Vastu Latest

her doo r andher busi ness pickedup” Vastu vs. Feng Shui BothVast u andFeng Shui  brin g solu tion s to peop les’lives , wor k and homespacesthroug h cure s andremedi es base d on princip les of space orientatio n, alig nmen t and ener gy flo w , Sil ver man say s, but V astuis thous andsof yea rs old er — and mor e eff ecti ve thanFeng Shu i.“Eachwant s yo u tobe happy , healthy and prospe rous. Fro m myresear ch, V astugives thebestresults,”she say s. In the V astuapproa ch, each ofthe fiv e el eme ntshasa pr e- domi nantrelati onsh ip to a cert ain sect or of the home . The ideal plac emen t of the kitc hen is southeast, explainsSilverman,  beca use “sub tle infr aredrays that come in fro m thesoutheas t arevery nour ishi ng. The nor th- eas t isgoodforwate r , wh ichis essential to lif e. “Waterfeatur es suchas foun tain s, pond s, and wat erf allsbelongin the nor th- eas t ornorther n co rn erof the homeor pro per ty ,” she say s. The sout hwest rep res entsthe earthelemen t. “Eart h is grou nd- ing andquieter , mor e secu re. A mast er bedr oomwou ld ide - all y be si tua tedher e. An d the nort hwest is the air element pe rf ectforthe pl ac eme ntof a wind owto brin g fre shne ss int o the home ,” say s Sil ver man.“The cen terof an y ro omor bui ld in g is theelementof sp ac e. Ifit’sopen and notobstruc ted,it enco ur- agesexpans ive nessand sup- ports health.” Of course,you can’ t justpick roo ms up andrearra ngethem accord ing to optimal V astu plac emen t, so ther e arecures that Sil ver manrelieson. A yan - tr a isa li ttl e co smicdiagr am tha t generate s specific life-sup port- ing ener gies ,” she say s.“These can be plac ed thr ougho ut the spac e. I con sid er thembeautif ul artw ork but theycan be plac ed V ast u tobe just whatshe nee dedfor her Glo rie ta home. “Y ou rea ch a poi nt youdon’t knowwhatto donext ,”she sa ys.“I fel t lik e the ene rgy wasjamme d in the house. Sherri was able togo ri ghtto the issues,addre ss themand come up wit h sol uti onsthat rea llywork ed out.It wastotall y worthwhile.” Cli entsfind Sil ver manin a var iet y of wa ys,includ ingword ofmout h, fr omher book,via Intern et sear cheson V astuand thr oug h her Web sit e, www . San ta Feresid ent T ami Car l- songot int ere stedin V astu whe n she hear d Sil ver manon KSFR101.1 in Dec emb er 2007 . She andhusban d Geo ff T owle had“bee n intunewithFeng Shui ,” Car lso n say s, but did n’t rea liz e V astuwas so muc h old er. “Tha t app eal ed to us, shesays.Tow le add s, “It ’s a lot lik e Fe ng Shui . The dif fer enc e comesdown to wha t youwant tobeliev e in. The cou plehad justmoved int o thei r newhome whe n the y enlist ed Silv erman’ s exper tise. “We wor k fro m home andhave twoyoungkids, and we wan ted tofigur e out ho w I coul d fo cus  betterwhile worki ng,” T owle sa ys.“We ’vegottenhold of the crazi ness aroundhere using V astu and Sherri’s help. Carls on agrees . “We notic ed a dif fer enc e. We hav e a yan tra inthe kit chenand itreal ly chan gesthe ene rgy ,” she say s. “Sherrialsoknowsdes ignand col or rea llywell.She enc our- ag edus togo wi thwha t we reall y love .”  Jacq ueline Anton ius sought Silv erman’ s input befor e ope nin g her newsalon , Lotu s Beau ty , on the cor nerof St. Franc is Dri ve andAgua Frí a Street a fewmonthsago. Spe - cia liz ingin org ani c and che mi- cal-fr ee hair color , Antoni us wan tedthe spa ce to ref lecta calm and health y envir onment. “She rrilookedat the space d hel d meplanit, sh po se . I gotowor k and I feel ser ene andall my cli ent s are happ y . I’v e got tengreat feed-  back. Antoni us believ es Silv erman “re all y kno ws her stuf f. I just trus t her ,” she say s. ‘Feeling the space’ Silverman can consu lt from the ini tialdesig n andplace- me nt ofa homeorbusinessto creatin g soluti ons for existi ng spa ces . She sa ys has wor ked on lar ge and sma ll pro jec ts in Santa Fe, Italy , Austr alia, Kore a andthe Uni ted Kin gdo m, “Rig ht no w I am wo rk ing on a remode l in Mas sac huse tts andnew con str ucti on in New Englan d,” she says . “Clients sen d me the floor pla ns mar ked with cardi nal direc tions with a compas s. Theysomet imes sen d pho tos , and the iss ues and pr obl emswith the spa ce and their lives .” T o do herwork , Sil ver man reli es on her intui tion, sensi tiv- it y tobeau tyand onaski ngthe rig ht que sti ons . “I’mnot jus t foll owin g a checkl ist,”she say s. “I t’snot mec hani cal . I’mfeel- ingthe spa ce , andI’m lis ten ing to wha t peo pleneed.We ’re exp ose d to so man y inf lue nce s tha t areunset tli ng in a wo rl d tha t canbe str ess ful . It paysto crea te a posit ive effe ct wher- ev er we can .”  Formore info rmatio n on Vastuand Tr anscendence  Desig n, visitmwww .tra nscen - dence design .comor contact She rriSilve rma n at (505) 984 - 0108. Cont inue d fromPageG-1 Wallpap er has explod ed back intoourlive s. We ar e us ing it in ev ery roo m in the home. Oft en  just on a focal wall,but I have see n thes e ex citi ng newpat- ter ns used on eve ryth ingfrom furnis hings to ceilin gs. There aretwo majo r tre ndsin pap er designshowing equal popula r- ity . The fir st is lar ge,overb lown pat ter ns andmotifs . Seenin colorand black -and-white, these aregorge ous pat ter ns thatwill ev oke anymood yo u cho ose , fro m che erf ul blo sso ms to dra - matic geomet rics. By changin g the sca le of famili ar pat ter ns, yo u cr eat e a mode rntwis t on tradi tional style. Thesecondtrendin wal lco ver - ing s is dir ectl y con nect ed to the mov e tow ardaddingtextur e this ishugein allare as offash io n, includi ng whatwe areputtingon ourwalls.Special ty embo ssed wallc overin gs Anaglyp ta (heavy paper)and Lincrusta(petroleum  bas ed) hav e beenaroundfor yea rs,very pop ularin Engl and, wh er e the y ar e hol din g uphalf the walls. T oday’sembossed wal lpa per s arelighterand easi er to app ly , but theystill pro videall the bene fits. T exture d or emboss ed wall- pap er is a per fec t sol utio n forcove rin g small cra cksand imper fection s on walls that wou ld sho w under a pai nted finish.Also,thetextur e add s dimens ion and archit ectural interest to newrooms. The pat - ter ns on thes e pap erscan emu- lat e bea d boa rd,embos sedtin, wea vesand stuc co.The pap ers are painta ble, which prov ides youwith the opt ionof app lyi ng a sol id col or or accent uati ng the pat ter n witha rub bedfinish Emb oss ed pap er is ver y ver sati le anddurable. App ly it abov e a cha irrailin theliving or din ingroom, as a bac ksp lashin the kitchen(varn ish to pro tec t); yo u caneve n cover a chestof draw ers for an inspir ed decor a- tiv e touc h. It can be rep ain ted fo ra wh ole ne w look.The nur ser y sho wn her e cou ld go fr ompinkto gr eenas yo urbaby gro ws int o a you ng natu re lov er . Undoub tedly , paper ing a roo m is mor e exp ensivethan simplypaint ing . The cos t of a prof ession al paper hangerfor you r bel ov ed newpapercan be thesame asthe ac tua l pr ice of the pap er . Her e’swhat youneed toknowto doit yo ur se lf not so dif ficu lt wit h pra ctice. Walls should be prope rly pre par ed bef oreyou hangthe pa pe r sothat itadhe re s we lland can be remove d eas ilywhen the timecomesto dec ora te agai n. Wip e down wal ls to remov e anydirt or gre ase , whi ch wil l impedeadherence. Sand walls if the sur fac e pai nt is glo ssy . Fil l cra cksand nailholes andsand smooth. Prime overrepairs. App ly a coa t of wal lpa persize; thisstep is mos t imp ort ant so tha t thepaperwillcomeoff with out pul lin g pla ste r or dry - wal l withit. Ne w dry wal l or pla sterwallsrequi re a sea ler / pri me coa t, thensize. Mea sur e thewal lsin thr ee or fourspots.Yo u willdisco verthat the heig ht var ies slig htly . Cut you r stri ps the maxi mumheight pl us 2 in che s topandbott omfor overl ap. Match patternsbefore yo ucu t.Usea pl umblineas a gui defor yo urfirststri p sothat it ishangi ngstra igh t. Do n’tuse a cor neras a guid e. Star t hang ing yo urpape r inthe mo stinco n- spic uousplace , suchas behi nd a door , so thatany mism atch ing willnot be noti ceab le. Workwith a budd y , and you ’ll hav e fun. Cont act Debbi e T ravis at [email protected]. Latest trends in wallcoverings T HE NEW MEXICANS Quest Mortgage Corp 5. 375+ 0+2 4. 87 5+0+2 5. 37 5+0+1 5. 50+0+2 5. 00+0 +2 6. 625+ 0+2 6. 25+0 +2  Great Service and Great Rates, Call Now. 505-984-8855  5. 8 75+ 0+ 0 5. 50 + 0+0 (5/1 ARM) 6.0 0 +0+ 0 5. 625 + 0+0 7. 50+ 0+0 6 .875 +0 + 0  Also Reverse Mortgages. McLea n, VA – Fredd ie Mac (NYSE:FRE ) today released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®) in which the 30-year fixed-rate mortga ge (FRM) avera ged 5.88 perce nt with an average 0.5 point for the week ending April 3, 2008, up from last week when it averaged 5.85 percent. Last year at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged year ARM averaged 5.92 percent. One-y ear Trea sury- indexed ARMs avera ged 5.19 percent this week with an average 0.5 point, down from last week when it was 5.24 percent. At this time last year, the 1-yea r ARM avera ged 5.44 per- cent. "While prime, conforming rates still remain at his- strongest since July 2007, and the ISM manufactur- ing index rose unexpect edly in March . Stron g eco- nomic growth can lead to an up-tick in inflation fears, which tends to place upward pressure on mort- gage rates; howeve r, fears of economic reces sion, too, are putting pressure on the markets. "Housing, however, still continues to be a drag on Weekly Mortgage News  O M m o r t g a g e rates local  WWW .S ANTAF E N EW M EXICAN .COM  /R EALE STATE LENDER  30-  YEAR  15-  YEAR  ARMS  30-  YRFHA/ VA 15 -  YRFHA/V A 30 -  YRJBO 15-  YRJBO ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS RATE+PTS  /APR RATE+PTS  /APR RATE+PTS  /APR RATE+PTS  /APR RATE+PTS  /APR RATE+PTS  /APR RATE+PTS  /APR G-2 THE NEW MEXICAN Sunday, April 6, 2008 Vastu: Y an ta s co ns id er ed mo re th an art w or k DEBBIE T RAVIS  Hou se to Home IF YOU GO What: Talk and read- ing from Vastu: Tran- scendental Home Design in Harmony with Nature with Sherri Silverman; booksigning to follow When: 1 p.m. Satur- day, April 12 Where: Casa Natura, 328 Sandoval St. (at Aztec Street) For more informa- tion: Call 820-7634. House to Home Paintable embossed wallpaper is available in modern design options like this cheerful dotty pattern painted pink for a happy nursery. Erika Blumenfelt According to Vastu philosphy, this Santa Fe kitchen is properly placed in the southeast of the home, which is the area in which the fire eleme nt is pred omina nt.

Transcript of Vastu Latest


herdoor andher businesspickedup”

Vastu vs. Feng ShuiBothVastu andFengShui

 bring solutions topeoples’lives,work andhomespacesthroughcures andremediesbased onprinciplesof spaceorientation,alignment andenergy flow,Silvermansays, butVastuisthousandsof yearsolder— andmore effective— thanFengShui.“Eachwants you tobehappy, healthyandprosperous.Frommyresearch,Vastugivesthebestresults,”she says.In theVastuapproach,each

ofthe five elementshasa pre-dominantrelationship toacertainsectorof thehome. Theideal placement of thekitchenis southeast,explainsSilverman,

 because“subtle infraredraysthatcome in from the southeastarevery nourishing.” Thenorth-east isgoodforwater, whichisessential to life. “Waterfeaturessuchas fountains, ponds, andwaterfallsbelongin thenorth-east ornorthern cornerof thehomeor property,” shesays.Thesouthwest representsthe

earthelement. “Earth is ground-ingandquieter, more secure.Amasterbedroomwould ide-ally be situatedhere.And thenorthwest is theairelement—perfectforthe placementof awindowtobring freshness intothehome,”says Silverman.“Thecenterof any roomor building istheelementof space. Ifit’sopenandnotobstructed,it encour-agesexpansivenessand sup-portshealth.”Of course,you can’t justpick 

roomsupandrearrangethemaccording to optimalVastuplacement, so there arecuresthatSilvermanrelieson. “A yan-tra isa little cosmicdiagramthatgenerates specificlife-support-ingenergies,” shesays. “Thesecanbeplaced throughout thespace. I consider thembeautifulartwork but theycan beplaced

Vastu tobe justwhatsheneededfor herGlorieta home.“You reach a point youdon’t

knowwhatto donext,”shesays.“I felt like the energywasjammed in the house.Sherri was able togo righttothe issues,address themandcome upwith solutionsthatreallyworked out.It wastotallyworthwhile.”Clientsfind Silvermanin a

variety ofways,includingwordofmouth, fromher book,viaInternet searcheson Vastuandthrough herWeb site, FeresidentTamiCarl-

songot interestedin Vastuwhen sheheard SilvermanonKSFR101.1 inDecember 2007.Sheandhusband GeoffTowlehad“been intunewithFengShui,” Carlson says, butdidn’trealize Vastuwas somucholder. “That appealed to us,”shesays.Towle adds, “It’s a lotlike Feng Shui. Thedifferencecomes down towhat youwantto believe in.”Thecouplehad justmoved

into their newhomewhen theyenlisted Silverman’s expertise.“Wework from home andhavetwoyoungkids, andwewantedtofigure out how I could focus

 betterwhile working,”Towlesays.“We’vegottenhold of thecraziness aroundhere usingVastu and Sherri’s help.”Carlson agrees. “We noticed

a difference.We have a yantrainthe kitchenand itreallychangesthe energy,” she says.“Sherrialso knowsdesignandcolor reallywell.She encour-agedus togowithwhat wereally love.”

 JacquelineAntonius soughtSilverman’s inputbeforeopening hernewsalon, LotusBeauty, on the cornerof St.FrancisDrive andAgua FríaStreet a fewmonthsago. Spe-cializingin organic andchemi-cal-free hair color, Antoniuswantedthe space to reflectacalmand healthy environment.“Sherrilookedat the spaced hel d meplanit,” sh

pose. I gotowork and I feelsereneandall myclients arehappy. I’ve gottengreat feed-


Antonius believes Silverman“really knowsher stuff. I justtrust her,” she says.

‘Feeling the space’Silvermancan consult from

the initialdesign andplace-ment ofa homeorbusinesstocreating solutions for existingspaces. She says hasworked

on large andsmall projects inSantaFe, Italy, Australia, Koreaandthe UnitedKingdom,“Right now I amworking on

a remodel inMassachusettsandnew construction inNewEngland,” she says. “Clientssendme the floor plansmarkedwith cardinal directionswitha compass. Theysometimessend photos, and the issues andproblemswith the space andtheir lives.”To doherwork, Silverman

relies on her intuition, sensitiv-ity tobeautyandonaskingtheright questions. “I’mnot justfollowing a checklist,”she says.“It’snot mechanical. I’mfeel-ingthe space, andI’m listeningtowhat peopleneed.We’reexposed to somany influencesthat areunsettling ina worldthat canbe stressful. It paystocreate a positiveeffect wher-everwecan.”

 Formore information onVastuand Transcendence

 Design, visitmwww.transcen-dencedesign.comor contact SherriSilverman at (505)984-0108.

Continued fromPageG-1

Wallpaper has exploded back intoour lives.We are using it inevery room in thehome. Often

 just on a focalwall,but I haveseen these exciting newpat-terns used on everythingfromfurnishings to ceilings. Therearetwomajor trendsin paperdesignshowing equal popular-ity. The first is large,overblownpatterns andmotifs. Seenincolorand black-and-white, thesearegorgeouspatterns thatwillevokeanymoodyou choose,from cheerful blossoms to dra-matic geometrics. By changingthe scale of familiar patterns,you create a moderntwist ontraditional style.Thesecondtrendin wallcover-

ings isdirectly connected to themove towardaddingtexture—this ishugein allareasoffashion,includingwhatwe areputtingonourwalls.Specialty embossedwallcoveringsAnaglypta (heavypaper)and Lincrusta(petroleum

 based)have beenaroundforyears,very popularin England,where they are holding uphalf thewalls.Today’sembossedwallpapers arelighterand easierto apply, but theystill provideallthebenefits.Textured or embossed wall-

paper is a perfect solutionforcovering small cracksandimperfections onwalls thatwould show under a paintedfinish.Also, the texture addsdimension and architecturalinterest to newrooms. Thepat-terns on these paperscan emu-late bead board,embossedtin,weavesand stucco.The papersare paintable,whichprovidesyouwith the optionof applyinga solid color or accentuating thepattern witha rubbedfinishEmbossed paper is very

versatile anddurable. Apply itabove a chairrailin theliving ordiningroom, as a backsplashinthekitchen (varnish to protect);you caneven cover a chestof drawers for an inspired decora-tive touch. It canbe repaintedfor a whole new look.Thenursery shownhere could go

frompinkto greenas yourbabygrows into a youngnature lover.

Undoubtedly, papering aroom ismore expensivethansimplypainting. Thecost of aprofessional paperhangerforyour belovednewpapercan bethesame asthe actual price of the paper. Here’swhat youneedtoknowto doit yourself— notso difficult with practice.

Walls shouldbe properlyprepared beforeyou hangthepaper sothat itadheres wellandcanbe removed easilywhen thetimecomesto decorate again.Wipe downwalls to removeanydirt or grease, whichwillimpedeadherence. Sandwallsif the surface paint is glossy. Fillcracksand nailholes andsandsmooth.Primeoverrepairs.Applya coat of wallpapersize;thisstep ismost important sothat thepaperwillcomeoff withoutpulling plaster or dry-wall withit. New drywall orplasterwallsrequire a sealer/ prime coat, thensize.

Measure thewallsin threeorfourspots.Youwilldiscoverthattheheight variesslightly. Cutyour strips themaximumheightplus 2 inches topandbottomforoverlap.Matchpatternsbeforeyou cut.Usea plumb lineas aguidefor yourfirststrip sothatit ishangingstraight.Don’tuse acorneras a guide. Start hangingyourpaper inthe mostincon-spicuousplace, suchas behinda door, so thatanymismatchingwillnot benoticeable.Workwitha buddy, andyou’llhave fun.

ContactDebbie Travis at [email protected].

Latest trendsin wallcoverings


Quest Mortgage Corp  5 .3 75 +0 +2 4 .8 75 +0 +2 5 .3 75 +0 +1 5 .5 0+ 0+ 2 5 .0 0+ 0+ 2 6 .6 25 +0 +2 6 .2 5+ 0+ 2   Great Service and Great Rates, Call Now.

505-984-8855   5. 875 +0+ 0 5 .50 +0+0 (5/1 ARM) 6.0 0+0 +0 5. 625 +0+ 0 7 .50 +0+ 0 6 .87 5+0 +0   Also Reverse Mortgages. 

McLean, VA – Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE) today

released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market

Survey® (PMMS®) in which the 30-year fixed-rate

mortgage (FRM) averaged 5.88 percent with an

average 0.5 point for the week ending April 3, 2008,

up from last week when it averaged 5.85 percent.

Last year at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged

year ARM averaged 5.92 percent.

One-year Treasury-indexed ARMs averaged 5.19

percent this week with an average 0.5 point, down

from last week when it was 5.24 percent. At this

time last year, the 1-year ARM averaged 5.44 per-


"While prime, conforming rates still remain at his-

strongest since July 2007, and the ISM manufactur-

ing index rose unexpectedly in March. Strong eco-

nomic growth can lead to an up-tick in inflation

fears, which tends to place upward pressure on mort-

gage rates; however, fears of economic recession,

too, are putting pressure on the markets.

"Housing, however, still continues to be a drag on

Weekly  Mortgage News

  O M

m o r t g a g er a t e slocal   WWW .S ANTAF E N EW M EXICAN .COM  /R EALE STATE 



G-2  THE NEW MEXICAN   Sunday, April 6, 2008

Vastu: Yantas consideredmorethanartwork


 House to Home 


What: Talk and read-ing from Vastu: Tran-scendental Home Designin Harmony with Naturewith Sherri Silverman;booksigning to follow

When: 1 p.m. Satur-day, April 12

Where: Casa Natura,328 Sandoval St. (atAztec Street)

For more informa-tion: Call 820-7634.

House to Home

Paintable embossed wallpaper is available in modern designoptions like this cheerful dotty pattern painted pink for a happynursery.

Erika Blumenfelt

According to Vastu philosphy, this Santa Fe kitchen is properly placed in the southeast of the home, which is the area in whichthe fire element is predominant.

artwork, but theycan beplaced behind framedartwork or in acupboard.”

Looking at ‘flow’CarolWilliamsonfound

and helpedmeplanit,” shesays.“We lookedat flow, wheretheenergy travels,where theentrance shouldbe andwhereweshouldplace ourretailproducts. Each differentpartofthe salon hasa specialpur-

For updated Rates, Programs,cal-

culators and articles 24/7,

Lenders to Apperar: email [email protected]: To report any inaccuracies [email protected]. Information is current as of April 4, 2008 and believed to be accurate but can notbe guaranteed and can change without notice. Credithistory, FICO Score and other factors may affect pro-gram terms. Rates based on $165,000 single familyloan. Jumbo rates (loans over $417,000) based on a$417,000 loan. Minimum downpaymentrequirements, and other restrictions, may apply. Closingcosts may vary. Contact each company for details. R =refinance program only. Pts = points include originationand discount fees. Lock = rate lock period. 30 - 60 daylock unless specified. APR = Annual Percentage Rateand is calculated by each company – includes costs toobtain loan and private mortgage insurance if required.ARM (pgm) = Adjustable Rate Mortgage program.Copyright 2008 LLC

Visit our Web sites or for current rates and much more!

National Mortgage Rates

Loan Rate% APR%

30yr fixed 5.74 5.87

30yr fixed jumbo 6.78 6.92

15yr fixed 5.30 5.50

15yr fixed jumbo 6.44 6.68

5/1 ARM 5.58 6.18

5/1 ARM jumbo 6.27 6.55

6.17 percent.

The 15-year FRM this week averaged 5.42 percent

with an average 0.5 point, up from last week when it

averaged 5.34 percent. A year ago at this time, the

15-year FRM averaged 5.87 percent.

Five-year Treasury-indexed hybrid adjustable-rate

mortgages (ARMs) averaged 5.59 percent this week,

with an average 0.6 point, down from last week

when it averaged 5.67 percent. A year ago, the 5-

torically low levels, long-term mortgage rates did

drift slightly upwards this week on signs that the

economy may have a little more strength than what

financial markets forecasted," said Frank Nothaft,

Freddie Mac vice president and chief economist.

"For instance, consumer spending in the fourth quar-

ter of 2007 was revised upwards in the final estimate

of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). More recently,

February's personal income growth was the

the economy. In 2007, residential fixed investment

shaved nearly a full percentage point off of GDP, the

most since 1980. In February, median existing house

prices (excluding condominiums and co-ops) were

16.0 percent below the peak in June 2007 and medi-

an new home prices were 7.0 percent below the

record set in March 2007. Moreover, new construc-

tion of one-family homes was 61.5 percent below its

all-time recent peak in January 2006."

S o u r c e : w w w . i M o rt g a g e G u i d e . c o m

A yantra, SherriSilverman

says, is ‘a littlecosmic diagram

that generatesspecific life-


Above: yantrais for Mercury,

‘planetary lord ofthe north.’

Courtesy TranscendenceDesign