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希望之侣机构Partners In Hope

云南昭通彝良县角奎镇学生安全饮水项目报告School Drinking Water Project Report for

Jiaokui Township, Zhaotong, Yunnan

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Jiaokui township is located in Yiliang County in the northeast part of Yunnan, a mountainous area with peaks as high as 2780m and valleys of 520m. Jiaokui has a total population of 118,036 people with about 18% of the population being ethic minorities including: Miao, Yi, Hui, Bai, Zhuang, and Shui. The average annual per capita income is only 1537 RMB, compared to the Yunnan average of 4722 RMB and 6977 RMB for all of China.

The prefecture is one of the poorest in China. It is so poor that authorities encourage young people to migrate to the eastern and southern parts of China to find jobs.

角奎镇简介A brief introduction of Jiaokui township

彝良县位于云南省东北部,为国家级贫困县,角奎镇最高海拨 2780米,最低520米。角奎镇全镇辖 21 个村民委员会和 3 个社区居民委员会,有 500 个村民小组和 27 个居民小组,居住着汉、苗、彝、回、白、壮、水等 7 个民族。全镇国土面积 348.11 平方公里,有总户数29101 户,总人口 118036 人(其中:少数民族共 963 户 5321 人)。人民平均年收入为每人 1537 元,云南地区平均年收入为每人 4722 元,整个中国为6977 元。本区域为农业区,是中国最贫困的地区之一。因此政府鼓励年轻劳动力外出东部或南部务工。

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云南省昭通彝良县角奎镇学校简介A Brief Introduction of Jiaokui Township Schools

Jiaokui has a total of 53 elementary schools, 10,727 students, and 519 teachers.The average class size is 50 students and like many poor areas, these schools lack basic necessities such as water purification systems. They also greatly lack teachers.

全镇共有小学 53 所, 301 个班,在校生 10727 人。教师519 名。平均每个班级有 50名学生。像大多贫困地区的学校一样,这里的学校也极其缺乏各种基础设施,包括净水系统。他们也极其缺乏教师。

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One of the 5 schools is Hope in Sports Elementary School , which is assisted by the Bureau of Athletic Sports of Yunnan Province. It has 726 students (about 75 are Yi minority) 183 of whom live on campus. The farthest students live 7 kilometers away which can take up to 4 hours to walk to school. All of the students drink unboiled polluted water from the two water taps on campus.

体育希望小学距角奎镇政府 6 公里,全校有 726 名学生, 32 名教师。 183 余人住校。最远的学生距学校 7 公里,需要走4 个小时的山路才能回到家。学生在校都是喝生水。全校只有 2 个水龙头供孩子喝水和洗手。

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另外一个学校是寨子小学。全校共有173 名学生, 10 名教师,无住宿学生。距角奎镇政府 5 公里,学生步行到校山路距离为 4 公里,需要约 2 个小时, 6岁左右的孩子每天都需要往返步行 8 公里。学校水源在 3.5 公里之外的山沟,全校只有 1 个水龙头供孩子们喝水和洗手。

Another school in the area, Zhaizi Elementary School, has 173 students and 10 teachers. None of the students live on campus and it takes up to 2 hours to walk to school. The water source is in a valley 3.5 kilometers away and the school only has 1 water tap.

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角奎镇炳辉小学: 296 名学生, 13名教师,彝族学生占 10% , 115 名学生住宿,学生最远离学校 5 公里,需要步行 3 个多小时;水源为距学校1 公里的山沟。角奎镇和坪苗圃希望小学: 453 名学生, 16 名教师, 20% 苗族, 10%彝族。 120 名学生住校,学生最远离学校 6 公里,需步行约 3.5 小时。水源为距学校 1.5 公里的山沟。角奎镇坪政小学:距角奎镇镇府 30 公里,开车需 2 个多小时。学生 640 人,教师 26 人, 208 名学生住校。苗族和彝族占了 30% 左右的比例。学生步行到学校的距离 5 公里,需要步行约3 个小时。水源为距学校 4 公里之外的山沟。

Binghui Elementary School has 296 students and 13 teachers; 10% are Yi minority and 115 students live on campus. Students walk up to 5 km to get to school. The water source is 1 km away.

Heping Nursery Hope Elementary School has 453 students and 16 teachers; 20% are Miao minority, 10% are Yi. There are 120 students who live on campus. Other students walk as far as 6 km to school. Their water source is 1.5 km away.

Pingzheng Elementary School has 640 students and 26 teachers, with 30% Miao and Yi minorities. Students living on campus number 208. Commuting students walk as far as 5 km to school and the water source is 4 km away.

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Tap water in rural areas is overrun with microorganisms, and yet students drink directly from faucets. Diarrhea is a common occurrence. One teacher told us that when it rains, the number of students with diarrhea increases even further. Although teachers realize this is a problem, they can’t provide enough boiled water for all the students. Parents frequently have to come long distances to pick up their child and take them to the hospital. The problem seemed insurmountable.

因为缺乏廉价有效的水处理设备,当地学生都只能喝生水。学校用管道从山上的山沟里把水引来,蓄在水池里直接饮用。直接饮用这样的水极易引起因细菌超标导致的腹泻。当地一位老师说,每逢雨季的时候,拉肚子的学生特别多,常常会影响学生上课。有些老师意识到腹泻和水有关系但因为条件限制也无法为众多的学生提供开水来防止这些疾病的发生。所以学生在学校饮用生水生病家长即便需要步行 3 个小时的山路来到学校带孩子去医院也丝毫没有怨言,因为他们也没有办法改变这种生活状况。

关键问题 The Key Problem

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According to WHO statistics, 80% of of all diseases are caused by drinking unhealthy water and poor sanitary conditions. The report says that 30,000 children per year in rural China die from diarrhea caused by drinking unclean water. This means that most diseases can be prevented by drinking clean water. Ceramic water filters are one good solution to bring safe and clean water to students. It can also save money and time by reducing doctor visits.

实际上,据世界卫生组织( WHO )统计, 80% 以上疾病通过不卫生的饮用水及不良的卫生条件导致。即便在中国,每年仍有 30 , 000 名儿童死于因不清洁的水引发腹泻而导致的死亡。这意味着,大部分的疾病可以通过饮用清洁的水预防。陶瓷净水器将为学生的健康提供很好的保护,而家长也不必那么远来学校带孩子去医院看病。

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The Jiarun ceramic water filter was developed to meet needs just like these. It’s simple to use, requires no electricity, and water is filtered as it passes through a specially designed ceramic pot filter. Water collects in the receptacle below the filter, providing enough water for about 20 people per day. Maintenance is simple – just a quick scrub every month with the provided brush cleans the pot so it can continue to be used for years.

家润陶瓷净水器的开发就是为了满足这样的需求。它便于使用,不耗电,水经过特殊设计的陶瓷过滤盆就变得清洁。过滤出来的水储存在过滤盆下面的容器中,每天可供 20 人饮用。维护也非常简单。只需每月用配备的刷子将过滤盆刷洗干净,就可以长年持续使用。

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LEAP CHINA 捐赠的陶瓷净水器帮助这些农村的小学彻底解决了这一困境,为这些的孩子们提供了清洁的饮用水,使他们能够得以健康成长,安心学习。

LEAP CHINA solved the problem in these schools by donating ceramic water filters. Students now have clean water to drink, so that they can grow healthy and strong.

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One teacher reported, “The water after filtration is very clear. Even the cloudy water coming out of the tap becomes crystal clear.” Students are also happy because they can now drink clean water. - The pictures above are of the water before filtration.


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“It’s very convenient for teachers and students to be able to drink clean, healthy water in their classroom; even clean cups were provided! Teachers don’t have to go back to their offices to get water anymore.”

– A very happy principal.


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Clean water is a huge help, but it isn’t enough! Studies by UNICEF and others show that clean hands are also an important part of reducing diarrhea and improving student health. So, as part of our filter distribution, we also trained both teachers and students in proper hand washing techniques!


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陶瓷净水器Ceramic water filters

248 107 26,536

杯子 /Cups 2.2 2300 5,060

桶 /Buckets 9.5 50 475

盆 /Basins 9.5 50 475

培训材料 /Training material 200印刷和文具等

Printing, Stationary

陶瓷净水器运费 /Shipping 1300 1,300从昆明到角奎的运输

Shipping the ceramic water filtersfrom Kunming to Jiaokui

项目点调查费用Travelling fee for investigation

888两位员工2 persons

陶瓷净水器发放和健康培训 Travelling fee for installation


Total 35,730.3 PIH will pay the excess expenses.

支出明细和受益人群Expense and Distribution Information

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学校名称School Name

主要联系人Main contact


受益老师人数# of

Teachers Helped

受益学生人数# of

Students Helped


# of Classes Helped

设备清单 / List of supplies






体育希望小学Sports HopeElementary School

周云Mr. Zhou Yun13578079829

32 726 14 31 730 14 14

寨子小学ZhaiziElementary School

何剑兴Mr. He Jianxing13628705681

10 173 6 11 175 6 6

炳辉小学Binghu Elementary School

黄禄琪Mr. Huang Luqi 13618700549

13 296 7 15 300 7 7

和坪苗圃希望小学HePing Nursery Hope Elementary School

袁勇Mr. Yuan Yong13887138917

16 453 10 22 455 10 10

坪政小学PingzhengElementary School

李明武Mr. Li Mingwu15808637208

26 640 13 28 640 13 13


97 2288 50 107 2300 50 50

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“We have been using the filters for over two weeks, and they work very well. This is a project that wins people’s hearts. This project both solves the drinking water problem and brings convenience to teachers. Before, teachers had to go to the office to get water, but now they can get clean water in their classroom.”

“Ceramic Water Filter is a good fit for schools like us. We thank you from deep down in our hearts. You have done a very good thing!”


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角奎镇的需要仍然很大。我们还需要422台净水器来帮助角奎镇其他小学的8439 名学生。The need in Jiaokui continues to be great. We still need 422 filters to meet the need of the rest of the 8439 students in Jiaokui Township elementary schools.

如果您或其他的组织机构对我们在乡村的项目感兴趣,请通过以下信箱与希望之侣联系: [email protected]

If yours or another organization is interested in supporting our work in rural villages please contact Partners in Hope at [email protected]

更多需要More Needs…

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Thank you!LEAP CHINA!