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Transcript of SO GlAO DUC . . VA HANOI NAM ·



Cau I (3,0 di~m)


NAM HQC 2012 - 2013

Mon thi: Sinh h<;>c Ngdy thi: 05 thang 4 narn 2013 ThOi gian lam bai: 150 phut

(De' thi g6m 02 trang)

1. K~ ten cac ySu t6 du thinh nen h~ sinh thai. 2. Neu cac m6i quan h~ sinh thai c6 th~ c6 gifra cac sinh v~t v&i sinh v~t trong qufui thS va

trong qufui xa. 3. Trong hai nh6m sinh v~t hfuig nhi~t va bi€n nhi~t, sinh v~t thu('>c nh6m nao c6 kha nang

emu d\IIlg cao hon d6i v&i S\I thay d6i nhi~t d9 cua moi truang? T~i sao?

Cau II (4,0 di~m) 1. Trong tµ nhien, sµ tang tru6ng cua quk thS ph\l thu9c va emu sg di~u chlnh chu ySu cua

nhfrng nhan t6 sinh thai nao? Neu anh hu6ng cua nhfrng nhan t6 d6. 2. ThS nao la sg can b~ng sinh h9c trong qufui xa? 010 m(lt vf dl,l ve Ung d9ng hi~n tm;mg

.kh6ng che sinh h9c trong san xuat nong nghi¢p. 3. Quan sat mqt cay b~u dang thOi kl tr6 hoa, phat hi¢n b9 xft dang hut nh1:fa cay, nh¢n chang

ta bar b9 xit, to vo dang bay san nh¢n. Dem dn th~n thay s6 luqng to vo bang 2 I~ cay b~u, s6 lm;mg nh¢n gap 2 I~ to vo, s6 luqng b9 xft bang 2 l~ nh~n.

Hay bi~u ditn chu8i thuc an tren va ve SCI d6 hlnh thap sinh thai s6 luqng tuefllg Un.g.

Cau III (2,0 di~m) 1. Cho biet CCI che xac dinh gi6i tfnh CJ ga. 2. N gum ta biSt trong t~ bao sinh du5ng cua chau chau cai c6 24 nhi~m s~c thS va trong tS

bao sinh du5ng CUa chau ch~u d1:fc c6 23 nhibm sac thl Hay cha biet CCI che xac dinh gi6i tinh 0 chau chau.

3. d ong, trling khong duqc thl;l tinh senora ang d1:fc. Tu phep lai P gifra m¢t ang dlJc v6i m<?t ong chua cha ra ki~u gen cua F1 nhu sau:

- Ong dtJc: AB, Ab, aB, ab. - Ong cai: AaBb, Aabb, aaBb, aabb.

Xac dinh ki~u gen cua p va viet SCf d6 lai.

Cau IV ( 4,0 di~m) 1. Khi lai hai cay lmSng b(li c6 kiSu gen AA va aa, nguai ta thu duqc m9t s6 cay lai c6 ki~u

gen Aaa. Hay giai thich ca ch~ hinh thanh cay lai b~ng 2 quy lu~t biSn di khac nhau.

2. Vu the lai la gl? Cho biet CCf so di truy6n cua hi~n tuqng uu the lai. T<;li sao ngum ta khong dung con lai F 1 d~ nhan gi6ng? Trong chan nuoi va tr&ng tr9t, muon duy trl uu the' lai ngum ta phai dilng bi¢n phap gl ?

3. Cho cay ca chua I chua bie't kieu gen, ki~u hinh lai v6i cay ca chua II va cay ca chua III b6i hai phep lai sau day :

* Phep lai thu nhat : P : Cay ca chua I x cay ca chua II F 1 : B6n kieu hlnh theo tY l~ 3 : 3 : 1 : 1.

* Phep lai thu hai : P : cay ca chua I x cay ca chua ill F 1 : B6n kieu hlnh, trong d6 cay ca chua qua vang, bau d9c chie'm 1/16.

Hay xac d!nh ki~u gen va viet SCI d6 lai trong tling phep lai. Biet rang: tinh tn~mg qua mau do, d<;lng tron la tr¢i hoan toan so v6'i tfnh tr:~mg qua mau vang, d~g bau dl,lc; cac gen nam tren cac nhitm sac th~ d6ng d~g khac nhau; m6i gen guy dµili m<)t tfnh tr~g.

Cau V (2,5 tti~m) 1. Cho b6n ki~u chu ky t€ bao khac nhau duqc minh h9a theo scr dB A, B, C, D du6i day. Hay

k€t c~p m5i ki~u ,chu ky t€ bao nay v6i cac lo~ t€ bao (ti? 1.1 d€n 1.4) sau: 1.1 : t€ bao biSu bi a ngum 1.2: w bao phoi lofil nhim biSn phat tri~n den giai doi,m 64 t€ bao 1.3: t€ bao tuyen nu6c b9t clia rubi gib Drosophila 1.4: hgp bao cila m6c nh~y

Giai thich vi sao 1~ ket c~p nhu v~y.

B I Gl-G2W'llJGl-G2~G1-G21f§J --1

c I G1-G2Gl-G2G1-G2 --1

- PhaS

V&J Pha M

0 Phan chia te bao chat

D Gl - G2 ~Gl - G2 WJ.l.GIGl - G2 -=:J ---

2. D~ ga.y d¢t bien da b<?i c6 hi¢u qua cfui tac d¢ng consixin vao giai docµi nao cua chu kl te bao? Giii.i thich.

3. :Nbiing si,r ki~n nao trong giam phan c6 thS t;,lo ra bien di di truy~n?

Cau VI (3,0 di~m) 1. Neu hai d~g d9t bi6n lam thay dbi cdu true cua gen khi s6 lien k6t hydro clia gen:

a. tang them 2 lien k6t hydro. b. giam di 2 lien k6t hydro. c. khong thay dbi.

2. Phan bi~t d9t bi6n v6i the d()t bien. Trong nhiing truang hgp nao d:C)t biSn chuyen thanh th~ d9t bi~n?

3. Neu nhfrng c4ng d¢t bien cau true nhiem sac th~ khong lam thay d6i ham lUCJilg ADN cua m<?t nhi~m sic th~. H~u qua cua cac dcµig d¢t bien nay.

Cau VII (1,5 di~m) 1. Giai thich t;,li sao b9 nhiSm silc the clia loai duqc duy tri bn dinh qua qua trinh nguyen phan? 2. lv1um t~ bao sinh dµc sa khai clia m9t ca the cling nguyen phan lien ti€p m()t s6 dqt doi hoi

m6i truang n9i baa cung dp nguyen li~u de t;,lo ra 2480 nhiSm silc the dcrn. Cac tS baa con d~u chuyen qua vting sinh tru6ng, bu&c vao vting chin giam phan t~o nen cac giao ru, moi truang n9i bao da cung c~p them nguyen li~u t~o nen 2560 nhi~m siic the dcrn. Hi~u suit thl) tinh cua giao tir la 10% nen da t;,lo ra 128 hc;rp tfr lu5ng b()i binh thuang.

a. Xac dinh b9 nhi~m siic the lu5ng b9i cua loai. b. Xac dinh gim tinh cua ca th~ t;,lo nen cac giao tu tren.

--------------------HSt --------------------

( Giam thi khong giai thich gi them)

H9 va ten thi sinh:., . ., . ., .................................................. 86 bao danh: .............................................. ..

Chu kf gicim thf l: .......................................................... Chu kf giam tht 2: ...................................... .



NAM HQC 2012 - 2013


Bai 1 (5 aidm).

Ngay thi: 05/4/2013

ThOi gian lam hai: 150 phut

(Dd thi g6m OJ trang)

a) Tim cac s6 thvc a,b sao cho da thuc 4x4 -1 lx3 - 2ax2 + 5bx - 6 chia hSt cho

da thuc x 2 -2x-3.

b) Cho biSu thuc P = ( a 2013 - 8a2012 + lla2011 ) + ( b2013 - 8b2012 + llb2011 ). Tinh gia

tri cua p v6i a= 4 + .J5 va b = 4 - .JS. Bai 2 (5 aidm).

{6x2 - y 2 - xy + 5x + 5 y - 6 = 0

a) Giai h~ phuong trinh: 2 2 20x -y -28x+9=0.

b) Tim cac s6 nguyen x, y them man:

6x2 +IOy2 +2.xy-x-28y+18 = 0.

Bai 3 (2 aidm ). Cho ba s6 thvc a, b, c duong them man _.!_ + 2 + ~ = 3. Chl.rng minh: a b c

27a2 b2 8c 2 3


0 2)+ ( ? 2)+ ( ? ?)2-. c ck + 9a a 4a- + b b 9b- + 4c- 2

Bai 4 (7 aidm). Cho tam giac ABC c6 ba .goc nh9n, n{)i tiSp du<mg tron ( 0) va

AB< AC. Cac du<mg cao AD,BE,CF cua tam giac ABC g~p nhau t?i H.

G9i I Ia giao di~m hai duang th~ng EF va CB. Duang thllng AI c~t ( 0) t?i M (A1 khac A).

a) Chung minh nam di~m A,M,F,H,E cling n~m tren m(H duang tr(m.

b) G9i N la trung diSm cua BC. Chl.rngminh ba diSm M,H,N th~ng hang.

c) Chl.rng minh BM.AC+ AM.BC= AB.MC.

Bai 5 (J iliim ). Cho 2013 di Sm ~, ~, ... , ~013 va duang tron ( O; 1) tliy y cling n~m

trong m~t ph~ng. Chl.rng minh tren duang tron ( O; 1) d6, ta luon c6 th~ tim

duqc m()t di Sm M sao cho ~ + MA-i + ... + ~013 2 2013.

--------- 1-IBT ---------

so GIAO nvc v A DAo T ~o HA N<)I

Ki THI HQC SINH GIOI THANH PHO- LOP 9 Niim lu;c 2012 - 2013

I , , ,.


Cau 1 (2,0 diSm)

Mon: Dia ly Ngay thi: 05/4/2013 ThOi gian lam bai: 150 phut (DJ thi gbm 01 trang)

Gia su t11,lc Trai D~t th~ng g6c vai m~t ph~ng quy d<;w va Trai D~t v~n luon tµ quay quanh t11,lc, khi d6 hi~n tugng ngay dem tren Trai D~t se nhu th~ nao? TSti sao?

Cau 2 (4,0 diSm)

Dµa vao Atlat Dia ly Vi~t Nam va kiSn thuc da h9c, trinh bay d~c diSm dia hinh cua Mien Tay B~c va B~c Trung B9 co tac d<)ng nhu th~ nao d~n d~c diSm song ngoi cua mien?

Cau 3 (5,0 diSm)

Cho bang s6 li~u: Gia tri san xu~t nganh chan nu6i a nuac ta (tinh b~ng ty d6ng)

Nam I

T6ng s6 I

Gia sue i Gia c~m San ph~m khong qua gi~t thit I I

( trilng, sua ... ) 2000 i 18.505 12.213,3 3.330,9 I 2.960,8 I i ---

I 2007 •

29.196 21.021,1 3.795,5 4.379,4

a. Hay tinh ca c~u gia tri san xu~t nganh chan nu6i a nuac ta qua cac nam 2000, 2007.

b. Ve bi~u db thich hgp nhit, th@ hi~n gia tri san xuit nganh chan nuoi qua cac nam 2000, 2007.

c. Hay nh~n xet gia tri san xu~t nganh chan nu6i a nuac ta theo dan y sau:

- So sanh t6c d9 tang tru&ng gia tri san xu~t nganh chan nuOi a nuac ta trong thai ky 2000 - 2007.

- Nganh chan nu6i nao la quan tr9ng nh~t trong ca c~u chan nu6i? T?i sao?

- Rut ra nhllng nh~n dinh chung v~ tinh hinh phat tri@n nganh chan nuoi a nuac ta.

Cau 4 (6,0 diem)

Di;ra vao Atlat Dia li Vi~t Nam va kien thuc da h9c, hay phan tich nhfmg thu~n lqi va kh6 khan cua vi tri dia li, diSu ki~n tµ nhien va kinh t~ - xa h9i cua vung DcSng b~ng song Cliu Long ct6i v6i Sl,I ph:it triSn kinh t~ cua vung.

Cau 5 (3,0 di§m)

Di;ra vao Atlat Dia li Vi~t Nam va kiSn thuc da h9c, chung minh r~ng tai nguyen du l!ch cua nu6c ta phong phu va da d?ng.

-------------------------------------lldt-------------------------------------(Thi sinh aU'(J'C SU d1p1g Atlat Dja l}' Vi?t Nam va may tinh ca nhan -

Giam tht khong giai thich gi them)

HQ va ten thi sinh: .............................................................. ; S6 bao danh: ....................... .



Can 1 (4 diSm)


Niim h(Jc 2012 -2013

Mon: Lich sfr

Ngay thi: 05/4/2013

Thai-gian lam bai: 150 phut

(D~ thi g6m 01 trang)

Neu nhfrng n9i dung chinh trong de nghj cai each cua cac si phu tieu biSu a Vi~t Nam mia cu6i thS ld XIX. Vi sao nhfrng cai each do khong thvc hi~n duqc?

Cau 2 (8 diSm)

Trinh bay nhfrng S\I ki~n chinh trong qua trinh hoi;lt dc;>ng cua NguySn Ai Qu6c rir nam 1919 dSn nam 193 0. Qua do cho bi St vai tro cua N guai d6i v&i each mi;lng Vi~t Nam trong giai doi;ln nay.

Cau 3 (4 di~m)

a. ThS nao la "ChiSn tranh li;lnh"? Neu nhfrng biSu hi~n cua tinh tri;lllg "ChiSn tranh li;lnh".

b. Tac d()ng cua "ChiSn tranh l~" dSn Vi~t Nam dm;rc biSu hi~n nhu thS nao?

Cau 4 (4 diSm)

Nhfrng dong g6p cua nhan dan Ha N9i v&i CUQC khang chiSn ch6ng Phap (1945-1954) duqc the hi~n qua nhfrng sµ ki~n lich su nao? Trinh bay m9t trong nhfrng sv ki~n d6.

-------------------------H ~ t--------------------------

( G i am tht khong giai thich gi them)

H ' A hi "nh 9 va ten t s1 : ................................................................... ..

s6 bao danh: ................................................................................. .



Nam h<,>c 2012 - 2013


Cau 1 ( 3,5 diem )

Mon : Ghio d!Jc cong dan Ngay thi: 05/4/2013 ThO'i gian: 150 phtit (Dd thi g6m 0 I trang)

Trong nhfrng nam g~n day tru6c khi ban hanh cac van ban phap lu~t hoi[tc cac chinh sach quan tr9ng lien quan db dai s6ng c9ng c16ng, NM nu6c ta thuang t6 chuc l<iy y ki6n dong g6p cua cac 16p nhan dan. Vua qua, bao chi c1a dang dv thao sua c16i Hi6n phap nam 1992 d~ nhan diin tham gia ct6ng g6p y ki6n. Nhi§u b~n hQc sinh da c6 nhling )1 ki6n khac nhau v~ vi¢c nay. C6 b~ n6i hQc sinh Trung hQc ca so cfing c6 quy§n tham gia g6p y. C6 b~n l~i n6i chi nhfrng ngum du 18 tu6i tr& len m6i c6 quy§n tham gia dong g6p y ki6n. Em dflng y v6i y ki6n nao va dung cac cti§u lu?t ct~ giai thich t~i sao? Cau 2 ( 3,0 diem )

Qu6c h9i va H9i ctbng nhan diin la CO' quan quy§n lµc nha nu6c, la CO' quan d~i di~n cua nhiin dan trong ph~ vi toan qu6c va a rung dia phuang. Can cu vao Hi6n phap nam 1992, em hay ch9n va di§n cac tu sau vao dung 6 ck thi~t trong so db v§ each thuc b~u ra cac CO' quan 1\Tha nu6c: Qu6c h()i, Chu tich nu6c, Uy ban nhan dan, Nhiin diin, Thu tu6ng Chinh phu, H9i ctbng nhan diin.

,..----/) __ KJ~~ ~~~I~: ~H~-~

Cau 3 ( 4,0 diem ) Sau khi hQc xong bai 21: Phap lu(J.t nuerc C(jng hoa xii h(Ji chit nghza Vi¢t Nam, b~n Ha cho r~ng phap

lu~t lam m<it tµ do cua ca nhan, vi phap lu~t b~t bu()c ca nhan phai tuan theo cac quy dinh cua phap lu~t, duqc lam vi~c nay, khong duqc lam vi¢c kia.

Em c6 dflng y v&i suy nghI cua b~n Ha khong va giai thich vi sao? Cau 4 ( 3,5 diem )

C6 y kib cho rkg: d~ lam vi¢c c6 nang su<it, ch<it lu9ng, hi¢u qua thi phai lam vi¢c c6 k6 ho~ch va nang GQng, sang t<;lO.

a. Theo em y ki~n d6 dung hay sai? Vi sao? b. Ban than em eta lam gi d~ d~t k6t qua cao trong hQc t~p?

Cau s ( 4,5 diem ) Khi thao lu~n n9i dung bai 6: H9"p tac cung phat trdn, c6 hai ~· ki~n v~ each s6ng trong xa hQi hi¢n d<;ii:

Y ki~n 1: "Den nha ai nha <iy n;mg". . Y ki6n 2: "M9t cay lam ch~ng nen non

Ba cay chµm l?.i nen hon nui cao". a. Em c6 suy nghI gi v@ hai )· ki~n tren? Em abng tinh v6i )· ki~n nao? T~i sao? b. Theo em d~ h9p tac dsi.t k~t qua tbt chung ta dn lam gi? Cau 6 (1,5 di~m)

Hay di§n nhfrng rn)i dung con thi~u trong cac di~u lu?-t sau: A Nguai nao tang tru, v~n chuy~n, mua ban trii phep hoi[tc chi~m do?t ch~t ma tuy, thi bi ph?t tu ................ (o,ich aidu 194- B(J lur;tt Hinh sv narn 1999 (si'ta a6i, b6 sung nam 2009)). B. Thai hi¢u khi~u n;;ti la ............. , k~ tu ngay nh~n duqc quy~t dinh hanh chinh hoi[tc bi~t duqc c6 hanh vi hanh chinh. (trich aidu 31- Lu(J.t Khiiu nc;li, t6 cao (si'ta a6i, b6 sung nam 2005) ). C. Ph~m t9i thu()c m9t trong cac tmang hqp sau day, thi bi ph~t tU ................ : a. Huy ho?.i di~n tich rung diftc bi~t 16n; b. Hu)1 ho?i rung phong h9, rirng di[tc dvng;

(trich di~u 189 - B(J lu(J.t Hinh Sl:f nam 1999 (sua a6i, b6 sung nam 2009)) . ...................... Het ........................ .

( Gitim thj khong gidi thich gi them) Ho va ten thf sinh : ........................................................................... S6 baa danh ........................................ .


HA NQI Niim h9c 2012 - 2013

Mon: Ngfr van DE cHfNH THVc Ngay thi: 05/4/2013

Cau 1 (6 di~m)

ThOi gian lam bai: 150 phut (IJe' thi go'm 01 trang)

C6 cau chuy~n duqc t6m luqc nhu sau: M9t cc_iu be c6 tinh xdu, hay n6i n6ng. A19t h6m, cha cc_iu au:a m9t tui dinh

rdi n6i: "M6i khi con n6i n6ng vai ai a6 thi ha_i,,' dong m9t cai ainh !en chitc hang rao g6 nha ta". Ngay adu, cc_iu be a6ng tdt ca 37 cai ainh. Ngay qua ngay, s6 ainh cc_iu a6ng len hang rao ngay m9t it ai. Rdi m9t h6m, cc_iu kh6ng a6ng m9t cai ainh nao len hang rao nun. CQ,u thu:a vai cha va 6ng baa: "Tbt Zdm! Bay gi& sau m6i ngay ma con kh6ng gicjn vai ai, dit chi m9t zdn, con hiiy nh6 dinh ra khoi hang rao. " Th&i gian qua ai, cubi cung ccju l9i hO.nh di?n baa vai cha rizng tren hang rao kh6ng con chide ainh nao. Ngu:ai cha an cdn: "Con lam rdt tbt nhu:ng hiiy nhin nhfmg 16 ainh tren hang rao. Niu con n6i aidu gi trong CO'fl gi(in du, nhfmg lai n6i dy cung nhu: nhfmg 16 ainh nay. Chung a~ l9i lc;.i nhfrng vit thu:011g kh6 lanh trong !Ong ngum. "\7nrng ngu:ai xung quanh ta la nhfrng vien ng9c quy. H9 giup con cu:ai. H9 s6.n sang c6 vu va lu6n mer trai tim minh ra cha con. .. " ...

(Phong theo Cira s6 tam h6n - NXB Tre, 2013)

Trlnh bay suy nghi (klwang 2 trang gi<fy thi) ve y nghia cua cau chuy~n tren.

Cau 2 (14 di~m) ~n~n xet v~ bai tha /Jbng chi (Chinh Hfru), c6 y kien cho r~ng: tu tha la m¢t

kham pha, tinh tha la m9t tam Si!, mt;zch tha la m9t hdi UC, tdt ca hoa than vao nhau, nhdt thd hoa trong m9t h? thbng ng6n tie c6 tinh c(ip a6i.

(Theo Di tim ve dr;p van chu:cmg- NXB Giao d\lc, 2008)

Em hi~u )' kien tren nhu the nao? Dt;ra vao bai tho /Jbng chi hay lam sang to dieu d6.

---------------------Het---------------------(Giam tht khong gidi thich gi them)

Ho ten thi sinh:...................................... So' baa danh: .................................... .


KY THI HQC SINH GIOI THANH PHO - LOP 9 Niim !toe 2012 - 2013

DE cHiNH THlrc Mon: V~t li Ngay thi: 05 - 4-2013

ThOi gian lam bai: 150 phut (D~ thi g6m OJ trang)

Cau I (4 di~m) Ngueri ta nho dSu d~n cac gi9t nu6c n6ng c6 kh6i

luqng va nhi~t d9 nhu nhau vao 50g nu6c a nhi~t d9 25°C 45 trong binh each nhi~t. D6 thi biSu di€n S\f phl,l thut)c nhi~t 3 5 de) nu6c trong binh vao s6 gi9t nu6c n6ng (hinh 1). Hay 25 xac dinh nhi~t d9 va kh6i luqng cua m6i gi9t nu6c n6ng. Gia thiSt sv can bhg nhi~t duqc thiSt l~p ngay sau khi gi9t nuac nho xu6ng; bo qua S\l' trao dbi nhi~t Vm moi truang xung quanh. 0

Cau II (4 di~m)


Hinh 1

250 N(gi9t)

MC)t binh thong nhau chua nu6c g6m hai nhanh hinh tf\l c6 tiSt di~n Ik luqt la S1 = 30cm2, S2 = 12cm2. Tren m~t nu6c c6 cac pittong vm .kh6i luqng tuong Ung m1 va m2. 0 tr~ng thai can b~ng, mµc nu6c a hai nhanh l~ch nhau m9t do~ la h = 2cm (hinh 2).

1. Tim m1 va m1, biSt tbng cua chling la 200g. m1

2. D~t m9t qua can Ien pitt6ng m1 thi mµc nu6c hai nhanh ngang nhau. Tim de) chenh l~ch hai mvc nu&c nSu ~t qua can d6 len pittong m1.

Cau III (5 di~m)

Cho m~ch di~n g6m: cac den c6 ghi D1(6V-3\V); D2(6V-2W); D3(3V-3W), MN la biSn tra ti~t di~n d:Su c6 di~n tro toan ph~n la R0 . Bo qua di~n tro day dful, coi di~n tr& cac den kh6ng d6i. D~t m9t hi~u di~n thS kh6ng d6i U = 14V vao hai d~u do~ m~ch (hinh 3).

1. DiSu chinh con ch~y C dS cac den sang binh thuC:mg. Tim vi tri cUa C va gia ttj Ro.

2. Xie dinh vi tri con ch~y C dS cong s~t tieu thµ toan m~ch la nho nh§.t va tinh gia tri nho nh§.t §.y.

Cau IV (5 di~m)

--------------Hinh 2


c~ Hinh 3

Cho hai th~u kinh c6 cling khoang each tu quang tam dSn tieu diSm. D~t v~t sing AB vuong g6c v6i t11,lc th<iu kinh thu nh<it cho anh A1B1 cao 5cm ngugc chiSu vm v~t. Gilt nguyen vi tri AB, thay th<iu kinh thu hai vao vi tri th<iu kinh thu nh<it th§.y anh A1B2 cao 1 cm cling chiSu v6i v~t. Khoang each giua A1B1 va A2B2 la 36cm.

1. Tim khoang each tU quang tam dSn tieu diSm cua th§.u kinh va chiSu cao cua v~t.

2. Ghep d6ng t11,lc hai th<iu kinh tren dS quang tam cua chung each nhau 21cm. C6 m<)t

di~m & gifra hai th~u kinh ma d~t AB vu6ng g6c v&i !11,lC chinh t~i d6 thi hai anh cua v~t & cling

m9t vi tri. Tim vi tri d~t AB.

Cau V (2 di€m) DS do c6ng suit cua mt)t bong den pin ta c6: m9t ngu6n di~n, kh6a K, v6n kS, ampe kS,

biSn tra va day dfui du dung. Hay thi~t kS sa d6 m<;ich di~n, mo ta tiSn trinh lam thi nghi~m va n6i r5 yeu c~u d6i v6i cac thiSt bi di~n trong m~ch.


H9 va ten thi sinh : ...................................................... . s6 bao danh: ...................................... .



Cau I ( 3,0 di~m) 1/ Cho sa d6 phan (mg:


Mon thi: Hoa HQc Ngay thi: 05 - 4 - 2013

ThOi gian lam bai: 150 phut

(Di thi g6m 2 trang)

(X)~ (X) + (N)/to ~Fe H2S04 (loang) ) (Y) +NaOH ) (Z) ------)> Fe(OH)3 ------)> (G)

(X)~ BiSt: (X) + H2S04 (loang) ------)> (Y) + (G) + H20. ViSt cac phuong trinh hoa h9c rninh h9a. 21 Co cac ch~t khi bi lfui hai nu6'c sau: khi C02, khi 0 2, khi S02. NSu dling H2S04 d~c ho~c CaO c6 thS lam kh6 dm;rc nhfrng khi nao n6i tren. Giai thich tc,ti sao? Cau II ( 4,0 di~m) 1/ Neu hi~n tm;mg h6a h9c va viSt cac phuong trinh hoa h9c rninh h9a cho cac thi nghi~rn sau day:

· a) Nh6 tU tU dSn du dung dich HF vao 6ng nghi~rn dµng b9t Si02. b) Them vai gi9t phenolphtalein vao 6ng nghi~rn chua dung dich NaOH loang, sau d6 them tiSp luqng du dung dich HCI. c) Dfui tU tu dSn du khi CH3-CH=CH2 vao 6ng nghi~m chua dung dich brom. d) Cho tU tir dSn du dung dich H2S04 vao 6ng nghi~m chua b9t CuO, r6i sau d6 them tiSp dung dich NaOH du.

2/ X, Y, Z lk luqt: la mu6i cua cac kim lo?-i natri, kali, bari thoa man cac di~u ki~n sau:

X + Y ------)> c6 ch~t khi A ; Y + Z ~ c6 ch~t k~t ma B;

Z + X ~ c6 ch~t khi A va c6 ch~t kSt tua C.

BiSt khi A c6 phan (mg lam rn~t mau dung dich brom va kSt ma c kh6ng tan trong dung dich HCl. Ch9n cac mu6i X, Y, Z phu hqp va vi~t cac phuong trinh hoa h9c rninh ho;;i. Cau III (4,0 di~m) 11 Dfui 5,6 lit h6n hqp khi A (dktc) g6m metan, etilen va axetilen vao dung dich chi chua 40 garn brom, sau khi cac phan (mg xay ra hoan toan thu duqc 500 ml dung dich trong d6 brom c6 n6ng d9 O,IM. N~u dem d6t chay hoan toan 2,8 lit h6n hqp khi A ( dktc) trong oxi du thi thu duqc 4,05 garn nu&c.

a) Vi~t cac phuong trinh h6a h9c da xay ra. b) Tinh thanh phk ph~n tram theo thS tich rn6i khi trong h6n hqp A.

2/ Cho 19,6 gam h6n hqp X g6m canxi va canxi cacbua tac d1,ll1g h~t v&i mr6'c, thu dm;rc 8,96 lit h6n hqp khi Y ( dktc).

a) Tinh khbi lu9ng rn6i ch~t c6 trong h6n hqp X. b) Dem toan b9 luqng h6n hqp khi Y nung n6ng v&i xuc tac Ni thi xay ra hai phan (mg:

C2H2 + H2 Ni, 1° C2~ (1) C2H2 + 2H2 Ni, 1° C2H6 (2).

Sau phan (mg thu duqc h6n hqp khi Z gbm C2H6, C2~, H2 du va C2H2 du, ti kh6i cua h6n hqp Z so vm hidro bfuig 8,8. Din toan b9 luqng h6n hqp khi Z di ch~ qua binh d\Illg dung dich brorn du, sau khi cac phan U:ng xay ra hoan toan th~y con 3,36 Ht h6n hqp khi (dktc) thoat ra kh6i binh. Tinh thanh ph~ ph~ tram theo th~ tich cua m6i khi trong h6n hqp Z.


Cau IV ( 4,0 di~m) 11 Nhi~t phan hoan toan 20 gam hfln hqp X gbm MgC03, CaC03, BaC03 r6i cho toan b9 san phfun khi co2 hfip tlw hSt vao dung dich Ca(OH)2 du thu duqc 22 gam chfit kSt ma. NSu hoa tan 20 gam h6n hqp X bkg V ml dung dich HCl 6,118% (D = 1,05 g/ml, luqng axit da lfiy du 20% so v&i luqng phan ling) thu duqc dung dich Y chua m gam h6n hqp ba mu6i clorua.

a) Tim gia tri cua m, v. b) Hoi thanh phk phk tram theo kh6i luqng cua MgC03 trong h6n hqp X c6 gia tii n~m khoang nao?

21 Dful lm;mg du khi CO di qua 25,6 gam h6n hqp X g6m Fe30 4, MgO, CuO nung n6ng cho dSn khi cac phan Ung xay ra hoan toan thu duqc 20,8 gam chfit d.n. M~t khac de hoa tan hSt 0, 15 mol h6n hqp X dn dting vtra du 450ml dung dich HCl lM. Vi~t cac phuong trinh h6a h9c xay ra va tinh thanh phk phk tram theo kh6i lm;mg m6i chfit trong h6n hqp X. Cau V ( 5,0 di~m) 11 Hqp chAt A chua cac nguyen t6 C, H, 0, N trong do c6 ham luqng cac nguyen t6 la: %C = 15,19%; %0 = 60,76%; %N = 17,72%. BiSt phan tli kh6i cua A nho hon 150.

a) Tim cong thuc phan tu ch~t A. b) N~u dem nung 19,75 gam ch&t A a nhi~t d9 cao d~n khi phan Ung hoan toan sau d6 dua

vb di~u ki~n tieu chucln thu duqc v lit hfln hqp khi, con nSu cho 11,85 gam ch&t A vao dung dich Ca(OH)2 du thl thu duqc m gam ch~t kSt tua. Tim gia tri cua m va V. 21 Hoa tan hoan toan 36 gam m(h oxit kim lo?i trong luqng du dung dich H2S04 d~c, n6ng thu duqc V lit khi S02 (dktc) duy nh~t va dung dich chua 80 gam m9t mubi sunfat. H&p th\l hoan toan luqng khi S02 n6i tren trong 600 ml dung dich NaOH IM, co c;;m dung dich sau phan l!ng thu duqc 35,5 gam ch&t rtln khan. Tim gia tri cua V va xac dinh cong thuc cua oxit kim lo?i ban d~u.

Cho: H = 1; C = 12; N = 14; 0 = 16; Na= 23; Mg= 24; Al= 27; S = 32; Cl= 35,5; K = 39; Ca= 40; Fe= 56; Cu= 64; Br= 80; Ba= 137.


(Giam thj khong giiii thich gi them)

Hr va ten thi sinh:-------------------------- sa bao danh:----




KY THI HQC SINH GIOI THANH PHO - LOP 9 Nam hoc2012 -2013

Mon thi: TIN HQC Ngay thi: 05/04/2013 Thai gian lam bai: 150 phut

(DJ thi g6m 02 trang)

Cau 1: Tim s6 (8 di~m) Ten t?p chuong trinh: CAUl.PAS

Cho truoc s6 nguyen duong k (k:::; 105).

Yeu cdu: Tim u6c nguyen t6 nho nh§.t cua k; Tim t§.t ca cac b9 ba s6 nguyen t6 x, y, z (x ::; y::; z) sao cho x + y + z = k.

Du li¢u: Yao tu t~p van ban BAII .INP chua s6 k.

Kii quii: Ghi ra t~p van ban BAil.OUT:

Dong thu nhit ghi uac nguyen t6 nho nh§.t cua k. NSu kh6ng tim duqc ghi s6 O;

Dong thu hai ghi n la s6 lm;mg b9 ba s6 nguyen t6 tim duqc. N dong tiSp theo m6i dong ghi m()t b9 ba s6 nguyen t6 thoa man. Cac b() ba s6 duqc ghi theo thu DJ tang d~n cua x. NSu kh6ng tim duqc b9 ba s6 thoa man ghi s6 O;

Vi d1r

I BAil.INP BAILOUT Giiii thich

10 2 - lf ac nguyen t6 nho nh§.t cua 10 la 2.

1 - s6 luqng cac b9 s6 nguyen t6 tim duqc n = 1

2 ...,

5 tuang 1mg la 2, 3, 5. _)


Cau 2: Mua may (6 di~m) Ten t¢p chucmg trinh: CAU2.PAS

M()t nha may dn gia c6ng n san ph~m nen phai mua m()t s6 may dS san xuit. M6i san ph~m thu i ( 1 ::::: i ::::: n) duqc dua toi nha may vao thai di Sm di va gia c6ng hSt ti don vi th&i gian. T?i m6i thai

diSm. m6i may chi gia c6ng m()t sin ph~m cho dSn khi hoan thanh m6i chuySn sang gia c6ng san

ph~m khac. M6i sin ph~m khi dSn nha may phai duqc gia cong ngay l~p tile.

Yeu cau: Xac dinh xem nha may dn mua s6 luqng may it nh§.t la bao nhieu dS dam bao san xu§.t.

Dii' li¢u: Yao tu t~p van ban BAI2.INP:

- Dong d~u chua s6 nguyen duong n khong vu<;rt qua l 04 ;

- n dong ti Sp theo, dong thu i chua hai s6 nguyen duong di va ti, m6i s6 khong vu<;rt qua 105.

Kit quii: Ghi ra t~p van ban BAI2.0UT s6 luqng may dn mua.

Vi di). :


BAI2.INP BAI2.0UT I Giai thich I

5 3 - May thu nhit se gia cong lin Juqt: cac san phim

13 6 thu nam va thu nh:it.

15 1 - May thu hai se gia cong san phim thu ba.

11 7 - May thu ba se gia cong lin luqt: cac san phim thu

12 2 tu va thu hai.

10 3

Cau 3: Chfr s6 (6 c1i~m) Ten t?p chuang trinh: CAU3.PAS

Xet day cac s6 tµ nhien ao, a1, .•. , <in duqc xay dlJllg theo quy t~c sau:

ao la m9t s6 ti.;r nhien cho trmk c6 t6i da 10 ch fr s6.

s6 ai (i > o) Ia m9t s6 tlJ nhien nh~n duqc tu aj. 1 b~ng each viSt tiSp them vao sau s6 aj. 1 cac chCr s6 cua ai-J nhung theo thu tv nguqc l<;ii.

Vi dv: V6i ao= 123 thi a1 = 123321, a2 = 123321123321, a~= 123321123321123321123321

Yeu cii.u: V ai hai s6 W nhien n va m cho tru6c, hay tim chCr s6 thu m cua an-

Dif li?u: V ao tlr t~p van ban BAB .INP:

Dong diu chCra s6 a0;

Dong thu hai chua hai s6 tµ nhien n va m (1 s n s 25, 1 s m s 109).

Kit quii: Ghi ra t~p van ban BAB.OUT chfr s6 thu m tim duqc. N~u khong tim duqc ghi -1.

Vi dv:

BAB.INP BAB.OUT Giai thich

123 1 : C6 a3 = 123321123321123321123321

Chfr s6 thu 7 cua a3 la 1.


Chuy - Can b¢ coi rhi khong giai thich gi them; - Cac t?p dzr li?u do !.J.. thing &in khong cdn ki~m tra: - Lam bai vai cdc r€1: r?p 6.z!ng nhu quy 6.jnh rrong di

H9 va ten thi sinlz: ................................................................................... . si bdo danh: ........................................................................................... .


so G!Ao nvc v A DAO T ~o HA N(n


DE CHiNH THUC MON THI: TIENG ANH Ngay thi: 05- 4 - 2013

Thai gianJam bai: 150 phut Di~m Chfr ky GK

I Pbach:

(De thi g6m 04 trang. Thi sinh lam bai vao ta gidy nay va kh6ng GU(J"C SU dt,mg . bdt kY lor;zi tai li¢u nao kd ca tU: tlidn. Gi<im thi kh6ng giai thich gi them)

PART I: LISTENING (3.0pts) A. You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1- 6 choose the answer (A,B or q which best fits according w what you hear. There are two questions for each extract and the tape will be played twice auwmotically. Extract One You hear two guests on a radio program discussing travel and holidays.

1. What do they agree about? A. Watching television can spoil a holiday. B. Holidays are for getting away from it all.

D C. It's important not to lose touch with reality on holiday.

2. How does the woman feel about travelling? A. It's always enjoyable. B. It's not the best part of a holiday. D C. It generally makes her feel restless.

Extract Two You hear part of an interview with a Formu1a One racing driver.

3. What does the driver say about keeping fit? A Working out in the gym tends to bore him. D B. Playing other sports helps develop key muscles. C. Driving is actually a good way to maintain general fitness.

4. In his opinion, what makes a great Formula One driver? A. an outstanding natural ability behind the wheel. D B. enough mechanical knowledge to help design cars. C. the flexibility to perform well in a range of vehicles.

Extract Three You hear two people on a radio program talking about a short story competition. 5. The presenter says that each of the finalists in the competition will

A. win a money prize D B. be invited to a prestigious eYent. C. Have their story published in the press.

6. Moira advises those entering the competition to A. write about their O\Vn life and experiences. D B. base their story on one by a well-known writer. C. avoid being over-ambitious in the scope of the story.

PART II: PHONETICS (2.0pts) I. Choose the word whose BOLD part is pronounced differently from tit at of the others by circling A, B, C or D. (I.Opt)

1. A. health B. appear C.bread D. heavy 2. A. attended B. wanted C. naked D. coughed 3. A. change B. children C. machine D. church 4. A. guitarist B. passenger C. generous D. village 5. A. other B. long C. possible D. constancy

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others by circling A, B, C or D.(1.0pt).

1. A. community B. company 2. A. infant B. apply 3. A. concert B. allow 4. A. repeat B. affect 5. A. awake B. aboard

C. commission C.reply C. reduce C. accept C. channel

D. protection D. inside D. admit D. wonder D. amount


H9 va ten Ky 1.


Chu tjch h9i dBng

ch~m thi ghi s6 phach

Ky thi ............................. .

Kh6a ngay: .... ./ .... .12013

H9i dbng coi thi: .........

H9 ten thi sinh: ........... .

Dan t9c .......... Nam/ Nu.

Sinh ngay .... ./ ... ../. ........ .

H9c sinh tru6ng:




Thi sinh kh6ng du9c k)'

ten hay viSt d~u hi~u gi

vao ta gi~y thi.Trai di€u

nay, bai thi se bi lo~i.

l'AKf ill (;RAM.MAR AND VOCAHlJLARY (6.5points)

L Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. (1.5 pts) 1. He regrets __ Ann the truth. He shouldn't have trusted her.

A. to tell B. tell C. telling D. be told 2. That old woman asked me __ a coin but I didn't have any.

A. with B. for C .. by D. of 3. You are going to come to the party, __ ?

A. will you B. aren't you C. do you D. won't you 4. We saw many soldiers and tanks __ were moving to the front.

A. that B. which C. who D. whose 5. We didn't to the station in time to catch the train.

A. get B. reach C. arrive D. leave 6. Either John or his brothers __ the money.

A. has stolen B. have stolen C. has been stolen D. have been stolen 7. On Sundays in England, most shops were closed and __ the theatres and cinemas.

A. so were B. neither were C. were too D. so weren't 8. you study harder, you won't be able to pass the examination.

A. Unless B. Because C. If D. Without 9. That's a nice coat, and the color you well.

A. suits B. fits C. suit D. matches 10. There are two small rooms in the beach house, __ served as a kitchen.

A. smallest of that B. the smallest of which C. the smaller of them D. the smaller of which

11. They decided to buy a (an) car that doesn't use too much petrol. A. economic B. low-priced C. economical D. economy

12. You will have to go for an intm~ew tomorrow, but don't worry. It's just a ___ _ A. form B. formality C.forrnat D. formation

13. The brothers are so alike I cannot one from the other. A. say B. notice C. mark D. tell

14. My mother was of making a cake when the front door bell rang. A. at the centre B. on her way C. in the middle D. halfway through

15. He has just taken an examination chemistry. A. on B. about C. for D. in

IL Fill in each gap of the following sentences a suitable preposition: (1.0 pt) 1. We have acted accordance with your wishes. 2. They often spend their holidays in their hometown. Last year they went abroad __ _

a change. 3. To be elegant, you must wear something that is fashion. 4. They were late account of the rain. 5. After walking around the garden, he sat ease in an armchair. 6. I don't believe you made the pot hand. Can you show me how to make it __ your hands? 7. others he began to use foreign languages as a means to knov,; the world. 8. \Vith the help of my classmates, I made progress in all subjects physics. 9. She lives in a world of her O\\TI. She is out touch with reality. III. Use the words given in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space. (2.0 pts) 1. arked cars usually get a ticket and are sometimes to\ved away.(legal) 2. The homemade ice-cream after it had been in the freezer for an hour. -----(hard) 3. He is so . He can't make up his mind. (decide) 4. My teacher is very about the history of Vietnam.(know) 5. It was a long, slow film. I nearly died of (bore) 6. I enjoyed the book very much because it was so (read) 7. The traffic in the city is especially in rush hours. (chaos) 8. houses are degraded more quickly than inhabited ones. (use) 9. We can look forward to a period of (proper) 10. The teacher warned the children that if they again, they would be punished. (behave) IV. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs given in bold There are some extra ones. Number (0) has done/or you: (2.0 pts)

go over go off go out tell apart call on hold up call off \ 1 put out turn out make out drop out take along take out

\ Eg. (0). I'll_take_ that book _along_ with me.

1. Shall we your sister when we visit London? ~ 2. Sorry, I am late. I was in the traffic for half an hour. 2

3. The course was so difficult that 15 students before the end. 4. It's too dark. I can't really who is standing outside the door. 5. I think the milk has . It smells funny. 6. The twins look so alike that no one can them -----7. Unless you put more wood on the fire, it will ______ _ 8. It took the firemen 5 hours to the fire. 9. Let's the grammar one more time before the test. 10. We had thought it might be a bit cold, but it to be a lovely day.

PART IV: READING (4.5pts) I.Read the article and circle the option A, B, C or D that bestfiis in the gap. (1.0 pt)

NATURE'S CLOCKS Our biological clocks govern almost every aspect of our lives, Our sensitivity to stimuli (l)_ over the course of the day, and our ability to perform certain functions is subjects to fluctuations. Consequently, there is a(n) (2)_time for tasks such as making decision: around the middle of the day. Anything that (3) __ physical co-ordination, on the other hand, is best attempted in the early evening. What (4)__, there is a dramatic drop in performance if these activities are (5) __ out at other times. The risk of accident in a factory, for example, is 20% higher during the night (6) __ . Primitive humans lived their lives in tune with the daily cycle of light and dark. Today we are firmly convinced that we can impose schedules on our lives at (7)_ Sooner or later, however, we pay a price for ignoring our natural rhythms. A good example is jet lag, caused when we confuse our body's biological clocks by crossing several time zones, people suffering from jet lag can take several days to (8) __ to new time zones, and have a reduced ability to make decisions, which is a worrying thought, as serious (9) __ of judgment can be made, And this may be just the tip of the iceberg. An increasing number of people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression that can be (1 O) __ by living in artificial conditions. SAD can be serious, and sufferers, may even need to take antidepressant drugs. 1. a. modifies b. ranges c. varies d. wavers 2. a. peak. b. summit c. maximum d. optimum 3. a. requests b. demands c. dictates d. stipulates 4. a. more b. else c. different d. up 5. a. made b. done c. carried d. performed 6. a. labour b. work c. duty d. shift 7. a whim b. determination c. will d. desire 8. a. accustom b. adjust c. change d. alter 9. a. errors b. mistakes c. inaccuracies d. fallacies 10. a. triggered b. developed c. created d. launched

IL Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete the passage. (3pts) Illiteracy is the condition of being ( 1) to read and write. Illiteracy is also (2) to describe the condition

ofbeing ignorant or unknowledgeable in a particular subject or field. Computer illiteracy is (3) inability to use a computer programming language.

Most of us (4) use computers know how to send emails, or how to create a new folder. But we know (5) ____ about programming languages, the artificial languages used to v.rrite instructions that can be executed by a computer. Even in technologically (6) countries, a very small percentage of computer users are able to read or v.rrite this kind of computer language. Should we (7) the effort to learn a computer language, especially when these are so complicated? The answer is (8) . Because of computer illiteracy, users are at the (9) of software manufacturers. Our society becomes more dependent on information (10) and in a few years' (11) reading and writing a computer language will be as essential (12) using a human language. Computer users will not be able to survive ( 13) ____ they know the code - the set of detailed instructions that tell a computer what to do. In the (14) survival and professional success will presuppose knowing everything about the machines we (15) with.

Ill. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the information below. (0.5 pt)

Species that belong to an area are said to be native species. Typically, they have been part of a given biological 1'u1dscape for a long period, and they are well adapted to the local environment and to the presence of other native species in the same general habitat. Exotic species are interlopers, foreign elements introduced intentionally or accidentally into new settings through human activities. 1n one contex1 an introduced species may cause no obvious problems and may, over time, be regarded as being just as "natural" as any native species in the same habitat. 1n another c.cmtext, exotics may seriously disrupt delicate ecological balances and create a cascade of unintended consequences, The worst of these unintended consequences arise when introduced species put native species in destruction by preying on them, altering their habitats, or out-competing them in the struggle for food resources. Although biological introductions have affected environments the world over, the most destructive, effects have occurred on islands, where introduced insects, cats, pigs, rats, mongooses, and other nonnative species have caused the grave endangennent or outright extinction ofliterally hundreds of species during the past 500 years.

One of other reason to cause species extinction is overexploitation. This word refers to the utilization of a species at a rate that is likely to cause its extreme endangennent or outright ex'tinction. Among many examples of severe overexploitation, the case of the great whales stands out in special relief. By the middle of the 20th century, unrestricted whaling had brought many species of whales to incredibly low population sizes. 1n response to public pressure, in 1982 a number of nations, including the USA, agreed to an international moratorium on whaling. As a direct result, some whale species which are thought to have been on extinction's doorstep 25 years ago have made amazing comebacks, such as grey whales in the western Pacific. Others remain at great risk Many other species, however, continue to suffer high rates of exploitation because of the trade in animal parts. Currently, the demand for animal parts is centered in several parts of Asia where there. is a strong market for traditional medicines made from items like tiger bone and rhino horn.


1. Native species _______ _ A. are not used to the local environment B. never get along well with other native species in the same environment C. tend to do harm to exotic species D. have been part of a given biological landscape for a long period 2. Exotic species _______ _ A. do no harm to native species and the local environment B. may kill native species for food C. always share the environment peacefully with native species D. help to make the local environment more ideal to survive

PART V: WRITING (4.0 pts)

3. According to the first paragraph, _______ _ A. non-native species have caused badly damage to native ones B. introducing new exotic species to local environments is necessary C. exotic species have never been introduced on islands D. very few native species have been damaged by exotic species 4. According to the ~econd paragrap~ by the middle of the 20th century

A. whale population was the most crowded in marine life B. whale hunting was illegal C. whale population increased dramatically D. whaling was not restricted 5. Tiger bone and rhino horn _______ _ A. are not popular in Asian markets B. are never in the trade of animal parts C. are used for making traditional medicines D. cannot be found in Asian markets

I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to the original one. (1.2 pts)

l. Are they likely to pass the exam? =>Is there any ___________________________ ?

2. I suggest not spending all your money now so that you'll have some later.

=>\Vhatabout _________________________________________ ?

3. It was her lack of confidence that surprised me. =>\Vhat I found ----------------------4. Many people think that all dogs evolved from wolves.=>All dogs---------------------

5. As soon as I had left my house, it began to rain. =>No sooner ______________________ _

6. Ifs very kind of you to give me a lift.=> I appreciate _________________________ _

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given in the brackets. Do not change these words in any way. You must use no more than 3 words, including the word given. (1.2 pts) 1. I had to pay to park in the supermarket car park.( charged) =>I parking in the supermarket car park 2. There is something on your mind, isn't there?. (about) => You are , aren't you?. 3. She was so beautiful that I couldn't stop looking at her.( eyes) =>She was so beautiful that I couldn't off her. 4. If you are not satisfied with the hotel service, you should say so. (make) => You should if you are not satisfied \Vi th the hotel service. 5. Did your mum gain any money when she sold her business? (profit) =>Did your mum when she sold her business? 6. "My mother doesn't work in the factory any more" said my close friend, Lan. (no) =>My close friend, Lan said that her mother in the factory. III. In about 200 words write about one of the most important festivals in your country. You may use the following cues as a guideline. (1,6 pts) (l\ame /preparations/ activities/ reasons ... )