Download - ระบบ Chat สำหรับ MediaWiki

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* MediaWiki WikiChat extension

* See: for installation

* Licenced under LGPL (

* Author:


#set to the directory phpfreechat is installed in

define('WC_PFC_DIRECTORY', 'phpfreechat');

# set to false to deny access to anonymous users


# message shown when denying anonymous users. Change if you want a different message. WikiText ok..

define('WC_DENY_ACCESS_MESSAGE', 'You must [[Special:Userlogin|login]] to be allowed into this chatroom');

# when true there will be a chat room per article. Set to false to have a single site-wide chat room.

define('WC_ROOM_PER_ARTICLE', true);

if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die ('Not an entry point');

$wgPFC_Directory = WC_PFC_DIRECTORY;

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require_once "$IP/$wgPFC_Directory/src/phpfreechat.class.php";

require_once "$IP/includes/DatabaseFunctions.php";

$wgRoomPerArticle = WC_ROOM_PER_ARTICLE;


$wgDenyAccessMessage = WC_DENY_ACCESS_MESSAGE;

/* Extension variables */

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfSetupWikiChat';

$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(

'name' => 'WikiChat',

'version' => '0.3.8, 2010-09-03',

'author' => '[ User:Firebreather]',

'url' => '',

'description' => 'Adds a tab to each article that switches to a chatroom',


class WikiChat {

// Constructor

public function WikiChat() {

global $wgHooks;

# Add all our needed hooks

$wgHooks['UnknownAction'][] = $this;

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$wgHooks['SkinTemplateTabs'][] = $this;


// main entry point

public function onUnknownAction($action, $article) {

global $wgOut, $wgCachePages, $wgTitle, $wgDBprefix, $wgDenyAccessMessage;

$wgCachePages = false;

if($action == 'chat') {

$wgOut->setPageTitle(str_replace('_', ' ', $wgTitle->getDBKey()));

if($this->isAnonDenied()) {


return false;


$params = $this->configurePFC_Params();

$tblname = $wgDBprefix."chathistory";


$this->configurePFC_DB_Params($tblname, $params);

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return false;


else {

return true;



private function isAnonDenied() {

global $wgUser, $wgAllowAnonUsers;

return !$wgAllowAnonUsers && $wgUser->isAnon();


private function configureNick(&$params) {

global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgAllowAnonUsers, $wgDenyAccessMessage, $wgTitle;

$nick = "";

if($wgUser->isAnon()) {


else {

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$nick = $wgUser->getName();


$params["nick"] = $nick; // setup the initial nickname

return $nick;


private function configurePFC_Params() {

global $wgTitle, $wgRoomPerArticle, $wgPFC_Directory;

global $wgOut;

$params["title"] = "WikiChat";

// apply room per page or site-wide room configuration option

if($wgRoomPerArticle) {

//replace slashes in the page db key to ensure chat works for subpages

$params["serverid"] = str_replace('/', '##', $wgTitle->getDBKey());


else {

$params["serverid"] = md5(__FILE__);


$params["data_public_url"] = "$wgPFC_Directory/data/public";

$params["data_public_path"] = "$wgPFC_Directory/data/public";

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$params["server_script_url"] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

$params["openlinknewwindow"] = true;

$params["channels"] = array(str_replace('_', ' ', $wgTitle->getDBKey()));

$params["frozen_nick"] = true; // do not allow to change the nickname

$params["shownotice"] = 0; // 0 = nothing, 1 = just nickname changes, 2 = connect/quit, 3 = nick + connect

$params["max_nick_len"] = 30; // nickname length could not be longer than 10 caracteres

$params["max_text_len"] = 300; // a message cannot be longer than 50 caracteres

$params["max_channels"] = 3; // limit the number of joined channels tab to 3

$params["max_privmsg"] = 1; // limit the number of private message tab to 1

$params["refresh_delay"] = 2000; // chat refresh speed is 2 secondes (2000ms)

$params["max_msg"] = 30; // max message in the history is 15 (message seen when reloading the chat)

$params["height"] = "230px"; // height of chat area is 230px

$params["debug"] = false; // activate debug console

$params["timeout"] = 600000; // msecs until user is disconnected

return $params;


private function createChatHistoryDBTable($tblname) {

$dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );

$sql = "show tables like '$tblname'";

$res = $dbr->query ( $sql ) ;

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$num_rows = $dbr->numRows($res) + 0;

$dbr->freeResult( $res );

//create the chathistory table if it doesn't exist

if($num_rows == 0) {

$sql =


`server` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',

`group` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',

`subgroup` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',

`leaf` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',

`leafvalue` text NOT NULL,

`timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL default 0,

PRIMARY KEY (`server`,`group`,`subgroup`,`leaf`),

INDEX (`server`,`group`,`subgroup`,`timestamp`)

) ENGINE=InnoDB;";

$ret = wfQuery($sql, DB_WRITE, "");



private function configurePFC_DB_Params($tblname, &$params) {

global $wgDBserver, $wgDBname, $wgDBprefix, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword;

$params["container_type"] = "mysql";

$params["container_cfg_mysql_host"] = $wgDBserver;

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$params["container_cfg_mysql_database"] = $wgDBname;

$params["container_cfg_mysql_port"] = 3306;

$params["container_cfg_mysql_table"] = $tblname;

$params["container_cfg_mysql_username"] = $wgDBuser;

$params["container_cfg_mysql_password"] = $wgDBpassword;


private function showChat($params) {

global $wgOut;

$pfc = new phpFreeChat($params);


$wgOut->addHTML('<br><br><p>Type /help for a list of all commands</p>');

$wgOut->addWikiText("[ More help on]");


public function onSkinTemplateTabs( &$skin, &$content_actions ) {

global $wgRequest;

$action = $wgRequest->getText( 'action' );

$content_actions['chat'] = array(

'class' => ($action == 'chat') ? 'selected' : false,

'text' => "chat",

'href' => $skin->mTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=chat' )

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return true;


# Needed in some versions to prevent Special:Version from breaking

public function __toString() { return 'WikiChat'; }

} /* class WikiChat */

/* Global function */

# Called from $wgExtensionFunctions array when initialising extensions

function wfSetupWikiChat() {

global $wgWikiChat;

$wgWikiChat = new WikiChat();

