenan exam-style listening task. There is a vocabularyactivity at the end of most listening sections as well, sothat you can practise dealing with unfamiliar wordsand phrases. The tasks get more difficult as you movethrough the units in the exam maximiser, so that by

    the end of the book they are at the same level as theexam.

    There is also a Reading section in each unit. Like theListening sections, these provide you with informationabout the exam and strategies to use in each of thefour parts of Paper 1 (Reading). You do some exercisesto help you with the strategy and then you do anexam-style task. There is a vocabulary activity at theend of most reading sections as well, so that you canpractise dealing with unfamiliar words and phrases.There are also some exercises asking you to thinkabout the audience and the genre to help you identifydifferent styles of writing. Like the listening sections,the reading sections are easier at the beginning of thebook but at the level of the exam at the end.

    At the end of each unit there is a Writing section. Onceagain, you are given information about the exam andthe kinds of writing tasks you have to do in Parts 1 and2 of Paper 2 (Writing). You are also given a strategy tofollow and then have an opportunity to put it intopractice by reading an exam-style task and doing someexercises, often using sample answers. You write youranswers to these exercises in the exam maximiser.Finally, you write your own answer to the writing task.There is also an lmprove! section in each unit to showyou how to improve your answer and maximise yourmarks.

    ln Papers 1, 3 and 4 of the exam you have to transferyour answers to an answer sheet. Unit '14 gives youpractice in filling in these answer sheets.

    Once you have worked through all the units, you willbe ready to try the Practice exam at the back of thebook.

    Then you'll be really well prepared for the CAE exam.

    Good luck!


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    Exam overview

    There are five papers in the CAE exam. The papers arePaper 1 ReadingPaper 2 WritingPaper 3 Use of EnglishPaper 4 ListeningPaper 5 Speaking

    (1 hour 15 minutes)(1 hour 30 minutes)(1 hour)(40 minutes)(15 minutes)

    Each paper receives an equal weighting of 20 percent of themarks. Your overall grade is based on the total score for allfive papers. There are three passing grades, A, B and C. Topass with a grade C, you need about 60 percent of the marks.For Papers 1, 3 and 4 you have to write your answers on aseparate sheet. For Paper 2 you write your answers in theanswer book.

    Paper Formats Task focusReadingfour texts,34 readingcomprehensionquestions

    Part 1: answering multiple-choice questions on threethemed textsPart 2: choosing which paragraph fits into gaps in a textPart 3: answering multiple-choice questionsPart 4: deciding which section of a single text or which textout of several contains given information or ideas

    Part 1: reading for detail, opinion, tone,main idea, attitude, etc.Part 2: reading to understand text structure,cohesion and coherencePart 3: reading for detail, opinion, tone,main idea, attitude, etc.Part 4: reading {or specific information.detail, opinion and attitude

    WritingPart 1: onecompulsory taskPart 2: one taskfrom a choice offour

    Part 1: using given information to write an article, report,proposal or letter of 180-220 wordsPart 2: producing one piece of writing of 220-260 wordsfrom a choice of article, competition entry, contribution to alonger piece, essay, information sheet, letter, proposal,report, review

    Part 1: selecting from and developing giveninformation to produce a persuasive piece ofwritingPart 2: writing for a specific reader, usingappropriate layout and register, using avariety of functions

    Use of Englishfive tasks, 50questions

    Part 1r multiple-choice cloze: choosing which word from achoice of four fits in each of 12 gapsPart 2: open cloze: writing the missing word in each of 15gaps in a textPart 3: word formation: changing the form of the wordgiven so that it fits into the gaps in the textPart 4: gapped sentences: choosing a word to fit into gapsin three different sentencesPart 5: key word transformations: using the given key wordto complete a new sentence which means the same as thegiven one

    Part 1: vocabulary and lexico-grammarPart 2; grammar and lexico-grammarPart 3: vocabulary and lexico-grammarPart 4: vocabularyPart 5: vocabulary and grammar

    Listeningfour tasks, 30questions

    Part 1: three short extracts, each with two multiple-choicequestionsPart 2: long text with eight gap-fill sentencesPart 3r long text with six multiple-choice questionsPart 4: five short texts to match to one of eight options

    Part 1: understanding feeling, attitude,opinion, purpose, etc.Part 2: understanding specific informationand stated opinionPart 3: understanding attitude and opinionPart 4: understanding gist, attitude, mainpoints and context

    Speakingfour parts

    Part 1: interview: the examiner asks each student questionson basic personal informationPart 2: comparing and contrasting three pictures: eachstudent has to speak for one minutePart 3: interactive task: students discuss a task togetherusing a visual promptPart 4: discussion: the examiner asks questions related to

    the theme of Part 3

    Part 1: giving personal informationPart 2: giving information and expressingopinionsPart 3: sustaining an interaction, exchangingideas and reaching a decision throughnegotiationPart 4; expressing and justifying opinions

    and ideas

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    Exam tips

    General. Do what you can first, then go back and do the more

    difficult questions.

    n lf you don't know an answer, guess. You don't lose marksfor wrong answers.

    " Remember to check your answers carefully. Checkespecially that you have filled in any mark sheets correctly.

    Reading. Time yourself carefully. Work out how long you have for

    each task and don't spend too long on one task. lf youget stuck, go on and come back to the tricky questionslater if you have time.

    . Always read the texts through quickly first to get an ideaof the organisation and topic. This will only take you acouple of minutes and wili help you find the informationyou need to answer the questions.

    . Don't read every word in a task if you don't need to.Remember, scanning is a reading skill and you will needto do this to get everything done in time.

    .ln Part



    tasks, readthe

    stems (thefirst

    partofthe questions) very carefully. Make sure the answer you

    choose is correct when you match it with the stem.

    o Don't be misled by 'wordspots' - where you see the sameword in the text as in the questions. lt may not be theanswer.

    Writing. Make sure you complete all the functions you are asked

    for in a Part 1 task (e.9. explain, describe andrecommend).

    . Balance your answer so that you don't write too much onone function and not enough on another.

    Listening. Use the context you are given in the instructions and the

    questions to predict the outline of what you will hear.

    . Use the few seconds you have before each task to scanthe questions quickly so you know how what you willhear develops.

    e Don't panic if you miss one answer. Listen carefully untilyou hear words that connect you to the next question.Remember, you hear everything twice.

    . Don't be misled by 'wordspots', i.e. when you hear thesame

    wordas a word in


    lt may notbe


    o Don't choose an answer just because it seems right.Remember, the answer must reflect what thespeaker says.

    Use of English. Read each instruction very carefully to make sure you

    know what you have to do. This is especially important intasks where you need to change a word or where youmust use the word you are given.

    . Read any texts through quickly before you start so thatyou get a general idea of what they are about. This willhelp you choose your answers.

    . Remember that collocations and fixed phrases are veryimportant at CAE, so think carefully about where youmay need to consider these, e.g. in Part 1 and Part 5.

    . Check your spellings, tenses and singular/pluralagreements very caref ully.

    ' Be aware of what problems may be caused by your firstlanguage, e.g. you may find articles or prepositionsdiff icu It. C heck these particu larly ca ref u I ly.

    Choose your Part 2 task carefully so that you can show arange of structures and vocabulary. Don't just pick thegenre you are most familiar with.

    Don't write too many or too few words. Plan your writingto avoid this.

    Remember to use paragraphs and to organise your pointsclearly.

    SpeakingRemember normal speaking behaviour, i.e. take turnswith your partner. Ask the examiner if you need him orher to repeat something.

    Always give reasons for what you say and try to use arange of language.

    Don't worry if you and your partner do not agree inPart 3 of the exam, but try to reach a conclusion, even ifit is only that you disagree.


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    Tuning in

    1 album2 track

    4 artist

    Vocabulary 1: music 1

    ! f inO out what these types of music are. Use yourdictionary or the lnternet. Match each type of music tothe pictures below.

    I vatcf' the music words on the left with theirmeanings on the right.

    We played some really awful .. on our way up the

    ladder. Eventually we managed to get .. to a really

    good record who also said they would pay for the

    of our records. Anyway, they were as good as their

    word and our record got heavily on the radio and

    so we managed to get to number 18 in the

    !Choose the


    verb in each sentence.Check the meaning of both phrasal verbs in eachsentence in a good dictionary, such as The LongmanPh rasa I Verbs Di ctiona ry.

    1 I managed to set up / gear up a deal with a gooddistribution company.

    2 Our record got up /shot up the charts as soon as it wasreleased.

    3 We've been gearing up / dilving up to the release of ourfirst record next month.

    4 We've already geared up / lined up some dates for livegigs

    5 They're hoping Io put out / put upa record in the spring.

    a) a recording made or sold illegallyb) a professional performer

    3 bootleg c) a CD which consists of different songsor music by different people

    d) a group of songs or pieces of music on aCD

    5 compilation e) the words of a song6 lyrics f) a single song or piece of music on a CD

    I eut the following words into the correct gaps.Make sure the word is in the correct form.

    label plug sign charts qlSdistribution



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    Grammar 1: overview> CB page 7f, Correct the grammatical mistakes in thesesentences. Sometimes there is more than one mistake.One sentence is correct.

    1 As a singer, I was forced doing arnrful jobs before to hitthe big time.

    2 Rock bands' wealth means that the people are veryjealous of them.

    3 I suggested him to knock at producers' doors to get arecord deal.

    4 He wants that we practise the song again at theweekend.

    5 l've been desperate in breaking into singing for years -nows my chance.

    6 I think bands today are too similar and they all look thesame as well.7 They're very boring because, such as most boy bands,they only sing in one style.

    8 He was paid millions for the copyright so he can haveloads of money by now.

    ! these sentences all have a mistake in word order.Correct the mistake.

    1 Bigger profits will mean definitely more companies takingrisks.

    2 The group quite felt pleased with their success.3 ls that the group which was voted last year the best?

    4 You can be even a success without being able to sing!5 We never must download music without paying for it.6 The chance to be an overnight success is hardly ever


    I Vatcfr the sentence beginnings with theirendings.'l I would have gone to

    the concert ifa) I would be in the charts

    by now!

    LINIT 1 Tuninq in

    Listening: sentence completion(Part 2)

    About the exam: ln Paper 4, Part 2, you have tocomplete the gaps in eight sentences. The sentences

    always come in the same order on the recording. Youmay need to write one or two words. You must writeONLY the words you hear.

    Strategy1 Read through the questions. Think about what kind

    of words you are listening for.2 On the second listening, check your answers.3 Make sure your answers are grammatically correct

    and that there are no spelling mistakes.

    ! t-ook through the sentences and decide whichtype of word (e.9. noun, adjective, etc.) should go ineach gap.

    @ f You will hear a talk on the radio about the riseof urban music. Listen and complete the sentences.

    THE MUSIC OF THE CITYThe urban scene has become a powerful (1) ........... in

    modern music around the world"

    Urban music now outsells (2) . ..... .. and has a quarter ofthe market.


    chart in theUSA were

    all made by black artists.ln Britain a member of the royal family has presented a(4)... of urbanmusic.

    Urban music has been popularised by major artistsworking with leading (5) ........... and rap artists.

    Hip hop came about through a mix of music styles and(6)...........

    Urban music has spread quickly due to the fact that its(7) . . .. matchesourmodern lifestyle.

    Urban music is more dynamic than pop because it isdeveloping and willing to (8) ...........





    lf I had a recording deal b) had seen them play live'l'll be going to the c) get tickets withoutconcert on Friday unless asking me'

    rwish r o' l,!13,1"'sed to set @ f Listen again and check your answers.I wish he wouldn't e) I have to work


  • 7/22/2019 CAE_GP_EM_U1


    2 His new style ............, his work

    LINIT1 Tuninq in

    ffi Complete these sentences with the correctform of these phrasal verbs from the talk above.

    move on get in on filter downgrow out of catch on

    1 The money generated by artists never seems toto those at the bottom.with musicians in

    South America.

    The music business very quickiy becausethere's always something new to consider.

    I think their music will because it's verydif{erent from what's around at the moment.

    The success of rap has made many artists think, 'OK,let's ............. thisl'

    ffieadEmg: R{r r-r ltl ple n'ratch i nq{Fant 4iM f,# page I

    About the exarn: ln Paper 1, Part 2, you matchquestions or statements to several short texts.

    5t!'ategy1 Read the text quicl

  • 7/22/2019 CAE_GP_EM_U1


    cMaking more progress is 24.year-old Sneha Mistri,known as Mistri. She's looked into2 p&D deals. butwhen she wanted to release her first single herselilastyear, she realised that if she puiO for themanufacturing and distritrution, she wouldn,t be ableto afford a video. or a publicist. Instead. she contactedOD2, a download operator, who agreed. to sell hertrack online,

    which freed up3 cash for advertising. Topav for'Intoxicating'. Mistri took out an 111.000 tan95.000 of which went on a video. 'T hate to think howmuch it's cost over the last five years,' she says, 'but ithas been an investment. You sle people on pop Idolshooting into the charts having only been trying forsix months but they disappear just as quickly Bydoing it this way I know that if - when - I make asuccess of this, I'11 be able to keep going.' Mistri hasnow signed to a management company and has livedates lined up throughout the summer.

    DThen there's Bloke - aka Sophie, Abbe, Faith and Gina- whose prospects r"e- ro.y because after the successof teen boy bands Busted and McFIy lots of recordcompanies are hovering arounda girl groups who canplay their instruments. But their manager. JeremyNargi, is realistic, knowing that landing a deal with aIabel is just the first rung on a very shaky ladder anddoesn't necessarily mean that a single will get made.One ofhis other acts signed to Sony a couple ofyearsago, had S800,000 spent on them before their firstsingle and parted company with the label not longafter that single got to No 12. So the recordingcompanies are cautious. Keeping costs down. gettingBloke above the radar will, he reckons, cost 1100,000.'lt's good that there is a perceived markel for tfti* iyp"of group, but it's become like the space race,' Nargisays. 'It's "first man on the moon" stuff. People aresigning acts like this now - so we've got to make surewe get attention and that people._know we're here,even if we don't have a deal.'

    EAlso there's an unsigned girl trio. Genie eueen, inLiverpool. They first came to light 12 months ago,when one oftheir songs popped into people's inboxesas an MP3. 'Just One Of Them Days' sounded like ahit. the rest of the songs turned outs to be amazing. buteven they had been dismissed by almost every majorlabel. The band is managed by Andy McCluske5r'We've seen some unsignel tocat pop grorrpr.' ,uy,Anna from the band, 'and the more we see them beingmessed around by their managers, the more werealise how lucky we are to have Andy' One of them,Lauren, has now quit, but the band have iust recordeda techno epic and there's a chance they:Il make it tothe bigtime. Last year, McCluskey took a holidayStanding on a beach in California, 'Tt hit me that if Istood on that beach for the next two years. rather thancontinuing with Genie Queen, T'd be 1250,000 betteroff. I thought to myself, "Why am I doing this?"'

    UNIT 1 Tuninq n

    ffi Underline the key words in the questions. Thefirst one has been done for you, together with theanswers in the text.

    ffi for each of the questions, choose fromextracts A-E.Which pop act funding their own careerwas disillusioned by a record companyhas not yet made a recordhas formed a business deal outsidethe industryrecognises the importance of publicityhas used the lnternet to further theirpop careermentions putting a time limit on theirpop careeris likened to other actsfeels they are in a better situation thansome other actshas not been signed despite makinggood recordshas been doing publicity that isi neffectivehas lost a member

    ffi t-ook at the numbered verbs in the texts anddecide which definition is best in the context.

    trmr] reEIf-ffi!l--ffi]

    f-ffi]rlw f]ffif-ffilr-m








    to continue doing something when it is difficultto do something which takes a long timeto be happy about something that is going tohappento find out more by getting the necessaryinformationto make a system work more easilyto make something available by not using it forsomething elseto stay close to something because you are waitingfor something to happento stay in one placeto make or produce something

    to have a particular result


  • 7/22/2019 CAE_GP_EM_U1


    IINIT 1 Tuning in

    \foeabufian"y X: n'lusie 2

    ffi Complete the crossword with words related tothe music business.


    2 They went on a lot of TV shows to ............ their newalbum.

    7 ............lets you forward songs to your friends and haschanged the music business.

    9 They don't do original songs - they only do ............versions.

    10 The was really small but a lot of people weresquashed in therel


    1 Their album showed a lot of promise and wehope they record more.

    3 The band has got a badjou rn a lists.

    .. for being rude to

    4 The singer signed an autograph for one of his...........5 lts illegal 1o............ commercially produced songs

    without paying.

    6 They released a very good so I hope their firstalbum will be as good.

    8 The band went on in 2007 and sang all overEurope.

    ffi rfre columns below show very common suffixes.Change these words by using an appropriate suffix andput the words into the correct columns. One wordcan be used in two columns.

    prominence,-r, critic

    demonstfate,,,: pureconfidence . able

    resign similar,, depend politics:,centre alter inform

    -ity (noun) -ation (noun) -al (adjective) -ent (adjective)

    ffi Wnicn words change the syllable which isstressed when they have a suffix?

    {,Jse of English: word forrrration(Pant 3)

    ffi nead the text below. Use the word given incapitals to form a word that fits the space. There is anexample at the beginning (0). ln this text all the wordsrequire suffixes. ln the exam, you will be required touse prefixes and suffixes.

    Tlil.Decide'whattype of word is missing from each gap,'

    DRIVE CAREFULLY!Researchers have discovered that the speed at which peopledrive can be (q .4ra.n4ttq.a|y. @?,a\AA) affected by the speedof the music that they are listening to in their cars. The latestresearch was a (1) (COMPARE) study showing thatdrivers who listen to fast music have twice as many accidents,(2) . ... .. . (REGARD) of the genre of that music, as those wholisten to slower music. The research is (3) .... . (SCIENCE)proof of something many have long suspected and, worryingly,the car is where an (4).......... .. (INCREASE) number of peoplelisten to music nowadays. The study showed that listening tofast music was (5) (INFLUENCE) in people taking morerisks, such as going through red lights. In the (6)............. (TRY),the drivers' heart rate fluctuated less when they were listeningto no music than when they listened to any kind of music.That music is a (7) ............. (DISTRACT) shown by this lackof variation in the heart rate of the non-music subjects.(8) . ...... .... (FORTUNATE), the problem can be resolved -drivers should apparently choose music with a slower tempo orturn down the volume to a (9) (REASON) pitch. Butthere are other problems in the car. There is now an enormousamount of (10) "............ (TECHNOLOGY) equipment for cars,with hands-free mobiles, navigation systems and screens forDVDs. Soon we will all need drivers.

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    From BBC News at

  • 7/22/2019 CAE_GP_EM_U1


    Speaking: (Part 1)About the exam: ln Paper 5, Part 1, your partner andthe examiner will ask you some questions aboutyourself and your opinions.

    Strategy1 Try to expand your responses - don't just answer

    'yes' or'no'.

    ffi ff Look at these questions. How would you answerthem? Write responses, then compare your answers tothe examples in the answer key. Listen to the answerson the CD.

    Do you prefer staying at home to watch a DVD or going tothe cinema?Do you listen to American music or do you prefer musicfrom your country?Which film that you've seen has made the biggest impacton you?

    Gramm av 2i verb tenses (perfectaspect)> CB pages 1 3-l 5I Write sentences using the words given. You willhave to put the verbs into their correct form. Eachsentence contains at least one perfect tense.

    1 lf /you/ meel/me/at 6pm,/l /get/thetickets/bythen.

    2 ln/my film career, /l/have /avarietyof roles /and/enjoy / them all.

    3 I / get/ home/that evening / and / discover / IhaI / myDVD recorder / steal.

    4 He / be / finally / hanging up / his guitar. Next month / he/ sing / and / record / for 20 years.

    5 I /Iry /to get/a recording contract/for months/now.6 They / only / build / the film set / for ten mjnutes / when /

    the rain / start.

    I eut these state and event verbs into thefollowing categories:like, smell, believe, possess, understand, love, have, hate,hear, know, want, dislike, own, taste, prefer, belong, care

    1 Verbs of feeling:2 Verbs of thinking or knowledge:3 Verbs of possession:4 Verbs of sensation:

    UNIT 1 Tuning in

    Use of English: open cloze(Part 2)> CB page 12

    ffinead the text below and write in the word which

    best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.There is an example at the beginning (0).

    TIP! Read the whole sentence to help you decide which',.-wdr:d is..mi!sinn:'r'i.) ,: '. ' .':'. ,:1: "-,,, ",


    You no longer have to run (0) aWAy... to the circus to learn

    the skills of the big top. lf you (1) ................. ever dreamed

    about flying on a trapeze, taming lions or making people

    laugh then you can go along to (2) ................. of several

    schools around Britain to learn how. I tried it for a day to

    see how lwould (3) .. ...... "... on" lt comes as a shockwhen you find out (4) ... ... . ... difficult it is to mastereven basic circus skills. Complete concentration rs important

    because (5) ................. it you can hurt yourself. The classes

    are absorbing and the experience of being told

    (5) ................. to do is relaxing, especially if you are one ofthose people who spends much of the day (7) .................

    to make decisions. I enjoyed what I did on my day there and

    have (8) surprised at how much I remembered.(9) ................. you don't need to be particularly fit to start

    learning some of the disciplines, you'll need a high level of

    fitness to take (10) in the trapeze work. Thosealready (11) . . . ......... shape and who have a good sense

    of balance, like skiers, are (12) an advantage" Allequipment is (13) ...............,. but you need to bring your

    own trainers with ankle support and tights to protect the

    skin on your legs. lt's really (14) ... . . ..... giving it a shot- you may surprise (15) . . . . . .... and then you'll be ableto impress and entertain your friends.


  • 7/22/2019 CAE_GP_EM_U1


    IINIT 1 Tuning in

    Writing: formal letter (Part 1)About the exam: ln Paper 2, Parl 1, you may have to write a formalletter to someone. Your letter will have to be between 180 and 220words.

    Strategy1 Read the question and underline the functions that you are asked to

    f ulf il.2 Decide what information from the question will support each of

    these functions.3 Remember to use your own words and expand the information in

    your points.

    ! nead this task.You are studying in Canada and recently attended a concert by the groupFairplay. However, you were disappointed by the concert and decide to writeto the organisers.

    Read the advertisement for the concert and the email below from your friend.Then, using the information appropriately, write a letter to the organiser, MrWilden, saying what you were dissatisfied with and why and asking forappropriate action.

    f UnOerline the three functions youranswer must cover.

    ! rict what you need to include inyour letter of complaint.1 why you bought the tickets2 why you are writing3 the problems you had at the concert4 what your friends think of the problems5 what you want Mr Wilden to do6 what you enjoyed about the concert7 what you were expectingPut the points you need to include in anappropriate order.

    I wfricfr of these is 'appropriateaction'?

    1 asking for a refund and some extramoney as compensation2 asking for a refund3 asking for a free ticket to another concert4 telling him you will be contacting a lawyer5 asking him to do the concert again


  • 7/22/2019 CAE_GP_EM_U1


    fl Read this sample answer. Rewritethe underlined parts in more formallanguage.

    Dear Mr Wilde+t

    T aw wrifi'vw about ft,,e fairp!-aycoryLcer+ ot Salurdau uiVl*t. T we+llo ltne co+tcerl o^dua was ver1frdisappoidred b7 severa!, +wi^V1is. a fuiedlo speuK lo soieo+te al ltne cotcerlbut tney lold we lo wrile to you.First of a!.!-, ,ivh"e+ we Vol ll,'"eretwe coa!.du'l sil so we-sfood up, wlt"icbtweaul we cott!-d+t'l see )flne ftroup verTwe!.!. al aI!.TI,te lic(efs'coil aJal "so we eXpec+ed seafi+rVt especia!-ly asyour ad l,tad iwplied llnis. Secotdly weHad to !,isfery, io ^

    support n* loN wta+t ho1,tr atd a l"all ntd slrnetg wererubbistn aud fh"eu Fairp!.atX *"N" o^lrXou slaVe 40, a. l*our. T Zo+r't ft*i+rVwe Vol o4r wou.efr's wortln nt aI!.tiuallyt duyitl lhe i+rlewal llnerewere io refre3h.weut s so we werelorced to Vo outside lo qel sowelhi,nqu.yrd flne.yr Ltad lo s'fotdutv"^ lur+nefbacK whe'vt we refl,tr'vted,f fni-vttr the seals were werpriced a'nd+uoa didu'l do wlnal +ou said uou

    UNIT 1 Tuning in

    ! fhe table below shows what your writing is assessed on in theexam. Complete the table with what you need to do in the previousquestion in order to fulfil each point.

    use formal language and a polite tonebalance the functions appropriatelypersuade the audience of your argumentorder the functions appropriatelyuse paragraphing and linking words

    use a variety of vocabularymake sure the audience has enough information to responduse advanced level structures and vocabulary in placescheck that structures, vocabulary and spelling are correctcover all the functions requireduse a variety of structures

    ! Write your own answer to the task in Exercise 1. Use your planfrom Exercise 3 to help you and remember to use formal language.Write your answer in 180-220 words.

    wiu!.d do ial TouY ad.Ih"er"hort",tls T wa+rf froni)ro

    frive ne parl ol lnelicrel coil or at leasl setd we avo,t cher lo, a lr"" licrlr lo the +exfcoucerl you prowofe.

    "T exoect lo lnear hrow rrou auicxlu,Yo,t rs siucere!.v



    orga n isation


    accu racy


    effect on target reader

    Expand your answer by explaining your reasons fully
