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  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]



    1992 MAYIS KPDS

    1- As regards the proposals for the treaty on economic co-operation, my government has certain ---- concerning them.

    A) complications B) reservations C) disturbances D) restrictions E) reductions

    2- Surely no one on the Council would dare to dispute the ---- of his dismissal.

    A) recurrence B) promotion C) legitimacy D) adoption E) inference

    3- The accounting of the proceedings given by their legal adviser was perfectly ---- but not at all complimentary.

    A) restrictive B) compulsive C) innocent D) sensitive E) accurate

    4- He was absolutely ---- in his refusal to allow any more workers to be made redundant.

    A) determined B) decadent C) disturbed D) shy E) diffident

    5- If he feels hes being criticised hell sometimes make ---- dogmatic statements.

    A) suggestively B) functionally C) seldom D) incredibly E) safely

    6- So long as they continue to ---- the resolutions of the Security Council, they will face growing international pressure.

    A) provide B) admit C) defy D) undertake E) describe

    1992 KASIM KPDS

    7- At the meeting, even though he spoke well, he was unable to ---- the other members.

    A) compete B) persuade C) reinterpret D) agree E) dispute

    8- It was felt that the EC had ---- on a program of economic change that the member states could not sustain.

    A) surpassed B) relieved C) embarked D) specified E) retired

    9- One major aim of the new constitution is to prevent the ---- of power by any majority.

    A) misuse B) compromise C) completion D) issue E) existence

    10- When they called Bronson to head office Im quite sure it was not their ---- to promote him to branch manager.

    A) avidity B) impression C) prediction D) disposition E) intention

    11- To be a leader it is not enough to be hard working and knowledgeable; one must also be able to inspire ---- .

    A) denial B) restraint C) discretion D) confidence E) reservation

    12- People who are constantly in the public eye must learn to remain ---- in the face of criticism.

    A) composed B) resultant C) appreciated D) outrageous E) restored

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    13- As the conditions of the expedition are likely to be severe, you had better take necessary ----

    A) trials B) precautions C) efforts D) objections E) attempts

    14- He has behaved ---- on many occasions, so this instance of impoliteness is hardly surprising.

    A) shyly B) endearingly C) sensitively D) readily E) inconsiderately

    1993 MAYIS KPDS

    15- The ---- concerning total disarmament have broken down without leading any fruitful results.

    A) intentions B) complaints C) negotiations D) commitments E) involvements

    16- Hes nearly 80 years old but still works for a couple of firms in an ---- capacity.

    A) inessential B) irrelevant C) elective D) advisory E) injudicious

    17- It is only too obvious that the majority of children in the developing countries arent receiving ---- nourishment.

    A) adequate B) consistent C) successive D) collective E) respectable

    18- The judge warned the prosecutor that he must ---- from ridiculing the accused.

    A) refrain B) prevent C) derive D) conclude E) withdraw

    19- The insurance company immediately sent a team of specialists to ---- the damage caused by the floods.

    A) undermine B) assess C) undertake D) anticipate E) safeguard

    20- The surgeon was ---- embarrassed to learn that a piece of bandage had been left inside the abdomen.

    A) outstandingly B) nervously C) sensitively D) loosely E) extremely

    21- The Chief of the Intelligence Service told me ---- that there would soon be several important changes made in the organisation.

    A) crucially B) skilfully C) confidentially D) laterally E) considerably

    22- The special committee has been called to discuss in detail the ---- in higher education.

    A) retention B) references C) apologies D) reliance E) innovations

    23- The executive committee was of the opinion that the motion must be passed ---- .

    A) in truth B) at all costs C) by heart D) in connection E) at all

    1993 KASIM KPDS

    24- The topics included in the conference programme are not as ---- as one might have hoped.

    A) obsessed B) illuminated C) preoccupied D) varied E) disposed

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    25- At the opening of the new production of Aida, the guest soprano gave a superb, a truly ---- performance.

    A) dazzling B) declining C) disappointing D) recalling E) degrading

    26- Diplomatic relations between the two countries, which were ---- during the war, have not yet been restored.

    A) defeated B) established C) severed D) determined E) featured

    27- If the situation in Somalia improves, a significant part of the allied forces will be ----.

    A) enclosed B) withdrawn C) encouraged D) recruited E) sustained

    28- They raised no ---- to his prolonged leave of absence since they didnt want to lose him altogether.

    A) refutation B) refusal C) objection D) refund E) compulsion

    29- The criticism he made concerning the annual fiscal report was ---- to the point.

    A) remarkably B) immediately C) incessantly D) preferably E) incompetently

    1994 KASIM KPDS

    30- They have had to agree to provide free lunches, but obviously they have had done so ---- .

    A) faultlessly B) precisely C) exceedingly D) reluctantly E) extraordinarily

    31- Unfortunately, few children behave in such a ---- manner towards the old and infirm.

    A) ridiculous B) considerate C) restricted D) fragile E) progressive

    32- The development of the experimental method to verify the theories had the ----effect and there was a rapid increase in scientific knowledge.

    A) adverse B) reluctant C) appropriate D) erroneous E) partial

    33- We will have to hire more workers soon; we cant put it off ---- .

    A) plainly B) supremely C) emphatically D) intensely E) indefinitely

    34- A well organised company that knows its products are of a high standard does not fear ---- .

    A) conversion B) concentration C) competition D) departure E) pretension

    35- When births outnumber deaths, the population increases; when the ---- is true, then it falls.

    A) opposite B) growth C) proportion D) rate E) decreases

    36- In the past, too, people relied on plant substances to ---- a wide range of illnesses.

    A) recover B) cure C) infect D) undermine E) restrain

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    37- Industry is slowly realising that the manner in which waste products are being ---- of is of vital importance to the environment.

    A) forwarded B) exposed C) composed D) disposed E) restored

    1995 MAYIS KPDS

    38- On the third day of the shipwreck, they gave up all hope of finding any ---- .

    A) deserters B) survivors C) conclusions D) suppliers E) discrepancies

    39- Since the firm has been found negligent by the court, his claim for ---- for the accident hasnt been accepted.

    A) compensation B) reduction C) employment D) relevance E) cooperation

    40- As he has adamantly withstood all kinds of political pressure on this issue for so long, it is unlikely that he would ---- at this stage.

    A) reinforce B) relent C) pursue D) compete E) dispose

    41- The British entry into the European Community has ---- a new line of policy.

    A) negotiated B) confined C) resented D) constituted E) refunded

    42- The argument he has put forward is hardly ---- with the information we have so far received on the case.

    A) reflective B) representative C) arbitrary D) resistant E) compatible

    43- I dont approve of the methods he is using, but his ---- aim, as regards the project, is admirable.

    A) conclusive B) ultimate C) controversial D) convenient E) deplorable

    44- I have looked through the report, but I must admit, only ---- .

    A) carefully B) thoroughly C) superficially D) seriously E) experimentally

    45- The allocation made by the budget committee can be used ---- to finance work on child health.

    A) plainly B) excessively C) extremely D) remarkably E) solely

    1995 KASIM KPDS

    46- Many of the critics clearly regarded several of the paintings on ---- as of poor quality.

    A) discovery B) display C) occasion D) approval E) account

    47- The report issued by the National Health Council draws attention to the hazards of ---- to X rays.

    A) resistance B) involvement C) confinement D) exposure E) implication

    48- Hes clever, and he seems to know by instinct where someone is ---- and strikes there.

    A) conceited B) sufficient C) vulnerable D) informative E) critical

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    49- It was decided at the board meeting that more funds should be allocated to getting the firms products ---- more widely.

    A) publicized B) priced C) curtailed D) expanded E) confirmed

    50- Theres nothing very brilliant about the report, but he has ---- collected all the data needed.

    A) infectiously B) recklessly C) considerably D) restrictively E) conscientiously

    51- What really surprised everybody was that he saved the company from bankruptcy quite ---- .

    A) extremely B) relatively C) dependently D) single-handedly E) responsively

    1996 MAYIS KPDS

    52- Among the problems facing bridge engineers, the most serious ones are those of ---- and repair.

    A) improvement B) reassessment C) determination D) distinction E) maintenance

    53- The two major political parties in Britain have currently ---- to extreme and radically different approaches to the solution of Britains economic problems.

    A) referred B) obsessed C) committed D) implied E) meant

    54- It now appears that while US leaders are still willing for the nation to exert itself abroad and give large amounts of foreign assistance, the American public is ---- to go along with these policies.

    A) spontaneous B) precarious C) competitive D) reluctant E) deliberate

    55- It is ---- surprising that the art of ancient America remains the most mysterious and the least accessible.

    A) urgently B) notably C) indifferently D) elaborately E) hardly

    56- Bartok was influenced as much by the musical innovations of Debuasy and Starvinsky as by East European, ---- Hungarian, folk music.

    A) exceedingly B) notably C) appropriately D) vehemently E) adequately

    1996 KASIM KPDS

    57- The rise in energy ---- has led to a reduction of fossil fuels that the world must use.

    A) redundancy B) efficiency C) consumption D) suitability E) conformity

    58- We must find some way to give them fairly complete and realistic picture of the situation, but without ---- them too much.

    A) depressing B) intimidating C) restricting D) complementing E) embittering

    59- Any child left to its own devices for too long is likely to ---- on some dangerous enterprise.

    A) assert B) entice C) embark D) reproach E) reduce

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    60- One defect seems inherent in a purely classical education namely, a too ---- emphasis on the past.

    A) recurrent B) repressive C) coherent D) exclusive E) deceptive

    61- Industry as a whole was badly affected by the restrictions, but it was the high technology sector that suffered most ---- .

    A) blatantly B) randomly C) reasonably D) tightly E) acutely

    1997 MAYIS KPDS

    62- As a result of continuing economic recession, a huge ---- in the budget seems inevitable.

    A) redundancy B) improvement C) profit D) distinction E) deficit

    63- The recent economic figures ---- that the country is slowly coming out of the crisis.

    A) commit B) imply C) incur D) evolve E) invoke

    64- When the rate of exchange began to rise again, he felt ---- to call a meeting of the financial staff.

    A) obliged B) blamed C) consumed D) omitted E) rewarded

    65- As far as we are concerned, the evidence put before the court was not ---- enough to convict the man.

    A) subsequent B) conclusive C) adamant D) earnest E) consecutive

    66- He devised an ---- scheme whereby the rate of unemployment in the country could be brought down sharply.

    A) irrelevant B) unstable C) ingenious D) untamed E) illegible

    67- I was greatly impressed by the way the judge conducted the trial, ---- when it came to summing up the case.

    A) particularly B) completely C) sufficiently D) effectively E) respectively

    1997 KASIM KPDS

    68- The ---- was not a happy one at the time, but looking back on it, I suppose Im glad it occurred.

    A) improvement B) regression C) encounter D) intention E) compromise

    69- Locke, Hobbes and Rousseau were concerned in their writings with the question of a proper ---- between the public good and the right of individuals to exercise free will.

    A) balance B) demonstration C) responsibility D) interest E) solidarity

    70- Questions of race, ethnicity, and religion have been a ---- source of conflict in American education.

    A) previous B) perennial C) vulnerable D) naughty E) casual

    71- The United States has long prided itself on being a melting pot of culturally ---- peoples.

    A) diverse B) redundant C) incoherent D) entire E) substantial

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    72- The contemporary world economy differs ---- from what the traditional economic theorists of the 1930s envisaged.

    A) primarily B) likely C) conversely D) profoundly E) intimately

    73- In recent years ---- complex and persistent problems in economic and social fields have led people to wonder why once comfortable answers no longer seem adequate to todays questions.

    A) generously B) inadvertently C) increasingly D) ingeniously E) leisurely

    74- Since the 1950s, modern dance in Europe and America has ---- a vigorous process of creativity.

    A) cast B) explored C) constituted D) relaxed E) followed

    75- The assassination by terrorists of Signor Aldo Moro, five times Prime Minister of Italy, in May 1978 was ---- by everyone as an act of barbarism.

    A) applauded B) appealed C) reiterated D) condemned E) restrained

    1998 MAYIS KPDS

    76- If we are serious about suppressing terrorism we shall have to ---- stronger measures than those currently in practice.

    A) require B) revise C) adopt D) abduct E) suspend

    77- When an unknown but gifted artist is finally recognised, his paintings can become valuable ---- in the future.

    A) rates B) accounts C) sales D) interests E) assets

    78- It is ---- ten years since AIDS caught the worlds attention.

    A) formidably B) generously C) pertinently D) roughly E) inevitably

    79- The new ceramics, which have little in common with the chinaware we use in our kitchens everyday, are being used ---- in engines and electronics.

    A) depressingly B) seemingly C) increasingly D) discouragingly E) obligingly

    80- I am horrified at the turn things have taken and am convinced that he is ---- of much better treatment than that which he is receiving.

    A) rebutting B) deserving C) defending D) safeguarding E) indulging

    81- Progress in materials research is ---- to overcoming such problems as the finiteness of the worlds resources and possible shortages of strategic materials.

    A) crucial B) inexpensive C) adamant D) subversive E) subsequent

    1998 KASIM KPDS

    82- Asthma is a common ---- in which the airways lining the lung become inflamed.

    A) diagnosis B) disease C) fury D) patient E) recovery

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    83- From the report released today, it appears that oil tankers suffer their major ---- on their return journeys.

    A) spills B) costs C) repairs D) drills E) crews

    84- People curious to get some idea of what it is like to be black in a country ---- by whites need look no further than Dennis Williamss new novel Crossover.

    A) tempted B) undermined C) perpetrated D) run E) deemed

    85- It is plain that the United Nations will not lift the sanctions unless the Iraqi government fully ---- with the Security Council resolutions.

    A) matches B) elaborates C) complies D) resumes E) accomplishes

    86- When the chairman tried to explain his views to the shareholders at the ---- general meeting, he was shouted down by them with cries of Resign!.

    A) annual B) minimal C) essential D) ultimate E) recurrent

    87- Because of their high toxic contents, none of these chemicals can ---- be permitted for export to any country.

    A) fruitfully B) adequately C) presently D) notoriously E) equivocally

    88- Physically speaking, the Pacific Basin includes not only all those countries bordering on the Pacific coast but also the Pacific island nations ---- across the ocean.

    A) adopted B) based C) grafted D) scattered E) expanded

    89- Nearly half of the worlds countries have ---- capital punishment in law or in practice, and some two dozen of them have done so formally since 1985.

    A) accused B) abolished C) executed D) entailed E) frustrated

    90- The objective of this project is to increase the depth of awareness and understanding in the world, about the causes and consequences of the HIV epidemic through ---- policies and programmes.

    A) innovative B) decadent C) meagre D) ambiguous E) poignant

    1999 KASIM KPDS

    91- The 1990s have been a general ---- in aid to poor countries, largely because of fiscal pressures in many rich countries.

    A) consumption B) decline C) contingency D) conviction E) expenditure

    92- The whole business of having meals at fixed ---- is nothing but a social convention and, in modern life, a matter of convenience.

    A) approaches B) substances C) intervals D) requirements E) proportions

    93- Space research is largely a branch of pure science, independent of any applications which ---- from it.

    A) enforce B) insure C) reduce D) restore E) stem

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    94- The current social security system is ---- popular, partly because its universal and partly because retirement benefits are related to contributions, so most people think the system is fair.

    A) extremely B) likely C) eventually D) indispensably E) favourably

    95- She is the oldest person in the village, to be precise, 92 years old and has a ---- word of advice for everyone.

    A) fanciful B) faithful C) credible D) futile E) kindly

    1999 KASIM KPDS

    96- Our challenge is to ---- our clients with the best possible advice and support, enabling them to take the right direction at both strategic and operational levels.

    A) expand B) consult C) improve D) provide E) respect

    97- It is a book rich in ideas and beauty, a book that ---- and tries to answer great fundamental questions and demands the most active reading one is capable of.

    A) raises B) attains C) casts D) alludes E) accomplishes

    2000 MAYIS KPDS

    98- The river Danube rises in Germany and ---- through central Europe and into the Black Sea.

    A) cruises B) spreads C) flows D) conducts E) covers

    99- Anti-lock brakes (ABS) help you to maintain steering control of your car even while braking on ---- roads.

    A) lonesome B) fast C) reckless D) slippery E) stagnant

    100- ---- populated, rural Northumberland is one of the most unspoiled countries in England.

    A) Sparsely B) Nearly C) Primarily D) Suitably E) Efficiently

    101- Today a very wide spectrum of biological scientists are needed, both to develop the biotechnology of the next millennium and to ensure the ---- of life in our planet.

    A) explanation B) process C) exhaustion D) duration E) conservation

    2000 KASIM KPDS

    102- If you want that post you'd better apply quickly; the last day for ---- applications is Friday.

    A) reversing B) withholding C) enforcing D) submitting E) committing

    103- In this paper, I would like to report some of the results of an ---- study of two hundred London families.

    A) extreme B) intrinsic C) intensive D) emphatic E) apparent

    104- Recent studies have shown that smokers are more ---- to common colds and flu than non-smokers.

    A) feasible B) susceptible C) applicable D) reliable E) responsible

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    105- For the present, the party is expected to put its differences aside and campaign ---- for a victory at the forthcoming elections.

    A) vigorously B) awkwardly C) precisely D) distinctly E) reluctantly

    106- Industry has developed rapidly in certain countries as raw materials are ---- available there.

    A) repeatedly B) scarcely C) consequently D) abundantly E) indefinitely

    107- I wasn't at all impressed by the ---- he gave me.

    A) distribution B) explanation C) determination D) complication E) negotiation

    2002 MAYIS KPDS

    108- Now that formal ---- has been given by the government, the project team can be recruited.

    A) reference B) apprehension C) approval D) expression E) determination

    109- Certain new findings suggest that young calves may be more ---- than older cows to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

    A) reluctant B) hazardous C) intimate D) susceptible E) relative

    110- Champions of the green movement regard the internal combustion machine as one of the biggest ---- in history.

    A) disasters B) rejections C) admissions D) denials E) illusions

    111- The distinction between a language and a dialect is a ---- difficult one.

    A) precisely B) notoriously C) compulsively D) suitably E) flexibly

    112- Japan is often ---- as an example of a country that has managed to keep its national defence orientated industries entirely separate from foreign-owned companies.

    A) deduced B) delayed C) deceived D) withdrawn E) cited

    113- The general feeling in the court was that several of the witnesses were ---- information that could have a direct bearing upon the case.

    A) expressing B) withholding C) avoiding D) disrupting E) declining

    2002 KASIM KPDS

    114- Acid rain only became a ---- environmental issue in the 1980s following groundbreaking studies in the 1970s.

    A) previous B) deceitful C) reckless D) destructive E) prominent

    115- Using the dam to generate power would not ---- the treaty with the neighboring country, but diverting water out of the river would.

    A) intimidate B) betray C) violate D) convert E) fetch

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    116- The ---- that terrorists use to move money from regions that finance them to their target country are often identical to those used by criminal gangs.

    A) regulations B) methods C) provisions D) laws E) admissions

    117- In the wake of yet another financial scandal, the chief accountant handed in his ---- to the director.

    A) retirement B) redundancy C) promotion D) resignation E) vacancy

    118- The American constitution, with its various constraints ---- to protect citizens, can actually shield criminals.

    A) discovered B) complained C) persuaded D) designed E) displayed

    2003 MAYIS KPDS

    119- As the new field-worker will be working in close ---- with several others, make sure you select someone with an agreeable personality.

    A) uniformity B) suspicion C) collaboration D) discretion E) productivity

    120- Sponsorship is being increasingly allowed in schools provided it is regarded as being ---- with educational curricula.

    A) considerate B) predictable C) decisive D) compatible E) provocative

    121- The discovery of a ---- cancer-causing chemical in foods like crisps, chips and cereals caused shock waves around the world when it hit the headlines earlier this year.

    A) potentially B) remarkably C) concisely D) memorably E) controversially

    122- Each year, large amounts of carbon monoxide are ---- into the atmosphere by automobiles and factories.

    A) absorbed B) emitted C) exchanged D) repulsed E) compelled

    2003 KASIM KPDS

    123- A fresh look at the final months of the presidency of John F. Kennedy ---- that a second Kennedy term might have produced a rapprochement with Cuba.

    A) promises B) describes C) inflicts D) indicates E) involves

    124- Sometimes a seemingly modest business deal can change the whole ---- of an industry.

    A) expansion B) expression C) course D) relapse E) vitality

    125- He admitted that he was resigning from the post because he felt it did not make sufficient call on the combative and ---- elements of his nature.

    A) introverted B) self-assertive C) reserved D) self-contained E) submissive

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    126- If he wants the contract, he must let us know by Tuesday; we can't keep the offer open ----.

    A) infinitely B) decisively C) conclusively D) reluctantly E) indefinitely

    127- Many African governments are ---- financial collapse and survive only on the strength of aid and donations from international organizations.

    A) in line with B) in the case of C) in excess of D) on the verge of E) in place of

    2004 MAYIS KPDS

    128- Their Prime Minister has been able to act more aggressively in the past year because he has ---- his power within the government.

    A) recommended B) reduced C) compelled D) consolidated E) impaired

    129- The auroras are caused by the ---- of solar winds with gases in the Earth's atmosphere.

    A) intersection B) completion C) interaction D) perception E) distraction

    130- It seems strange to us now that miners and others employed in dangerous work should not have demanded the provision of ---- headgear.

    A) forceful B) obstructive C) relentless D) protective E) intensive

    131- In the past 30 years, our knowledge of the ancient Maya civilization has increased ---- as a result of the decipherment of a newly discovered script.

    A) significantly B) alternatively C) suspiciously D) persuasively E) conditionally

    132- ---- providing luxury on every imaginable level, a five-star hotel should also have the ability to take you by surprise.

    A) With a view to B) In excess of C) Consequent on D) In need of E) In addition to

    133- Ancient Peruvian textiles have survived in an excellent state of preservation ---- the dry conditions of much of the country.

    A) with regard to B) in comparison with C) in case of D) owing to E) in opposition to

    2004 KASIM KPDS

    134- These novels illustrate the author's ---- for the struggles of young people and the proper help that should be given.

    A) deceit B) obligation C) alteration D) disturbance E) concern

    135- The quartet's rendering of Mozart is ---- good, but l have mixed feelings about the Schubert collection.

    A) exceptionally B) sensitively C) preferably D) impulsively E) impartially

    136- The book is surprisingly lucid and manages to make the controversial field of evolutionary psychology ---- to the average intelligent reader.

    A) susceptible B) conducive C) available D) indulgent E) exclusive

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    137- America's subsidies to its cotton farmers have long been a noteworthy example of the harm that rich countries' subsidies ---- on the poor.

    A) enforce B) provide C) exceed D) inflict E) employ

    2005 MAYIS KPDS

    138- Unless you use your computer ----, you can't expect it to function well.

    A) surely B) particularly C) recently D) properly E) soundly

    139- It's worth remembering that his ---- of the downward trends in output over recent years is not the only one.

    A) interpretation B) departure C) compliance D) discretion E) intention

    140- In the case of opera, the benefits of being able to experience the whole production from the comfort of your armchair are very ----.

    A) subtle B) demonstrative C) deliberate D) excessive E) attractive

    141- For the control of the deadly brain disease in cows (BSE), surveillance is being stepped up in Canada, but the US claims to be testing enough cattle already to ---- the risk.

    A) assert B) assess C) consult D) exceed E) discourage

    2005 KASIM KPDS

    142- In an aircraft, the cabin lights are dimmed during take-off and landing to help passengers to ---- themselves to darkness in the event of an emergency.

    A) modify B) accustom C) resume D) associate E) relate

    143- A fair proportion of the workforce now work from their homes, a ---- that has been made possible by computers.

    A) disturbance B) destination C) circumstance D) support E) denial

    144- North Korea is ---- to abandon its nuclear programme without specific security guarantees from America and promises of lots of aid.

    A) sincere B) nasty C) boastful D) unlikely E) provisional

    145- Pharmaceutical firms are wary of devoting money to new antibiotics whose sales can be ---- limited by the development of resistance in the target microbes.

    A) accurately B) adequately C) severely D) complacently E) confidently

    2006 MAYIS KPDS

    146- The laws concerning the breeding of animals for research could turn out to be to the ---- of medical research.

    A) admission B) detriment C) exclusion D) preference E) cohesion

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    147- At present, interest rates are comparatively ----; lets hope they remain that way.

    A) frequent B) uneasy C) consecutive D) comprehensive E) steady

    148- In some parts of Western Europe, ---- in France, Denmark and Sweden, cohabitation has become almost as common as marriage.

    A) completely B) deceptively C) notably D) voluntarily E) relatively

    149- What are some of the things that differentially affect siblings and help ---- their success or failure?

    A) pursue B) recognize C) recreate D) determine E) reinstate

    2006 KASIM KPDS

    150- A strong ---- exists between a countrys wealth and the freedom afforded its citizens.

    A) coincidence B) correlation C) consideration D) determination E) interpretation

    151- Satellite television transmission now makes it ---- for us to watch events as they unfold in other countries.

    A) worldwide B) substantial C) aware D) commonplace E) liable

    152- Latin American countries on average export only about 10 per cent of their products to other Latin American countries but ---- 20 per cent of them to the US.

    A) almost B) fairly C) respectively D) initially E) extensively

    153- Until the sixteenth century, when the first international postal agreement was ----, there was no postal system as we know it today.

    A) assigned B) maintained C) enacted D) seized E) conducted

    2007 MAYIS KPDS

    154- Volcanoes are built by the ---- of their own eruptive products, which are lava, ash flows, airborne ash and dust.

    A) accumulation B) destruction C) explosion D) instability E) growth

    155- China and India serve as models for Africa because their experiences hold lessons for developing countries on how to manage ---- economic and political transformation.

    A) deceitful B) persuasive C) accessible D) irregular E) gradual

    156- In the largely closed economies of the Gulf, private as well as public funds have ---- turned to real estate and equity markets, fuelling a dangerous speculative boom.

    A) unlikely B) nominally C) rapidly D) still E) tightly

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    157- Certain nations have ---- the use of prenatal diagnostic techniques to select the sex of an unborn child; but, bribery and human ingenuity have made it easy for prospective parents to by-pass the statute.

    A) removed B) outlawed C) explored D) sustained E) retained

    2007 KASIM KPDS

    158- Anthony Powell, the contemporary British novelist, shows in his writing great familiarity with the work of Proust while avoiding much direct ---- to him.

    A) interest B) dependence C) quotation D) reference E) obsession

    159- Despite its small population and ---- remoteness, Australia occupies a powerful position in global science in general and life science in particular.

    A) ultimate B) sizeable C) relative D) extensive E) recurrent

    160- The Allied bombing campaign against Germany in World War II exacted terrible damage on the countrys factories, transportation network, population, and ---- very limited fuel-production capacity.

    A) already B) solely C) immediately D) inadequately E) rightly

    161- Soccers many creative possibilities ---- in part from its being played on such a large field.

    A) entail B) consist C) conclude D) claim E) derive

  • [1992-2007 KPDS KELME SORULARI]


    CEVAP ANAHTARI 1 B 51 D 101 E 151 D 2 C 52 E 102 D 152 A 3 E 53 C 103 C 153 C 4 A 54 D 104 B 154 A 5 D 55 E 105 A 155 E 6 C 56 B 106 D 156 C 7 B 57 C 107 B 157 B 8 C 58 B 108 C 158 D 9 A 59 C 109 D 159 C

    10 E 60 A 110 A 160 A 11 D 61 E 111 B 161 E 12 A 62 C 112 E 162 13 B 63 B 113 B 163 14 E 64 A 114 E 164 15 C 65 B 115 C 165 16 D 66 B 116 B 166 17 A 67 A 117 D 167 18 A 68 C 118 C 168 19 B 69 A 119 D 169 20 E 70 B 120 D 170 21 C 71 A 121 A 171 22 E 72 D 122 B 172 23 B 73 C 123 D 173 24 D 74 E 124 C 174 25 A 75 D 125 B 175 26 C 76 C 126 A 176 27 B 77 E 127 D 177 28 C 78 D 128 D 178 29 B 79 C 129 C 179 30 D 80 B 130 D 180 31 B 81 A 131 A 181 32 C 82 B 132 E 182 33 E 83 B 133 D 183 34 C 84 D 134 E 184 35 A 85 C 135 A 185 36 B 86 A 136 C 186 37 D 87 C 137 D 187 38 B 88 D 138 D 188 39 A 89 B 139 A 189 40 A 90 A 140 E 190 41 D 91 B 141 B 191 42 E 92 C 142 B 192 43 B 93 E 143 C 193 44 C 94 A 144 D 194 45 E 95 E 145 C 195 46 B 96 D 146 B 196 47 D 97 A 147 E 197 48 C 98 C 148 C 198 49 A 99 D 149 D 199 50 E 100 A 150 B 200