Download - 快樂, 是我早就决定要的東西


智慧老伯的一席話 _

“ 快樂 , 是我早就决定要的東西 ”

A man of 92 years, short, very well-presented, who takes great care in his appearance, is moving into an old people’s home today. His wife of 70 has recently died, and he is obliged to leave his home.

一位 92 的老伯今天要搬進老人之家。他個頭不高,歲衣著整潔, 非常注重外表。他的 70 的太太最近過歲世了,他不得不離開自己的家。

After waiting several hours in the retirement home lobby,he gently smiles as he is told that his room is ready.

他在老人之家的大廳中等了幾個鐘頭,當他聽到他的房間已經準備妥當的時候,臉上露出了 和的微笑。溫

As he slowly walks to the elevator, using his cane,I describe his small room to him, including the sheet hung at the window which serves as a curtain.

他 著 杖,我一邊帶他緩 走向電梯,一邊向他拄 柺 步描述他的小房間,包括那條掛在窗 上當作窗簾的床單戶。

“I like it very much”, he says, with the enthusiasm of an8 year old boy who has just been given a new puppy. “M. Gagné, you haven’t even seen the room yet, on a moment, we are almost there. ”

他說 : “ 我很喜歡這個房間。” 他那開心的神態,就好像一個八 的小男孩剛剛得到一個新玩具一樣。“老伯歲,房間 看都還沒看 ,很快我們就要到了。”您 呢

“That has nothing to do with it ”, he replies. “ Happiness is something I choose in advance. Whether or not I likethe room does not depend on the furniture, or the décor - rather it depends on how I decide to see it. ”

老伯回答說 : “ 有沒有看都一樣 。““快樂,是我早就啦決定要的東西。我喜歡不喜歡那個房間,並不在於它的

或者裝 好不好,而在於我決定怎麼去看它。”傢俱 潢

" It is already decided in my mind that I like my room. It is a decision I take every morning when I wake up. “

“ 我心裏早就決定了要喜歡我的房間。這是我 天早上每起床時都會做出的決定。“

"I can choose. I can spend my day in bed enumerating all the difficulties that I have with the parts of my body that no longer work very well, or I can get up and give thanks to heaven for those parts that are still in workingorder. “

“ 我可以作出自己的選擇。我可以整天 在床上,數著身躺上有多少個器官已經不再正常 ; 我也可以站起身來感謝上蒼 --- 我的身上竟然有那麼多的器官還在繼續工作。”

“Every day is a gift, and as long as I can open my eyes, I will focus on the new day, and all the happy memories that I have built up during my life. ” “ Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw in later life what you have deposited along the way. ”

“ 一天都是恩賜。只要我還能 開眼睛,我都會專注於每 睜新的 一天,並且回憶著我這一生中的快樂時光。 “老每年就好比是銀行的 , 下半輩子提取出來的快樂, 賬戶 你都是 上半輩子儲存進去的。你 ”

“So, my advice to you is to deposit all the happiness you can in your bank account of memories. Thank you for your part in filling my account with happy memories, which I am still continuing to fill.”

“ 所以嘛,我要告訴 ,將 的所有快樂存進 的回憶銀你 你 你行之中。 感謝 在我的回憶銀行中存入了一些快樂,我你自己也會繼續儲存快樂。 ”

“1. Free your heart from hate. 2. Free your mind from Worry. 3. Live simply 4. Give more. 5. Expect less. Remember these simple guidelines for happiness.”

“ 請記住下面這些簡單的快樂原則吧 :1. 心中無恨 ; 2. 腦中無憂 ; 3. 生活簡單 ; 4. 多些付出 ;5. 少些期望。 “

文圖 – 引自網絡文獻音樂 – < 往事纏綿 >幻燈 – CCC, HK, 2012.12

“ 快樂 , 是我早就决定要的東西 ”