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Page 1: Nn26 6 issuu

Skoonheid kom maak 'n verskil

STERKRIVIER - Milanie Cilliers (21), ‘n oud-skolier van Hoërskool Piet Potgieter en tans ‘n nagraadse student is vanjaar as n streek-semi-finalis vir die Mej. Aarde Suid-Afrika (Miss

Earth South Africa) leierskapprogram gekies. Die leierskapprogram rus jong vroue toe om ’n volhoubare verskil in hulle gemeenskappe te maak. Milanie wil ’n verskil maak in Limpopo

en is betrokke by die Sterkrivier Gekombineerde Skool. Volle berig op bl. 12.

MOKOPANE: 112 Thabo Mbeki Dr., Unit 5, Mokopane, 0600 Tel: 015 491 3082 Fax: 086 614 6209 Email: [email protected] LEPHALALE: H/v Dopperkiaat & Walter Sisulu, Onverwacht, 0557 Tel: 014 763 5132 Find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!

oordelike uus orthern ewsN NDie waarheid sonder voorbehoud! The truth without prejudice!

26 JUNE 2015 Distribution: 8 000 FREE / GRATIS

Newborn baby's body found at dumpLEPHALALE – The local police is asking for assistance in identify-ing the body of a new born baby that was found at the dumping site just outside of town.

Lephalale police warrant officer Frans Mokoena says municipal workers called police on Monday morning after finding the body of a baby. “The baby’s body was icy cold and it might have been kept it in a fridge prior to being dumped,” Mokoena said.

Anyone with information please contact your local police station.

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2 Noordelike Nuus / Northern News 25 JUNIE 2015

Martie Pretorius ([email protected])

BAKENBERG - The area’s cattle farmers are tired of losing their live stock to organised crime and urge police to get cattle theft un-der control.

“We have lost faith in our justice system - stock theft is a losing battle,” says Matlhora Matloa, a cattle farmer from the area who keeps counting his losses. He claims to have lost close to 70 cattle to, what he and other farmers in Bakenberg, describe as organised crime. Matloa blames government for the es-calation in stock theft and explains they have a lack of conviction rates.

According to research by the University of the Free State (UFS), stock theft figures in South Africa might currently be underesti-mated by as much as four times.

Matloa and an informant were shocked to find one of his cows and a calf at a recent auction in Mokopane being auctioned off by a local auctioneer. Upon investigation, the spe-cific stock was withdrawn from the auction and was impounded by the police. Eventually more cattle farmers from Tshamahansi con-tacted police and found their cattle at local and non local impounds.

Matloa says they have reason to believe that thieves strike at night. The suspects are dropped off during the day and wait patiently. The culprits move along the Mogalakwena River until they reach Tshamahansi. “It is not difficult to steal cattle because most animals are tame and move easily.”

The farmers believe that a single group is behind the theft because most cattle buyers are either farmers or butchery owners who are familiar with stock transport require-ments and market prices, explains Matloa. “When cattle are offered at a cheap rate, buyers should be suspicious,” he says.

One of the challenges that victims of

Cattle theft concerns farmers

stock theft face is co-farmers not being or-ganised. Branding of stock and registration thereof are not in place, Matloa added. All farmers do not maintain a proper head count to detect missing stock.

Another challenge says Matloa is the stock theft division being under staffed and overloaded with work leaving response time next to nil. Mokopane has only one office dealing with stock theft.

Northern News has spoken to Lt. Col. Alpheus Mokale, provincial stock theft coor-dinator about the farmers blaming prosecu-tors and the lack of convictions by claiming that most court cases only end up with a bail application. Farmers also say that most of the criminals are repeaters of the same crime and are well known.

Mokale responded by saying the police cannot be held accountable for court rulings. “The main problem lies with farmers them-selves who neglect to brand their live stock,” emphasizes Mokale.” The police consider stock theft as a priority crime,” he concluded.

Here's a few requests from the National Stock Theft Prevention Forum that could go a long way in assisting farmers: • All livestock owners should register a unique brand mark in their name and to ap-ply it to all livestock in their possession in the prescribed manner as described in the Animal Identification Act, Act 6 of 2002. • All livestock buyers, auctioneers, feedlots and abattoirs confirm livestock ownership and refuse to take ownership of livestock that are not marked or where the necessary ‘Document of Identification’ and ‘Stock Removal Certificate’ are not supplied. • The forum requests that all role players in the red meat industry play an active role in stock theft prevention.

Visiting to read more about the branding of live stock.

Matlhora Matloa, a cattle farmer from Bakenberg invited Northern News to the Percy Fyfe SPCA where some of his stolen cattle were kept while investigations were pending.

Deur Martie Pretorius ([email protected])

MOKOPANE - Groot was die verbasing toe ‘n Mokopane inwoner ‘n afkoopboete kennisgewing in die pos ontvang wat hom van ‘n verkeersoortreding beskuldig sonder dat die voertuig (op die boete se foto aangedui) aan hom behoort.

Philip Bodenstein skud net sy kop in ongeloof nadat die Tlokwe Munisipaliteit hom maan om ‘n boete van R1 500 te betaal vir ‘n sogenaamde spoedoortreding. Die beskrywing van die voertuig (Bodenstein se BMW) verskil egter van die een op die foto onder aan die kennisgewing (‘n vreemde Volkswagen). Nadere ondersoek toon dat die eintlike skuldige se registrasie begin met “JCG”. Boden-stein wat wel ‘n BMW besit se registrasie was “JGC” voor hy die voertuig op sy naam gereg-istreer het. “Dit moes ‘n klerikale fout gewees het,” sê hy.

Hy is aangeraai om die boete weg te gooi. Iemand anders het weer gewaarsku om dit onder die owerhede se aandag te bring aan-gesien só fout hom duur te staan kan kom wanneer boetes heel moontlik in só geval mag ophoop.

Duur ‘fout’ vir kar wat nie syne is nie

Philip Bodenstein van Mokopane met ‘n afkoop-boete kennisgewing in sy een hand wat bewys die verkeersowerheid het ‘n fout begaan deur ‘n verkeersoortreding van ‘n ander motoris met ‘n registrasie nommer soortgelyk aan dié van sy BMW te verwar. Die BMW se registrasie plate in sy ander hand voor hy die motor op sy naam geregistreer het. Inlas: Die foto op die afkoop-boete kennisgewing is dié van ’n Volkswagen wat nie aan Bodenstein behoort nie.

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25 JUNE 2015 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus 3

WIMPY now delivers in

Ellisras and Onverwacht. Please phone

Alma on 082 879 1582.

By Amanda Botha ([email protected])

LEPHALALE – Further investigation into the ever-growing body of water in the residential area near Gompou Street in Onverwacht, has re-vealed that the Lephalale municipality is urgently looking to find a perma-nent solution to solve the problem.

Northern News inter-viewed the Lephalale municipality's execu-tive manager for infrastructure, Lawrence Thlako, about the water mass that is said to be treated effluent.

Thlako says this was one of the first points of business when appointed to the municipality. “At that point the municipal manager (Bob Naidoo) had an arrangement in place with Eskom to allocate the final ef-fluent from the sewage system to Medupi for use.”

However, he says Eskom later decided to rather use water from a pipeline that con-nects with the Mogol and Crocodile rivers.

Thlako says the Lephalale-area has a very high water table that further contributes to the high volumes of water that can be seen behind Gompou Street. “We had meet-ings with all affected parties including two families on whose property the final effluent dams up,” Thlako said.

“Leon Fourie, one of the private owners, was eager to assist us and even brought in private engineers to advise us on how the water can be purified.”

Thlako says the municipality encourages

Municipality pro-active about final effluent threat

all industries in the Lephalale area to contact them to make use of the final effluent avail-able. The municipality is already in discus-sions to allocate effluent to Waterberg Coal. “After careful consideration of all other possi-bilities I am still of the opinion that the most cost-effective and best strategy would be for the final effluent to be re-used at one of the mines,” Thlako said.

He adds that the final effluent behind Gompou Street is tested regularly to ensure that it does not pose a health threat. “We will start a rehabilitation process of the area as soon as the final effluent is removed.”

A previous employee of the municipality, who requested to remain anonymous, is less optimistic. “If you look at the rate at which this ‘purified sewage water’ is increasing, all the houses in that area could be under water in less than two years.”

“A solution would be to build a pipeline from this swamp to the Mogol river,” he sug-gests.

“If a sustainable solution is not imple-mented soon we will see millions of Rands’ worth of damage to the houses in that area.”

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Deur Martie Pretorius ([email protected])

MOKOPANE – Die gesin van Mihandri Laboff (17) is in rou gedompel nadat die matriekleerder van Hoërskool Hans Strij-dom Maandagaand in haar koshuiskamer in Mookgophong dood aangetref is. Sy het vol-gens die polisie haar eie lewe geneem.

Boodskappe van medelye en simpatie stroom steeds in op Mihandri se Facebook-bladsy van familie, vriende en kennisse wat haar onthou as ’n sprankelende individu wat net liefde uitgestraal het. Sy laat haar ouers, Johan en Magda, asook haar vier sussies, Clarinda (23), Klarisa (20), Bernice (12) en Dioné (4) agter.

Hoërskool Hans Strijdom se skoolhoof, George Klopper, het Mihandri se dood as ‘n tragedie beskryf en die skool Dinsdag gesluit. Hy gesê dat berading vir alle leerders en onderwysers beskikbaar is. Hy het op die skool se Facebook-blad gesê dat Mihandri glo sielkundige behandeling ontvang het vir moontlike depressie.

Groot hartseer na skoolkind se doodMihandri se ma, Magda,

het die volgende boodskap op haar dogter se Facebook-bladsy gedeel:

“I gave birth to you Mihandri but you came with no instructions. All I know was that I loved you long before I saw you. I know I made some mistakes and I am sorry, but I was doing the best I could with what I knew. Everything I did for you, I did from love. You are my child, my life, and my dream. I will always love you and there is nothing that could ever destroy my love for you. My Angel, I love you, Mihandri.”

Mihandri word Saterdag om 10:00 vanuit die Ou Apostoliese Kerk in Ruiterweg begrawe.

Burglaries on the decline, says policeLEPHALALE – Residents were relieved to hear that housebreakings have decreased in certain areas around this town.

Captain Joseph Kwabi of the Lephalale Cluster SAPS says there use to be a major problem with burglaries in Onverwacht in the past few months.

However, he claims that there has been a decrease over the past two weeks. “Where there used to be between five and seven cases reported daily, there are now only four a weekend.”

Captain Kwabi said that the areas that are still being targeted is Marapong, Church street, Oberholzer street and Berg-en-dal specifically.

Meanwhile, Seleka is suffering a scourge of burglaries. Police believe it is the same group of people targeting this area.

“One village has about six to eight bur-glaries per night,” Kwabi claimed.

“At this stage we have limited information but the Crime Intelligence unit is assisting us with our investigations.”

Vehicle recovered thanks to the communitySELEKA – Members of the community helped the police to identify a vehicle that is suspected to be used in burglaries in the area.

Warrant officer Frans Mokoena of the Lephalale SAPS says the public’s assistance in the Seleka area led to the swift recovery of a white Mercedes Benz.

“I asked Lephalale FM to ask listeners to be on the lookout for the vehicle and was surprised when someone phoned the police station to tell that they saw the car,” Mo-koena said.

Mokoena saya that community members approached the vehicle that was parked in an abandoned area. The community members saw that there were many plasma TV’s near the vehicle and decided to alert the police.

According to Mokoena the driver of the vehicle managed to escape but they are posi-tive that this is a breakthrough in the high levels of housebreakings that the area has been experiencing.

The vehicle suspected of being used during house burglaries which was seized by the police.

Community policing forum classic car dayMOKOPANE - The Mokopane Crime Preven-tion Forum (CPF) will be hosting a classical car exhibition day at the SAPS detective office on the corner of Ruiter and Kruger Streets on 11 July.

The CPF is the communication channel between the public and the SAPS. Monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 14:30, where everybody is welcome to provide the SAPS with input.

This car exhibition is hosted to expose the CPF to the public. The SAPS will have a stall at the exhiibition where where the public will be able to submit their suggestions to prevent crime in town. Entrance is free and the day will be hosted from 09:00 to 14:30. For information, call the Chamber of Business at 015 491 8458 during office hours from 08:00 to 13:00.

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25 JUNE 2015 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus 5

WOOLWORTHS LEPHALALE MALL: Cnr Nelson Mandela and Chris Hani Ave, Onverwacht, LephalaleWE’RE OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 9am - 6pm; Sat. 9am - 5pm; Sun. & Public Holidays 9am - 3pmWoolworths Financial Services (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2000/009327/07) An authorised financial services (FSP15289) and registered credit provider (NCRCP49). Special offers may change without notice. These special offers are available at Woolworths Lephalale Mall only while stocks last. Prices are correct at time of going to print and are valid from 25 - 28 June 2015.















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Page 6: Nn26 6 issuu Noordelike Nuus / Northern News 25 JUNIE 2015 6

Promotion starts on 2 June and ends 6 July 2015Only 700 mugs per participating storeWhile stocks lastTerms and conditions applyOnly at KFC - Lephalale & Thabazimbi

and get a FREEthermo mug

a.m. Brekkie Crunch, a.m. Streetwise Two or Three

Martie Pretorius ([email protected])

MOKOPANE - Samuel Chueu and his family were completely caught off guard last Thursday night as an unexplained fire gutted their house in Nylpark.

What once was a lovely double storey house in Wildebees Street now remains in debris. The Chueu’s three children and their 26-year-old child minder were inside the house when they realised they were sur-rounded by smoke. Their parents were in Marble Hall at the time the fire broke out. The street was the occupant’s only option to escape the fiery flames that within seconds spread throughout the whole house, explained Chueu, the owner of the house.

Fire marshalls were able to extinguish the fire but the damage was to such an ex-tend that only the family’s double garage remained unaffected.

The family’s despair turned to relief as the newly-elected Mayor of the Mogalakwena Municipality, Malesela Parks Sebatjane pro-vided them with temporary shelter after be-ing left homeless. Sebatjane also promised to provide the family with food parcels for time being.

An investigation to the cause of the fire is underway.

Family loses everything in fire

Samuel Chueu is devastated after losing all his belongings after a fire gutted his home.

Below: Mayor of Mogalakwena, Malesela Parks Sebatjane meets Chueu's neighbour after offering temporary shelter to the family after they were left homeless.

LEPHALALE – While chairing a community policing forum (CPF) meeting, Lofty Fourie warned residents to plan ahead when con-suming alcohol. “There is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself and having a drink or two, but it is essential to remember not to drink and drive,” he urged.

Fourie gave a break down of the effects of alcohol on an average person. With a blood alcohol level of 0.01-0.029% some tasks are impaired; 0.03-0.059% causes impaired concentration, decreased inhibi-tion and decreased judgement; 0.06-0.1% affects depth perception, decreased alert-ness and slowed reactions; 0.1-0.15% causes impaired balance and movement and a person’s reactions are slow; 0.16-0.29% causes severe impairment; 0.3-0.39% causes unconsciousness and death in some cases.

The legal blood alcohol level when driv-ing is 0.05%. According to the national police, if you consume more than the legal limit of alcohol while driving you will be ar-rested and charged for driving under the in-fluence of liquor. You will be held in custody until you are able to post bail (in certain instances bail may be denied).

Depending on prior convictions against you as well as the circumstances surround-ing your arrest, you face a minimum fine of R2000 or a two year prison sentence, or both. You may also lose your driver’s licence, or have it suspended. You will also have a criminal record.

Effects of alcohol when driving

LEPHALALE – Ons almal het die afgelope tyd die verswakte ekonomie se knyp gevoel, maar vir sommige gesinne is die stryd om oorlewing ‘n daaglikse realiteit.

Twee vroue in ons dorp het besluit om daadwerklik op te tree om behoeftige mense by te staan. “Ek het een oggend vir ‘n 7-jarige seuntjie gaan griepmedisyne aflewer en die blydskap op sy gesiggie het my net laat besef dat ek iets moet doen om die behoeftiges in ons gemeenskap te help," sê Mariaan Wiidd.

Mariaan wil graag besighede betrek by haar projek. "Ek het met 'n paar spyseniers gesels en hulle voorsien tans twee maaltye 'n dag aan twee uiters behoeftige gesinne wat uit 17 mense bestaan,' sê Mariaan.

Sy beoog om die mense wat sy help te betrek by haar projek. "Ek wil graag vir die gesinne hulle menswaardigheid terug gee en wil hê dat hulle moet help met die bewerking van vleis en groente wat dan weer aan ander families gegee kan word," sê Mariaan.

Mariaan het ‘n Facebook-webblad ge-naamd Lephalale Community Support gestig waar mense haar kan kontak as hulle weet van enigiemand wat in nood verkeer.

Berta Olivier is 'n ou bekende in Lep-halale. Sy is al vir die afgelope vier jaar betrokke by Engele vir Nood en help sowat

Lephalale reik uit na behoeftiges35 gesinne. "Daar is 'n ongelooflike behoefte aan basiese voedsel en klere in ons dorp," sê Berta. “Dis so belangrik dat mense betrokke raak by ons organisasie omdat ek geheel en al afhanklik is van die publiek se ondersteun-ing.”

Engele vir Nood is ‘n geregistreerde nie-winsgewende organisasie. Berta sê dat be-sighede moet onthou dat hulle geregtig is om enige skenkings van hulle belasting af te trek.

Mariaan beklemtoon dat sy en Berta nie teen mekaar werk nie. "Mense moet besef dat die probleem op die oomblik te groot is vir een mens om alleen aan te pak," sê Mariaan.

Noordelike Nuus was so geïnspireer deur die twee raakvat vrouens dat ons besluit het om ook betrokke te raak. Ons wil graag elke besigheid in die dorp uitdaag om 'n skenking aan een van die organisasies te maak. Noordelike Nuus is bereid om media dekking te gee om besigheide met ruim harte te bedank. Tweedehandse klere kan ook by Noordelike Nuus se kantore op die hoek van Dopperkiaat en Walter Sisulu afgegee word - ons sal dit aan Mariaan en Berta oorhandig.

Inwoners van Lephalale roem onsself daarop dat ons 'n dorp is wat saamstaan en nou is die tyd om daad by die woord te sit en te wys van watter stoffasie ons gemaak is.

Marapong man murdered MARAPONG – A 27-year-old male was stabbed to death during the early hours of Tuesday morning.

According to the Lephalale police’s war-rant officer Frans Mokoena, the motive for the murder is unknown. “Some of the local residents blamed two Zimbabwean nationals for the murder and formed a mob that tar-geted some Zimbabweans,” Mokoena says.

Mokoena alleges that the angry commu-nity members wanted to place burning tyres on the Zimbabweans. “Both the foreigners were taken to hospital where they received medical attention,” Mokoena says.

LEPHALALE – A 25 year old male was arrested last week for possession of dagga. Members of the local public order policing (POPS) unit received a tip off that Thomas Molepo was dealing in dagga at the Shoprite complex. After search-ing the suspect they found dagga to the value of R700 in his possession. Here’s suspect Thomas Molepo and members of Lephalale POPS.

Suspected dealer caught

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25 JUNE 2015 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus 7

MySchool MyVillage MyPlanetEVERY SWIPE COUNTS

MySchool_card_front.indd 1 2013/06/25 10:23:22 AM

Page 8: Nn26 6 issuu Noordelike Nuus / Northern News 25 JUNIE 2015

Geregistreer volgens Wet 12 van 1992


2de Lephalale Game Traders Wildveiling

Terme & Voorwaardes:1. Betaling: Slegs bankgewaarborgde tjek of elektroniese oorbetalings op dag van veiling - GEEN KONTANT WORD AANVAAR. 2. BTW is betaalbaar. 3. Vleissentraal se standaardverkoopsvoorwaardes (Rules of Auction) bly van toepassing - beskikbaar op 4. Registrasie: Koper moet afskrif van ID en bewys van fisiese adres inhandig voor registrasie.

5. Verbruikersbeskermingswet - 68 van 2008, beskikbaar op 6. Verkoper behou die reg voor om enige bate voor of tydens die veiling te onttrek sonder vooraf kennisgewing.

Saterdag 4 Julie 2015, 11:00te Lephalale (Ellisras) - Komunati Lodge

GPS: S 023°45'47.6" / O 27°31'33.7"

Manlike Diere4 Koedoebulle, 2 Waterbokbulle,3 Rooibokramme, 2 Elandbulle,

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Aanteel Diere15 Kaap Elande, 30 Blouwildebeeste,

15 Waterbokke, 20 Njalas, 20 Koedoes,60 Rooibokke, 10 Sebras, 30 Gemsbokke,

8 Tessebes, 6 Rooihartbeeste.

Foto: Voorbeeldvan spesie

Per KatalogusRenosterbul,

Bastergemsbokbul, Goue Wildebeesbul & 20 KoeieSwartrooibokram & 30 basis ooie

Navrae: Niel Swart (Afslaer) - 082 554 3070 / Carl Vos (Bemarker) - 082 467 1807 / Martin Ellis (Bemarker) - 078 457 6895Foto: Voorbeeldvan spesie

Foto: Voorbeeldvan spesie

Foto: Voorbeeldvan spesie

LEPHALALE - ‘Partners for Possibility’ is a national organisation that aims to assist schools in gaining the necessary business knowledge to run more effectively.

Jansie Rautenbach, the project manager for Partners for Possibility, said they use local business people to help guide school prin-cipals to run their schools like a business. “This is a one-year project that will revive school leadership and also get the commu-nity involved in our local schools.”

Ten schools in and around Lephalale were teamed up with ten business people. “We were fortunate that Exxaro decided to sponsor our business people.”

“We don’t encourage businesses to invest money in these schools because we don’t want them to get dependent on the extra fi-nances,” Jansie said.

Jasper Louw, principal of Mabalane Seleka Techni-cal school, (photographed above with Sarah Moloto from the Pre-mier's office) said: “I think my school can only benefit from our part-nership.”


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POLOKWANE - Quali-fied professionals at The Aesthetic Clinic and Aesthetico (previously Secrets of Youth) treated Northern News reporter Martie Pretorius to a complimentary Obagi medical chemical peel at its open day at the clinic last week. The half an hour treat-ment left her skin feeling smoother and looking younger.

MOKOPANE - Carmen de Beaute Skoonheidsalon in Mokopane het verlede Saterdagoggend ’n heerlike vroue ontbyt in Hoër-skool Piet Potgieter se Strelitzia Restaurant aangebied. Eers was daar ’n praatjie oor die Nimue handelsmerk se velsorgreeks en toe het Dr Gys du Plessis, ’n mediese dokter by die Healthy-Ageing Institute, gesels oor hoe om stadiger te verouder. Hy het ook gesels oor watter vitamiene kan bydra tot ’n gesonde brein en vel. Hier is Rene van Aswegen (Nimue), Annelize Abrie (Nimue), Sonja van Schalkwyk (Healthy Ageing Institute), Dr. Gys du Plessis en Carmen de Beaute se Solette Rossouw, Jolene Muller en Neelja Bergh.

Mikayla-hulle sê totsiensLEPHALALE - Mikayla Robertse is 'n bekende ge-siggie in die dorp nadat sy drie jaar gelede deur 'n Egiptiese kobra op haar hand gebyt is. Sy vier ook hierdie week haar negende verjaarsdag.

Mikayla was in Desember 2011 in die hospitaal opgeneem nadat die giftige slang haar op die plaas, waar hulle gebly het, gebyt het. Alhoewel sy teengif behandeling ontvang het, het die gif baie skade aan-gerig. Na talle veloorplantings en operasies het Mi-kayla nie net baie pyn verduur nie, maar ook ‘n hele paar terugslae. Haar vingertjie is amper geamputeer, maar vandag is sy 'n borrelende meisiekind.

Woensdag was al die pyn vergete toe sy haar ver-jaarsdag saam met haar maatjies gevier het. "Ek is so dankbaar vir die hele dorp wat ons bygestaan het tot vandag toe," het Mikayla se ma Charmaine Robertse gesê.

Die gesin verhuis eersdaags na Witbank.

Amanda Basson ([email protected])

LEPHALALE - Die afgestorwe akteur Johan van der Merwe se dogter, Mart-Marie van der Merwe, het besluit om hierdie dorp haar nuwe tuiste te maak.

Johan was ‘n bekende akteur wat in Nommer Asseblief, Hoofmeisie en Parys Parys gespeel het. Hy is op 62-jarige ouder-dom aan ‘n hartaanval oorlede en sy dogter beweer dat sy nooit lus gehad het om in sy voetspore te volg nie.

Hierdie bekwame dame is ‘n profes-sionele jagter en daar is nie ‘n bang haar op haar kop nie. “Behalwe slange! Ek gil soos ‘n klein meisie as ek ‘n slang sien,” sê sy laggend toe ek met haar gesels.

Mart-Marie het tot onlangs nog by die Staatsteater in Pretoria gewerk, maar sy sê dat sy eintlik ‘n Bosveld-meisie is en nooit regtig gelukkig was met die stadsliggies nie. “Ek het eendag vir my pa gesê ek wil ‘n vee-arts word en sy antwoord was dat dit nie ‘n gepaste werk vir ‘n vrou is nie,” vertel Mart-Marie laggend. “Hy wou bitter graag gehad het ek moes ‘n prokureur word, maar toe ek op universiteit kom en vir my LLB begin stu-deer het ek geweet dis nie vir my nie.”

Mart-Marie is passievol oor haar werk as professionele jagter waarvoor sy aan die Universiteit van Pretoria gestudeer het. “Ek glo dat gereguleerde jag essensieel is vir Suid Afrika,” sê sy. “Wat baie mense nie besef nie is dat dit broodnodig is om wild uit te dun en

Akteurskind is nie bang vir jag nie!

sodoende te sorg dat ‘n mens nuwe bloed op ‘n gebied kry en ook om basters te voorkom.”

Volgens Mart-Marie kry sy baie positiewe terugvoering van haar meestal oorsese kliënte af. Hulle waardeer die feit dat sy baie moeite doen om hulle jagtogte aangenaam te maak. Sy vertel graag inheemse staaltjies aan haar kliënte en hou daarvan om hulle ‘n bietjie oor ons natuur en plaaslike fauna te leer terwyl sy saam met hulle in die veld is.

“Ek dink ‘n vrou is meer gesteld daarop om seker te maak dat haar kliënte iets terug vat uit hulle ervaring in die bos,” sê Mart-Marie. “Ek hoef vir geen man terug te staan as dit by kennis kom oor die natuur of by skietvernuf nie.”

Mart-Marie is tans werksaam as ‘n boek-houer by NOSA in die dorp, maar sy sê dat sy graag voltyds in die natuur wil werk. “Die jagbedryf is ongelukkig seisoengebonde,” vertel sy. “Ek sal graag êrens wil werk waar ek my kundigheid en ondervinding voltyds kan gebruik.”

Dié jong vrou het haar eerste rooibok in 1999 geskiet en sedertdien het sy die trofeës ingeryg: “My grootste dier wat ek geskiet het was ‘n buffel wat as ‘n gevaarlike dier spesie beskou word.” Een van haar toekomsdrome is om eendag ‘n beer in Amerika te gaan skiet. Op die vraag of daar plek in haar be-sige lewe vir ‘n liefdesverhouding is, is haar unieke antwoord: “Ek droom van ‘n prins op die rug van ‘n swart-wit pens wat my voete onder my gaan uitslaan!”

Mart-Marie saam met haar pa, die akteur Johan van der Merwe by die premiere van Hoofmeisie. Vroue lyk jonger danksy dokter se raad

More than skin deep Partnering with schools

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MOKOPANE - Carmen de Beaute Skoonheidsalon in Mokopane het verlede Saterdagoggend ’n heerlike vroue ontbyt in Hoër-skool Piet Potgieter se Strelitzia Restaurant aangebied. Eers was daar ’n praatjie oor die Nimue handelsmerk se velsorgreeks en toe het Dr Gys du Plessis, ’n mediese dokter by die Healthy-Ageing Institute, gesels oor hoe om stadiger te verouder. Hy het ook gesels oor watter vitamiene kan bydra tot ’n gesonde brein en vel. Hier is Rene van Aswegen (Nimue), Annelize Abrie (Nimue), Sonja van Schalkwyk (Healthy Ageing Institute), Dr. Gys du Plessis en Carmen de Beaute se Solette Rossouw, Jolene Muller en Neelja Bergh.

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The Colonel

is in you


and serving


LEPHALALE - Hardekool Akademie het 23 leerlinge ingeskryf vir die eerste Radikale rondte waarvan 14 leerlinge deur is na die Limpopo finale wat sal plaasvind op 22 Augustus in Polokwane.

Radikale Redenaars bied ‘n geleentheid vir leerlinge van alle skole in Suid-Afrika om voor ‘n gehoor op te tree en ‘n toespraak te lewer. Redenaars op skoolvlak is meer as net ‘n praat-kompetisies en lewer ‘n posi-tiewe bydrae tot elke spreker se selfvertroue. Verbeterde kommunikasievermoëns word bevorder deur hierdie kompetisie.

Enige aantal leerlinge mag inskryf en hulle neem in graad verband deel.

Hardekool se deelnemers is Rachelle Pretorius Gr. 5, WJ Ellis Gr. 4 en Erisa du Toit Gr. 4, Thinus van Rooyen Gr. 8, Mia Venter Gr. 6, Wilmari Muller Gr. 7, Wian Lewies Gr. 4 en Christel van der Merwe Gr. 5, Claudine Johnson Gr. 2, Tessa du Toit Gr. 1 en Eleana Ellis Gr. 1, Ilze Swanevelder Gr. 2, Sanel van Zyl Gr. 3 en Marthinus Preto-rius Gr. 2.

LEPHALALE - Dis vir Laerskool Bosveld Primary ‘n groot voorreg om deel te wees van die Bosveldfees se 30ste verjaarsdag. Laerskool Bosveld Primary se vriendelike personeel is weereens reg om hierdie jaar 8-10 Julie die Bosveldfees hekke te beman. Die hek gelde beloop R30 per laerskool kind en R70 per volwassene. Voorskoolse kinders sal gratis toegang kry. -Colette du Plessis

MOKOPANE - Close to 100 junior learners of the Mokopane English Primary School (MEPS) participated in a dress up party last week where they have outdone themselves. The occasion was to raise funds for the school’s Grade 12 learners. MEPS fancy dress winners in their respective grades pose with the judges and some teachers of the school.

STERKRIVIER - Die leerlinge van Sterkrivier Gekombineerde Skool het vandeesmaand ’n nuwe groentetuin en vullisverwyderingstel-sel op hulle skoolterrein verwelkom.

"‘n Klein verandering in jou leefstyl kan ‘n groot impak hê op die omgewing. Hierdie projekte leer die jeug om selfonderhoudend te wees op ‘n manier wat ‘n volhoubare en omgewings vriendelike toekoms verseker,” sê Milanie Cilliers (21), ‘n oud-skolier van Hoërskool Piet Potgieter en tans ‘n nagraadse student.

Milanie is vanjaar as streek-semi-finalis vir die Mej. Aarde Suid-Afrika (Miss Earth South Africa) leierskapprogram gekies. Die leierskapprogram rus jong vroue toe om ’n volhoubare verskil in hulle gemeenskappe te maak. Daar word van elke semi-finalis verwag om vier projekte te doen in ‘n periode van twee maande, naamlik die aanleg van

Skoonheid maak 'n verskil

’n groentetuin, vullis bestuursprogram by ’n laerskool, die plant van inheemse bome en die insameling van R5 500.

Al woon Milanie tans in Pretoria, wil sy steeds ’n verskil maak in haar eie provinsie en vandaar haar betrokkenheid by die Sterk-rivier Gekombineerde Skool. ’n Groentetuin is aangelê en ‘n vullis bestuursprogram is in plek gesit met die hulp van die Insitu-crete Konstruksiespan, Marietjie Lessing, die landskap ontwerper van Legend Golf & Safari Resort en die Legend Foundation (die nie-winsgewende liefdadigheidsorganisasie wat ‘n verskil maak in minder bevoorregtes se lewens). Milanie beplan ook om saam met die Legend Foundation ’n gemeenskap-groentetuin vir die behoeftiges aan te lê. Daar is geen keer aan hierdie “earth warrior” nie!

The Miss Earth South Africa is a leader-ship programme that aims to empower young South African women with the knowledge and platform to create a sustainable difference in our plight to combat the destruction of South Africa’s natural heritage. The programme helps to create an awareness of sustainable development, our environment, wildlife and the conservation of our natural legacy in South Africa, and ultimately the preservation of Mother Earth.

Onnies vier Bosveldfees se 30ste jaar

Junior learners show off

Radikale redenaars by Hardekool Akademie

Deur Fransa de Beer

LEPHALALE - Dou voor dag in ysig koue, vertrek die Rassies (Hoërskool Ellisras) se o/15 en o/16 rugbyspelers na Groblersdal om teen Hoërskool Louis Trichardt uit te speel vir die Limpopo kampioenskappe.

Albei spanne wen en dring deur na die Limpopo Finaal op 25 Julie in Polokwane. O/15 wen 30-15 en o/16 wen 24-5. O/15 speel dan teen Piet Potgieter en o/16 teen Hans Stijdom. Hiermee dring beide spanne ook deur na die uitspeel vir die Beeld trofee.

O/15 se punte word aangeteken deur een drie elk vir Hannes Pretorius, Gerrie Blom en Nico Oosthuizen twee drieë. Steyn van Staden het uitmuntend geskop. Die af-rigters, Eddie Elmes en Fanus du Plessis is trots op die span wat soos een man gespeel het. Die o/16’s se punte kom van Loutjie Steenekamp, Ryno Vosloo, Wiam du Plessis en Leon Visser. Die afrigters, die Besseling broers, Ferdi, Ian en Rohan voel hulle kan nie een speler uitsonder nie, want almal het ooglopend hulle beste gegee.

Loutjie Steenkamp was een van die manne punte aangeteken het

Rassies deur na Limpopo finale!

Gerrie Blom het een drie gedruk.

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Melvin Matlala in besit van die bal.

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oordelike uus orthern ewsN NAitblinkerschievers

UMartie Pretorius ([email protected])

MOKOPANE - Hoërskool Piet Potgieter se rugby en hokkiespanne het tydens die af-gelope naweek se semi-finale wedstryde by Hoërskool Ben Viljoen weer gewys die blou masjien is goed geolie.

Die spanne se uitslae is soos volg:Rugby: ’n Taai wedstryd teen Hoërskool

Louis Trichardt het die eerste rugby-span laat seëvier met ’n puntetelling van 31-22. Jan Dirk van Eck is as die speler van die wedstryd aangewys.

Die o/14 span het Hoërskool Louis Trichardt met ’n puntetelling van 38-14 geklop. Meindrich Frauendorff is die speler van die wedstryd. Die o/15 span het Hoër-skool Hans Strijdom gewen met 15-3. WC van Staden is die speler van die wedstryd.

Hokkie:Die o/14 span wen 1-0 teen Hoërskool

Warmbad. Wilmarie van der Westhuizen is die speler van die wedstryd.

Die o/15 span het die stryd 0-3 teen Hoërskool Ben Viljoen verloor. Chantelle de Bruin is as die speler van die wedstryd aangewys. Die o/16 span wen 2-0 teen Hoërskool Merensky. Bianca Koekemoer is die speler van die wedstryd.

Die tweede span verloor 0-1 teen Hoër-skool Ben Viljoen. Jana-Lené van Eck is die speler van die wedstryd. Die eerste span wen 1-0 teen Hoërskool Hans Strijdom. Janelda Röntgen is die speler van die wedstryd.

Die blou masjien is goed geolie!

Bo: HPP se eerste rugby-span se oorwinning by die semi-finale in Groblersdal het hulle laat deurdring na die Limpopo finaal wat eersdaags in Polok-wane plaasvind. Hier is hulle by afrigters Douw Oosthuizen en Andries Botha. Inlas: Speler van die wedstryd, Jan Dirk van Eck.Links: Hoërskool Piet Potgieter se o/14 hokkie-span op hulle knieë in gebed voor hulle wedstryd teen Hoërskool Warmbad.