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    It was a typically cold day in late January 2008 when I received a phone call from my friend, colleague and publisher, David Hatcher Childress. Stephen, David began, have you heard about the new Indiana Jones movie? (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Lucas Films 2008.) I replied that I had and was impressed and excited with the title and apparent theme. Lets put out a book on crystal skulls together to coincide with the movie, David continued. I immediately thought this was a good idea; after all, I had been sitting on almost thirty years of research on the subject, having seen and experienced my rst crystal skull in 1979, and had always thought I should write a book on this subject. I strongly agreed and we put the book together rather quickly, in three months, and The Crystal Skulls: Astonishing Portals to Mans Past was released just four days before the Indy movie in May 2008.

    Although we completed the project quite quickly for a major book, I was very pleased with the nal result. Not only did I enjoy being a co-author with David, who has authored over 20 books himself, but we brought our different perspectives to the subject. Both the movie and our book, hopefully, triggered a renewed general interest in crystal skulls, with the result being many conferences, gatherings, other books, radio interviews and television specials being produced in the intervening three years. I have been interviewed on many shows since 2008, including Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, the Jeff Rense Program and many blog talk internet radio showsall to talk about crystal skulls. Many, many more people worldwide have developed an interest in the subject, and many more keepers of crystal skullsand of course, their skullshave surfaced in just the last few years.

    Sometime in early 2009, I was contacted by Kendall Morgan of Oracle Stone Productions. Kendall had become very interested in crystal skulls and Mayan prophecies, and had decided to produce a series of events featuring crystal skulls and Mayan Elders to coincide with the interest in 2012 Mayan calendar predictions. The events

    were to take place on 9-9-09, 10-10-10, 11-11-11 and 12-12-12. He asked me to participate in the Sept 9, 2009 event called The World Mysteries Conference to be held in Sedona, AZ. For various reasons, I declined to participate in the 9-9-09 event, but told Kendall I was interested in future possibilities. The conference took place, and was fairly successful, and the interest in crystal skulls magnied. Rumors and stories of new skulls emerging were rampant and I continued to do more interviews in 2009 and 2010. Kendall Morgan kept up a connection

    with me, and urged me to join the 10-10-10 event, as he proposed to make it a major conference with recognized Mayan Elders participating, and dedicating the event to the memory and work of F.R. Nick Nocerino. With this proposal, he brought me into the fold.

    I had written an entire chapter on Nick Nocerino for the crystal skull book I did with David Childress in 2008. Nick was the preeminent researcher of crystals and crystal skulls; he and Dr. Marcel J. Vogel were the two giants in the eld of crystal skull research that I was privileged to work with and learn from some years earlier. The fact that

    Kendall Morgan was intending to honor Nick Nocerino and his family at the 10-10-10 event dictated that I must participate.

    The conference, subtitled The Legend of the 13, was held in New York City over the weekend of Oct 9-11, 2010, and was co-sponsored by the Edgar Cayce Center of NYC, and Alan Steinfeld and New Realities. It was a magnicent event, and over the three days, well over 500 people attended. I was able to catch up with old friends also on the program (such as DaEl and Laurie Walker, Kirby Seid, Steven Halpern, Flordemayo and Jaap van Etten) and to nally meet Nicks daughter, Michele Nocerino. And there were many new skulls for me to experience: Sherry Whiteld brought Synergy, Jane Doherty brought Maya, Grace brought Amar, Mario Bojorquez brought Panchoand Kendall had advertised a special mystery skull that was to be unveiled at the conference. More on this skull will follow. DaEl Walker

    By Stephen S. Mehler

    F.R. Nick Nocerino. Lubaantun, Belize. 1995. Photo by Daryl Capps.

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    brought Rainbow and Zartwo ancient skulls I had experienced in 1999 at one of Dr. Chet Snows crystal skull conferences in Sedona, AZ. DaEl also brought Nefertiti, an interesting amethyst chip skull that totally blew me away as to its feel of great antiquitythis is a skull that I want to spend much more time with!

    Three Mayan Elders (four including Grandmother Flordemayo) were invited to the event. They were: Grandfather Don Alexandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, Mayan Day Keeper and spiritual leader of the Quiche Maya of Guatemala; Don Pedro Pablo Chuc Pech, Mayan Historian and Elder from the Yucatan; and Hunbatz Men, Mayan Elder from the Yucatan. The Mayan Elders were invited to speak at the UN on Friday Oct. 9, 2010, the rst time Mayans were ever invited to do so, and this event kicked off the conference. They all spoke of the coming shifts in consciousness that the 2012 end of the Mayan Calendar representswhich is not the end of all things. All spoke of the crystal skulls coming together at this critical juncture to aid humanity in this great shift. At the end of their talks, and after the conference and weekend, we all felt the same way.

    Jaap van Etten served as Master of Ceremonies, and presented his own research in measuring the energy elds of the crystal skulls. Boris Schneickert, representing Germany, also presented his research. Michele Nocerino, continuing her fathers tradition and honoring his memory, brought Sha Na Ra, the ancient crystal skull found by Nick in Mexico in 1995. I enjoyed all the presentations and all the crystal skulls that were thereand there were hundreds of contemporary skullsbut there were three skulls, in particular, that really grabbed me. As I mentioned, DaEl Walker, an old student of Nick Nocerino who has written his own seminal book on crystals, had acquired a skull he named Nefertiti. DaEl let me work

    with the skull for a brief time and I was amazed. I am an archaeologist, and it immediately screamed antiquity to me and seemed to be very ancient. This is one skull I long to test thoroughly to be sure, but my initial opinion was it was ancient, certainly not carved to be sold.

    I also met Mario Bojorquez and his crystal skull named Pancho for the rst time at this conference. Mario told his story during his presentation (also available on his website). He inherited Pancho from his grandmother, who had lived near the Mayan city of Monte Alban in Mexico. Pancho also greatly interested me, a hollow skull like DaEl Walkers Zar, obviously carved for ritual use, not for commercial sale. Pancho is another skull I would like to test thoroughly and spend more time withmy strong initial feeling is that it is ancient.

    But it is the third new crystal skull at the conference that I wish to discuss in greater detail. As I mentioned, one of the hooks that Kendall Morgan employed to promote the conference was that there would be the unveiling of a mystery skull to the public for the rst time. Kendall had revealed the secret to me before the conferencethat

    it was the crystal skull called Einstein owned by Carolyn Ford. Nick Nocerino had seen and authenticated Einstein in 1991, but Carolyn had wished the skull not be made public until she was ready to do so herself. Nick faithfully honored her wishes and never discussed it publically, even up to his passing in 2004. But once I had rst experienced Einstein at the conferenceand met Carolyn and her husband Ronmany conversations I had with Nick Nocerino between 1998 and 2002 came ooding back into my mind. Nick had rst mentioned Einstein to me in 1998, but never revealed who owned it or how he came to experience it. Nick would say to me, Stephen, the crystal skulls are this and that, but then there is Einstein, who is a special case. I would always wait for more details, but they never came. Mayan Elders at UN. 2010. Photo by author.

    NYC 10-10-10 Crystal Skull Conference. Front from left: Sherry Whiteld, guardian of Synergy; Michele Nocerino, guardian of Sha Na Ra; Don Alexandro, Mayan Elder; Flor-demayo, Mayan Elder. 2010. Photo by author.

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    There would be more cryptic remarks over the years, but no more details. I mistakenly believed that Nick owned Einstein but didnt want to share it with anyone. I now realize that was a completely wrong conclusion. In 2002, in one of the last conversations I had with Nick, he mentioned Einstein again as being special, but again, did not explain why. I felt a barrier there with Nick concerning Einstein, and did not inquire further.

    After Carolyn did her presentation, it became clear that Nick had honored her request for the skull and herself to remain unknown until she was ready for public disclosure. That disclosure came on Oct. 10, 2010 at the conference in NYC. I was immediately drawn to Einsteinit reminded me very much of the Mayan Crystal Skull, the rst skull I experienced in 1979. I had a great desire to spend more time with and to study Einstein in greater detail. There was also an immediate deep connection felt between Ron and Carolyn, and me and my wife, Theresa. As a result they both invited us to visit them and spend more time with Einstein at their home in Sedona.

    The conference was an enormous success and there are many more planned for 2011 and 2012see The attendance of the Mayan Elders and their presentations were a major highlight for all. Toward the end of the last day, on Sunday 10/10/10, I was able to have a private audience with Grandfather Don Alexandro. With the assistance of a translator, Mexican archaeologist and Mayan scholar Jorge Galindo, we were able to discuss many things. Don Alexandro made it clear to me that, according to his tradition, Dec. 21, 2012 is not the end of the Mayan Calendar, nor will it bring the destruction of this entire world. He stated that there was no beginning (and no end) to time or the calendar, only shifts in the great cycles, the eternal cycles of existence. As followers of my books and work with my Egyptian teacher, AbdEl Hakim Awyan, know, this is exactly the same as the ancient Khemitian (Egyptian) teachings that Hakim brought to usthat there is no beginning and no end, only eternal cycles.

    Don Alexandro also reiterated

    a teaching he had shared with Flordemayo, and passed on to me, in 1999. According to very ancient Mayan tradition, the Maya originally came from the Pleiades to Earth.

    They came to four specic areas of the planet: rst to Atlantis, then to Mexico and Central America, then to India, and then to Northern Africa (Khemit). In ancient Egypt they were known as the Cara Maya (Ka-Ra). I showed Jorge and Don Alexandro my photos of supposed Mayan ceiling glyphs found at Sakkara, Egypt that I had documented in my book The Land of Osiris. Don Alexandros eyes lit up when he saw the photos, and he stared deep into my eyes, and then smiled broadly. I felt a profound darshan from him, and he was quite pleased we had conrmed his ancient tradition.

    After the conference, I stayed in touch with Carolyn Ford to follow up on the invitation to spend more time with her and Einstein. So, in late March 2011, Theresa and I took off from our

    home in Colorado and travelled to Arizona. We were fortunate to be able to stay with and spend time with David Hatcher Childress at WEX West in Camp Verde, not far from Sedona. On Thursday, March 24, we went to visit Carolyn and Ron, and the Einstein experience began in earnest. Carolyn had told her story at the conference,

    which is also available on her website. She had been living in Los Angeles and searching for a small crystal skull to work with in 1990, when an old friend who had a shop in Seattle called her to come see a crystal skull he had. While Carolyn had been looking for a small skull, when she rst saw the 33-pound Einstein, she felt she had to have it. Carolyn gave the background information that her friend had acquired the skull from an estate salethe estate was that of an archaeologist/explorer whose name was not provided. Further anecdotal information was that the explorer had obtained the skull from an excavation in Mexico in the early 1930s.

    This, of course, is typical of the stories surrounding almost all the crystal skulls, especially the ones labeled ancient. The actual provenance of the nds are almost always speculative, as these artifacts have often

    Michele Nocerino with Sha Na Ra, the ancient crystal skull found by Nick Nocerino. 10-10-10 Conference, NYC. 2010. Photo by author.

    Nefertiti, amethyst crystal skull owned by DaEl Walker. 10-10-10 Conference, NYC. 2010. Photo by author.

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    been obtained from illegal and unrecorded excavations, and are not documented. The exception is Sha Na Ra, the skull owned by Nick Nocerino and found in 1995; Nick assisted in the excavationbut this was also a nonofcial excavation and not recorded by archaeologists.

    Although I have seen many large contemporary crystal skulls, some well over 50 pounds, I had never witnessed a large skull like Einstein. I began my work with Einstein with a left-brained scientic approach, observing and recording physical properties as would any archaeologist with a newly found alleged artifact. I brought with me two different-sized magnifying glasses, a laser light, a powerful ashlight, and a tuning fork given to me by Jonathan Goldman tuned to the frequency

    of quartz crystal. My initial observations conrmed my impressions at the conferencethat Einstein was a larger version of the rst crystal skull I had ever experienced, the one Nick Nocerino had labeled, The Mayan Crystal Skull. Working with Einstein took me immediately back to early 1980, when I worked with the Mayan Skull in the Rosicrucian Orders Research Lab.

    A Mayan priest named Francisco Reyes was the man responsible for bringing two crystal skulls into the US between 1979 and 1982. We at the Rosicrucian lab called these the Mayan Skull and the Amethyst Skull. As noted, Einstein seemed to have been carved in exactly the same way as the Mayan Skull. In fact, I noticed a clear patternthat the Mayan Skull, the Amethyst Skull and Einstein were all carved the same way and were, perhaps, from the same school of crystal carvers. Einstein has the same bump under his nose that the Amethyst Skull

    has, and the same indentations on the sides of the head as do the two other skulls. When I had asked Reyes the purposes of these indentations in 1983, he demonstrated with the Amethyst Skull how to place ones palms on the indentations and make a triangle over the third eye with ones ngersthis, he indicated, was the Mayan way to meditate with the skulls. But Einstein is way too large, and that really didnt work with himI now believe the indentations were just a signature, a distinctive mark of the school of shamans that carved these skulls. Einsteins nose is carved exactly the same as the Mayan Skulls; the teeth are also carved the same, but are ner and more detailed on Einstein.

    Close observation of the crystal that is Einstein showed

    clear evidence of it being hand-carved, not machined. The two sides of the face are not exactly the same, as is the case with a real human faceone eye is larger than the other, one cheek is lower than the other, etc. This means that Einstein is not bilaterally symmetrical; all contemporary, machined skulls are symmetrical. It was in my examination of the back and underside of the skull that its age and status as a genuine antiquity became clear to me. As seen in the ancient crystal skulls Max and Sha Na Ra, the oldest skulls I have ever examined, Einstein shows rough polishing and distinct age marks in the

    Carol Fords old photo of Nick Nocerino with Einstein, the mystery Skull. Shown at 10-10-10 Conference, NYC. 2010. Photo by author.

    Don Alexandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, Mayan Day Keeper and Solar Priest. Press conference at UN. 2010. Photo by author.

    Examining Einstein. Sedona AZ. 2011. Photo by Theresa Crater.

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    carved crystalthere are ridges, bumps and cut marks that are not modern. The underside is exactly the same as the Mayan Skulls, and shows rough polish and cut marks that are not from high tech machines. Another distinguishing feature of Einstein is the placement of a hole on each side of the face, under where the ears would be at the end of the jaw line; these holes are drilled right through the crystal. The other skulls have holes but they do not go all the way through. Einstein was to have ropes or macram strung through those holes so he could be suspended in the air for maximum effect.

    I nished my physical examination of Einstein by utilizing some of the techniques taught me by Nick Nocerino, using sound, light and color to activate the skull. I struck the tuning fork tuned to the frequency of quartz crystalEinstein seemed to brighten at the sound and appeared to clear in spots. I used a laser light to determine if any prisms were in the crystalthe light diffused and came out different areas of the skull, but in different ways than in the Mayan Skull. In 1980, while testing the Mayan Skull with laser light in the Rosicrucian Orders Research Lab, I had observed that when laser light was shown into the right side of the head, the beam was projected out of the third eye, the effect seemingly designed that way by the carver. The same was not true for Einstein, but the laser light did project out in different areas when shown in the top of the skulldifferent crystal, different prismatic effects, but still there. Also, using a strong ashlight, I was able to observe the intricate details of the crystal itself. There were many fractures in the formation of the crystal (called Concoidal Fractures by Marcel Vogel, and Earthquake Fractures by Nick Nocerino). These cracks result from changes in the crystal as it forms, then fuses back together under tremendous heat and pressure, usually deep in underground caves. This can be used to date the crystal, but not the carving. The crystal that is Einstein is very ancient, but all crystal is ancient (Nick Nocerino, 1999).

    Finally, I switched hats and went from physical to metaphysical research. Utilizing toning (vowel sounds) and staccato deep-breathingtechniques taught by both Nick Nocerino and Marcel Vogel to obtain deeper access into the crystal skullsI was able to go into deep meditation with Einstein. Almost immediately, Nick Nocerino came to me. I must interject here a brief asideduring the 10-10-10 conference in NYC, almost all the speakers were housed in a motel near the Newark (NJ) airport and bussed each morning into Manhattan for the conference. The bus rides were a major highlight of the weekend for methe speakers and skulls all together with great energy and exuberant conversations. The rst morning, Michele Nocerino unceremoniously dropped Sha Na Ra into my lap. Nick Nocerino came

    to me immediately, very strong, and explained he had put part of his essence into the skullthat he can always be contacted through Sha Na Ra. Michele later conrmed to me that she can always feel her dad in the skull. Well, he came to me again through Einsteinnot as strong as with his skull, but he indicated to me he was glad I was experiencing Einsteinthat Einstein was a Master Skull and ancient. Einstein then showed me a scene in my mind: a Master shaman appeared carrying Einstein, went into a cave and placed Einstein on a stone table. The Master then gathered his top 12 disciples and gave them the assignment of crafting 12 smaller replicas of Einstein to make a circle of 13 crystal skulls, 12 surrounding Einstein in the middle.

    Above: The Mayan Crystal Skull. Pinole, CA. 1980. Photo by Susan Emigh.

    Right: Einstein, the largest ancient crystal skull yet found at 33 pounds. Sedona, AZ. 2011. Photo by author.

    Below: Author with Sha Na Ra. 10-10-10 Conference, NYC. 2010. Photo by Theresa Crater.

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    Stephen S. Mehler is an active researcher of crystal skulls, and co-authored The Crystal Skulls: Astonishing Portals to Mans Past. He is also a long-term student of Khemitology, and has traveled and studied extensively in Egypt. He is the author of Land of Osiris and From Light into Darkness.

    It then became clear to me that the Mayan Skull was one of that 12, one of Einsteins children.

    I felt Einstein was very balanced energetically, with feminine and masculine energies, as are Max and Sha Na Ra. When we worked with the Mayan Skull in the Rosicrucian Orders Lab, many people reported feelings of violence and perversion in that skullit had been used in ritual sacrice by the Toltecs. I felt none of this with Einstein. As for age, I agreed with Nick Nocerino that it was ancient, but how old I could not say. I felt a connection through Einstein to the mysterious, enigmatic ancient peoples known as the Olmecs, but I cannot verify this feeling. Einstein indicated to me that many more crystal skulls would be emergingmany of them ancientas was stated by all the Mayan Elders at the 10-10-10 conference, and that the skulls are emerging to aid in raising human consciousness at this critical juncture in human history converging with the end of many cycles.

    Einstein. Hole on side of upper jaw visible. Sedona, AZ. 2011. Photo by author.

    One of the themes of the 10-10-10 conference was The Legend of the 13, concerning the urban myth of 13 original crystal skulls, often said to be of extraterrestrial origin. Nick Nocerino and I were never comfortable with the idea of 13 original crystal skulls. Rather, as Einstein showed me, there are sets of 13 skullsthere are many Master skulls. The idea of 12 crystal skulls surrounding a master 13th is a vision that many have received from the ancient skulls. Many have worked with this concept.

    There are lots more conferences and gatherings set for 2011 and 2012. Oracle Stone Productions is intending to hold another crystal skull conference in LA for 11-11-11. It is clear now that all who feel a connection to crystals, and crystal skulls, are receiving the call to gather together in groups with their talismans to share and take an active part in the greater shift in human consciousness that is to comeand that the crystal skulls, especially those deemed ancientare to play a vital role at this time.