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Chinese Culture by Daniel Cao

China is a country with an old civilization, it has a history of 5000 years. Its culture has influenced generations of descendants, it is well-established, broad and profound.

When people mention about Chinese culture, the first thing comes to peoples minds is certainly Confucius. We are all affected by this Spring and Autumn Period thinker and educator whom used his Confucian, so we got numerous knowledge. The famous "The Analects" has gone through three thousand years of wind and rain, but you will never get tired of reading this book.

In the ancient history, there have been many prominent figures of China's reunification which contributed Emperor Chin, Genghis Khan, Hongwu Emperor ... all these peoples names shines. China's history there has been brilliant military strategist Sun Tzu, historian Sima Qian, scientists Zu, calligrapher Wang Xizhi and other famous figures. China's four great inventions of modern world has given people a lot of convenience. Papermaking, movable type printing, the compass and gunpowder, does anyone not know about these?

Our motherland is a country with an ancient culture. A century ago, it is still a semi-colonial and with backward oriental country, it has suffered humiliation and insult. Europeans called us the "sick man of East Asia". Yet years later, it rose up and became the fastest growing country, which shocked the whole world.

As a Chinese person, as a high school student, I am very proud of my motherland!