Download - radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

Page 1: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演
Page 2: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演







輕的得獎者。當日的精彩剪影刊於第 5 頁,亦歡迎你登入第四台網


本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀 2019。

自 2011 年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演










四台)及星期六晚上 8 時 30 分(香港電台電視 31 台)。

無獨有偶,歐洲樂壇同樣有展現年青音樂家的大型項目 ─ 歐洲音









為你送上由 7 至 9 月共三個月的青葱樂韻。詳情請留意第 29 頁。


Every summer, Radio 4 organises programmes related to youth. This year the line-up is exceptional. The prelude started with last month’s ‘New Generation’ project. I attended the concert and was thrilled at the birth of many new works by budding composers who all have such accomplished skills in composition, matched with their boundless imaginations. The intriguing work titles for example, were transformed into equally interesting music. It was particularly heart-warming to know that the second runner-up was just 14. Wong Chung-hei is indeed the youngest prize winner in this annual event’s 31 -year history. Please refer to p. 5 for the flashback, and listen back to the nine works on Radio 4’s webpage –

This month, the limelight is on Young Music Makers 2019.

Since 2011, ‘Young Music Makers’ has adopted an open-recruitment format. To date, there have already been 77 young musicians who have successfully gone through auditions and shared their love of music through this multi-platform event that covers radio, TV, the web, and live performances.

As two years ago, this year’s response was equally keen. We have 15 acts with 16 performers. In July, the first 8 acts will appear. Over the past few months, the 2019 Young Music Makers have been actively involved with radio and TV productions, which not only showcase their ability in music but also in speech and overall presentation. It was a meaningful learning experience for these young artists. To hear how their hard work has paid off, and appreciate their musicality, tune in to ‘Young Music Makers 2019’ on Radio 4 on Sundays at 8pm or RTHK TV31 on Saturdays at 8:30pm.

Incidentally, in Europe, 6 ECHO Rising Stars who were nominated by different music organisations were featured in their recitals. You can listen to them in Live on 4 on Wednesdays. So, this month we are indeed in touch with young talents across two continents.

Our association with young talents isn’t just confined to solo or ensemble performances. Last year, for the first time, we launched the pilot scheme Youth in Harmony, and brought together a number of concerts we recorded of young performing groups. It was a vivid demonstration of how talented and fearless these young players can be when they are put on a stage! A new series will return from July to September. Check it out on p. 29.

Have a tuneful summer!

JULY 2019 1

Page 3: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

JULY 2019

JULY 2019






SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 New Generation - Flashback

Young Music Makers 2019

15 Sunday Opera 歌劇世界

19 Jazzing Up 爵士靈感

21 The Wide World of Flute

樂壇新秀 2019

06 Asian Youth Orchestra

27 International Rostrum of Composers 2019國際作曲家交流會議 2019

29 Youth in Harmony 音符出少年




音樂新一代- 剪影


30 Friends of Radio 4 第四台之友

31 Café 976 週末咖啡館

32 New Releases 碟碟不休

33 Music from China 樂在神州

34 Concert Highlights 音樂會轉播精選

37 Main Programme Chart 節目時間表

38 Programme Highlights

48 Coda

節目精華 27


Page 4: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

New Generation

2019Livia Lin Ⲵ䃷⩏

For the last 30 years, new works by young composers have been given their premieres at the annual ‘New Generation’ concert presented by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild in partnership with Radio 4. Not only has this event been a platform for showcasing new ideas but also it’s a chance for these budding talents to collaborate with professional musicians. Selected finalists this year range from junior high schoolers to a Master's graduate. Taking their youthful visions to the next level was the award-winning CONG Quartet.

Members of the Quartet, along with four renowned composers, Joshua Chan, Mui Kwong-chiu, Richard Tsang, and Tung Lai-shing, formed the selection panel to decide on the three prize winners out of the eight finalists.

Champion Wong Chi-chun Adrian: Tiles City1st runner-up Wan Lok-yi Virginia: Give Wings2nd runner-up Wong Chung-hei: The Crossroad

The concert was broadcast in Live on 4 on 22 June. You may like to visit our programme archive on




生,而賦予他們作品生命的則是得獎組合 CONG 四重奏。



冠軍 黃子峻:《石林雀語》

亞軍 溫樂怡:《翅予》

季軍 黃頌熙:《十字路口》

音樂會已於 6 月 22 日的「第四台音樂會」節目中轉播,

聽眾可於香港電台網頁 ( 重溫。

– Flashback 音樂新一代 � 剪影

An enthusiastic performance by the young artists of the CONG QuartetCONG四重奏的年輕演奏家為音樂會賣力演出

Champion Wong Chi-chun Adrian chatting with the concert MCs, Leanne Nicholls and Raymond Chung.冠軍得主黃子峻與音樂會司儀黎燕欣及鍾子豪交談

Organiser 主辦: In association with 協辦機構: Sponsored by 贊助機構:Supported by 資助:


Congratulations to our three winners and the CONG Quartet恭喜三位優勝者及CONG四重奏

Hong Kong Composers' Guild


Page 5: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

As I sit at my desk this week preparing to share the highlights of this year’s Asian Youth Orchestra (AYO) Rehearsal Camp and Tour, I realise that this will be as much a story about our plans for 2019 as it will be a prelude to next year’s 30th anniversary celebration, which in many ways has already begun.

Alumni Prepare!AYO alumni in Hong Kong are already asking if we will bring back former AYOers for a gala performance in the Hong Kong Coliseum as we did for our 25th celebration year. (That indeed is our intention). What a celebration it will be, with many former members, now married – to each other – ready to make the trip to Hong Kong.

Richard Pontzious, Founder / Artistic Director and conductor, Asian Youth Orchestra

Returning to our RootsMany of you will remember that AYO’s first Rehearsal Camp some 29 years ago was held in Kumamoto, Japan. It has been many years since we’ve been back there, but we’re returning this year to say thank you for giving us so many beautiful memories and to pay our respects to those in Kumamoto who have suffered from so many frightening and damaging earthquakes and natural disasters in recent years. Indeed, one of the members of that first AYO, Taiwanese violinist Chu Yuyu, who was 12 years old at the time and is now 41, took it upon himself earlier this year to visit his Kumamoto host family. What memories they must have shared!

The World of AYO PlayersThe friendships AYO members have made over the years and around the world is one of the great legacies of AYO. I cannot tell you how much it means to us to be greeted with the phrase, “Mr. Pontzious, you probably don’t remember me, but I was in AYO many years ago, and those AYO experiences changed my life.”

Percussionist Jeffrey Chan, an AYOer at age 15 and now oncologist Dr. Jeffrey Chan, credits AYO with teaching him many of the disciplines he would need for his career in medicine.

In many cases, membership in AYO has also led to wedding bells, and even a performance of Elgar’s Nimrod played by the bride (violin) and groom (bass trombone) at one wedding ceremony, Nimrod

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being the work played at the opening of every AYO Rehearsal Camp opening and tour finale.

In several cases, membership in AYO led to professional orchestra job opportunities, and even the creation of professional orchestras (such as the Sun Symphony in Hanoi, Vietnam). I am so proud of all of you! Now you can appreciate first-hand how hard Keith Lau, Kevin Peterson, and your teachers at AYO work to make you what you have become!

There are also those many, many times we travel and run into flight attendants who sang their hearts out in our Beethoven 9th performance in the HK Coliseum four years ago. “That was one of the greatest experiences of my life,” we’ve been repeatedly told. So the stage is taking shape for our 30th anniversary starting with our 29th Rehearsal Camp and Tour. A Hundred and five AYO members have been selected out of 800-some candidates.

A New GenerationAnd in a surprise first for AYO, we will welcome this year the daughter of a first-year AYOer, signalling the beginning of a generation change at AYO. Who would have thought that day would come so soon? Or that I would live to see that day?!

Joseph Bastian, conductor

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Richard Pontzious

Page 6: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

Moné Hattori, violinist

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The AYO’s 29th season is ready to launch this summer. You can tune in to the 16 & 23 August (Fri) concert in Live on 4 on Radio 4. Details of concert broadcasts can be found in the next issue.

多年來,亞洲青年管弦樂團 ( 亞青 ) 凝聚了亞洲的年青音樂才雋,並與多位演藝名家合作,造訪亞洲以至世界各地的

音樂廳。亞青的第二十九樂季已準備就緒,第四台將於 8 月 16 及 23 日 ( 星期五 ) 晚上 8 時,現場直播及錄播樂團在


An International GatheringThis year, as always, our AYOers will assemble from across the region, including 12 from Hong Kong, a solid number given the competition from countries and territories with much larger populations. Fourteen will be coming in from mainland China, 30 from Taiwan, 14 from Japan, 10 from Korea, 2 from Malaysia, 10 from the Philippines, 6 from Singapore, 4 from Thailand, two from Macau, and 1 from Indonesia – every one of them scared to death on arrival day.

You can see it in their eyes. Panic when they’re reminded that chair auditions start early next day. You just know they haven’t prepared, except, inevitably, for the youngest of the group who is playing every audition piece by memory at twice the speed of lightning.

An International TourThey will gather in Hong Kong for the first time as an orchestra on 22 July and work for three weeks to the highest level we can take them, preparing for concerts in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nanjing, Tianjin, Beijing, Taipei, Chiayi City, Seoul (going back for the first time in a dozen years), Kumamoto, Fukuoka, and Tokyo, touring with Hong Kong’s brilliant pianist Rachel Cheung and Japan’s rising star violinist Moné Hattori.

Check and Double-CheckFor most AYOers, this is likely their first venture away from home. As soon as everyone is checked in Keith and the office team start checking passports and visas. ‘‘Do you have a visa for Japan?” he asks of several students. “Yes,” and yes, you do. But, guess what, you applied too early and your visa has now expired. We have three

weeks. We handle it.

A common “oops” moment or two – a passport left in the seat pocket of an aircraft or an instrument left in a hotel lobby. Where’s Mom when you need her?

How proud are we to be told that AYO is the only orchestra from outside mainland China

to be invited to return year a f ter year to the Nat iona l Centre for the Performing Arts, located in Tiananmen Square. This year will be our 10th.

Rehearsal and RewardNine hours a day for three weeks the players will have the privilege – and exhausting opportunity – to study with AYO’s outstanding artist-faculty of professionals from the Baltimore, Bergamo (Italy), Hong Kong, Venice, Brussels’ Monnaie Opera and Milan’s La Scala, the Boston Conservatory, and the opera theatres of Genoa and Vienna. No matter how you look at it, these are artists of full-throttle stature, high profile, who are world-class musicians from trend-setting organisations.

Programmes and ConductorsThis summer we welcome from Munich the Hong Kong debut of Guest Conductor Joseph Bastian leading AYO in Richard Strauss’ Till Eulenspiegel’s Merry Pranks, Ravel’s dazzling Piano Concerto in G, with Rachel Cheung, and Brahms’ extraordinary Fourth Symphony. Joseph was a bass trombone player with the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks of Munich, when he decided he was going to be a conductor. How lucky was he to have one of today’s greats, Mariss Jansons, as his mentor.

I will open my programme with Rimsky-Korsakov’s Capriccio espagnol, following that with some of the most beautiful music in the solo violin repertoire, Bruch’s Concerto in G minor, performed by the AYO with solo violinist Moné Hattori, youngest-ever winner of the 11th International Competition for Young Violinists in Honour of Karol Lipinski & Henryk Wieniawski, Poland, in 2009. We finish with Rimsky-Korsakov’s magical Scheherazade.

We hope you will join us for our performances. Be part of the AYO experience.


Page 7: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


School attending 現時就讀之學校

Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School, Form 1浸信會呂明才中學一年級

My favourite musical work 最喜愛的樂曲

Song of Recollection by Liu Huirong and Zhou Yuguo劉惠榮和周煜國的《憶事曲》

What will I be in 10 years' time? 幻想十年後的我

Hold my solo recital!舉行我的個人音樂會。

How can my performance make this world more beautiful?我的演出如何能美化這個世界 ?

Use music to influence people. For example, perform in elderly homes and make our seniors happy.用音樂感染身邊的人,如到老人院表演,讓孤獨的老人家活得快樂。

Kathy Lam 林家琦

After more than half a year of preparation, our 15 ‘Young Music Makers’ (YMM) acts are finally in the limelight. This year, we welcome our youngest performer. We also have a recorder player, a zhongruan solo, and an oboe duo as first timers on our YMM platform.

In July and August, these YMMs will be showcased on RTHK Radio 4 and RTHK TV31. You can also learn more about the performers by visiting the project’s website (, where musical moments and pictures from their childhood will be shared. Here is a glimpse of the eight YMMs, whose performances will go on air this month.

經過大半年的報名和輪選,十五個單位共十六位「樂壇新秀 2019」已順利誕生。今年的入選者,由歷屆最年輕的中學一年級生到碩士畢業生都有。另外,是次更首度有牧童笛、中阮獨奏和雙簧管二重奏的樂手入選。

十五個單位的新秀,會於 7、8 月份亮相於電台和電視節目。你亦可從「樂壇新秀」網站 ( 搜尋每位新秀的版面,透過他們的軼事分享和新舊照片認識他們。在這裡先介紹八位在本月登場的年青演出者。

Wong Yu-yan Jessie (yangqin)黃雨昕 ( 揚琴 )

At 12, Jessie is our youngest YMM ever! 現年十二歲的黃雨昕,是歷屆最年


Page 8: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


Nickname 別名:阿宮

School attending 現時就讀之學校

Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College, Form 6順德聯誼總會翁祐中學六年級

If music is a kind of drink, it should be... 將音樂比喻為飲品,是⋯⋯ Lemon tea. Lemon tea has different flavours: sweet, sour, and bitter, yet they blend together so well. Just as music that has different layers but sounds harmoniously.檸檬茶。檸檬茶有甜、酸、苦不同味道。三者各有層次,卻能融而為一。音樂也一樣,有不同層面的感受,卻又交織在一起。

Who do you want to have a dinner with? Why? 你最想和那一位人物吃一頓飯?為什麼? Eddie Redmayne. He is one of my favourite actors. His performance in the Stephen Hawking movie, The Theory of Everything captivated me completely. It would be so wonderful if I could dine with him. He speaks with a charming accent, too! 艾迪.烈柏尼是一位我很喜愛的演員。他的演繹十分細膩,由肢體動作、到嘴角一個微細的郁動都極為傳神,我很希望可以和他吃一頓飯!


Kung Ka-ho (zhongruan)宮嘉豪(中阮)

School attending 現時就讀之學校

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Bachelor of Music (Honours), Year 3香港演藝學院音樂學士(榮譽)三年級

My favourite musical work 最喜愛的樂曲

Ode to the King of Western Chu by Li Boshan. It is a beautiful piece that demands superb technique from the performer. Playing this work has been one of my milestones. 李博禪的《楚頌》。樂曲除了旋律優美之外,演奏技巧也甚具挑戰,所以演出此曲是我在音樂路上一大里程碑。

If music is a kind of drink, it should be... 將音樂比喻為飲品,是⋯⋯ Bubble milk tea. It takes time to chew just as you need time to understand and interpret music. 珍珠奶茶。因為珍珠需要時間咀嚼,正如樂譜上的音符;節奏也需要時間思考和理解,之後再加上自己的處理,就如珍珠沉浸在奶茶之中。

Who do you want to have a dinner with? Why? 你最想和那一位人物吃一頓飯?為什麼?Ah Bing (Hua Yanjun). I would like to know how he composed at difficult times and his devotion in the arts. 阿炳 ( 華彥鈞 )。因為想問他如何在惡劣的生活環境中創作出動人心弦的樂曲,和他忠於藝術的心得。

Yeung Ka-wai (erhu)楊嘉惠(二胡)

Apart from playing the erhu, Ka-wai also has a diploma in violin performance.精於二胡的楊嘉惠,小提琴


Ka-ho wishes that he will still be doing the things he enjoys doing in 10 years’ time.宮嘉豪希望十年後仍能夠做自己



Page 9: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

School attending 現時就讀讀之學校

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Arts in Music, Year 2香港中文大學音樂文學士二年級

Any tips for practice? 有什麼練琴心得?

To learn the story behind the music first.要先了解樂曲背後的故事。

My favourite musical work 最喜愛的樂曲

Walker by Wei Jun魏軍的《行者》

Who do you want to have a dinner with? Why? 你最想和那一位人物吃一頓飯?為什麼?

Zhang Yixing Lay. His attitude towards music and how he fought for his dream encouraged me a lot. 張藝興。他對音樂的熱誠和夢想的追尋鼓勵了我。

Tse Miu-shun (guzheng)謝妙純 ( 古箏 )

Miu-shun wishes to be either a teacher or performer in future.謝妙純幻想十年後的自己是一位老師


Nickname 別名:ICX

School attending 現時就讀之學校 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Arts in Music, Year 4香港中文大學音樂文學士四年級

If music is a kind of drink, it should be... 將音樂比喻為飲品,是⋯⋯ Wine. Different types of wine befit different sorts of tastes and occasions. Despite its initial bitterness, the aftertaste of a fine wine is always extraordinary. 葡萄酒。不同類型的葡萄酒適合不同品味及場合。縱使入口苦澀,美酒的尾韻總使人回味無窮。

Who do you want to have a dinner with? Why? 你最想和那一位人物吃一頓飯?為什麼?My grandmother. She passed away when I was still a baby. I would really want to know more about her in person, and eat a meal prepared by her. 婆婆。她在我還是嬰兒的時候便離世,我很想了解她的為人與生平,並親嚐她煮的飯菜。

Ip Cheng-xin (marimba)葉承欣(馬林巴琴)

The one-year-old Cheng-xin showed his great potential as a percussionist!一歲的葉承欣,已顯露敲擊的天份!

Page 10: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

School last attended 最近就讀之學校 Master of Music in Vocal Performance, Royal College of Music倫敦皇家音樂學院聲樂表演音樂碩士

Who do you want to have a dinner with? Why? 你最想和那一位人物吃一頓飯?為什麼?Ellen DeGeneres! I have so much respect and love for her. She is extremely witty and kind. She uses her influence and talent to spread joy and kindness to the world. Plus, I am sure a meal with her would be fun, so why not? 我非常喜愛艾倫。她既風趣幽默,又有愛心。她善用自己的影響力和才華,帶給人們很多歡樂。另外,我相信和她一起吃飯一定相當有趣!

What will I be in 10 years’ time? 幻想十年後的我 I will be a much sought-after versatile singer who can sing well in different genres including art songs, opera, jazz, and musical theatre. 我會是一位全面的歌唱家,不論是藝術歌曲、歌劇或音樂劇,皆演繹滿意,又定期獲邀參與各類表演。

How can my performance make this world more beautiful? 我的演出如何能美化這個世界?I would love to think that my performance is more than just beautiful, but that it touches the audience. It could transport them to the setting of the music and relieve them from their worries and struggles. It might leave a smile on their faces, trigger old memories, or even give them new inspirations. 我希望我的演出能觸動觀眾、慰藉心靈,陶醉於歌曲的意境中,讓人暫時忘記生活的煩惱。它有可能讓人會心微笑;讓人憶起往事;或讓人從曲詞中得到新的啟發。

Amanda Ng (soprano)吳詩琪(女高音)

School attending 現時就讀之學校 The Education University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and Bachelor of Education (Honours), Year 1香港教育大學 / 創意藝術與文化榮譽文學士及音樂教育榮譽學士一年級

My favourite musical work 最喜愛的樂曲Vitali’s Chaconne韋泰利的《夏康舞曲》

If music is a kind of drink, it should be... 將音樂比喻為飲品,是⋯⋯ Water. It is needed every day. 水!因為每天都需要。

Who do you want to have a dinner with? Why? 你最想和那一位人物吃一頓飯?為什麼?Nikita Zimin. He is my favourite saxophonist. 冼民,他是我最喜愛的薩克管演奏家!

Chan Sze-yuen Peter (saxophone)陳思遠(薩克管)

Peter wishes to become an all-rounded saxophonist!陳思遠希望能成為一位全能


Amanda not only sings well, she also plays the violin, piano, and guzheng well!歌唱了得的吳詩琪,同時也是



Page 11: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

TV Programme Broadcast Date and Time 電視節目播出日期及時間RTHK TV31 Young Music Makers 2019 港台電視 31「樂壇新秀 2019」Every Saturday at 8:30pm in July and August 7、8 月逢星期六晚上 8 時 30 分


Radio Programme Broadcast Date and Time 電台節目播出日期及時間

Profiles of the remaining YMMs can be found in the next issue. 其他新秀的資料將刊於下期《美樂集》

Wong Yu-yan Jessie 黃雨昕 (yangqin 揚琴 )Kung Ka-ho 宮嘉豪 (zhongruan 中阮 )

Yau Kwan-lam 邱君琳 (dizi 笛子 )Kwong Po-ki 鄺保琪 (yangqin 揚琴 )

Tsoi Wai-yin 蔡暐彥(suona 嗩吶)Zhang Jingdan 張戒丹(soprano 女高音)

Tse Miu-shun 謝妙純 (guzheng 古箏 )Amanda Ng 吳詩琪 (soprano 女高音 )

Yeung Ka-wai 楊嘉惠 (erhu 二胡 )Ip Cheng-xin 葉承欣 (marimba 馬林巴琴 )

Leung Tsz-ching Steffi 梁芷菁 (chromatic harmonica 半音階口琴 )Ng Chin-pok Bevis 伍展博 (marimba 馬林巴琴 )

Chan Sze-yuen Peter 陳思遠(saxophone 薩克管)Bethanie Liu 廖雅賢(recorder 牧童笛)















2S (oboe duo 雙簧管二重奏 ) 30/825/8

Young Music Makers 2019樂壇新秀 2019

First broadcast 首播(Sun 星期日 8pm)

Repeat broadcast 重播(Fri 星期五 2pm)

Young Music Makers website樂壇新秀網頁

Bethanie started learning the recorder at age 3. 廖雅賢自三歲開始學習牧童笛。

Tell people that you have become a YMM 我會這樣宣佈自己成為樂壇新秀The recorder is not an easy musical instrument. It has a long history and the instrument carries a beautiful sound. I am honoured to be named a YMM, and am particularly proud to step on stage with the recorder. If you are also playing an unpopular musical instrument, do not concern much about what other people think of you. Keep up your hard work and you will be recognised one day!我想告訴大家:牧童笛不是一件「小學生」的樂器!牧童笛有著悠久的歷史,不妨拋開固有觀念,細心聆聽一下它美妙的樂音吧!我很榮幸以這件看似非主流、不起眼的樂器入選成為樂壇新秀。若你也是在學一些旁人認為「不顯眼」的樂器,不要在乎別人的眼光。如演奏能帶給你快樂,那就堅持下去吧!加油!

Bethanie Liu (recorder)廖雅賢(牧童笛)

School attending 現時就讀之學校 St. Paul’s Co-educational College, Form 4聖保羅男女中學四年級

Other music qualifications 其他學習樂器及取得資歷Piano (LTCL), Flute (ATCL), Organ (ABRSM Grade 6)鋼琴(倫敦聖三一學院高級文憑)、長笛(倫敦聖三一學院文憑)、管風琴(英國皇家音樂學院六級)

Who do you want to have a dinner with? Why? 你最想和那一位人物吃一頓飯?為什麼? I would like to have a dinner with Jacob van Eyck, a blind Dutch composer from the Renaissance. I wish to know his thoughts on how modern recorder players interpret his works and about his journey as a composer. 我最想和文藝復興時期的荷蘭失明作曲家艾克吃一頓飯。我很想問他對現代牧童笛演奏家詮釋他的作品的看法,又想跟他聊聊他的創作心得。


Page 12: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


Sunday Opera salutes the month of July with a pair of pioneering works that inaugurated the influential verismo movement in Italian opera. This will be followed by an early Baroque music drama recognised as the first great opera in the history of music. Variety and contrast will be introduced by a triple bill of one-act gems from Russia and a 20th-century masterpiece of comedy of manners by a German genius.

This pair of terse and explosive melodramas represents the world's most famous examples of a musical style known as verismo (realism) that dominated Italian operatic composition for more than two decades at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries.

Caval ler ia Rust icana (Rust ic Chivalry ) by Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945) is a tale of betrayal and revenge that ends with a duel fought to the death between two men in accordance with the rural customs of Sicily for private settlement of justice and honour.

Pagliacci (Clowns) by Ruggiero Leoncavallo (1857-1919) tells the story of a murder committed during a

7 July: Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana, and Leoncavallo's Pagliacci

There is unanimous agreement among music historians that the first opera, Dafne, was composed by Jacopo Peri in 1597 for the Medici court in Florence. This work is now lost; no trace of the manuscript has been found. Peri's second opera, Euridice, dated 1600, however, has survived and provides valuable information and insight on the birth of this important art form, created during the transition from Renaissance to the Baroque era in western music.

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) is recognised as Italy's most accomplished musician of this period. His first opera, L'Orfeo (Orpheus), composed in 1607 for the Gonzaga court in Mantua, is critically acclaimed to be the first work of this genre to achieve the status of greatness. Monteverdi went on to compose two more operas: Il Ritorno d'Ulisse in Patria (The Return of Odysseus to his Country) of 1641 and L'Incoronazione di Poppea (Poppea's Coronation) of 1642, this last being rated one of the greatest operas of all time.

14 July: Monteverdi's L'Orfeo

The front cover of the first edition of Pagliacci published in Milan in 1892

Orpheus, the hero of the Opera, by Baroque Italian painter Cesare Gennari

Sundays 2:00pm Lo King-man

Cavalleria Rusticana was given its world premiere at the Teatro Costanzi, Rome on 17 May 1890

performance of a clown show in a village in Calabria of southern Italy, on the eve of a mid-summer feast day.

The Mascagni masterpiece features a cast led by soprano Elena Obraztsova and tenor Plácido Domingo, while the powerful melodrama by Leoncavallo is interpreted by soprano Teresa Stratas and tenor Plácido Domingo. They are given exciting support by the Coro e orchestra del Teatro alla Scala di Milano. Georges Prêtre is the conductor.


Page 13: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


The piano and orchestral works of Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943) are justly famous and popular, but not much is known about his operas. He completed three, all short works in a single-act form and all expressed in a deeply emotional musical language so typical of Rachmaninov, the last of the great Romantics.

Aleko, set to a dramatic narrative poem by Alexander Pushkin, was submitted by the 19-year old composer as his graduation examination piece for the Moscow Conservatory. He was awarded the gold medal of 1892. The opera tells a sad story of love, jealousy, and murder in a gypsy community. It was given its premiere in May 1893 at the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow.

The Miserly Knight, another Pushkin story, was composed in 1903-04, when Rachmaninov was employed as a conductor at the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre. It is a tragedy about a nobleman who cares much more about his possession of gold than the salvation of his own soul.

Francesca da Rimini is a tale of illicit passion taken from Dante's Inferno. The work was first performed as a companion piece to The Miserly Knight at the Bolshoi Theatre in January 1906 with the composer conducting.

The recording of these three short operas features soprano Maria Guleghina, baritone Sergei Leiferkus, tenor Sergei Larin, and bass Sergei Aleksashkin in the principal roles, with the Gothenburg Opera Chorus and Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Neeme Järvi.

21 July: Rachmaninov's Aleko, The Miserly Knight, and Francesca da Rimini

L'Orfeo is a fable in music set to a libretto by Alessandro Striggio based on the Greek legend of Orpheus. It tells the story of Orpheus’ descent to the underworld in an unsuccessful attempt to bring his dead bride Eurydice back to the living world. This episode from classical mythology was a favourite subject set to music by many Baroque composers.

In our recording, made at the Pigna Festival, Corsica, in 2006, Orpheus is sung by tenor William Matteuzzi, Eurydice by soprano Sylva Pozzer, Pluto by baritone Loris Bertolo, and Apollo by tenor Gianpaolo Fagotto. Soloists and the ensemble of period instruments are conducted from the cembalo and spinet by Sergio Vartolo.

Rachmaninov (seated) with singers of the first production of his opera Francesca da Rimini

Orpheus and Eurydice by English painter and sculptor Frederic Leighton in 1864


Page 14: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

Prof. Lo King-man, producer, and director of numerous opera productions in

Hong Kong.

Lo King-man


請收聽逢星期一至六黃昏 6 時的藝壇快訊,了解海外及城中最新的藝術資訊。

Tune in to Artbeat every Saturday at noon formore arts happenings around town.

Berlin's state culture minister Klaus Lederer announced that conductor Daniel Barenboim’s contract as Music Director of Berlin's Staatsoper is extended until 2027.

In February, Daniel Barenboim was accused of bullying by several former and current musicians of Berlin’s Staatoper. One of the accusers stated that he suffered from high blood pressure and depression due to Barenboim’s public insults, and needed to take medication before performances.

Klaus Lederer described Barenboim as an “exceptional artist” in a statement. He mentioned that an independent investigation was done by Berlin’s culture ministry, but none of the accusations have been substantiated. He also pointed out that “the large majority of the Orchestra” wanted Barenboim to remain their Music Director. However, he acknowledged the working climate of the opera house has room for improvement, and they will introduce an ombudsman to mediate disputes.

When Barenboim was asked what reflections did he have after the accusations, he said he will express his thoughts to the Orchestra. Over the years he has been perceived as untouchable in Berlin. He has been the Music Director of Berlin’s Staatoper since 1992, and was given the title of “conductor for life” for the Staatskapelle Berlin.

柏林文化部長歷達拿在上月宣佈,柏林國家歌劇院將與音樂總監巴倫邦續約至 2027 年。

今年 2 月,巴倫邦被柏林國家歌劇院樂團多位現任及前樂手指控欺凌,更有樂手表示因為遭受巴倫邦的公然侮辱而患上高血壓及抑鬱症,須在演出前服藥。這項指控卻沒有影響巴倫邦的職務。


當巴倫邦被問及在指控發生後有何反思,他回答說會將想法告訴樂團。他自 1992 年起擔任柏林國家歌劇院的音樂總監,亦於 2000年獲頒柏林國家歌劇院樂團終生首席指揮榮譽,多年來其地位一直被視為不可動搖。

Barenboim’s Contract with Berlin’s Staatoper Extended to 2027柏林國家歌劇院與巴倫邦續約至2027年

Charles Chik 戚家榮 © D


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After shaking the post-Romantic musical world with the shocking immorality of Salome and violent hysteria of Elektra, Richard Strauss (1864-1949) surprised his admirers by composing this delicate, charming comic opera, Mozartian in spirit yet richly romantic in mood and musical language. Der Rosenkavalier (The Knight of the Rose) encapsulates the composer's complex creative personality.

The enduring appeal of this work rests on three important factors: a refined, elegant style, an abundance of beautiful melodies, and the fascinating character of the Marschallin. Der Rosenkavalier is a truly remarkable romantic comedy enveloped in an aura of nostalgia wonderfully recreated by Hugo von Hofmannsthal's libretto and Richard Strauss' music.

A fine recording will be presented for your enjoyment, in which the role of the Marschallin is interpreted by soprano Anna Tomowa-Sintow. Her young lover Octavian is portrayed by mezzo soprano Agnes Baltsa. Sophie, the young bride, is sung by soprano Janet Perry. Baron Ochs, the comic country bumpkin, is taken by bass Kurt Moll. They are strongly supported by a team of principal soloists performing with the Vienna State Opera Chorus and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Herbert von Karajan.

28 July: Richard Strauss' Der Rosenkavalier

The stage design of Richard Strauss’ Der Rosenkavalier in Salzburger Festspiele in 2014



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Page 15: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

While hosting my last series of Jazzing Up, I hit upon the idea of using contrasting interpretations of a standard tune by different artists each week as the opening signature tune. It worked so well with Harlem Nocturne that I reprised the idea for this series with the classic Caravan, written by Duke Ellington and Juan Tizol, and

One of the most interesting interpretations of Caravan comes from a collaboration between Ellington, drummer Max Roach, and bassist/composer Charles Mingus on the album Money Jungle from 1963. It begins with a riff down Roach’s tom-toms followed by very high bass pizzicatos from Mingus. Then Ellington enters with a series of deep, dissonant chords crashing along in parallel motion. It’s an extraordinarily dark and menacing beginning. The recording session was troubled, with stylistic disagreements among the performers, who had decided not to rehearse together before the recording session. Mingus and Roach were bebop players who preferred a wild, virtuosic approach, while Ellington was one of the originators of swing. Some 20 years their senior, he favoured a more elegant and refined style. Ellington had originally told the others that he didn’t want the recording to consist exclusively of his own compositions. Mingus, being a composer himself, had hopes that some of his compositions would be featured. However, on the day of the session, Ellington insisted quite the opposite and only one non-Ellington piece made the cut. Tension between the trio grew until finally Mingus walked out, frustrated by Roach’s drumming in spite of the fact that Mingus had insisted that Roach be hired for the session. Ellington managed to calm Mingus and the recording resumed, and has become one of the most influential releases yet.

Mingus was known for his temper. In fact, he had years earlier played with Ellington’s band for four days before being fired for a fight with another musician. Accounts differ, but either Mingus deliberately played a passage an octave higher than written, or he missed a note and denied it. At any rate, the other player called Mingus out, angry words were exchanged, and a weapon was drawn (either switchblade knife, fire axe, or metal bar — and who drew the weapon is also debated) before the fight was stopped by a third band member. The player who stopped the fight was trumpeter Clark Terry, who had boxed when younger, and who reported in his autobiography that the group went on to play a gig together moments later. The musician Mingus fought? None other than Juan Tizol, composer of Caravan.

Please join me, Christopher Coleman every Saturday at 10pm, to hear the work of these fabulous musicians and much more on Radio 4’s Jazzing Up.

Ellington, Mingus, and Roach

7 月份的爵士靈感 ( 英語節目 ),主持高爾文從 Caravan 說起⋯⋯除了選用這首標準爵士樂作品成

為節目的開場音樂之外,亦會介紹 Duke Ellington 在 1936 年首次灌錄 Caravan 的版本,以及 Duke

Ellington 跟 Max Roach 與 Charles Mingus 的合作。節目逢星期六晚上 10 時播出,不容錯過。

A Case of Temper

Christopher Coleman is a composer, conductor, and trombonist and leader of Hong Kong's Big Swingin' Band.

Saturdays 10:00pm

Christopher Coleman

Christopher Coleman


which was given its premiere by the Ellington Orchestra in 1936. It is often said that America is a melting pot of cultures, and jazz is the voice of that melting pot. Nothing makes the point better than a song about a Middle-Eastern journey jointly written by a black man from Washington, DC, a Puerto Rican trombonist, and a Jewish lyricist from Ukraine. Mercer Ellington, Duke’s son, credited the melody to Tizol, who also wrote the jazz standard Perdido. Juan Tizol was originally from Puerto Rico and did much to bring the Latin sound to New York City. He was thought of as one of the finer musicians in the group and didn’t play an ordinary trombone, but a valve trombone that uses, instead of a slide, a set of valves like a trumpet’s, allowing for more fluent rapid playing.

JULY 2019

The Duke Ellington Orchestra with Duke Ellington conducting in 1936


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Page 16: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


One of the oldest fabricated instruments, the flute has been enthralling us and our prehistoric ancestors for over 40,000 years, since the Paleolithic era. Originally carved from animal bone and wood, it is present in every culture worldwide.

A Magical JourneyOn Sundays at 10am this July and August, I am delighted to guide you through the world of the flute. On our magical acoustic journey, we will delve into each episode with titbits about the instrument’s technological development from its more primitive forms to the metal marvel it is today, the stories and history behind the pieces we will be hearing, and other fascinating trivia to help us better savour all the aural delights served up by the flautists and their fellow performers.

Baroque BeginningsIn our first episode, we will explore the wonderful Baroque and Classical compositions for flute, and

My pencil sketch of bone flute

My professional gold flute with silver keys

The Modern FluteThe Western concert flute as we know it today is, by contrast, an extremely modern invention. To me, it is an aesthetically beautiful instrument in all ways. It catches the eye with its gleaming metallic shine,

Cleo Leung Cleo Leung studied flute performance

and orchestral studies at the University of Cincinnati College-

Conservatory of Music, and taught at the University of Dayton.


其動人的聲響吸引了無數作曲家為它譜寫樂曲。由 7 月份起逢星期日早上 10 時,梁敏瑩在一連八



The Wide World of Flute The Wide World of Flute Sundays 10:00am Cleo Leung

silver, gold, and platinum. Its singing sound captivates with a wide palette of tone colours, allowing artists to play expressively and evocatively. I remember when I first heard the flute as an elementary school student. I could get neither its sound nor the vision of the older student demonstrating out of my head. I was hooked. All I wanted was to have that lilting silvery voice for my own, flourish those thrilling trilling runs, and be that figure with the gleaming flute. After over two decades of study, a doctorate degree, and years as a professional artist and teacher, I am still as enthralled as ever with my instrument, and all the possibilities and permutations in style and performance it encompasses.

hear recordings made both with period instruments and modern instruments. Next, we will visit the wealth of dazzling virtuosic French works. The advent of the modern Boehm-system flute allowed for great technical leaps forward in the mid-19th century, and the Paris Conservatory French flute school that came into being around that time was the origin of contemporary flute pedagogy worldwide. In the third episode, we will hear works by non-French composers from that same 19th–20th-century era. After all, though they did have an immeasurable impact on flute-craft, the French did not have a monopoly on new compositions! Finally, we will consider works by living composers, and all the ways modern aesthetics, musical styles, and creation of non-standard extended techniques have augmented our repertoire.

Orchestral ShineMoving on from just examining repertoire by time period, we will take a special look into the flute’s ability to stand out and arrest our interest in different settings. In the first episode of this second half of the series, we will listen to dazzling orchestral features, where the flute and its unique colours and sensibility shine through, allowing composers to spotlight the instrument in larger-scale compositions. Naturally following that, in the next episode, we will hear concerto works and other solos with orchestra, where the flute is given the ultimate spotlight to dazzle against the backdrop of the large ensemble. In the third episode, we will explore the flute in a chamber music setting, with small ensemble works including ensembles with instrument combinations you may not expect to ever find together such as the flute doubling on piccolo, with a viola, and contrabass. Unlikely friends that make wonderful music! Finally, we will listen to the wealth of works for flute alone, a category that holds incredible depth and complexity.

I am looking forward to exploring all of these styles and ways in which the flute shines with you, episode by episode.


Page 17: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


第六十六屆「國際作曲家交流會議」於5月中,在阿根廷的巴里洛切 (Bariloche) 舉行。







團 Orquesta de Instrumentos Autóctonos y Nuevas Tecnologías Untref 在音樂總監

羅斯 (Alejandro Iglesias Rossi) 帶領下演出。



The 66th ‘International Rostrum of Composers’ was held in Bariloche, Argentina, in May. The event was hosted outside Europe for the first time. This year, a total of 50 works were submitted from 27 countries and regions. The Rostrum 2019 winning pieces were selected by all delegates. The winner composers were from Slovenia (General category) and Latvia (under-30-years category) respectively.

This month, Radio 4 host Raymond Chung and I will present the International Rostrum of Composers 2019 (Cantonese programme) every Saturday at 8pm. We will bring you the winning pieces and recommended works, as well as three Hong Kong–selected works written by Chris Hung, Galison Lau, and Austin Yip. Don’t miss this opportunity to listen to great new music from the world!



The Rostrum’s Opening Concert at the Bariloche Cathedral 在巴里洛切大教堂舉行「國際作曲家交流會議」開幕音樂會

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Major newspaper report of the Rostrum in Patagonia, Argentina阿根廷巴塔哥尼亞主要的報章報導會議情況

逢星期六晚上 8時正 Anthony Cheng 鄭汝森




奏多首皮亞蘇拉 (Astor Piazzolla) 經典的探戈樂曲。南美人熱情的款待,真讓我們陶醉極了!

7 月份,我和主持鍾子豪將在「國際作曲家交流會議 2019」節目介紹獲選的十首頂尖佳作,三首三十歲以下獲選的作品,以及由洪銘健、劉


5BOHP�JO�#BSJMPDIF攨䞕涸䱳䧢���呏䒄䊼ꅽ峫ⴗ國際作曲家交流會議 2019國際作曲家交流會議 2019International Rostrum of ComposersInternational Rostrum of Composers


Page 18: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演






楊曉宇的巴格尼尼-香港兒童交響樂團週年音樂會2019Yang Xiaoyu’s Paganini - Hong Kong Children's Symphony Orchestra Annual Concert 2019當幼苗得到高質素的音樂教育,就能茁壯成長,成為


1996 年成立香港兒童交響樂團並出任音樂總監。音樂




1/7 香港浸會大學交響樂團週年音樂會 2019Hong Kong Baptist University Symphony Orchestra Annual Gala Concert 2019作為香港歷史最悠久的大學交響樂團之一,香港浸會大





詩詞傳頌音樂會Contemporary Choral Compositions of Chinese Poems Concert透過作曲家的十八首原創音樂,以兩文三語的詩詞入




香港愛樂管樂團週年音樂會 2019Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia Annual Concert 2019 香港愛樂管樂團在音樂總監鍾健指揮下,世界首演本地





音樂事務處週年大匯演 2019Music Office Annual Gala 2019今年的週年大匯演有音樂事務處青年合唱團、香港青年





1/7 15/7



Gladys Lau 劉建婷逢星期一晚上 8時正

In Hong Kong, we are able to create, to perform and to encounter music from childhood to adulthood. Such a lifetime learning journey is wonderful for all music lovers. Starting from July, strong forces of young musicians will be featured on Monday at 8pm. Youth in Harmony, hosted by Cleo Leung and Gladys Lau, brings you marvellous performances and annual galas. This month, you will hear five concerts performed by orchestras, bands, and choirs from LCSD’s Music Office, the Hong Kong Baptist University Symphony Orchestra, the Hong Kong Children’s Orchestra, various local choirs, and the Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia. Stay tuned.



Page 19: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演
Page 20: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

音樂神探 – 戚家榮



7 月調查的案件包括:

6/7 韋華第:夏天

13/7 孟德爾遜:仲夏夜之夢

20/7 皮亞蘇拉:布宜諾斯艾利斯之夏

27/7 格拉祖諾夫:夏天


愛樂 Coffee Chat – 馬盈盈


的《水之嬉戲》(Jeux d'eau) 波光粼粼;舒曼的《夢幻曲》

(Träumerei) 連綿溫柔;巴托的《觸技曲》(Toccata) 則是從頭到





別的演奏技巧。你可以登入 radio4.rthk.hk重溫他們的精彩介紹


穿越音樂時空 – 黃嘉浩

週末時份,讀讀音樂歷史書也是不錯的選擇。7 月份要跟你介紹不少


1877 年 7 月 6 日



1942 年 7 月 19 日


國首演,由托斯卡尼尼領導 NBC 交響樂團演出,更獲全國現場廣播,


1882 年 7 月 26 日




Raymond Chung 鍾子豪開放時間 : 逢星期六下午 2 時正

Join Raymond Chung, Toby Wong, Rachel Lee, Charles Chik, and Tina Ma in Café 976 (Cantonese programme) every Saturday at 2pm to get a taste of something special, inspiring, interesting and to expand your musical knowledge.

音樂營直擊 – 李諾君







© K





Page 21: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

JULY 2019

19 JUL 22 JUL

26 JUL 29 JUL

5 JUL 8 JUL 12 JUL

15 JUL



Page 22: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

















Chan Chi-chun 陳子晉

從民族音樂學看中國音樂逢星期五下午 3 時正

民族音樂學 (Ethnomusicology) 的前身為盛行於十九世紀睌期的比較音樂學 (Comparative Musicology)。其研究主要以歐洲以外的民族作為對象,強調科學及系統的調查方法。惟其研究方

法多以歐洲自身音樂系統及概念去了解其他民族的音樂,此等極具歐洲中心主義論 (Eurocentric)的研究方法,實未能全面了解不同文化及地區的音樂。及後,民族音樂學漸向人類學的研究方法

靠攏,並強調田野工作 (f ieldwork)。至上世紀六十年代,學者莫利音 (Alan Merriam) 提出民族音

樂學應以「文化中的音樂」(music in culture) 作為研究方向。及後,他將此學科重新定義為「將

音樂視為文化」 (music as culture)。此定義影響深遠,確立了民族音樂學的研究框架。至今,不




This month in Music from China (Cantonese programme), which broadcasts every Friday at 3pm, Chan Chi-chun invites three ethnomusicologists, Frederick Lau, Priscilla Tse, and Law Ho-chak, to discuss a wide range of ethnomusicological issues, including gender, politics, etc.






Page 23: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

Date 日期 Highlights 重點推介

18/7Thu 四


23/7Tue 二2:00pm

Repeat 重播

12/7Fri 五



17/7Wed 三2:00pm

Repeat 重播

When Janoska Meets HKCOSince 2014, the three Janoska brothers from Bratislava and their brother-in-law have been ingeniously synthesising many genres of music, from classical and jazz to Latin and pop, in their renowned Janoska style, with abundant joy in music-making and unforgettable stage presence. In this concert with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra under the direction of Chew Hee-chiat, they give us a fresh encounter of East-European and Chinese music traditions and creations, as the two ensembles team up in classical favourites and give the world premiere of Ng King-pan’s Next, Station Moon, a work commissioned especially for the occasion.Janoska Ensemble





Lio Kuokman Conducts Novosibirsk Philharmonic OrchestraLio Kuokman conducts at the Vadim Repin Trans-Siberian Art Festival, leading the famed Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra in the boisterous overture to Glinka’s Ruslan and Ludmila and Tchaikovsky’s powerful Fifth Symphony. The Orchestra, acclaimed as one of the top orchestras in Russia, is joined by Pablo Ferrández, prize winner of the International Tchaikovsky Competition 2015. The cellist, on his birthday, plays Haydn’s Cello Concerto No. 1 on his unique 1696 Stradivarius instrument.




正是大提琴家費蘭迪斯生辰,此位 2015 年國際柴可夫斯基大賽得獎者,以1696 年製的史特拉

第瓦里名琴與樂團合作,拉奏海頓的第一大提琴協奏曲。Lio Kuokman, conductor 指揮:廖國敏

© G


l Leu




The RTHK Chamber Soloists香港電台室樂演奏家

The RTHK Chamber Soloists – French RhapsodyEnjoy a rhapsodic French evening with 'The RTHK Chamber Soloists'. Le Hoai-nam (violin), Andrew Ling (violin and viola), Laurent Perrin (cello), John Schertle (clarinet), and Colleen Lee (piano) engage in dynamic interplay in music by four iconic French composers: Debussy’s Rhapsody for Clarinet, Poulenc’s Clarinet Sonata, Ravel’s Sonatina for Piano, and Saint-Saëns’ Piano Quartet in B flat, a beautifully balanced work that is a staple in the piano quartet repertoire.

19/7Fri 五


24/7Wed 三2:00pm

Repeat 重播


雅諾斯卡家庭的三兄弟,來自斯洛伐克的伯拉第斯拉瓦,他們與連襟組成樂團。自 2013 年起一直將古典、爵士、拉丁、流行多種元素


東歐與中國的傳統及創新音樂在這場節目驚喜相遇,帶來多首樂迷至愛經典,更會世界首演委約作品 ─ 伍敬彬的《下一站,月球》。

香港電台室樂演奏家 — 法國狂想曲



衡、悠揚動人的降 B 大調鋼琴四重奏。充滿活力的合奏演出,為樂迷呈獻一夜法式狂想。


Page 24: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


Date 日期 Highlights 重點推介

30/7Tue 二


ECHO Rising Stars – Arod Quartet'Rising Stars' is a series presented by the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO) since 1995, where each year ECHO selects and introduces exceptional young artists to new international audiences at its member halls. Radio 4 broadcasts six concerts from the series from July to August.

This particular programme highlights the Arod Quartet, established in 2013 and hailed by the Gramophone as having "a youthful ardour that catches the music on the wing". At the impressive Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon, the ensemble performs Mozart’s String Quartet in B flat, which was dedicated to Haydn, and Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 9, ‘Razumovksy’, a brilliant display of the composer’s musical genius exploring formal boundaries.

歐洲音樂廳協會「新星」系列 — 亞羅四重奏

自1995 年起,歐洲音樂廳協會舉辦「新星」系列,每年發掘才華過人的年青音樂家,向協會旗下音樂廳引薦,介紹予各地觀眾。第四台由

本月至 8月,將播放「新星」系列其中六場音樂會。


開發曲式結構的第九弦樂四重奏「拉蘇莫夫斯基」。亞羅四重奏成立於 2013 年,獲《留聲機》雜誌讚揚具備「一股乘着音樂飛翔的青春


Arod Quartet亞羅四重奏

© Jo






Mon : Art Songs Isaac DroschaTue : Zooming In Livia Lin星期三 : 字得其樂 黎慧因

星期四 : 今日話當年 馬盈盈

Fri : The Golden Voices Lo King-man星期六 : 碟碟不休 胡銘堯

星期日 : 樂在神州 陳子晉

Mon – Fri 星期一至五 : 7:55am, 12:55pm, 7:55pmWeekends 周末 : 9:55am, 4:55pm, 7:55pm

- be in touch in 3 minutes


Page 25: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

(1st b/c: Wed)( 首播:星期三 )

(1st b/c: Thu)( 首播:星期四 )

(1st b/c: Fri)( 首播:星期五 )

(1st b/c: Sat)( 首播:星期六 )

Morning Call with Stacey Rodda清晨妙韻 盧廸思

In Touchwith Music程迷古典Colin Touchin


Play by Ear週末隨想

Synthia Ko高德儀

ArtbeatStacey Rodda


Sunday Morningon 4

週日早晨Isaac Droscha


Non-stop Classics美樂無休

Stacey Rodda / Ben Pelletier / Synthia Ko盧廸思 / 彭禮傑 / 高德儀

Four for Classics with Livia Lin

Jazz and more... with Kathy Lam

New Releases (Mon & Fri) 碟碟不休 ( 星期一及五 )

Music à la Carte (Tue & Thu : Chinese Music)午間精點 ( 星期二及四:中樂篇 )Dennis Wu / Jenny Lee / Charles Chik / Daphne Lee 胡銘堯 /李嘉盈 /戚家榮 /李德芬

Live on 4 第四台音樂會(Repeat 重播 )

Church Service主日崇拜

Songs of the Earth 大地之歌

Janet Yau 游慧姿

Piano Exams 2019鋼琴考試講座Warren Lee 李偉安

Piano Exams 2019鋼琴考試講座Warren Lee 李偉安

Children’s Corner親親童樂日

Nancy Loo 羅乃新

Music from China樂在神州

Chan Chi-chun 陳子晉

When Words Meet Music與文同樂

Shing Chun-hay 成俊曦

C a n t i l e n a自投羅網

Nancy Loo羅乃新 / Kathy Lam 林家琦

When Words Meet Music與文同樂

Sunday Opera 歌劇世界Lo King-man


Café 976週末咖啡館

Raymond Chung& Friends


Alex Tam譚天樂

(1st Sunday 首個週日)

Tunes toRemember人約黃昏後

Joanne Tam / Emma Liu譚綺旻 / 廖碧楨


Wendy Ng伍穎文

Jazzing Up爵士靈感

Christopher Coleman高爾文

Young Music Makers

(Repeat 重播 )

Human Voices人聲

Gladys Lau 劉建婷

Keyboard Music鍵盤音樂

Daphne Lee 李德芬

Chamber Music室樂

Raymond Chung 鍾子豪

Original Soundtrack電影原聲配樂

Charles Chik 戚家榮

Live on 4 第四台音樂會

Presenters' Choice美樂同行




Music Journal音樂備忘錄

Calvin Lai 賴建群

The Wide World of Flute 長笛音樂巡禮

Cleo Leung 梁敏瑩


Young Music Makers樂壇新秀

Rachel Lee 李諾君

Hidden Gems巨匠遺珠

Lesley Chan 陳家曦

International Rostrum of

Composers 2019國際作曲家

交流會議 2019Raymond Chung / Anthony Cheng

鍾子豪 / 鄭汝森

Youth in Harmony音符出少年

Cleo Leung / Gladys Lau梁敏瑩 / 劉建婷


Page 26: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

1/7/2019 (Mon 星期一 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Wang Zhijong (v)Shanghai Phil. Orch. / Zhang YiKorngold: Violin Concerto in D, Op. 35 25’Wagner (Vlieger arr.): Excerpts from “Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg” 51’

Recorded at Concert Hall, Symphony Hall, Shanghai, on 24/3/2018.

王之炅(小提琴)上海愛樂樂團 / 張藝哥高迪:D 大調小提琴協奏曲,作品 35華格納(迪夫利格改編):《紐倫堡名歌手》選段

2018 年 3 月 24 日上海交響樂團音樂廳錄音。

8:00pm Youth in Harmony 音符出少年Music Office Annual Gala 2019Music Office Youth Cho. / Angelina AuJosie Yau (p)Lotti: Crucifixus 3’Fauré: Les Djinns, Op. 12 5’Dorsey (Sevier arr.): Precious Lord 3’Alwood (Kirchner arr.): Unclouded Day 2’

Hong Kong Youth Strings / Joseph KamMendelssohn: Sinfonia for String Orchestra No. 2 in D 10’Sibelius: Valse Triste, Op. 44, No. 1 2’

Hong Kong Youth Sym. Orch. / Lee Sing-wanRachmaninov: Symphonic Dances Op. 45, 1st mov’t 11’ Capriccio Bohemien, Op. 12 8’

Hong Kong Youth Symphonic Band / Pak Wing-hengReed: La Fiesta Mexicana 24’

Hong Kong Youth Chinese Orch. / Tsui Ying-faiPeng Xiuwen: Fantasia, “Terra Cotta Warriors” 20’

Presented by Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Recorded at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall on 31/3/2019.

音樂事務處週年大匯演 2019

音樂事務處青年合唱團 / 區雁珠邱文靜(鋼琴)洛提:被釘十字架上 佛瑞:精靈 ,作品 12多爾斯(西菲爾改編):尊貴的主 柯活特(紀傑納改編):無雲的日子

Page 27: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


香港青年弦樂團 / 甘浩鵬孟德爾遜;D 大調第二弦樂交響曲 西貝流士:悲傷圓舞曲 ,作品 44,第一首

香港青年交響樂團 / 李星雲拉赫曼尼諾夫:交響舞曲,作品 45,第一樂章 波希米亞隨想曲,作品 12

香港青年管樂團 / 白榮亨里德:墨西哥節日

香港青年中樂團 / 徐英輝彭修文:幻想曲《秦 ˙ 兵馬俑》

康樂及文化事務署主辦。2019 年 3 月 31 日香港文化中心音樂廳錄音。

2/7/2019 (Tue 星期二 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Torroella de Montgrí Music FestivalEva del Campo (positive organ)Xavier Puertas (db)Tenebrae / Nigel ShortCererols: Salve Regina 6’ Missa de Batalla 18’Victoria: Officium Defunctorum, Missa pro Defunctis 44’ Recorded at Church of Sant Genís, Torroella de Montgrí, on 8/8/2018.

托羅埃利亞德蒙特格里音樂節迪甘寶(小管風琴)普爾塔斯(低音大提琴)黑暗合唱團 / 梭德佘里羅斯:萬福女皇 戰鬥彌撒曲維多利亞:安魂曲,亡靈彌撒曲

2018 年 8 月 8 日托羅埃利亞德蒙特格里聖捷尼斯


8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Klarafestival - International Brussels Music FestivalTana String QuartetAdámek: String Quartet No. 2, ‘Lo que no’contamo’ 19’Boesmans: String Quartet No. 2, ‘Summer Dreams’ 25’Bartók: String Quartet No. 4 23’

Reorded at Henry Le Boeuf Hall, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, on 16/3/2019.

克拉拉音樂節 — 布魯塞爾國際音樂節


2019 年 3 月 16 日布魯塞爾美術中心亨利 ˙ 李 ˙


3/7/2019 (Wed 星期三 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Osmo Vänskä | Finnish AdventureKari Kriikku (cl)Hong Kong Phil. Orch. / Osmo VänskäSibelius: Finlandia, Op. 26 Symphony No. 2 in D, Op. 43Lindberg: Clarinet Concerto

Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Society. Recorded at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall on 28/6/2019.


基里古(單簧管)香港管弦樂團 / 梵士奇西貝流士:芬蘭頌,作品 26 D 大調第二交響曲,作品 43連保:單簧管協奏曲

香港管弦協會主辦。2019 年 6 月 28 日香港文化中心音樂廳錄音。

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Stefan Dohr (fh)Shanghai Phil. Orch. / Jörg Iwe rIwer: On a Wave of Snow, for Four Horns and Orchestra 12’R. Strauss: Horn Concerto in E flat 18’Bruckner: Symphony No. 7 in E 65’

Recorded at Concert Hall, Symphony Hall, Shanghai, on 14/4/2018.

多爾(圓號)上海愛樂樂團 / 伊韋爾伊韋爾:為四支圓號與樂團而寫的在一波雪之上李察 ˙ 史特勞斯:降 E 大調圓號協奏曲布魯克納:E 大調第七交響曲

2018 年 4 月 14 日上海交響樂團交響音樂廳錄音。

4/7/2019 (Thu 星期四 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Philippe Entremont + CCOHKPhilippe Entremont (p & cond)City Ch. Orch. of Hong KongBeethoven: Overture to “The Creatures of Prometheus”, Op. 43 Piano Concerto No. 4 in G, Op. 58 Symphony No. 3 in E flat, Op. 55, ‘Eroica’

Presented by City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong. Recorded at Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall on 26/6/2019.


安替蒙(鋼琴、指揮)香港城市室樂團貝多芬:《普羅米修斯的創造物》序曲,作品43 G 大調第四鋼琴協奏曲,作品 58 降 E 大調第三交響曲,作品 55,「英雄」

香港城市室樂團主辦。2019 年 6 月 26 日香港大會


8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Vadim Repin Trans-Siberian Art FestivalVadim Repin (v)Andrei Korobeinikov (p)Debussy: Violin Sonata 13’Prokofiev: Violin Sonata No. 1 in F minor, Op. 80 30’Bartók: Rhapsody No. 1 for Violin and Piano 10’Grieg: Violin Sonata No. 3 in C minor, Op. 45 25’

Recorded at Arnold Kats State Concert Hall,Novosibirsk, on 26/3/2018.


利賓(小提琴)高羅比尼哥夫(鋼琴)德布西:小提琴奏鳴曲浦羅歌菲夫:F小調第一小提琴奏鳴曲,作品80巴托:小提琴與鋼琴第一狂想曲葛利格:C 小調第三小提琴奏鳴曲,作品 45

2018 年 3 月 26 日新西伯利亞阿諾卡茲國家音樂廳錄音。

Vadim Repin利賓

© K





Page 28: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

7/7/2019 (Sun 星期日 )

2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana 75’Santuzza: Elena Obraztsova (s)Turiddu: Plácido Domingo (t)Cho. & Orch. of La Scala Opera House of Milan / Georges Prêtre

Leoncavallo: Pagliacci 72’Pagliacci: Plácido Domingo (t)Colombina: Teresa Stratas (s)Taddeo: Juan Pons (br)Cho. & Orch. of La Scala Opera House of Milan/ Georges Prêtre

馬斯康尼:鄉村騎士山杜莎:奧伯沙素華(女高音)圖里杜:杜鳴高(男高音)米蘭史卡拉歌劇院樂團及合唱團 / 柏烈特

利安卡法洛:丑角丑角:杜鳴高(男高音)哥倫比娜:史拉特絲(女高音)泰迪奧:璜·龐士(男中音)米蘭史卡拉歌劇院樂團及合唱團 / 柏烈特

8:00pm YOUNG MUSIC MAKERS 樂壇新秀Wong Yu-yan Jessie (yangqin)Huang Naiwei (p)Liu Xisheng, Li Hangtao: Spring of the Red River 6’Liu Huirong, Zhou Yuguo: Song of Recollection 10’

Presented by RTHK Radio 4. Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 21/12/2018.

Kung Ka-ho (zhongruan)Ancient tune (Liu Xing, Li Yongdi arr.): Mist and Cloud over the Xiao Xiang River 10’Liu Xing: Narcissistic 5’

Presented by RTHK Radio 4. Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 07/12/2018.


Kung Ka-ho宮嘉豪

Wong Yu-yan Jessie黃雨昕

5/7/2019 (Fri 星期五 )2:00pm THE 71ST HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL (REPEAT) 第七十一屆香港學校音樂節(重播)Prize-winners’ Concert優勝者音樂會

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Serenata Española – A musical tour of the Iberian Peninsula for twoXavier de Maistre (h)Lucero Tena (castanet)

With “Serenata Española”, the French harpist Xavier de Maistre has joined forces with the legendary castanet player Lucero Tena to form an exciting duo. The two artists met for the first time after a concert in Madrid in 2015, when de Maistre was instantly captivated by the personality of Spain’s musical ambassador.

Presented by Le French May. Recorded at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall on 18/6/2019.

西班牙小夜曲 — 歐洲伊伯利亞半島音樂雙驕

薩米耶 ˙ 狄 ˙ 梅斯特(豎琴)盧塞羅 ˙ 泰娜(響板)

法國豎琴家薩米耶 ˙ 狄 ˙ 梅斯特及西班牙響板大師盧塞羅 ˙ 泰娜,一同攜手獻上這場精彩合奏。他們於 2015 年在馬德里舉行的一場演奏會後初次碰面,二人的合作擦出不一樣的火花,效果空前出色,其後更在世界各地一同演出。

法國五月主辦。2019 年 6 月 18 日香港文化中心


8/7/2019 (Mon 星期一 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 3/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 3 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm YOUTH IN HARMONY 音符出少年Yang Xiaoyu’s Paganini - Hong Kong Children's Symphong Orchestra Annual Concert 2019

6/7/2019 (Sat 星期六 )8:00pm International Rostrum of Composers 2019 國際作曲家交流會議 2019Petra Strahovnik (Slovenia): Prana 12’J�kabs Janèevskis (Latvia): When 10’斯他可夫力(斯洛文尼亞):普拉納楊切夫斯基士(拉脫維亞):何時

黃雨昕(揚琴) 黃乃威(鋼琴)劉希聖、李航濤:紅河的春天


香港電台第四台主辦。2018 年 12 月 21 日香港電台二號錄播室錄音。


香港電台第四台主辦。2018 年 12 月 07 日香港電台二號錄播室錄音。

Lucero Tena 盧塞羅˙泰娜

Xavier de Maistre薩米耶˙狄˙梅斯特

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Page 29: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


Hong Kong Children’s Sym. Orch. / Fan TaoYip Wai-hong: Symphony in E 37’

Yang Xiaoyu (v)Milstein: Paganiniana, Variations on a theme by Paganini 7’

Yang Xiaoyu (v)Hong Kong Children’s Sym. Orch. / Jeff LeungPaganini: Violin Concerto No. 1 in D, Op. 6 35’

Presented by Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra. Recorded at Tsuen Wan Town HallAuditorium on 27/4/2019.

楊曉宇的巴格尼尼 - 香港兒童交響樂團週年音樂會 2019香港兒童交響樂團 / 范燾葉惠康:E 音上的交響曲


楊曉宇(小提琴)香港兒童交響樂團 / 梁書銘巴格尼尼:D 大調第一小提琴協奏曲,作品 6

香港兒童交響樂團主辦。2019 年 4 月 27 日荃灣大會堂演奏廳錄音。

9/7/2019 (Tue 星期二 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 4/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 4 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Anaïs Gaudemard (h)René: Légend 10’Debussy: Clair de lune 4’Fauré: Impromptu, Op. 86 8’Zabel: La source, Op. 23 5’Pépin: Nighthawks, after the picture by Edward Hopper 9’Glinka (Balakirev arr.): The Lark 5’Smetana (Trneèek arr.): Vltava 10’

Recorded at Philharmonie de Paris on 16/12/2018.

高迪瑪爾(豎琴)里尼:傳說德布西:月光佛瑞:即興曲,作品 86沙貝爾:源頭,作品 23柏頻:夜遊者,根據霍普的畫作而寫葛令卡(巴拉基列夫改編):雲雀史密塔納(替爾尼傑克改編):摩爾道河

2018 年 12 月 16 日巴黎愛樂廳錄音。

10/7/2019 (Wed 星期三 )

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 5/7/2019, 8:00pm

節目與 2019 年 7 月 5 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Antonio García (o)Bern Ch. Orch. / Philippe BachBarber: Toccata, Op. 36a 15’Poulenc: Concerto for Organ, Timpani and Strings in G minor 23’Rheinberger: Organ Concerto in F, Op. 137 24’

Recorded at French Church, Bern, on 11/1/2019.

嘉斯亞(管風琴)伯恩室樂團 / 菲利浦 ˙ 巴赫巴伯:觸技曲,作品 36a浦朗克:為管風琴、定音鼓與弦樂而寫的 G 小調協奏曲

萊恩寶格:F 大調管風琴協奏曲,作品 137

2019 年 1 月 11 日伯恩法國教堂錄音。

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Antonio García嘉斯亞

11/7/2019 (Thu 星期四 )

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 6/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 6 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Vadim Repin Trans-Siberian Art FestivalKonstantin Lifschitz (p)Bach: English Suite Nos. 1–6, BWV807–811 118’Bernstein: Piano Sonata (1st & 2nd mov’t) 3’ Touches 10’

Recorded at Arnold Kats State Concert Hall, Novosibirsk, on 10/3/2018.

12/7/2019 (Fri 星期五 )


Prog. as 7/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 7 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會When Janoska Meets HKCOArpad Janoska (vocal)Bandi Janoska (v)Janoska EnsembleHong Kong Chinese Orch. / Chew Hee-chiatMozart: Overture to ‘‘Le nozze di Figaro’’McCartney: YesterdayFrantišek Janoska: Rumba für AmadeusAncient tune (Qin Pengzhang, Luo Zhongrong, and F. Janoska arr.): Moonlight on the Spring RiverMonti (F. Janoska arr.): CsárdásChew Hee-chiat: Orchestra Suite No. 2Johann Strauss, Jr. (Janoska Ensemble, Ng King-pan arr.): Fledermaus – Ouverture à la JanoskaJanoska Ensemble and Niccolo Paganini (F. Janoska, Ng King-pan arr.): Paganinoska Ng King-pan: Next, Station Moon

Presented by Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. Live from Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall.


亞帕特 ˙ 雅諾斯卡(人聲)班迪 ˙ 雅諾斯卡(小提琴)雅諾斯卡樂團香港中樂團 / 周熙杰莫扎特:《費加洛的婚禮》序曲麥卡尼:昨日弗朗蒂謝克 ˙ 雅諾斯卡:阿瑪迪斯的倫巴舞曲 古曲(秦鵬章、羅忠鎔、弗朗蒂謝克.雅諾斯卡 改編):春江花月夜蒙堤(弗朗蒂謝克.雅諾斯卡改編):查爾達斯 周熙杰:樂隊組曲 II小約翰 ˙ 史特勞斯(雅諾斯卡樂團、伍敬彬改編): 雅諾斯卡版的蝙蝠序曲雅諾斯卡樂團、巴格尼尼(弗朗蒂謝克.雅諾斯 卡、伍敬彬改編):巴格尼諾斯卡伍敬彬:下一站,月球



列夫席茲(鋼琴)巴赫:第一至第六英國組曲,BWV806–811伯恩斯坦:鋼琴奏鳴曲(第一及第二樂章) 觸鍵

2018 年 3 月 10 日新西伯利亞阿諾卡茲國家音樂廳錄音。


Page 30: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

14/7/2019 (Sun 星期日 )

2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界Monteverdi: L'Orfeo 138’Orpheus: William Matteuzzi (t)Eurydice: Sylva Pozzer (s)Pluto: Loris Bertolo (br)Apollo: Gianpaolo Fagotto (t)Soloists and the ensemble of period instruments / Sergio Vartolo蒙台威爾弟:奧菲歐奧爾菲斯:馬圖茲(男高音)尤麗迪采:浦莎(女高音)布魯托:貝托羅(男中音)阿波羅:法葛圖(男高音)獨奏者與古樂器合奏團 / 華多洛

15/7/2019 (Mon 星期一 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 10/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 10 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm YOUTH IN HARMONY 音符出少年Hong Kong Baptist University Symphony Orchestra Annual Gala Concert 2019Andrew von Oeyen (p)Hong Kong Baptist University Sym. Orch. / Johnny M. Poon

16/7/2019 (Tue 星期二 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 11/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 11 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Amatis Piano TrioShostakovich: Piano Trio No. 1 in C minor, Op. 8 13’Tarrodi: Moorlands 10’Ravel: Piano Trio in A minor 27’

Recorded at Grünewald Hall, Stockholm Concert Hall, on 3/2/2019.

亞瑪堤斯鋼琴三重奏蕭斯達高維契:C 小調第一鋼琴三重奏,作品 8塔羅迪:高沼地拉威爾:A 小調鋼琴三重奏

2019 年 2 月 3 日斯德哥爾摩音樂廳葛魯尼華德廳錄音。


8:00pm YOUNG MUSIC MAKERS 樂壇新秀Yeung Ka-wai (erhu)Perseus So (p)Yuen Ka-yi (yangqin)Folk Tune (Zhang Shi-ye arr.) : A Flower 8’George Gao: Erhu Capriccio No. 2, ‘‘Mongolian Fantasy’’ 9’

Presented by RTHK Radio 4. Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 16/1/2019.

Ip Cheng-xin (marimba)Tsui Kit-ying (p)Arlen (Oetomo arr.): Over the Rainbow 5’Pius Cheung: Nocturne in F minor 7’Lin Chin-Cheng: Marimba Concerto No. 1, 1st mov’t,‘One World’ 7’

Presented by RTHK Radio 4. Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 11/2/2019.


香港電台第四台主辦。2019 年 1 月 16 日香港電台二號錄播室錄音。

13/7/2019 (Sat 星期六 )8:00pm International Rostrum of Composers 2019 國際作曲家交流會議 2019Melissa Foss Hyatt (Argentina): Hanblecheyapi 8’Celia Swart (Netherlands): In My Web 8’霍斯凱逸(阿根廷):漢貝利車也比施域特(荷蘭):我網之中

葉承欣(馬林巴琴)徐潔瑩(鋼琴)阿倫(奧伊陀武改編):彩虹之上張鈞量:F 小調夜曲林金丞:第一馬林巴琴協奏曲,第一樂章, 「一個世界」

香港電台第四台主辦。2019 年 2 月 11 日香港電台二號錄播室錄音。

Ip Cheng-xin 葉承欣

Yeung Ka-wai 楊嘉惠

Gershwin (Bowen arr.): Excerpts form ‘‘Porgy and Bess’’ 16’Keyes: Of the Worlds Beyond 16’Gershwin (Grofé arr.): Rhapsody in Blue 18’Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture 15’

Presented by Department of Music, Hong Kong Baptist University. Recorded at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall on 23/4/2019.

香港浸會大學交響樂團週年音樂會 2019

安祖 ˙ 馮 ˙ 奧縈(鋼琴)香港浸會大學交響樂團 / 潘明倫歌舒詠 ( 保溫改編 ):《波吉與貝絲》選段祁道緯:天際之外歌舒詠(葛羅菲改編):藍色狂想曲柴可夫斯基:1812 序曲

香港浸會大學音樂系主辦。2019 年 4 月 23 日香港


Andrew von Oeyen安祖˙馮˙奧縈

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Page 31: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


17/7/2019 (Wed 星期三 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 12/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 12 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Nicolas Hodges (p)Basel Sinfonietta / André de RidderConte: REM 8’Adams: City Noir 35’Steen-Andersen: Piano Concerto 27’

Recorded at Z7 Konzer tfabrik, Pratteln, on 27/1/2019.

何哲斯(鋼琴)巴賽爾小交響樂團 / 迪列狄康提:REM亞當斯:黑色城市斯甸安德遜:鋼琴協奏曲

2019 年 1 月 27 日普拉特恩 Z7 音樂廳錄音。

18/7/2019 (Thu 星期四 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 13/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 13 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Vadim Repin Trans-Siberian Art FestivalPablo Ferrández (vc)Novosibirsk Phil. Orch. / Lio KuokmanGlinka: Overture to ‘‘Ruslan and Lyudmila’’ 5’Haydn: Cello Concerto No. 1 in C, Hob. VIIb:1 24’Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64 44’

Recorded at Arnold Kats State Concert Hall, Novosibirsk, on 19/3/2018.

Pablo Ferrández費蘭迪斯

© Ig

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19/7/2019 (Fri 星期五 )2:00pm YOUNG MUSIC MAKERS (REPEAT) 樂壇新秀(重播)Prog. as 14/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 14 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會French Rhapsody - Chamber Music ConcertRTHK Chamber SoloistsDebussy: Rhapsody for ClarinetPoulenc: Clarinet SonataRavel: Sonatina for PianoSaint-Saëns: Piano Quartet in B flat, Op. 41

Presented by Hong Kong Chamber Music Society. Recorded at the Ladies Recreation Club on 22/5/2019.

法國狂想曲 - 室內樂音樂會香港電台室樂演奏家德布西:單簧管狂想曲浦朗克:單簧管奏鳴曲拉威爾:鋼琴小奏鳴曲聖桑:降 B 大調鋼琴四重奏,作品 41

Hong Kong Chamber Music Society 主辦。2019 年5 月 22 日婦女遊樂會錄音。

20/7/2019 (Sat 星期六 )8:00pm International Rostrum of Composers 2019 國際作曲家交流會議 2019Monika Zenkevièi�t� (Lithuania): Pocket 10’Gerta Raidma (Estonia): Je suis 7’謝尼域昭提(立陶宛):口袋賴德瑪(愛沙尼亞):我是

21/7/2019 (Sun 星期日 )2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界Rachmaninov: Aleko 58’Aleko: Sergei Leiferkus (br) Zemfira: Maria Guleghina (s)Gothenburg Opera Cho., Gothenburg Sym. Orch. / Neeme Järvi

Rachmaninov: The Miserly Knight 58’The Baron: Sergei Aleksashkin (b)Albert: Sergei Larin (t)Gothenburg Opera Cho., Gothenburg Sym. Orch. / Neeme Järvi

Rachmaninov: Francesca da Rimini 56’Virgil’s Shade: Sergei Aleksashkin (b)Dante: Ilya Levinsky (t)Gothenburg Opera Cho., Gothenburg Sym. Orch. / Neeme Järvi

拉赫曼尼諾夫:亞歷高亞歷高:拉化古斯(男中音)沈菲娜:古利基娜(女高音)歌德堡歌劇合唱團、歌德堡交響樂團 / 約菲

拉赫曼尼諾夫:貪婪的騎士男爵:阿歷克薩舒堅(男低音)艾爾拔:拿連(男高音)歌德堡歌劇合唱團、歌德堡交響樂團 / 約菲

拉赫曼尼諾夫:里米尼的弗蘭切斯卡維吉爾之靈:阿歷克薩舒堅(男低音)但丁:利雲斯基(男高音)歌德堡歌劇合唱團、歌德堡交響樂團 / 約菲

8:00pm YOUNG MUSIC MAKERS 樂壇新秀Tse Miu-shun (guzheng)Wei Jun: Song of the Wuling 10’Shandong Banzheng Suite (Zhao Yü-lan version): Four Pieces of Brocade 5’Presented by RTHK Radio 4. Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 14/1/2019.

Amanda Ng (s)Alexander Wong (p)Hahn: Mai 2’Fauré: Après un rêve 3’Marx: Und gestern hat er mir Rosen gebracht 2’Mozart: An Chloe, K. 524 3’Mozart: ‘Deh vieni non tardar’ from ‘‘Le nozze di Figaro’’ 4’Kern: ‘Bill’ from ‘‘Show Boat’’ 3’

Presented by RTHK Radio 4. Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 28/12/2018.


香港電台第四台主辦。2019 年 1 月 14 日香港電台二號錄播室錄音。

Amatis Piano Trio亞瑪堤斯鋼琴三重奏

利賓跨西伯利亞藝術節費蘭迪斯(大提琴)新西伯利亞愛樂樂團 / 廖國敏葛令卡:《魯斯蘭與柳德米拉》序曲海頓:C 大調第一大提琴協奏曲,Hob. VIIb:1柴可夫斯基:E 小調第五交響曲,作品 64

2018 年 3 月 19 日新西伯利亞阿諾卡茲國家音樂廳錄音。

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Page 32: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

吳詩琪(女高音)黃歷琛(鋼琴)漢安:五月佛瑞:夢後馬克斯:昨天他帶了玫瑰給我莫扎特:致克洛埃,K. 524莫扎特:「來吧, 別耽擱」,選自《費加洛的婚禮》卻安:「比利」,選自《畫舫璇宮》

香港電台第四台主辦。2018 年 12 月 28 日香港電台二號錄播室錄音。

Amanda Ng 吳詩琪

Tse Miu-shun 謝妙純

22/7/2019 (Mon 星期一 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 17/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 17 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm YOUTH IN HARMONY 音符出少年Contemporary Choral Compositions of Chinese Poems ConcertThe Education University of Hong Kong Ch. Singers / Wong Wai-ying PaulinaPoon Kiu-tung (p)Lau Chun-wah (Leung Chi-hin arr.): Mooring by the Maple Bridge 4’Richard Tsang: Mu Lan 5’

Sacred Heart Canossian College Alumnae Cho. / Renie Sinn Alexander Wong (p)Lee Pui-shan Sandy: Visiting the Ancient Plain of Leyou 5’Tam Chin-fai: Caige 4’Ng Hau-yee: Poly Chrysanthemum 4’

Bishop Hall Jubilee School Cho. / Alston Ng Kawai Chan (p )Chris Hung: Night Thoughts at Mid-Autumn Festival 5’Lau Chun-wah (Lee Kar-tai Phoebus arr.): The Spring of Hope 3’

Wah Yan College Kowloon Boys’ Cho. / Chan Ka-hei Lesley Kawai Chan (p)Lau Chun-wah (Austin Yip arr.): Written on the Wall of Westwood Temple 3’Galison Lau: The Old Ballad of the Army Life 5’

G.T. A cappella & Cho. / Viola Yuen Lily Cheung (p)Lai Sheung-ping: Mutual Yearning 2’

Junior Cho. of Wah Yan College Hong Kong / Mark Loh Lily Cheung (p)Elena Chiu: Goose, Goose, Goose! 4’Leung Hin-yan: The Newly-wed Wife 4’

Marymount Secondary School Cho. / Jane LauLily Cheung (p)Victor Chan: The Autumn Breeze 5’Lau Chun-wah (Chan Kai-young arr.): Looking for a Hermit but not Finding Him 3’

The Greeners' Sound / Yu Yui-tim Timothy Emas Au (p)Chan Chin-ting: Qing Ming 4’

The Greeners' Sound / Wong Kin-yee Winky Emas Au (p)Tam Ka-shu: Beyond the Frontier of the Great Wall (I) 5’Shuen Lai-yin: A War Poem for the Lost Homeland (to the tune The River Runs All Red) 4’

Bishop Hall Jubilee School Cho. G.T. A cappella and Cho.Junior Cho. of Wah Yan College Hong Kong Marymount Secondary School Cho. Sacred Heart Canossian College Alumnae Cho. The Education University of Hong Kong Ch. Singers The Greeners’ Sound Wah Yan College Kowloon Boys' Cho.Chan Kwan-yee (p)Viola Yuen (cond)Richard Tsang: Friendship 3’

Presented by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild.Recorded at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall on30/5/2019.

詩詞傳頌音樂會香港教育大學室樂合唱團 / 黃慧英潘曉彤(鋼琴)劉振華(梁智軒改編):楓橋夜泊曾葉發:木蘭

嘉諾撒聖心書院校友合唱團 / 冼立姿 黃歷琛(鋼琴)李佩珊:登樂遊原譚展輝:采葛 伍巧怡:菊花

何明華會督銀禧中學合唱團 / 伍文輝陳家尉(鋼琴)洪銘健:十五夜望月寄杜郎中劉振華(李家泰改編):春望

九龍華仁書院男聲合唱團 / 陳家曦 指揮陳家尉(鋼琴)劉振華(葉浩堃改編):題西林壁 劉詠浲:古從軍行

優才無伴奏合唱和合唱團 / 阮慧玲 張麗群(鋼琴)黎尚冰:相思

香港華仁書院聲合唱團 / 羅明正張麗群(鋼琴)趙學文:詠鵝曲梁騫仁:新嫁娘

瑪利曼中學合唱團 / 劉迪恩張麗群(鋼琴)陳偉光:秋風引劉振華(陳啟揚改編):尋隱者不遇

綠韻 / 余睿添 歐惠雯(鋼琴)陳展霆:清明

綠韻 / 黃健怡歐惠雯(鋼琴)譚家樹:出塞(其一)孫禮賢:滿江紅 ˙ 寫懷

何明華會督銀禧中學合唱團、優才無伴奏合唱和合唱團、香港華仁書院童聲合唱團、瑪利曼中學合唱團、嘉諾撒聖心書院校友合唱團、香港教育大學室樂合唱團、綠韻、九龍華仁書院男聲合唱團 陳君儀(鋼琴)阮慧玲(指揮)曾葉發:真善美

香港作曲家聯會主辦。2019 年 5 月 30 日香港文化中心音樂廳錄音。

23/7/2019 (Tue 星期二 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 18/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 18 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會 Kian Soltani (vc)Mario Häring (p)Poulenc: Cello Sonata 23’Helbock: Soul-Searching 8’Rachmaninov: Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 19 37’

Recorded at Konzerthaus, Vienna, on 15/1/2019.


Page 33: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演

蘇坦尼(大提琴)凱凌(鋼琴)浦朗克:大提琴奏鳴曲希爾博:內省拉赫曼尼諾夫:G 小調大提琴奏鳴曲,作品 19

2019 年 1 月 15 日維也納音樂廳錄音。

24/7/2019 (Wed 星期三 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 19/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 19 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Nina Stemme (s)NDR Cho.NDR Elbphilharmonie Orch. / Marek JanowskiWagner: Overture and ‘Venusberg Music’, from ‘‘Tannhäuser’’ 23’ Prelude and ‘Liebestod’, from ‘Tristan und Isolde’ 18’ ‘Siegfried’s Rhine Journey’, ‘Siegfried’s Funeral March’ and ‘Brünnhilde’s Final Scene’ from ‘‘Götterdämmerung’’ 38’ Recorded at Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg, on 11/1/2019.

施提美(女高音)德國北部電台合唱團德國北部電台易北愛樂廳樂團 / 楊諾夫斯基華格納:序曲與「維納斯堡音樂」,選自《湯豪舍》 前奏曲與「愛的死」,選自《崔斯坦與 伊索爾德》 「齊格弗里德的萊茵之旅」、「齊格弗里 德的葬禮進行曲」及「布魯尼希特的最 後一幕」,選自《神界的黃昏》

2019 年 1 月 11 日漢堡易北愛樂廳錄音。

Marek Janowski楊諾夫斯基

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25/7/2019 (Thu 星期四 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 20/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 20 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Igor Golovatenko (br)Ekaterina Mechetina (p)Masters of Choral Singing Grand Cho. / Lev KontorovichTaneyev: Twelve Choruses, Op. 27 33’Tchaikovsky (Kontorovich arr.): ‘Prince Yeletsky’s Aria’ from ‘‘Queen of Spades’’ 4’Rachmaninov: Six Choruses, Op. 15 17’Rachmaninov (Mechetina arr.): Spring (Vesna), Op. 20 18’

Recorded at Grand Hall, State Conservatory, Moscow, on 28/2/2017.

高路雲坦高(男中音)瑪哲天娜(鋼琴)合唱大師大合唱團 / 康多羅域治坦尼耶夫:十二首合唱曲,作品 27柴可夫斯基(康多羅域治改編):「耶律斯基王 子詠嘆調」,選自《黑桃皇后》拉赫曼尼諾夫:六首合唱曲,作品 15拉赫曼尼諾夫(瑪哲天娜改編):春,作品 20

2017 年 2 月 28 日莫斯科國家音樂學院大廳錄音。

26/7/2019 (Fri 星期五 )2:00pm YOUNG MUSIC MAKERS (REPEAT) 樂壇新秀(重播)Prog. as 21/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 21 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會HK Phil x Tai Kwun: Chamber Music Series | Nordic MemoriaAnder Erburu (f)Kwan Sheung-fung (eh)Lau Wai (cl)Toby Chan (bn)Russell Bonifede (fh)Fernström: Wind QuintetKvandal: Wind Quintet, Op. 34Salonen: MemoriaNielsen: Wind Quintet

Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Society.Recorded at JC Cube, Tai Kwun, on 24/6/2019.

港樂 x 大館:室樂音樂會系列 | 北歐回憶

柯布魯(長笛)關尚峰(英國管)劉蔚(單簧管)陳劭桐(巴松管)柏如瑟(圓號)費恩斯特倫:管樂五重奏卡梵德爾:管樂五重奏,作品 34沙羅倫:回憶尼爾遜:管樂五重奏

香港管弦協會主辦。2019 年 6 月 24 日大館賽馬會立方錄音。

27/7/2019 (Sat 星期六 )8:00pm International Rostrum of Composers 2019 國際作曲家交流會議 2019Britta Bystrom (Sweden): Notes from the City of the Sun 25’Richard Causton (UK): Ik zeg: NU (I say: Now) 20’Valgeir Sigurosson (Iceland): Dust 16’比斯特倫(瑞典):太陽城之筆記靠斯頓(英國):我說:現在斯古羅遜(冰島):塵埃

28/7/2019 (Sun 星期日 )2:00pm SUNDAY OPERA 歌劇世界R. Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier 158’Marschallin: Anna Tomowa-Sintow (s)Octavian: Agnes Baltsa (ms)Sophie: Janet Perry (s)Baron Ochs: Kurt Moll (b)Vienna State Opera Cho., Vienna Phil. Orch. /Herbert von Karajan李察 ˙ 史特勞斯:玫瑰騎士元帥夫人:杜慕華 - 仙桃(女高音)渥太維恩:比爾莎(女中音)蘇菲:派利(女高音)奧克斯男爵:慕爾(男低音)維也納國家歌劇院合唱團、維也納愛樂樂團 / 卡拉揚

8:00pm YOUNG MUSIC MAKERS 樂壇新秀Chan Sze-yuen Peter (sx)Tsui Hok-yin (p)Waignein: Rhapsody for alto saxophone 6’Telemann: Allegro from Fantasia No. 2 in A minor 1’Creston: Sonata for alto saxophone 9’

Presented by RTHK Radio 4. Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 7/1/2019.

Bethanie Liu (r)Melody Chan (p)Jacob van Eyck: Derde Doen Daphne d’over 5’Vivaldi: Concerto in C, RV443, 1st mov't 4’Jacob: Suite for Treble Recorder (excertps) 7’

Presented by RTHK Radio 4. Recorded at RTHK Studio Two on 20/12/2018.

陳思遠(薩克管)徐學賢(鋼琴)維寧恩:中音薩克管狂想曲泰利文:快板,選自 A 小調第二幻想曲卡拉斯頓:中音薩克管奏鳴曲

香港電台第四台主辦。2019 年 1 月 7 日香港電台二號錄播室錄音。


Page 34: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


Bethanie Liu廖雅賢

Chan Sze-yuen Peter陳思遠

廖雅賢(牧童笛)陳允祈(鋼琴)積高 ˙ 梵 ˙ 艾克:以達夫妮為主題而寫的旋律韋華第:C 大調協奏曲,RV443,第一樂章積及:高音牧童笛組曲(選段)

香港電台第四台主辦。2018 年 11 月 27 日香港電台二號錄播室錄音。

29/7/2019 (Mon 星期一 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 24/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 24 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm YOUTH IN HARMONY 音符出少年Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia Annual Concert 2019Stephen Page (sx)Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia / Jerry JunkinJohn Williams (Lavender trans.): Scherzo for Motorcycle 3’Lo Hau-man Samuel: Nuo Wu (Ritual Dance) 11’John Williams (Bulla trans.): Escapades from “Catch Me If You Can” for Alto Saxophone and Band 15’

Michael Martin: Symphony for Wind Ensemble “Lontano” 23’

Presented by Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia. Recorded at Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall on 2/6/2019.

香港愛樂管樂團週年音樂會 2019

史提芬 ˙ 裴(薩克管)香港愛樂管樂團 / 鍾健約翰 ˙ 威廉士(拉文德改編):摩托車詼諧曲盧厚敏:儺舞約翰˙威廉士(布拿改編):薩克管協奏曲「冒險」, 選自電影《捉智雙雄》米高 ˙ 馬丁:管樂團交響曲「遙遠」

香港愛樂管樂團主辦。2019 年 6 月 2 日香港大會堂音樂廳錄音。

31/7/2019 (Wed 星期三 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 26/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 26 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Emmanuel Ax (p)NDR Elbphilharmonie Orch. / Herbert BlomstedtBeethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat, Op. 73, ‘Emperor’ 40’Brahms: Symphony No. 2 in D, Op. 73 45’

Recorded at Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg on 14/12/2018.

Emanuel Ax艾斯

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30/7/2019 (Tue 星期二 )2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 25/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 25 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會ECHO Rising Stars - Arod Quartet Arod QuartetMozart: String Quartet No. 17 in B flat, K. 458, ‘Hunt’ 26’Beethoven: String Quartet No. 9 in C, Op. 59, No. 3, ‘Razumovsky’ 31’

Recorded on Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, on 10/2/2019.

歐洲音樂協會「新星」系列 - 亞羅四重奏

亞羅四重奏莫扎特:降 B 大調第十七弦樂四重奏,K. 458, 「狩獵」貝多芬:C大調第九弦樂四重奏,作品59,第三首, 「拉蘇莫夫斯基」

2019 年 2 月 10 日里斯本卡魯斯特古爾班基安基金會錄音。

1/8/2019 (Thu 星期四 )

2:00pm LIVE ON 4 (REPEAT) 第四台音樂會(重播)Prog. as 27/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 27 日晚上 8 時相同

8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Hitzacker Summer Music DaysAzahar EnsembleReicha: Wind Quintet in D, Op. 91, No. 3 19’Figuera: Un tapís (L’unicorn) 10’Beethoven (Rechtman arr.): String Quartet in E flat, Op. 4 30’Turina: Mujere espanolas, Series 2, Op. 73 14’

Recorded at VERDO Concert Hall, Hitzacker, on 29/7/2018.

希察克爾夏季音樂節阿沙哈合奏團萊察:D 大調管樂五重奏,作品 91,第三首費基拿:掛毯(獨角獸)貝多芬(利克德曼改編):降 E 大調弦樂四重奏, 作品 4杜連拿:西班牙女人,系列二,作品 73

2018 年 7 月 29 日希察克爾綠音樂廳錄音。

艾斯(鋼琴)德國北部電台易北愛樂廳樂團 / 比奧斯達貝多芬:降E大調第五鋼琴協奏曲,作品73,「皇帝」 布拉姆斯:D 大調第二交響曲,作品 73

2018 年 12 月 14 日漢堡易北愛樂廳錄音。


Page 35: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


3/8/2019 (Sat 星期六 )8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會BBC Proms 2014World Orch. for Peace / Valery GergievRoxanna Panufnik: Three Paths to Peace 12’R. Strauss: Symphonic Fantasy from ‘Die Frau ohne Schatten’, Op. 65 9’Mahler: Symphony No. 6 in A minor 80’

Recorded at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on 20/7/2014.

英國廣播公司逍遙音樂節 2014

世界和平樂團 / 葛濟夫羅姍娜 ˙ 巴奴芙力:通往平安的三條路徑李察 ˙ 史特勞斯:交響幻想曲, 選自《沒有影子的女人》,作品 65馬勒:A 小調第六交響曲

2014 年 7 月 20 日倫敦皇家亞爾拔音樂廳錄音。

2/8/2019 (Fri 星期五 )

2:00pm YOUNG MUSIC MAKERS (REPEAT) 樂壇新秀(重播)Prog. as 28/7/2019, 8:00pm節目與 2019 年 7 月 28 日晚上 8 時相同 8:00pm LIVE ON 4 第四台音樂會Live at the WigmoreNicholas Angelich (p)Beethoven: 33 Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 54’

Recorded at Wigmore Hall, London, on 26/1/2009.


安傑利希(鋼琴)貝多芬:迪阿貝利三十三首變奏曲,作品 120

2009 年 1 月 26 日倫敦威格摩音樂廳錄音。


Page 36: radio4.rthk...頁,重溫九首佳作。本月的重頭戲,焦點落在樂壇新秀2019。自2011年起,「樂壇新秀」以公開報名的方式招聚年輕音樂表演


2017 年 12 月至今,「解密歌劇」逢星期五在「清晨妙韻」節目播出,其中邀請世界知名歌者和








Undercover Operative, heard by Radio 4 listeners every Friday on Morning Call, has been a buzzing on-air chat room with some of the world’s best singers and opera conductors since being launched in December 2017.

Valery Gergiev surprised us in his interview with his passion for modern music. That is so unusual for someone like him who’s in charge of commercial (as well as artistic) work at his Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg. He boasted that he could sell out Rodion Shchedrin’s The Enchanted Wanderer for seven performances! Doing something like that in the West would be really difficult, but he reminded us Russia has “one of the greatest opera traditions in the world.”

Antonio Pappano took the opposite line by slightly turning his nose up at modern music and explaining that he was first and foremost “a theatre man”, implying (correctly) that people usually filling theatres like his Royal Opera House of London don’t generally like it. As his concert in Hong Kong took place on Thanksgiving, Undercover Operative presented the English-Italian Sir Antonio with a turkey dinner, which


Laurence ScofieldLaurence Scofield is the presenter of Undercover Operative

Friday mornings on Morning Call.

Laurence Scofield

was much appreciated by him and his wife.

Superstar mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato showed Undercover Operative that she really is as sweet and nice and charming in an interview as all accounts of her in real life suggest. Legendary soprano Dame Kiri Te Kanawa was, as expected, the epitome of the calm, collected professionalism that’s kept her going strong for more than half a century.

By the end of her career, Dame Kiri followed the usual path of singing lighter repertoire and art songs. However, that’s not the choice made by Anne Sophie von Otter, the reigning mezzo diva before Joyce. At her recent concert in Hong Kong, Anne Sophie sang songs composed for pop star Björk. She managed to convince Undercover Operative that she likes them and performs them because she sincerely believes the barriers between popular and classical music are breaking down.

That’s a topic that will be explored more in future interviews and programmes on Undercover Operative.

Conductor Valery Gergiev指揮家葛濟夫

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Mezzo-soprano Anne Sophie von Otter performed in Hong Kong last month女中音安妮.蘇菲.馮奧達上月在音樂演出




在她早前的香港音樂會上,馮奧達演唱流行音樂界 Björk 的歌曲。她相信,流行與古典音樂間的阻隔已逐漸消除。