The Value of Measuring the Health of Our Rivers

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of The Value of Measuring the Health of Our Rivers

The value of measuring the health of our rivers

Prof Stuart Bunn 斯图亚特·巴恩 教授 Director, Australian Rivers Institute 澳大利亚河流学会 会长 Griffith University 格里菲斯大学

Outline 概述 What is river ecosystem ‘health’? 什么是河流的’健康’? Threats to rivers – two perspectives: 河流面临的威胁主要来自两方面: • humans and nature • 人类与自然 Why monitor? 需要监测的原因 ? Guiding principles 指导准则

• Often describe rivers as being “healthy” – similar to describing people as being in good health

• 经常形容河流“健康的” – 类似于形容人身体很健康

What is river ecosystem ‘health’? 什么是河流的’健康’?

Analogies with human health

• or “unhealthy”

Depends on people’s values




Threats to river ecosystems 河流生态系统面临的威胁

Point and diffuse source pollution 电源污染与面源污染

Dams and weirs – barriers, altered flows水库大坝的修阻隔了河流的流通建改变了河流的形态

Loss of floodplains and wetlands 泛洪平原和湿地的消失

Threats to river ecosystems 河流生态系统面临的威胁

Global threats to river ecosystems 全球河流生态系统面临的威胁

Mapping global threats 全球水资源威胁隐患图示 Adjusted threat to human water security 3.4 b people in developing countries live in areas with the highest adjusted threat category发展中国家34亿人口处于高隐患区 No similar investment for biodiversity protection

Trends in biodiversity: 生物多样性趋势1970-2000

• 10,000-20,000 freshwater species are extinct or imperiled 一万到两万种淡水生物已经灭绝或濒临灭绝

• In intensively developed regions, more than one-third of the species in some freshwater taxa are threatened 在发展程度比较高的地区,超过1/3的淡水生物受到威胁

Population declines in freshwater are twice that of terrestrial and marine systems 淡水生物多样性的减少是陆地和海洋生物多样性减少的两倍

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005

Aquatic invertebrates

Freshwater biodiversity

“Goddess of the Yangtze” (Baiji ) Mekong catfish

Spiny crayfish

Qld Lungfish Pig-nose turtle

BC Sturgeon



~10% of all described animal species; ~40% of fish diversity and 30% vertebrate diversity

Why monitor? 需要监测的原因 ?

Clean, fresh drinking water is an example of an ecosystem service that healthy rivers provide … (for free) 洁净、新鲜的饮用水是是健康河流“免费”提供的生态产品的一个例证

Ecosystem goods and services 生态系统的产品和服务

• To ensure that important environmental ‘assets’ and ‘values’ are protected


Other examples of ‘assets’ 其它例证

Fishing - protein 捕鱼 - 蛋白质



Aesthetics 美的享受

Freshwater biodiversity 淡水生物多样性

1 Identify the objectives of the program 确定项目目标

2 Identify suitable measures (indicators) of drivers, stressors and response 确认合适的驱使因素,压力源和反应的指标

3 Develop conceptual models linking range of drivers to potential impacts 联系驱使因素和潜在影响开发概念模型

4 River Classification to identify homogenous ‘river types’ 河流分类从而确认相同的河流类型

5 Trial sampling program and refinement of indicators 采样试验,完善指标

6 Selection of suitable benchmarks for ecological indicators 选取合适的生态指标的基准

7 Reporting & Communication 报告和交流

8 Implement management actions to address priority areas/threats 执行管理行动,明确地区/威胁的优先顺序

Guiding principles 指导准则

Identify the objectives of the program 确定项目目标 Important to set clear goals and objectives and be able to present a vision for the future: 设置明确目标及对未来愿景的阐述非常重要 For example, your vision might simply be “Healthy River” 例如,你的愿景可能非常简单:“健康的河流”

What would a healthy river look like? 健康的河流应该是怎样的 ? • Is it safe to drink? 河水是否可以安全饮用 ? • Will it have more fish? 是否拥有更多的鱼类 ? • Will it be safe to eat the fish? 河流中的鱼类是否可以安全食用?

With a clear vision, it is possible to identify the values that reflect that vision, and the water quality and ecosystem health objectives that protect those values. 有了清晰的愿景我们才能够确定反映该愿景的价值,才能确定保护这些价值的水质及环境系统健康的指标

Selection of indicators 选择评估指标

Important to select a few indicators that are meaningful. 选择有意义的指标非常重要 • Ones that respond to things that threaten the values we

identify 这些指标可以直接响应我们确定的河流既定价值

• Guide management actions 为实施管理提供指导方针 Design of the monitoring program and selection of indicators are very important. 监测项目的设计及评估指标的选择非常重要

Testing indicators 测试指标

River Classification 河流分类

Different types of rivers: 不同的河流将

Classifying rivers into different types 将河流进行系统分类 It is important to recognise the differences in river types when developing a monitoring program because: 认识河流形态的不同对开展监测项目而言尤为重要,其原因如下: • Different types of rivers (and other freshwaters) will not look and

behave the same even when they are healthy. 即便在健康状态下,不同类型的河流(及其他淡水水域)其外观及运行也有所不同;

• The types of indicators that might be appropriate in one type of river may not be appropriate for another.某些适用于某个地区的评估指标无法在其他地方适用;

• The methods used to sample in one type may not be possible or relevant in another. 同样的,在某个地区采用的采样方法可能无法在其他地方进行;

• Even where the same indicator can be used in different river types, the thresholds or targets are likely to differ. 即便某些评估指标可使用于不同形态的河流,其阈值的选取也将因地而异

What is ‘healthy’ and what is not? 何为“健康”与“不健康”

Reference or benchmark for indicators 指标基准参考

Report card – communication tool 评估报告卡——沟通工具

Report card 估报告卡

Targeted management actions 目标管理行为

Riparian Rehabilitation 河岸生态系统恢复

Sewage Treatment Plant upgrades 污水处理工厂升级改造

Environmental flows for rivers 河流的环境流量

Why monitor? 需要监测的原因 ?

Summary 总结 Stream ecosystem health monitoring and reporting need to be developed in the context of an adaptive process 生态系统健康监控报告需要逐步的被适应并采纳

• clearly linked to identified values and objectives, 该系统与被认可的价值与目标挂钩

• is informed by rigorous science, 已被科学数据严格论证

• guides management actions and 为实施管理提供指导方针

• is responsive to changing perceptions and values of stakeholders. 响应相关利益者价值观的改变

Thankyou 谢谢

Science for rivers, coasts and catchments