Történelem angol nyelven középszint — írásbeli vizsga 1413 Név: ........................................................... osztály:...... TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2014. október 15. 8:00 Az írásbeli vizsga időtartama: 180 perc Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati EMBERI ERŐFORRÁSOK MINISZTÉRIUMA ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2014. október 15.

Transcript of TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN - Educatio


Történelem angol nyelven középszint — írásbeli vizsga 1413

Név: ........................................................... osztály:......



2014. október 15. 8:00

Az írásbeli vizsga időtartama: 180 perc

Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati










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írásbeli vizsga 1413 2 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Important information Give clear answers and make all your work unambiguous – even if you need to make

corrections in your text.

Try to be concise and keep to the point. Do not use more space than is provided.

Only write the number of words or items specified in the task. (If you write more, your answers will be evaluated in the order they appear.)

Please write in blue ink.

When working on the exam tasks consider the following.

• Read the instructions carefully.

• Do exactly what the instructions tell you.

• Study the sources provided (pictures, diagrams, texts, maps). Please keep in mind that the English texts will be only rough translations which render the meaning of the original text, but not their archaic style.

• Use the resources that you are allowed to use for each task: the maps of the secondary school Historical Atlas [középiskolai történelmi atlasz] and the bilingual dictionaries. People, topographical data and concepts can only be evaluated when correctly spelled.

• Consider your answers carefully before writing them down so that you do not have to correct them later.

We advise you to follow these steps when dealing with the shorter or longer essay-type questions:

1. Identify the place and time of the given event or problem.

2. Use the given sources and the map [középiskolai történelmi atlasz] to understand the task.

3. Collect the general concepts (for example: development, change, production) and the time-specific concepts (for example: serf, guild, personality cult) that can be used to describe the given event or problem.

4. Include the information contained in the sources, or the conclusions that can be drawn from them, in your answers.

5. Make drafts or outlines before writing your answers if necessary.

6. Identify the events leading up to the given situation, its causes and its results.

7. Describe assumptions about, and explanations of, events.

8. Include your own knowledge of the era (names and dates) as well as your own opinions and personal perspective of it.

9. Make sure that your sentences are clearly structured, and that your ideas are easy to follow.

10. Your whole answer should have a clear structure. Check your grammar and spelling.

For your information:

The following will be considered when your essays are evaluated:

• understanding of the task

• proper and relevant content that satisfies requirements

• logical overall structure and accurate language.

Good Luck!


írásbeli vizsga 1413 3 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......


1. This task is about the religions which emerged in the ancient world. To which people can the following quotations be linked? Choose from the list. Write the name of the appropriate person under the quotations. There are two extra names. (Score: 1 point for each correct item.) People: Moses, David, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Noah

a) ’And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward hungry. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If you are the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’

„Miután negyven nap és negyven éjjel böjtölt, végül megéhezett. Odajött hozzá a kísértő és ezt mondta neki: »Ha Isten Fia vagy, mondd, hogy ezek a kövek legyenek kenyérré«. De ő ezt válaszolta: »Írva van: Nem csak kenyérrel él az ember, hanem minden igével, amely az Isten szájából származik«.”


b) ‛At the beginning of my manhood, despite the will of my crying and lamenting parents, having cut my hair and beard, putting on a yellow garmnent, I exchanged my home for homelessness. I became a hermit, and in search of real salvation, [...] seeking for the unique paths of tranquility of the highest rank, I wandered from one place to the other [...]. Surpassing happiness and suffering, having eliminated the one-time joy and grief, I reached the indifferent and pure remembrance free of suffering and happiness.’

„Férfikorom elején, síró és jajveszékelő szüleim akarata ellenére, hajamat és szakállamat lenyírva, sárga ruhát öltve, otthonomból az otthontalanságba távoztam. Remete lettem, s az igaz üdvöt keresve, […] a páratlan, legmagasabb rendű nyugalom ösvényét kutatva, egyik helyről a másikra vándoroltam […]. A boldogságon és a szenvedésen túllépve, az egykori vidámság és bánat megsemmisítése után elértem a szenvedés nélküli, boldogság nélküli, egykedvű és tiszta emlékezést.”


c) ‛Now [...] he led the flock to the far side of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, to Horeb. And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. [...] And God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, [...] I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’

„Hajtá a juhokat a pusztán túl és juta az Isten hegyéhez, Hórebhez. És megjelenék néki az Úr angyala tűznek lángjában egy csipkebokor közepéből, és látá, hogy ímé a csipkebokor ég vala; de a csipkebokor meg nem emésztetik vala, […] és szólítá őt Isten a csipkebokorból, mondván: […] Én vagyok a te atyádnak Istene, Ábrahámnak Istene, Izsáknak Istene és Jákóbnak Istene.” ……………………………… 3 points


írásbeli vizsga 1413 4 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

2. This task is about the Ottoman conquest. The numbers in the sketch map indicate important cities and territories of the Ottoman Empire. Match these with the description of the city or territory. Write the appropriate number next to the descriptions. There are two extra numbers. (1 point for each correct item.)

Description of territory or city

Number of territory or city in the map

a) The Ottoman ruler was able to assume the title of the main Muslim religious leader after the conquest of this city.

b) This city is the third sacred place of Islam, but at the same time it has fundamental significance for Christianity and Judaism as well.

c) With the conquest of this city the Eastern Roman Empire ceased to exist.

d) The Romanian satellite state of the Ottoman Empire, which was previously a Hungarian and Polish vassal state as well.

4 points


írásbeli vizsga 1413 5 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

3. This task is about the culture of medieval Hungary. Do the tasks using the pictures and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item)

A) B)

Portrait of the ruler in a Corvina

Equestrian statue


Detail of the coronation mantle


Detail from the Illustrated Chronicle: Felicián Zách’s attack

E) F)

Chapel of Buda Castle (reconstruction) The church at Ják


írásbeli vizsga 1413 6 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

a) In which picture can you see the only surviving contemporary depiction of (Saint) Stephen I? Letter of the picture: …………………… b) The location of the event depicted in picture D) became a royal seat not long before this. This is where the Bohemian, Polish and Hungarian rulers met in 1335. Name this settlement. ………………………………………… c) Which is the dominant artistic style in picture E)? ………………………………………… d) Which is the dominant artistic style in picture F)? ………………………………………….

4 points

4. This task is about the history of colonisation in the early Modern Age. Each of the statements below is true of one of the colonial powers which are named on the map. Write the name of the appropriate colonial power next to the statements in the table. (1 point for each correct item)

The colonisation of America, in about 1750

The colonization of America

Spanish territory Portuguese territory French territories British territories Russian territories


írásbeli vizsga 1413 7 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Statements Name of colonial power a) Its colonies included the territories of the Aztec and Inca empires, which it had conquered.

b) Its sphere of interest was outlined by a treaty concluded with its main rival at the end of the 15th century. Its colonies were situated to the east of the line drawn up then.

c) Its colony in the American continent was established as a continuation of its expansion in Asia.

d) Its colonies were partly populated by persecuted Protestant minorities.

5. This task is about the Hungarian economy in the 18th century. Decide which of the statements referring to Maria Theresa’s tariff decree are correct, using the sources and your own knowledge. Circle the number of the correct statements. In each sub-task, circle one number. (1 point for each correct item) ‘As it is possible without impairing that liberty which was granted in Article 14 of the previous diet of 1723 [according to which the nobility did not get taxed on goods used for their own purpose at the internal customs border] to levy it, the thirtieth tariff must be paid without exemption after every item and produce, whatever kind they may be, which can be transported through Hungary and its attached countries, or can be imported [into those] or exported from them, by those people who own these possessions or goods, be they nobles or commoners, ecclesiastical or lay persons, on military or civilian duty, living abroad or within the borders […].’ (From Maria Theresa’s tariff decree of 1754)

„Minthogy annak a szabadságnak csorbítása nélkül, amely az előbbi 1723. évi országgyűlés 14. törvénycikkében van rögzítve [mely szerint a nemesség a saját szükségletét szolgáló árukra a belső vámhatáron nem fizet vámot], egyébként minden dolog és áru után, bármiféle és nemű is legyen az, amely Magyarországon és a hozzákapcsolt országokon átvihető, vagy [azokba] bevihető, vagy azokból kivihető, a harmincadvámot le kell róni, s ezt a vámot kivétel nélkül mindenki, aki e javaknak vagy áruknak birtokosa, legyen az nemes vagy nemtelen, egyházi vagy világi személy, katonai vagy polgári szolgálattevő, külföldi vagy belföldi, megadni köteles […].” (Mária Terézia 1754. évi vámrendeletéből)

a) 1. Maria Theresa established the internal tariff border between the Hungarian Kingdom and the other provinces of the Habsburg Empire.

2. Maria Theresa maintained the internal tariff border between the Hungarian Kingdom and the other provinces of the Habsburg Empire.

3. Maria Theresa abolished the internal tariff border between the Hungarian Kingdom and the other provinces of the Habsburg Empire.

4 points


írásbeli vizsga 1413 8 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

b) 1. Claiming their estate privileges, the Hungarian nobles obtained complete exemption from paying the thirtieth tariff.

2. According to their letters-patent, burghers of free royal towns obtained complete exemption from paying the thirtieth tariff.

3. Complete exemption from paying the thirtieth tariff was not granted to members of any social class.

c) 1. Tariffs were fixed so that Hungarian agricultural produce would be sold primarily within the empire.

2. Tariffs encouraged Hungarians to sell their agricultural produce outside the empire.

3. As a result of the tariff decree, agricultural production declined in Hungary.

d) 1. The tariff decree promoted the development of Hungarian industry.

2. As a result of the tariff decree, it was possible to import industrial products from the hereditary provinces into Hungary under favourable conditions.

3. The tariff decree encouraged merchants to import industrial products to Hungary from outside the empire.

6. This task is about the industrial revolutions. Describe the main differences between the first and second industrial revolutions with a key word or expression in the three given areas, using the picture-pairs and your own knowledge. Fill in the table. (0.5 points for each correct item)

a) Development, invention

4 points


írásbeli vizsga 1413 9 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

b) Engines

c) The initial leading branches of industry

Areas At the time of the first industrial revolution

At the time of the second industrial revolution

a) Development, invention

b) Engines

c) The initial leading sectors of industry

3 points


írásbeli vizsga 1413 10 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

7. This task is about the history of Hungary in the Reform period. Do the tasks using the source and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item)

‘His imperial and royal highness [...] on the subject of the inspection of books [...] considering the question of how to inspect newspapers [...] has decided on the following regulations: [...] XII. [Care must be taken] so that nothing can be published in newspapers without a permit following an inspection. XV. Serving as subjects of articles [...] allowed to be published in public papers [..] may be especially: [...] b) all gracious royal answers or royal bills; c) messages and appeals, although not in their initial recommendations, but those which have been agreed on by either one or both of the Houses; d) public motions and proposals made by individuals; e) the abridged speech of those main attorneys who have been brought in on both sides of a given case, however, the names of the speakers and the authorities they represent should not appear.’ (Ferdinand V’s order on the subject of the ‘inspection of books’, 1846)

„Ő császári és királyi felsége […] a könyvvizsgálat tárgyában […] a hírlapok mikénti vizsgálatára nézve […] a következő szabályokat méltóztatott megállapítani: […] XII. [Vigyázni kell] nehogy a hírlapokban vizsgálati engedély nélkül bármi is közöltessék. XV. A nyilvános lapokban megengedhető […] cikkek tárgyául szolgálhatnak pedig különösen: […] b) minden kegyelmes királyi válaszok avagy leiratok; c) az üzenetek és felterjesztések, nem ugyan kezdeti javaslataikban, hanem melyek iránt már az egyik vagy másik vagy illetőleg mind két tábla is megegyezett; d) az egyének által tett nyilvános indítványok és előterjesztések; e) azon fővédokoknak, melyek valamely tárgy felett mindkét részről felhordattak, kivonatos előadása, de anélkül, hogy akár a beszélő személyek, akár az általok képviselt törvényhatóságok név szerint kimutattatnának.” (V. Ferdinánd utasítása a „könyvvizsgálat” tárgyában, 1846)

a) Give the technical term for the ‘inspection of books’ prescribed by the order.

........................................................................................................................ b) Name the basic freedom which was violated by the regulations of the order.

........................................................................................................................ c) Public knowledge about the operations of which political institution was restricted by section XV of the order?

........................................................................................................................ d) In which year was the ‘inspection of books’ completely abolished?


4 points


írásbeli vizsga 1413 11 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

8. This task is about the history of Nazi Germany. Provide arguments supporting the truth of each statement using the pictures, the definitions and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item)

The caption of the poster: Labour Service parade In times past, just like today We shall remain comrades. German Labour Front


Imperial Labour Service: an obligatory 6-month period of labour service to be completed prior to compulsory military service.

German Labour Front: the united organisation of employees and employers.

a) Statement: Labour service was a means of overcoming the Great Depression.



b) Statement: The establishment of the Labour Front abolished the safeguarding of workers’ interests.

Argument: …………………………………………………………………………………


c) Statement: The Labour Front and the Labour Service promoted the militarization of society.

Argument: …………………….………………………………………………………………


3 points


írásbeli vizsga 1413 12 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

9. This task is about the foreign policy of Hungary between the two World Wars. Decide how the statements about the aspirations and scope of action of Hungarian foreign policy should be completed, using the sources and your own knowledge. Circle the number of the correct half-sentence. To help you, the letters of the sources from which the correct solution can be deduced are given after each statement. (1 point for each correct item)

A) ‘I regard this policy as the most appropriate for Hungarian national feelings and interests, and I consider Count Bethlen’s greatest merit the fact that with correct intuitions he recognised the nation’s interest when he went to Rome. In foreign realtions I consider the Austrian question to be of utmost importance: an issue with which, in agreement with Italy, I wish to deal most intensively.’ (Gyula Gömbös, 1932)

„Úgy tartom, hogy e politika a legjobban megfelel a magyar nemzet érzelmeinek és érdekeinek, és Bethlen gróf legnagyobb érdemének azt tartom, hogy helyes intuicióval ismerte fel a nemzet érdekeit akkor, amikor útja Rómába vezetett. Külföldi relációkban a legnagyobb fontosságot tulajdonítom az osztrák kérdésnek, amellyel Olaszországgal egyetértően a legintenzívebben kívánok foglalkozni.” (Gömbös Gyula, 1932)

B) ‘As far as we are concerned, the pan-German solution to the question of the Danube is just as unacceptable as the pan-Slav solution. The Danube basin is our European hinterland. Should we give it up, we would destine ourselves to the insignificant role of a peninsula on the edge of Europe. This explains my great interest in all affairs taking place in Austria and Hungary.’ (Mussolini, 1933)

„Számunkra a dunai kérdés pángermán megoldása ugyanolyan kevéssé elfogadható, mint a pánszláv megoldás. A Duna-medence a mi európai hátországunk. Ha lemondunk róla, akkor az Európa szélén lévő félsziget jelentéktelen szerepére kárhoztatjuk magunkat. Ezzel magyarázható nagy érdeklődésem minden iránt, ami Ausztriában és Magyarországon történik.” (Mussolini, 1933)

C) ‘I believe that Your Excellency, just like me, feels the need for closer cooperation in the spirit of comradeship. My letter, which I address directly to Your Excellency in the hope that we, old comrades who believe in the protection of race and share the same world view, also understand and mutually support each other along economic lines, serves this purpose,’ (Gömbös’ letter to Hitler, 1933)

„Úgy vélem, Exellenciád hozzám hasonlóan szükségét érzi a szorosabb bajtársi együttműködésnek. Ezt szolgálja levelem is, melyet abban a reményben intézek közvetlenül Exellenciádhoz, hogy mi, régi fajvédő bajtársak, akik ugyanabban a világnézetben élünk, gazdasági vonalon is megértjük és kölcsönösen támogatjuk egymást.” (Gömbös levele Hitlerhez, 1933)

D) ‘I like and wish to sit on one chair, he prefers two.’ (Sarcastic remark about Gömbös, made by Austrian chancellor Dollfuss in 1933)

„Én egy széken szeretek és kívánok ülni, ő kettőn.” (Dollfuss osztrák kancellár gúnyos megjegyzése Gömbösről, 1933)


írásbeli vizsga 1413 13 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

a) Italy considered the Danube basin its own sphere of interest, (source B)

1.) and from the 1920’s closely cooperated with Nazi Germany.

2.) and opposed Yugoslavia.

3.) and advanced territorial claims at the expense of Austria.

b) The foreign policy of Gömbös (Sources A and C)

1.) served as an example to follow for István Bethlen.

2.) meant a radical break from Bethlen’s policy.

3.) tried to carry on with Bethlen’s policy and establish a new relationsip with a rising great power at the same time.

c) Gömbös’ approaches to Hitler (source C)

1.) are partly explained in the letter by their shared anti-Semitic beliefs.

2.) were only motivated by his intentions to find a market for Hungarian industrial products.

3.) can be explained by the pressure that Mussolini was putting on him.

d) Austrian-Hungarian diplomatic relations (source D)

1.) were characterized by the shared aspiration to restore the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.

2.) were strained by the fact that Gömbös established relations with Germany.

3.) were made friendly by the strengthening of their mutual enemy, Germany.

10. This task is about the history of Hungary after the Second World War. Decide which year can be linked to each source. Choose from the years listed. Write the year into the appropriate row of the table. There are two extra years. (1 point for each correct item)

Years: 1945, 1952, 1956, 1958, 1976, 1989

a) ‘Suddenly we were shaken by a terrifying roar: the Russian heavy weapons on Akadémia street opened fire […] The firing from Akadémia street was aimed at the area between the Parliament and the Rákóczy statue, and at the arcades of the Parliament, and did not cease. […] Beside the pounding of our hearts caused by the continuous banging we were overwhelmed by the horror of unarmed demonstrators being bombarded.’ (Recollections of Péter Hanák)

„Hirtelen rettenetes dördülés rázott meg bennünket: az Akadémia utca orosz nehézfegyverei tüzet nyitottak […] Az Akadémia utcából a tűz a Parlament és a Rákóczi-szobor közti térségre, illetve a Parlament árkádjai felé irányult, és

4 points


írásbeli vizsga 1413 14 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

szüntelenül folyt. […] Az állandó erős dörrenések keltette szívdobogás mellett borzalmasan nehezedett ránk az a szörnyűség, hogy ágyúkkal lövik a fegyvertelen tüntetőket.” (Hanák Péter visszaemlékezése) b) ‘We have gathered here for a reverent ceremony. Not for an official act, but for the last farewell of relatives, friends and the family. And now the whole family is mourning here: hundreds of thousands in this square, and millions all over the country. […] In the heartbreaking minutes of grief and recollection society is ready for reconciliation, because this is what is required by the interest of the country and this is how it pays its respects to Imre Nagy and his fellow martyrs.’ (Speech by Miklós Vásárhelyi)

„Kegyeleti szertartásra gyűltünk össze. Nem hivatalos aktusra, hanem a hozzátartozók, a barátok, a család utolsó búcsújára. És íme, most itt gyászol a család: százezrek ezen a téren, és milliók szerte az országban. […] A gyász és a visszaemlékezés szívszorító perceiben a társadalom kész a megbékélésre, mert így kívánja az ország érdeke, és mert ezzel fejezi ki tiszteletét Nagy Imre és mártírtársai előtt.” (Vásárhelyi Miklós beszéde)

c) d)


The Prime Minister and General Secretary unveiling a statue

Letter of source Year that can be linked to the source





4 points


írásbeli vizsga 1413 15 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

11. This task is about the European Union. Decide which institutions of the European Union the excerpts refer to. Write the letters of the excerpts into the appropriate box in the table. You may put more than one letter into one box. (1 point for each correct item.) a) ‘It shall oversee the application of Union law under the control of the Court of Justice of the European Union. It shall execute the budget and manage programmes.’

„Az Európai Unió Bíróságának ellenőrzése mellett felügyeli az uniós jog alkalmazását. Végrehajtja a költségvetést és irányítja a programokat.” b) ‘Its members shall be elected for a term of five years by direct universal suffrage in a free and secret ballot.’

„Tagjait közvetlen és általános választójog alapján, szabad és titkos választásokon, ötéves időtartamra választják.” c) ‘It shall consist of a representative of each Member State at ministerial level, who may commit the government of the Member State in question and cast its vote. ‘

„A tagállamok egy-egy olyan, miniszteri szintű képviselőjéből áll, aki az általa képviselt tagállam kormánya nevében kötelezettséget vállalhat és szavazhat.” d) ‘Its members shall be chosen on the ground of their general competence and European commitment from persons whose independence is beyond doubt. […] Its members shall neither seek nor take instructions from any Government or other institution, body, office or entity.’ (From the Treaty on European Union)

„Tagjait általános alkalmasságuk és európai elkötelezettségük alapján, olyan személyek közül kell kiválasztani, akiknek függetlenségéhez nem férhet kétség. […] Tagjai nem kérhetnek és fogadhatnak el utasításokat semmilyen kormánytól, intézménytől, szervtől vagy más szervezettől.” (Az Európai Unióról szóló szerződésből) European Commission European Parliament Council of the European Union


4 points


írásbeli vizsga 1413 16 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

12. This task is about the situation of the Roma in Hungary. On the basis of the diagram and your own knowledge, decide if the statements are true or false. Write an X into the appropriate column of the table. (1 point for each correct item)

Perceived social distance in relation to five ethnic groups (as a percentage of the respondents; in this survey ‘everything’ means that they would be accepted even as family members) [Source: Xenophobia and Discrimination in Hungary Today, by Bori Simonovits – Boglárka Szalai. Magyar Tudomány 2013/03]

Statement True False a) The majority of the respondents would accept a Roma colleague.

b) More people would accept a gypsy family member than a gypsy neighbour.

c) Gypsies are the only investigated group which more people would refuse as neighbours than would accept as neighbours.

d) The data contained in the diagram support the hypothesis that the gypsies are often victims of discrimination.

4 points

Roma Arab Chinesewould accept them as everything would accept them as neighbours and colleagues would accept them as colleagues would not accept them as anything

Jewish African


írásbeli vizsga 1413 17 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......


Please read the following instructions carefully.

You must do three of the following tasks. You must make your selection using the following rules: You must do: one task on world history and two tasks on Hungarian history, one of which must be short while the other task must be long. They must also be about different periods of Hungarian history. Study the tasks carefully.

Number Periods and subjects Task type

World history

13. Medieval Church and culture short 14. Ethnic issues after WWI short

Hungarian history

15. The battle of Mohács short 16. Church organisation in Hungary long 17. The settling of the Swabians short 18. The 1848-49 War of Independence long 19. The Rákosi period short 20. The Bethlen consolidation long

Below you will find a table with all the possible combinations of the tasks that you can choose. Mark one of the columns by circling the corresponding letter.

Task type A B C D E F G H I J K L

short 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14

short 15 15 17 17 19 19 15 15 17 17 19 19

long 18 20 16 20 16 18 18 20 16 20 16 18

Only tasks which have been selected according to the rules above will be marked. You will find the evaluation criteria after each task. The scores will be entered by the examiners.

Only do the three tasks you have selected, and leave the rest of them blank.

Before doing the tasks please study the Important Information on page 2 of this booklet.

You can make drafts while working on the answers.


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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

13. This task is about the history of the medieval Church. (short) Describe the role of the medieval Church in culture, using the source and your own knowledge. In your answer, include education and the use of writing.

A page from a 14th-15th century manuscript (Graduale Aboense)


















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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Criteria Maximum Achieved

points Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24 Divided by 2 Exam points 12

14. This task is about the history of Europe between the two World Wars. (short) Using the source and your own knowledge, explain why the situation of ethnic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe remained a significant political issue even after the treaties which concluded the First World War. In your answer, briefly include the question of protecting minorities. The number and proportions of some ethnic groups living outside their mother country

(1930) Ethnic group Number of people living outside their

mother country (million people) Percentage of people living

outside their mother country (%)

Hungarian 2.7 27.6 German 9.0 11.2 Polish 1.5 7.4















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Criteria Maximum Achieved

points Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24 Divided by 2 Exam points 12

15. This task is about the history of the battle of Mohács. (short) Describe the opposing armies, and give the military reasons for the defeat of the Hungarian royal forces, using the sources and your own knowledge. Use your secondary school history atlas.

‘This is where the enemy set up his cannon. Later, towards the end of the struggle, we saw with our own eyes that this place was full of the enemy’s soldiers, mostly those they call janissaries. […] still, fighting carried on for a long time after that, no longer on the wide plateau, but in front of the guns, which were not more than 10 paces away from us.’ (From the chronicle of István Brodarics)

„Itt állította fel az ellenség az ágyúkat. Később, a küzdelem vége felé szemünkkel láttuk, hogy ez a hely tele volt ellenséges katonasággal, jobbára azokkal, akiket janicsároknak neveznek. […] azért mégis sokáig harcoltak még utána nem azon a széles síkságon immár, hanem az ágyúk előtt, melyek oly közel voltak hozzánk, hogy az tíz lépésnél nem volt több.” (Brodarics István krónikájából)

‘The foul king with the rest of his miserable army turned on our mighty ruler and the Anatolian army. The janissaries fired three or four volleys at him and tried to push the detestable giaours back. Finally, with the help of Almighty God and the Prophet, the people of Islam turned back the evil ones, and when they had no more strength for further attacks they cut them into small pieces like dogs.’ (From the military diary of Sultan Suleiman)

„A gonoszszívű király pedig, többi nyomorult katonaságával, felséges császárunkra és az anatóliai seregre rohant. A janicsárok hadosztálya háromszor vagy négyszer támadta meg puskatűzzel és visszaszorítani igyekezett az alávaló gyaurokat. Végre a felséges Isten és a próféta segélyével erőt vevén az iszlám népe, visszaszorította a gonoszokat, a kiknek újabb támadásra nem volt erejük, és úgy aprította őket, mint a kutyákat.” (Szulejmán szultán hadinaplójából)


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Criteria Maximum Achieved

points Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24 Divided by 2 Exam points 12

16. This task is about the period of the foundation of the Hungarian state. (long) Describe the adoption of Christianity and the organisation of the Church during the reigns of Prince Géza and (Saint) Stephen I, using the sources and your own knowledge.

‘When [Géza] converted to Christianity, he took fierce steps against his struggling subjects for the reinforcement of the faith, and roused by his fervour for God he swept away the old sin. This [Géza] offered sacrifices to Almighty God, but also to the various vain notions of [other] gods, and when for this reason he was reprimanded by his pontiff, he said about himself: he was rich and powerful enough for this.’ (From the chronicle of Thietmar of Merseburg, contemporary German monk)


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„[Géza], mikor kereszténnyé lett, indulatosan lépett fel tusakodó alattvalóival szemben e hit megerősítéséért, és a régi bűnt az Isten iránti buzgalomtól felbuzdulva elsöpörte. Ez [Géza] a mindenható Istennek, de [más] istenségek különféle hiú képzeteinek is áldozott, s midőn főpapjától szemrehányást kapott ezért, magáról azt állította: elég gazdag és hatalmas ahhoz, hogy ezt megtehesse.” (Merseburgi Thietmar, kortárs német szerzetes krónikájából)

‘On Sundays […] every person, young and old, men and women, must go to church […] So, should a priest or a bailiff, or any other Christian person find anybody at work on Sunday, whoever they may be, they must be driven away from the work. […] Should anybody eat meat on Friday, which is observed in the whole of Christendom, they will be locked up and made to fast for a week.’ (Excerpts from Saint Stephen’s lawbook)

„Vasárnaponként […] minden ember, nagyja és apraja, férfia s asszonya, mind templomba menjen […]. Tehát, ha pap vagy ispán, vagy más keresztény ember vasárnapon találna munkában valakit, akárki legyen, űzzék el a munkától. […] Valaki pénteki napon, melyet az egész kereszténységben megtartanak, húst eszik, egy hétig böjtöljön bezárva.” (Részletek Szent István törvényeiből)

‘[…] Let our followers, now and in the future, learn that on the intercession, advice and consent of the abbot of the Monastery of Saint Martin on the mountain of Pannonia, Anastas, we grant such privileges to [the same monastery], as were received by the monastery of Saint Benedict on Monte Cassino.. […] We order that […] no archbishop, bishop, prince, marquis, bailiff, vice-bailiff or any other person, great or small, dare interfere on any account in the affairs of the above-mentioned monastery without the permission of the abbot of the same monastery.’ (Deed of foundation, 1001/1002)

„A mi híveink valamennyien, a mostaniak és jövendőbeliek, tudják meg, hogy a Pannonia hegyén lévő Szent Márton monostornak az apátja, Anasztáz közbenjárására, tanácsára és beleegyezésével [ugyanezen monostornak] olyan kiváltságot engedélyeztünk, amilyent Montecassino Szent Benedek monostora kapott. […] Megparancsoljuk, […] hogy semmiképpen se merjen beavatkozni egyetlen érsek, püspök, herceg, őrgróf, ispán, alispán vagy bármely más ember – akár nagy, akár kicsi – az ugyanezen monostor apátjának engedélye nélkül a mondott monostor ügyeibe.” (Alapítólevél, 1001/1002) ..………………………………………………………………………………………………….








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Criteria Maximum Achieved

points Understanding of task 8 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 8 Describing the reasons behind an event 10 Structure, clear language 8 Total 42 Divided by 2 Exam points 21


írásbeli vizsga 1413 24 / 32 2014. október 15.

Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

17. This task is about the history of the repopulation of Hungary. (short) Explain the role and interests of the court in the settlement of Swabians (Germans), using the source and your own knowledge. ‘As I can clearly see that the implementation of my present intention is impossible without the support, special favours and good will of the high Royal Council, thus I humbly ask for myself and in the name of others […]to exempt them in their places of settlement from rates and taxes for a few years, and to leave them in peace from conscription or recruitment as practiced by the officers of regiments, and in the above mentioned ways to be so kind as to take good care of the benefit of the king and the country.’ (Sándor Károlyi’s petition, 1712) „Minthogy azonban világosan látom, hogy e szándékom a magas Udvari Tanács támogatása, különös kegye és jóakarata nélkül sikeresen meg nem valósítható, ezért a magam és a többiek nevében alázatosan kérem, hogy […] letelepedési helyükön néhány évig a közterhek alól mentesüljenek, és az összeírás vagy az ezredek tisztjei által gyakorolt újoncozás alól békében maradjanak, és az említett módon a király és az ország javáról haszonnal gondoskodni méltóztassék.” (Károlyi Sándor folyamodványa, 1712) ..………………………………………………………………………………………………….

















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Criteria Maximum Achieved

points Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24 Divided by 2 Exam points 12

18. This task is about the 1848-49 Hungarian War of Independence. (long) Outline the most important military and political events of the period from the outbreak of the War of Independence until the end of October 1848, using the sources and your own knowledge. In your answer, briefly include the events that immediately preceded the outbreak of the war of independence, using the sources. Use your secondary school history atlas.

‘We [asked] the king to help us protect our country, the royal seat and the law with his royal authority; and they [answered] us with a memorandum, the content of which is: ‘the law, upon which the king took an oath, is worth nothing, Hungary should cease to exist as an independent country and should be governed from Vienna by a German ministry, […] and we should continue, as before, to be a colony doomed to need and misery’.’ (Lajos Kossuth’s article on the events preceding the outbreak of the War of Independence, September 18, 1848)

„Mi arra [kértük] a királyt: segítsen minket királyi tekintélyével a hazát, a királyi széket s a törvényt megvédeni; s nekünk egy emlékirattal [feleltek], melynek tartalma: ’a törvény, melyre a király megesküdött, semmit sem ér, Magyarország szűnjék meg önálló ország lenni s a német minisztérium által Bécsből kormányoztassék, […] és legyünk továbbá is egy gyarmattartomány, szükségre, nyomorúságra kárhoztatva, mint eddig valánk.’” (Kossuth Lajos cikke a szabadságharc kirobbanásának előzményeiről, 1848. szeptember 18.)

’My soul is distraught by the idea that [...] forty or fifty thousand [...] men come into Hungary, and are able to conquer our country without a stroke, so to speak. I do not think I have enough strength to tolerate this; in half an hour […] I will take the train and start summoning the people at Cegléd to take up arms in masses, and this is how I will go on from village to village, and either you will see me no more or you will, as the rear guard of an army which will be able to eliminate by itself such a shameful herd of robbers.’ (Lajos Kossuth’s announcement to the House of Representatives, September 24, 1848)

„Lelkemben fel vagyok indulva azon gondolattól, […] hogy negyven-ötvenezer […] ember bejő az országba, s úgyszólván kardvágás nélkül foglalja el a hazát. Én nem érzek magamban annyi erőt, hogy ezt tűrjem; egy félóra múlva […] megyek a vasúton, s megkezdem Ceglédnél felhívni a népet, hogy tömegestől fegyverbe szálljon, s így megyek tovább faluról falura, és vagy nem látnak önök többé, vagy


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látnak, mint utócsapatát oly seregnek, mely maga is képes lesz semmivé tenni oly gyalázatos rablócsordát.” (Kossuth Lajos bejelentése a képviselőházban, 1848. szeptember 24.)

‘The House of Representatives, having invested all the authority necessary for the unrestricted government of a country in the hands of the National Defence Committee delegated by both houses, shall declare the National Defence Committee the unrestricted government of the country until, by restoration of normal conditions in the country, it acquires a legally recognised government, and at the same time it declares citizen and representative Lajos Kossuth, with unanimous approbation, the president of this government.' (Parliamentary decree, October 8, 1848)

„A képviselőház az ország kormányzatát mind a két ház részéről kiküldött Honvédelmi Bizottmány kezébe mindazon hatalommal, mellyel egy ország teljhatalmú kormányának bírnia kell, letevén, a Honvédelmi Bizottmányt mindaddig, míg az ország normális állapotba jővén, törvényesen elismert kormánya nem lesz, az ország teljhatalmú kormányának, Kossuth Lajos honpolgárt és képviselőt pedig egyetemes felállássali kijelentéssel e kormány elnökének nyilvánítja.” (Országgyűlési határozat, 1848. október 8.) ..………………………………………………………………………………………………….





















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Criteria Maximum Achieved

points Understanding of task 8 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 8 Describing the reasons behind an event 10 Structure, clear language 8 Total 42 Divided by 2 Exam points 21


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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

19. This task is about the Rákosi period. (short) Using the source and your own knowledge, outline how the glorification of the Soviet Union and the Soviet example were part of everyday life. Do not write about economic implications.

Poster, 1952

















Long live April 4th! For the seventh

anniversary of the liberation of our country


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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Criteria Maximum Achieved

points Understanding of task 4 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 4 Describing reasons behind an event 6 Structure, clear language 2 Total 24 Divided by 2 Exam points 12

20. This task is about the economic history of Hungary between the World Wars. (long) Describe the most important elements of Bethlen’s monetary and economic consolidation, using your own knowledge and the sources. In your answer, include the reasons for the measures introduced here.

Inscriptions on banknotes issued in 1923 and 1926

Egymillió Korona One million Koronas

Öt Pengő Five Pengős Pénzügyminiszter Financial minister

Elnök Governor Vezérigazgató Chief executive officer

Magyar Nemzeti Bank Hungarian National Bank

Changes in Hungarian industrial production

(in % of the 1913-level, considering only territory which was not detached) Year Metal-working Machine production Food industry 1913 100 100 100 1921 66 44 70 1924 50 36 69

Customs duty rates introduced in 1925 Products Import duty rates

Clothes, leather goods, paper, foodstuffs 50-75%machines 20%Wood, mineral oil, metals 0%

Average duty rate 30%


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Criteria Maximum Achieved

points Understanding of task 8 Location: place and era 4 Use of special vocabulary 4 Use of sources 8 Describing the reasons behind an event 10 Structure, clear language 8 Total 42 Divided by 2 Exam points 21


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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Maximum points


I. Short answer tasks

1. Religions which emerged in ancient times 3 2. Ottoman conquest 4 3. The culture of medieval Hungary 4 4. Early modern colonisation 4 5. Hungary in the 18th century 4 6. Industrial revolutions 3 7. Hungary in the Reform period 4 8. Nazi Germany 3 9. Hungarian foreign policy in 1932/33 4 10. Hungary after WWII 4 11. The European Union 4 12. The situation of the Hungarian Roma 4

Total 45 I. Achieved points rounded up

II. Longer, essay-type questions

13. Medieval Church and culture 12 14. Ethnic issues after WWI 12 15. The battle of Mohács 12 16. Church organization in Hungary 21 17. The settling of the Swabians 12 18. The 1848-49 War of Independence 21 19. The Rákosi period 12 20. The Bethlen consolidation 21

Total 45 II. Achieved points rounded up

I. + II.

Total score for the written exam 90

Date:………………………… Correcting teacher __________________________________________________________________________

Achieved points rounded

up / Elért pontszám egész

számra kerekítve

Points (rounded up) to write in the

software / Programba beírt egész pontszám

I Short, simple tasks / I. Egyszerű, rövid feladatok II Longer, essay-type questions / II. Szöveges, kifejtendő feladatok

Correcting teacher / Javító tanár administrator / jegyző

Date / Dátum:……………………. Date / Dátum:…………………….