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Page 1: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting

Photo courtesy of Choose Chicago.

Abr approval pending for sAMs on thyroid imaging, liver

imaging, vascular imaging and pitfalls

and practical challenges

soCiety of rAdiologists in ultrAsound 23rd AnnuAl MeetingAnd PostgrAduAte Course

oCtober 18-20, 2013 the Westin MiChigAn Avenue, ChiCAgo, il

Program includes:

• Plenary session on imaging of the thyroid

• imaging of the liver

• Women’s imaging

• obstetrical imaging

• vascular imaging

• Musculoskeletal imaging

• Pitfalls and Practical Challenges

• 25 Workshops on gynecology, obstetrics, Abdomen/transplants, small Parts/Pediatrics, and Miscellaneous topics

Jointly sponsored by the American College of radiology for 16.75 AMA PrA Category 1 Credits™

this activity meets the criteria for up to 17.0 Category A credit hours of the Arrt

Register online at

Learn From the Masters50 l ecturesby fellows of

the sru

Page 2: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting

From the President .......................... 2

General Information ...................... 3-4

Target Audience ........................... 3

Program Goals ............................. 3

Continuing Medical Education .... 3

Hotel Information ........................ 4

Schedule ....................................... 5-8

Membership Application Form ....... 9

Meeting Registration Form ............10

table of contents

Page 3: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting


From the President It is my pleasure to invite you to attend Image Soundly, the 23rd annual postgraduate educational course of the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU). The course will be held Friday through Sunday, October 18-20, 2013, in The Westin Michigan Avenue Hotel in Chicago, IL, in conjunction with the society’s annual meeting. The SRU has as its mission the advancement of the science, practice and teaching of ultrasound in radiology, advocating the use of this safe, reliable and accurate imaging modality to ensure the highest level of patient care. Sonography has a full armamentarium of new and exciting technologies such as ultrasound contrast

agents, volumetric and fusion imaging and elastography techniques, to mention just a few, either already on

the market or in the pipeline. We have many tools in our hands to explore new avenues to foster affordable

diagnostic and therapeutic venues using ultrasound as one of the first and most effective imaging modalities. The Program Committee has planned an outstanding program that will provide excellent educational

opportunities for all. The plenary session will focus on the latest issues in imaging of the thyroid, followed by

updates from the moderators of the two most recent SRU consensus conferences. A new feature of this year’s

plenary session is the inaugural lecture in the International Speaker Series. Michael B. Kawooya, MB, ChB, of

the Ernest Cook Ultrasound Research and Education Institute in Kampala, Uganda, will share his experience

with the role of ultrasound in imaging of tropical diseases. His lecture will be followed by the keynote address,

“The Role of Sonography in the Evaluation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease”, given by SRU Fellow Stephanie R.

Wilson, MD.

Other educational sessions will include imaging of the liver, musculoskeletal sonography, women’s imaging,

obstetrics and gynecology, vascular sonography, and pitfalls and practical challenges in sonographic imaging.

The liver imaging session will feature two speakers from the Society for Body Computed Tomography &

Magnetic Resonance (SCBT-MR). A series of 25 thirty-minute workshops given by Fellows and members of

the SRU will be presented on the second day of the meeting. SRU’s corporate partners will host a Friday evening reception to which all meeting attendees and their guests

are invited. Corporate representatives will be on hand to demonstrate new equipment and technologies. Our

corporate partners consider the SRU meeting to be one of the highlights of their year because it gives them

the opportunity to mingle with leaders in the field in a relaxed atmosphere, and to demonstrate the latest in

ultrasound technology.

The Westin Michigan Avenue Hotel is located on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, and in October the weather

in Chicago is cool and pleasant. I am confident that you will find many opportunities for dining and leisure

activities during your free time. Plan now to join me at the meeting. I look forward to seeing you.With best regards,

Ulrike M. Hamper, MDPresident

Page 4: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting


scHeDUleGeneral InformatIon

taRgEt aUdiEncEThe program is designed to meet the needs of those practitioners of radiology who perform and interpret ultrasound examinations, sonographers who perform ultrasound under the supervision of a radiologist, and radiology residents and fellows. The sessions are also designed to meet the needs of general radiologists whose practice includes ultrasound.

PRogRaM goalSThe program will provide participants with the opportunity to• review classic imaging and findings for

common and uncommon diseases and conditions in various subspecialty areas

• identify ultrasound image interpretation methods and how to avoid interpretation pitfalls

• compare the advantages and disadvantages of CT, MR and ultrasound in imaging of the liver

• analyze the latest approaches to imaging with ultrasound and correlate them with clinical outcomes

• critique new imaging technologies and determine how they may be successfully integrated into the clinical setting

• discuss common problems facing ultrasound practitioners and their possible solutions

• evaluate new advances in ultrasound research

Participation in the programs selected by the individual learner should improve his or her knowledge, skills, behavior and practice performance.

continUing MEdical EdUcation cREditSaccREditation StatEMEntThis activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound. The ACR is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

cREdit dESignation StatEMEntThe ACR designates this live activity for a maximum of 16.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity

aMERican REgiStRy oF Radiologic tEchnologiStSThe American College of Radiology is approved by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) as a Recognized Continuing Education Evaluation Mechanism (RCEEM) to sponsor and/or review Continuing Medical Educational programs for Radiologic Technologists and Radiation Therapists.

The American College of Radiology designates this activity as meeting the criteria for up to 17.0 Category A credit hours of the ARRT.

aMERican REgiStRy FoR diagnoStic MEdical SonogRaPhySonographers may use the credits earned from this ACR educational activity to maintain their certification with the American Registry of diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARdMS). The ARdMS accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credits®.

conFlict oF intERESt diScloSUREPresenters at this activity will disclose any conflict of interest at the beginning of their presentation. In

addition, the information will appear in the meeting syllabus.

SElF-aSSESSMEnt ModUlES (SaMS)Approval is pending from the American board of Radiology (AbR) for four self-assessment modules (SAMs) to be qualified as meeting the criteria for self-assessment toward the purpose of fulfilling requirements in the AbR Maintenance of Certification Program. SAMs will be included in the plenary session, the Friday session on imaging of the liver, the Saturday session on vascular imaging and the Sunday session on pitfalls and practical challenges

MEMbERS’ lUnch andbUSinESS MEEtingA members’ lunch and business meeting will be held at 12:00 pm on Saturday, october 19. during the meeting, a new member of the Executive board will be elected, by-laws amendments will be reviewed and approved, and other society business will be conducted. The meeting is open to all dues-paying members of the society. Pre-registration is required.

Unknown & MiSSEd caSESUnknown and missed cases will be displayed in the meeting registration area. The names of the winners of the

Photo courtesy of Choose Chicago.

Photo courtesy of Choose Chicago.

Page 5: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting


General InformatIon

Friday cases will be posted on Saturday, and the winners of the Saturday cases will be posted on Sunday.

SyllabUSThe syllabus for the meeting will be distributed on flash drive. you may wish to bring your laptop with you to the meeting. Please note that power sources will be available in the meeting rooms, but free internet connectivity is not available in the meeting areas of the hotel.

coRPoRatE FocUS SESSionSSRU’s corporate partners will conduct focus sessions on Friday, october 18 at 6:45 am, 9:00 am and 12:00 pm. These sessions are an important part of the annual meeting. They serve as in-depth research and development think tanks, with SRU Fellows and general members providing the field expertise to guide future technology developments. by participating in the focus sessions you are providing a crucial service for furthering technological developments in the field of diagnostic ultrasound. Please indicate in the appropriate area on the registration form if you are willing to participate in a corporate focus session if asked. CME credit is not provided for the corporate focus sessions.

wElcoME REcEPtionA welcome reception will be held from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm on Friday, october 19 at the Westin Michigan Avenue Hotel. The event is free to all meeting registrants and their guests. SRU’s corporate partners will sponsor the reception, and representatives will be on hand to greet attendees and demonstrate the latest ultrasound equipment and technologies.

aMERicanS with diSabilitiES act (ada)Individuals needing auxiliary aids or services as defined in the Americans with disabilities Act (AdA) should contact Shari lynn at 703-648-8957 or [email protected].

book vEndoRS & SociEtiESbook vendor and society displays will be located in the meeting registration area and will be open during program hours.

MEMbERShiP inFoRMationboard-certified radiologists who specialize in diagnostic ultrasound are eligible for membership in the SRU. Membership is free for radiology residents and fellows and includes an online subscription to Ultrasound quarterly. Applications are available in the meeting registration area. Individuals may also apply online at

tElEPhonE nUMbERSand wEbSitESThe Westin Michigan Avenue

Main Number: (866) 716-8104Reservations: (888) 627-8385

hotEl wEbSitE

Chicago Convention and Visitors bureau

Super Shuttle (transportation to and from the airport) hotEl inFoRMationThe Westin Michigan Avenue 909 North Michigan Ave. Chicago, Il 60611

hotEl RESERvationSTo reserve a room at The Westin Michigan Avenue, please call 866-716-8104 or 888-627-8385 (toll-free from the United States and Canada) and request the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU) rate. For online reservations,

please visit the SRU website to connect to the hotel website.

• Rates: $269 single or double, plus applicable taxes, currently 13.5% and subject to change.

• Reservation deadline: Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations should be made prior to September 20, 2013. After that date, reservations will be accepted on a space-available basis and may not be available at the negotiated rate.

• deposit: A deposit equal to one night’s stay is required to hold each reservation, and will be applied to the first night’s stay. The deposit may be made by credit card.

• Cancellation: If you wish to cancel your reservation, please notify the hotel at least 24 hours prior to arrival in order to avoid being charged one night’s room and tax.

Photo courtesy of Choose Chicago.

Page 6: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting



FrIDAYOCT 18, 2013PlEnaRy SESSion8:00 aM - 12:00 PMUpdate on imaging of the thyroid (SAM Session*)Moderator: william d. Middleton, Md

8:00 am - 8:05 am Welcome and Announcement of Distinguished Service and Larry Mack Award RecipientsUlrike M. Hamper, Md

8:05 am - 8:25 am Thyroid Nodules: Analysis of Sonographic FeaturesSharlene A. Teefey, Md

8:25 am - 8:45 amGuidelines for FNA: Update 2013Michael d. beland, Md

8:45 am - 9:05 amThyroid Cytology: Bethesda and Molecular AnalysisRita Nayar, Md

9:05 am - 9:30 amBreak

9:30 am – 9:50 amNodal Disease: Clinical BackgroundJill E. langer, Md

9:50 am - 10:10 amNodal Disease: Sonographic FindingsCarl C. Reading, Md

10:10 am - 10:40 amImaging of the Thyroid: Panel Discussiondrs. Teefey, beland, Nayar, langer and Reading

10:40 am - 10:45 amUpdate on the SRU Consensus Conference on Early First Trimester SonographyPeter M. doubilet, Md, Phd

10:45 am - 10:50 amUpdate on the SRU Consensus Conference on Imaging of the Painful Shoulder

levon N. Nazarian, Md10:50 am - 11:00 amMember-in-Training Award Paper PresentationSpeaker to be announced

11:00 am - 11:30 am

intERnational SPEakER SERiESSonography in Imaging of Tropical Diseases in UgandaMichael G. Kawooya, Mb, Chb

11:30 am - 12:00 pm

kEynotE addRESSThe Role of Sonography in the Evaluation of Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseStephanie R. Wilson, Md

aFtERnoon SESSion a1:30 PM - 5:00 PMimaging of the liver (SAM Session*)Moderator: Michael d. beland, Md

1:30 pm – 2:00 pmSonography of Focal Liver LesionsMitchell E. Tublin, Md

2:00 pm – 2:30 pmWhat’s New: Recent Advances in CT and MRI in the Evaluation of HCCdushyant V. Sahani, Md

2:30 pm – 3:00 pmSonography of the Patient with Hepatitis and CirrhosisHisham A. Tchelepi, Md

3:00 pm – 3:30 pmSonographic Evaluation of Vascular Diseases of the LiverTheodore J. dubinsky, Md3:30 pm – 3:50 pmbreak

3:50 pm – 4:00 pmScientific paper presentationSpeaker to be announced

4:00 pm – 4:30 pmInteresting Cases: How CT and MR May Complement USErik K. Paulson, Md

4:30 pm – 5:00 pmPanel Discussion: Imaging of the Liver: When to Choose What Modalitydrs. Tublin, Sahani, Tchelepi, dubinsky and Paulson

aFtERnoon SESSion b1:30 PM - 5:00 PM women’s imagingModerators: Phyllis glanc, Md and Manjiri dighe, Md

1:30 pm – 2:00 pmBI-RADS for Sonography: What Is New and Why?Ellen b. Mendelson, Md

2:00 pm – 2:30 pmWhere Are We with Breast Ultrasound Screening and New Technologies?Stamatia destounis, Md

2:30 pm – 3:00 pmDescriptors of Ovarian MassesFaye C. Laing, MD

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm3-D Imaging of the Uterus: The Value of the Coronal PlaneRochelle F. Andreotti, Md

3:30 pm – 3:50 pmbreak

3:50 pm – 4:00 pmScientific paper presentationSpeaker to be announced

4:00 pm – 4:30 pmSonography of the Fallopian Tubes: Normal, Abnormal and Look-AlikesMindy M. Horrow, Md

4:30 pm – 5:00 pmChallenging Gynecological CasesMarcia C. Javitt, Md

*ABR approval pending for one SAM credit

Page 7: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting

Photos courtesy of Choose Chicago.

PRogRaM coMMittEE

Marcela böhm-Vélez, Md, Md, Chair

leslie M. Scoutt, Md, Vice-Chair

Rochelle F. Andreotti, Md

Michael d. beland, Md

brian d. Coley, Md

Manjiri K. dighe, Md

Phyllis Glanc, Md

John P. McGahan, Md

William d. Middleton, Md

levon N. Nazarian, Md

Thomas C. Winter, Md

John J. Cronan, Md, Executive Board Liaison

Ulrike M. Hamper, Md, Ex-Officio



SATUrDAYOCT 19, 2013

MoRning SESSion a8:00 aM - 12:00 PMobstetrical imagingModerators: Rochelle F. andreotti, Md and dorothy i. bulas, Md

8:00 am - 8:30 amThe Future of Prenatal Diagnosis: The First Trimester Anatomy Scanberyl R. benacerraf, Md

8:30 am - 9:00 amPearls and Pitfalls of the Second Trimester Anatomy Scanbeverly G. Coleman, Md

9:00 am - 9:30 amFetal MRI: A Problem-Solving Tooldorothy I. bulas, Md

9:30 am - 10:00 amSonographic Evaluation of Abnormal Placentation: Is MRI Necessary?Anne P. Kennedy, Mb, bCh

10:00 am - 10:30 amBreak

10:30 am - 10:40 amScientific paper presentationSpeaker to be announced

10:40 am - 11:10 amPitfalls in Early Pregnancy DiagnosisPeter M. doubilet, Md, Phd

11:10 am - 11:40 amPregnancy of Unknown Location (PUL): The Reliability of Sonographic Findingsoksana H. baltarowich, Md

11:40 am - 12:00 pmQuestions and Answers

MoRning SESSion b8:00 aM - 12:00 PMvascular imaging (SAM Session*)Moderator: leslie M. Scoutt, Md

8:00 am - 8:30 amOptimizing the Vascular Ultrasound Exam: Pearls and PitfallsMichelle l. Robbin, Md

8:30 am - 9:00 amDiagnosis of Lower Extremity DVT: Consensus or Chaoslaurence Needleman, Md

9:00 am - 9:30 amUltrasound Evaluation of the Aortaleslie M. Scoutt, Md

9:30 am - 10:00 amBreak

10:00 am - 10:10 amScientific paper presentationSpeaker to be announced

10:10 am - 10:40 amCarotid Intima-Media Thickness (IMT) and Plaque Characterization: Is There Consensus?Edward G. Grant, Md

10:40 am - 11:10 amMonitoring TIPSMyron A. Pozniak, Md

11:10 am - 11:40 amEvaluation of Peripheral Vascular DiseaseJohn S. Pellerito, Md

11:40 am - 12:00 pmQuestions and Answers

aFtERnoon SESSion a1:30 PM - 5:00 PMMusculoskeletal imagingModerator: levon n. nazarian, Md

1:30 pm - 2:00 pmHow to Incorporate Musculoskeletal Sonography In Your PracticeRonald S. Adler, Md, Phd

2:00 pm - 2:30 pmDynamic Musculoskeletal SonographyNathalie J. bureau, Md

2:30 pm - 3:00 pmUltrasound-Guided Musculoskeletal InterventionsGregory R. Saboiero, Md

3:00 pm - 3:20 pmQuestions and Answers

3:20 pm - 3:50 pmBreak

3:50 pm - 4:20 pmSonography of Peripheral NervesSandra J. Allison, Md

4:20 pm - 4:50 pmSonography in Rheumatological DiseasesGandikota N. Girish, Md

4:50 pm – 5:00 pmQuestions and Answers

*ABR approval pending for one SAM credit

Page 8: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting

SATUrDAYOCT 19, 2013 (continued)

afternoon workshopsorganizers: John P. Mcgahan, Md and thomas c. winter, Md

coloR codE

gynecologyobstetricsabdomen/transplantssmall parts/pediatricsmiscellaneous

3:20 pm - 3:50 pm break


7 *ABR approval pending for one SAM credit

16. Pitfalls in Gynecologic Ultrasound

barbara S. Hertzberg, Md

17. What Every Radiologist Needs to Know about the Fetal Heart

John P. McGahan, Md

18. Multimodality Imaging of Renal Masses

Stephen Thomas, Md

19. Using Sonography to Help Diagnose Occult Inguinal Hernias in Women

Erin I. Neuschler, Md

20. Ultrasound-Guided Abdominal Biopsies: How I Do It

Michael C. Hill, Mb

21. CEUS: Potential Role in Gynecology

Nitin G. Chaubal, Md

22. Hydrocephalus: A Finding, Not a Diagnosis

Paula J. Woodward, Md

23. ” 3D” Abdominal Ultrasound in the Oncologic Clinic: Dilemmas, Drugs, and Doppler

donald diSalvo, Md

24. Ultrasound of the Scrotum

Carol b. benson, Md

25. Ultrasound-Guided Paracentesis and Thoracentesis

Monzer M. Abu-yousef, Md

11. Postintervention Imaging of the Female Pelvis

darci J. Wall, Md

12. 3-D Ultrasound in Obstetrics

dolores H. Pretorius, Md

13. Elastography Richard G. barr, Md, Phd

14. Hot Topics in Thyroid Ultrasound: Malignancy in Sonographically DwPAT Nodules, and Molecular Testing in Thyroid Cancer

Nagesh Ragavendra, Md and Sheila Sheth, Md

15. Carotid Ultrasound Edward I. bluth, Md

6. Pelvic Ultrasound of the Postpartum Patient

douglas l. brown, Md

7. Ultrasound in the Evaluation and Management of Twin Pregnancies

Vickie A. Feldstein, Md

8. Doppler Imaging of Liver Transplants: Diagnoses and Dilemmas

deborah J. Rubens, Md

9. Superficial Lumps and Bumps in the Pediatric Patient

Henrietta Kotlus Rosenberg, Md

10. Liver Doppler and TIPS Stent Evaluation

Nirvikar dahiya, Md

1. Saline Infusion Sonography: How I Do It

Thomas C. Winter, Md

2. Borderlands in Obstetrical Ultrasound

Robert d. Harris, Md

3. Renal Transplant Complications

Stephanie F. Coquia, Md

4. Pediatric Chest Ultrasound

Harriet J. Paltiel, Md

5. Does Ultrasound Have a Future in Imaging?

John J. Cronan, Md


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Page 9: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting

SUNDAYOCT 20, 20138:00 aM- 12:00 PMPitfalls and Practical challenges (SAM Session*)Moderators: brian d. coley, Md and Sharlene a. teefey, Md

8:00 am – 8:30 amThe UterusNancy E. budorick, Md

8:30 am – 9:00 amThe OvariesSandra J. Allison, Md

9:00 am – 9:30 amMusculoskeletal SonographyNirvikar dahiya, Md

9:30 am – 9:45 amQuestions and Answers

9:45 am – 10:15 amBreak

10:15 am – 10:45 amAbdominal DopplerWilliam d. Middleton, Md

10:45 am – 11:15 amThe ScrotumSharlene A. Teefey, Md

11:15 am – 11:45 amPediatric Sonographybrian d. Coley, Md

11:45 am – 12:00 pmQuestions and Answers

ExEcUtivE boaRdPresident Ulrike M. Hamper, Md, MbAPresident-Elect douglas l. brown, Md

treasurer John J. Cronan, MdSecretary Mitchell E. Tublin, Md

immediate Past President Peter M. doubilet, Md, Phd

FacUltyMonzer M. Abu-yousef, MdRonald S. Adler, Md, Phd

Sandra J. Allison, MdRochelle F. Andreotti, Md

oksana H. baltarowich, MdRichard G. barr, Md, PhdMichael d. beland, Mdberyl R. benacerraf, Md

Carol b. benson, MdEdward I. bluth, Md

Marcela böhm-Vélez, Mddouglas l. brown, MdNancy E. budorick, Mddorothy I. bulas, Md

Nathalie J. bureau, MdNitin G. Chaubal, Md

beverly G. Coleman, Mdbrian d. Coley, Md

Stephanie F. Coquia, MdJohn J. Cronan, MdNirvikar dahiya, Md

Stamatia destounis, MdManjiri K. dighe, Mddonald diSalvo, Md

Peter M. doubilet, Md, PhdTheodore J. dubinsky, Md

Vickie A. Feldstein, MdGandikota N. Girish, Md

Phyllis Glanc, MdEdward G. Grant, MdUlrike M. Hamper, MdRobert d. Harris, Md

barbara S. Hertzberg, MdMichael C. Hill, Mb, bChMindy M. Horrow, Md

Marcia C. Javitt, MdMichael G. Kawooya, Mb, Chb

Anne P. Kennedy, Mb, bChFaye C. laing, MdJill E. langer, Md

John P. McGahan, MdEllen b. Mendelson, Md

William d. Middleton, MdRita Nayar, Md

levon N. Nazarian, Mdlaurence Needleman, Md

Erin I. Neuschler, MdHarriet J. Paltiel, MdErik K. Paulson, MdJohn S. Pellerito, Md

Myron A. Pozniak, Mddolores H. Pretorius, MdNagesh Ragavendra, Md

Carl C. Reading, MdMichelle l. Robbin, Md

Henrietta Kotlus Rosenberg, Mddeborah J. Rubens, MdGregory R. Saboiero, Mddushyant V. Sahani, Md

leslie M. Scoutt, MdSheila Sheth, Md

Hisham A. Tchelepi, MdSharlene A. Teefey, MdStephen Thomas, MdMitchell E. Tublin, Md

darci J. Wall, MdStephanie R. Wilson, MdThomas C. Winter, MdPaula J. Woodward, Md

looking aheadOctober 24 – 26, 2014

Denver Marriott City CenterDenver, CO


8*ABR approval pending for one SAM credit

Page 10: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting

Please Check One box belown General Member (Complete Part I) $300.00 per yearA general member is a physician who is certified by the American board of Radiology, the American osteopathic board of Radiology or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or provides evidence of training, experience and certification judged to be equivalent by the Membership Committee. General members shall be engaged or interested in the practice of diagnostic ultrasound. General members shall be required to pay their dues in a timely fashion and then shall have full privileges of member-ship in the society, which include voting, serving on committees and holding elective office.

n Transitional Member (Complete Part I) $150.00 per yearA transitional member is an individual who has completed a radiology resi-dency program that is accredited by the American Council of Graduate Medical Education or equivalent organization during the previous year, or who has completed such a residency program immediately followed by a post-residency fellowship program during the previous year. Transitional members shall be engaged or interested in the practice of diagnostic ultrasound. Transitional members shall be required to pay their dues in a timely fashion and then shall have full privileges of membership in the society, which include voting, serving on committees and holding elective office.

n Member-in-Training (Complete Part II) no duesA member-in-training must be currently enrolled in a radiology residency or post-residency fellowship program that is approved by the Radiology Residency Review Committee of the American Council of Graduate Medical Education or an equivalent organization. Training status must be verified by the program director. Members-in-training shall not have the privilege of voting or holding elective office. Upon completion of training, a member-in-training will be offered general membership.


The following is my ____business address ____home address





lAST FoUR dIGITS oF SSN oR dATE oF bIRTH (birth date & social security number are used to uniquely identify you in our database.)

I. Training/board Certification/Ultrasound experienceA. Radiology Residency ____yes ____No


b. Fellowship ____yes ____No


C. board Certification ____yes ____No


d. What percentage of your practice is in ultrasound?

____0-25% ____26-50% ____51-75% ____76-100%

II. In-Training applicants must complete this sectionI certify that I am serving as a Resident/Fellow in






Payment options

____Check (Payable to SRU in U.S. funds)

____Visa ____MasterCard ____American Express


Application must be completely filled out and signed to be processed.Membership is effective upon full payment of dues. Please allow 2-4 weeks for processing. Send your payment along with your completed form to: Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU) Attention: Membership Services1891 Preston White drive, Reston, VA 20191-4397 USA 703.858.9210 (phone) • 703.264.2093 (fax) • [email protected]

MEMbERShiP aPPlication


Page 11: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting

Method of PaymentTotal Payment $________________________________ ____Check enclosed (in U.S. funds, payable to the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound)____Charge my ____Visa ____MasterCard ____American Express

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nn - nn CREdIT CARd No. ExPIRATIoN dATE


*Board-certified radiologists may complete and return the membership application on page 8 to become a member and pay the member registration fee to attend the meeting.

beFOre returning this form, make sure that you have:• Printed all information legibly• Indicated course selections for

each day• Indicated a method of payment• Made a copy of this form for

your records

registrations are accepted by fax, mail, or as an e-mail attachment. Telephone registrations are not accepted.Fax 703-264-2093 Mail Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound 1891 Preston White dr. Reston, VA 20191-4397E-Mail [email protected]

Please print or type FIRST NAME MIddlE INITIAl lAST NAME dEGREE (Md, PHd, RdMS, ETC.)

The following is my ____business address ____home address oRGANIzATIoN/INSTITUTIoN






registration Fees ____ $400 SRU member ____ $700 Join and register* ____ $800 Non-member physician____ $200 one-day member ____ $350 Sonographer ____ $400 one-day non-member ____ $350 Technologist ____ $175 one-day technologist ____ $350 In-Training (resident or fellow) ____ $175 one-day sonographer ____ $0 Course faculty ____ $175 one-day in-training

SRU MEEting REgiStRation FoRM

Course SelectionFrIDAY, OCTOber 18note: Pre-registration is not required for the morning plenary session___ Imaging of the liver (pm session A) or ___ Women’s Imaging (pm session b)___ I would like to be considered for attendance at a corporate focus session and am available to participate in one or more sessions as follows (check all that apply): ___ Focus Session 6:45 am ___ Focus Session 9:00 am ___ Focus Session 12:00 pm

I understand that I will be contacted by staff at a later date to confirm my participation in one or more sessions.

___ I/we will attend the welcome reception. ___ Number attending.

InquiriesTo inquire about your registration, please call 800-373-2204 or 703-858-9210. Please allow two weeks for receipt of confirmation.

register Online

Deadlinethe deadline to register is october 3, 2013. Following this date all registration will be done on-site. Cancellations must be received in writing by September 23, 2013. Refunds will be processed minus a $75 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given after September 23, 2013. No refunds will be given to individuals who register for the meeting but do not attend.

SATUrDAY, OCTOber 19___ obstetrical Imaging (am session A) or ___ Vascular Imaging (am session b)___ Members’ business lunch___ Musculoskeletal Imaging (pm session A) or ___ Workshops (pm Session b) Choose one workshop for each time period. 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (choose one) ___ Saline Infusion Sonography: How I do It___ borderlands in obstetrical Sonography___ Renal Transplant Complications___ Pediatric Chest Ultrasound___ does Sonography Have a Future in Imaging? 2:10 PM - 2:40 PM (choose one) ___ Pelvic Ultrasound of the Postpartum Patient___ US in the Evaluation and Management of Twin Pregnancies___ doppler Imaging of liver Transplants___ Superficial lumps and bumps in the Pediatric Patient___ liver doppler and TIPS Stent Evaluation

2:40 PM - 3:20 PM (choose one) ___ Post-Intervention Imaging of the Female Pelvis ___ 3-d Ultrasound in obstetrics___ Elastography___ Hot Topics in Thyroid Ultrasound___ Carotid Sonography 3:50 pm – 4:20 pm___ Pitfalls in Gynecologic Ultrasound___ The Fetal Heart___ Multimodality Imaging of Renal Masses___ occult Inguinal Hernias in Women___ US-Guided Abdominal biopsies: How I do It 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm ___ CEUS: Potential Role in Gynecology___ Hydrocephalus: A Finding, Not a diagnosis___ “3d” Abdominal Ultrasound in the oncologic Clinic___ Ultrasound of the Scrotum___ US-Guided Paracentesis and Thoracentesis

SUNDAY, OCTOber 20note: Pre-registration is not required for the pitfalls and practical challenges session.


Page 12: Image Soundly SRU 2013 Annual Meeting




Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound 1891 Preston White DriveReston, VA 20191-4397

23rd Annual Meeting & Postgraduate CourseOCTOber 18 – 20, 2013 • The Westin Michigan Avenue, Chicago IL

23rd AnnuAl Meeting And PostgrAduAte Course

oCtober 18-20, 2013 the Westin MiChigAn Avenue, ChiCAgo, il