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CELLULAR IMMUNITY DURING NORMAL PREGNANCY. Takashi Yamamoto, Tadayuki Ishimaru, Koji Nakamura, Nobuyuki Hosoi, Tomoyuki Katahira, Takasi Takagi and Yoshiaki Yagaml Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nagoya City Univers i ty Medical School, Nagoya, 467, Japan.

To invest igate a possible role of ce l l u l a r immunity during normal preg- nancy, monocyte subpopulation,T ce l l subsets,concanavalin A(Con A) indu- ced suppressor ce l l a c t i v i t y and natural k i l ler (NK) a c t i v i t y were assessed in peripheral blood of l)normal pregnant women at d i f fe ren t stages of gestation and 2)healthy non-pregnant women who were served as contro l . Monocyte subpopulation and T ce l l subsets were characterized by ind i rec t immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibody(OKT3,0KT4,0KT8,0KIa l ) and by ind i rec t an t ig lobu l in rossett ing reaction(IARR) with OKIa I . Con A induced suppressor ce l l a c t i v i t y was measured by the suppression of mitogenic p ro l i f e ra t i on . NK a c t i v i t y was also invest igated by~Cr re- lease assay.

During the f i r s t t r imester of pregnancy,a s ign i f i can t increase in the + . . . .

percentage of OKT4 T cel l and a s ign i f i can t decreas~ in the percentage of OKT8 T ce l l were observed. The percentage of la monocyte increased s i g n i f i c a n t l y during the f i r s t and se#ond tr imester. The tendency was also observed in the percentage of la- T ce l l by IARR.

Con A induced ce l l in normal pregnancy suppressed s i g n i f i c a n t l y the mitogenic p ro l i f e ra t i on of both autologous and al logenic peripheral blood lymphocyte. Moreover, NK a c t i v i t y showed a s ign i f i can t decrease during normal pregnancy.

Our data suggest that ce l l u l a r immunity during normal pregnancy may be func t i ona l l y suppressed via the complicated c e l l - c e l l in te rac t ion .


Ryoki Ohkawa, Kimiyasu Ohkawa, Toshikatu Ohhashi, and Hisaaki Hatano. Dept. of OB.& GYN. Nippon Medical School, I - I - 5 , Sendagi, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Aim of study : In the pregnancy C3-system (a l te rnat ive pathway) of comple- ment w i l l play a important role as pr im i t i ve defence system. During pregnancy the ce l l u l a r immunity come down s l i g h t l y , and the complement system especia l ly C3-system is enhanced in compensation for i t .

Method : Skin test by DNCB, PPD, and PHA were examined. The complement a c t i v i t y of c lassical pathway was measured by Mayer's method (CH50) and that of a l te rnat ive pathway (AI-CH50) was measured by p r inc ip le that human a l te r - nat ive pathway hemolysis the rabbi t erythrocytes, the component of complement C3,C3-activator, and C4 were measured by single radial immunodiffusion.these measurement were performed in the 82 cases of normal pregnancy, 115 cases of i n t rau te r in fe ta l death, 28 cases of hydatidiform mole, 21 cases of toxemia, 5 cases of chorionic malignancy and 3 cases of uteroplacental apoplexia.

Results : The aged necrot ic v i l l i act ivated the a l te rnat ive pathway of complement. In the a l l cases of abnormal pregnancy with necrot ic v i l l i , CH50 and AI-CH50 were came down and C3, C3-act ivator, and C4 were decreased quanti- t a t i v e l y , especia l ly uteroplacental apoplexia were markedly decreased.

Conclusion : In the abnormal pregnancy with low a c t i v i t y of CH50, AI-CH50, and the decrease of C3, C3-act ivator, and C4, i t considered that necrot ic v i l l i presented in the uter in cav i ty and evacuation would become necessary, these f ind ings suggest to resection by nonspecif ic immune response.