欢迎领导和老师们前来指导! Welcome! 大埔县田家炳实验中学 王华武

Post on 19-Mar-2016

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欢迎领导和老师们前来指导! Welcome! 大埔县田家炳实验中学 王华武. 阅读专项训练. 阅读训练建议—— 理解与欣赏. 不要把阅读当成单纯完成 任务 ,要 理解 与 欣赏 ,要通过阅读拓宽自己的 文化视野 ,丰富 文化积淀 ,增强 文化意识 。 阅读是高考中的“重中之重”。 得阅读者得天下! 没有一定的阅读量(30-40万字),无技巧可谈!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 欢迎领导和老师们前来指导! Welcome! 大埔县田家炳实验中学 王华武

欢迎领导和老师们前来指导!Welcome! 大埔县田家炳实验中

学 王华武

不要把阅读当成单纯完成任务,要理解与欣赏,要通过阅读拓宽自己的文化视野,丰富文化积淀,增强文化意识。 阅读是高考中的“重中之重”。 得阅读者得天下! 没有一定的阅读量( 30-40 万字),无技巧可谈 !



高考大纲中关于阅读理解的要求 阅读理解是高考英语试卷中的语言运用题,旨在考查高中生在阅读中的语感,特别是在阅读过程中获取和处理信息的能力。考试说明对阅读理解的要求做了明确的规定,阅读理解部分主要考查考生的以下能力:1、掌握所读材料的主旨和大意;2、了解用以阐述主旨的事实和有关细节;3、根据上下文判断大纲附表以外的某些词汇和短语的意义生词的词义;4、既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文之间的逻辑关系;5、根据所读材料进行一定的判断、推理和引申 ;6、正确领会作者的观点和态度;

基本题型 题型分析 主旨大意题

主要考查学生对所读材料中心思想的概括。其考查形式很多,如概括标题、主题、中心思想或目的大意等。 细节理解题

主要考查考生对阅读材料中的某一具体事实和细节的理解。这一题型常见的命题方式有事实认定题、排序题、图形辨认题、数字运算题。 推理判断题

主要考查学生根据文章的字面意思,通过语篇逻辑关系,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓意等。其属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题。 词义猜测题 主要考查考生根据一定的上下文猜测生词词义的能力。

NOTE 1:The Title Question( 主旨大意类试题 ) 一、出题形式:1. The main idea of this passage is ______.2. The title of the passage can be best replaced by__.3. The passage mainly deals with / is mainly about __.4. The main purpose of the passage is to ___.5. What’s the subject / main topic of the passage ?

考题重现 1. In spite of the fact that cars from Germany and Japan are flooding the American market, Ford, General Motors and Chrysler are employing more workers than ever before. The flood of cheaper for-eign cars has not cast American autoworkers their jobs as some experts predicted. Ford operates as far as Asia, and General Motors is considered Australian’s biggest employer. Yet General Motors has its huge American work force and employs hundreds of people every day to meet the needs of an insatiable( 不能满足的) society.

Question: Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the paragraph

A. GM is one of the largest car producers.

B. Ford operates not only in the U.S.A., but also in Asia.

C. The foreign cars have not taken away the jobs of American autoworkers.

D. The flood of the cheaper foreign cars is terrible for American autoworkers.

文章 解释

【解析】答案为 C。 take sth. away of sb. 和 cast sb. sth. 的意思相似。 本段落以一、二句引出要表达的主题,在主题句出现后,再举例子陈述细节或继续论证。 寻找主题句往往是做好此类题的关键。每段的主题句 (常在首句、尾句、首尾句、段落中和归纳分析 )一般都用来表示一个段落的主旨大意。

考题重现 2. In Shanxi Province you may be offered brains to eat. Frightened? You shouldn’t be, because these brains are only a kind of food, which is famous for its unusual name and rich nutrition.

Brains as a kind of food were invented more than 300 years ago by Fu Shan, an artist whose mother had been ill for a long time. To help her become well again, he studied medicine and invented a kind of soup made of meat, vegetables and a number of Chinese medicines. Rich wine was also used in the soup to help illness caused by old age. Fu’s soup became the talk of the town. Many people came to see him. One day a restaurant owner asked him what was in the soup. “I’ll tell you,” Fu said, “ but if your restaurant is going to sell the soup, you must call it brains because of its shape and color. And your restaurant should be renamed after my mother.”

Q:The best headline for this

newspaper article is _______. A. Good Son B. A Special Soup C. How to Make Brains D. How to Live Long Life.

Excise 3: If you were planning to buy a television set, the following advertisement would certainly attract your attention: "Color TV, only $79. Two-day sale. Hurry." However, when you go to the store ready to buy, you may discover that the advertised sets are sold out. But the salesman is quick to reassure you that he has another model, a more reliable set which is "just right for you." It costs $359. This sales tactic is called "bait and switch." Buyers are baited with a sales offer, and then they are switched to another more costly item. Buying items on sale requires careful consideration of the merchandise (商品) and the reasons for the sale.

1. Which sentence best expresses the main idea? A) The customer must be on his guard when purchasing items on sale. B) Color television sets which sell for $79 are sold out quickly. C) Many stores use the “bait and switch” technique to attract customers. D) Anyone planning to buy a television set should look for a sale. 2. The paragraph could be entitled ____. A) Buyer Be aware B) Closeout Sale C) Crime Pays   D) Buying a TV Set

, 作者从一则电视机的广告入手 , 介绍了降价推销的惯用手段称为 “ bait and switch” (廉售某种不打算出卖的商品 , 意在诱人购买昂贵的物品)。最后笔锋一转 , 点出作者的真正意图 , 即本段的主题句 ,


NOTE 2: The Fact Question( 事实或细节题 )

一、出题形式:1 、 Wh- Questions2 、 True or False Questions

1 )三正一误Which of the following is NOT true…?Which of the following is mentioned except…?Which of the following is true except…?

2 )三误一正Which of the following is true/ mentioned …?

细节理解题:细节理解题就是我们常见的 wh- 题,它们大多是根据文章中的具体信息如事实、例证、原因、过程、论述等进行提问的。有些问题可以在文章中直接找到答案,有些则要我们在理解的基础上将有关内容系统化才能找到,比如计算、排序、是非判断、图形比较等。做此类题的方法一般是先用寻读法找出与问题相关的词语或句子,再对相关的部分进行细读,找出正确答案。

二、如何解读文章的事实细节题 1. 描述性细节 这类细节往往用来传递某种情绪与感情或某种印象,往往从口气可推理判 断出答案。例如: When you say disco music is joyful, I snuggle up and listen. You may say I am falling behind, but I try and improve myself. I know my own mind. You may like this music, you may like playing, you may like steamed bread, you may like cheese and butter—whatever you like or dislike, you are my sons and daughters. Society is changing and changeable: values, morals, national customs, all are changing and at full speed ahead. If you are not mentally prepared for all the changes, then there will come upon you more things which you frown ( 皱眉 ) up or do not understand. There are plenty of them to puzzle you, to keep you sleepless, to worry you till your hair goes white. Whatever you may say, the world belongs to the youth. And of course it also belongs to old men and women who have youthful hearts.Q1: The writer of the passage________ A. is still quite young B. is very old C. is young, but conservative ( 守旧 ) D. is neither young nor conservativeQ2: From the passage we can draw a conclusion that ________. A. the writer is strongly against what she dislike B. it is not too difficult for the writer to understand young people C. the writer loves and supports young people D. the writer is afraid of criticizing young people

[ 分析 1] 从文中第一段的描叙“当你说迪斯科音乐美妙时,我凑近去听。你也许说我已落后,但我在尽力改变自己”以及最后一段“不管怎么说世界属于年轻人,自然也属于那些心理年轻的老人”这些细节,可以看出,作者青春不在,但不保守。这样可以把答案确定在 B , D 中,再分析“ is very old” 和“ is neither young” ,自然,对于一个人老心不老的人来说,“ is neither young ( = is not young ) ”更贴文意。如果选 B项仅仅说明作者年长而无法体现作者的不保守,把握这一描叙的口气细节,自然就能作出相关的推理。

D[ 分析 2] 答案为 B 。结合上题的分析 “青春不在,但不保守” 可知,作者所陈述的自己的观点、看法和态度,可以得出老人非常明白事理而且理解年轻人。 C项最具有干扰性,可以通过第二段中对年轻人委婉的批评与劝告这些细节事实来排除。

2. 事实性细节 即叙述某事时使用的事实和数据。此类题只需简单的推断就能找到答案 . 例如: Wall Street is a famous street in New York City. It got its name from the wooden wall that used to stand where the street now runs. The street was built in the 1600s. New York has then a Dutch city set up by people coming from Holland in Europe. It was called New Amsterdam.Q: New Amsterdam was the name of__________. A. a wall B. a street C. a city in Holland D. a city in America

[ 分析 1] 从文中我们可以得出以下事实: ① Wall street 是纽约市的一条街,是 17世纪来自欧洲的荷兰人建设的。 ② 此街是由过去这条街的一堵木墙得名。 ③ 纽约当时叫 New Amsterdam.

由此推断: New Amsterdam 就是纽约过去的名字,它即不是墙,也不是街,自然是美国的城市,故 D项正确。


3. 比较性细节 通过比较或对比性细节往往可以看出同类事物的不同之处或者不同事物的共同之处 ,由此推断出答案。例如: Like all snakes, the garter swallows the whole creatures it uses for food. However, unlike most other common snakes, the garter bears its young alive.Q: What is true about the garter snake? A. It eats all the creatures B. It frightens people C. it doesn’t lay eggs D. It lays eggs

[ 分析 ] A 为错误答案。文中“ swallows the whole creatures…” 意为“把活物整个地吞下,吃掉”;无毒小蛇,可能不使人恐惧,因而B 不可选;根据“它不像一般蛇,它不是卵生,而是直接生 (bear) 小蛇”可以判断,一般蛇产卵,而它却不产卵,所以选 C 。


4.The World Trade Center was hit by two planes and it fell in a short time late on September 11th. Here is some hijacking(劫持 ) information.

American and United airlines both said two of their planes had been hijacked and crashed(坠毁 ).

American said its planes were carrying a total of 156 people. One was a Boston-Los Angeles flight . An FBI man said the former, a Boeing 767, hit one of the Trade Center towers; the latter, a Boeing757, hit the Pentagon.

Two United airliners with a total of 110 aboard also crashed--- a Boeing 757 outside Pittsburgh, the other, a Boeing 767, into the Trade Center.

Question: What kind of planes hit the World Trade Center?

A. A Boeing 757 and a Boeing767

B. Two planes both Boeing 757

C. Two planes both Boeing 767

D. Two planes from New York

NOTE 3: The Inference/Judgement Question ( 推理判断题 )一、出题形式: 1 、 According to the passage , we may conclude that ____; it can be inferred / concluded that ____ ;2 、 It may be inferred from the passage that ____;3 、 The passage / writer suggests / implies that ___;4 、 The passage is probably taken from____;5 、 The paragraph following this passage most probably would discuss _____ ?6 、 The author probably feels that_______.7 、 In this passage the writer implies that_____?

1. “Do you believe in life after death?” Jack’s boss asked Jack. “Yes, sir.” “Well, then, that makes everything just fine,” the boss went on “About an hour after you left yesterday to go to your grandfather’s funeral, he dropped in to see you.”Q: What do you suppose Jack did the day before? A. He attended his grandfather’s funeral. B. He told a lie to get the day off. C. He meant to attend a funeral but didn’t D. He did nothing special, he worked as usual.

[ 分析 ] 根据文中老板的话“你昨天去参加你祖父的葬礼,你走后一小时,你祖父来看你了”,结合常识可以推断:他的祖父并没有死,即可知答案 B 正确。还可以得以下推理: a) 故事中没有人相信人死能复生。 b) Jack 的祖父昨天仍像平时一样做事。 c) Jack 说谎请假被老板揭穿。


2. One day a man walked into a pet shop and said to the shop assistant ,“ I need two small mice and about five dozen roaches ( 蟑螂 ) and two spiders.” “What do you need these things for?” the shop assistant was very surprised. “Well ,” replied the man ,“ I’m moving out of my apartment and the landlord insists that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it.”Q : The passage suggests that when the writer moved into the house, it was ______.   A. very clean B. just cleaned by the landlord   C. tidy and comfortable D . dirty and full of insects



模仿练习一: The stigma of going to see a

psychologist is one reason.Zhang Qiang, a Hei Longjiang University sophomore Said: “When some of my classmates get depressed, they try to work through it by themselves. In their minds, Professional help is for weak, messed up people”

1. What does the underlined word “stigma” mean?

A. disappointment. B. fear. C. shame. D. worry.

模仿练习二: Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy…but in executive( 主管的 ) circle,beauty has become a liability. While attractiveness is positive factor for a man on his way up the executive, it is harmful to a woman…

The word “liability” most probably means ____. A. disadvantage B. advantage C. misfortune D. trouble


养成良好的解题习惯:1. 先看题干,带着问题读文章。迅速阅读问题,注意每一个问题的主语、疑问词及重要的谓语;特别留意问句中的下列词组: not, unless, without, on the other hand, except, rather than, although, as well, always, never, all, etc.2. 速读全文(每分钟 40个词左右),了解大意知主题。 可以运用略读、扫读、跳读等技巧快速阅读,搜寻关键词、主题句,捕捉时空、顺序、情节、人物、观点,并且理清文章脉络,把握语篇实质。

3. 重读问题 , 理解问题 , 并与文中相关的材料 相对照 , 详读细节 , 确定低难度题目之答案。4. 带着问题重新阅读文章,解答深层理解题 ( 主要为归纳概括题和推理判断题 ) ,并检 查核实已完成的答案。5. 养成习惯,潜移默化结硕果。 1 )养成默读习惯,使注意力集中在文字 符号上,纠正唇读、心读、喉读等做 法,提高阅读速度。 2 )克服指读、回视、重读等不良习惯 , 要 善于抓住句子的核心词,进行连贯性 理解。