6 Social Good Trends & 10 News-Gathering Tips - #smwtok

2013222() 株式会社ソーシャルカンパニー www.socialcompany.org 市川裕康 (@socialcompany) ソーシャルメディア活で加速する社会課題解決 「ソーシャルグッド」6つの潮と 10 の情報源・収集法 ソーシャルメディアウィーク東京 #smwtok


6 Social Good Trends & 10 News-Gathering Tips - #smwtok ソーシャルメディアウィーク東京 http://socialmediaweek.org/tokyo/events/?id=60888#.USh27lrfxCw ソーシャルメディア活用で加速する社会課題解決「ソーシャルグッド」6つの潮流と 10 の情報源・収集法 2013年2月22日(金)@ 代官山 蔦屋書店(代官山 T-SITE) 株式会社ソーシャルカンパニー www.socialcompany.org 市川裕康 (@socialcompany)

Transcript of 6 Social Good Trends & 10 News-Gathering Tips - #smwtok

  • 1. #smwtok 10 2013222www.socialcompany.org (@socialcompany)

2. http://bit.ly/YeS11y 3. 4. 12 3 >410 5 5. 19941996NGO2010320051200502010201212 HPhttp://www.socialcompany.org / 201252 M / 2010() 6. FastCompany Work is Personal ( Computing is Social Knowledge is Power Break the Rules Fastcompany1995 7. 2 SocialCompany.org (1999~)14 8. 2social=1. - - -4. - 9. Social Good(Social Good)NPOCSR NPODevelopment) 10. 1 NPOGOOD http://www.good.is/ Social Good 2012 11. 2 social good Head of Social Good@Skype Head of Social Good , Youtube Hunter Walk2013 Social Good FastCompany Twitter, Youtube(Google), Facebook, Linkedin, Zynga http://gendai.ismedia.jp/articles/-/33279 12. Social Good SummitMashable ()92st Y() 919221700#socialgoodTweet 45,000 13. 2013 Skoll World Forum 4/10-12) 14. 3 15. ~2010130 21 34 5 6> 16. 25 e ePatient) O2O( Edtech ( )) Gov 2.0 Nptech (NPO x Technology) 17. 1NPO 18. 1KONY2012~16http://youtu.be/m001LUsXUKU 19. 1 change.org 20. 2 21. 211150250 22. 2Gov 2.0 | http://bit.ly/gyjjpP 23. 3 24. 4 25. 4 Success of Crowdfunding Puts Pressure on Entrepreneurs - NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/YFMhf8 26. 4 27. 4 28. 5RT 29. 101- Skillshare)2- 3- 45- (CodeAcademy, Lynda.com, 6- (TED-edu, KhanAcademy)7- (Flip Class Room)8- 9-Coursera, edX, Udacity, 2tor )10- 30. (relevancy) 31. 32. Now You See It How Technology and Brain Science Will Transform Schools and Business for the 21st Century201165 33. Education 2.0 34. Education 2.0 35. Education 2.0 36. Education 2.0 37. Education 2.0 / Edtech http://bit.ly/YK5L2k 38. 6> > 39. e-patient)Published / 2007 http://e-patients.net/ 40. e-patient)ee 41. e-patient) 42. Kony2012 1Occupy Wall Street Code For AmericaGov 2.0 4 21Century StatecraftUshahidi 2 edtechCrisis Mappers Net 5 FEMA NPTechTV O2O 6> 3 LINE, pWechat,) 43. *Google / News.me / Twilert 44. http://www.google.com/insidesearch/searcheducation/ 45. Topsy * 46. http://www.netvibes.com/socialcompany 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Patrick Meier http://irevolution.net/ 56. 57. 58. Social Good Summit (9/24/2012) Photo credit @meganeharaJWhen people get together, amazing things happen( Scott Hiferman, CEO Meetup.com) 59. 60. 61. 62. * 63. 4 64. 65. 66. & Blog ----- NPO 67. Unreasonable at Seahttp://bit.ly/YEGx5n 68. @socialcompanywww.socialcompany.org