11-12 NOGEPA Newsletter

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  • 8/10/2019 11-12 NOGEPA Newsletter


  • 8/10/2019 11-12 NOGEPA Newsletter


    Jelto TerpstraNOGEPAs Media Campaign

    Scenario: Aer a detailed review of the

    incident itself, the queson of whether this

    accident could happen in the Netherlands

    is raised. In brief, Jan de Jong of the State

    Supervision of Mines (SODM) states that the

    situaon in our country is not comparable

    due to operaonal and environmental

    dierences and emphasises the excellent

    Dutch regulaons and procedures. Finally,

    he expounds the good cooperaon between

    all Dutch E&P pares involved in the process

    and resulng in the posive outcome of the

    various working groups.

    Several graphics illustrate the dierences

    between operaons in the Gulf of Mexico

    and the North Sea. Nevertheless, the E&P

    industry has taken its responsibility seriously.

    All recommendaons from the working

    groups are explained, including training and

    competence, technical standards, clear acon

    roles and procedures in case of an accident

    and more.

    The December 2011edion of Aardgas

    Update is dedicatedto the lessons learned

    from the Gulf ofMexico incident and

    explaining the ndingsand outcomes of

    the various workinggroups.


    Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association NEWSLETTER D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 1

    NOGEPA: the recognized voice of the DutchOil & Gas Exploraon and Producon Industry

    stringent safety standards, and to seek any

    improvements that may prove necessary.

    The second focal point is the role of natural

    gas in the energy mix and its contribuon to

    society. I believe that more aenon should

    be paid to the important role that natural

    gas plays in our economy. Natural gas is the

    cleanest fossil fuel, an important contributor to

    our energy mix and an indispensable transion

    fuel as we move towards renewable energy.

    Promong our industry through construcve

    and proacve communicaon and engagement

    with the Dutch government, the State

    Supervision of Mines, NGOs, and the general

    public is very much on my list of priories.

    The third focal point for NOGEPA will be

    the Dutch governments Small Fields Policy

    and, more specically, how we can maintain

    an aracve investment climate in the

    Netherlands to ensure we can explore and

    produce Dutch gas for many more years to

    come. As an industry organisaon, we are

    parcipang in an acve dialogue with the

    Ministry of Economic Aairs, Agriculture and

    Innovaon, TNO and EBN to look at ways to

    provide a further smulus for exploraon,

    marginal eld development and tail-end

    producon. We are also looking into how we

    can ensure public support for our acvies,

    which will prove essenal for doing business in

    our highly populated country.

    NOGEPAs success depends on the eorts and

    the commitment of its member companies. We

    will focus on construcve, open, transparent

    and proacve communicaon on all aspects of

    our acvies.

    During the next years, I very much hope I

    can contribute towards securing NOGEPAs

    excellent reputaon as a strong, visible and

    reliable industry organisaon.

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    Gert-Jan Windhorst

    New Safety Standards proposedby European Commission foroshore oil and gas operaons

    These new rules will create a European

    standard for the oshore oil industry in

    all member states of the EU. In terms of

    substance, a lot of maers proposed are

    already in place in accordance with the local

    regulaons imposed by member states withoperaons in the North Sea, and further

    improvements originang from the post-

    Macondo invesgaons are also being


    By proposing a regulaon rather than a

    direcve, the industry fears that the carefully

    developed HSE framework currently in

    place could be damaged and replaced by a

    rigid onesize-ts-all soluon. It should be

    remembered that the tailor-made naonal

    soluons developed over the years have

    contributed greatly to the high standards in

    place. At the moment, the various industry

    associaons are studying the proposals toassess whether the new bureaucrac burdens

    imposed will build on the current safety

    standards present in the North Sea, and not

    merely replace the current good pracce.

    NOGEPA is also taking part in this dialogue,

    both directly with the State Supervision of

    Mines (SODM) and the Ministry of Economic

    Aairs, Agriculture and Innovaon, but also

    in Brussels through OGP, the Internaonal

    Associaon of Oil & Gas Producers.

    The latest edion of NOGEPAs Aardgas-Update is fully dedicated to the lessons

    learned from Macondo.

    Please visit www.aardgas-update.nl.

    In order to reduce therisk of accidents likehappened with the

    Macondo well in theGulf of Mexico, the

    European Commissionhas proposed newlegislaon in the form

    of a regulaon.


    Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association NEWSLETTER D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 1

    NOGEPAs Media Campaign

    Willy Oude Essink (NAM Schoonebeek

    simulator) explains in detail the training

    course. Ben Waardenburg (GDF SUEZ) refersto the standardisaon of guidelines and

    well design. Aer stressing the need for

    exercises, Cees van Oosterom wraps-up with

    the connued need for cooperaon between

    operators and contractors to ensure a high

    level of safety standards in the North Sea.


  • 8/10/2019 11-12 NOGEPA Newsletter


    Cees van Oosterom

    NOREX Large ScaleEmergency Exercise


    Our industry has a long-standing pracce

    of conducng emergency exercises with

    the Dutch Coastguard, State Supervision of

    Mines (SODM), Rijkswaterstaat North Sea

    Directorate and numerous other pares who

    would normally provide assistance in the

    event of an oshore emergency.

    The NOREX table-top emergency exercise,

    jointly organised by the industry and the

    authories and conducted on 17 November,added another dimension to it as it involved

    mobilising the following pares:

    GDF SUEZ Emergency Response Team

    Dutch Coastguard

    RBN (Regionaal Beheersteam

    Noordzeerampen Regional North Sea

    Emergencies Management Team)

    Rijkswaterstaat North Sea Crisis Team

    GDF SUEZ volunteered to host the exercise.

    The oshore oil and gas producer and the

    three other organisaons listed would haveto deal with a major emergency involving

    the Dutch oshore industry. Holding joint

    exercises is essenal as the various pares

    need to learn what they can expect from each

    other. As each of these four players operates

    from their own locaons, opmisaon

    of communicaons and communicaon

    resources is an important aspect.

    The exercise involved a large tanker loaded

    with heavy crude oil deviang from its course

    and colliding with an oshore drilling rig,which at the me was tesng a gas discovery.

    The disaster included: a damaged tanker

    spilling crude oil, a damaged drilling rig, a

    damaged gas well which is no longer under

    control, people in the sea needing rescue and

    injured people.

    The resulng acons included:

    Rescue of people and provision of medical


    Having to deal with a gas well which was

    on re

    Having to deal with media and relaves

    To give an extra dimension to the process

    of tackling a well which is no longer under

    control, Nobel Drilling and Wild Well Control

    also played an acve part in the exercise.

    Overall the exercise went well and numerous

    lessons were learned. Because people and

    organisaons change over me, it is important

    that such exercises are repeated regularly to

    ensure that any oshore emergency is dealt

    within in the best way possible.

    The plan to put what was learned from thedesign of a live oshore emergency exercise

    into pracce is scheduled for June 2012.

    Always being preparedfor the unexpected is

    part of the culture in theoil and gas producingindustry. The lessons

    from the Macondo wellaccident in the Gulf of

    Mexico only reinforcedthis.

    Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association NEWSLETTER D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 1

  • 8/10/2019 11-12 NOGEPA Newsletter


    Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association NEWSLETTER D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 1

    Disclaimer newsleerNOGEPA has taken the greatest of care to ensure the accuracy of the contents of the e-mail newsleer, but is not

    liable for any inaccuracies, omissions, or errors whether in respect of the informaon provided in the e-mail newsleer. The informaon

    in the newsleer may only be used by readers for their own purposes. Permission must be obtained from NOGEPA for any other use.

    John McGrane

    NOGEPA recognizeddoctors list 2012-2015

    The NOGEPA recognized doctors list

    includes the names of 250 doctors across

    four countries: the Netherlands, Germany,

    Belgium and the United Kingdom. A

    signicant number of the doctors onthe list have their pracces at sea ports,

    including Den Helder and Roerdam in

    the Netherlands, as well as Hamburg,

    Antwerp and Southampton. However, the

    inland areas are also well represented with

    pracces in all twelve Dutch provinces.

    As menoned at the annual NOGEPA doctors

    meeng, NOGEPA conducts a review every

    three years of the doctors recognised to

    carry out medicals for personnel working on

    oshore mining installaons. The present

    three-year recognion period ends on

    31 December this year. A majority of the

    doctors on the list have re-applied and are

    in the process of receiving their leer ofrecognion and a new personal stamp with

    a new number for the coming period which

    runs from 01-01-2012 ll 31-12-2014.

    If you would like to re-apply, please consult

    our website www.nogepa.nl and in the

    Health secon, you will nd the applicaon

    forms both in Dutch and English, or send

    your applicaon, which you received by

    e-mail to [email protected].