P2M desain blog untuk bisnis

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Transcript of P2M desain blog untuk bisnis

Desain Blog untuk Bisnis

P2M13 Januari 2016

Brian Garda Muchardie, S.E., M.M

why blog is essential

Keputusan Pembeli (dulu)

Keputusan Pembeli (sekarang)

52% responden membaca opini sentimen dari orang lain tentang suatu brand atau produk di media sosial sebelum melakukan pembelian

(Sumber : Nielsen, 2013)

1) What do they want

2) How can we help them to fulfill their want

3) How can we make the experience better

Exist. Reach. Equip


design YOUR blog to CONVERT

provide something valuable and useful

?how to implement conversion into designimplement

1) have clear call to action(s)

call to action

2) create relevant landing page

landing page

3) stand out from the crowd

“Content precedes design.

Design in the absence of content is not design, It’s decoration.

- Jeffry Zeldman -

knowledge is having the right answer

intelligence is asking the right question