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  • 7/30/2019 03_113_1_1


    A Primer of

    English Grammar

    Part One


    Ali Abdel Aziz Ismael Mohamed Abdel Aatty

    Revised by

    M.M. Enani

    English Grammar Part ( )

  • 7/30/2019 03_113_1_1


    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    Revised Edition

    Copyrights, .

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    Table of Contents

    OUTLINE OF THE COURSE........................................................................................... GENERAL AIMS OF THE COURSE ................................................................................ HOW TO STUDY.......................................................................................................... THE ASSESSMENT GUIDE .........................................................................................


    . Parts of Speech: ........................................................................

    . Prerequisites of the constituents of a simple sentence: ...........

    A) The Subject: ........................................................................................................... B) The Verb:................................................................................................................

    C) The Complement:................................................................................................... Exercises: ......................................................................................

    UNIT ( ) THE TENSES .....................................................

    MAJORTENSES IN ENGLISH .....................................................................................

    . Simple Tenses..........................................................................

    Present Simple ................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ...................... ..... Past Simple .................... ...................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ......... Future Simple................................................................................................................

    . Continuous or progressive......................................................

    Present Continuous ................... ..................... ...................... ..................... .................... Past Continuous .................... ...................... ..................... ...................... ..................... .. Future Continuous.........................................................................................................

    . Perfect Tenses. ........................................................................

    Present Perfect ................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ...................... ..... Past Perfect .................... ...................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ......... Future Perfect................................................................................................................

    . Perfect Continuous Tenses.....................................................

    Present Perfect Continuous ..................... ...................... ..................... ...................... ..... Past Perfect Continuous ................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ............. Future Perfect Continuous ................... ..................... ...................... ..................... .........

    Exercises: ......................................................................................

    UNIT ( ) THE PASSIVE VOICE......................................

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    Guide to forming the passive:.......................................................

    Passive of Modal Verb Phrases:...................................................

    Passive of Infinitives and Gerunds: .............................................

    Transitive vs Intransitive ..............................................................

    Exercises: ......................................................................................

    UNIT ( ) SENTENCE STRUCTURE............................

    . Simple Sentences: ..................................................................

    . Compound Sentences: ...........................................................

    . Complex Sentences:...............................................................

    Noun Clauses ..............................................................................

    Adjectival Clauses .......................................................................

    Adverbial Clauses........................................................................

    Connectors: .................................................................................

    Clause linkers..............................................................................

    Sentence linkers ..........................................................................

    Exercises: ....................................................................................

    APPENDICES........................................................................................................... (A) BRIEFNOTES ON ERRORS IN COMPLEX SENTENCES ........................................ (B) GENERAL CHECKLIST OF LANGUAGE ERRORS COVERED THIS TERM (C)...

    IRREGULARVERB ...........................................................................................

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    Outline of the Course

    To the Learner:

    This book is designed in such a way as to give you

    courage and confidence in your first exposure to language at

    the beginning of your career as a would-be translator. This

    aim is achieved through the simplicity of the content,

    organization of material and the minimization of the learn-off

    by heart tasks that you have to carry out.

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    The book includes four units. The first is devoted to

    parts of speech and word order. The second deals with the

    tenses. The third tackles the passive voice. Unit Four takes

    up sentence structure dealing with the simple, the compoundand the complex together with all the connectors that areinvolved in all types of sentences, clauses and phrases, in

    addition to their semantic and syntactic differences. Only

    major problems are introduced, others are left to the next


    The exercises begin by the easiest and move to the

    more difficult, again to encourage you proceed with your

    answering them confidently.

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    General Aims of the Course

    . This book introduces you to the basic problems

    of the structures of the different types of

    sentences, essential to being able to read, write

    and accordingly to translate them correctly.

    . It aims to make you comfortable and confident

    in dealing with the English language grammar

    by setting most of the rules in clear, well-planned tables at the end of each sub-module.

    . It uses everyday, simple, examples to make

    rules easily remembered and to make the book

    suitable for its being a reference.

    . It presents comprehensive exercises to cover all

    points and check your understanding of the rules

    and your ability to avoid making mistakes inapplying the rule to your writing or translation.

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    How to Study

    Dear learner

    Inorder to help you make the best of your study, we

    advise you to do the following:

    Follow the explanation and examples and make sure that

    you understand the meaning of the written material.

    Use the video tape for more explanations and exercises.

    At the end some sub-division, you will find a table thatsums up the grammatical rule with the most important


    Make sure that you are well acquainted with the

    information. Wherever is required you have also to do some

    learn-off by heart tasks that are minimized in this book.

    Do not simply read the chapters and pencil in some

    answerers, but rather copy out whole sentences. It is the

    complete sentences that make up the language not the singlewords, however many, or memorizing the rules.

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    The Assessment Guide

    This guide helps you measure your progress.

    Check your answers:

    If you are able to answer of the exercises

    correctly, you have successfully grasped this point >

    Good effort. ***

    From to : maybe you lost some of the points

    and you need to quickly revise them to see what is wrong. **

    From to below: Perhaps you were tired or you

    are confused about many points. The best thing is that you

    start working tomorrow and begin by viewing the video

    again. I am sure the results will be better. *

    Good Luck

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    Unit ( )

    Parts of Speech and Word Order

    Contents Objectives of this Unit:

    It includes three major parts that you have to grasp in full:

    Parts of speech.

    Word order: in simple sentences.

    Prerequisites of Subject, Verb, and Complement.

    . Parts of Speech:

    If you know the part of speech of the word you are

    using, you can use it correctly and if you do not know the

    part of speech of your word, look this up in a dictionary.

    The parts of speech in English are:

    Nouns: boy, girl, happiness, reading, .....

    Verbs: play, go, .....

    Pronouns: he, she,..... [There are many types that willbe dealt with later] this, which, someone.

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    Adjectives: happy, nice.....

    Adverbs: tomorrow, quickly.....

    Prepositions: in, at, on.....

    Articles: the, a (definite and indefinite)

    Conjunctions: (Joining words or connectors of all types)and,but, although, .....

    . Word Order:

    Word order in English, unlike some other languages, is

    relatively fixed and the first step of mastering the English

    language is to know the word order and the parts of speech.

    The following is the word order in simple sentences:

    First place


    (The doer of

    the verb)


    The boy

    Second place




    Third place


    (The rest of the


    in the garden.


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    V iew the video-tape: o oFollow the programme for reinforcing and explainingthis point. Do not begin answering the exercises before you

    make sure that you fully understand the points and that you

    are able to answer the question:

    What are the major constituents of the simple


    . Prerequisites of the constituents of a simple sentence:

    Subject Verb

    The war stopped.

    Tourism has flourished.

    Conditions have changed.

    Restoration continues.The Chinese space ship landed.


    Subject Verb Object

    Washington seeks world support.

    The Chairman of the Board will address the first session.The Iraqis demand sovereignty.

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    SubjectVerb Complement

    The Parliament Speaker travelled abroad.Corruption Is a major problem.

    The Palestinians Fight for self-determination.

    A) The Subject:

    The subject is a noun, a pronoun or a noun phrase:

    Nouns: boy, girl, garden, Washington, corruption, etc.

    Pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they {Subject Case}.Noun phrases: a little boy, the Iraqis, the Parliament Speaker,


    The noun phrase is a group of words (two or more) with a

    noun as its head, e.g.:

    article intensifier adjective Noun

    A boy

    A Good boyA very Good boy

    In all these examples,

    all words serve tomodify, or describe,

    the noun. The noun isthe most important

    element, and so we

    call it the head of the

    noun phrase.

    The modifier can also occur after the noun, e.g.:

    article Noun prepositional phraseThe boy with a big nose

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    [preposition + noun phrase]

    B) The Verb:

    It comes in thend

    place of the sentence.

    It changes according to time focus and its form changes toshow the time of the sentence. This form is called



    He Works in a bank.

    I (always) Take sugar in my tea.

    I have written seven essays so far.

    The little girl Hid her books yesterday.

    C) The Complement:

    This item includes many elements that can complete the

    sentence. (You can choose one or more of these elements to

    complete the meaning of your sentence).

    . Objects: (obligatory with transitive verbs only;[explainedlater])

    They can be nouns, pronouns ornoun phrases.

    My friends bought books. {noun}

    Sarah also bought a book. {noun phrase}

    Ive got an extremely good book. {noun phrase}

    I thanked him. {pronoun [object


    To know the personal pronouns in the object case, compare:

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    Subject Object

    I Me

    He Him

    She Her

    It It

    We Us

    You You

    They Them

    With the transitive verbs that take two objects there are two

    kinds of objects: direct & indirect.

    indirect O. direct O.

    I gave my friend a book.


    There is another way to write this sentence with the use of


    {direct object indirect object}

    I gave the book to my friend.

    . Adverbs and adverbial phrases

    You can complete your sentence with one or more of the

    following adverbials:

    . of time: yesterday, at o'clock, in the morning.

    . of place: in the garden, here, there, at home.

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    . of manner: [adjective + ly] quickly, slowly [irregular :

    well, hard, fast]

    . of purpose : to lose weight, to get more money.

    . of direction : to the house, from the library.

    . of frequency : every morning, every Tuesday.

    Order of adverbs

    There are three positions of the place of adverb in the

    simple sentence :

    . Initial position.

    . Mid position.

    . Final position.However, you cannot place all the adverbs in the three

    positions but there is a preferable position for each king ofadverb.

    . Adverbs of place usually take the end position:

    Correct: Ali is sitting outside.

    Incorrect: Outside Ali is sitting.

    Other common adverbs of place include: inside, here, there.

    . Adverbs of definite time usually take the beginning or end


    Correct: I went to my aerobics class yesterday.

    Incorrect: I yesterday went to my aerobics class.

    (Other common adverbs of definite time include: today,

    tomorrow, now)

    . Adverbs of indefinite time can take the initial, middle, or

    end position.

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    Correct: Recently I've become interested in karate.

    Correct: I've recently become interested in karate.

    Correct: I've become interested in karate recently.Other adverbs of indefinite time include lately.

    . Adverbs used to evaluate usually take the end position:

    Correct : Hesham did that cleaning job well.Incorrect : Hesham did well that cleaning job.

    (other common adverbs used to evaluate include badly,


    . Adverbs of manner usually take the middle or end position

    but can not take the initial position:

    Correct : Noha quietly opened the door to the baby's


    Correct : Noha opened the door to the baby quietly.

    Incorrect : Quietly, Noha opened the baby's room.

    Other common adverbs of manner include quickly,carelessly, softly.

    . Adverbs of frequency follow very specific rules regarding

    their position in the sentence:

    Common adverbs of frequency include always,

    frequently, occasionally, seldom, continually, hardly, ever,

    often, sometimes, ever, never, rarely, usually.

    a. With the verb to be after the verb

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    Correct: Sheriff is never at home when I call him.

    Correct : Ali is continually busy.b. With the verb to be + not - after not

    Correct: James is not always nice to his little sister.Correct: It is not usually so hot here during the summer.

    c. With other verbs before the verb

    Correct: Jane always skates on the boardwalk.Correct: I never ride my bicycle to class

    d. In a verb phrase after the first auxiliary verb

    Correct: John can always hit the target.Correct: I have never seen a comet.

    e. In a verb phrase with not after not

    Correct: She does not always type her paper.Correct: He does not usually have time to read the


    . Adjectives.

    The function of the adjective is to describe a noun and inEnglish, it comes before the noun. Adjectives are of variouskinds and you can use more than one before the noun.

    The adjective can describe the size, colour, shape,material or an opinion about noun:

    big, small, large,green, red, yellow,

    round, square, rectangular,wooden, metallic,

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    good, bad, wonderful

    Types and order of modifiers in front of a noun:

    The modifier refers to all words that relate in their

    function to the noun. This includes:

    A. Articles:

    Definite article: the + (singular and plural nouns)

    Indefinite article:

    a, an + (singular)

    no indefinite article with plural nouns

    e.g. a book books

    B. Determiners:

    Positive quantifiers:

    A great deal of + un countable nouns

    Much + uncountable nouns

    Many + uncountable nouns

    A great many + countable

    A lot of + countable and uncountable nouns

    Lots ofPlenty of + both types


    AllNegative quantifiers:

    nonenonot anynot allfew + countable

    little + uncountablehardly any + both countable and un countablescarcely any + both

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    not many + countablenot much + uncountable

    C. demonstrative pronouns :

    this + (singular) / these + (plural)that + (singular) / those + (plural)

    D. possessive personal pronouns:







    E. possessive nouns:

    e.g. Mary's book

    The Chairman's office

    The order of modifiers in front of a noun :

    . determiner. sequence

    . number

    . quality or character

    . size

    . shape

    . age

    . temperature

    . shape (it can either be no. or in the order)

    . colour

    . origin

    . location

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    . noun

    . noun head (the described noun)

    The above list is a full list. However, it is not common

    that we have more than tree adjectives in front of a single

    noun or else it would be difficult to understand them.

    However, the adjectives can stand alone without a noun

    and come after the verb only with "verb to be", and similar

    verbs like:



    look These verbs are called linking verbs,

    smell i.e., they do not involve any action.





    I Am happy.He looks sad.




    Except with such verbs, you cannot end your sentence

    with an adjective but with an adverb:

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    He writes quick quickly.

    He draws beautiful beautifully.

    You can describe an adjective with an adverb.

    adv. adj.

    I feel extremely happy.

    adv. adj.

    He was completely sad.

    Here the adverb does not modify the verb but it modifies theadjective.

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    A) Make sentences by using is orare and an adjective

    from the list:

    bright hot small / little

    cold important soft

    flat large / big square

    funny round sweet

    hard sharp sour

    . Fire _____________________ .

    . Balls and oranges _____________________________ .

    . A box ________________________________ .

    . A lemon ________________________________ .

    . Ice and snow _______________________________ .

    . Sugar __________________________________ .

    . Rocks and metals ________________________________


    . A pillow ___________________________________ .

    . A joke ______________________________________ .

    . Razor blades _______________________________ .

    . The sun __________________________________ .

    . Good health ______________________________ .

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    . A dime _____________ small, round, and ___________.

    . An elephant ____________ , but a mouse


    B) Put a circle around the word that doesnt belong and

    mention the reason.

    your his her their may

    this their that these those

    bank hospital restaurant library books

    fifty forty ninety nineteen thirty

    she he your we it

    C) Rearrange the following words to make sentences:

    . always -- They -- at six oclock-- wake up.

    . writing -- We -- sentences -- right now -- are.

    . are -- Where -- from -- you ?

    . round -- are -- Balls -- oranges -- and.

    . friend-- coffee -- drinks -- rarely -- without sugar -- My.

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    D) Fill in the gaps using a word (a pronoun) of the


    he her them me us they

    we I you him she it

    . Ahmed has a Toyota. ________ bought __________ last


    . Mary is a good nurse. _________ works at the NationalHospital.

    . Mary was in the clinic this morning. I saw ___________

    there at : .

    . Where's Michael? Will you please call ______________ ?

    . We will write to you, so please write to _____________ .

    . Have you met Ahmed and Khalid? I have not met ______.

    . Sam and Bill are good students. _________ study Arabic

    at our centre.

    . Did you give your books to John? Yes, I did. I gave

    __________ to _______.

    . Your friend Ibrahim works abroad. Did you write to


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    . I like American films. _________ also like French


    . Im sure I gave you the check. _________ gave__________ to _______?

    . Mary is an accountant. _______ works for Banque du

    Caire. I know ________ well.

    . Sayyed and Mohammed are my friends. ________

    work for our bank too. You know ______________ well.

    . Ill type this report for you. Can you send this fax


    E) Choose the right word (adj./adv ) :

    . Angela is (amazing/ amazingly) good with animals.

    . As soon as I saw him I was (sure /surely) he had been


    . Do you think thats a (real/ really) diamond in her ring?

    . He was wearing a (truetruly) astonishing tie.

    . I felt her arm (gentle/gently) to see if any hones were broken.

    . I read an (amazing/ amazingly) thing in the newspaper this


    . John was (wonderful /wonderfully) kind to me when I came

    to this country.

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    . Keith seemed (gentle / gently),but there was something cruel


    . One leg of the chair was (slight/ slightly) damaged.

    . Sarah drives a (real/really)beautifully restored sports


    . She looked at mc (kind / kindly),but didnt say anything.

    . The door was (had/ badly)painted.

    . The food was (wonderful / wonderfully), but the service was(awful / awfully).

    . The room is (clever /cleverly) organised so three of us can

    work there.

    . The job was (surprising/surprisingly) easy.

    . Hes acted (unbelievable/ unbelievably) stupidly in the past


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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    Unit ( )

    The Tenses


    After studying this unit you should be able to:

    . identify the different verb tenses:

    . form different verb tenses.

    . understand and use forms of tenses in English.

    Major Tenses in English

    There are three major groups of tenses in English:

    . Simple Tenses.

    . Continuous or progressive.

    . Perfect Tenses.

    Simple tenses reflect one level of time. Thus present

    simple gives the meaning of an action that simply is repeatedin the present time and past simple is an action that happened

    in the past and future simple is an action that will happen in

    the future.

    Continuous tenses reflect a sense of continuation

    either in the present, past or future.

    Perfect tenses always include the tenses that reflecttwo points in time.

    Present perfect relates past and present. Past perfectdenotes the fact that there were two actions in the past, one

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    happened before the other. The earlier should be in the past

    perfect and the more recent should be in the past simple.

    The Future perfect shows that there will be a point inthe future and there is an action thatwill be completed before

    this definite time. E.g.By the end of July, I will have finished

    my studies.

    To understand the above more fully, you are going to

    be introduced to the major tenses and examples to clarify

    their usage.


    The tense means a certain form to reflect a certain usageor meaning in time. Thus, make sure, for each tense that you


    . The form of the verb.

    . The meaning of this tense or its usage.

    . The key words in the sentence or passage that MIGHT

    indicate which tense you should use.

    . Simple Tenses.

    Present Simple

    (I do.)

    . I live in Cairo.

    . I don't smoke.

    . He lives on the top floor.

    . James walks to work.

    . I sleep with my windows open.

    . Alex is a bus driver.

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    . He drives a bus. {But: he is not driving a bus right

    now; he is sleeping.}


    . The earth goes round the sun.

    . Nurses look after patients in hospitals.

    . In Britain, most of the shops close at : p. m.

    . I work in a bank. Barry works in a bank.

    . Excuse me, do you speak English?

    . Would you like a cigarette? - No, thanks, I dontsmoke.

    . What does this word mean? - It means.............

    . Rice doesnt grow in Britain.


    . I get up at : every morning.

    . How often do you go to the dentist?

    . Ann doesnt often drink tea.

    . In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.

    Notice the difference:

    Where do you come from? (Nationality?)

    Where are you from? (Nationality?)He comes from Japan. (Nationality)Where are you coming from? (Right now? Which partof the city for example?)

    What do you do? (Your Job)What are you doing? (Right now, for example eating,sitting, listening etc.)

    Note the conjugations:

    I do.You doHe does. (do + s) {

    rdperson singular s}

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    She does.It does.

    (Mary goes; John writes; Ahmed eats; the cat plays;

    life continues; what you say makes sense; it works;who knows; etc)

    We do.

    They do.

    I Am

    he, she, it Is

    you, they, we Are

    I Have

    he, she, it Hasyou, they, we Have

    Key words:

    The present simple tense can occur with the followingadverbials. (However, consider meaning first.):

    Every (morning, day, week, )


    often usually sometimes {Frequency Adverbs} seldom rarely hardly



    I always eat breakfast. OR He never eats breakfast.

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    Exercise: Use a suitable subject and make the verb agree

    with it:

    drink coffee in the morning

    drink tea in the afternoon [he]drink orange juice in the eveningdrink tomato juice with my meals

    drink milk in the morning [my son]

    put sugar in his coffee

    have a sandwich for luncheat dinner around six o'clock

    come to class late [Mary]

    get to class on time

    walk to the parktake a bus to work [Mr. Martin]

    take a taxi to school [ my friends]

    drive to Jeddah

    ride a bike in the morning [this little boy]

    watch TV in the evening

    study at the library

    do my homework

    What are some things you ....................................always do every day?

    usually do every day?

    often do?

    sometimes do?

    seldom do?

    rarely do?

    never do?

    Now answer the same question about your friend/ brother/

    classmate etc.

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    Past Simple


    Any action that happened in the past and has no

    relation to the present.


    The second conjugation of the verb with all persons,

    singular and plural:Regular: { play, played, played)

    Ihe, she, it Played

    you, they, we

    Irregular: {write, wrote, written}


    he, she, it Wrote

    you, they, we

    Study the list of the irregular verbs in appendix (C).

    Key words:

    Any word that refers to the past, or any definite date in

    the past:Yesterday,

    Last (week, month, year, etc.)

    In , .

    In ancient times, ..

    When I was young, .

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    Use the past tense form of the verbs in brackets:

    Yesterday [be] _________ a very bad day for me. I [begin]

    _________ the day with an accident. I [cut] __________ my

    hand with a razor blade. I [forget] ______________ about an

    important meeting. Then I [tear] ______ my new suit. A thief

    stole my wallet. Fortunately the police [catch] ______the

    thief. Later I [fall] _______ on some slippery steps and [hurt]

    _______ myself. Then a little boy [throw] __________ a ball

    and [hit] _______ me accidentally. Next an angry dog [bite]

    _________ me and [rip] ___________ the leg of my pants.

    After that I [slip] _______________ again and [break]________ my new watch. As a climax, I [find] _______ a ten

    dollar parking ticket on my car!

    Future Simple


    Any action that is expected to happen in the future


    or unplanned


    I am going to write a letter tomorrow


    Im going to give you a test in ten minutes.

    Sam is going to go downtown after class.

    Marys going to cook our dinner.We are going to write a full report.

    am going to

    is going to

    are going to

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    Were going to have our house painted


    Im not going to read this book.

    He isnt going to sell his car.

    We arent going to eat pizza this evening.

    am not going to

    is not going to

    are not going to

    Are you going to come to class early next


    Is Jim going to be at the meeting tomorrow?

    What are you going to do?

    Where are you going to go?

    When are you going to leave?

    be + subject +

    going to

    What is he going to


    Use the following phrases into sentences expressing the


    . buy a pair of shoes

    . see a doctor

    . go to bed early

    . call my friend on the phone

    . play soccer

    . call my landlord

    . call the police

    . get something to eat

    . go to the beach

    . go to the grocery store

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    Using WILL

    . I will arrive around six oclock. [ Ill arrive etc. ]

    . You will arrive in London minutes after midnight.

    [Youll arrive.]

    . He will arrive .. [ Hell arrive ..]

    . She will arrive ..[ Shell arrive ..]

    . The plane will arrive. [ Itll arrive.]

    . We will leave at ten sharp. [ Well leave ....]

    . They will join us later. [ Theyll join us ...]


    I will not go.

    I wont go.

    Questions:Will you come?

    When will he come?

    Key words:

    Future words: tomorrow, next (week, month, year, etc.) orwhen the meaning shows a future event or intention.

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    . Continuous or progressive.

    Present Continuous

    (I am doing.)

    . I am speaking now.

    . You are listening now.

    . He is driving a big car at this moment.

    . She is cooking right now.

    . It is running.

    . We are working

    . You are sitting down.

    . They are watching the match.

    Use the present continuous tense:

    . [try] Please be quiet. I_______________ to concentrate.

    . [rain] Look! It ________________________.

    . [you / look] Why ______________________ at me like

    that? Have I said something wrong?

    . [make] You ______ a lot of noise. Can you be a bit


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    . [look] Excuse me, I ____________________ for a phone

    box. Is there one near here?

    . [you / enjoy] Its a good film, isnt it? _____________ it?

    . [shout] Listen! Can you hear those people next door?

    They _________________ at each other again.

    . [you / wear] Why ____________________ your coat

    today? Its very warm.

    . [not / eat] I want to lose weight. I ___________________anything today.

    . [increase] The number of people without jobs

    ___________ at the moment.. [get] He is still ill but he __________________ betterslowly.

    . [become] These days food ____________________

    more and more expensive.

    . [change] The world ______________. Things never

    stay the same.

    . [rise] The cost of living __________________. Every

    year things are dearer.

    . [improve] George has gone to work in Spain. When he

    arrived, his Spanish wasnt very good but now it _______

    Present Continuous Drill

    Use the following verbs to express an action that is

    happening right now:

    Use I, He, They etc.

    drink eat drive read sleep

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    write walk run cry stand in the back

    fly Smile laugh wave smoke

    clap kick count push sit on the floor

    touch pull pray hold shake hands with

    run cut leave draw dream

    cry live study watch wash

    fix pepair talk speak listen

    say smile Wear catch erase

    deposit withdraw rain step break

    throw hit declare sign ride

    Make questions like:

    a) Is he standing in the back of the room?

    b) Why is he standing there?

    Answers: Yes, he is.

    No, he isn't.He is standing there because he is waiting for



    Verbs expressing a state, such as: is, have, see, hear,

    understand, taste, smell, want, love, hate, like, dislike,

    prefer, appreciate, seem, own, contain, belong, weigh, cost,etc., cannot be continuous.

    I see you right now.Now I have a Ford.

    Now I understand what you say.

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    The soup tastes delicious.

    The cook is tasting the soup. {different meaning + action

    involved}Past Continuous

    (I was doing.)

    I was speaking on the phone when she screamed.

    You were listening at that time.

    He was driving while I was reading.

    At : last night, I was studying in my room.

    I was working all day yesterday.

    I was cooking when he arrive.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

    Continuous Simple

    A long action continued for some time and short actioninterrupted it. The long action is in the progressive past

    while the short one is in the simple past.

    I was reading when the doorbell rang.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

    Future Continuous

    (I will be doing.)Use:

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    To emphasise that an action will continue for some

    time in the future.

    Examples:. I will be writing letters for the next three hours.. Even though I will be studying when you call, I do not


    . Ahmed will be working on this essay for the next


    Key words:

    Future words + any reference that shows that the speaker or

    writer wants emphasise the duration of the action.

    . Perfect Tenses.

    The always express a complex relation between two

    points of time.

    Present Perfect

    (I have done)

    Use :

    To emphasise a relation between past time and presenttime.

    This tense is used in the following cases:

    A) An action that began in the past and continues in the


    I have known him since he first came to Cairo. I have answered all the questions.

    B) An action that happened in the past but has an effect in thepresent:

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    I have read this book and I want to discuss it with you. I have cleaned my shoes. (They are clean now.)

    (Compare: I cleaned my shoes yesterday. They are not

    clean today.)

    I have eaten. (Im not hungry now.)

    C) An action that happened very recently just before the timeof speaking:

    I have just seen him.

    Key words:

    Words referring to a period of time between past andpresent:

    for + a period of time: for a month, for a three days, etc

    since + a definite date: since , since Monday, since his

    birthday, since I came here, etc.

    just, recently, lately, yet, so far, already,

    Note that it is the meaning of the sentence that matters not

    the word alone. Thus:

    I saw him this morning. {the morning is finished; were in

    the evening.}Have you seen him this morning? {We are still in the


    Past Perfect

    (I had done)


    . When the speaker wants to emphasise that one

    action happened before the other in the past, the first action isin the past perfect and the following is in the past simple.

    Remember that this tense only emphasises the

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    sequence and you can express the same sentence with

    only past tense. The use of past perfect is only for

    showing that one happened before the other.


    I had visited my uncle before I came to you yesterday.(Correct)


    I visited my uncle before I came to you yesterday. (Correct)

    Key words :

    I. Words that show sequence + past references.




    prior to + a definite date

    . Indirect speech:

    If the saying is in the past and the verbs inside the

    inverted commas are in the past, after you delete the

    commas, change the past into past perfect:e.g.: He said, "I visited them three times".

    He said that he had visited them three times.

    Future Perfect

    (I will have done)


    When an action will be completed before a definite

    date in the future, use the future perfect.

    e.g.:By the end of June, Iwill have finishedmy studies.

    Key words :

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    by + definite date + future reference

    in + a period of time + future reference


    By the end of July, my husband will have returned tosettle in Cairo.

    In two months time, they will have finished changingthe system.

    . Perfect Continuous Tenses.

    Use :Used when you want to use perfect tenses emphasizing

    continuation of the event.

    Present Perfect Continuous

    (I have been doing)

    Use:The present perfect should be used when you want to

    emphasize that the action continued over a certain period of



    I have been studying English for years.

    [Here you want to express the relation between past and

    present while emphasizing continuation. You want to say that

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    you have started studying in the past and you are still

    studying until now and this action is a continuous one.]

    Key words :Present perfect key words + indications that the action is


    Past Perfect Continuous

    (I had been doing)

    Use :

    To emphasize the duration of an action that was

    completed before another action in the past.

    I had been writing for him for an hour before hefinally arrived.

    Key words :Past perfect key words + indication that this action continued

    for some time.

    Future Perfect Continuous

    (I will have been doing)

    Use:To indicate that an action will continue for some time

    in the future before another definite point in the future.


    By this time next year, I will have been living here fortwo years.

    Key words:



    + future references + any indication that the action

    will continue for some time

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    A) Put the verbs in the correct forms:

    . This office [open] ................... at : and [close]................ at : every day.

    . I have a car but I [not/use] ...................................... very


    . How many cups of coffee [you/drink] ............................every day?

    . Where [your friend/come] ......................................... from?

    . He [come] ................................................ from Scotland.

    . What [you/do] ......................................... ? - Im an

    electrical engineer.

    . If you need money, why [you/not/get] ...................... a job?

    . I [swim] .................. , but I [not/dive] ................................


    . I dont understand the word deceive. What [it/mean]... ?

    . Mice [not/catch] ................................... cats. It is theother way round.

    B) Make sentences by using is orare and an adjective from

    the list:

    bright hot small / little

    cold important soft

    flat large / big square

    funny round sweet

    hard sharp sour

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    . Fire is hot.

    . Balls and oranges _____________________________ .

    . A box ________________________________ .

    . A lemon ________________________________ .

    . Ice and snow _______________________________ .

    . Sugar __________________________________ .

    . Rocks and metals _______________________________ .

    . A pillow ___________________________________ .

    . A joke ______________________________________ .

    . Razor blades _______________________________ .

    . The sun __________________________________ .

    . Good health ______________________________ .

    . A dime _____________ small, round, and

    ____________ .

    . An elephant ________ , but a mouse ________________


    C) (Drill) Read the following sentences aloud. [You can also

    copy them out]:

    I. Present Continuous:

    . Where's Tom? - He is answering the telephone. [He's

    doing that right now.]

    . Sam is cleaning the window.

    . Bob is washing his car.

    . Sam's writing a letter to his uncle.

    . He's fixing his car.

    . I'm speaking to you.

    . Noras cooking a big meal.

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    . She's taking care of the baby.

    . Who's knocking at the door?

    . It's raining now.

    . We are learning English. We're reading

    sentences and making other sentences.

    . He isn't running.

    . We aren't playing.

    . I am not sleeping.

    . George isn't listening to our conversation.

    . You aren't paying attention.

    . They are waiting for us.

    . Ahmed's carrying the basket.

    . I'm doing a crossword puzzle.

    . He's taking the children to school.

    II. Present Simple & Continuous:

    . I usually drink coffee, but now I'm drinking tea.

    . I often read books in the afternoon, but now I'm


    . They usually go to work by car, but today they arewalking.

    . He doesn't usually make mistakes, but this evening

    he's making a lot of them.

    . You drive a German car. Now I see that you're driving

    a Lincoln. Is it yours?

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    . We usually have lunch in a Japanese restaurant.

    However, today we're trying an Italian Restaurant.

    . Ahmed usually wears a suit, but today he's wearing amilitary uniform.

    . They usually sit at the back of the class. Today, theyare sitting in the front.

    . I am having a cup of tea right now. Now I have a

    Small Chevrolet.

    . Now I'm looking at you. Now I see you. I hear

    you. I'm listening.

    D) Put the verbs in the correct forms (Present Continuous):

    . [try] Please be quiet. I _____________ to concentrate.

    . [rain] Look! It _________________________ .

    . [you / look] Why ______________________ at me

    like that? Have I said something wrong?

    . [make] You _____________________ a lot of noise.

    Can you be a bit quieter?

    . [look] Excuse me, I ____________________ for a

    phone box. Is there one near here?

    . [you / enjoy] Its a good film, isnt it? ___________ it

    . [shout] Listen! Can you hear those people next door?

    They _________________ at each other again.

    . [you / wear] Why _______________________ your

    coat today? Its very warm.

    . [not / eat] I want to lose weight. I ____anything today.

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    . [increase] The number of people without jobs

    __________ at the moment.

    . [get] He is still ill but he ___________________better slowly.

    . [become] These days food____________________ more and more expensive.

    . [change] The world ________________ .

    Things never stay the same.

    . [rise] The cost of living __________________ .

    Every year things are dearer.

    . [improve] George has gone to work in Spain.When he arrived, his Spanish wasnt very good but

    now it ____________________.

    E) Put the verbs in the correct forms:[Present Simple & Present Progressive]

    . The wind (be) _______________ sometimes strong.

    . Cats (be) _____________________________ animals.

    . He never (think) _____________________ about his


    . I (hear) ________________ the little boys; they (sing)_________________.

    . (you, understand) ____________________________ why

    I am here?

    . The students (be) ________ thirsty. They (want)___________ a drink of water.

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    . Right now, the boys (be, not) _______________ at work.

    . At the moment, the students (talk) _______________ with

    the teacher.. Their father (be, not) _______________ at home.

    . (you, study) _________________ English this morning?

    . (they, play) __________________ football right now?

    . My neighbour sometimes (write) ________________


    . (the man, be) ______________ outside?

    . A: (you, speak) __________________ English?B: Yes, I ______________ .

    . A: (your brother, work) ____________________ in


    B: No, he _______________ .

    . A: (you, be) _______________ the director of the


    B: Yes, I ____________ .

    . A: (Ahmed, study) ____________________ today?

    B: No, he ________________ .

    . A: (James, be) ________________ a good student?

    B: Yes, he ________________ .

    . [go] I have a toothache. I think I ____________ go to the


    . [fly] Ted ___________________ to London next month.

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    F) Put the verbs in the correct forms:

    . This office [open] ................... at : and [close]

    ...................... at : every day.

    . I have a car but I [not/use] .......................................... very


    . How many cups of coffee [you/drink].................................. every day?

    . Where [your friend/come] ..................................................


    . He [come] ..................................................... from


    . What [you/do] ........................................... ? - "I'm an

    electrical engineer."

    . If you need money, why [you/not/get] .............................. a


    . I [swim]................... , but I [not/dive] ............................... .

    . I don't understand the word "deceive". What [it/mean] .... ?

    . Mice [not/catch] ............... cats. It is the other way round.

    G) Put the given verb in the right tense:

    . [have] Spiders _________ eight legs. This is a scientific fact.

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    . [take] Will you speak softly please? The students_______

    a test at the moment.

    . [do] Dont worry! I _____________________ all the work


    . [work] He __________________ all day. He should rest


    . [catch] Finally the police _________________ Fletcher and

    sent him to prison.

    . [make] The car ________________ a very strange noise

    when I drove it yesterday.

    . [left] I didn't meet him yesterday. When I arrived in the

    office, he ___________.

    . [study] He _______________ a book for hours when I

    entered the room yesterday.

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    . [travel] We __________________ to Saudi Arabia by car

    next week.

    . [watch] I ______________ TV when you call me at eight

    o'clock this evening.

    . [write] I will finish my work on time. When you come to

    see me in the evening, I __________________ the article.

    . [proofread] I ______________________ for some hours.

    H) Put the verbs in the correct forms:[Future time]

    . I [cut] _______ class tomorrow.

    . What time [class, begin] _____________ tomorrow?

    . [you, stay] _______ here during vacation next week.

    . A: You have a bad cough.

    B: I know. I [see] _______ Dr Talib later this afternoon.

    . A: Where are you going for your vacation?

    B: Sharm El-Sheikh.

    A: Are you flying?

    B: No, we [drive] ____ so that we can enjoy the scenery.

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    I) Put the verbs in the correct forms:

    [Pres. Perf. & Past Perf.]

    . Islam [be] ________________ the most important religionin the Middle East for more than years.

    . All the students [study] ________________ hard since the

    beginning of the course.

    . [you, ever, be] ________________ to New York?

    . I couldn't catch the train because when I got to the station,

    the train [leave] ________________.

    . By the time I arrived this morning, class [already, begin]


    J) Give the past form. Then make a sentence using the past


    Example: come ...came............

    Response: My brother came from Oman yesterday.

    . eat ...........................


    . write .........................


    . drink ..........................._______________________________________________

    . drive .........................


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    . go ............................


    K) Put the verbs in the correct forms.[Different Tenses]Write the correct sentences on a sheet of paper. Write full


    . It's : p.m. Mary is at home. She [eat] dinner. Shealways [eat] dinner with her family around six o'clock.

    . Ahmed [take, not] the bus to school every day. He usually

    [walk] instead.

    . While Bob [study] last night, the phone [ring].

    . Thomas Edison [invent, not] the telephone.

    . [you, go] to class yesterday?

    . I [read] an hour ago when the lights [went] out.

    . It isn't raining today, and according to the weather report,

    it [rain, not] tomorrow either.

    . Before Tom [go] to bed later tonight, he [write] a letter to

    his uncle.

    . After I [get] home from school every afternoon, I usually

    [drink] _____ a glass of orange juice.

    . Samy [meet] me when my plane [arrive] tomorrow.

    . I'm ready to go. I [finish, already] my work. I [finish] it

    two hours ago.

    . I [have] a driver's licence since .

    . Let's go. I [be] in class for more than two hours.

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    . Since we [start] doing this exercise, we [complete]


    . By the time class was over this morning, the rain [stop],so I didn't need my umbrella.

    . I often [leave] the city over the weekend.

    . Mr Anderson [use] the telephone now.

    . the children always [go] to bed early.

    . Yes, Ahmed [want] some cake and coffee.

    . When class [be] over this morning, the rain [already,


    (L) Use the right tenses:

    . I [read] __________ that novel by Faulkner several times


    . I [read] _____________ it again in my last vacation.

    . Saleh [study] _____________ Spanish at Madrid

    University last year.

    . Saleh [study] _____________ Spanish at this institutesince last September.

    . Mr Richard [live] _____________ in New York in .

    . Mr Richard [live] ___________ in Detroit since that time.

    . I [see] _____________ the statue of liberty in .

    . My friend [see] _____________ it a hundred times.

    . The Browns [be] _____________ in San Francisco twice

    since the war.

    . They [be] _____________ there the week before.

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    . It usually [rain] _____________ very much in that

    part of the country.

    . I [have] _____________ no trouble with my Englishlessons up to now.

    . My teacher [teach] _____________ English at thisinstitute for six years.

    . Listen! I [think] _____________ someone [knock]

    at the front door.

    . Mr Smith [pay] _____________ all his bills at the end

    of the month.

    . I [see] _____________ the famous Grand Canyon inArizona several times.

    . Mr and Mrs Garcia [be] _____________ in Florida

    for two months.

    . Those students [make] _____________ much progress

    since October.

    . I [be] _____________ sorry. I [forget]

    _____________ that fellow's name already.

    . Mary [sit] _____________ at a different desk today.

    . Ali [look]__________ forward to his vacation next


    . The tall boy in the front seat [come] _____________

    from Ghana.

    . Yes, we [hear] ___________ that song several times


    . My wife and I [live] _____________ in this city for

    almost nine years.

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    . The boy [study] _____________ their lessons together

    every afternoon.

    . Thomas [have] _____________ a good time here sincehis arrival.

    . I [need] some more money for my books and tuition.

    . At present, that author [write] _____________ a

    historical novel.

    . My son [talk] _____________ on the telephone at themoment.

    . Up to the present, Khalid _____________ [do] good

    work in his class.. My uncle [work] _____________ thirty eight hours aweek.

    . The weather [get] _____________ quiet hot in July

    and August.

    . So far, you [make] _____________ no mistakes on

    this exercise.

    . Mr Kent [have] _____________ this job in Aswan

    since April first.

    M) Circle the letter of the right answer:

    . The speed limit on this road is km/h. You ...............

    go faster than that.

    a. should b. must not

    c. have to d. don't have to

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    . I am very tired and sleepy this morning. I ............... up late

    last night.

    a. should stay b. shouldn't stay

    c. shouldn't have stayed d. shouldn't stayed

    . I .................. to live in Jeddah, but now I live in Riyadh.

    a. used b. am used

    c. use d. am using

    . I would rather ..................... a good book than spend the

    time chatting with people.

    a. studied b. studyingc. to study d. study

    . Last year they worked very hard and ..................... achieve

    very good results.

    a. could b. were able to

    c. can d. could have

    (N) Use the right tense of the given verb.

    . [play] All the children in the neighbourhood

    _________________ right now.

    . [go] I always _____________________ out on

    Thursdays and Fridays.

    . [drive] He _______________________ to Alexandria

    once a month.

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    . [be] I _______________ very happy when I saw

    my brother home safe and sound.

    . [finish] When we _______________ our work, wewent out.

    . [wait] We _________________for quite a while thismorning.

    . [see] I __________________ Ahmed five minutes


    . [travel] Last summer we ________________ first


    . [have] I use the same car that I ______________ fiveyears ago.

    . [eat] Tomorrow afternoon we

    ______________ at a Chinese restaurant.

    (O) Use the right tense of the given verb.

    . Samy usually [sit] _________ at the back of class, but

    today he [sit] __________ in the front row.

    . He [come] __________ to see me every weekend.

    . I [take] __________ my dog for a walk every evening

    before it died.

    . What [you, do] ________________________ at this


    . She [not understand] ____________________ what

    you [mean] _____________ .

    . Look at Samir! He [drink] _______________ up his

    medicine, but I can see that he [hate] _____________


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    . We usually [have] ________________ breakfast at

    o'clock nowadays.

    . We nearly always [spend] _______________ ourholidays at the seaside, but this year we [go]

    _____________ to France.

    . I [have] _______________ my hair cut whenever it

    gets too long.

    . She [sing] _____________ beautifully when she

    was young, but nowadays she [not, sing]

    ______________ anymore.

    . John [seem] _______________ rather tired at

    this moment.

    . Do you see this machine? It [consist]

    _______________ of many parts.

    . Ask him what he [want]

    _____________________ now.

    . Buses usually [run] ____________________

    along this street, but today they [not, run]

    _______________ because it is under repair.

    (P) Put the verbs between parentheses in the right tenses:

    . The scientist suddenly (see) ______________ the answer

    to the problem that (occupy) ___________________ his

    mind for two months.

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    . The burglar (open) ________________ the safe when he

    (hear) ______________ footsteps. He immediately

    put his torch out and crawled under the bed.

    . A: Stop! Don't you see the notice?

    B: I (see) ________________ it, but I can't read it because

    I (wear, not) ____________ my glasses.

    . He (clean) ________________ his gun when it suddenly (go)______________

    off and killed him.

    . You looked very busy when I (meet)_______________

    you lastnight. What (you, do) __________________?

    . Since British Rail (introduce)___________________

    its new fare

    structure, more people (take)_______________

    to travelling by


    . He (cut)_______________

    his finger while he (cook)_________________

    dinner yesterday.

    . I (understand)________________

    exactly what you (mean)____________

    right now.

    . He usually (find)_______________

    a lot of letters on his desk

    when he (arrive) __________________

    at the office.

    . I (not, have)_____________

    anything to eat since I (get)___________


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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    . When He (arrive) ______________ here tomorrow

    morning, I (offer) ___________ him a cup of coffee.

    . Columbus (try) ______________ to reach India when he



    . By the time Ahmed (finish)_____________

    his work last

    night, everybody else (go)__________________


    . He (not, pay)___________________

    his rent since he (move)_____________

    to this apartment.

    . Three days ago, John (begin)_____________

    reading a longnovel. He (not, finish)

    _________________it yet.

    (Q) Circle the letter for the right answer:

    . I____________

    a new house last year, but I___________

    my old

    house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.

    a. have bought/ sold b. bought/ haven't sold

    c. had bought/ hadn't sold d. buy/ haven't sold

    . I've been living here______________________


    a. two years ago b. in

    c. for two years d. before

    . I couldn't see Bill. When I got into the office, he________

    a. had gone out b. went out

    c. have gone out d. has gone out

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    . I stood up when my father___________________


    a. comes b. had come

    c. would come d. came

    . At the moment John__________________

    a note of what theysay.

    a. is taking b. takes

    c. has taken d. took

    . Right now, I can see that the child _______________ his

    old toy.

    a. hate b. is hating

    c. hates d. had hated

    . How long ago _________________ the United States?

    a. have you visited b. are you visiting

    c. do you visit d. did you visit

    . When are you ____________________ your English


    a. will finish b. finishc. going to finish d. finished

    . I'm specially glad that Bob's coming to the meeting

    because we _______________ him for several months.

    a. haven't seen b. didn't see

    c. weren't seen d. hasn't

    . It was such nice weather that we _______________camping in the desert.

    a. have gone b. will go

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    c. went d. had gone

    (R) Fill in the spaces with the right tenses of the given verbs:

    . [take] Will you speak softly please? The students________

    a test at the moment.

    . [have] Spiders________

    six legs. This is a scientific fact.

    . [wear] If the suit arrives on time, I______

    it for the meeting.

    . [catch] Finally the police Fletcher and sent him to prison.

    . [go] There was a power outage in our part of the town lastnight and the lights ____ out.

    . [study] This autumn I _ English at a night school.

    . [eat] My child always a lot of sweets.

    . [go] Mr. Richardson to a Qatar last month.

    . [make] She _ a good cake next week.

    . [boil] Water at C.

    . [not smoke] He _ at all. He hates smoking.

    . [not work] They _ as fast as they can right now.

    . [see] I often see Jose, and I _ him again only


    . [cost] How much does this watch ______?

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    . [catch] My little boy ran after the cat and

    ___________ it.

    . [wake] Yesterday I _ up early.

    . [not, pass] Tom ________ his examination on January

    , .

    . [boil] Look! The water _____. Can you turn the kettle


    . [study] Please don't make so much noise. My child


    . [be] We _______ in Kuwait in .

    . [be] My friend, Edward, _________ here right now.

    . [play] Tom usually ______ tennis on Thursdays.

    . [write] Did you a letter to your folks yesterday?

    . [not, understand] Look at that! He ________ what's

    going on.

    . [drive] How are going to travel to Libya? I


    . [go] They ____ to Damascus last week.

    . [break] My vase fell to the floor and ___ into a

    hundred pieces.

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    . [read] He usually ____ the newspaper in the evening.

    . [smoke] I never ____ .

    . [play] My children _ football at the moment.

    . [buy] I ____ a new car next week.

    . [lie] I don't like him; he always ______ to people.

    . [rise] Yesterday the sun _______ at : .

    . [send] [finish] I ____ a letter to my folks after I__________ studying yesterday evening.

    . [live] They ____________________________ in

    Montreal since they immigrated.

    . [work] His associate __________________________

    from nine to five every day.

    . [go] Bill _____________________________ to thepublic library once in a while.

    . [knock] Listen! I think somebody

    ___________________ at the door.

    . [be] The baby ___________________________ asleep

    for several hours.

    . [learn] Mary usually _________________ languages

    very quickly.

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    . [make] The car ______________ a very strange noise

    when I drove it yesterday.

    . [be] I ____________________ to Europe several


    . [use] Our new secretary ________________ a

    computer all the time.

    . [do] Dont worry. I ___________________________

    all the work already.

    . [inherit] Hes excited because he____________________ a lot of money recently.

    . [not, arrive] Were still waiting. He ______________


    . [go] He _______________________ out ten minutes


    . [shop] I _____________________________ aroundfor a good jacket later today.

    . [send] So far today, he

    ____________________________ three faxes.

    . [call] She ____________ him up five times. There has

    to be an important message.

    . [not, get] I still ________________________ a reply

    from them.

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    . [sit] It's : now and Mr. Wilson ________________

    to the breakfast table.

    . [meet] I _____________________ Larry and his

    friends some five years ago.

    . [tell] If I see Mike tomorrow, I__________________

    him about the meeting.

    . [read] At the moment the students ______________

    their books.

    . [be] The weather ____________________ terrible alllast week, but now it is fine.

    (S) Put the verbs between parentheses in the right tenses:

    . Right now John [take] _____ a nap. He [fall] __________asleep an hour ago. He [sleep] ______________ for an


    . Since we began the course, John [study] __________ threenovels. At the moment he [read] _____________A Farewell

    to Arms. He [read] _______________________ this novel

    for the past three days.

    . A: There is something I have to tell you.

    B: Go ahead. I [listen] ____________________________ .

    . A: Stop! What [you, do] __________________________


    B: I [try] _______________________ to get this piece of

    toast out of the toaster. Its stuck.

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    A: Well, dont use a knife. You [kill] _______________


    . A: Why [you, deliver, not] _________________ the reportyesterday?

    B: When I got to his office, he [leave] ________________


    . A: Can I borrow some money? My check [be]__________ supposed to arrive yesterday, but I still [receive,

    not] __________ it.

    B: Sure. Id be happy to lend you some. How much (need,

    you] ____________?

    (T) Complete the following with the right tense of the verbs

    in brackets:


    Bill ____________ [start] working at a pizza parlour in

    November. He ____________ [work] there successfully forseveral months. In fact everyone in the pizza parlour ______

    [help] Bill in every way they can.

    For the first time in his life, Bill _____________ [be]

    able to earn his own living. He ________________ [receive,

    already] several paychecks, but the paychecks

    _____________ [not be] the most important part of the job)

    Most importantly, Bill _______________ [be] proud of

    himself because he _________________ [feel] useful. Now

    he ________ [have] a good reason to get up in the morning.

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    Last year, the public school special program __________

    [train] Bill for this job) It ____________ [teach] him the

    skills he needed.


    Last week, I (see) ______________ a very good bookin a book shop, but I (not have) _______________ enough

    money to buy it. Now I have enough money, but I have no

    time to go to the book shop, so I (buy) ________ it tomorrow


    (U) Circle the letter of the right answer:

    . Gases ________________ when heated. This is ascientific fact.

    a. expands b. expanding

    c. expand d. are expanding

    . The house is in a mess right now. The plumbers

    _________ in a new bath and the carpenter_______ us some


    a. is putting/ building b. puts/ builds

    c. are putting/ is building d. are putting/ builds

    . I often see Dr Richards. I______ him again only


    a. see b. am seeing

    c. saw d. have seen

    . They sell all kinds of rubbish nowadays, but they

    once_________ good furniture.

    a. sell b. are sellingc. have sold d. sold

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    . The Carters didn't ___________ for Chicago.

    a. leave b. left

    c. leaves d. leaving

    . He ___________ along a deserted road when suddenly he

    ___________ a camel in front of him.

    a. was driving/ saw b. drove/ saw

    c. was driving/ was seeing d. drove/ was seeing

    . I couldn't meet Ahmed last week. When I got to his office

    he ________ .

    a. left b. has leftc. had left d. had been left

    . We ___________ the new bridge by the end of this year.

    a. have completed b. completed

    c. will have completed d. complete

    . We will run out of gas before we reach Alex. I _________

    at the next gas station.

    a. am going to stop b. will have stopped

    c. have stopped d. stop

    . He ___________ French at Cairo University since .

    a. teaches b. taught

    c. is teaching d. has taught

    . The leaves usually _________ from the trees in October.

    a. falls b. fall

    c. are falling d. will fall

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    . Washington, D. C., ________ the capital of the United

    States .

    a. is/ in b. has been/ in

    c. has been/ for d. has been/ since

    . Books like this one can___________ anywhere.

    a. be bought b. have bought

    c. will buy d. buy

    . The windows ___________ while I was there.

    a. were cleaning b. clean

    c. cleaned d. were being cleaned

    . This matter ___________ with very soon.

    a. will deal b. has dealt

    c. will be dealt d. will be dealing

    . He can't answer these questions properly. He _________

    more time studying when he had the chance.

    a. must have spent b. should have spent

    c. would spend d. could spend

    . I don't know, but it___________ rain tomorrow.a. might b. has toc. must d. will

    . He couldn't ___________ everything about Europe; hehas never been there.

    a. knew b. knowc. known d. knows

    . I ___________ a calculator while I was doing thesecalculations. I made many mistakes.

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    a. ought to use b. should usec. must have used d. ought to have used

    . Since the new boss took over, we to change our workingmethods.

    a. have had b. should havec. must d. must have

    . Fishing is strictly forbidden in this area. You___________ fish here.

    a. don't have to b. mustn'tc. ought to d. should

    . ___________ you please help me with this suitcase?a. May b. Mustc. Should d. Could

    . Would you mind ___________ the phone?a. to answer b. answeredc. answering d. answer

    . He___________ wear a uniform. It is not obligatory.

    a. mustn't b. shouldn't

    c. hasn't had d. doesn't have to

    . You'd better ___________ near the edge. It is dangerous.

    a. not go b. go not

    c. don't go d. to not go

    . Would you like ___________ to the manager.

    a. speak b. speaking

    c. to speak d. spoke

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    . The lawyer advised his client___________ the case as

    there was no use.

    a. dropping b. drop

    c. dropped d. to drop

    . I am used to ___________ in this part of the country.

    a. live b. living

    c. have lived d. will live

    . He said the trip without the right company would


    a. bored b. borec. boring d. to bore

    . Before trains were invented, people used ___________

    on horseback.

    a. to travel b. travel

    c. travelling d. to travelling

    . My father remembers parts of his childhood quite clearly.

    He remembers ___________ to school for the first time.a. to go b. go

    c. going d. went

    . He said, "I'm terribly sorry to___________


    a. keep/ wait b. keep/ waiting

    c. keeping/ waiting d. keeping/ wait

    . I hope ..................... you again soon.

    a. seeing b. to see

    c. will see d. see

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    . Boys usually enjoy ................... football.

    a. playing b. to play

    c. plays d. play

    . You like ................... big trucks. Don't you?

    a. driving b. drive

    b. drove d. driven

    . I don't mind .................... the children from school.

    a. collect b. to collect

    c. collected d. collecting

    . I think he is a liar; he seems ....................... false


    a. give b. to give

    c. giving d. gives

    . I've been living here ___________________________________.

    a. two years ago b. inc. for two years d. before

    . I couldn't see Bill. When I got into the office, he ______.

    a. had gone out b. went out

    c. have gone out d. has gone out

    . I stood up when my father______________________________


    a. comes b. had comec. would come d. came

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    English Grammar ______________________________________________________


    . At the moment Abdullah _____________________________ a note

    of what they say.

    a. is taking b. takesc. has taken d. took

    . Right now, I can see that the child _________________

    his old toy.a. hate b. is hating

    c. hates d. had hated

    . How long ago ____ ___________ the United States?

    a. have you visited b. are you visiting

    c. do you visit d. did you visit

    . When are you_________________

    your English course?

    a. will finish b. finish

    c. going to finish d. finished

    . I'm specially glad that Bob's coming to the meeting

    because we _______________ him for several months.

    a. haven't seen b. didn't see

    c. weren't seen d. hasn't

    . It was such nice weather that we ___________________

    camping in the desert.

    a. have gone b. will go

    c. went d. had gone

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    ______________________________________________________ English Grammar


    (V) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb forms

    [affirmative or negative] of the base forms given in brackets:

    . [drive] The mechanic ________________________ thecar right now.

    . [not, eat] When he's on a diet, he __________ potatoes.

    . [rain] When I left the office this afternoon, it_______________.

    . [not, have] I didn't go on the trip because I

    ___________ any money.

    . [win] Who, do you think, ______________________

    the next game?

    . [rise] The sun ___________________ at :

    yesterday morning.

    . [eat] I seldom ______________________ Italian food.

    . [ring] The bell ____________________________ and

    class began.

    . [set] A strong wind blew while we ____