HR-chefen nr. 6 2014 - HR i forretningen

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Service with a Human Touch around the globe

Transcript of HR-chefen nr. 6 2014 - HR i forretningen


tidsskrift om personaleledelse I udgivet af Dansk HR

Er HR kommet tættere på direktionen?side 28

Se alle dine medlemsfordele side 36

Afskedigelse af ældre medarbejdere var aldersdiskriminerendeside 60

TEMaHR i forretningen

Inspiration hentes fra udlandet HR til gavn for hele universitetetLisbeth Møller, Vicedirektør for HR & Organisation på Københavns Universitet side 16

Danmarks bedste HR- og lønløsningHos PBJ A/S har vi i mere end 25 år leveret HR-løsninger til danske virksomheder og offentlige institutioner.

Vi oplever en enorm efterspørgsel på vores løsninger, der hele tiden udvikles og suppleres efter de behov, vi ser hos vores kunder. Senest er APV-løsningen, Workcyclus, kommet til.

Epos består af moduler inden for HR, løn og rekruttering og er blandt Danmarks mest fleksible og brugervenlige løsninger.

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hr chefen I december 2014 side 3

HR i foRRetningen – selvfølgelig! | Lederen

Det er indlysende for alle, at HR skal være en del af forretningen, og vi ved godt, er vi ikke det, og leverer vi ikke resultater, så kan vi som alle andre afdelinger lukkes ned eller downsizes.

Denne viden har afstedkommet, at HR i mange år har søgt at bevise sit ”værd” målt på ROI på HR-aktiviteter og har søgt indflydelse på direktions-gangen.

Det skal HR fortsat, men HR-afde-lingerne skal også være klar over, at i mange virksomheder kender man faktisk allerede værdien af HR. Denne påstand understøttes blandt andet også af den helt nye Cranet-under-søgelse (2014), der viser, at HR rykker tættere på topledelsen og i en større grad understøtter forretningen. Ifølge undersøgelsen er næsten 70 % af alle HR-afdelinger globalt set løbende i dialog med direktionen vedrørende optimering af den interne organisati-onsudvikling, så virksomhederne ved godt, at HR er helt nødvendigt.

Med et tema som ’HR i forretningen’ vil vi derfor ikke give bud på, hvorfor HR skal være en del af forretningen, eller hvordan vi skal dokumentere det. I stedet vil vi give en række super gode eksempler på og indspark til, hvordan man kan blive en fast og værdsat del af forretningen.

For der er ikke kun én vej. Se de mange forskellige eksempler på, hvordan HR kan få indflydelse, hvordan HR-partnering sikrer HR helt ud i organisationen, hvordan et godt samarbejde mellem HR og linjelederne giver værdi for forretningen, og hvordan HR´s fokus på de eksterne muligheder og trusler giver mulighed for at skabe værdi for forretningen.

Med disse gode eksempler har vi forhåbentligt givet god inspiration til næste år arbejde, og vi vil i den forbindelse gerne fra DANSK HR’s side sige tak for i år. Vi glæder os til sammen med jer at tage hul på mange spændende nye emner og aktiviteter i 2015.

Til slut ønsker vi jer alle en rigtig glædelig jul og et godt nytår.

God læselyst.

Chairman Kim Staack Nielsen, MBA, BA,DANSK HR

Næsten 70 % af alle HR-afdelinger

globalt set er løbende i dialog med

direktionen vedrørende optimering

af den interne organisationsudvikling

Kommende nummer af HR-chefen – se årets temaer på

HR i forretningen – selvfølgelig!

side 4 hr chefen l december 2014

hr chefen | indHold

03 Leder

04 Indhold

36 Medlemsinformation

38 HR-portræt – BLÆK-ket må ikke tørre ud

42 Artikel: Tre gode grunde... til at gøre arbejdspladsen mere rummelig

45 Artikel: Sådan udarbejdes en strategi for øget kundeorientering

48 Klumme: Hvorfor ambasadør for DANSK HR

50 EAPM: Brugermanual for medarbejdere

53 Artikel: Har du styr på reglerne om ligebehandling?

56 PWC: Skat & HR

58 HR nyhedsspot

60 Advokaterne Aktuelt

62 Survey & Support: Cranet-undersøgelsen 2014

66 DANSK HR – Medlemsservice

øvrigt INDHOLD

Foto: BB Studio


Editor Chief of Staff Mette Nø

Sales Representative Tom

Marketing ManagerMona Tjø

Graphic DesignerDorethe


ChairmanKim Staack Nielsen, MBA,

Financial ControllerIrene

MedlemskabKr. 3320,- plus moms om året. Kan tegnes på tlf.: 86 21 61 11HR-chefenudkommer seks gange årligt

UdgiverDANSK HRBrunbjergvej 10A8240 RisskovTlf.: 86 21 61 11Fax: 86 21 61 22E-mail:

Danish Representative of EAPM(European Association for people Management)

Communication ManagerMarie KorsgaardMA



SERVICE MED ET MENNESKELIGT PIFT – JORDEN RuNDT Hos ISS handler succes om at give kunderne mindeværdige øjeblikke. Derfor har organisationen arbejdet med at opbygge en global servicekultur.

MENNESKENE ER MIDLET TIL HR-AFDELINGENS SuCCESHvis mennesker er vigtigere end maskiner, hvorfor bruger vi så flere penge på og ser et større udviklingspotentiale i sidstnævnte? Kan vi ændre det?

INSPIRATION HENTES FRA uDLANDET Københavns universitet har bl.a. internationalisering og inddragelse og styrkelse af ledelse på den HR-politiske dags-orden. Få et sjældent kig ind i en af Danmarks største og mest forgrenede HR-funktioner.

HR’S ROLLE I VIRKSOMHEDENS NyE FORRETNINGSMODELLER Forretningsmodellerne udvikler sig i disse år, fordi fokus æn-drer sig fra produkter og services til i højere grad at fokusere på at løfte udfordringer, der er for komplekse til, at virksom-heden kan løfte den selv.

HR RyKKER TÆTTERE På DIREKTIONEN HR er på mange måder et udsat område, og kravene til optimering, performance og ikke mindst til at være en del og endnu tættere på forretningen og den øverste ledelse er skærpet.

GENDER INTELLIGENCE HANDLER OM MEGET MERE END LIGESTILLING MELLEM KøNNENELæs hvordan man kan arbejde med Gender Intelligence og få det til at give værdi for forretningen. Særligt når det handler om langt mere end køn.







NetværkschefVivi Bayvb@

DANSK HR støtter:

Forside: Lisbeth Møller Vicedirektør, HR & OrganisationKøbenhavns universitet

Tryk VIBLA Tlf.: 70 26 63 00ISSN: 2245-9405

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side 6 hr chefen l december 2014

tema | hr i forretningen

Service with a Human touch around the globe

Success is all about making memorable moments, says facility service provider ISS, where a new

employee training programme is building the global service culture

Af Cath Mersh, Corporate communication consultant & journalist

Most of us can remember a hotel stay or restaurant visit based on the kind of service we received. If the experience was bad, the chances are we will never set foot in the place again. If it was good, on the other hand, the staff of that hotel or restaurant are not only likely to see us return, they are also likely to welcome some of the people who act on our warm recommendation.

Loyal, returning customers are what the job is all about for service employees. It means they have both met and exceeded customer expectations – and earned them-selves appreciation for their efforts along the way.

Training the human touchOne of the world’s largest facility service companies, ISS is currently rolling out a new training program-me to help its 520,000 employees provide this kind of memorable service for every customer every day of the year.

The programme is called ‘Service with a Human Touch’, and it com-prises a suite of training workshops and activities, all designed to empo-wer and inspire people throughout the organisation to deliver the great service that makes a difference to those on the receiving end.

“Our reason for being is to create value for customers by taking over their non-core activities so they can focus on what they do best.

But, when serving thousands of public and private sector customers in more than 50 countries around the world, it can be a challenge to ensure a shared service mindset and a consistent approach,” says ISS People Engagement Manager, Christian Lauritzen, who is project manager for the programme’s global rollout.

“This is what we are aiming for with our new service training. Our ultimate goal is to become the world’s greatest service organisa-tion. Each and every member of our global team has a role to play in getting us there.”

It all starts with the customer‘Service with a Human Touch’ is a programme which consists of three elements, focusing on the need to create awareness of customer expectations among service emplo-yees; the need for managers and supervisors to empower and coach the service employees; and the need to sustain the service culture in the long-term.

Christian Lauritzen People Engagement Manager, HR

hr chefen I december 2014 side 7

HR i foRRetningen | tema

ISS has named the first part of its programme ‘Living Service with a Human Touch.’ Aimed at service employees, this six-hour workshop focuses on five key customer ex-pectations and explores the service behaviour necessary to fulfil them. Participants learn that the ability to read customer signals is the starting point for every good service experience. The next steps of the programme focuses on commu-nication, listening and talking to customers, anticipating customer needs and focusing on making a proactive, personalised difference. Awareness of situations that re-quires an apology and continuous attention to customer satisfaction are equally an important part of the programme.

“To provide outstanding service, our employees must spend time getting to know individual customers and use their initiative to create memo-rable moments for them,” Lauritzen explains.

Leading the teams to do the best jobBefore the service employees can do that, however, they need the right coaching and support. ISS has made this the theme of the programme’s second part – ‘Leading Service with a Human Touch’ – aimed at mana-gers and supervisors.

Switching away from customer expectations, the training invests six hours in the managerial contributi-on to high quality service. Here, the focal point is the core expectations of employees, who seek training, empowerment, assessment, coa-ching and recognition. The ability of managers and supervisors to meet these expectations is fundamental to leading an engaged and moti-vated team.

Sustaining the long-term cultureHaving laid down the foundation of good service behaviour, ISS is naturally interested in maintaining

the momentum. The programme’s third part takes this on board with continuous training under the heading ‘Sustaining Service with a Human Touch’.

Comprising short, team-based, interactive activities delivered by managers during team briefings and monthly meetings, the package also includes the ISS Reward & Re-cognition programme, where custo-mers and colleagues are invited to acknowledge those employees who deliver great service.

A consistent message across bordersISS has invested considerable energy in designing training mate-rials with a high learning impact in mind. In order to ensure consistent messaging across languages and cultures, the materials have been branded and standardised, with large, colourful visuals that invite participants to explore and discover the key messages.

A talk about service for the customers

side 8 hr chefen l december 2014

tema | hr i forretningen

Of course, it takes more than good materials to get the job done. ISS has spent a lot of time finding exactly the right people to build the global service culture. Each trainer is required to demonstrate their ability to deliver the workshops by com-pleting a 30-day challenge. Local activities are managed by specially trained country champions.

Even the small differences countISS began rolling out the service training in 2013. Around 3,000 employees in 21 countries have participated in the workshops and continuous training activities so far.

One of them is Kim Kruse, who is deputy manager in the ISS-run kitchen at the Nordea head office in Copenhagen.

“I smile more and am more aware of the impression I am making. It’s











important to find time to serve the customer and make that extra ef-fort,” he says.

Sometimes, it is surprising how little it takes to make a difference that customers remember.

“Only last week, one of our customers was arriving late in the canteen and couldn’t find anything she wanted to eat among the food that was still left. She was very plea-sed when I offered to make her a sandwich instead,” Kruse explains.

Part of the customer’s own teamAt Nordea, the positive effect of the service training has definitely been noticed.

“ISS’ employees have become much more visible. We see them as a per-manent extension of our team. ISS has really shown that it takes pride

in good service,” says Trine Thorn, Head of Workplace Management at Nordea Denmark.

Eventually, the training programme will be expanded to all corners of the ISS organisation, which provides cleaning, property, catering, sup-port, security, facility management and integrated facility services across Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America and Pacific.

ISS is not in doubt that the training is a good investment. A global service culture dedicated to securing satisfied customers and employees is the perfect foundation for the company’s future growth. Based on current estimates, the market for outsourced global facility services is worth the tidy sum of around uSD 1 trillion – and forecasted to grow at the rate of 9% up to 2018.

With prospects like that, making a difference is worth all the effort.

Service in the team