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Történelem angol nyelven középszint — írásbeli vizsga 0813 Név: ........................................................... osztály:...... TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2008. október 22. 8:00 Az írásbeli vizsga időtartama: 180 perc Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati OKTATÁSI ÉS KULTURÁLIS MINISZTÉRIUM ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2008. október 22.

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Történelem angol nyelven középszint — írásbeli vizsga 0813

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2008. október 22. 8:00

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Important information Give clear answers and make all your work unambiguous – even if you need to make corrections in your text.

Try to be concise and keep to the point. Do not use more space than is provided.

Only write as many answers as required by the task. (If you write more, they will be evaluated in the order in which they appear.)

Please write in blue ink.

When working on the exam tasks consider the following.

• Read the instructions carefully.

• Do exactly what the instructions tell you.

• Study the sources provided (pictures, diagrams, texts, maps). Please keep in mind that most of the English texts will be only rough translations which render the meaning of the original text, but not their sometimes archaic style.

• Consider your answers carefully before writing them down so that you do not have to correct them later.

We advise you to follow these steps when dealing with the shorter or longer essay-type questions:

1. Identify the place and time of the given event or problem. 2. Use the given sources and the secondary school historical atlas to understand the task.

You may use a bilingual dictionary. 3. Collect the general concepts (for example: development, change, production) and the

time-specific concepts (for example: serf, guild, personality cult) that can be used to describe the given event or problem.

4. Include the information contained in the sources, or the conclusions that can be drawn from them, in your answers.

5. Make drafts or outlines before writing your answers if necessary. 6. Identify the events leading up to the given situation, its causes and its results. 7. Describe assumptions about, and explanations of, events. 8. Include your own knowledge of the era (names and dates) as well as your own opinions

and personal perspective of it. 9. Make sure that your sentences are clearly structured, and that your ideas are easy to

follow. 10. Your whole answer should have a clear structure. Check your grammar and spelling.

For your information: The following will be considered when your essays are evaluated:

• understanding of the task

• proper and relevant content

• logical overall structure and accurate language.

Good Luck!

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1. This task is about the major world religions. Divide the listed religions into two groups and put them into the chart. (Score: 0.5 points for each correct item) Brahmanism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam

2 points

2. This task is about Medieval culture. We have provided a brief description of one of the artistic styles of the Middle Ages, together with some pictures. Name this style and recognise it in the pictures. ‘This style was born in France. Its master builders introduced many technical innovations. The most important was the weight-bearing structure: the weight of the vaults was not carried by the walls, it was borne, starting from the boss via the ribs and clustered pillars, by buttresses built against the outside of the edifice. Horizontal pressure is transmitted by flying buttresses to the strong supporting pillars surrounding the building. The exterior and interior spaces of churches built in this way are characterised by pointed gates and windows, pillars reaching to the skies.’ (Lexicon of Art)

A. The façade of Notre Dame in Paris B. The cathedral of Chartres C. The nave of Lincoln cathedral in England D. The Benedictine abbey of Maria Laach in Germany E. The nave of San Miniato al Monte in Florence

Polytheism Monotheism


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a) The name of the style: ………………………………………………………….. (1 point) b) Choose those buildings in the pictures which exhibit the distinctive features of the style named above. (1 point for each correct item) Letters of the selected buildings: ………………………………………………………

4 points

3. This task is about Hungarian history in the 14th - 15th centuries.

Write the names of the appropriate historical concepts in the marked spaces. (1 point for each correct item)

a) …………………………………………: battalion, military unit consisting mainly of armoured cavalry, which received its name from the flag bearing a coat of arms which made it easier to survey and lead the army. b)………………………………………….: the books in king Matthias’ library in Buda.


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c)…………………………………………..: king Matthias’ standing mercenary army. d) ………………………………………….: customs duty imposed on the value of goods brought into or taken out of the country.

e) ………………………………………….: royal tax on serfs’ plots collected after each

household from the time of Charles Robert.

f) …………………………………………..: tax in kind to be paid to the landlord, the

collection of which was ordered in the laws of 1351.

4. This task is about the English constitutional monarchy. Do the tasks on the basis of your own knowledge and the source.

“And thereupon the said Lords spiritual and temporal, and commons […] do in the first place for the vindicating and asserting their ancient rights and liberties, declare:

1. That the pretended power of suspending of laws, or the execution of laws, by regal authority, without consent of Parliament, is illegal.

4.That levying money for or to the use of the Crown, by pretence of prerogative, without grant of Parliament, for longer time, or in other manner than the same is or shall be granted, is illegal.

5. That it is the right of the subjects to petition the King, and all commitments and prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal.

6. That the raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it be with consent of Parliament, is against law.

8. That election of members of Parliament ought to be free.

9. That the freedom of speech, and debates or proceedings in Parliament, ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament.

11. That jurors ought to be duly impanelled and returned, and jurors which pass upon men in trials of high treason ought to be freeholders.

12. That all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction, are illegal and void.

13. And that for redress of all grievances, and for the amending, strengthening and preserving of the laws, parliaments ought to be held frequently.” (Declaration of Rights)

6 points

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„Az egyházi és világi lordok és az alsóház […] azért, hogy megvédjék és megerősítsék ősi jogaikat és szabadságukat, kijelentették: 1. Hogy a bitorolt hatalom, ti. a törvényeknek ideiglenesen hatályon kívül helyezése vagy a törvények végrehajtásának megakadályozása, csupán királyi tekintély alapján, a parlament hozzájárulása nélkül, törvénytelen. 4. Hogy a korona céljaira való pénzfelvétel bármily ürügy vagy praerogatívák [kiváltságok] alapján a parlament hozzájárulása nélkül, hosszabb időre és más módon, mint ahogyan a megajánlás megszabta vagy meg fogja szabni, törvénytelen. 5. Hogy az alattvalóknak joguk van a királyhoz folyamodni és az ilyen kérelmezések miatt való minden elfogatás és üldözés törvénytelen. 6. Hogy az országban béke idején, a parlament hozzájárulása nélkül állandó hadsereg felállítása és tartása törvénytelen. 8. Hogy a parlamenti választások szabadok. 9. Hogy a szólás, vitatkozás és tárgyalás szabadságát, a parlamenten kívül semminemű hatóság, semmiféle helyen kérdés tárgyává nem teheti. 11. Hogy az esküdteket szabályszerűen kell meghívni és elbocsátani, és hogy esküdtek felségsértési pörökben csak szabad birtokosok lehetnek. 12. Hogy pénzbírság törvénytelen és érvénytelen, mielőtt a vádlottra a bűnt rá nem bizonyították. 13. És, hogy a sérelmek orvoslására és a törvények javítására, megerősítésére és megtartására parlamentet össze kell hívni.” (Jognyilatkozat)

a) When was the declaration issued? ……………. (1 point)

b) Look at the following list and underline three basic principles which characterize the English constitutional Monarchy. (0.5 points for each correct item)

• Authority cannot influence elections………….

• The ruler is the chief judge………………..

• Taxes can only be levied with the Parliament’s consent…………….

• Raising an army in time of peace is the ruler’s right…………

• Nobody must be restricted in the expression of his opinion……….

• The ruler can independently restrict the execution of laws…………

• It is forbidden for subjects to petition the king………………

c) Next to each principle that you have selected in task b) write the number of the item in the declaration which justifies your choice. (0.5 points for each correct item)

4 points

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5. This task is about Hungarian history in the 16th century. Decide if the following statements are true or false, using the source and your own knowledge. Mark your answer with an X. (1 point for each correct item) “In three or four days the Padishah of Islam also arrived under Buda. [...] The wife of the Transylvanian, who was in Buda, sent out her son to the ruler accompanied by many presents and some beys. The Padishah of Islam received him with proper respect [...] and gave him and his mother presents [...]. He said the following to them: ‘Ferdinand, the king of Vienna, does not allow you to possess Buda, and keeps disturbing you; thus it will be more expedient if I give you the country of Transylvania and the parts belonging to it and you go and live there. ‘ [...] The Padishah of Islam [...] gave the beglerbey of Buda to Suleiman Pasha [...] ordered janissaries [...] nearly 20000 people, to Buda to guard it closely, furthermore [...] turned its churches into mosques and its towers into minarets.” (Lutfi Pasha, historiographer; 1541)

„Három-négy nap múlva az iszlám padisahja is megérkezett Buda alá.[…] Az erdélyinek felesége, ki Budán volt, igen sok ajándékkal és néhány béggel együtt kiküldte fiát az uralkodóhoz. Az iszlám padisahja illő tisztelettel fogadta […] és ajándékokat adott neki s anyjának […]. Ezt mondta nekik: »Bécs királya Ferdinánd nem engedi nektek, hogy bírjátok Budát, minduntalan háborgat benneteket; ennélfogva célszerűbb lesz, ha Erdély országát és a hozzá tartozó részeket adom nektek s oda mentek és ott éltek.« […]. Az iszlám padisahja a budai beglerbégséget Szulejmán pasának […] adta.[…] Budába erős őrizetül janicsárokat […], közel 20000 embert rendeltetett, továbbá […] templomait mecsetekké, tornyait minaretekké változtatták át .” (Lutfi pasa,történetíró; 1541)

Statement True False

a) The person described as ‘Transylvanian’ is János Szapolyai I.

b) The source describes the story from the Hungarian point of view.

c) The sultan justified the taking of Buda by claiming that Ferdinand had offensive intentions.

d) The sultan only annexed Buda and the surrounding area to the Ottoman administration 15 years after the events mentioned in the source.

e) After the conquest Christian churches were turned into Muslim places of worship.

f) The ‘Padishah of Islam’ is the Turkish sultan, Mohammed II.

6 points

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6. This task is about the industrial revolutions. The pictures depict the achievements of the two industrial revolutions. Choose the pictures which reflect exclusively the technological level of the second industrial revolution (the second phase of the industrial revolution). (Write the letters of the selected pictures on page 10.) (1 point for each correct item)



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Letters of the chosen pictures:…………………………

7. This task is about Hungarian society in the 19th century. Do the tasks, using the source and your own knowledge. “The peasant family. The farmer’s wife. Among the females of the household she represented the authority of the farmer and passed on his orders. Her task was the management of work concerned with house-keeping, most of which was also done by her. Although the position and status of the farmer in the family was enviable, that of the farmer’s wife was definitely not. She gave orders; however, her every step was subject to the supervision, judgement and calling to account of the head of the family. Besides this, she did the most difficult housework. Although she was helped by the eldest wife next in line after her or the spinster who stayed at home, it was a very difficult task to cook and prepare the daily food for such an

3 points

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armada of people. […] The tasks of processing milk, churning butter, making jam, partly souring cabbage were all hers. She did all the work around the poultry. She had to do the whitewashing and plastering around the house. […] If none of the married women was breastfeeding, so that she could come home at midday from the fields, she also had to take food to the women harvesting hay.” (Folk art collection)

„A parasztcsalád. A gazdasszony [A gazda felesége]. A család asszonyainak körében ő képviselte a gazda tekintélyét, közvetítette parancsait. Feladata volt a háztartással kapcsolatos munkák irányítása, ezek legnagyobb részének elvégzése is. Amennyire irigylésre méltó volt a gazda helyzete és rangja a családban, annyira nem volt az a gazdasszonyé. Bár parancsolt, mégis a családfő felügyelete, bírálata és felelősségre vonása kísérte minden lépését. Mindezek mellett ő végezte a legnehezebb házi munkákat. Hiába volt segítségére a korban utána következő legidősebb menyecske [férjes asszony] vagy az otthon maradt öreglány, a seregnyi embernek főzni, mindennapi élelmét elkészíteni igen nagy munka volt. […] A tej feldolgozása, a vaj köpülése, a lekvárfőzés, részben a káposzta savanyítása, mind-mind az ő dolga volt. A baromfi körül minden munkát ő intézett. Rá várt a ház körüli meszelés, tapasztás is. […] Ha nem akadt szoptatós anya a menyecskék között, aki hazaszaladt délben a mezőről, akkor ő cipelte ki a kapáló, szénagyűjtő asszonyok után is az ételt.” (Néprajzi gyűjtésből)

a) Define the position and role of the farmer’s wife ... (0.5 points for each correct item)

... in relation to the farmer:


... in the management of the family:


... in doing work:


b) Use a typical example to highlight which kinds of tasks did not belong to the

farmer’s wife. (0.5 points)


c) Underline the correct statement: (1 point)

The farmer’s wife was a typical figure of the urban societies in Europe.

The farmer’s wife was a typical figure of the agrarian societies in Europe.

d) In a couple of sentences compare the type of family described in the source to the

present day modern type family. (1 point)



4 points

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8. This task is about the history of Nazi Germany.

The picture depicts a cartoon about Nazi Germany. Do the following tasks.

a) Give the drawing a suitable title. (0.5 points)


b) Name two of the symbols that can be seen in the picture.

………………………… (0.5 points) …………………………… (0.5 points)

c) Explain the cartoon. (0.5 points)


2 points

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9. This task is about the history of Hungary after World War I. Answer the questions using your own knowledge and the sources. (1 point for each correct item)

Economic aspects of the Trianon peace treaty Glossary Feketszén Black coal Barnaszén Brown coal Földgáz Natural gas Vasérc Iron ore Nemesérc Noble ore Kősó Rock salt A Magyar Királyság határa 1914-ben Borders of the Hungarian Kingdom in 1914 Magyarország határa 1921-ben Borders of Hungary in 1921 Vasúti fővonal Main railway lines Legjelentősebb búzatermelő vidékek The most important wheat producing areas Legjelentősebb kukoricatermelő vidékek The most important maize producing areas Lengyelország Poland Csehszlovákia Czechoslovakia Ausztria Austria Szerb-Horvát-Szlovén Királyság Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

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Data about post-Trianon Hungary compared to historical Hungary arable land 43.0% garden 25.2% meadow 25.2% vineyard 68.9% forest 14.5% manufacturing industry 55.9% machine production 82.2% railway network 42.2% locomotives 31.3% freight wagons 17.0%

a) What effect did the disintegration of the common customs area of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy have on the Hungarian economy? …………………………………………………………………………………………………


b) Mention a concrete example of the loss of sources of raw minerals (naming the raw material and where it was mined). ………………………………………………………………………………………………

c) Why did the country, which used to be a wood exporter, become a wood importer?


d) What problem did the Hungarian State Railways have to face?



e) Name a financial provision of the peace treaty penalising Hungary to which neither of

these sources refers.


5 points

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10. This task is about the 1956 Hungarian revolution and freedom fight. Answer the questions.

The pictures depict the statue of Stalin in the City Park (Városliget)before and after its demolition

“13. We demand that the statue of Stalin, the symbol of Stalinist tyranny and political oppression, be demolished as soon as possible and that in its place a monument worthy of the heroes and martyrs of the 1848-49 freedom fight be erected.” (16 demands “of youth” of 1956) „13. Követeljük, hogy a sztálini zsarnokság és politikai elnyomás jelképét, a Sztálin-szobrot a leggyorsabban bontsák le és helyére az 1848-49-es szabadságharc hőseinek és mártírjainak méltó emlékművet emeljenek.” (Az ifjúság 16 pontja) a) Which Hungarian socio-political system erected the statue to Stalin? (0.5 points)


b) When was it demolished? (year, month, day) (1 point)


c) Mention one reason why the revolutionaries demolished the statue.


2 points

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11. This task is about the typical characteristics of the globalised world. In the following we supply a lexicon entry and an extract from a study by a social psychologist [a scientist of socio-psychology]. Answer the questions. (1 point for each correct item) Manipulation: influencing public opinion and the masses in a hidden way for some political purpose, using instruments of mass communication.

Manipuláció: A közvéleménynek, a tömegeknek valamely politikai cél érdekében burkolt módon történő befolyásolása a tömegkommunikációs eszközök felhasználásával. ‘This image is not the science-fiction nightmare of an imagined future, but the description of what really happened in the course of the 1968 presidential elections. In his sensationally revealing writings about the Nixon campaign the journalist John McGinnis describes the skill with which Nixon’s (president of the USA 1968-1974) advisors constructed the image which they projected to the American people. According to McGinnis, with the incredible power of television the voters can be influenced to vote for an artificially created image of a candidate rather than for the candidate himself. Or as one of Nixon’s colleagues put it: ‘There is a completely new concept that is beginning to form, this way they are always going to be elected. The guys who come after this will all have to be performance artists.’ …. The colleague referred explicitly to the TV show which was put together as if the candidate, Nixon, was answering the questions of viewers calling in on the spot, without preparation. In fact his answers were carefully prepared and revised. When a voter asked a question on the phone, Nixon’s colleagues rephrased it in such a way that it became the same as one of the previously prepared questions, then they labelled it with the questioner’s name, and finally had the candidate recite the prepared answer.’ (The Social Being by Aronson)

„Ez a kép nem egy elképzelt jövő fantasztikus lidércnyomása, hanem annak leírása, ami valóban megtörtént az 1968-as elnökválasztás során. Egy újságíró, Joe McGinnis a Nixon-kampányról szóló szenzációs leleplező írásában elmondja, hogy Nixon [az USA elnöke 1968-1974] tanácsadói milyen hozzáértéssel formálták azt a képet, amelyet az amerikai nép elé vetítettek. McGinnis szerint a televízió hatalmas erejével inkább arra lehet rávenni a választókat, hogy egy jelöltről mesterségesen kialakított képre szavazzanak, mintsem magára a jelöltre. Vagy, ahogy Nixon egyik munkatársa mondta: „Egy egészen új koncepció kezd kialakulni, így mindig meg fogják őket választani. Az ezután következő szivarok[személyek] mind előadóművészek kell hogy legyenek.” … A munkatárs közelebbről arra a tévéműsorra célzott, amely úgy volt megcsinálva, mintha az elnökjelölt, Nixon rögtönözve válaszolt volna a nézők telefonon beérkezett kérdéseire. Valójában olyan kérdésekre válaszolt, amelyeket gondosan előkészítettek és kipróbáltak. Amikor egy választó telefonon feltett egy kérdést, Nixon munkatársai a kérdést átfogalmazták oly módon, hogy megegyezzen valamelyik előre kidolgozott kérdéssel, a kérdést ezután a kérdező nevével látták el, majd az elnökjelölttel elmondatták az előre kész választ.” (Aronson: A társas lény)

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a) Which medium was the means of manipulation in the case described above ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… b) What was the political aim of the manipulation? ……………………………………………………………………………………………. c) Who were the targets of the manipulation? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. d) In this case what was the ‘hidden way’ in which people were manipulated? ……………………………………………………………………………………………



12. This task is about present-day Hungarian society. Answer the questions using your own knowledge and the sources.

Number and proportion of pensioners and others receiving state beneficits, 1952-1994

Year Annual average number (1000 people)

% of the population % of the number of active earners

1952 552 5.8 12.8 1960 759 7.6 16.2 1970 1415 13.7 28.3 1980 2058 19.2 40.6 1990 2520 24.3 52.6 1994 2972 29.0 80.3

4 points

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Natural population growth in Hungary, 1949-1999

Glossary Ratkó-korszak Ratkó era élveszületések live births GYES-bevezetése introduction of GYES (maternity allowance) Természetes szaporodás natural population growth halálozás deaths demográfiai fordulópont demographic turning point természetes fogyás natural decrease ezrelék per thousand

a) What is the main tendency over the last five decades (1949-2000) of: ● changes in the birth rates? ……………………. (0.5 points) ●changes in the death rates? ……………………..(0.5 points)

b) Why do we consider 1981 a demographic turning point? (1 point)



c) How do the changes in the birth rate in the last three decades affect the pension

scheme? (1 point)



3 points

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II LONGER, ESSAY-TYPE QUESTIONS Please read the following information carefully.

You must do three of the following tasks. You must make your selection according to the following rules: You must do: one task on world history and two tasks on Hungarian history, one of which must be short while the other task must be long. They must also be about different periods of Hungarian history. Study the tasks carefully.

Number Periods and subjects Task type

13. Islam and the Arab world short World history 14. The Great Economic Depression short

15. The foundation of the state short 16. Turkish expansions in the 15th-16th centuries long

17. Jews under the Dual Monarchy short 18. Agriculture under the Dual Monarchy long

19. Hungary’s entry into the war short

Hungarian history

20. Hungarian peasantry in the 1920s long Below you will find a table with all the possible combinations of the tasks that you can choose. Mark one of the columns by circling the corresponding letter.

Task type A B C D E F G H I J K L

short 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14

short 15 15 17 17 19 19 15 15 17 17 19 19

long 18 20 16 20 16 18 18 20 16 20 16 18

Only tasks selected according to the rules given above can be evaluated. Tasks are followed by the criteria for evaluation; marks will be given by the correcting teacher.

Do ONLY the three tasks you have selected, and leave the rest of them blank.

Before doing the tasks please study the Important information on page 2 of this booklet.

You can make drafts while working on the answers.

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13.This task is about the history of Islam and the Arab world. (short) Describe the development and most important features of the Islamic religion, using the sources and your own knowledge. Use your secondary school historical atlas too. “Allah - there is no other god beside him – is the living one who exists within himself. He is the sublime and the almighty. Mohammed is Allah’s delegate, the prophets’ seal. Allah is the knower of all things. Preach the glory of your Lord before sunrise and sunset. And praise him in certain hours of the night, and at the two ends of the day. Turn your face towards the Holy Mosque! Donate from those precious things that you have obtained, and from those which we have made to grow for you from the earth. Fasting has been prescribed for you. The time of fasting is the month of Ramadan. Fill then the number of prescribed days, and praise Allah! Do the pilgrimage. The pilgrimage takes place in the known months.” (Koran)

„Allah – rajta kívül nincsen más isten – az élő, a magában létező. Ő a magasztos és hatalmas. Mohamed Allah küldötte és a próféták pecsétje. Allah minden dolgok tudója. Hirdesd Urad dicsőségét napkelte és napnyugta előtt! És magasztald őt az éjszaka bizonyos óráiban, és a nap két végén! Fordítsd orcád a Szent Mecset felé! Adakozzatok azokból a becses dolgokból, amelyeket szereztetek, és azokból, amelyeket kisarjasztottunk nektek a földből. Előíratott nektek a böjtölés. A böjt ideje a ramadan hónap. Töltsétek hát be az előírt napok számát, és magasztaljátok Allahot! Végezzétek el a zarándoklatot. A zarándoklat az ismert hónapokban történik.” (Korán) “Isa [Jesus] is the Messiah, son of Marjam [Mary], Allah’s delegate, and do not say that there are three of them. It is better for you to refrain from this. Allah is only alone, all by himself.” (Koran)

„Isza [Jézus] a messiás, Marjam [Mária] fia, Allahnak követe, és ne mondjátok, hogy hárman vannak. Rátok nézve jobb, ha ettől tartózkodtok. Allah csak egyedül, egymaga van.” (Korán)









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Maximum AchievedCriteria points Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24

DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 12

14. This task is about the history of the Great Economic Depression (1929-33). (short) Using the sources and your own knowledge, describe the most important symptoms of the crisis. Include the reasons for the economic collapse of the developed world.

Index of industrial production between 1913 and 1938 (in %) 1913 1929 1932 1938 USA 100 180.8 93.7 143.0 Germany 100 117.3 70.2 149.3 Great Britain 100 100.3 82.5 117.6 France 100 142.7 105.4 114.6 Soviet Union 100 181.4 326.1 857.3 Italy 100 181.0 123.3 195.2 Japan 100 324.0 309.1 552.0 World 100 153.3 108.4 181.7

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1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938

foglalkoztatottak munkanélküliek

Changing rates of unemployment in the world, 1929-1938

Production of commodities 1926-193; changes in global production, stock and prices (1929 = 100%)









Glossary készletek stock termelés production árak prices

employed unemployed

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Maximum AchievedCriteria points

Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24

DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 12

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

15. This task is about the period of the foundation of the Hungarian state. (short) Describe the role which the coronation and the organisation of the royal court, the counties and the dioceses played in strengthening Stephen I’s rule and state, using your own knowledge and the sources. Use your secondary school historical atlas too.

State organisation at the time of Stephen I

“After bringing the letter with the apostolic [here: papal] blessing, the prelates with the clergy and the bailiffs with the people sang songs of praise, Stephen, who was beloved by God, was proclaimed king, anointed with the holy oil and happily crowned with the crown of the royal dignity.” (The greater legend of Stephen)

„Miután elhozták a levelet az apostoli [itt: pápai] áldással, a főpapok a papsággal és az ispánok a néppel együtt dicséreteket énekeltek, az Isten szeretetében álló Istvánt királlyá kiáltották, a szent olajjal felkenték és a királyi méltóság koronájával szerencsésen megkoronázták.” (István nagylegendája) “Ten villages are to build one church which is to be supplied with two pieces of land and an equal number of slaves as well as with horses and mares, six oxen, two cows and thirty small live-stock. Clothes and altar clothes should be provided by the king, the priests and books by the bishop. If somebody was given ten by God in a year, he is to give the tenth portion to God; if somebody hides his tenth portion, he is to give nine portions to God.” (From Stephen’s laws)

Kancellárok Royal




Palatine bailiffs archbishops, bishops

manorial estates royal counties

villages villages

chapters religious orders

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„Tíz falu építsen egy templomot, amelyet két telekkel és ugyanannyi rabszolgával lássanak el, lóval és kancával, hat ökörrel és két tehénnel, harminc aprómarhával. Ruhákról és oltárterítőkről a király gondoskodjék, papról és könyvekről a püspök.

Ha valakinek az Isten tizet adott egy évben, a tizedik részt adja Istennek, és ha valaki tizedét elrejti, kilenc részt adjon Istennek.” (István törvényeiből)

















Maximum AchievedCriteria points Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24

DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 12

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16. This task is about Hungarian history in the 16th century. (long) Describe the possibilities and main events of the defence against Turkish expansion between 1541 and 1568, using your own knowledge and the sources. Use your Historical atlas too. “The beseiged were almost completely out of food, and had barely two or three buckets of gunpowder left [...] And the enemy was encouraging the beseiged ones with incoherent shouts and in different languages to surrender. However, Losonczi [captain of the fortress] in his great firmness was not moved by their pleas, and persisted in his decision that they must defend the fortress to their last breath. [...] Losonczi would have kept to his decision if the German soldiers, and especially the Spanish ones had not openly declared that they were going to negotiate surrender in spite of Losonczi’s will. [...] On 26th July, 1552 Temesvár fell. The retreating soldiers were treacherously attacked by the Turks.” (Historiographer Miklós Istvánffy about the siege of Temesvár)

„Az ostromlottaknak már csaknem egész élelmiszerük elfogyott, s a lőporból is alig volt két vagy három vedernyi […] Az ellenség meg zűrzavaros kiáltásokkal és különböző nyelven ösztönözte az ostromlottakat a megadásra. […] Losonczit [a vár kapitánya] azonban, nagy állhatatosságában, kéréseik nem hajlították meg, s kitartott amellett az elhatározás mellett, hogy a várat utolsó leheletükig védeni kell. […] Véleményében Losonczi ki is tartott volna, hacsak a német katonák, s főként a spanyolok nyíltan meg nem mondták volna, hogy Losonczi akarata ellenére is tárgyalni fognak megadásukról. […] 1552. július 26-án elesett Temesvár. A kivonuló várvédőket a törökök hitszegően megtámadták.” (Istvánffy Miklós történetíró Temesvár ostromáról)

“With God’s help and support, in the course of the siege we strove to the best of our ability to fully show our loyalty and effort for the cause of our holy royal majesty, our gracious lord and for the defence of this miserably ruined country, with the loss of many of our soldiers, letting their blood and our blood, at the same time with the great loss of the enemy. [...] his royal majesty should garrison the castle, as it is in the throat of the Turks, with fresh and healthy soldiers, and supply it with other military equipment and gunpowder to such a degree that should the enemy make another attempt, it should always be impregnable.” (Letter from Eger’s commanders to the palatine after the siege)

„Az ostrom során Isten segítségével és támogatásával erőnkhöz mérten arra törekedtünk, hogy hűségünket és igyekezetünket egészében megmutassuk a szent királyi felség, a mi kegyelmes urunk ügye iránt és ennek a nyomorúságosan tönkrejutott országnak védelmében katonáink nagyarányú elveszítésével, vérük és vérünk hullásával, egyúttal az ellenség súlyos kárával.[…] a királyi felség a várat, minthogy a török torkában van, új és egészséges katonákból álló őrséggel, egyéb hadi felszereléssel és lőszerrel olyan mértékben lássa el, hogy az ellenség számára, ha részéről újabb próbálkozásra kerül sor, mindig bevehetetlen legyen.” (Eger parancsnokainak levele a nádorhoz a várostrom után)

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“As for what my lord general writes about my salary, with that I cannot fill my stomach, because he points to the paying master, and whether that one lives in India or Rome I cannot know, I only know that I have not received any money for five months.” (Letter of captain-general András Báthory, 1549)

„Az én fizetésem dolgáról az mit generális uram ír, azzal az én gyomrom be nem telik, mert ő az fizető mesterre mutat, az pedig Indiába lakik-e vagy Rómába, nem tudom; csak azt tudom, hogy ím öt holnapja [hónap], hogy egy pénzt sem adtak.”(Báthory András főkapitány levele; 1549) “The parties were trying to prevent constantly flaring hostilities along the long, 900-km border line. They agreed to punish […] the Turkish and Hungarian garrisons raiding each other’s territories […] mutually. They strictly forbade duelling of any kind, as it could easily lead to a breach of peace. On paper the Treaty of Adrianople opened a new, peaceful period in the relationship between the enemies and their territories. This, however, meant that at the same time there was no hope of driving out the Turks in the foreseeable future, nor of the continuation of the defensive-offensive struggles which developed at the borders.” (Historian István Sinkovics about the 1568 Treaty of Adrianople)

„A felek arra törekedtek, hogy elejét vegyék a hosszú, 900 km-es határvonalon minduntalan fellobbanó ellenségeskedéseknek. Megállapodtak az egymás területére be-becsapó török és magyar várőrségek […] kölcsönös megbüntetéséről […]. Szigorúan megtiltottak mindenfajta párviadalt, mivel a bajvívás könnyen békebontáshoz vezethet.

A drinápolyi béke papíron új, békés szakaszt nyitott meg az ellenfelek és országrészeik kapcsolatában. Ez azonban egyúttal azt is jelentette, hogy belátható időn belül nincs remény a török kiűzésére, sőt a végeken kialakult védő—támadó harc folytatására sem.”(Sinkovics István történész az 1568-as drinápolyi békéről )

Chronology: 1542: Unsuccessful siege of Pest by Ferdinand I’s army 1543: Suleiman’s campaign (fall of Pécs, Esztergom and Székesfehérvár) 1564: Death of Ferdinand I 1566: Death of Suleiman Information about the expenses of the defence against the Turks and how they were met, according to the Viennese court (annually): Expenses: about 2 260 000 Ft Met by: about 318 000 Ft from the countries of the Czech crown about 188 000 Ft from Lower and Upper Austria about 66 5000 Ft from the Hungarian Kingdom about 600 000 Ft from the German Imperial Diet To make up for the deficit: longer- and shorter-term loans (in return for interest or bound royal income)

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The siege of Szigetvár, 1566







Glossary Óváros Old town Újváros New town bástya bastion anatóliai sereg Anatolian army anatóliai beglerbég Anatolian beglerbey török ágyúk és lőirányok Turkish guns and fields of fire a védők kitörései sorties by the defenders rés a gáton crack in the dam akna mine vízelvezetés drainage töltés dyke Zrínyi kirohanása Zrínyi’s sortie

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Maximum AchievedCriteria Points Understanding of task 8 Location: place and era 4 Use of specific vocabulary 4 Use of sources 8 Describing reasons behind events 10 Structure, clear language 8 Total 42 DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 21

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17. The next task is about Hungarian history under the Dual Monarchy. (short) Describe the situation of the Jews in Hungary under the Dual Monarchy, using the sources and your own knowledge. “The Israelite population of the country is declared to be also entitled to exercise all civilian and political rights along with the Christian population.” (Art. XVII of 1867 about the equality of Israelites with regard to civilian and political rights)

„Az ország izraelita lakosai a keresztény lakosokkal minden polgári és politikai jog gyakorlására egyaránt jogosítottaknak nyilváníttatnak.” (Az 1867. évi XVII. törvénycikk Az izraeliták egyenjogúságáról polgári és politikai jogok tekintetében)

“1. § The Israelite religion is declared to be recognised by the laws of the country.” (Art. XLII of 1895 about the Israelite religion)

„1. § Az izraelita vallás törvényesen bevett vallásnak nyilváníttatik” (Az 1895. évi XLII. Törvénycikk az izraelita vallásról)

Linguistic assimilation of the Jewry in Hungary 1880-1910 Hungarian mother tongue German (Yiddish٭) mother


in Hungary in Budapest in Hungary in Budapest 1880 56.3% 59,1% 33.3% 35.4% 1910 76.9% 90.1% 21.6% 8.7% German dialect spoken by the Eastern-European Jewry٭

People of Israelite religion in Hungary and Budapest (1910) Head % Hungary 932 458 4.5 Budapest 203 687 23.1

Percentage of Jews among earners in some important professions in Hungary (1910)

Hungary (%) Budapest (%) Government employees 5.5 5.0 Judges and prosecuting attorneys 3.8 6.1 Lawyers 45.2 61.5 Doctors 48.4 58.8 Editors and journalists 49.4 48.4 Actors 22.6 31.5 Private engineers 37.0 43.6






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Maximum AchievedCriteria points Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24

DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 12

18. This task is about the period of the Dual Monarchy. (long) Describe the development of Hungarian agriculture under the Dual Monarchy, using your own knowledge and the sources.

Increase in the average yield of the most important crops, 1871-1915 (q/kat. hold) Crop 1871-1885 1886-1900 1901-1915 Wheat 5.0 6.9 7.0 Oats 4.0 5.6 6.5 Corn 6.2 8.1 9.0 Potatoes 24.0 38.1 46.3 Sugar beet 95.2 108.0 132.5

Animal stock (1000 head) 1870 1895 1911 Cattle 4 600 5 830 6 184 Horses 1 900 1 997 2 001 Pigs 3 693 6 447 6 416 Sheep 14 290 7 527 7 698

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Distribution of national income per head in the economic sectors Country Agriculture Industry, mining Services Great Britain (1907) 6.3% 39% 54.7% Austria (1911-1913) 27.9% 36.6% 35.5% Hungary (1913) 43.7% 25.3% 31.0%











1867 1900 1913

bank, takarék, földhitelintézet


Harvesting by hand at the turn of the century

banks, savings banks, mortgage banks

credit cooperatives

Number of credit institutions in Hungary, 1867-1913

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Threshing at the turn of the century








törpebirtokosok kisbirtokosok közép- ésnagybirtokosok

Az önálló birtokosok megoszlása 1910-ben











Distribution of independent landowners in 1910

dwarf holders small-holders medium/large landowners


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Maximum AchievedCriteria Points

Understanding of task 8 Location: place and era 4 Use of specific vocabulary 4 Use of sources 8 Describing reasons behind events 10 Structure, clear language 8 Total 42 DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 21

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

19. This task is about Hungarian history during the Second World War. (short) Explain how Hungary entered the armed conflict on Nazi Germany’s side, using your own knowledge and the sources. Use your secondary school historical atlas too. “In the case of a general conflict Hungary’ own policies will be brought into line with the policy of the Axis, but for moral reasons she is not in a position to launch a military operation against Poland.” (Pál Teleki to Hitler, 27th July, 1939)

„Egy általános konfliktus esetén Magyarország a maga politikáját a tengely politikájával fogja összhangba hozni, de erkölcsi okokból nincs abban a helyzetben, hogy hadműveleteket kezdjen Lengyelország ellen.” (Teleki Pál Hitlernek; 1939. VII. 27.)

“Hungary must stand next to Germany now in this struggle. The time has come for us to give up our neutrality and become involved in the war on the Germany side, and thus carry out the reannexation of the detached areas.” (Henrik Werth, Hungarian chief of staff, to Horthy April 1940)

„Magyarországnak most Németország mellé kell állnia ebben a küzdelemben. Elérkezett az idő, hogy a semlegességünket feladjuk és Németország oldalán beavatkozzunk a háborúba, s ezzel megvalósítsuk az elszakított területek visszacsatolását.” (Werth Henrik magyar vezérkari főnök Horthynak; 1940 április)

Discussion between the American ambassador and Teleki: “I told him [prime minister Teleki] that as far as I knew, the German ambassador is preparing to pay a visit to the Regent, and that I guessed this was because he wanted something. He answered: ‘Something? They always want something. Not a single day passes without von Erdmannsdorff [German ambassador] seeing somebody and asking for something from him. We refuse ninety percent of the requests, but we always have to give him something, thus little by little they manage to get more and more.’ In any case they are trying to resist, as far as they are able to. […] He said they were prepared to the uttermost, if necessary, to defend their sovereignty, yet they are forced to make continuoal concessions because they cannot refuse every single request.” (American ambassador Montgomery; February 1941)

„Az amerikai követ és Teleki megbeszélése: Elmondtam neki [Teleki miniszterelnöknek], hogy tudomásom szerint a német követ arra készül, hogy felkeresi a Kormányzót, és hogy — felteszem — bizonyára azért, mert akarhat valamit. Így felelt: „Valamit? Folyton akarnak valamit. Egyetlen nap sem telik el úgy, hogy von Erdmannsdorff [német követ] ne keressen fel valakit, és ne kérjen tőle valamit. A kérések kilencven százalékát visszautasítjuk, de valamit azért mindig adni kell neki, és így apránként egyre többet sikerül megkapniuk..” Ők mindenesetre iparkodnak ellenállni, amennyire csak tőlük telik. […] Azt mondta, ők akár a végsőkig elmennek, ha szükséges, hogy megvédjék a szuverenitásukat, mégis kénytelenek folyton engedményeket tenni, mert nem utasíthatnak vissza minden egyes kérést.” (Montgomery amerikai követ; 1941. február)

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Chronology: 1938. 29-30 September The Munich conference 1939. 16 February Pál Teleki forms government 18 September Hungary opens its borders to Polish refugees. 1940. 20 November Hungary joins the Tripartite Pact 12 December Hungary and Yugoslavia sign treaty of eternal friendship 1941. 27 March Anti-German coup d’etat in Yugoslavia 3 April Pál Teleki commits suicide 6 April German invasion of Yugoslavia 7 April Britain breaks off diplomatic relations with Hungary 11 April Hungary joins the attack on Yugoslavia …………………………………………………………………………………………………
















Maximum AchievedCriteria points Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24

DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 12

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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

20. The task is about Hungarian history between the World Wars. (long) Describe the situation and social strata of the Hungarian peasantry in the 1920’s, using your own knowledge and the sources. “§2. […] land, if possible, can be distributed in the following order and quantity to deserving people: 1. War invalids, war-widows and adult war orphans, […] a building plot and yard covering no more than 2142 square meters (600 négyszögöl) per family, furthermore should they be peasants […] an appropriate size of dwarf plot [plots too small to make a living on] per family[…]; 2. landless, legally independent workers engaged in agricultural activity and earning their own income, a dwarf plot per family […]; 3. owners of dwarf holdings [plots too small to make a living on] or smallholders engaged in agricultural activity […], in order to complete their smallholdings […] so that their existing plot together with the land that can be granted can reach the size of a small family estate as defined by local conditions […]” […]’ (Art. XXXVI of 1920 on fairer land distribution)

„2. § […] föld az erre érdemeseknek lehetőleg a következő sorrendben és nagyságban juttatható: 1. hadirokkantaknak, hadiözvegyeknek és felnőtt hadiárváknak […] családonként 600 négyszögölnél nem nagyobb házhely és belsőség, továbbá amennyiben földmívesek,[…] családonként megfelelő nagyságú törpebirtok […] 2. mezőgazdasággal foglalkozó föld nélküli, önállóan kereső, önjogú munkásoknak családonként legfeljebb […] törpebirtok; 3. […] törpe- vagy kisbirtokosoknak gazdaságaik kiegészítése végett, […] akkora terület, hogy meglevő földbirtokuk a juttatható területtel együtt elérheti a helyi viszonyokhoz alkalmazkodó nagyságú kis családi birtok területét […].” (Az 1920. évi XXXVI. törvény a földbirtok helyesebb megoszlásáról)

Changes in the distribution of agricultural holdings between 1895 and 1935 Farms

Size of farms (kat. hold)

Number as % of all farms Area as % of total area

1935 ٭1895 1935 ٭1895 0-5 53.7 72.5 6.0 10.1 5-20 35.3 21.3 24.2 21.8 20-100 10.0 5.4 23.4 20.0 100-1000 0,8 0.6 13.4 18.2 over 1000 0.2 0.2 33.0 29.9 Adjusted to Hungarian territory in 1920٭

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Distribution of population according to residence in Hungary 1910--1941

Distribution of population according to employment between the two World Wars

1920 1930 Category No. % No. %

Agriculture 4 449 100 55.7 4 499 400 51.8 Industry and trade 2 402 800 30.1 2 806 200 32.3 Of which… Mining and manufactures 1 639 700 20.6 1 998 300 23.0 Commerce and banking 407 000 5.1 469 100 5.4 Transport 356 100 4.4 338 400 3.9 Other 1 128 200 14.2 1 382 700 15.9 Total 7 981 100 100.0 8 688 300 100.0

Distribution of national income per head according to social layers in 1930-31. Social class Number

(1000) % of population

Average personal income in Pengő

% of average income (534 Pengő=100%)

Great landowners + upper middle class

52 0.6 17 800 3 335

Middle class 1 582 18.2 1 050 197 Peasants with 10-100 kat.hold

748 8.6 432 81

Miners and metal-workers

112 1.3 427 80

Urban (industrial, transport) workers

1 903 21.9 376 71

Independent craftsmen

468 5.4 320 60

Industrial day labourers

224 2.6 250 47

Peasants with 1-10 kat.hold

1 750 20.1 227 43

Estate servants 560 6.9 205 38 Agricultural day labourers

1 250 14.4 183 34

Total 8 688 100.0 534 100

In Budapest In other towns In villages

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Data: Of the country’s territory of 16.16 million kat. hold , 1 120 000 kat.hold was redistributed during the land reforms in 1921. The majority of that territory (about 700 thousand kat. hold) was distributed among 411 516 claimants , who received an average size of 1.7 kat. hold each.





























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Maximum AchievedCriteria Points Understanding of task 8 Location: place and era 4 Use of specific vocabulary 4 Use of sources 8 Describing reasons behind events 10 Structure, clear language 8 Total 42 DIVIDED BY 2 Exam points 21

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points Achievedpoints

1. Major world religions 2 2. Medieval culture 4 3. Hungary in the 14 th - 15th centuries 6 4. English constitutional monarchy 4 5. Anti-Turkish fights 6 6 Industrial revolution 3 7. Society under the Dual Monarchy 4 8. Nazi Germany 2 9. Hungarian economy in the Horthy era 5

10 The 1956 revolution and freedom fight 2 11. Globalised world 4 12. Present-day Hungarian society 3

I Short answer tasks

Total I 45 13. Islam and the Arab world 12 14. Great Economic Depression 12 15. The foundation of the Hungarian state 12 16. Turkish expansion 21 17. Jewry under the Dual Monarchy 12 18. Agriculture under the Dual Monarchy 21 19. Hungary’s entry into the war 12 20. Hungarian peasantry in the 1920’s 21

II Longer, essay-type questions

Total II 45 Total I + Total II 90


Date: ...........................................

Achieved points /

Elért pontszám

Points to write in the software / Programba beírt

pontszám I Short, simple tasks / I. Egyszerű, rövid feladatok II Longer, essay-type questions / II. Szöveges, kifejtendő feladatok

Examiner / Javító tanár

Registrar of the Board of Examiners / jegyző

Date/Dátum: …………………………. Date/Dátum: ……………………