Download - MEGA MILLS Welcomes Peuterey to Center赢商共享... · 2015. 7. 11. · June 12, 2015 2015 m 6 12 k MEGA MILLS Welcomes Peuterey to Center

Page 1: MEGA MILLS Welcomes Peuterey to Center赢商共享... · 2015. 7. 11. · June 12, 2015 2015 m 6 12 k MEGA MILLS Welcomes Peuterey to Center

June 12, 20152015 年 6 月 12 日

MEGA MILLS Welcomes Peuterey to Center Court 米格天地奥莱喜迎 Peuterey 进驻中心广场

On May 30, Italian clothing brand, Peuterey, opened its new store

in Center Court, doubling its original store size and offering a wider

selection of products. Peuterey first opened at MEGA MILLS in

September 2013 and has consistently achieved high visitor traffic and

strong sales. The brand celebrated the opening of its new store with

extra discounts and special gifts, which were promoted heavily to our

VIP members. During its opening weekend, sales for the new Peuterey

store increased by 110% over the previous weekend.

意大利知名服饰品牌 Peuterey 于 5 月 30 日进驻在米格天地奥莱中心广

场新的店铺。除了有更舒适、开阔的新店铺,Peuterey 也加入了更多的

商品,提供给消费者做选择。Peuterey 在米格天地奥莱的首家店于 2013

年 9 月开幕。开幕以来持续享有高度人气与强劲销售额。为庆祝此次乔迁

之喜,除 Peuterey 推出多重折扣优惠与礼品赠送,米格天地奥莱也配合

向 VIP 会员及在多种渠道上强力推广。Peuterey 于进驻中心广场该周末

的销售额,也较前个周末增加 110%。

Peuterey is an Italian clothing company founded in 2002. It is famous for

its interpretation of “luxury casualwear,” where innovation and design

are combined to create a sophisticated yet relaxed contemporary


Peuterey 源自于意大利,并于 2002 年成立。Peuterey 在服装设计上以

结合了创新设计与独特风格的 “低调奢华休闲服饰” 闻名,并创造出精


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Shanghai’s Premier Family Outlet 全家人的奥莱


美国经典女装女饰品牌 Talbots 于 1947 年由 Talbot 夫妇成立。现在除

了拥有三条主力设计线 Talbots Misses、Talbots Petites、以及 Talbots

Woman 之外,并为女性消费者提供完整的女性时尚产品。Talbots 的米格天

地奥莱店占地 175 平方米,并于 5 月 25 日开幕。

Talbots is an American fashion company that manufactures women’s

classic clothing, shoes, and accessories. Founded in 1947 by Rudolf

and Nancy Talbot, the company now has three major fashion lines

- Talbots Misses, Talbots Petites, and Talbots Woman - offering a

complete set of women’s fashion apparel and accessories. Talbots

opened its 175 sq m store at MEGA MILLS on May 25.


Dyson 为英国知名家庭电器品牌,由 James Dyson 创立于 1993 年。该公

司制造多种的电器用品包括吸尘器、乾手机、桌上型电扇等。Dyson 的家庭

电器用品以创新的设计和高性能知名,并广受消费者喜爱。Dyson 初于米格

天地奥莱 2 号楼设置临时店铺。因店铺的亮眼销售成绩。该公司近期决定长


Dyson is a British home appliance company founded by James

Dyson in 1993. The company produces a variety of high-quality

electronics products such as vacuum cleaners, hand dryers, and

desk fans. Its home appliance products are well-known for their

innovative designs and high performance. Following the strong

sales of its temporary store in Building 2, Dyson recently opened in

a permanent location at MEGA MILLS.


New Openings 近期开幕商铺

We have recently opened several new stores at MEGA MILLS,

providing our shoppers with a wider selection for men’s and women’s

fashion, accessories, bags, shoes, and electronics. Recent openings

include Theory, Talbots, Dyson, Saintpaulon, Blackgateone, Foss,

MGI Collection, Siijii, and more!


女服装、饰品、包、鞋、电子用品的选择。新开幕的品牌包括 Theor


Collection、Siijii 等。

Founded in 1997 by Andrew Rosen, a former Calvin Klein executive,

Theory began in New York as a fashion brand focused on women’s

collections, with special designs for comfortable stretch pants.

After the initial success, a men’s line was added in 1999, and the

brand expanded heavily in Asia beginning in 2000. Theory opened

its 175 sq m MEGA MILLS store on June 4.

Theory 由前 Calvin Klein 主管 Andrew Rosen 于 1997 年成立。初于纽

约成立时,Theory 以女装为主力设计,尤其以特别设计的弹力裤最为知

名。初期成功后,Theory 于 1999 年扩展到男装领域,并在 2000 年进入

亚洲市场。Theory 于米格天地奥莱的店铺于 6 月 4 日开幕,占地 175 平


Page 3: MEGA MILLS Welcomes Peuterey to Center赢商共享... · 2015. 7. 11. · June 12, 2015 2015 m 6 12 k MEGA MILLS Welcomes Peuterey to Center

Shanghai’s Premier Family Outlet 全家人的奥莱

Ice Town Theme Park is an exciting event that brings spectacular ice

displays and a wide range of ice-related activities to different cities

in China throughout the year. The event operates in three-month

intervals and offers a unique theme for each season. MEGA MILLS

is partnering with the creator of Ice Town and bringing the Ice Town

Theme Park to our neighboring Pearl River International Center area,

located adjacent to MEGA MILLS.

Ice Town Theme Park is a highly popular attraction that is expected

to attract 3,000 visitors per day and drive additional traffic to MEGA MILLS. During the month of July, MEGA MILLS is offering a free

Ice Town entrance ticket to shoppers that spend ¥5,888 or more in a

single store.





由前一期的数据预测,本期的冰雪梦幻乐园将会达到每日 3,000 人次。藉由冰


准备了赠票活动。七月期间,凡当日在米格天地奥莱消费满 5,888 元者,将能


MEGA MILLS Partners with Ice Town Theme Park 米格天地奥莱与冰雪梦幻乐园 Ice Town 合作

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Shanghai’s Premier Family Outlet 全家人的奥莱

During Mother’s Day weekend from May 8 through10, MEGA MILLS

partnered with 58 Daojia and Quancheng Shopping to provide our

female shoppers with professional manicure services. During the

event, with any purchase at MEGA MILLS, shoppers received a

forty-minute nail care session at MEGA MILLS plus a special gift

package. Shoppers who downloaded the Quancheng Shopping app

also received a free confectionery set.

为庆祝母亲节,米格天地奥莱与 58 到家与全城购物合作,并在母亲节周

末 5 月 8-10 日期间为我们的女性消费者带来美甲活动。活动期间,在米

格天地奥莱任意消费,便能用 19 元的低价享有 40 分钟的美甲服务与礼

品包。且下载全城购物 app,便能领取糖果礼包。

Mother’s Day Event母亲节推广活动

Marketing Events推广活动

We are pleased to introduce our new coupon book program starting in

July. The coupon book will be distributed to holders of premium credit

cards of our partner banks such as Citibank and China Guangfa Bank,

with the goal of attracting these affluent shoppers to MEGA MILLS.

The coupon book will include special savings on the exciting collection

of fashion brands at MEGA MILLS, F&B coupons, P.R. International

Cinema discount vouchers, discounted services from Naughty Family

pet facility, reduced rates at Anantara Resorts, and more!

从 7 月 1 日起,米格天地奥莱将推出 “尊享优惠册”。这是一本针对特殊渠道



家族美容中心美容券等。此 “尊享优惠册” 将针对合作银行的高级信用卡用户



Coupon Book尊享优惠册

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Shanghai’s Premier Family Outlet 全家人的奥莱

Top Tenant Sales in May

5 月销售业绩前十名

• Gucci

• Michael Kors

• Versace


• Kate Spade

• Lane Crawford

• Hazzys

• Fossil / Watch Station

• Juicy Couture

• Replay

在此恭贺 5 月销售业绩前十名的品牌:

Congratulations to the following Tenants who achieved the top 10

sales rankings during the month of May:

CONTACT US 联系我们 Autumn Wu, Leasing Director

招商总监 吴秋

Tel: +86 21 3639 9916Mobile: +86 185 2105 2958Email: [email protected]


Wayne Wu, Operations Director营运总监 吴臻琦Tel: +86 21 3929 3027 Mobile: +86 138 1795 1822Email: [email protected]


Project Address: No. 5999 Jiasong Middle Road, Shanghai, Qingpu 201703

项目地址:中国上海市青浦区嘉松中路 5999 弄(201703)

Ken Miao, Marketing Director策划总监 缪胡强Tel: +86 21 5677 9090 ext. 302Email: [email protected]



MEGA MILLS is introducing the well-known children’s entertainment center, Baoqi

Kid’s Land, to offer our shoppers complementary activities for their all-day shopping

excursions. Baoqi Kid’s Land is located on the second floor of Building 2, adjacent

to the D.I.G. international supermarket, and is scheduled to open later this month.

Upon completion, the center will feature a sandbox, a variety of rides, mazes, and

many children’s activities, keeping children entertained while parents enjoy shopping



近期我们将在 2 号楼的二楼 D.I.G. 超市旁引进宝鳍亲子乐园。开幕后将为我们的消费者提供儿童


Additional Family-Friendly Services at MEGA MILLS宝鳍亲子乐园 - 更多友善家庭的服务设施