101年第二次專門職業及技術人員高等考試醫師考試分試 … ·...

101年第二次專門職業及技術人員高等考試醫師考試分試考試、中 醫師、營養師、心理師、醫事檢驗師、護理師考試暨普通考試護士 考試、101年專門職業及技術人員高等考試中醫師(第一試)考試 分試考試、法醫師、語言治療師、聽力師、牙體技術師考試試題 別:高等考試 科:醫師 目:醫學(包括小兒科、皮膚科、神經科、精神科等科目及其相關臨床實 例與醫學倫理) 考試時間: 2 小時 座號: ※注意:本試題為單一選擇題,請選出一個 正確或最適當的答案 ,複選 作答者,該題不予計分 本科目共80 題,每題1.25 分,須用2B 鉛筆 在試卡上依題號清楚 劃記,於本試題上作答者,不予計分。 禁止使用電子計算器。 代號:2102 頁次:121 1 法洛氏四重症(tetralogy of Fallot)病兒會有收縮期雜音,請問此雜音源自下列何種病理變化? 心房中隔缺損 肺動脈出口狹窄 主動脈跨行 右心室肥厚 2 在先天性心臟病中,新生兒期發現後最罕見有機會自然癒合的為下列何者? 膜邊型心室中隔缺損(perimembranous ventricular septal defect第二口心房中隔缺損(secundum atrial septal defect存開放性動脈幹(persistent truncus arteriosus肌肉型心室中隔缺損(muscular ventricular septal defect3 一位 8 歲男童發燒、咽喉痛 3 天,上眼皮有浮腫現象,眼睛未發紅亦無分泌物,咽部如圖所示。給 amoxicillin 40 mg/kg/day q8h3 天之後仍未退燒,全身出現許多針頭至米粒大小的紅色丘疹。下 列那一項是最可能的診斷? Kawasaki disease scarlet fever pharyngoconjunctival fever infectious mononucleosis 4 一位 4 歲男童被發現手指末端有脫皮變化前來就診,2 週前該男童曾經發燒 5 天,身上出現紅疹, 其他病徵不明,並未接受治療。下列那一項檢查最無必要性? echocardiogram throat bacteria culture anti-streptolysin O titer rickettsia antibody 5 承上題,在還沒有檢查結果之前,可以給予下列那一種口服藥物? Aspirin vitamin B steroid zinc supplement

Transcript of 101年第二次專門職業及技術人員高等考試醫師考試分試 … ·...

  • 101101




    1 tetralogy of Fallot

    2 perimembranous ventricular septal defect secundum atrial septal defect persistent truncus arteriosus muscular ventricular septal defect

    3 8 3 amoxicillin 40 mg/kg/day q8h3 Kawasaki disease scarlet fever pharyngoconjunctival fever infectious mononucleosis

    4 4 2 5 echocardiogram throat bacteria culture anti-streptolysin O titer rickettsia antibody

    5 Aspirin vitamin B steroid zinc supplement

  • 2102 122

    6 pandemic virus 80% H5N2 5 1

    H5N1 H1N1 A 18 H2N3

    A 7 39 3200 gm 24 cyanosis

    respiratory distressscaphoid abdomen

    8 Hirschsprung disease

    9 1

    10 15 hematuriaproteinuriapyuria DNAdsDNA A beta group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus erythrocyte sedimentation rate

    11 7 3 furunculosis2 160/105 mmHg 3 kg/A/G 3.2/3.1 mg/dL C3 pus A ASOantistreptolysin Otiter immune complex A

    12 5 100 20 BUN 56 mg/dL 1.2 mg/dL

    13 7 CPK 2 acute myositis Guillain-Barr syndrome acute myelitis acute rheumatoid arthritis

    14 UPJ stenosis VUJ stenosis vesicoureteral reflux neurogenic bladder

  • 2102123

    15 NF-1 6 15 caf-au-lait spots acoustic neuroma 2 neurofibroma optic glioma

    16 spinal muscular atrophy

    17 synapse GABA-aminobutyric acid valproic acid vigabatrin gabapentin tiagabine

    18 visible sign of puberty

    19 3 ambiguous genitaliaphallus 2.4 gonads 46,XX 17-17-hydroxyprogesterone androstenedione testosterone estradiol

    20 X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets PHEX 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D calcitriol

    21 Turner syndrome bicuspid aortic valve aortic stenosis aortic coarctation pulmonary stenosis

    22 antigen presenting cell, APC T APC eosinophil dendritic cell monocyte macrophage

    23 6 anaphylaxis epinephrine NSAID

  • 2102 124 24 22 systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE

    3 SLE neonatal lupus erythematosus, NLE NLE low C concentration anti-Ro/anti-La antibodies 4anti-Smith antibodies anticardiolipin IgG antibody

    25 osteosarcoma hereditary retinoblastoma Li-Fraumeni Epstein-Barr virusEBV radiotherapy

    26 3 helmet cell spherocyte acute leukemia hemolytic-uremic syndrome Evans thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

    27 7 WBC3,400/mm3 6segment 32%lymphocyte 62%RBC6.010 /mm3Hb10.2 g/dLMCV63 fLMCH22 pgMCHC31.4 g/dLRDWRBC distribution widthHb A192.4%Hb A25.2%Hb F2.4% -thalassemia minor iron deficiency anemia hereditary spherocytosis -thalassemia minor

    28 4 pancytopeniacaf-au-lait spotsshort staturechromosome fragility Fanconi anemia Diamond-Blackfan anemia aplastic anemia Down syndrome

    29 12 right ventricular heave






    AP 1 12













  • 2102125


    31 trisomy

    32 3


    33 34 apneaneonatal sepsisNa+ 138 mEq/LK+ 5.8 mEq/L

    48 17-OH progesterone 17 ng/mL< 12 ng/mL ACTH 21-hydoxylase

    34 ichthyosis seborrhea dermatophytosis psoriasis

  • 2102 126

    35 56 port-wine stain heliotrope erythema rosacea-like dermatitis cellulitis

    36 70 patchessatellite lesionsKOH yeast-like organism

    37 35 A

    Bepithelioid cells giant cell granuloma X VDRL A B

    leprosy; Hansens disease secondary syphilis sarcoidosis sporotrichosis

  • 2102127

    38 78 KOH

    39 65 basal cell carcinoma malignant melanoma Merkel Merkel cell carcinoma keratoacanthoma

    40 melanoma melanocytic nevi 100

    41 80 IgG, C3basement membrane zone bullous pemphigoid pemphigus vulgaris Stevens-Johnson syndrome bullous drug eruptions

  • 2102 128 42 10

    pittingtrachyonychiarough nail

    43 60 15 X

    44 ichthyosis vulgaris atopic dermatitis hyperlinearity keratosis pilaris filaggrin profilaggrin

    45 7 KOH

    nevus depigmentosus vitiligo vulgaris pityriasis alba pityriasis versicolor

    46 cerebral infarction local vasodilatation stasis of the blood column, with segmentation of the red cells edema necrosis of brain tissue

    47 55 ataxia Horner Horners syndrome T2-weighted axial MRI CT CT diffusion-weighted axial MRI

  • 2102129

    48 sleep apnea syndrome obstructive sleep apnea polysomnography

    49 69 A A A A 54 Brain MRI A transient global amnesia Alzheimer disease amnestic stroke epileptic seizures

    50 pseudotumor cerebri lateral venous sinus thrombosis A

    51 subacute combine degenerationBB12 Korsakoff syndromeB B1neuropathic beriberi B INHisoniazidB B2

    52 acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, ADEM demyelinating illness acute inflammatory illness meningeal infiltration neuron

    53 66 peripheral type facial palsy

    54 dermatomyositis target-shaped erythematous lesions on the extremities a purplish discoloration around the eyes shagreen patches telangiectasis

  • 2102 1210 55 40

    Alzheimer disease Wernickes encephalopathy

    56 scintillating scotoma

    57 migraine with aura migraine without aura tension-type headache cluster headache

    58 Parkinsonismakathisia idiopathic Parkinsons disease drug-induced progressive supranuclear palsy striatonigral degeneration

    59 posterior section of internal capsulebrainstemspinal cordpyramidal systemMRI, T2 Hirayama disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis spinocerebellar ataxia type III progressive spinal muscular atrophy

    60 plasma exchange myasthenia crisis chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy Guillain-Barr syndrome limbic encephalitis

    61 residual type


    63 bipolar disorder electroconvulsive therapy mixed typelithium valproate carbamazepine lamotrigine -Stevens-Johnson syndrome lithium

    64 19 12 162 38

    65 27

    bipolar disorder, major depressive episode major depressive disorder dysthymic disorder cyclothymic disorder

  • 21021211

    66 40

    67 dementia with Lewy bodies, DLB

    68 42 180/130 mmHg 110

    69 40

    benzodiazepines alcohol withdrawal delirium positron emission tomography

    70 mercury lead arsenic manganese

    71 Tourettes syndrome

    72 5862 mental retardation

    73 posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD

    74 Primperan 1 reassurancehypnosis diphenhydramine diazepam -adrenergic receptor blockerpropranolol

    75 anxiety disorders specific phobia generalized anxiety disorder

  • 2102 1212 76 X

    left inguinal hernia

    77 normal pressure hydrocephalus

    78 schizophrenia

    79 10 90% 91 12 11

    80 1250 peripheral arterial catheterbrachial artery