清洁发展机制进展 Updated CDM Progress

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清洁发展机制进展 Updated CDM Progress. 吕学都 Lu Xuedu 中国科学技术部 Ministry of Science and Technology of China February 17-18, 2004 中国 北京 Beijing, China. 内容大纲 Outline. 一、概 念 Concept 二、 CDM 谈判进展 CDM Negotiation Progress 三、 EB 新进展 EB Progress - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 清洁发展机制进展 Updated CDM Progress

清洁发展机制进展 Updated CDM ProgressUpdated CDM Progress

吕学都 吕学都 Lu XueduLu Xuedu

中国科学技术部中国科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology of ChinaMinistry of Science and Technology of China

February 17-18, 2004February 17-18, 2004

中国 北京中国 北京Beijing, China Beijing, China

内容大纲 Outline

一、概 念 Concept

二、 CDM 谈判进展 CDM Negotiation Progress

三、 EB 新进展 EB Progress

四、 世界 CDM 情况 CDM in the world

概 念 Concept

清洁发展机制( CDM )系 京都议定书第 12 条确立的机制 , 核心内涵是:发达国家通过提供资金和技术的方式,与发展中国家合作,在发展中国家实施具有温室气体减排效果的项目,项目所产生的温室气体减排量作为发达国家履行京都议定书所规定的一部分义务。

CDM is defined by the Article 12 of KP, and its key point is such: a d

eveloped country, by providing technologies and financial resources,

cooperates with a developing country to implement a project with G

HG emission reduction benefits in the developing country, and the G

HG emission reductions by the project could be used by the develope

d country to meet part of its commitment under the KP

CDM 项目分为四大类: Four types of CDM project


一般 CDM 项目:涉及能源、 N2O 、 HFC 等的项目 General CDM project: Projects related to energy, N2

O 、 and HFC

一般小项目: Small Scale Project

碳汇项目:指造林和再造林 Sink Project: AR

小型碳汇项目 Small Scale AR Project

概念 Concept

一般小项目:又分为三小项: Small Scale Project

可再生能源项目:最大装机容量 1.5 万千瓦

RE: Max. Output up to 15 Mg. W

提高能效项目:每年最多节能相当于 1500 万千瓦时

EE: Energy Conservation up to: 15 ggWh.

其他项目:温室气体直接排放量每年少于 1.5 万吨

Others: Emission less than 15 Kilo Tones CO2

概念 Concept

一般 CDM 的基本规则已经达成,可以开始实施

Modalities and procedures for general CDM projects are in place, and

can be applied

小项目: 经 COP-8 批准,已经允许采用简化的模式和程序:

Small Scale project: can apply for simplified rules adopted at Cop-8

碳汇 CDM : 2003 年 12 月 COP-9 上完成

Sink Project: Rules adopted at COP-9 in December 2003

小型碳汇 CDM :预计 2004 年 12 月 COP-10 上完成

Small Scale Sink Project: Rules may be adopted at COP-10 in 2004

概念 Concept

概念 Concept

CDM 项目文件应提供的信息: Info in PDD 项目一般描述 General Description 项目基准线 Project Baseline 选择的 CDM 寿期 Project Crediting Period 监测方案 Monitoring Plan 减排量计算 CERs Calculation 环境影响 Environment Impact Assessment 公众意见 Public comments 附件 Annexes

主要要求: Main Requirements: 环境效益:项目必须带来温室气体减排 Project should bring about GHG emission reduction ben

efits 项目资金:项目应带来资金投入(额外于 ODA ) Project should bring financial resources (Additional to

ODA) 技术转让:项目应带来技术转让 Project should lead to technology transfer

概念 Concept

2003 年 12 月在 COP-9 上完成了碳汇 CDM


At COP-9 in December 2003, Rules for Sink

CDM Project was adopted.

CDM 谈判进展 CDM Negotiation Progress

规则对森林、造林、再造林、非持久性、碳计量期 、小型碳汇项目等做了专门定义。

The Rules set the specific definitions on forest, affo

restation, reforestation, non-permanence, carbon cr

editing period, and small scale A&R CDM project.

CDM 谈判进展 CDM Negotiation Progress

COP-9 决定,同意将马拉喀什协定通过后及第一个 CD

M 项目注册前已经实施的项目,如果满足 CDM 规则的要求,最早可以从 2000 年 1 月 1 日起计算减排量。

COP-9 recognize that those qualified CDM projects startin

g between the adoption of Marrakech Accord and the regis

tration of the first CDM project, can get CERS from its sta


CDM 谈判进展 CDM Negotiation Progress

COP-9 还决定,在 2004 年 COP -10 上完成小型碳汇 CDM 规则谈判COP-9 decides that Rules for small Scale Sink CDM Project shall be adopted at COP-10 in year 2004.

CDM 谈判进展 CDM Negotiation Progress

EB 新进展 EB New Progress

CDM 执行理事会已经批准 9 个方法学: AM0001

Incineration of HFC 23 Waste Streams AM0002

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions through Landfill Gas Capture and Flaring where the Baseline is established by a Public Concession Contract

EB 新进展 EB New Progress

CDM 执行理事会已经批准 9 个方法学:

AM0003Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects

AM0004Grid-connected biomass power generation that avoids uncontrolled burning of biomass

实施 CDM 项目的技术难点:建立项目基准线。这需要专门的知识,是全球性难题。

The most difficult issue for CDM project impleme

ntation is the establishment of project emission bas

eline, which will require the full understanding on

notion and rationale of CDM.

EB 新进展 EB New Progress

CDM EB 第 10 次会议提供了关于如何表明一个项

目不是基准项目、而是 CDM 项目的方法学指南。

CDM EB provides clarifications on how to demonstr

ate a project is additional and therefore not the bas

eline scenario, through the methodology.

最新进展 Updated Progress

EB 新进展 EB New Progress

CDM 执理会给出了如何确定“额外性”的方法指南示例:

1. “ 问题”流程图,得出基准线应是什么样的项目A flow-chart or series of questions that lead to a

narrowing of potential baseline options

2. 通过定性或定量分析各种潜在选择,得出最可能发生的项目选择-基准线项目

A qualitative or quantitative assessment of different

potential options and an indication of why the non-

project option is more likely

EB 新进展 EB New Progress

3. 定性或定量分析项目所面临的障碍

A qualitative or quantitative assessment of one or more

barriers facing the proposed project activity (like small-

scale list)

4. 表明在当地该类项目并不常做,政府也无此规章

An indication that the project type is not common practice

(e.g., occurs in less than x% of similar cases) in the

proposed area of implementation, and not required by a

Party’s legislation/regulations.

EB 新进展 EB New Progress

CDM 执理会已经受理 19 个机构申请作为 OE ,其中有两个机构来自非附件一国家。 15 个机构已经获得向执理会提交新方法学的资格。

19 applications have been received to date, 2 of th

em from applicants in non-Annex I Parties (Repub

lic of Korea and Malaysia); 15 applications can su

bmit new methodologies to EB for approval.

EB 新进展 EB New Progress

4 个机构已经得到“预许可证”。

EB agreed for CDM-AP to issue Indicative Letter to 4 app

licant entities:

(1) Japan Quality Assurance Organization,

(2) Det Norske Veritas Certication Ltd.,

(3) TUV Suddeutschland Bau und Betrieb GmbH, and

(4) Tohmatsu Evaluation and Certification Organization.

世界 CDM 情况 CDM in the world

53 个国家已经向 气候公约秘书处报告其实施 CDM 的批准机关。其中,发展中国家 45 个,发达国家 8 个,他们是:

Austria, Denmark, European Community, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands and Switzerland  

世界 CDM 情况 CDM in the world

GEF : CDM 能力建设

GEF: CDM Capacity building activities

UNDP :援助发展中国家提高 CDM 执行能

UNDP: CDM Capacity building activities

世界 CDM 情况 CDM in the world

世界银行:推出 NSS 、 PCF 、 BCF 、 CDC

F 等

World Bank: NSS, PCF, BCF and CDCF

亚行:援助 CDM研究、建立 CDM推进机构

ADB: CDM Facility

世界 CDM 情况 CDM in the world

意大利:建立 CDM 基金及托管基金

Italy: CDM Fund and Trust Fund in World Bank

荷兰:建立了“ CERUPT” 计划,选定了 18 个项目

The Netherlands: CERUPT program supported 18 projec


德国:德国开发银行( KfW )建立 CDM 基金;

Germany : Kfw sets CDM Fund

世界 CDM 情况 CDM in the world

欧盟: 欧盟排放贸易将于 2005 年与 CDM挂钩

EU: Emission Trading Scheme will link CDM in 2005


Canada: Climate Change Fund


Japan: Investigations by official or non-official activities.

联系信息Contact Information

吕学都 清洁发展机制执行理事会候补委员中国科学技术部 资源与环境处北京市复兴路乙 15号 , 100862电话: 6851-4054 , 传真 :6851-2163 电子邮件: lvxd@mail.most.gov.cn

LU Xuedu Alternate Member of CDM Executive Board to Kyoto ProtocolDivision of Resources and EnvironmentMinistry of Science and Technology of China15 B Fuxing Road, Beijing, 100862, ChinaTEL:86-10-5888-1436 , FAX :86-10-5888-1441Email: lvxd@mail.most.gov.cn