YABANCI DİL TESTİ - TurkMSIC...5 10. While some drugs, once absorbed, tend to stay within the...


Transcript of YABANCI DİL TESTİ - TurkMSIC...5 10. While some drugs, once absorbed, tend to stay within the...

Page 1: YABANCI DİL TESTİ - TurkMSIC...5 10. While some drugs, once absorbed, tend to stay within the watery tissues of the blood and muscle, ----. A) others concentrate in specific tissues
Page 2: YABANCI DİL TESTİ - TurkMSIC...5 10. While some drugs, once absorbed, tend to stay within the watery tissues of the blood and muscle, ----. A) others concentrate in specific tissues
Page 3: YABANCI DİL TESTİ - TurkMSIC...5 10. While some drugs, once absorbed, tend to stay within the watery tissues of the blood and muscle, ----. A) others concentrate in specific tissues


1-5. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

The acute nephritic syndrome is a clinical syndrome characterized by relatively abrupt onset of renal dysfunction accompanied by hematuria that is glomerular or tubular in origin. The presence of red blood cell (RBC) casts and dysmorphic erythrocytes in the urine sediment, as well as significant degrees of proteinuria, provides highly suggestive evidence that the hematuria is nephronal in origin. For reasons that are not well understood, sodium acquisitiveness in the acute nephritic syndrome is considerably greater than what would be expected solely from the reduction in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Plasma albumin is generally normal , so that a significant fraction of the retained sodium remains in the vascular compartment and may result in hypertension, plasma volume dilution, circulatory overload, congestive heart failure, and a suppression of the plasma renin activity.

1. Parçada akut nefritik sendromun nasıl geliştiğinden bahsetmektedir?

A) Ailede genetik faktörler büyük önem taşımaktadır.B) Başlangıçta hematüri bulunmaz.C) Ani bir gelişim gösterir.D) Bu böbrek yetmezliği tübül kökenli değildir.E) Başlangıcı nispeten yavaştır.




1. Cevap kağıdında, sınav yabancı dilinizi (İNGİLİZCE) işaretlemeyi unutmayınız. 2. Bu testten alacağınız standart puan, Genel puanınızın hesaplanmasında 0,7 katsayısı ile çarpılacaktır.3. Bu testte 80 soru vardır.4. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz5. Sayfalar üzerinde boş yerleri müsvedde için kulllanabilirsiniz.

2. İdrar sedimentinde eritrosit silendirleri ve bozuk şekilli eritrositlerin bulunması hematüri ile ilgili neyi düşündürmektedir?

A) Proteinürinin önemli derecede arttığınıB) Böbrek yetmezliğinin akut olduğunuC) Hematürinin beklenenden daha ağır bir tablo

oluşturduğuD) Büyük olasılıkla nefron kökenli olduğunuE) Glomerül filtrasyon hızı ile orantılı olduğunu

3. Parçada geçen “reduction” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı nedir?

A) rahatlamaB) serbest bırakmaC) artışD) salgılamaE) azalma

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4. Parçaya göre plazma albümin düzeyinin genelde normal kalması sonucunda ne meydana gelmektedir?

A) Tutulan sodyumun önemli bir kısmı damar içi alanda kalır.

B) Enfeksiyon gelişebilir.C) Glomerüler filtrasyon hızı artar.D) Glomerül basal membranı yüksek ağırlıklı proteinlerin

geçişine engel olur.E) Böbrek patolojisinin tanımlanmasını zorlaştırır.

5. Parçaya göre tutulan sodyumun önemli bir kısmının damar içi alanda kalması aşağıdaki belirtilerden hangisine yol açmaz?

A) konjestif kalp yetersizliğiB) plazma volümünün artması C) dolaşım yüklenmesiD) plazma renin aktivitesinin artışıE) hipertansiyon

6-11. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

6. Although combined drug effects are sometimes beneficial, ----.

A) sometimes two similar but not identical drugs are taken concurrently

B) certain anaesthetics cause a very high fever in about 1 in 20,000 patients

C) many drugs are inactivated by metabolic systems in the liver

D) drug interactions are most often unwanted and harmful

E) doctors, for example, may prescribe two antihypertensive drugs for a person

7. While immunologists are working to develop a successful vaccine and effective drugs to treat HIV-infected patients, ----.

A) developing a vaccine against HIV has been a most daunting challenge for them

B) a vaccine would not be effective against new antigens and so would quickly become obsolete

C) massive educational programmes are also being developed to impede the proliferation of AIDS

D) HIV often infects the central nervous system; for this reason, an effective drug must cross the blood-brain barrier

E) other barriers to the development of a vaccine include the difficulties in finding human volunteers in whom to test the vaccine

8. In recent years, scientists have published a number of studies, ----.

A) unless their work is providing a new understanding of what intelligence is

B) even if researchers have new technologies to probe genes and the brain

C) whereby they claim to have found distinctive patterns of brain functioning

D) while the role of genes in intelligence is stil worth pursuing

E) even though they had found clues about the roles of genes

9. Even after a drug has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), ----.

A) such drugs are occasionally studied first in a small number of healthy volunteers

B) comprehensive premarketing studies detected adverse reactions about once in every 1,000 doses

C) many drugs are rejected at this stage, tooD) the manufacturer must conduct postmarketing

surveillance and report any previously undetected adverse drug reactions

E) it was 3 years before the drug came onto the market

Page 5: YABANCI DİL TESTİ - TurkMSIC...5 10. While some drugs, once absorbed, tend to stay within the watery tissues of the blood and muscle, ----. A) others concentrate in specific tissues


10. While some drugs, once absorbed, tend to stay within the watery tissues of the blood and muscle, ----.

A) others concentrate in specific tissues such as the liver and kidneys

B) drugs penetrate different tissues at different speedsC) all drugs are either metabolized or excreted intactD) these drugs accumulate in the fatty tissuesE) they rapidly circulate through the body

11. According to recent studies, bananas are the most promising food for an edible vaccine against the hepatitis B virus, ----.

A) but this virus is very common in many African countries

B) so that potatoes, tomatoes and other vegetables might serve to immunize people some day

C) just as symptoms of acute viral hepatitis usually begin suddenly

D) which lives in about 5 per cent of the world’s population

E) whereas scientists have discovered a way to boost the level of immune-triggering hepatitis protein in the fruit

12-13. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

12. A blood test today could take a few days because of the many steps needed to separate blood components.

A) Kanı bileşenlerine ayırmak için birçok aşamaya gereksinim duyulduğu takdirde, günümüzde bir kan testinin sonuçlandırılması, birkaç gün almaktadır.

B) Günümüzde kan testleri birkaç gün sürebilir çünkü kanı, bileşenlerine ayırmanın gerektirdiği birçok aşama vardır.

C) Kanı bileşenlerine ayırmanın birçok aşama gerektirmesi, günümüzde bir kan testinin yapılmasının birkaç gün sürmesine neden olmaktadir.

D) Kanı bileşenlerine ayırmanın birçok aşaması vardır; bu yüzden, kan testlerinin yapılması, birkaç gün alabilmektedir.

E) Bir kan testi, günümüzde, kan bileşenlerini ayırmak için gereksinim duyulan birçok adımdan dolayı, birkaç gün alabilir.

13. Most infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms that invade the body and multiply there.

A) Pek çok bulaşıcı hastalığın nedeni vücuda yayılan ve vücutta üreyen mikroorganizmalardır.

B) Mikroorganizmalar, vücuda girerek ve vücutta çoğalarak, çeşitli bulaşıcı hastalıkların oluşmasına yol açar.

C) Çoğu bulaşıcı hastalık, vücudu işgal eden ve vücutta çoğalan mikroorganizmalar nedeniyle oluşur.

D) Bulaşıcı hastalıkların nedenlerinin çoğu, vücuda girerek çoğalan mikroorganizmalarla ilgilidir.

E) Üreyip vücudu ele geçiren mikroorganizmalar nedeniyle birçok bulaşıcı hastalık ortaya çıkmaktadır.

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14-16. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

14. 1990’larda, bir tümöre yüksek seviyelerde doğrudan uygulanınca kanser hücrelerini öldüren bir sitokin türü üzerinde bazı araştırmalar yapılmıştır.

A) Some research carried out in the 1990s indicated that a type of cytokine can kill cancer cells when administered at high levels directly into a tumour.

B) A type of cytokine kills cancer cells, when administered at high levels directly into a tumour as indicated by some research in the 1990s.

C) In the 1990s, some research was done on a type of cytokine, which kills cancer cells, when administered directly into a tumour at high levels.

D) According to a research completed in the 1990s, a type of cytokine has the capacity to kill cancer cells, when administered at high levels directly into some tumours.

E) Some researchers argued in the 1990s that if type of cytokine is administered at high levels directly into tumours, it can kill cancer cells.

15. Vücut bağışıklığı zayıf olan insanlar genellikle kansere daha yatkındırlar ve bu da bağışıklık sisteminin en azından bazı kanser türlerine karşı koruyucu rol oynadığını gösteren bir gerçektir.

A) Often people with immune deficiencies are unusually susceptible to cancer and this is supported by the fact that the immune system is able to protect the body against at least some forms of cancer.

B) Because the body’s immune system plays a protective role against at least some forms of cancer, people with immune deficiencies are unusually susceptible to cancer.

C) People with immune deficiencies are often usually susceptible to cancer, and this is a fact suggesting that the immune system plays a protective role against at least some forms of cancer.

D) That the immune system plays a protective role against certain forms of cancer is suggested by the fact that cancer is more widespread among people with immune deficiencies.

E) Since people having immune deficiencies are usually extremely susceptible to cancer, it is suggested that the immune system guards the body against at least some forms of cancer.

16. Tümör büyümesine neden olan kanser kök hücrelerinin varlığı, çeşitli kan kanseri ve tümör türlerinde tespit edilmiştir; ancak, bu habis kök hücrelerinin nasıl oluştuğu hâlâ belirsizdir.

A) It has been shown that a wide range of blood cancer and tumour types result from malignant stem cells whose properties are not yet fully known.

B) Cancer stem cells that cause tumour growth have been discovered in a number of blood cancer and tumour types, but it is not yet clear why they become malignant.

C) Different blood cancer and tumour types are caused by cancer stem cells, although there is no evidence to show how these malignant stem cells come into being and drive tumour growth.

D) Even though it is not yet certain how malignant stem cells form, they are often found in various blood cancer and tumour types, causing them to grow.

E) The existence of cancer stem cells that drive tumour growth, has been established in several blood cancer and tumour types, but how these malignant stem cells arise is still uncertain.

17-21. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi


17. Most people are familiar with one important function of the kidneys – to rid the body of waste materials that are either ingested or produced by metabolism. A second function that is especially critical is to control the volume and composition of the body fluids. For water and virtually all electrolytes in the body, the balance between intake and output is maintained in large part by the kidneys. ----.

A) Each kidney in the human body is made up of about 1 million nephrons, each capable of forming urine

B) This regulatory function of the kidneys maintains the stable environment of the cells necessary for them to perform their various activities

C) Blood flow to the two kidneys is normally 21 per cent of the cardiac output, or about 1,200ml/min

D) The two kidneys lie on the posterior wall of the abdomen, outside the peritoneal cavity

E) These include urea, uric acid, creatinine and metabolites of various hormones

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18. As anyone who has sat through a lecture on a warm day knows, attentiveness and mental alertness can be hard to sustain. ----. Its counterpart is sleep, a state in which we continue to receive stimuli but are not conscious of them.

A) It is also important to regulate sleepB) Researchers can study the electrical activity in the

brain during arousal and sleepC) It filters out some familiar and repetitive information

that constantly enters the nervous system D) Arousal is a state of awareness of the outside worldE) In general, the less mental activity that takes place,

the more regular are the brain waves recorded on the electroencephalogram (EEG)

19. The liver receives blood from both the intestine and the heart. Tiny capillaries in the intestinal wall drain into the portal vein, which enters the liver. ----. The hepatic artery brings blood to the liver from the heart. This blood carries oxygen for the liver tissue itself as well as cholesterol and other substances for processing.

A) The liver converts substances in digested food into proteins

B) The liver manufactures about half of the body’s cholesterol

C) Abnormalities of liver function can be divided broadly into two groups

D) Sugars are stored in the liver as glycogenE) The blood then flows through tiny channels inside the


20. The liver has primary responsibility for detoxifying alcohol. ----. Cancer is more likely to occur in cirrhotic livers than in healthy ones, but alcohol abusers are likely to die of a variety of causes before liver cancer develops.

A) An excessive intake of alcohol often leads to cirrhosis of the liver, a degenerative disease that limits the organ’s effectiveness

B) This evidence indicates that high levels of alcohol consumption are related to various kinds of cancer

C) For cancers of all sites, alcohol is not as strong a risk factor as either smoking or an imprudent diet

D) Recent research has found a synergistic effect between alcohol and tobacco

E) Pancreatic cancer has a special affinity to alcohol consumption

21. The pharmaceutical industry is particularly interested in new substances that could mask unpleasant flavours. ----. And chronically ill people, such as AIDS patients, who have to force down many unpleasant tablets daily, would greatly appreciate more agreeable formulations.

A) Such a quality might prove undesirable for sweets or soda

B) The idea of a bitter-blocker has still to be tested C) Flavour-optimized drugs would be especially valuable

for treating children, who often refuse to swallow nasty-tasting syrups

D) Nutritionists want to know how much these choices could affect the health of individuals

E) Widespread use could possibly undermine a natural protective function

22-23. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

22. Polly :

- This is terrible! Have you read this article on dirty needles being used for vaccinations in poor countries?

Karin :

- Yes, and it is terrible. Apparently, anti-tetanus shots given with used needles are spreading HIV.

Polly :

- ----

Karin :

- Well, you know, they may not have enough needles, so they may have to use them more than once.

A) I think wealthy countries should donate disposable needles to poorer countries.

B) How can the health workers in those countries do such a thing?

C) They should test everyone’s blood before giving a vaccine.

D) Tetanus and HIV are both dangerous infectious diseases.

E) The health workers are probably selling the clean needles illegally.

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23. Doctor:

- ----

Richard :

- Why not? What’s wrong with it?

Doctor :

- Studies have shown that second-hand smoke has more toxins and cancer-causing chemicals than what smokers inhale from their cigarettes.

Richard :

- Well, I guess I’d better be more careful, then.

A) You really shouldn’t smoke, you know, when there are people around you.

B) Do you still smoke? You know it’s the leading avoidable cause of death!

C) Your heart and lungs will be affected negatively if you don’t quit smoking soon.

D) How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke every day?

E) Many work places and public places have banned indoor smoking.

24-27. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

24. (I) When a person eats too much, metabolism favours fat formation. (II) The human body can digest a wide variety of plant and animal tissues, converting these foods into usable proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. (III) The digestive system takes in food, processes it into particles that can be absorbed, and excretes the undigested wastes. (IV) The particles that are absorbed through the digestive system are transported through the bloodstream so as to be available to the whole body. (V) This provides the energy for activity as well as the materials for body growth, maintenance and repair.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

25. (I) The relationship between genes and proteins was first proposed in 1909 when English physician A. Garrod suggested that genes dictate phenotypes through enzymes, the proteins that catalyze chemical processes in the cell. (II) The idea came from his observations of inherited diseases. (III) He hypothesized that an inherited disease reflects a body’s inability to manufacture a particular enzyme, and he referred to such diseases as “inborn errors of metabolism”. (IV) The function of a gene is to dictate the production of a specific enzyme. (V) His hypothesis was ahead of its time but research conducted decades later by other scientists proved him right.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

26. (I) Cigarette smoking is most likely to cause oral cancer. (II) When nicotine is delivered to the brain, catecholamines, that is, neurotransmitters that include epinephrine and norepinephrine, are released. (III) These substances act as stimulants, increasing cortical arousal, which can be measured by an electroencephalograph (EEG). (IV) In addition, smoking releases beta-endorphins, and the pleasurable effects of smoking may be due to the release of these opiates produced by the body. (V) Nicotine also increases the metabolic level, which explains the tendency for smokers to be thinner than nonsmokers.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

27. (I) The sugars lactose, sucrose, and maltose are broken down by the enzymes lactase, sucrase, and maltase, which are located in the lining of the small intestine. (II) Normally, the enzymes break these sugars into simple sugars, such as glucose, which are then absorbed into the blood through the intestinal wall. (III) If the necessary enzyme is lacking, the sugars are digested, and they can’t be absorbed. (IV) Thus, they remain in the small intestine, and the resulting high concentration of sugar draws fluid into the small intestine, causing diarrhea. (V) The nutritional deficiencies resulting from malabsorption can cause additional symptoms.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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28-31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Gene replacement therapy is being developed for several genetic diseases. Because many difficulties are inherent in treating most serious genetic diseases, scientists have dreamed of developing actual cures. Today, genetic engineering is bringing these dreams closer to reality. Such therapy could take two main forms. One approach would be to introduce copies of a normal gene into a fertilized egg, using modifications of the technology already used to produce transgenic animals. In some transgenic animals the introduced gene can remain stable from generation to generation, constituting a true “genetic cure.” However, this approach raises such complex ethical problems that it is not being actively pursued at this time. A second strategy – to introduce the normal gene into only some body cells (somatic cell gene therapy) – is receiving increased attention today. The rationale is that, although a particular gene may be present in all cells, it is expressed only in some. Expression of the normal allele in only the cells that require it may be sufficient to give a normal phenotype. Although this approach presents a number of technical obstacles, which must be overcome, gene therapies for a number of genetic diseases are undergoing development or are being tested on patients in clinical trials.

28. According to the passage, somatic cell gene therapy ----.

A) is regarded by physicians ethically applicableB) is cheaper and more practicalC) leads to a number of complicationsD) has been practised over decadesE) is related to body cells

29. One understands from the passage that clinical trials for gene therapies ----.

A) have given little hopeB) are still underwayC) have been much costlyD) cannot be carried on due to ethical problemsE) have been going on for several decades

30. It is suggested in the passage that the first major form of genetic therapy raises problems because ----

A) using technology in this process impairs the organic nature of the gene

B) it is difficult to apply the normal gene into a fertilized egg

C) it is ethically controversialD) the clinical tests have produced some unexpected

resultsE) its application to transgenic animals has been

opposed by some researchers

31. According to the passage, gene replacement therapy ----.

A) is a cure under development, especially for hereditary genetic diseases

B) is a dream in the medical world, which can hardly be achieved

C) is fully beneficial for a variety of diseasesD) has already been tried and very good results

obtainedE) has been used by the physicians successfully for a

long time

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32-35. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Many drugs, whether prescribed or abused, affect the nervous system. While about 25% of all prescribed drugs are taken to alter psychological conditions, almost all the commonly abused drugs affect mood. In particular, levels of serotonin and dopamine are thought to influence mood. For example, when excessive amounts of norepinephrine are released, people feel energetic and stimulated, whereas low concentrations of this neurotransmitter reduce anxiety. Habitual use of almost any mood-altering drug can result in psychological dependence, in which the user becomes emotionally dependent on the drug. When deprived of it, the user craves the feeling of euphoria (well-being) that the drug induces. Some drugs induce tolerance after several weeks. This means that response to the drug decreases, and greater amounts are required to obtain the desired effect. Tolerance often occurs because the liver cells are stimulated to produce more of the enzymes that metabolize and inactivate the drug. Use of some of the drugs, such as heroin, tobacco, and alcohol, may also result in addiction (physical dependence), in which physiological changes occur that make the user dependent on the drug. Addiction can also ocur because certain drugs, such as morphine, have components similar to substances that body cells normally manufacture on their own. The continued use of such a drug causes potentially dangerous physiological effects.

32. It is indicated in the passage that a regular use of drugs ----.

A) makes the user feel dizzy and exhaustedB) has no effect on the levels of the hormonesC) may result in addiction which greatly affects the

psychology of the userD) usually increases anxiety in the userE) can be toxic and lead to a number of psychological


33. According to the passage, the cause of the dependence on drugs ----.

A) is the fact that they can be easily purchasedB) is the excessive release of some hormones which

modify the psychology of the userC) is generally related to the user’s backgroundD) can be understood through a comprehensive study of

various drug casesE) can be explained with reference to the stability of


34. It is suggested in the passage that drug deprivation ----

A) usually results in an increased level of metabolic activities

B) makes the user more aggressive and intolerant towards others

C) increases instantly the sense of tolerance in the userD) stimulates the production of enzymes that contribute

to the user’s psychological well-beingE) leads to psychologically and physically negative


35. According to the passage, drug tolerance ----.

A) is a temporary case that can be treated effectivelyB) is on the whole limited to the use of heroin and

alcoholC) means that the more a drug is used, the more the

need for it increasesD) brings about significant change in the structure of

body cellsE) generally has known adverse effects on the user’s


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36-40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Water is the most abundant molecular component of living matter and constitutes 60 to 80 per cent of total body weight in humans. The aqueous fraction of the total body mass is determined by the amount of body fat, which varies with age, gender, and nutritional status. Approximately two thirds of the total body water is contained in the intracellular compartment. Potassium is a principal cation of intracellular fluid. The principle anions vary among different cells. The remaining one third of the volume body water is contained in the extracellular fluid (ECF). Because sodium salts account for 90 per cent of the solute in this compartment the ECF volume can be considered for practical purposes, to be composed of isotonic saline. One third of the ECF is contained in the vascular space and is critical for the stability of cardiovascular function. The cell membrane represents the barrier between the intracellular and extracellular fluid compartments. Because membranes are relatively permeable to water and low molecular weight solutes, the movement of fluid between these two compartments is determined by the osmotic gradient.

36. Parçaya göre toplam vücut kitlesinin sıvı kısmı ne ile saptanır?

A) yaşB) cinsiyetC) beslenme koşullarıD) vucut yağı miktarıE) konjestif şartlar

37. Parçaya göre aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) Su canlılarda en çok bulunan moleküler öğedir.B) İnsanlarda toplam vücut ağırlığının yüzde 60-80’ini

oluşturur.C) Toplam vücut sıvısının üçte ikisi hücre içi bölümünde

yer alır.D) Potasyum hücre içi sıvısının başlıca katyonudur.E) Önemli anyonlar farklı hücreler arasında aynı

özellikleri gösterir.

38. Parçada geçen “approximately” ifadesinin türkçe karşılığı nedir?

A) GenellikleB) Yaklaşık olarakC) Çoğu zamanD) Tam olarakE) Büyük olasılıkla

39. Parçaya göre neden hücre dışı sıvı volumünün izotonik salinden oluştuğu düşünülebilir?

A) Elektrolit dengesini koruması yüzündenB) Sistemik hemodinamik değişkenleri düzenlemesi

yüzündenC) Kardiyovasküler fonksiyonun stabilitesi yönündenD) Entegre bir volüm yanıtı oluşturan efektörler dizisini

aktive ettiği içinE) Hücre dışı sıvı volumünün yaklaşık yüzde doksanını

sodyum tuzları oluşturduğu için

40. Parçada geçen “relatively permeable” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı nedir?

A) nispeten geçirgenB) bağlantılı olarak geçişliC) büyük ölçüde eğilimliD) geçirgenliği düşükE) karşılıklı uyumlu

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41-45. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Human development depends on genetic and environmental factors. A person’s genetic composiition (genome) is established at conception. The genetic information is carried in the DNA of the chromosomes and mitochondria. Most diseases probably have some genetic component, the extent of which varies. Environmental factors may alter genetic information through mutation or other structurel alteration and can affect classic genetic disorders (eg. dietary management in phenylketonuria, drugs for hypercholesterolemia).

DNA’s capacity to replicate constitutes the basis of hereditary transmission. DNA also provides the genetic codes, which determines cell development and metabolism by controlling RNA synthesis. The sequence of the elements (nucleotides) that comprise DNA and RNA determines protein composition and thus its function.

Genes (between 60000 and 100000 in humans) are carried by the chromosomes (rodlike structures in the cell nuclei) and mitochondria (circular structures in cell cytoplasm present in multiple copies) In humans, somatic (nongerm) cells normally have 46 chromosomes, occuring as 23 pairs. Each pair consists of one chromosome from the mother and one from the father. One pair, the sex chromosomes, determines a person’s sex. Women have two X chromosomes in every somatic cell nucleus, whereas men have one X and one Y chromosome (heterologous chromosomes).

41. Parçanın ilk paragrafına göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) İnsan gelişimi genetik ve çevresel faktörlere bağlıdır.B) Bir kişinin genetik kompozisyonu doğumda belirlenir.C) Genetik bilgi kromozonların DNA sında ve

mitokondride taşınır.D) Kapsamı değişen şekilde çoğu hastalığın muhtemel

bir genetik komponenti vardır.E) Çevresel faktörler genetik bilgiyi mutasyon yoluyla


42. Parçaya göre DNA ve RNA ile ilgili olarak hangisi doğrudur?

A) DNA nın replikasyon kapasitesi herediter geçiş için bir baz oluşturur.

B) DNA aynı zamanda genetik nukleotidi belirler.C) Genetik kod RNA yıkılımını hücre gelişimini ve

metabolizmasını kontrol eder.D) Nukleotidlerin türü önemlidir.E) Nükleotidlerin sırası protein yapısından bağımsızdır.

43. Parçaya göre genlerle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) İnsanlarda gen sayısı 60.000 ile 100.000 arasındadır.B) Genler, kromozomlar ve mitokondriler tarafından

taşınır.C) Kromozomlar hücre nükleusunda çubuk şeklinde

yapılardır.D) İnsanlarda somatik hücrelerde 46 kromozom bulunur.E) Her kromozom bir çift babadan bir çift anneden gen


44. Parçada altı çizili ‘thus’ kelimesi ne anlama gelmektedir?

A) Buna karşınB) BöyleceC) Bununla birlikteD) SırasıylaE) Sonra

45. Parçada altı çizili ‘whereas’ kelimesi ne anlama gelmektedir?

A) AslındaB) KarşınC) SonrasındaD) -ikenE) öncesinde

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46. People cannot minimize the consequences of heart failure, ---- they introduce changes in their lives and strictly obey the instructions given by the doctor.

A) butB) ifC) whereasD) unlessE) whether

47. ---- stress or heavy exercise, the normal heart can increase its cardiac output up to five fold, and 20 or 30 litres of blood can be pumped ---- minute.

A) On / in B) In / withinC) By / at D) During / perE) From / to

48. New experiments on animals ---- hope that a cure based on transplanting stem cells ---- a reality in the future for patients with Parkinson’s disease.

A) could have given / had becomeB) gave / becomesC) will give / has becomeD) give / could becomeE) had given / became

49. Usually the result of smoking, emphysema ---- when the air sacs at the ends of a person’s air passages (the bronchioles) ----.

A) had occurred / were gradually being destroyedB) occurred / have been gradually destroyedC) has been occurring / had gradually been destroyedD) occurs / are gradually destroyedE) was to occur / would gradually be destroyed

50-54. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Investigating the relation between cell phones and cancer remains terribly difficult and (19)----. Brain cancer studies are particularly hard to conduct (20)---- the tumours are rare and can take decades to develop. Most studies have addressed either malignant tumours such as glioma, or benign tumours such as meningioma or acoustic neuroma. The majority of the studies have found no link between cell phones and these types of cancer, but (21)---- have. Researchers of a university hospital in Sweden found increased risk (22)---- glioma and acoustic neuroma after ten or more years of regular cell phone use. They (23)---- that current radiation limits for cellphones are unsafe.


A) inconclusive B) explicitC) obvious D) influentialE) available

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A) that B) unlessC) although D) becauseE) while


A) none B) a fewC) most D) muchE) more


A) against B) fromC) for D) toE) about


A) concluded B) would have concludedC) would conclude D) should have concludedE) had concluded

55-57. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

55. Although the cause of Reye’s syndrome is unknown, ----.

A) most doctors are unaware of its effectsB) people who take aspirin have an increased risk of

bleedingC) certain viruses, such as influenza A or B or varicella

virus, may be involvedD) the doctor would perform a liver biopsy and spinal tap

to diagnose itE) no specific treatment can be proposed to prevent it

56. If a doctor anticipates that the foetus’s lungs are immature, and delivery cannot be delayed, ----.

A) a corticosteroid drug may be given to the mother at least 24 hours before the delivery

B) respiratory distress syndrome is a breathing disorder in which the air sacs in an infant’s lungs do not stay open

C) infants born to diabetic mothers are more likely to have immature lungs

D) soon after delivery, the infant begins to breathe rapidly

E) infants with respiratory distress syndrome are at the risk of bleeding in the brain

57. Because breast cancer rarely produces symptoms in its early stages, ----.

A) the different types of breast cancer differ greatly in their response to treatment

B) most surgeons take into account a number of issuesC) it may be treated with a variety of surgical optionsD) treatment depends on the characteristics of the

cancerE) routine screening is especially important

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58-59. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

58. Kalp hastalıklarına ve çeşitli hastalıklara yol açan kronik yangıyı anlamak, kanserin bilinmeyen nedenlerini tanımlamak için önemli olabilir.

A) Since chronic inflammation contributes to heart disease and a variety of other diseases, it may be helpful in understanding and identifying the hidden causes of cancer.

B) Understanding chronic inflammation, which contributes to heart disease and a variety of other diseases, may be important in identifying the unknown causes of cancer.

C) Identifying the undetected causes of cancer depends on understanding chronic inflammation, which also triggers heart disease and a variety of other diseases.

D) Understanding chronic inflammation, as it also indicates heart disease and a variety of other diseases, may be helpful in detecting certain causes of cancer.

E) Understanding chronic inflammation, which leads not only to heart disease but also to a variety of other diseases, is essential in order to identify many unknown causes of cancer.

59. Sadece kişinin sahip olduğu kilosu değil, aynı zamanda vücut yağının oranı da antibiyotiklerin vücut üzerindeki etkisini azaltabilir.

A) The effect antibiotics have on the body falls sharply due to the weight a person has as well as the proportion of his body fat.

B) Antibiotics have less and less effect on the body if a person has much weight and a high proportion of body fat.

C) Not only the weight a person has, but also the proportion of his body fat may reduce the effect of antibiotics on the body.

D) The antibiotic effect on the body is much reduced not only because of the weight a person has but also due to the proportion of body weight.

E) It is due to a person’s weight as well as the proportion of his body fat that the effect antibiotics have on the body is reduced.

60-61. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

60. Ulcerative colitis is a disease in which extensive areas of the walls of the large intestine become inflamed and ulcerated. Some clinicians believe that it results from an allergic or immune destructive effect, but it could also result from a chronic bacterial infection. ----.

A) The person may also have a fever and a poor appetite

B) Even then, the ulcers sometimes fail to heal, and the only solution is removal of the entire colon

C) Moreover, about 10 per cent of people who have the disease have only simple attacks

D) Whatever the cause, there is a strong hereditary tendency for susceptibility to this disease

E) Unlike Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis never affects the small intestine

61. Anaemia is not a disease but a symptom of any of a number of different disorders. It can be caused by poor diet, blood loss, exposure to industrial poisons, diseases of the bone marrow and any other disorder that upsets the balance between blood production and blood loss. Mild degrees of anaemia often cause nothing more than a lack of energy. ---- This may be accompanied by the pounding of the heart and a rapid pulse and heart action.

A) Treatment depends on how rapidly blood is lost and how severe the anaemia is.

B) This type of anaemia disappears when the cause has been found and corrected.

C) A good basic diet is the best way to combat diet deficiency anaemia.

D) However, in more severe cases of anaemia, exertion causes shortness of breath.

E) Many nutrients are needed for red cell production.

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62-63. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

62. Mark:

- Have you seen the news in the newspaper about a ban on doctors wearing watches in hospitals?

Paul:- A ban on wearing watches? What ban?

Mark:- ----

Paul:- Now I understand the reason why such a decision has

been taken.

A) I know you are particularly interested in expensive watches.

B) Most doctors rightly point out that the Department of Health’s policies are always complicated.

C) Some new studies show that, in estimating patients’ heart and respiratory rates, doctors usually make mistakes.

D) Don’t you know? Last year, the Department of Health advised doctors against wearing their watches while they were in hospital since the watches could harbour bacteria.

E) In my opinion, wearing watches in hospitals would do no harm to patients.

63. Sarah:

- In recent years, we all have heard the phrase “jet lag” from people who had a flight because it is almost a routine for the air travels.

Anna:- Yes, you’re right. I’ve heard it for many times, but I still

don’t know what it is.

Sarah:- ---------------


- You seem to know it in detail. You must have read a lot about this problem.

A) Studies show that this problem is seen especially when the flight is from West to East.

B) Well, actually, it can be defined as the lack of adaptation of the human body to the fast change of time when flying across a number of time zones.

C) I have no idea about how we can protect ourselves from it.

D) As far as I am concerned, it isn’t because of a long flight time but because of the time zone difference.

E) It is seen less in children and young people, because their body is more prone to change.

64-65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

64. (I) Systemic anaphylaxis is a dangerous allergic reaction that can occur when a person develops an allergy to a specific drug such as penicillin. (II) In serious allergic disorders, patients are sometimes given a form of immunotherapy known as desensitization. (III) A widespread allergic reaction takes place within minutes after the drug enters the body. (IV) Mast cells release large amounts of histamine and other compounds into the circulation, and these compounds cause extreme vasodilatation and permeability. (V) So much plasma may be lost from the blood that circulatory shock and death can occur within a few minutes.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

65. (I) Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people aged 30 to 65 years old. (II) Blindness occurs 20 times more frequently in diabetic patients than others and is most often seen after the disease has been manifest for at least 15 years. (III) Similarly, type II diabetes may occur in children or adolescents but usually begins after age 30. (IV) Approximately 10 to 15% of type I diabetic patients become legally blind (visual acuity of 20/200 or worse in the beter eye). (V) The primary cause of visual loss is retinopathy.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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66-69. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases are the most common diseases which affect many people in the world. Approximately, 1 million people in the world suffer from Parkinson’s disease, a motor disorder characterized by difficulty in initiating movements and slowness of movement. Patients often have a masked facial expression, poor balance, and a flexed posture. Like Alzheimer’s disease, which is characterized by confusion, memory loss, and a variety of other symptoms, Parkinson’s disease is progressive, and the risk increases with age. The incidence of the Parkinson’s disease is about 1% at the age of 65, and about 5% at the age 85. Parkinson’s disease appears to result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Evidence for a genetic role includes the fact that some families with an increased incidence of Parkinson’s disease carry a mutated form of the gene for a protein which is important in normal brain function. The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease result from the death of neurons in the mid-brain. As a result, at present, there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, although various treatments can help control the symptoms.

66. According to the passage, Parkinson’s disease ----.

A) has its adverse effects on the body’s movementsB) can easily be treated at an advanced ageC) can best be understood through a close study of the

memoryD) can be cured provided that its symptoms are taken

into account at an early stageE) is a consequence of purely environmental factors

67. It is clear from the passage that Alzheimer’s disease ----.

A) affects more people in the world than Parkinson’s disease

B) is a major genetic disorder that can today be controlled

C) can be recognized through the patient’s loss of memory as well as a number of other symptoms

D) is common mostly among elderly people over the age of 80

E) has attracted more medical attention in the world than Parkinson’s disease

68. It is pointed out in the passage that the loss of neurons in the mid-brain ----.

A) is an incidence that can be observed easilyB) initiates Alzheimer’s diseaseC) results from general protein deficiencyD) happens when the body’s movements begin to slow

downE) leads to Parkinson’s disease

69. As clearly pointed out in the passage, there is ----.

A) a great deal of protein deficiency in many families prone to Alzheimer’s disease

B) much evidence to claim that Parkinson’s disease can be cured in the near future

C) a variety of treatments whereby the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can be controlled

D) a need to develop a new technique whereby the movements of the body can be improved

E) much controversy among physicians in the world on the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

70. Since most immunosuppressive drugs work by dampening the entire immune system, they leave the patient ---- to short-term problems like infections.

A) reliableB) detrimentalC) indifferentD) susceptibleE) deficient

71. ---- any orgzan, including the kidneys, lungs, heart and brain, can be attacked by the immune system.

A) Closely B) VirtuallyC) FortunatelyD) ProfoundlyE) Extremely

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72. Roughly one in a thousand of the three billion DNA letters that ---- the human genome differs between any two given individuals.

A) break into B) give inC) keep up D) make upE) put on

73. Some new research findings ---- that growing old ---- from stress and oxidative damage to cells and DNA.

A) suggest / may not resultB) suggested / has not resultedC) will suggest / did not resultD) had suggested / would not resultE) have suggested / had not resulted

74. Over the last few years, physicians ---- pharmacogenetic testing to identify thousands of childhood leukaemia sufferers whose genes ---- them to a severe reaction to certain drugs.

A) have used / predisposeB) used / would have predisposedC) had used / will predisposeD) were using / must predisposeE) use / had predisposed

75. In immunodeficiency disorders, the immune system doesn’t function adequately, ---- infections are more common, recur more frequently and last longer than usual.

A) so B) butC) even if D) althoughE) as if

76-80. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

People may bruise easily because of fragile capillaries in the skin. Each time these small blood vessels break, a little blood (7) ----, leaving tiny red dots in the skin and bluish-purple bruises. Women seem more prone than men to bruising from a minor injury, especially (8) ---- the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms. Older people are especially susceptible to bruising after bumps and falls (9) ---- they have fragile blood vessels and a thinner layer of fat under the skin, which normally serves as a cushion to help protect against injury. For most people, the condition isn’t serious, but bruising easily (10) ---- a sign that something is wrong with the blood clotting elements, most likely the platelets. Blood tests can determine if (11) ---- problems exist.


A) passes by B) comes up C) runs away D) breaks off

E) leaks out


A) on B) with C) throughout D) through

E) over


A) unless B) even so C) because D) whereas

E) so that


A) has to be B) should be C) would be D) may be

E) will be


A) such B) no C) much D) so

E) many

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1. M. cremaster’i aşağıdaki kaslardan hangisinin lifleri oluşturur?

A) M. rectus abdominis B) M. pyramidalisC) M. obliquus externus abdominis D) M. transversus abdominisE) M. obliquus internus abdominis

2. Rima glottidis’i (glottis) açan larinks kası aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) M. cricothyroideusB) M. thyroarytenoideus C) M. cricoarytenoideus posteriorD) M. arytenoideus transversusE) M. arytenoideus obliquus


3. Parasempatik lif içermeyen kranyal sinir aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) N. oculomotorius B) N. trigeminus C) N. facialisD) N. glossopharyngeusE) N. vagus

4. Aldosteron sentez ve sekresyonunda aşağıdakilerden hangisi en az önemlidir?

A) Adrenokortikotropik hormonB) Plazma potasyumC) Plazma sodyumD) ReninE) Angiotensin II

5. Seyri sırasında hem arka hem de orta mediastinum’dan geçen oluşum aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Özefagus B) V. azygosC) Ductus thoracicusD) N. phrenicusE) V. cava superior

6. Şekilde “X” ile gösterilen ve taranmış olan bölgenin duyusu hangi sinir ile taşınır?

A) N. fibularis (peroneus) superficialisB) N. suralisC) N. fibularis (peroneus) profundusD) N. plantaris lateralisE) N. plantaris medialis

TIP BİLİMLERİ SINAVI1. Bu testten alacağınız standart puan, Genel puanınızın hesaplanmasında 0,3 katsayısı ile çarpılacaktır.2. Bu testte 80 soru vardır.3. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz4. Sayfalar üzerinde boş yerleri müsvedde için kulllanabilirsiniz.

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7. Aşağıdaki sinirlerden hangisi fissura orbitalis inferior’dan geçer?

A) N. oculomotorius B) N. trochlearis C) N. abducensD) N. ophtalmicusE) N. maxillaris

8. N. Medianus; seyri sırasında aşağıdaki kaslardan hangisinin iki başı arasından geçer?

A) M. pronator teres B) M. flexor carpi ulnarisC) M. pronator quadratusD) M. flexor digitorum superficialisE) M. flexor digitorum profundus

9. Omentum minus’u yapan ligamentler, aşağıdaki seçeneklerden hangisinde doğru verilmiştir?

A) Lig. Gastrocolicum + Lig. gastrophrenicumB) Lig. Splenorenale + Lig. phrenicocolicumC) Lig. Gastrophrenicum + Lig. hepatoduodenaleD) Lig. Hepatoduodenale + Lig. splenorenaleE) Lig. Hepatogastricum + Lig. Hepatoduodenale

10. Canalis inguinalis’in alt duvarını aşağıdaki yapılardan hangisi oluşturur?

A) Ligamentum inguinale B) Fascia transversalis C) M. obliquus internus abdominis’in aponörozuD) Linea albaE) Parietal peritoneum

11. Midede asit salgılayan hücre aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Paryetal hücreB) Zimojen hücreC) Paneth hücreD) Goblet hücresiE) G hücresi

12. Aşağıdaki şıklardan hangisi Bainbridge refleksini tanımlar?

A) Sol atriyumun gerilip taşikardi oluşmasıB) Sol ventrikülün gerilip bradikardi oluşmasıC) İntrakranial basıncın artıp hipertansiyon ve bradikardi

oluşmasıD) Künt karın travmasına bağlı bradikardi olmasıE) Kulak zarına bir cisimle dokunulduğunda bradikardi ve

bulantı olması

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13. Basit küboidal epitel aşağıdaki organlardan hangisinde bulunur?

A) AkciğerB) TrakeaC) TestisD) BöbrekE) Epididimis

14. Hücre membranında depolarizasyonun başlamasında etkili olan iyon hareketi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Na+ iyonlarının hücre içine girmesiB) K+ iyonlarının hücre dışına çıkmasıC) Ca+ iyonlarının hücre içine girmesiD) Cl- iyonlarının hücre içine girmesiE) Na+ iyonlarının hücre dışına pompalanması

15. Aşağıdaki hücrelerden hangisi periferal sinir sisteminin gilial hücresidir?

A) Schwann hücresi B) Fibröz astrositC) Ependimal hücre D) OligodendrositE) Purkinje hücresi

16. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Ca++ iyonlarının kasta terminal sisternalardan sarkoplazmaya salınması için gereklidir?

A) Asetil kolin B) Ca pompasıC) ATPD) ATPazE) T tübuluslarının depolarizasyonu

17. Aldosteronun en fazla etkili olduğu hücreler hangileridir?

A) Glomerül hücrelerdir.B) Proksimal tübül hücrelerdir.C) Henle kulbunun ince bölüm hücreleridir.D) Henle kulbunun kalın bölüm hücreleridir.E) Medullar kollektör kanaldaki esas hücreler

18. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi, kalbin venöz dönüşünü artıran faktörlerden değildir?

A) VenokonstriksiyonB) Total periferik direnç azalmasıC) Sempatik uyarıD) EgzersizE) Sık ve derin soluma

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19. Katekolamin sentezinde noradrenalinin adrenaline dönüşümü hangi reaksiyonla sağlanır?

A) Karboksilasyon B) DekarboksilasyonC) N-MetilasyonD) O-metilasyonE) Hidroksilasyon

20. Tüm steroid hormonlarının sentezinde kolesterolden sonra gelen madde hangisidir?

A) Pregnenolon B) KortikosteronC) KortizonD) 17-OH progesteronE) 11-deoksikortikosteron

21. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi D-glukoz, D-galaktoz ve D-fruktozun ortak özelliğidir?

A) İzomerB) EpimerC) DisakkaritD) AldohekzosE) Nonredükte şeker

22. Kas yıkım göstergesi olarak idrarda artan hangisidir?

A) HidroksiprolinB) Metil histidinC) HidroksilizinD) HomoserinE) Homosistein

23. Sitozoldeki Asetil KoA kaynağı hangisidir?

A) SitratB) MalatC) OksaloasetatD) SüksinatE) ketoglutarat

24. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi pürin kaynağı olarak senteze katılmaz?

A) Aspartat B) GlutaminC) Glisin D) CO2E) Metiyonin

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25. Şilomikron artıklarının esas fonksiyonu nedir?

A) Lipoprotein lipaz reaksiyonu için trigliserit sağlamakB) Fazla kolesterolü dokulardan almakC) Karaciğere diyet kolesterolü sağlamakD) LCAT reaksiyonu için kolesterol sağlamakE) VLDL katabolizması sırasında trigliserid almak

26. Aşağıdaki mediatörlerden hangisi hemostaz ile ilişkilidir?

A) Hemoglobin B) AlbuminC) Kalsiyum D) TransferrinE) Seruloplazmin

27. Askorbik asit aşağıdaki reaksiyonlardan hangisinde görev almaz?

A) Safra asidi sentezinde B) Barsaktan demir emilimindeC) Transaminasyon reaksiyonundaD) Antioksidan olarakE) Hidroksilasyon reaksiyonlarında

28. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi besin zehirlenmesi etkeni değildir?

A) Campylobacter C) Salmonella B) StafilokokD) EnterokokE) Yersinia

29. Gram pozitif, beta hemolitik, katalaz negatif ve basitrasine dirençli bakteri hangisidir?

A) S. aureusB) S. epidermidisC) Streptococcus pyogenesD) Streptococcus agalactiaE) Staphylococcus saprophyticus

30. Gram pozitif bakterilerin yüzey antijenitesini sağlayan ve makrofajlardan sitokin salınımına neden olabilen en önemli komponent aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) D-alaninB) LipopolisakkaritC) Teikoik asitD) N-asetilmuramik asitE) Pentaglisin

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31. Helmint infeksiyonlarında önemli rol oynayan antikor hangisidir?

A) Ig A B) Ig DC) Ig M D) Ig EE) Ig G

32. Aşağıda verilen “bakteriler boyama - morfolojik görüntüleri” eşleştirmelerinden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) Streptococcus pneumoniae – Gram pozitif ikili kokB) Moraxella catarrhalis – Gram negatif ikili kokC) Staphylococcus saprophyticus – Gram pozitif kokD) Neisseria gonorrhoeae – Gram negatif ikili kokE) Pseudomonas aeruginosa – Gram pozitif basil

33. Bir köpeğin ısırması sonrası infekte olan yaradan alınan sürüntü materyalinin incelemesinde gram negatif kokobasiller görülüyor.

Bu durumda ilk düşünülmesi gereken mikroorganizma aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Staphylococcus aureus B) Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiaeC) Treponema pallidum D) Pasteurella multocidaE) Brucella melitensis

34. Aşağıdaki mantarlardan hangisi subkütan mikoz etkenidir?

A) Blastomyces dermatidisB) Coccoidiodes immitisC) Histoplasma capsulatum D) Paracoccoidiodes brasiliensisE) Sporothrix schenkii

35. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi kompleman ve antikor aracılı hipersensitivitedir?

A)Tip I B) Tip IIC) Tip III D) Tip IVE) Tip V

36. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi reperfüzyondan sonra görülen doku hasarının oluşum mekanizmalarından birisi değildir?

A) Kompleman aktivasyonuB) Serbest oksijen radikalleriC) Hücreye kalsiyum girişiD) Ortama serbest demir girişiE) Sitokin salınımı

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37. Kırkbeş yaşında bir kadın hastada sol memede 2.5 cm’lik kitle oluşturan ve akciğer metastazına yol açmış bir invaziv duktal karsinom saptanıyor. Bu hastada aşağıdaki genlerden hangisinin aşırı ekspresyonunun izlenme olasılığı en yüksektir?

A) C-kitB) APCC) bcl-2D) c-erB-B2E) BRCA-2

38. İncelmiş kemik trabekülleri, genişlemiş havers kanalları aşağıdaki hastalıklardan hangisi için tipiktir?

A) OsteoporozB) AkondroplaziC) OsteopetrozisD) Paget hastalığının sklerotik evresiE) Osteoartrit

39. Romatizmal kalp hastalığının tipik kalp bulgusu aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Aschoff cismiB) PannusC) TofusD) Libman-Sachs EndokarditiE) Mikzomatöz dejeneresyon

40. Vaskülitlerde en sık gözlenen nekroz tipi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Gangrenöz nekroz B) Kazeifikasyon nekrozuC) Koagulasyon nekrozuD) Fibrinoid nekrozE) Likefaksiyon nekrozu

41. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi serviks kanseri etyolojisinde rol almaz?

A) Erken yaşta seksüel ilişkiB) Multipl partnerC) Human papilloma virus enfeksiyonuD) Doğum yapmamış olmakE) Düşük sosyoekonomik düzey

42. Erişkinlerde kalbin en sık görülen primer tümörü aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) MiksomaB) RabdomyomaC) AnjisarkomD) RabdomyosarkomE) Lipom

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43. Griseofulvinin keratinize dokulara afinitesinin olması aşağıdakilerden hangine örnektir?

A) İyon tuzağıB) Enterohepatik sirkülasyonC) Presistemik eliminasyonD) RedistribüsyonE) Sekestrasyon

44. Aşağıdaki ilaçlardan hangisinin feokromasitoma tedavisinde tek başına kullanılması uygun değildir?

A) FenoksibenzaminB) FentolaminC) Alfa-metil-tirozinD) PropranololE) Labetalol

45. Düşük molekül ağırlıklı heparin etkisi aşağıdakilerden hangisinde takip edilir?

A) Aktive edilmiş parsiyel tromboplastin zamanıB) Anti-Xa aktivite testiC) Protrombin Zamanı (PT)D) Faktör X tayini E) Trombosit sayısı

46. Deneysel şizofreni oluşturmak için kullanılan halüsinojen madde aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Flufenazin B) FensiklidinC) Haloperidol D) TioridazinE) Klorpromazin

47. Sentetik ADH analoğu olan hemofili A ve Von-willebrand hastalığında kullanılan ilaç aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) FelipresinB) VazopresinC) Desmopresin D) TerlipresinE) Lipresin

48. Antiinflamatuar etkisi nedeniyle inflamatuar barsak hastalıklarının tedavisinde kullanılan sülfonamid türevi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Sulfasalazin B) SulfapiridinC) Sulfadoksin D) SulfadiazinE) Mafenid

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49. Aşağıdakil hormonlardan hangisinin reseptörü hücre membranında lokalizedir?

A) GlukagonB) AndrojenC) Tiroid hormonlarıD) KalsitriolE) Retinoik asid

50. Aşağıda 10 çocuğun kiloları verilmiştir.

2 çocuk 18 kg

3 çocuk 19 kg

1 çocuk 20 kg

1 çocuk 21 kg

2 çocuk 22 kg

Çocukların kilolarının tepe değeri kaçtır?

A) 18 B) 19C) 20D) 21E) 22

51. Oniki yaşındaki bir çocuk öğretmeni tarafından doktora dikkat azalması, okul başarısının bozulması ve sık tuvalete gitme nedeniyle getiriliyor. Doktorunun kayıtlarında son 6 ayda 2.5 kilo kaybı olduğu saptanıyor. Fizik muayenede, çocuğun istirahat nabzı 110/dakika, kan basıncı 130/ 50 mmHg ve tiroid bezi normalin iki katı büyüklükte saptanıyor.

Bu hastada en olası tanı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Hashimoto tiroiditiB) Medüller tiroid kanseriC) Tip I Diabetes MellitusD) Jüvenil hipotiroidiE) Tirotoksikozis

52. Alnının sol tarafında nevüs ve sol gözünde glokomu olan çocuğun vücudunun sağ tarafında hemipleji ve fokal tonik-klonik nöbetleri saptanıyor.

Bu hastada en olası tanı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) TüberosklerozB) Lineer nevüs sendromuC) Sturge-Weber sendromuD) Von Hippel Lindau hastalığıE) İnkontinentia pigmenti

53. Kawasaki hastalığının akut fazında (1-10 gün) en sık mortalite nedeni aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Febril konvülziyonlar B) Aspirin intoksikasyonuC) Miyokard iskemisi D) Koroner arter anevrizmasıE) Miyokardit

54. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi kızamığın komplikasyonlarından birisi değildir?

A) Pnömoni B) EnsefalitC) Otitis mediaD) OrşitE) Trombositopeni

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55. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi canlı aşıdır?

A) TifoB) TetanozC) Hepatit AD) Hemofilus influenza tip b E) BCG

56. İyot eksikliği olmayan bölgelerde çocuk ve adolesan yaş grubunda guatrın en sık edinsel nedeni aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Hashimoto tiroiditi B) Tiroid dishormonogenezisC) Basedow-Graves hastalığı D) Pendred sendromuE) İnfiltratif hastalıklar

57. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi lomber ponksiyonun kontrendikasyonlarından biri değildir?

A) Süt çocuğu döneminde pulsasyon veren fontanel B) Bilinç bozukluğu, 3. ve 4. kranial sinirlerin felci C) Solunum bozukluğu, hipertansiyon, bradikardi D) Kardiyo-pulmoner resüsitasyona gereksinim

duyulacak şok tablosu E) Lomber ponksiyon yapılacak cilt bölgesinde


58. Aşağıdakilerden hangisinin ağrı duyusu yoktur?

A) Beyin parankimiB) DuramaterC) Meningeal arterlerD) 7. kranial sinirE) Venöz sinusler

59. Stres altındaki hastalarda kas katabolizması ve kaşeksiden sorumlu temel sitokin aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) İnterlökin-1B) İnterlökin-2C) Tümör nekrozis faktör- alfa (TNF-α)D) İnterlökin-8E) İnterlökin-4

60. Aşağıdaki durumlardan hangisi anyon açığının arttığı bir metabolik asidoz nedenidir?

A) Proksimal renal tübüler asidoz B) Distal renal tübüler asidoz C) İnce barsak fistülleri D) Üremi E) İshal

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61. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi enteral nütrisyonun komplikasyonlarından biri değildir?

A) Hiperozmolar non-ketotik komaB) Kusma ve aspirasyonC) Pnömotosis sistoides intestinalisD) Perforasyon ve peritonitE) Konstipasyon

62. Yanık nedeniyle acil servise başvuran 42 yaşındaki erkek hastanın yapılan muayenesinde toplam vücut yüzeyinin %20’sinde birinci derece; %18’inde ikinci derece; %14’ünde üçüncü derece yanık saptanıyor.

Sıvı tedavisinin hesaplanması sırasında kullanılacak yanık yüzdesi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) 32B) 52 C) 46D) 23 E) 14

63. İnflamatuvar bağırsak hastalıklarına ait aşağıdaki bulgulardan hangisi Crohn hastalığında ülseratif kolite göre daha sık görülür?

A) Pyoderma gangrenosum B) Perianal hastalıkC) Rektal tutulum D) Eritema nodosumE) Sakroilitis

64. Piyojenik karaciğer apselerinin en sık nedeni aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Asendan biliyer infeksiyonB) Portal ven yolu ile hematojen yayılımC) Jeneralize septisemiD) İntraperitoneal infeksiyonlardan direk yayılımE) Karaciğer travması

65 Zayıf androjenik ,güçlü anti-gonadotropik etki gösteren steroid türevi ilaç aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) DanazolB) Kortizon asetatC) Hidrokortizon asetatD) PrednizonE) Florokortizon asetat

66. Yirmiyedi yaşında bayan hasta sık pulmoner infeksiyon nedeniyle başvuruyor. Hastanın klinik değerlendirilmesinde insprium ve ekspriumda sabit S2 çiftleşmesi ile ejeksiyon üfürümü, elektrokardiyografide sağ aks saptanıyor.

Yukarıda kliniği tanımlanan hastada en olası tanı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Mitral kapak prolapsusuB) Ventriküler septal defektC) Atriyal septal defektD) Pulmoner stenozE) Fizyolojik üfürüm

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67. Bacaklarda şişlik ve dispne şikayeti ile başvuran bir hastada, fizik muayenede solda sternum ile 4. ve 5. kostaların birleşim yerinde derin inspiryumda şiddetlenen pansistolik üfürüm alınıyor.

Bu hastada en olası tanı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Triküspid yetmezliğiB) Mitral yetmezliğiC) Aort yetmezliğiD) Pulmoner kapak yetmezliğiE) Mitral valv prolapsusu

68. Otuzdört yaşında bir bayan hasta halsizlik ve çabuk yorulma şikayetleriyle başvuruyor. Yapılan tetkikler sonucunda sıcak tip otoimmün hemolitik anemi tanısı konulan bu hasta için ilk seçilecek tedavi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Demir tedavisi B) Tedavisiz izlemC) Kortikosteroid D) SiklofosfamidE) Splenektomi

69. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi romatoid artrit’te hastalık aktivasyonunu belirlemede kullanılmaz?

A) TrombositozB) CRP artışıC) Sedimantasyon yüksekliğiD) Romatoid faktör yüksekliğiE) Albuminde azalma

70. Aşağıdaki antiviral ajanların hangisinin kronik aktif hepatit B tedavisinde yeri yoktur?

A) İnterferon alfa B) LamivudinC) Ribavirin D) EntekavirE) Tenofovir

71. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi kronik pankreatitli bir hastada operasyon endikasyonu değildir?

A) Kanser şüphesiB) Tedaviye dirençli ağrı C) Koledok obstruksiyonuD) Endokrin pankreas yetmezliği E) Psödokist oluşum

72. Tiroid patolojileri ile ilgili aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi uygun değildir?

A) Psammoma cisimcikleri - Papiller tiroid karsinomuB) Orphan Annie hücreleri - Medüller tiroid karsinomuC) Hurtle hücreleri - Hashimoto tiroiditiD) Askenazy hücreleri - Hashimoto tiroiditiE) Dev hücreler - Subakut tiroidit

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73. Aşağıdakilerden hangisinde hipokalsemi gelişme olasılığı en düşüktür?

A) Akut pankreatitB) FurosemidC) Primer hiperparatiroidizm D) İnce barsak fistülleriE) Kronik renal yetmezlik

74. Aşağıdaki faktörlerden hangisi kırık iyileşmesini olumsuz yönde etkiler?

A) İleri yaşB) Spongiöz kemikC) İmmobilizasyonD) Artmış doku kanlanmasıE) Enfeksiyon yokluğu

75. Akut apandisit tanısı için en güvenilir ve en duyarlı yöntem aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Ayakta direk batın grafisiB) Ultrasonografi (USG)C) Bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT)D) Beyaz küre sayısıE) Fizik muayene

76. Bartolin bezinin en sık rastlanan patolojisi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) BartolinitB) Bartolin absesiC) AdenomD) Bartolin kistiE) Adenokanser

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77. Kromozom anormallikleri sebebiyle ortaya çıkan İntrauterin büyüme geriliğinin en sık nedeni aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) 47 XXY B) 45 XOC) Trizomi 18 D) Trizomi 21E) Trizomi 13

78. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Rahim İçi Araçların (RIA) kesin kontraendikasyonlardan biri değildir?

A) Smear sonucu HSİL gelen olguB) Uterin didelfisC) Kemoterapiye bağlı immünsupresyonD) Nedeni açıklanamayan kanamaE) Nulliparite

79. Aşağıdaki tümör supresör genlerden hangisinde meydana gelen mutasyon herediter meme ve over kanserine yatkınlığa daha sık neden olur?

A) BRCA – 2 B) BRCA - 1C) p53 D) RBE) APC

80. Kemik ağrıları üzerine etkili olan, osteoporoz tedavisinde kullanılan ve analjezik etkili ilaç aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) KalsitoninB) EtidronatC) RisedronatD) RaloksifenE) D vitamini