Fail forward

Post on 25-May-2015

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Presentation by Sarah Grøn given at DR 7 May 2013

Transcript of Fail forward

7. maj 2013DR Side 1

Fail forward

7. maj 2013DR Side 2

Content is king

7. maj 2013DR Side 3

Brochure Kanal Platform•Om os

•Oversigt over aktiviteter


•Digitaliserede samlinger


•Spil til børn








•Brugerinddragende projekter

•Sociale medier

Tates udvikling ifølge John Stack

7. maj 2013DR Side 4

Fra information til kommunikation

The web has been shifting from an information medium to a communication medium and social

media is now dominating the time users spend online.


7. maj 2013DR Side 5

Mobile platforme

Sociale medier

Digital synlighed (SEO)

7. maj 2013DR Side 6

7. maj 2013DR Side 7

7. maj 2013DR Side 8

7. maj 2013DR Side 9

Crowdsourcing is a type of participative online activity in which an individual, an institution, a non-profit organisation, or company proposes to a group of individuals of varying knowledge, heterogeneity, and number, via a flexible open call, the voluntary undertaking of a task.

Estelles-Arolas, E., & F. Gonzalez-Ladron-de-Guevara. (2012). “Towards an integrated crowdsourcing definition.” Journal of Information Science.

7. maj 2013DR Side 10

To tendenser

1. Crowdsourcing projects that require the “crowd” to integrate/enrich/reconfigure existing

institutional resources.

2. Crowdsourcing projects that ask the “crowd” to create/contribute novel resources.

Laura Carletti, Gabriela Giannachi, Dominic Price and Derek McAuley: Digital humanities and crowdsourcing: An exploration.

7. maj 2013DR Side 11

7. maj 2013DR Side 12

7. maj 2013DR Side 13

Rijksmuseum •“Lean and mean” som en app

•Alt indhold skal let kunne deles

•Baseret på en åben platform

•Bruge allerede eksisterende platforme frem for at bygge nye

•Tilgængelig på alle devices

•Let og hurtigt at finde information

•Overraske og forføre

7. maj 2013DR Side 14

7. maj 2013DR Side 15

Redskaber fra Tate

MSWCMustShould WouldCould

7. maj 2013DR Side 16

7. maj 2013DR Side 17

Redskaber fra Tate

RACI – responsibility matrixResponsibleAccountableConsultedInformed

7. maj 2013DR Side 18

SMK i dag








•Brugerinddragelse – online og onsite

7. maj 2013DR Side 19

Tak for i dag