The Vegan Winter 1986



The magazine of The Vegan Society

Transcript of The Vegan Winter 1986

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Editor: Colin Howlett Advertising and Distribution Manager: Barry Kew Design by Three's Company, Oxford Illustrations by Juliet Breese Typeset by Brains, Reading Printed by L.J. Print Services Ltd., London SE8 3DX The Vegan is published quarterly by The Vegan Society Ltd Published: 21st February, May, August, November Copy Date: 1st of preceding month ISSN 0307-4811 © The Vegan Society Ltd 'Vegan' is a trademark of The Vegan Society Ltd

The Vegan Society The Vegan Society Ltd Registered Charity No. 279228 33-35 George Street Oxford OX1 2AY Tel: 0865 722166 President: Serena Coles Deputy President: Chris Langley Vice-Presidents: Eva Batt Freya Dinshah Jay Dinshah Grace Smith Council: Paul Appleby Serena Coles Vincent FitzGerald Colin Howlett Lis Howlett (Chair) Chris Langley

Hon. Treasurer: Vincent FitzGerald Secretary: Barry Kew Office Manager: Susan Kew Information Officer: Philip Brown

Information For the benefit of new readers some general information is provided below:

Veganism may be defined as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, the animal kingdom for food, clothing or any other purpose In dietary terms, it refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce - including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, (non-human) animal milks, and their derivatives. The status of honey in a vegan diet has varied over the years; whilst remaining contentious, its use is currently left to individual conscience.

The Vegan Ethic challenges all who preach compassion yet acquiesce in institutionalized animal abuse, especially the cruel practices inherent in dairy, livestock and poultry farming. Abhorrence of these practices is probably the single most common reason for the adoption of veganism, but many people are also drawn to it for health, ecological, spiritual and other reasons. For those in doubt, the words 'vegan' and 'veganism' are pronounced 'VEEgan' and 'VEEganism' with a hard 'g', as in 'gorilla'.

The Vegan Society was formed in England in November 1944 by a group of vegetarians who had recognized and come to reject the ethical compromises implicit in lacto-vegetarianism and consequently decided to renounce the use of all animal products. Since those early days it has grown considerably in both size and influence, reflecting the increasingly wide recognition of veganism's ethical, health, ecological and other advantages. The Society now has the status of an educational charity, whose aims include encouraging the development and use of alternatives to all commodities normally derived wholly or partly from animals.

If you would like more information please send a

large SAE to the Society at 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY.

If you are already a vegan or vegan sympathizer please support the Society and help increase its influence by joining. Increased membership means more resources to educate and inform. The current membership fee is £6.50 for an individual (£4 if unwaged) and £8.50 for a family (£6 if unwaged). Full membership is restricted to practising vegans, as defined above, but sympathizers are very welcome as associate members. Both full and associate members receive The Vegan free of charge. Applications for membership should be sent to the Oxford office, with the envelope marked 'Membership Secretary'.

Vegan Society Publications Apart from The Vegan magazine, the Vegan Society publishes a wide range of free leaflets and low-priced books and booklets of interest to the newcomer. See the section in the magazine entitled Publications & Promotional Goods. This section also lists a number of works which, although produced independently of the Society and not necessarily vegan in viewpoint, are nevertheless felt to be useful and informative.

Vegan Magazines In addition to The Vegan, please note the following publications which are produced independently of the Vegan Society:

Vegan Views 6 Hayes Avenue, Bournemouth BH7 7AD. An informal quarterly with articles, interviews, news, reviews, letters, cartoon strip. Subscription rate for four issues: £2.40 (Europe and surface mail overseas: £2.80).

Vegan Times 25 Tabley Road, London N7 ON A. Veganism, spiritual growth, healing, ecology, etc. 50p in stamps for sample copy. Y Figan Cymreig (The Welsh Vegan) 9 Mawddwy Cottages,

Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy. Machynlleth SY20 9LW, Wales. 35p in stamps for a sample copy.

The Vegan Families Contact List provides a link between parents throughout the UK seeking to raise their children in accordance with vegan principles. To receive a copy of the list and have your name added to a future edition, please send an SAE to the compiler - Eve Gilmore - do the Oxford Office, giving your name, address and names and dates of birth of children.

The Vegan Self-Sufficiency Network, an organization independent of the Vegan Society, was established to provide a focus for all those interested in, working towards, or practising self-sufficient lifestyles based on vegan principles. The Network produces a quarterly newsletter in which members can share ideas and experiences and discuss subjects related to the many aspects of vegan self-sufficiency. There are sections devoted to vegan gardening, and to crafts and self-sufficiency skills. If you would like further information on VSSN please write to

subscription to the newsletter costs £2 a year (overseas, surface mail £2.50) - cheques payable to 'The Vegan Self-Sufficiency Network'.

Veganism Abroad There are active vegan societies in Australia, Sweden and the USA, as well as contacts in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and New Zealand.

The views expressed in The Vegan do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or the Vegan Society Council. Nothing printed should be construed as Vegan Society policy unless so stated. The Society accepts no liability for any matter in the magazine. The acceptance of advertisements does not imply endorsement. Contributions intended for publication are welcomed, but unsolicited materials will not be returned unless accompanied by an SAE.

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ENCE Is there room oil your Christmas present list for another name? Could you squeeze the Vegan Society in -if not on top of the list, at least then between auntie Mary and cousin Peter?

To say that everyone's budget is stretched to the limit at this time of the year is, of course, a commonplace but would it be that great a sacrifice to send off, say, £5 to the Society in the closing weeks of its critical 1986 Fund-Raising Appeal? Would it really make that much difference to you and yours at this festive time? Your small sacrifice would certainly make a world of difference to us, since if every member were to give (or give once more) just £5 the Society would have something over £20,000 to help it not only hold its own, but also break exciting new ground, in the fight against institutionalized animal abuse. Could you in all honesty make a better gift as we enter the season of great slaughter that marks the end of the western calendar year?

Compare such a one-off gift with what you pay, perhaps quite regularly, for a favourite treat - a meal out, a visit to the cinema or the theatre, a new item of clothing, an extravagant toy, a good book, or a new gramophone record? The contrast in benefits is striking, is it not? Can I hear your pen already squeaking its way across a cheque book? Did you just add a £5 postal order to today's shopping list?...

Remember our 1986 Appeal leaflet (which most of you will have received in late December 1985) and some of the many plans outlined in it - some very basic, some rather more ambitious? Sadly, it is now clear that even the most basic plans cannot be implemented in the coming year unless we succeed in at least reducing the shortfall between the amount of money we need to be able to continue operating at a bare-minimum level of effectiveness and the response to our Appeal to date.

There's no denying it, despite the organizational effort, creative energy and money expended, the response to our Appeal has fallen far short of our hopes and expectations. With woefully few exceptions (see News, Thanks) the vision of the world as a more humane and just place for all its inhabitants - a vision shared by all vegans, whatever differences of emphasis they may have -appears not to have struck a sympathetic chord in the hearts and minds of the grant-making bodies and commercial concerns on which we pinned such high hopes. In the wake of 'Live Aid' and other laudable initiatives 'appeal fatigue' has certainly been a potent factor, dealing a crippling blow to scores of other worthy charities this last year. But we have laboured under an additional and even more serious handicap: veganism is still perceived by many as too radical a philosophy, too heady

a brew to even contemplate, let alone financially support. Like so many others who have trodden the path of non-conformism, we have had to pay the price of principles. Our day will come, as it ultimately does to all pioneers - but not, it seems, before our resolve is further tested.

Those members who were able to attend our recent AGM will have heard our Treasurer explain how, as a comparatively young society, we are still denied the financial stability which can only derive from sustained legacy income, as is the case with longer-established kindred organizations. More than any other single factor, this is what allows the RSPCA and the large anti-vivisection organizations, among many others, to maintain a high profile in the fight to end animal abuse. Denied such a stable source of income and the measure of practical support our movement so richly deserves, we are therefore obliged to turn, yet again, to ourselves and our own to break free of the shackles of chronic underfunding. Right now your cash gift can help transform 1987 from being a year of grim struggle for survival to a year of continued expansion and increased impact on public consciousness and the media. It really could make a world of difference. Do try and squeeze us onto that Christmas list. Somehow I don't think auntie Mary and cousin Peter will mind. C.H.


• Reviews 18 • Family Mat ters 20

Kids in the kitchen

• Post bag 21 • Noticeboard 22 • Publications & 24

Promotional Goods • Classifieds 26

• News 4 • How to Put People 8

Off! Father Francis spells it out

• Pets and Vegans 10

Health wise 11 Fibre and fitness -the vegan connection Shoparound 13 Giving a thought 14 Seasonal gift ideas

Chris tmas Menus - a couple of crackers!

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News Thanks

The Council of the Vegan Society wishes to publicly acknowledge its appreciation to those philanthropic and commercial organizations which have made donations to our Appeal 1986 campaign -the greatest and most critical fund-raising effort in the society's history. A particular debt of gratitude is owing to Plamil Foods for outstanding support in a year of unprecedentedly heavy sponsorship. Other bodies which had contributed to the Appeal by the time of going to press were: Blackmores Laboratories, Creighton Laboratories, Daily Bread Co-operative, Goswell Bakeries, Granose, Itona Products, Modern Health Products, Plamil Foods, St. Giles Foods, Suma Wholefoods, Survival Foods, the Findhorn Foundation, and the Russell and Mary Foreman 1980 Charitable Trust. Readers are encouraged to show their own appreciation to companies whose names are listed above by supporting their products in the Christmas period and beyond.

AAFTAR Awards At the Regency Rooms of London's Charing Cross Hotel on 23 October the first-ever A A F T A R (Animal Aid Awards for Trivial Research) were made, demonstrating that both barbaric and stupid medical research on animals continues to take place in the UK in 1986. Among the presenters at the well-attended event were

Spike Milligan and Prunella Gee. The award categories included: the most cruel experiment performed, the research centre with the most consistent record of hideous experiments, the most trivial animal research, and the silliest statement made in defence of animal experiments. The award in the last category was

accepted by the 'spitting image' (pictured above) of Home Office Minister David Mellor on the strength of his assertion that the search for an anti-dandruff shampoo justifies animals research. On a more positive note, three Living Without Cruelty presentations were made to people who have contributed most to alleviating animal suffering. One went to the Liverpool-based firm Pure Plant Products, who emphatically oppose the idea that animal experiments are necessary in cosmetics and toiletries testing; another went to Quest for a Test for Cancer - the Harlow-based cancer charity which rejects the validity of experiments on animals; a third went to 13-year-old Jenny Hall, the young person judged to have contributed most to the animals rights cause in the last 12 months.

Violence-Free Science Another major victory has been scored in the Violence-Free Science campaign, launched earlier this year by the National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS). On October 20th the General University Council - the governing body of the overall London University Student Union (the


largest student union body in Europe) - unanimously adopted a charter in favour of violence-free science, mandating the university union to support any students who feel their work has been marked down for refusing to dissect and vivisect animals and to mount protest action if assurances of compliance with the charter are not forthcoming from the University. The previous week a violence-free science charter was also adopted by the student unions of Thames and Manchester Polytechnics.

Milk Madness A lengthy report entitled 'Top Herd pushes cows hard for record yields' in the 22 August issue of Farmer's Weekly reveals the 'secret' of how to achieve record milk yields by citing the experience of a Lancashire dairy farming family. "We have always made money with our cows through ruthless culling and selection," states Michael Gould Snr. "We have been brutal in some of our decisions. We have had to be and I think it is something others could learn from. We have had critics who have said we would blow the bags off heifers pushing them so hard. But if the animals can't stand the pace it is no good to me; there will be another to take its place that will possibly stand the pressure and that is the one to milk and to breed from."

The Name of the Game... The Milk Marketing Board is putting £1.5 million behind a

VEGE BURGER8 Two natural products free of artificial additives and animal ingredients.


THE NATURAL CHOICE • Wholesome and delicious • More protein — Less Fat • High quality — Low cost W H E R E H E A L T H I E R F O O D S A R E S O L D

For more information contact

The Realeat Company (Dept v S ) 2 Trevelyan Gardens. London, NW10 3JY

4 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

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sport-for-all campaign starting in 1987. Television advertising will be backed by a new information network aiming to recruit more people to the sport of their choice. The Board is joining with the Sports Council in what is claimed to be the largest-ever effort to increase participation in sport. (Farmer's Weekly, 24.1.1986)

Morinaga OK! Despite the appearance of a misleading news item ('Morinaga Out') in the last issue, following exhaustive enquiries with the manufacturer, the UK distributor and others, we are pleased to confirm that Morinaga Silken Tofu is, after all, perfectly acceptable to vegans. The glucono delta-lactone contained in the product is derived from crude sugar. Readers are therefore warmly encouraged to resume using this product and apologies are offered to those whose commercial interests may have suffered as a result of the news item.

LVC Overhaul The Local Vegan Contact network has been dissolved pending the completion of a thorough restructuring programme aimed at increasing its effectiveness. It is hoped to relaunch the Network in the new year.

1986 Vegan Camp Graham Hooper reports: Last August saw the sixth annual Vegan Family Camp, held on the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. About 60 people -singles, couples and families -came along for all or part of a fun-filled week. Despite two wet days, the weather was generally fine. Activities included excursions to Corfe Castle, some coves on the South Coast and the beaches at Swanage and Studland. The week's highlights were the customary communal supper and sing-song - this year also someone's birthday party; the camp sports - good fun for kids of all

Welcomes vegans For 25 years the STRICTLY VEGETARIAN guest house in the Lake District has enjoyed delicious international

vegetarian cuisine. Orchard House, known for its comfort and serene atmosphere, enjoys a quiet inviting garden,

is close to mountains, streams and lakes. For those who seek the peace and beauty of the Lake District, Orchard

House is for you. OPEN ALL YEAR! Stamp appreciated for brochure to: Paul and Wendy Steele

Borrowdale Road Keswick, Cumbria CA12 5DE Tel: (0596) 72830

NATURAL HEALTH EQUIPMENT & BOOKS Over250 Excellent Books & Products

J U I C E R S - Pu re concen t r a t ed nutrit ion. W A T E R P U R I F I E R S - Avoid water pollution. A I R I O N I Z E R S - Add ene rgy to the air and to you. We s tock the 15 m o s t popu la r mode l s at L O W P R I C E S , o n 6&-day trial. F R E E I O N I Z E R I N F O R M A T I O N . B O U N C E R S - Highly efficient exerc ise . E N E M A K I T S - For Inner c l ean l iness P U L S O R S - Subt le e n e r g y ba lanc ing a n d protect ion f rom e lec t romagne t ic pollution. N A T U R A L F E R T I L I T Y A W A R E N E S S - Cont racept ion or p r e g n a n c y with n o s ide

e f fec t s . T l P - U - U P i - Gravity inversion back exerc i se rs . P L U S . G R A I N M I L L S . F O O T R O L L E R S , H U M A N E M O U S E T R A P S , H E R B S .

M A G N E T I C F O I L (for p a l n a a s p r a i n s ) , B O O K S A M U C H M O R E .

CONCERNED ABOUT POLLUTION? - SO ARE WE! A HARMONY OF SCIENCE i NA TURE - Ways ol Staying Healthy m a M o d e m World. Is anew 72pp. book describing many ol the problem* end suggesting some practical and easy ways ol avoiding pollution and keeping healthy under modem living circumstances. It also contains much background Information on all our products Greatly superior to a glossy catalogue. €150 from ourselves, f J 95 from bookshops

For very lull product details. Including this unique. 72 page illustrated book. . - please send nine first class stamps or CI.50 to- V * .

V k V WHOLIST1C RESEARCH COMPANY / / * / \ . * V * Oept. VE. Bright Haven. Robin's Lane. Loiwonh. Cambridge CB3 SHH r r j f

Telephone: Craft's HiH (0954) 81074

ages; and a puppet show for the children organized by Frances Howard. All in all it was a thoroughly enjoyable and recommendable week, especially for children. Our thanks to John Strettle, Harry Mather and Chris Phillips for finding the site and helping in the organization. Next year the Camp goes to Northumberland, on 7-16 August. Don't miss it! Details (please enclose an SAE) from:

Green Teacher

A new, bi-monthly magazine entitled Green Teacher has appeared. Aimed at teachers, teacher educators and curriculum developers, the magazine seeks to relate the latest green movement debates to ideas and practice in education for the environment, as well as providing materials directly usable with teaching groups. The 40-page launch issue includes articles on computers in primary schools, Earth Education and Green maths teaching. Copies may be obtained by subscription (£10 a year) from LlysAwel, 22 Heol Pentrerhedyn, Machynlleth, Powys, Wales SY208DN.

Green Books The green message is also to be spread by a new publishing company - called Green Books - whose founders include Friends of the Earth, the Schumacher Society and the

International Institute for Enviromental Documentation. Exploiting 'small is beautiful' techniques, like the computerised typesetter in project organizer Satish Kumar's Devonshire home village, the company plans to publish six titles as early as next spring. First authors include Richard North, whose book The Real Cost was reviewed in the last issue of The Vegan.

Ad Slammed Following an official complaint from The Farm Verified Organic Programme, ICI has been advised by the Advertising Standards Authority to drastically amend or withdraw completely its national press advertisement suggesting that without the use of fertilizers the price of bread would increase fourfold. The ad in question featured a loaf of bread with a price of 40p deleted and a price tag of £1.60 added.

Cruelty Up Complaints about animal abuse investigated by RSPCA Inspectors during the first half of 1986 reached an all-time high, totalling more than 37,000 - more than 6,000 up on the same period in 1985. A mere 899 convictions - 19 fewer than in the previous year - were reported as resulting from this greatly increased case load. The number of complaints reported since June reveals a similar upward trend.

Education Push The RSPCA is stepping up its classroom campaign against cruelty to animals by doubling its force of education officers -from three to six. The new appointments, which will be regionally based, are for a curriculum development officer; a farm animal welfare education officer; and an officer concerned with the ethical aspects of the use of animals in science. "We must reach tomorrow's policy makers today if we are to stem the tide that is turning us into a nation of animal abusers," says RSPCA Head of Education, Cindy Milburn.

5 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 6: The Vegan Winter 1986

1 Blood and Gorev

"A frightening picture of poor hygiene, slapdash organisation and blood and gore all over the floor has emerged from an inspection by the EEC of Britain's slaughterhouses", reported New Scientist in its 2 October issue in an article headed 'Blood and Bacteria on the abattoir floor'. Gross contamination of meat while carcasses are skinned and gutted was identified as a particular worry of the EEC inspectors. The article pointed out that the government has warned that unless standards improve substantially by the end of the year exports of British red meat to the EEC could be banned.

Hamburger Hazard A group of Canadian researchers has identified the source of the life-threatening disease haemolytic-uraemic syndrome (HUS) - the commonest cause of kidney failure in children. The culprit turns out to be a particular form of the bacterium Escherichia coli - E. coli serotype (0157-H7), which is present in farm animals such as cows and is passed on to people in unpasteurised milk and undercooked hamburger meat. (New Scientist, 6.11.1986)


The all-vegan 'Runner Beans' team scored a success in the Sunday Times National Fun Run, held in London's Hyde Park on 28 September -finishing 166th out of nearly 2,000 teams entered. The mixed vegan and vegetarian teams, 'Savory Thyme', and 'The Green Giants', finished 913th and 973rd respectively. Runners are sought for next September's event, particularly vegans and vegetarians aged over 60 to compete as part of a team to be called 'The Has Beans'. Contact (sending two SAEs):




C l M | W l f c t * M | M < K t S •



Vegan athlete Katie Fitzgibbon was the first woman home in the gruelling Himalaya Super-Marathon, which began on 11 July, finishing seventh overall out of 37 starters. The total distance covered in the multi-day event was estimated to be in excess of 100 miles.

Fun Run Success

Following considerable media exposure, including a TV interview with Terry Wogan, Peter Cox's Why You don't Need Meat (reviewed in the autumn Vegan) has become a bestseller, chalking up sales of just under 50,000 copies since its publication on July 29th. The former VSUK Chief Executive's book is currently the UK's fourth best-selling non-fiction title.

Guide Supplement

—The Vegan—" Holiday and Restaurant — G u i d e —

The strong-selling Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide now comes complete with a free Supplement of more than 100 new entries. Copies of the Supplement alone are available from the Oxford office in exchange for a stamped, addressed 9" x 6" envelope.



A revolutionary breakthrough is claimed by the US-based organization Harbingers of a New Age, which has developed VEGECAT - described as "the unique nutritional supplement which lets you feed your cat a purely vegetarian diet." For further details contact: Harbingers of a New Age, 06784 Canary Road, Westlake, Oregon 97493, U.S.A.

•Britons Cool' "Britons are eating healthier food - but dairy products are still losing popularity," reported the Farmer's Weekly in its 17 October issue in an article entitled 'Britons Cool on dairy foods'. Citing the Ministry of Agriculture's national survey of household food demand during the second quarter of 1986, the magazine

pointed out that the figures for liquid whole milk and butter consumption were 8% and 13% down respectively on the previous year.

Dairy Rambo Perhaps despondent at the trend underlying the news item 'Britons Cool' above, or irked by the effectiveness of our new promotional materials, in mid-September an abusive phone call was received at the Vegan Society office from an irate dairy farmer who promised to pay a visit and make a personal (i.e. physical!) response to our new Milk Marketing Fraud leaflet. A welcoming party has been on stand-by ever since, but the visitor has failed to show.

Daisy Chain On 2 October - World Farm Animal Day - a Daisy wreath and a scroll containing a formal statement of Demands to the Prime Minister was presented by Lynsey de Paul at 10 Downing Street. A similar presentation was made later on the same day to the Minister of Agriculture in Whitehall Place. A human Daisy chain was formed in Whitehall Place by Compassion in World Farming supporters wearing 'Daisy' lapel stickers and carrying daisy bouquets - in silent protest at lack of Government action on farm animal slaughter reforms. The protest marked the end of CIWF's month-long slaughter campaign.

VICCO Vajradanti Unique Ayurvedic Toothpaste contains no A completely natural product ^ ^ * / (. ingredients containing 18 valuable herbs. VICCO Vajradanti is made in accordance with the ancient Indian^ science of Ayurveda. Highly Concentrated — Long lasting Pleasant Fresh Taste — Fresh Breath Contains No Sugar — Flouride Free NOW AVAILABLE FROM WHOLEFOOD SHOPS OR PRICE £1.25 FROM: Mandala Imports, 7 Zetland Road, Redland. BRISTOL BS6

tested on animals

6 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

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REPORT Members were welcomed to the 1986 AGM at Oxford Col-lege of Further Education on Saturday 18 October 1986 by Serena Coles, President, who reaffirmed the Society's com-passion-based philosophy.

Deputy President, Dr. Chris Langley took the Chair, urging members to familiarise them-selves with the Standing Orders and reminding everyone that only full members were eligible to vote. Apologies had been re-ceived from Grace Smith, Caryne Pearce, Dave Foxton, Mike Green, Jon Wynne-Tyson, the Gunn-Kings and Margaret Lawson. The Chair-man then expressed the Soci-ety's regret at the passing of Winifred Simmonds, Vice President, during the year, be-fore completing the prelimi-nary business by giving an out-line of the correspondence and events concerning a Mr. Alfred Bunting over the past eighteen months.

Following the adoption of Standing Orders and Minutes of the 1985 AGM the Secretary summarised the Annual Re-port (year ending July 1986) br-inging members up to date with more recent events and de-velopments. Special thanks were given to Plamil Foods for its generous support for the Society's 1986 Fund-Raising Compaign and to Vincent FitzGerald for his unstinting ef-forts as Hon. Treasurer. Al-though a marked increase in new members had been noted over the past two years an ap-peal was made for members to make further contact especially with non-member vegans to in-crease general awareness of the Society's present work. Four questions, regarding the use of recycled paper and member-ship figures were taken from

the floor and the Annual Re-port was adopted by a unanim-ous vote.

The Hon. Treasurer Vincent FitzGerald gave a brief expla-nation of the Annual Accounts and took questions from the floor regarding income/expen-diture balance, future plans, Appeal response, staffing levels, salaries and donations to other organisations before the Accounts were adopted by a huge majority.

Taking the Chair for the Council & Officer Elections agendum, Council Chairman Lis Howlett explained that for various personal reasons David Barrett, Lorraine Munn and Gavin Jones would not now be standing for re-election/elec-tion, leaving as the sole nominee Chris Langley, who addressed the meeting and took three questions from the floor. A simple show of hands (in Dr. Langley's temporary absence) duly re-elected the candidate by a huge majority.

Serena Coles and Chris Langley were re-elected Presi-dent and Deputy President re-spectively, whilst Eva Batt and Jay Dinshah were re-elected Vice-Presidents, with Freya Dinshah, Grace Smith and Kathleen Jannaway being elected subject to confirmation of their willingness to accept the positions (subsequently re-ceived, with the exception of the latter).

Resuming the Chair, Chris Langley invited Vincent FitzGerald to report on negoti-ations with new auditors but as these were not completed the Treasurer recommended that Bryden Johnson be reap-pointed and the motion was carried by a large majority.

On behalf of the Council Paul Appleby and Barry Kew

reported on the 1985 AGM Re-solutions. There had been a poor response to the notice placed in The Vegan (Winter '85) for persons to serve on a farm project Working Party, though technical advice had been offered by a farmer. Cer-tain relevant information had begun to be collected and some applications for financial assis-tance with vegan small-hold-ings/trials had been received yet refused pending proper de-velopment of the Working Party. A further request was made to members to notify Paul Appleby of their interest and willingness to assist in this area.

The withdrawn film Time for Change had been studied and detailed critiques confirmed that little, if anything of it could be salvaged for insertion in a new audio-visual which the Society still badly needs to pro-duce when funds allow.

No proposals for major re-solutions having been received, two minor resolutions were taken from the floor. The first, proposed by Sidney Swain, sec-onded by George Haydock, That in future no advertisements for homosexual activities be ac-cepted for the magazine was defeated by a large major-ity. The second, proposed by Margret Ploger and seconded by Mick Perryment, That notice of election nomina-tions for Council should be more encouraging and more explanation should be given in The Vegan of nomination pro-cedures was carried.

Under Any Other Business the Chairman encouraged the meeting to give a vote of thanks to all the staff for the work done over the past year; Gill Langley delivered a report on the results

- which she intends to publish -of 104 completed question-naires received from Plamil Half-Marathon competitors; Chris Phillips gave the results of places achieved by the vegan and vegetarian teams which took part in the Sunday Times Fun Run; Chris Langley had, in completing a sponsored 36 mile run, raised £450 for (vegan) Third World development pro-ject, and Frances Howard re-quested assistance in the prep-aration of an article on the ef-fects of the Chernobyl disaster on the food chain.

Following discussions begun by a question to Council as to why local contacts had been asked to reaffirm their commit-ment to the Society in the face of Mr A. Bunting's correspon-dence, Amy Austin moved, seconded by Graham Hooper: That this meeting expresses its support for the Council and staff of the Vegan Society Li-mited in their efforts to promote the aims of the Society, and to-tally rejects the accusations levelled at those persons by Mr Alfred Bunting and those who have identified themselves with his views. The motion was carried with no votes against.

The Chairman then thanked those present for attending and called an end to the 1986 AGM, having discussed all the busi-ness on the Agenda, at 5.55pm - at which point the buffet was served by Alison's Wholefood Kitchen.

Stall holders at the AGM were: the Campaign Against Angling, the Dr. Hadwen Trust for Humane Research, Plamil Foods, Red Pepper Wholefoods, The Vegan Soci-ety, Vegan Views and Vegfam. Barry Kew

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The ar t ic le which follows is publish-ed with a view to removing what the a u t h o r - Fa the r Franc is of the

M o t h e r h o o d of O u r Lady - sees as self-imposed b a r r i e r s to the effective sp read of vegan and vegetar ian ideals. F a t h e r F ranc i s , who has served the c h a n t r y a l t a r of O u r Lady of Cheshi re since 1968, has been a vegan for 25 yea r s a n d publ ishes occasional C A R E (Concern fo r Animals , Respect for the E n v i r o n m e n t ) sheets seeking to show tha t vegan living need not mean being cut off f r o m the rest of the wor ld , as well as ba t t l ing to m a k e m a n u f a c t u r e r s m o r e a w a r e of the needs of vegans and of the need for adequa te ingredients labell ing.

Continuing debate A s s o m e o n e who is, apparently, an ex-pert at treading on toes, I know a thing or two about how to put people off! I hope this article does not put too many backs up, however, because the points it makes are, I believe, important and almost totally ignored

Debate continues as to whether 'di-rect action' helps or hinders our cause - do superglued butchers' shop doors attract valuable publicity, or do they turn people against us? Apart from being unable to understand how this actually works (superglue will not even stick a picture frame for me) , I doubt if there can ever be a cut-and-dried answer, for such action clearly alienates some people and attracts others.

What is the point of activism? It is, of course, a valid means of de-monstrating our disgust at animal cruelty. It is also a valuable means of giving and receiving support in what can often be an isolated fight. Its main value should, however, be measured in terms of how far it brings our mes-sage to others.

Compared to the awesome quantity ef animals that are ill-treated and killed for food, the numbers involved in vivisection iml hunting are positively minute.

The primary target The torturing of animals in laboratories is appalling, as is the hunting of animals for 'pleasure', but compared to the awesome quantity of animals that are ill-treated and killed for food, the numbers involved in viv-isection and hunting are positively mi-nute. What's more, in the case of food animals there is not even the rudimen-tary defence available which can be used for vivisection or hunting. How much value vivisection is to medical research is debatable - but it can be de-bated; how much need there is for hunting as a means of controlling 'ver-min' is debatable - but again, it can be debated.

It is not even true that vivisection and hunting provide more graphic il-lustrations of cruelty. True, rabbits having substances tested on their eyes, or hares being torn apart by hounds are gruesome spectacles - but why is so little use made of the still more grue-some public and daily spectacle in every town of flayed and dismembered animal corpses displayed in butchers' windows?

This does not for a minute mean that we should not campaign against hunt-ing or vivisection. Of course we should, and must. But our primary target should surely be campaigning against the cruelty inflicted on food animals.

Why attack pink-coated huntsmen, while i|nnring the f i r larfer number of fish mutilated and left to gasp out their lives by worfcinj-class anglers?

Selectivity Why do so many activists help critics by, for example, picketing fur shops but ignoring the cruelty to cows in-volved in the wearing of leather shoes or to sheep in the wearing of woollen coats? I applaud their activism, but not their selectivity. To take another example, why attack pink-coated huntsmen, while ignoring the far larger number of fish mutilated and left to gasp out their lives by working-class anglers?


KINGS CROSS ST. PANCRAS F f e a c e m e a l f I L

W h o l e f o o d ? ! 10 CALEDONIAN MAD O P E N I O - 6 T O 1 H O N - S A T


8 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 9: The Vegan Winter 1986

When activism i« wifely perceived as beim the preserve ef socialists. 'feminists' and students... - lowethint is badly wrong

Axes to grind Any Conservative should rejoice at the number of socialist, 'feminist', and student animal activists. We must hope that, eventually, those of every party and none will agree with us. But when activism is widely perceived as being the preserve of socialists, 'feminists' and students - so much so that people in other groupings are ac-tually put off and alienated - some-thing is badly wrong.

Socialist or 'feminist' or student veg-etarians and vegans are a welcome ad-vertisement for animal concern among other socialists, 'feminists' or stu-dents. Among others their personal beliefs and habits should neither help nor hinder that concern unless people in general see animal concern as exclu-sive to such groupings. If that happens, it not only puts off those who disap-prove of them, it also gives opponents a stick with which to beat us - "They only oppose hunting because it's done by the rich", "They're all a load of bol-shies", etc. It is not a question of actual

—The Vegan— Holiday and Restaurant — G u i d e —


£1.50, plus 25p p&p, from:

The Merchandise Dept The Vegan Society 33-35 George Street

Oxford OX1 2AY Please make cheques/POs

payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd

proportions, of whether or not the im-pression is valid, for even quite a small number of people readily identifiable as having other axes to grind will lead to the label being applied to the rest of the group.

Sadly, this danger is apparently not seen. When the objection is made a defence is even advanced that most ac-tivists are socialists, etc. Those who advance this argument fail to grasp that if it is true it could well be precisely because those who hold other views have been alienated. It would, of course, be just as harmful if campaign-ing were to be identified, rightly or wrongly, as the preserve of Conserva-tives, men's libbers, etc.

Restaurants Apart from exposure to occasional re-ports of demonstrations, the majority of people have little contact with those concerned with animal welfare. A means of contact open to those who become interested as a result of the present level of publicity is vegetarian restaurants.

Such restaurants are potentially first-class ambassadors for our cause. A really good restaurant, which pro-vides good food at reasonable prices, will be frequented by those who are not vegetarians. Sadly, most such 're-staurants' (really cafes charging re-staurant prices) do not manage to at-tract even vegetarians; of the vegeta-rian restaurants listed in a recent hand-book, nine of the ten I knew person-ally closed within a year of being listed.

Both profits and putting the mes-sage across should certainly result if the food and environment are right. But what sort of advertisement is the restaurant which offers a limited and high-priced menu ("all flapjacks and quiche", as one observer has put it), with poor service (if any), pretentious or dreary surroundings, and is fes-tooned with activist posters which have no connection at all with animal welfare and are inevitably alien to many 'outsiders' - and for that matter to many vegetarians and vegans?

Even more important a factor is, of course, the food. 'Outsiders' already see us as odd and different - to whom else would they serve a plain salad when everyone else is enjoying a multi-course 'feast'? "What on earth do you eat?" they ask, genuinely be-lieving that without animal ingredients there really is nothing left. Contrary to the impression given by commercial vegetarian establishments, food with-out animal ingredients is cheap; has at least the variety of 'ordinary' meals; and can have the same regional basis as any other food. How many people have been put off by the belief that to

Hew h k people have been pet eff by the belief that to become a vegetarian or w i n w i n l iv i i en the international 'ethnic' coisioe which predomioates in vegetarian restaurants?

become a vegetarian or vegan means living on the international 'ethnic' cuisine which predominates in vegeta-rian restaurants? Not eating animal products does not have to mean giving up Lancashire Hot-pot or Chips with Everything in favour of a wine-bar menu. It is now often easier to find an acceptable meal in a Chinese or Indian restaurant than in an English one, and the increased variety of meals without animal products made possible by the adoption of such cuisines is welcome, but not everyone wants to abandon the way they have always liked - and cer-tainly not as a first step.

Short-sighted It is surprising how many animal wel-fare campaigners are vegetarian but do not see the logical need to be vegan. It is sad when they fail to appreciate that there is no such thing as 'vegeta-rian' cheese whilst bulls are killed, cows beyond 'economic' milking are slaughtered, and there are still veal units; and are oblivious to the fate of the cockerels and the past-laying hens when consuming their 'cruelty-free' free-range eggs.

It is sadder still when such people actively oppose veganism, as so often happens in vegetarian restaurants. No doubt the proprietors expect reasona-ble concern for their diet in other es-tablishments, even if - sometimes quite aggressively - they refuse to cater adequately for vegans in their own. Certainly this does not affect 'outsiders', or would-be vegetarians, but since increasingly young people are becoming vegans directly rather than via vegetarianism, it must have an off-putting effect on them.

Patronising My prime concern in writing this arti-cle has been to underline the impor-tance of not selling animal activism, in-cluding veganism, as part of a package which ensures that the message's po-tential receivers are needlessly li-mited. From experience, however, I suspect that many readers will see it as, in the trendy jargon, 'patronising'. In spite of the fact that its whole message is tolerance, it will be accused of being z'/jtolerant. I ask only that before you tear it to shreds you make sure that what is annoying you is what I actually wrote, not what my perhaps clumsy wording has made you think it says.

9 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 10: The Vegan Winter 1986

M any vegans have pets of one kind or another, but does , I wonder, pet-keeping really

square with the vegan ethic? My own belief is that ethical veganism and pet-keeping are completely incompatible and that the ultimate ideal of the vegan should be to see an end to pet-keeping of any kind. However , I realise that this is an ideal and that "ideals are like stars; we never reach them but we chart our course by them".

If Britain tried to abolish pet-keep-ing, even over a period of years, it would cause an enormous amount of suffering, so I am not advocating sweeping and overnight reforms - but I do advocate a change in attitudes, an educational process of encouraging people to rethink the rights and wrongs of pet-keeping. With luck, and for tne benefit of pets and people alike, I would then hope that pet-keeping would become, tike smoking and meat-eating, less common; and eventually, after a long period of time, it would become, like slave-keeping, unacceptable.

What's wrong with pets? My case against the keeping of pets does not apply to all pets at all times, and there will be differences of opin-ion as to the validity and force of indi-vidual arguments, but its strength lies, I fee l , in the sum of the several points, none of which in isolation may be con-sidered justification for an anti-pet campaign. What then is wrong with keeping pets? • T o start at the beginning, the pet in-

dustry involves the import of vast quantitites of wild creatures, many of which suffer considerable stress, injuries and often agonizing death in the course of capture, transporta-tion and storage. In keeping a pet, however conscientiously, you are encouraging other, less conscienti-ous, people to believe that pet-keeping is good, and are thus help-ing to peipetuate this highly exploitative industry.

• Most pets are kept in grossly un-natural conditions, unable to freely indulge their natural instincts (a prime argument against factory farming, but ignored by vegan pet-keepers) - courting, mating, hunt-ing, burrowing, nest-building, etc.

• Another deplorable aspect of the pet industry is the selective breed-ing of animals, whether privately or commercially, for snob value and show purposes. Dogs , cats, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, fish and other animals are bred with often callous indifference to their well-being, as is evidenced, for example, by the



deformities of the bulldog and the Pekingese. Many pets spread diseases, espe-cially to children, and can be a great nuisance to other people. Dogs are perhaps the worst offenders, foul-ing pavements, play areas, public parks, etc. and yapping, jumping up on and generally frightening people. Cats are the other prime of-fender, soiling other people's gar-dens and (I speak from much per-sonal experience) destroying any attempts at making a wildlife sanctuary in a garden - whether it be a simple bird table and nest boxes or something more elabo-rate. The pet-food industry is a multi-million pound business, for which large numbers of rabbits, fish, poul-try and other creatures are specially killed. True, dogs can be success-fully reared on a vegan diet, but not so with cats.

What about the plusses? The arguments for pet-keeping are usually weak or based on false pre-mises, and are almost always advanced by prejudiced pet-keepers: "My pet is happy, doesn't kill birds or interfere with other people and en-courages a respect for animals in the children". Did the keeping of slaves encourage respect for people, I won-der? An educated and enlightened at-titude towards wildlife encourages re-spect for everything.

The only reasonable defence for the keeping of a pet is, in my view, that it would otherwise have suffered unac-ceptably - by being put down or into a bad home, or thrown out into the wild. In such cases neutering is essential. Al-though this is thwarting one of the cre-ature's natural urges, it is surely a small price to pay for the alternative, where the offspring (which may be many) produce more offspring (which may be very many) - all exacerbating the problems outlined above.

The domestic cat poses a problem of unique dimensions. Keeping one domestic cat alive for just 6-7 years will normally entail the consumption of around 1,000 cans of tinned fish, rab-bit, poultry and other, usually factory-farmed, meats. Moreover, its unnatur-ally thwarted hunting instincts result in warped habits of playing with, and slowly killing, totally unnecessarily small birds, mammals, amphibians and insects during its life. Can the domestic 'moggie' - the greatest wildlife destroyer, next to man, in this country - be justifiably maintained at all? Should you have one cat humanely destroyed or accept the alternative? Maybe it's playing God, but that is what humans are doing all of the time -every time they use a contraceptive, mow the lawn or rescue an injured bird.

I do not expect many people to agree with my final conclusions, and I know that there will be many whose vegan beliefs will be temporarily sup-pressed in their desire to have me 'put down'. I don't claim to have all the right answers on this, or any other sub-ject; but I would like to believe that my arguments have made you think, and it would be nice to feel that selfish pre-judices could be put aside - just for the sake of the truth - whether you keep pets or not. Brian Burnett Editor's note: RSPCA figures show that more than 70,000 'surplus'pets, in-cluding 14,378 new-born puppies and kittens, were destroyed in 1985 alone.

10 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 11: The Vegan Winter 1986

Healthwise Drs Chris and Gfll Langley take a vegan view of current medical writing oil diet and health



Although fibre in the diet may have only caught the public imagination in the

last few years, scientific re-search into the function of fibre dates back at least a century -to Dr. T. Allinson (the early advocate of wholewheat bread), who noted the connec-tion between a low-fibre diet and constipation, piles and var-icose veins.

Plant foods What is fibre? It's what used to be called roughage, and is only found in plant foods - that part of the plant which isn't digested in the small intestine but is bro-ken down by bacteria in the bowel. It's the only food which has virtually no calories. High-fibre foods include unrefined cereals such as whole wheat, brown rice, oats, millet and barley, as well as seeds, nuts, peas and beans, dried and fresh fruit and leafy and root vegeta-bles. The average omnivore in

Britain eats too little fibre -only a mere 21g a day, com-pared with 32-39g for vegeta-rians and a hefty 38-49g for veg-ans.

The most obvious effect of fibre in food is to provide bulk for the muscles of the intestine to work on, so that food passes more quickly through the sys-tem. This effect is increased by the sponge-like ability of fibre to hold water, increasing its bulk even further. This means that vegans and vegetarians have a faster 'transit time' for food passing througn the diges-tive system.

This faster transit time has caused some doctors and scien-tists to believe that vegans and vegetarians may be at risk of mineral deficiencies, particu-larly of iron and calcium, be-cause there is less time for ab-sorption of minerals to take place from the intestine into the bloodstream. There is, how-ever, very little evidence that British vegans do suffer from mineral deficiencies; this may

be partly because their diets are also high in natural vitamin C, which greatly increases the amount of iron absorbed from a meal where the two nutrients are eaten together. The vegan diet also tends to be lower than average in protein (although providing plenty), which allows the body to make better use of calcium in the food.

Beneficial effect A faster transit time for food through the digestive system also has beneficial effects. It slows down the rate at which sugars and starches are ab-sorbed, so putting less strain on the pancreas which produces insulin needed for utilisation of glucose. A number of scientific reports' have shown the con-trolling effect of fibre on glu-cose levels in the blood. As few as 10-15 days on a high-fibre diet has improved the health of diabetics, an improvement which was maintained in studies lasting 6-15 months, so that some patients no longer needed insulin.

Links There appears to be a link bet-ween a vegetarian diet and pro-tection from bowel cancer, and several dietary factors are probably involved, including low amounts of animal fat (none in the case of vegans) and high levels of fibre. Bile salts are broken down by bacteria in the gut, sometimes forming substances which may cause cancer (carcinogens). The fas-ter throughtput resulting from a high-fibre diet means that these carcinogens have less time to damage the intestinal tissues, and fibre, adding bulk, tends to 'dilute' any harmful ef-fect.

Diverticular disease of the bowel is an illness in which small pouches of the wall of the bowel are forced outwards, and may become inflamed. Several studies have shown that a high-fibre diet can help prevent this. In the late seventies a group of Oxford researchers2 showed that across the whole age range diverticular disease was consis-tently more common in non-vegetarians than vegetarians. Cereal fibre appeared to be the most important protective fac-tor against the disease.

A report published in 19853

compared the incidence of gallstones in omnivorous and vegetarian women. The resear-chers found that whereas a quarter of the omnivores had gallstones, only one in eight of the vegetarians did. Taking into account differences in age and body weight between the two groups, it was found that omnivores were twice as likely to have gallstones as vegeta-rians. Several dietary factors are thought to be involved, in-cluding fat, sugar, cholesterol, calories and fibre; fibre seems to help prevent gallstones.

A high-fibre diet including wholemeal bread, unrefined cereals and vegetables was 'prescribed' for 38 patients with recently healed duodenal ul-cers, while 35 similar patients continued on a low-fibre diet4. After six months ulcers had re-curred in 80% of low-fibre pa-tients, but only 45% of high-fibre patients.

Fibre is also thought to be important in helping prevent appendicitis, hiatus hernia, var-icose veins, piles, obesity and coronary heart disease. The COMA Report on Diet and Cardiovascular Disease 5, pro-duced by a government com-mittee, states that studies of people in several countries have indicated that diets high in fibre and unrefined carbohyd-rate foods are associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease. The Report goes on to suggest that people should in-crease their fibre intake to not less than 30g a day - a level, as shown earlier, easily attained by vegans.

Beferences 1. Anonymous, The Lancet,

21 February 1981, p423-424 2. Gear and others, The Lan-

cet, 10 March 1979, p511-514

3. Pixley and others, British Medical Journal, 291, pi 1-12,1985

4. Rydning and others, The Lancet, 2 October 1982, p736-739

5. Commitee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy Report, 1984

Recommended reading: Don't Forget Fibre in Your Diet by Dr Denis Burkitt, Publ. Martin Dunitz Ltd, London, 1979. Paperback, 126 pages.

11 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 12: The Vegan Winter 1986

s, 'oya Yogart is a yogurt-style cultured soya milk. Made like ordinary yogurt but with soya milk instead of cows milk — so it's 100% Dairy Free! Suitable for anyone on a health conscious-DAIRY FREE-diet.


Produced in the British Isles by Unisoy Milk 'N' By-Products Ltd., Unit 1 C r o m w e l l Trading Estate,

Cromwell Road, Bredbury, Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 2RF. Telephone: 061-4306329/6335

Page 13: The Vegan Winter 1986

Shoparound Lis Hewlett surveys the latest vegan products

Prize Pud Christmas catering will be less of a bur-den this year, thanks to the increased range of seasonal foods produced with vegans in mind. A number of Christ-mas puddings are available, but de-serving of special mention is the one from Granose, which when it was last available was voted the best on the market by Which? magazine. Norfolk Punch also does a Christmas pud which is acceptable to all vegans, since the honey which is in the drink of the same name is not present in the con-centrate used to lend a distinctive flavour to the pudding.

You should have no difficulty in tracking down jars of vegetarian min-cemeat - animal fats now have such a bad name that many manufacturers are introducing versions using vegeta-ble fat only.

Christmas cake is less easily obtain-able, but the Lancashire-based Kite Wholefoods make and distribute a Rich Wholefood Fruit Cake. The same company also makes Marzi - a useful sugar-free almond paste mix, which comes complete with recipe ideas.

For a special Christmas treat of a non-culinary nature, try the new range of carob chocolates from Holme Valley Wholefoods (see the Confectionery section of the gift feature on page 14 for details).

Everyday Fare Despite the long build-up the Christ-mas season is only a very brief one, however, so let's look and see what other products are on the market for more everyday fare.

Be-Well have added two new meals to their Amazing Grains range - Sul-tan's Pilaf and a Mixed Grain Vegeta-ble Paella, each of which comes in a two-sachet pack. The same company does a new range called Easy Beans in four varieties - Bean Stew Mix, Haricot Bean Goulash Mix, Spaghetti Bean Bolognese Mix, and Lentil Curry Mix. All are quick and easy to prepare and come in two-sachet packs.

Other ready meals come from a var-iety of sources. Boots has a very tasty Bean Ragout. Holland & Barrett has Mexican Chilli Beans and Oriental Savoury Rice. And in the frozen foods cabinets look out for Mushroom & Cashew Pilaf and Vegetable C u i t v

from Country Cooks; Piquant Chilli Bean Casserole, Aubergine Cider &

Lentil Gratin, and Golden Vegetable Bake from Vegetarian Cuisine; Mixed Bean Ratatouille and Chilli Vegeta-riani from the Theme range. The latter two 1 can vouch for as having excellent texture and a fresh-cooked taste. Av-ailability of these products varies tre-mendously, but some of the smaller supermarket chains are now beginning to stock such items.

Although not new, Direct Foods' ex-cellent Five-Grain Burgamix deserves a further mention since it is now avail-able in a handy lOOg sachet, which makes four 2 oz burgers. But if you haven't the time to mix them yourself, the same burger mix is now available made up and frozen in packs of four called Great Grain Burgers. Another new frozen burger is the Dietburger Co Ltd's low-calorie Dietburger.

Direct Foods also now do a frozen Vegetarian Sausage Slice, which comes in packs of four. Talking of sausages, a new frozen sausage that I would recommend you try is from a small firm in Dorset called Vegeta-rian's Choice.

Moving from savouries to savoury accompaniments, Friggs stock cubes are now available in low-salt vegeta-ble, and onion versions. The latter makes a very tasty gravy or base for soups and stews. Also new on the mar-ket is Naturally Good - an additive-free gravy powder which comes in a handy tub. Pesto, that traditional sauce to have with pasta, is now being made by Zest Foods in a vegan version - without Parmesan cheese. Made with fresh basil, it is really tangy.

Winter Warmers Winter is certainly the season for satis-fying soups and accordingly some new ones have just been launched and are well worth trying. The secret of suc-cess these days is to achieve a home-

cooked taste without any 'nasties'. So full marks to both Boots and Rakusen for achieving this. Boots have Red Lentil, Country Vegetable, Potato & Leek, and Bean & Pepper in their range. Rakusen's Kosher Cuisine Soups - Dutch Pea, Tuscan Bean, To-mato & Rice, Thick Winter, and Spanish Lentil - should be available in some branches of Tesco, as well as in delicatessens.

pates Chalice Foods have a pate made from Kalamata olives which would make an excellent hors d'oeuvre or spread for snacks. Four really different pates are made by Better Fare - Tandoori Len-til, Mushroom & Hazelnut, Brandy & Lentil, and Canellini Bean. They come frozen in small tubs and are dis-tributed by Foundation Foods. Try some of these spreads on a new crispbread, such as Scanda Crisp, Kavii's Muesli Crispbread, or Pater-son's Bran Oatcakes.

Bargain Prices The Superdrug chain seems to be the place for some bargain prices right now - they stock several brands of soya milk, including litre cartons of Sunrise for 45p and 250ml trial packs of the TV-advertised Cereal Mate for just 12p. I also spotted Kallo Foods' rice cakes there for 49p. Kallo, by the way, also market the only dairy-free carob rice cakes. They do four var-ieties - with crushed roasted hazelnuts or peanuts, and with natural lemon or vanilla.

Desserts With an eye to the rapidly expanding market for natural substitutes for trad-itionally dairy-based desserts, a number of companies are launching new products. Granose's new Soya Desserts come in three flavours - Van-illa, Strawberry and Chocolate and, entering the vegan 'yoghurt' stakes, Unisoy has just unveiled a range of ' Yogarts' (note the spelling) with three real-fruit flavours to choose from -raspberry, strawberry and black cherry.

Vitari is the name of a new frozen-fruit dessert becoming more widely av-ailable in individual tubs in straw-beiry, apple and passion fruit flavours. This product, which is light and creamy, contains nothing but fruit and natural gums as stabilizers.

Finally, in some freezer cabinets you'll find Raspberry Frushie and Frushie Apples from The Scott's Kitchen. 'Frushie' is, for the curious among you, a Scots word meaning crumbly. The vegetable margarine used in this product is, by the way, from SUM A.

13 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 14: The Vegan Winter 1986

Some ideas for 'three-in-one' seasonal gifts - which are not only a pleasure to re-ceive but also make an important point and raise funds for worthy causes.

Vegans can find the Christ-mas season, with its as-sociated intensification of

animal cruelties, a particularly painful one. So many of the gifts that are traditionally bought and given are, know-ingly or otherwise, the products or by-products of unspeakable exploitation and cruelty. It is nevertheless possible to do our bit amidst all the present-giving to show a better, and more thoughtful, way. Indeed it is now easier than ever to do so, since a whole range of progres-sive organizations, including the Vegan Society, have gift ranges of both a seasonal and a year-round nature. Choose your gifts with care and they will not only be appreciated for what they are but also for what they represent - proof that we can all contribute, painlessly and pleasurably, to lessening the burden of suffering and cruelty borne by animals and, more generally, help bring into being a more enlightened world.

Space does not permit me to list more than a tiny personal selection of the rich assortment of items available, so for more information send for your own copy of the relevant catalogues (if it's Christmas gifts you're after, do be prompt, however, so as to avoid disappointment). The addresses of all the organi-zations mentioned are pro-vided at the end of this article. All prices quoted are inclusive of postage and packing.

So without further ado, let us begin.

Christmas cards In advance of your gifts, cards can also carry a message. Surely no thinking person these days buys other than charity Christmas cards? This year the Vegetarian Society has two de-signs available. One is a car-toon in full colour (£1.50 for six) depicting a family tucking into a plum pudding with some turkeys. Inside is the message: Enjoy Christmas this year -share it with your friends. The other (£1.20 for six) is a monoc-

hrome study of Swaledale sheep. Animal Aid also has two designs on offer - one (£1.25 for six) a full-colour traditional deer in snow and the other (80p for five) a reindeer cartoon.

Calendars Now for some stationery items. The Findhorn calendar (£5.45), which opens out to hang 27" tall by 10" wide, has superb, full colour nature studies accom-panied by interesting quota-tions from a wide variety of sources. The New Inter-nationalist Third World calen-dar (£7.35) is also an impressive size - 24" wide x 11" tall - and contains stunning full-colour pictures of different people from around the world. On the reverse of each picture is a mul-titude of informative articles, pictures, charts, and even a board game. Either of the above would make a superb year-long gift.

Greetings cards Five of the beautiful pictures in the Third World calendar above are available separately (£3.60 for a set of 10) as greet-ings cards. Some very different cards are available from the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BU A V) - three sets (75p a set) with four diffe-rent designs in each - of either cartoons, or messages, or ani-mal experiment photos. A re-ally striking and varied set of ten postcards is available from Enough at £2 for the set, which includes multi-coloured zebras, factory farm pigs and Captain Sensible!



If you are looking for a more permanent stationery gift Con-servation Books, a company specializing in recycled paper goods, has a stylish writing case (£12.95) in cream imitation leather, inside which there is a Forestsaver writing pad and matching envelopes. The same company offers equally stylish wrapping paper in an attractive

chestnut leaf design, printed in silver and red or silver and green (£1.95 for ten sheets -five of each colour).

The Animals Diary Another excellent year-long gift is a diary and The Animals Diary (available from the Vegan Society for £2.95, incl. p&p), now in its third year of publication, has become a must for all those in the animal rights movement. As well as being richly and attractively illus-trated, it is a mine of useful in-formation, with facts, figures and lists of useful addresses.

Books Unless you know the recipient

very well and feel that they are ready for it, Christmas is perhaps not the best time to present a friend or relative with a heavy treatise on why they should change to a vegan lifes-tyle. But there are subtler ways of doing it, and a touch of humour often helps to get people thinking. Martin Stott has written "a style guide to the New Age" called Spilling the Beans (Fontana, £2.95). Buy a copy and have a read and a gig-gle before deciding who to give it to. I'm sure you'll recognize only too well the ATs ('alterna-tive types') he describes in such hilarious detail. Heavier on facts and figures, but lightened by the cartoon format is Ecol-ogy for Beginners (Unwin Paperbacks, £3.95) by Stephen Croall and William Rankin.

14 The Vegan, Winter 1986 i

Page 15: The Vegan Winter 1986

HOUGHT This is an entertaining hand-book detailing how the world got into the mess it is in today. For more book ideas see page 19 for a review of Maureen Duffy's / Want to Go to Mos-cow and pages 24-25 for some excellent cookbooks - always a useful gift.

available only from branches of Holland & Barrett, or locally in the Yorkshire area). If you have the time both Plamil chocolate and Plamil's Carob Confectionery are good for melting down and pouring into moulds to make Christmas tree novelties.

Confectionery Toiletries Holme Valley Wholefoods cer-tainly had vegans in mind when they devised their new range of Carob Gold chocolates; the three varieties - Natural Orange, Natural Peppermint and Original Milk - are all vegan and come in boxes at £2.99. Adding a seasonal touch, they also do a carob Santa or Santa with Reindeer, available for £1.99 (at present

There is now a really wide vari-ety of vegan toiletries availa-ble, many of which would make excellent gifts. See The Vegan Shopper's Guide -£1.50 + 25p p&p - for detailed list, so I will mention only one or two items here. Easy to pack and post, the Faith in Nature range of soaps - Orange, Pine, Laven-der, Rosemary & Seaweed -sell at 90p each. Beauty without

Cruelty's new pink Beauty Soap is delicately perfumed with Yolanda, their most popu-lar fragrance, and although it may seem pricey at £1.25 it lasts really well. Honesty Cosmetics of Chesterfield offer small wicker baskets with pot pourri and pot pourri oil for £3, or larger baskets with 3-4 items of the customer's choice. Their skin-care set, comprising cleansing lotion and moisturis-ing lotion, comes in a gift box with a face cloth and dried flower spray for £4.60.

Puzzled? Not found something yet for someone on your present list? How about a jigsaw? 'Tally Ho Ho' from the League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) is a beaut-iful picture of foxes, with a touch of humour added. This 750-piece puzzle costs £3.95. Greenpeace has a 500-piece puzzle entitled 'The Kingdom of the Ice Bear' at £5.15. The same organization's huge Broadsheet on Antarctica (£3.95) would also make an ex-cellent gift.

Still looking? Perhaps a bag then? The BUAV does a bright red 'Animal Liberation' shoul-der bag (£4.45) and a deep blue 'Animals Don't Smoke...' shopping bag (£3.75).

Too strident? An innocuous, but very useful, gift - capacious little purses in a very soft leather-look plastic from the Dr. Hadwen Trust for Humane Research. In black, cream, royal blue, baby pink or tur-quoise, they have two compart-ments and a miniature zip poc-ket - all for £1.95. A more un-isex cash-carrier from Animal Aid is their wallet (£3) - in a black synthetic fabric with a zip purse and compartments for notes, credit cards, etc.

And there is another animal rights LP this year - Abuse -featuring various artists, in-cluding Robert Wyatt and Style Council. For full details see Geoff Francis's review on page 18.

How about sowing a little colour and flavour for the gar-dener in your life? Seeds-by-size offer an attractive greetings card and matching envelope featuring a detachable seed packet. As a special offer to readers of The Vegan these are available for 60p each with a

choice of most common garden herbs or flower seeds.

If you're still stumped, get your skates on and send off for some catalogues, or plump for a Dr Hadwen Trust gift token (from £1 upwards). Just one or two final thoughts on stocking fillers or gifts on the tree -Granymels, those delicious chewy toffees from Itona, are now available in five flavours; Cote d'Or strawberry-filled chocolate bars are vegan; and, last but not least, turn to our own goods selection on page 25 and choose some badges, stic-kers, bookmarks, notelets or whatever, not to mention the ultimate gift - a year's subscrip-tion to The Vegan magazine (£2.75)!! Lis Howlett

Gifts mentioned above/gift catalogues obtainable from (please mention Vegan Society when writing): Animal Aid, 7 Castle St, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1BH BUAV, 16a Crane Grove, London N7 8LB Conservation Books, FREEPOST, Reading RG6 1BR Dr. Hadwen Trust for Humane Research, 26 Bell Lane, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 7HE Enough, London House, Queens Road, Freshwater, Isle of Wight Findhorn Foundation (Trading Centre), The Park, Forres IV36 OTZ, Scotland Greenpeace Merchandise, 29/ 35 Gladstone Road, Croydon, Surrey CR9 3RP Honesty Cosmetics Ltd, South Place, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 1SZ LACS, 83-87 Union St, London SE1 (New Internationalist) Third World Calendars & Cards, FREEPOST, Huntingdon, Cambs PE18 6BR Seeds-by-Size, 60 Glenview Road, Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 1TB Vegan Society, 33-35 George St, Oxford OX1 2AY Vegetarian Society, Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 4QG

15 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 16: The Vegan Winter 1986

S ^ C M A S •jgerwis

The menus below appear by courtesy of distinguished vegetarian and vegan cookery writer Janet Hunt, whose

most recent work - The Compassionate Gourmet; the Very Best of International Vegan Cuisine - is available from our Merchandise Dept. for just £4.99, plus 60p p&p, (see pages

24-25 for ordering details).

Menu I

Starter: Avocado Tofu Pate Main Course: Walnut Moussaka

Dessert: Pineapple Sorbet

Menu II

Starter: Water-melon Cocktail Main Course: Almond-Rice Peppers

Dessert: Candied Chestnuts

(all recipes are for 4 average servings)

Avocado Tofu PSt6

2 ripe avocados squeeze of lemon juice 5 oz (140g) tofu 1-2 spring onions l/2 clove garlic - optional seasoning to taste watercress to garnish

Mash the flesh of the avocados with the lemon juice. Mix with the drained and well mashed (or blended) tofu. Add finely chopped onions and garlic. Season to taste. Cover and chill well.

Serve garnished with watercress on melba toast or fingers of wholemeal toast.

Walnut Moussaka

1 large aubergine approx. 5 tbs vegetable oil 1 large onion, chopped 4 oz (115g) mushrooms, sliced 4 tomatoes, peeled and chopped 1 tbs tomato puree 2 tbs red wine - optional


Page 17: The Vegan Winter 1986

1 tsp mixed herbs 3 oz (85g) walnuts, coarsely ground 1 oz (30g) wholemeal breadcrumbs garlic salt pepper 1 oz (30g) wholemeal flour V2 pint (275ml) soya milk extra walnuts and parsley to garnish

Slice aubergine as thinly as possible, sprinkle with salt and set aside for 30 minutes.

Wash salted aubergine in cold water and pat dry. Heat 2 tbs oil and fry slices on both sides, then drain on paper to-wels. Set aside. Add more oil to the pan and saute the onions for 5 mi-nutes. Add mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes more.

Stir in tomatoes, puree, wine (if used) and herbs and cook gently until a sauce forms. Add nuts, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper. If the mixture is very dry add a drop more oil, vegetable stock or tomato puree mixed with water.

Make a white sauce in the usual way with the remaining oil, flour and soya

milk. Lightly grease a shallow oven-proof dish. Arrange half the aubergine slices across its base, top with half the nut mixture and then half the sauce. Repeat. Top with extra nuts (if prefer-red, these can be added half way through the cooking time). Bake in a moderate oven (350°F/180°C/Gas Mark 4) for 30 minutes.

Serve hot with lots of parsley, brown rice and a colourful salad.

Pineapple Sorbet

V2 lb (230g) tin of pineapple pieces in natural juice (or fresh equivalent) */3 pint (200ml) concentrated Plamil 1 tbs golden or maple syrup good squeeze lemon juice 1 tbs grated lemon peel glace cherries to garnish Cointreau to serve - optional

Coarsely mash the drained pineapple pieces. Add the Plamil, syrup, lemon juice and peel. Mix well, then turn into a freezing tray and freeze until firm. Remove from tray, break up the ice and beat to a mush. Return mixture to tray and re-freeze.

Serve in tall glasses, decorating each one with a glace cherry and a spoonful of Cointreau, if liked. Alternatively, add reserved juice thickened with a lit-tle arrowroot.

Water-melon Cocktail V2 medium water-melon* 1 tbs lemon juice 1-2 oz (30-60g) raw cane sugar, powdered in grinder 1-2 tbs chopped sweet cicely - optional fresh mint sprigs/orange peel to garnish * Any melon can be used in the same way, or try combining different varieties for more interesting visual effects

Use a small round scoop to shape the melon flesh into balls. Put them into a bowl and carefully stir in the lemon juice. Sweeten according to taste and add the cicely (if used). Chill for at least half an hour.

Serve in individual bowls, topping each with a sprig or two of fresh mint or finely grated orange peel.

Almond-Rice Peppers 2 large green peppers 1 large red pepper 1 large yellow pepper approx. 4 tbs vegetable oil 1 onion, chopped 2 sticks celery, finely chopped 6 oz (170g) brown rice 3/» pint (425 ml) vegetable stock 1 tsp basil 1 tsp oregano 2 tbs cooked peas seasoning to taste 2 oz (60g) almonds, coarsely chopped 2 tbs chopped parsley

Blanch the de-seeded peppers for 5 minutes in a large pan of boiling water, then rinse in cola water and drain well.

Cut into even-sized halves and stand them close together in a shallow oven-proof dish. Heat 2 tbs of the oil and saute the onion for 5 minutes, then add the celery and cook for 5 minutes: more.

Stir in the rice, add vegetable stock, bring to a boil, then cover the pan and simmer for twenty minutes, or until the rice is cooked. Add the herbs, peas and seasoning and cook uncovered for a few minutes so that the rice is dry (drain if necessary).

Heat 1 tbs of oil and saute the nuts until crisp and golden, and add to the rice with the parsley. Use this mixture to fill the pepper shells, piling it high if necessary. Trickle a little more oil over

the top of each one, cover with a lid or foil and bake in a moderate oven (350°F/180°C/Gas Mark 4) for 20-30 minutes.

Serve with jacket potatoes and a salad.

Candied Chestnuts 14 oz (400g) chestnuts V2 lb (230g) raw cane sugar 8 tbs water a few drops of vanilla essence approx. 1 oz (30g) raw cane sugar, powdered in grinder vegan yoghurt, concentrated Plamil or nut cream to serve

Peel the chestnuts and carefully re-move the inner skins.

Put the sugar in a heavy-based saucepan and add water. Bring slowly to the boil, stirring continually so that the sugar dissolves completely. Add chestnuts to the syrup, stir, and bring back to a boil. Add vanilla. Reduce the heat and simmer until chestnuts are tender. Remove them from any re-maining liquid and drain well on paper towels.

Roll chestnuts in the powdered sugar, then place on greaseproof paper and leave to dry.

Divide between four glass bowls and serve with topping of your choice.

17 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 18: The Vegan Winter 1986

Reviews Abuse A mini-LP Various Artists Label: Artists for Animals Cat. No. SD003 Distribution: Revolver/ The Cartel £4.49

The only question you have to ask yourself about buying this album is which is the best way to do it? For buy it you should!

You can order it from your local record shop, in which case you will need all the information above, OR you can get it direct from Slip Records*. I'd recommend the second course, since it ensures that the maximum amount of money goes to the producer, which on a fund-raising LP is obviously the task in hand. Orders of ten or more are available at a discounted price of £3.20 each, incl. p&p, or £2.70 if you collect. This allows a good margin for fund-raising, or perhaps you should treat all your friends for Christmas.

Musically, and as a means of stimulating public awareness, the tracks are often as good as anything that has appeared so far. I speak as one of those responsible for much of what has been released.

The outstanding track is undoubtedly Robert Wyatt's Pigs (In There), but with contributions from the likes of Paul Weller the standard is bound to be consistently high. I must admit to favouring the second side - which features Wyatt's Pigs, Madness's Animal Farm, Attrition's Monkey in a Bin and the instrumental The Aftermath by Durutti Column - over the first, which has Paul Weller and Style Council's Blood Sports, Anne Clarke and

Patrick Fitzgerald's Toros, Kevin Hewick's The Cart Horse, and artist Ralph Steadman's The Wool to Live.

In all it is very accessible, i.e. you can 'hear all the words', and there is nothing to offend and plenty to 'enjoy' - unless you are one of those who abuse our fellow creatures. If so, this record might just make you think.

Do yourself and the animals a favour, send off your cheque today! Geoff Francis, Animus Records * PO Box 18, South PDO, Manchester M145NB

lfeganic Gardening: The Alternative System for Healthier Crops Kenneth Dalziel O'Brien Thorsons £6.99 Pbk

M O B * G A R D E N I N G

The AaemaMne System far Heanhcr Oops

• a — l l • K B !

• s HP MenNttMiMD*ari«i

lecturing on it for some years. His book describes it fully and shows how it achieves its success by freeing both soil and plants from the worst stresses and constraints of orthodox tillage so that they are able to yield of their best. There is no constant diminution of fertililty through forcing with chemicals and no progressive build-up of pests and diseases through applications of animal excreta, while the inversion of the soil and battering of its most useful inhabitants is abandoned forever.

The system can be applied to any cultivable soil at any season. The cropping area is divided into strip beds and paths to avoid compaction and the soil cultivated, without turning, to a depth of four inches; compost is made rapidly and applied to seed beds and growing plants. All has to be done right, but all is simple given adequate instructions, which the book provides.

Besides a wide range of salads, vegetables, herbs and fruit, the text and illustrations - many of the latter in full colour - cover lawns, trees and shrubs and provide advice on accommodating both leisure and food-growing areas within gardens of differing shapes and sizes. Mark Hendy

I Want to Go to Moscow Maureen Duffy Methuen £3.50 Pbk

Here is a clear, detailed account of how to garden without recourse to artificial 'fertilisers' or animal dung, or indeed digging. And if you dispense with these and substitute the methods evolved over the years by the Dalziel O'Brien family your soil rapidly becomes healthier, richer and more weed-free than ever it could otherwise. The veganic system has passed demanding commercial tests and has been successfully tried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, as well as being adopted by numerous amateur gardeners here and abroad.

Mr O'Brien has been giving practical instruction in his family's system as well as

Its alternative title happens to be the name adopted by a nest of wealthy, milk-drinking, egg-eating, horse-riding buffers trying to force 'an international charter for animals to end all exploitation of one species by another'. Their plan's success hinges on an escaped convict helped by them to a freedom he owes to their recognition of his non-violent breaking and entering talents. Chuffs first job is in turn the release of mink at midnight, accompanied by the sex-relief character Philomela. Birds of a feather these two. Subsequent exploits comprise the detonating of Porton Down, aerial leafletting of London, exploding Smithfield and firing a slaughterhouse.

This preposterous many-layered story, a novel of ideas with 'touches of Ealing Studios comedy', peopled with a swatch of cardboard cut-outs has conversations straining under the weight of meaningful references but nonetheless is an excellent read. The Moscow of the title is the longed-for ideal of Chekhov's Three Sisters, with its unfortunate echoes of Lorca's resigned "Although I know the roads, I'll never reach Cordoba". That aside, this startlingly prophetic 'lay' is worth buying for others this time around if it's not already standing spinecreased on your own shelves. Barry Kew

Additives: Your Complete Survival Guide (Ed.) Felicity Lawrence Century Hutchinson £3.95 Pbk

Additives YOUR



This book, first published in 1973, retitled All Heaven in a Rage for the American market, came out of the author's wrestle with the ethical problems posed by that era's increasingly violent approach to righting wrongs.

Those living on a meat-based diet face, among other problems, a heavy burden of additives, particularly in the form of preservatives and

18 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 19: The Vegan Winter 1986

emulsifiers, as well as colourings and flavourings in packaged meals. Those who shun the products of the slaughterhouse and intensive farming not only feed first hand but also avoid by and large these by-products of the chemical industry.

The contributers to this excellent and handy volume, who include Geoffrey Cannon and Caroline Walker of the Coronary Prevention Group and London Food Commission, chart the insidious adulteration of the British diet for profit and the convenience of the manufacturer. Modern techniques of food processing, which aim at maximum profits, endanger the public health by the use of those substances, such as saturated fat, sugar and salt, which are considered major causes of the so-called diseases of affluence. This is made all the worse as the Nation's plate is also heaped with literally tons of additives, many of which are linked to allergies (especially in children), cancers and damage to the unborn child. The authors also inform us about the collusion of successive post-war governments with the ever more powerful food and agricultural lobbies in the scandalous process.

The book falls into two parts, the first being a concise and well-referenced history of just what went wrong and the lessons both the consumer and food manufacturer have learnt over the past 25 years. The second consists of a detailed breakdown of the various categories of additive (that is colourings, preservatives, anti-oxidants, emulsifiers, stabilizers, improvers and flavour enhancers). This is especially useful to vegans as we have, for the first time, a comprehensive and independent listing of the various classes of additive and their origin, since many foods which are otherwise vegan might contain an additive derived from an animal-based product. Flavourings are discussed, but we as consumers in this land of democracy are not permitted to be privy to their identity or their origin -they are protected from our prying eyes by the Official Secrets Act!

The final section of the book gives advice on additive-free food, a large proportion of which is vegan. This is an invaluable guide to a junk-free diet and will, therefore, be of immense value to wholefood vegans. The authors suggest that after buying a copy of this book you lobby MPs, food manufacturers and pressure groups for a change in what ends up on our plates. As vegans I think it safe to say that we totally endorse this plan of action. Dr. C.K. Langley

The Animal Liberation Movement: Its Philosophy, Its Achievements and Its Future Peter Singer Old Hammond Press £1.10* Pbk

At just what audience is this undated essay aimed? The title and the booklet's slimness lead one to regard it as a primer for the 'uninitiated'- Will those outside the movement read it? (Everyone inside it is advised to). Will they understand it? The first answer depends on the publisher and distributors, though its crude presentation won't help its chances of success. The second answer is a qualified yes: not even Singer can make the philosophy's gist easily accessible to the casual peruser of these pages. Perhaps no-one can and that itself is a problem.

The animal rights area of philosophy is in an unjust position, having to prove the obvious against the illogical. That no satisfactory statement ever surfaces to justify animal-abusing industries' topsy-turvy

values compounds the task of confronting and eradicating a wide range of officially-sanctioned wrongdoing. When madness rules what chance stands reason? Do we have to shout it from the rooftops? (One photograph here shows SEALL doing just that). There are some thoughts and feelings that lie too deep for words but, alas, most people, never have them. If the actions that follow such reasoning speak louder than words some of them shout the wrong things, says Singer, whose survey concludes that "the entire animal liberation movement is based on the strength of its ethical concern. It must not abandon the high moral ground". The author's point is not that illegal actions are always morally wrong but that the use of violence is (even in self-defence) and as such, by alienating the public, tactically ineffective.

The animal liberation movement, its philosophy, its achievements and its future all wrapped up in 19 pages - not much of a movement? Perhaps in many years' time an historian, not yet born, will look back and, using this essay as part of his/her material, will write the thundering great tome such a movement will deserve, and without the subtitle. Such a book would not omit veganism. Barry Kew * Available for cover price + 20p postage from: 19 Hungerhill Road, Nottingham NG3 4NB

Food for Protest A film/video by the RSPCA 16mm/VHS and Betamax (free loan from: Education Dept., RSPCA, Causeway, Horsham, West Sussex RH121HG)

Food for Protest is a new 20-minute film on factory fanning aimed at senior secondary school pupils. Follow-up notes and questionnaires will accompany the film, but are not available for review.

Some very good things are included. The new footage of

battery hens, markets and farrowing crates for pigs loses none of its impact by being shot - deliberately - in the 'best' factory farms, for the best is still pretty awful. The parallels introduced by film taken from concentration camps do not appear exaggerated; after all, what is a factory farm, other than a prison where unnaturally large numbers of animals are concentrated in a small area against their wishes?

Unfortunately, not all the film is so hard-hitting. In its desire to defend its own role and tactics, the RSPCA has in parts undermined the film's potential effectiveness. Pictures of CND marching are greeted with a commentary to the effect that 'violent' campaigning won't achieve anything! Poor old CND! It might be comical if it wasn't so destructive educationally, for what it amounts to is a 'support the RSPCA and leave it to the professionals' approach. This does not encourage young people to translate their anger and disgust into active campaigning. When will the animal rights movement (not just the RSPCA) realise that all forms of non-violent campaigning are necessary? There is no one magic formula for success.

One other moan. In a short film with so much ground to cover, why were broiler chickens - more than 425 millions slaughtered last year -ignored yet again? Some footage of birds crammed into crates on their way to slaughter would have been much more effective than the space given to some ludicrous RSPCA-sponsored research into how much (i.e. how little) space each hen requires. Do we really need to establish this kind of thing scientifically? As if it matters and as if we ever could.

Despite the criticisms, it is good to see both new material on factory farming and, as recently announced, to learn that the RSPCA is expanding its education department with the appointment of several new officers. We can at least hope that these new officers will help to prevent a repetition of the mistakes that mar this film. Mark Gold

19 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 20: The Vegan Winter 1986


Family Matters Lis Howlett continues her regular column on vegan child-care and parenting

techniques of the culinary art that used to be learnt by observ-ing mother, granny, cook or nanny have gone into near-ter-minal decline. The days of pick-ing up knowledge about food and nutrition from chatting in the kitchen while helping to pod peas or cut out the cookies are, sadly, now all but gone. Domestic Science has become an examination subject, which you either do or don't do at school. The time is long over-due for a return to some of the patterns of the past, but with a modern touch. To encourage just such a trend an excellent and imaginatively presented new book has just appeared -Let's Cook it Together, by Peggy Brusseau (Thorsons, £4.99). The title sums it up- i t ' s

ble for vegans. In the book's In-troduction the (non-vegan) au-thor herself expresses a prefer-ence for soya, rather than cow's, milk and advises using tahini to replace an egg in those recipes where it is used purely for binding purposes.

Peggy Brusseau grew up in North America in a family of nine children. She learnt to make bread at seven and soon after took on the special task of being the family baker because she enjoyed it so much. She has a special fondness for soups -that most economical way of feeding a large family with an infinite variety of textures and tastes.

All the recipes in the book have the most intriguing titles -Paul Bunyan's Tears, Goober

UtteHy SCRUMPTIOUS tec.p« for You ond W Children To Moke TOGETHER — V^Worion Slylol


Changing patterns

{ hildren's Diet - it's get-_ ting worse' ... ran the

the front-page headline in the November issue of The Health Express, echoing the findings of the DHSS prelimi-nary report 'The Diets of British Schoolchildren' pub-lished earlier this year. It seems that although more aware now of what constitutes good and healthy food, people don't know what to do about it, how to set about changing their own eating habits. When you think about it, it's not such a simple task in today's housing, with minuscule kitchens in which there's scarcely enough room to swing the proverbial cat bet-ween the freezer, the mic-rowave and the dish-washer. In order to change eating patterns both shopping and cooking pat-terns need to change as well. While taking advantage of some of the conveniences that modern technology has brought into the kitchen, espe-cially such time-savers as grin-ders and liquidizers, we need to think back to some positive fea-tures of the past, like really big, solid kitchen tables, large stor-age jars, and shelves and cup-boards or a larder packed with a wide variety of appetite-arous-ing basic ingredients.

Lost Art As more and more ways of pre-serving food have been devised and more and more ready-to-eat, ready-to-heat and ready-to-mix meals have become av-ailable, so the time-honoured

all about children and adults getting together in the kitchen to prepare food, and not just special-occasion treats (al-though those are there too), but substantial soups, main-course dishes, salads, sauces, snacks, etc. The 90 or so recipes are all vegetarian, and of these all but about ten would also be suita-

Berry Bowl, Vampire Bread, and Sherlock Holmes Cake, to name just a few - and almost al-ways there is a story behind the name, some interesting snip-pets of general knowledge, and sometimes even a game to play or some suggested follow-up re-search to do. The instructions for each recipe are divided into

two columns, one for the adults and one for the children, so everyone is kept busy. In addi-tion, there is a colour picture of all the dishes, so you know what you're aiming for.

Learning potential Peggy realizes that it's not al-ways practical to have kids in the kitchen - weekday meals especially tend to be rushed af-fairs. But when there's a little more time - at weekends, dur-ing the holidays or on special occasions - there is so much fun and enjoyment to be had from preparing, cooking and eating food all together, that families cheat themselves by not making the most of it. The learning po-tential is always limitless and, what's more, vegan ingredients are so wholesome and attrac-tive to work with, especially when compared to the alterna-tive. In fact, in a 'normal' kitchen if children weren't veg-etarian when they started they might well end up that way -after defatting kidneys, gutting fish, cutting out bones, remov-ing heads and legs, etc. Another advantage of vegan food preparation is, of course, the greater scope for enjoyable eating as you go - raw fruit and vegetables beat raw meat any day!

You never know, cooking to-gether could catch on in a big way and become the next big leisure pursuit for the thinking person. So next time you catch yourself shooing the kids out from under your feet, think again about what not just they but the whole family is missing out on and try and fit some fam-ily cooking into your schedule.

20 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 21: The Vegan Winter 1986

Postbag Contributions to Postbag are welcomed, but accepted on the understanding that they may be edited in the interests of brevity or clarity. Send your letters to: The Editor, THE VEGAN, 3345 George Street, Oxford OX12AY.

Strange bedfellows Following Kathryn Reynolds's review of my book Why You Don't Need Meat in the last issue readers may be amused to learn that of the scores of newspapers and magazines that have featured it the two worst reviews have undoubtedly come from the Meat Trades Journal and The Vegan. What strange bedfellows!

The Meat Trades Journal reaction was predictably hysterical; it ran over many pages and kept going for weeks, not to mention the anonymous abusive phone calls which have plagued my wife and I since the book was published. It was actually very useful, however, since it inadvertently gave me much new information for my next edition. I wish, however, I could say the same for Ms. Reynolds's review, which 1 found wholly negative and petty. For example, she accuses me of using the results of animal experiments. The overwhelming majority of scientific studies I quote are human, not animal, and Ms Reynolds must have looked very hard indeed to find any animal studies. But a reader of the review would get the impression that somehow I endorsed animal

experimentation. That's just not fair.

Another criticism made, that "the whole issue of animals is sadly lacking in this book", is utter rubbish. The core and centrepiece of the book is about animals, and what we do to them. The book is written to persuade meat-eaters to think again, and I already know from numerous letters and broadcasts that it is succeeding. In my experience, you do not change people's minds by making them feel moral degenerates. The book was carefully planned to attract as many 'ordinary people' as possible, and to lead them in a friendly way to consider the full implications of a meat-based diet. I am saddened that the reviewer failed to appreciate this. Peter Cox, London

Thank you With the ending of Youth for Animal Rights (YFAR) earlier this year I would like to say a BIG 'thank you' to everyone who contributed to its success. It has been both sad and ironic that this very success brought about the end of YFAR as a Society: if the response from young people hadn't been so marvellous then no doubt I would still be running it all

from a table in my dining-room! However, sufficient funding could not be found, and so the tremendous potential of a thriving independent Youth Organisation has been lost.

Even so, YFAR as an Educational Trust will be continued, and will do all it can to encourage and develop funding for educational work within the Movement. A new audio-visual programme for schools will soon be completed as part of the Trust's work.

Meanwhile, I wish the Vegan Society every success with its own campaigns, and extend special thanks to all those members who recognised the importance of encouraging young people to care about animals and of giving them every support.

Any remaining YFAR leaflets and posters can still be distributed, as all membership and general enquiries arriving at YFAR's address will be dealt with properly.

All best wishes Penny Goater, Chaffcombe, Somerset


I consider the illustration on the cover of the summer 1986 issue of The Vegan - a representation of a vegan 'bean' winning a race well ahead of a fat, puffing vegetarian 'pinta' - to be quite offensive, and totally at variance with the facts. True, drinking milk is unnatural and may be less than good for one's health, but your cartoon is hardly calculated to convert vegetarians to vegans. We

veggies also eat beans, by the way.

No, keep your cartooning talents for converting meat-eaters; we vegetarians have enough stick to put up with without getting it from vegans. Robert Fraser, North Perth, Western Australia

Bandwagon While accepting that a broad appeal is needed to spread the vegan ideal, I would just like to express a personal opinion about the advert for 'New Vive Dessert' made by our good friends Allied-Lyons Ice Cream. As this company is an integral part of the dairy industry I would not buy their product even if it is vegan. Moreover, as an owner of a vegan shop I would not sell it.

I can see the problems arising as more and more multinationals jump on the 'health food' bandwagon. Yes, it is good that they are switching to non-animal products, but I feel it is sad that the Vegan Society gives space to a company that is involved in the 'Milk Marketing Fraud' . . .

Would you accept an ad for a 'Bernard Matthews Vegeburger'? The day can't be far away when he too tries to get in on the act. Mick Perryment, 'Time for Change', Southsea Editor's note: Mick's letter is typical of several received on the subject. By way of reply 1 would offer the following brief remarks: products are advertised or otherwise given publicity in the magazine in recognition of the fact that the Society's aims include, and have always included, encouraging the development and use of alternatives to all commodities derived wholly or partly from animals. This is clearly stated both in the Society's 'rulebook' - its Memorandum and Articles of Association - and, more accessibly, in the magazine's Information section (see p.2, column two - The Vegan Society). Leaving aside the serious commercial implications, for us to urge a boycott of the vegan products of non-vegan companies or distributors would be to turn our back on one of our most fundamental responsibilities.

21 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 22: The Vegan Winter 1986


The 1987 Animals Diary shows animal exploitation and

liberation in photos, drawings and cartoons. Special dates are

marked and appropriate pictures accompany World

Day for Laboratory Animals, hunting seasons etc.

A resource section at the back includes comprehensive lists of addresses of animal societies in

the UK and abroad, and of recommended reading.

Size: 8 ' / 4 " x 5 W Laminated colour cover. Price: £2.95, incl. p&p.

(Cheques/POs payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd.) from: The Merchandise Dept, The Vegan Society Ltd,

33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY

The Animals Diary is produced by ANIMUS -

Against All Forms of Animal Abuse

Diary Dates 24-29 November Living Without Cruelty Bus Tour. The bus will be stopping in York, Hull, Leeds, Bradford, Huddersfield and Manchester. Details from: Animal Aid, 7 Castle Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN91BH. Tel: (0732) 364546. 27 November noon-6.00pm. Unilever House, Blackfriars, London EC4. Demonstration in Support of 'Unilever 27', co-ordinated by London Greenpeace (Tel: 01-387 5370). 29 November 10.30am-3.30pm. Vegetarian Centre, 53 Marloes Road, Kensington, London W8 6LA. Day Course in Vegan Christmas Cookery. Demonstrator: Roselyne Masselin. Fee: £12.50, including morning coffee,

lunch and afternoon tea. Ring Oxford (0865) 722166 to book place(s). 30 November 10.30am. (Assembly point) Reformers Tree, nr Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London. National Demonstration Against the Royal Smithfield Show. Refreshments will be available after the event. 3 December 6.30pm. The Nature Cure Clinic, 15 Oldbury Place, London W1M 3AL (Tel: 01-935 6213). Dowsing for Health - a talk by Dr P. Mulkern, MRCS(Eng), LRCP(Lond). Tickets: £1.50 (80p for unwaged). 6 December 12.30pm. (Assembly point) Chapelfield Gardens, Norwich. Cruelty-Free Christmas March. Ring (0603) 484596 for further details. 15 January 6.30pm. Nature Cure Clinic (details as for entry under 3 December above). Healing with Herbs - a talk by Elizabeth Brooks, Member of National Institute of Medical Herbalists. 16 February 6.30pm. The Nature Cure Clinic (details as for entry under 3 December above) Homoeopathy and Female Complaints - a talk by Dr Ruth Taylor, Clinic practitioner.

Membership Info Members of the Society are advised that: Subscriptions should be renewed on the enclosed sub-renewal forms and NOT on new members forms; subscription renewals are not acknowledged unless an SAE is enclosed for this purpose; the Society does not issue new membership cards every year.

Lend a Hand Reliable volunteers within reasonable travelling distance of the Oxford office are urgently needed to help cope with the burgeoning workload Travelling expenses may be claimed. Contact: The Office

Manager, The Vegan Society Ltd, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2A Y (Tel: 0865-722166), supplying details of practical skills/experience possessed.

HSA Draw Readers wishing to help fight bloodsports and stand a chance of winning a prize at the same time are invited to join the Hunt Saboteurs Association's Club Draw. Draw members agree to pay £2 per month by standing order and are given a number. Every two months, three numbers are drawn and cash prizes totalling 50% of the Draw's income are won. It is not necessary to be a member of the HSA in order to take part. Further details are available from HSA at its new postal address: PO Box 87, Exeter EX43TX.

Morinaga Mixup Following the appearance of a misleading news itiem (Morinaga Out) in the last issue, we are pleased to report that further enquiries with the manufacturer have confirmed that Morinaga Silken Tofu is, after all, completely acceptable to vegans.

Card Competition The RSPCA is organizing a national children's competition to design an official Christmas card for the Charity. The competition is open to all youngsters aged 5-17 from anywhere in the United Kingdom. The card, which must be an original design, can feature any animal of the artist's choice. The competition is organized into three age categories: 5-8 years old; 9-12; and 13-17 years old. Prizes include a video recorder, portable TV, and personal stereos. Entries should measure 21cm x 14cm (8V4" x 5V2" and have the entrant's name, age and address, plus name and address of their school on the back. Paints or felt-tipped pens should be used and NOT other materials that would be difficult to reproduce. Designs will be judged on originality and artistic merit

and the panel of judges will include John Craven of BBC l 's Newsround. The closing date for the receipt of entries is Wednesday, 31 December 1986. Entries, which are non-returnable, should be sent to: The RSPCA, The Causeway, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1HG.

Badoit Award The Badoit Award, worth £1,000 to the winner, will be given by the Guild of Food Writers to the writer of the most outstanding article focusing on food. The article can be submitted by anyone not earning a regular income from food writing. Entrants should produce an original article of not more than 1,500 words, based on a particular type of food or aspect of the food industry and which can cover the subject of food in its widest connotation. The article can be campaigning, critical, investigative, supportive or simply informative. Entries will be judged on their style and content, with particular attention to originality, depth of research and the point of view expressed. The entrant should also describe in not more than 50 words how the £1,000 will be spent. Six runners-up will receive prizes of a £50 meal for two at the restaurant of their choice or £50 worth of book vouchers. Entries, to be received by Monday, 1 December 1986, to: The Badoit Award, c/o Guild of Food Writers, Glen House, 25 Old Brompton Road, London SW73RN.

BUAV Campaign The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection has launched a 'Christmas Behind Bars' campaign to publicize the continued suffering of laboratory animals and the plight of those people imprisoned for their part in non-violent actions against animal suffering at a time usually celebrated as the 'Season of Goodwill'. Information packs and leaflets may be obtained from: BUAV, 16a Crane Grove, Islington, London N7 8LB (donations towards printing and postage appreciated).

22 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 23: The Vegan Winter 1986



Extend the warmest Seasonal Greetings to readers and wish to

thank all those who have contributed to the Appeal 1986



Leaflet Address In the last issue of The Vegan mention was made in the News section of the new, eye-catching and informative, leaflet available from the Dr. Hadwen Trust for Humane Research. By an oversight the Trust's address was omitted, however. Leaflet orders (£1 per 100, £5 per 500, £9 per 1,000) may be sent to the Trust at: 46 Kings Road, Hitchin, Herts SG51RD.

Book Bargains Copies of the following Centaur Press publications are offered to readers at the bargain price of £4.50 a copy, inclusive of p&p: The Philosophy of Compassion (Esme Wynne-Tyson), The Scientific Conscience (Catherine Roberts), Among Animals (Manfred Kyber), On Abstinence from Animal Food (Porphyry), The Dialectics of Diotima So Say Banana Bird (Jon Wynne-Tyson)

Invitation For the purpose of providing a haven for those suffering from life-threatening diseases, especially AIDS, it is hoped to develop a property near

Penzance with six acres - two of which are to be used for organic/veganic vegetable production. Offers of help, support and constructive suggestions are invited. Please contact:

Latham, 4 Farmer House, St. Crispin's Estate, Keetons Road, London SE16 4BY.

Badger Plea Over the past ten years some 25,000 badgers have been put to death by the Ministry of Agriculture, despite public and scientific controversy surrounding the role of badgers in the spread of bovine tuberculosis. The Dartmoor Badgers Protection League seeks support in its work to bring an end to Ministry of Agriculture-sponsored badger slaughter and asks readers to write to their MPs at the House of Commons, Lonon SW, and to the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street, London SW, asking that no more badgers die at the prompting of Her Majesty's Government.

Enough Error The telephone number of the IsIe-of-Wight-based Enough project was stated incorrectly in the last issue of The Vegan. The correct number is: (0983) 754419.

THINKING AHEAD? There must be many of our readers who would like to sup-port the Vegan Society in its work but have limited means at present. There is, however, an easy way of giving valued financial support regardless of present circumstances - by including a legacy to the Society in your will. Great or small, such legacies can make a real and lasting contribu-tion to the promotion of vegan ideals. What better way can there be to help the Society without loss of income? For those who would like to remember the Society in their will the following form of bequest is suggested:

"I bequeath to the Vegan Society Ltd, Registered Charity no. 279228, presently at 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY, the sum of £ and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other authorised officer of the said Society shall be good and sufficient discharge of such legacy."

Property left to the Society is another valuable contribu-tion to our cause. If you wish to will land or property to the Society please write for details to the Treasurer, at the re-gistered office.

Why not? ... give your support to those working positively towards an end to all animal abuse and the widespread adoption ot a more compassionate and eco-logical way of life. Simply fill in the form below and send it to: The Membership Sec-retary The Vegan Society, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX12AY Please tick as appropriate: • I wish to become a FULL MEMBER of the Vegan Society Ltd and undertake to abide by its rules as set out in the Society's Memorandum and Articles of Association. I declare that I am a practising vegan as currently defined by the Council of the Vegan Society Ltd (see Information, p2) • I wish to become an ASSOCIATE MEMBER of the Vegan Soci-ety. Although not a practising vegan, I agree with the Society's aims and would like to support its work. I enclose payment as follows (please tick): • £6.50 Individual • £4.00 Unwaged individual • £8.50 Family • £6.00 Unwaged family • £100.00 Life Membership • I wish to SPONSOR your work, for which purpose I enclose a

donation of: • £5.00 • £10.00 • £25.00 • £50.00 • £

Please make cheques payable to The Vegan Society Ltd





23 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 24: The Vegan Winter 1986

Publications & Promotional Goods All prices include VAT where applicable but are exclusive of postage and packing (see Order Form)

Publications: t u

—The Vegan— Shopperls Guide

Best-selling checklist of products free of animal ingredients and testing. Five easy-to-consult sections cover foods, toiletries, cosmetics, remedies, etc. Plus useful appendices £1.50

Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide Lists hotels, guest-houses, b/b accommodation, restaurants, cafes. More than 300 entries. £1.50

An Introduction to Practical Veganism A beginner's guide 75p

Vegan Mothers and Children Ten mothers of this and the last generation describe the rearing of vegan children. Includes reports of recent research by T. Sanders, PhD(Nutr) 75p

Vegan Nutrition F. Ellis, MD FRC(Path) and T. Sanders, PhD(Nutr). A scientific assessment of the vegan diet, incorporating easy-to-follow tables enabling recommended intake of essential nutrients to be met from plant products only £1.00

Veganism - Scientific Aspects T. Sanders, PhD(Nutr) 50p

Plant Foods for Human Health Professor J. Dickerson 50p

The Role of Plants in Feeding Mankind Professor A. Bender 50p

Compassion: The Ultimate Ethic Victoria Moran An examination of the history and philosophy of the vegan movement £4.95

h m * M n K O I i i n

Veganic Gardening Kenneth Dalziel O'Brien A comprehensive, yet easy-to-follow guide to the subject by the system's greatest living exponent £6.99

Companion Planting Gertrud Franck A comprehensive guide to the organic cultivation of fruit, vegetables, flowers and herbs £4.95

Cookery Books: Food for a Future Jon Wynne-Tyson A classic work, powerfully arguing all aspects of the vegan case - moral, economic, ecological, physiological and nutritional. Packed with information, statistics, quotations, nutritional and dietary data £2.50

The Extended Circle: A Dictionary of Humane Thought (Ed.) Jon Wynne-Tyson A unique anthology of quotations concerning our treatment of non-human species. An indispensable source-book £4.95

I t e O n c U p n C o d d x d t QHxUatadnhihcUxDiSwttv

Vegan Cookery Eva Batt Revised and expanded edition of the classic What's Cooking? Brim-full of recipes, nutritional information and practical advice £2.95

What Else is Cooking? Eva Batt 300 vegan recipes, together with practical hints. Wipe-clean cover, spiral-bound £2.95

Tofu Cookery Louise Hagler Superby presented collection of more than 200 recipes, from appetizers to main course dishes and desserts. 'A gem of a book' - Leah Leneman £7.95


I Ki L VlXiJvl vkl (AH)Kim A1MGOUM.V.

The Vegan Diet: True Vegetarian Cookery David Scott & Claire Golding A 'gourmet' vegan cookbook containing over 250 recipes -from soups and starters to desserts and children's favourites £5.95

Vegan Cooking Leah Leneman Includes The Vegan Dairy,

—The Vegan—" Holiday and Restaurant


Vegan Shopper's Guide

24 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 25: The Vegan Winter 1986

Tofu - The Wonder Food and recipes using proprietary health foods £1.95

Healthy Eating for the New Age Joyce D'Silva A vegan cookbook packed full of excellent and varied recipes which follow health-food, as well as vegan principles £3.95

Cooking with Sea Vegetables Peter & Montse Bradford A vegan macrobiotic guide to the culinary use of the 'harvest of the oceans' £3.95

The International Tofu Cookery Book Leah Leneman Recipes garnered from the cuisines of America, Britain, the Caribbean, the Far East, India, the Mediterranean, Mexico £4.95

c < -THE-

. Cc t triXsjC.

GOURMET The Vegan Cookbook

Th« Vary fWti of In Janet Hunt—


7 The Compassionate Gourmet Janet Hunt Exotic dishes from all over the globe for those who love animals - and food! £4.99

Order Form Order now (block capitals throughout please) from: The Merchandise Department, The Vegan Society, 33-35 George Street Oxford OX1 2AY.

Item Quantity Cost

POSTAGE RATES (inland only) TOTAL up to 50p - add 15p postage 50p to £ 1.99 - add 25p postage £2 to £4.99 - add 60p postage £5 to £10- add £1 postage over £10 - add £2 postage

FINAL TOTAL I enclose a cheque/postal order made payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd. for Name (PLEASE PRINT) Address

Postcode Eire & Overseas: Payment must be by sterling cheque drawn on an English bank or an international money order. Overseas: Add 10% to cover additional postal expenses.

Promotional Goods:

Envelope Re-use Labels 100% recycled paper, non-animal gum. Two designs: 'Globe' - black and green on white; 'Bottle' - black and red on white £1.25 per 100 (of one design)

T-shirts Multi-colour design on white cotton Sizes: Child - 22", 26", 28", £2.75

The Vegan Cookbook Alan Wakeman and Gordon Baskerville 200-plus graded recipes demonstrating that a vegan diet can be rich and varied and reach the highest culinary standards £4.95

Button Badges ( 1 W ) Two colours. Please specify design(s) required using letter code 25p each, four for 90p Multi-purpose Stickers (1V4") Same designs and colour schemes as button badges, in sheets of 12 of same. Please specify design(s) required using badge letter code 20p per sheet, five sheets for 90p


Car/Window Sticker Printed red and black on white self-cling plastic. Il"x2l/z" 50p

100% cotton. Two designs: 'Bottle' - red and white on navy blue; 'Blood Foods' - red and black on white. Sizes: S/M/L/XL £3.50

Bookmarks Printed on high-quality, 100% recycled card. Colour scheme: chocolate brown on cream. Set of four different designs, with recipes on reverse. 45p

Notelets Printed on high-quality, 100% recycled paper. Colour scheme: chocolate brown on cream. Pack of twelve, with four different seasonal designs £1.25

Ballpen Red and black casing, with slogan 'Ban Blood Foods' printed in white on clip. Refillable 35p

25 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 26: The Vegan Winter 1986

When replying to these advertisements please mention The Vegan.

ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION in return for help with upkeep; house/grounds (nature reserve)- Vegfam, Trie Sanctuary, Nr Lvdford. Okehampton. Devon EX20 4AL. Tel 082 282 203


ANIMAL RIGHTS/ WELFARE EVERY SIX SECONDS AN ANIMAL DIES IN A BRITISH LABORATORY. If you would like to join our campaign against all animal experiments write or phone British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, 16a Crane Grove, London N7 8LB . 01-700 4888

CARING HOMES wanted for rescued creatures. Old, gentle horse and donkey companion, two Shetland sheep, pair geese, one ewe, old nanny goat, two pigmy goats, collie cross doberman bitch. Axminster 34710

CHARITIES VEGFAM feeds the hungry via plant-based foodstuffs, leaf protein, seeds, irrigation etc. Donations to: The Sanctuary, l .ydford, Okehampton. Devon EX20 4AL. Tel Lydford 203

EATING OUT For comprehensive list see Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide. TOTNES, DEVON Willow' wholefood vegetarian restaurant. Menu changed daily to include vegan dishes. Friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Children very welcome. Tel 0803-862605

FOR SALE Vegan Christinas Hampers £10.00. Free delivery Manchester area. Profits to support Animal Rights Prisoners. Orders in by 1st December please. Campaign for Animal Rights, c/o Raven Press, 75 Piccadilly, Manchester 1.

HEALING IRIDOLOGY offers a humane approach to healing. Register or training information: send 2x17p stamps to SCHOOL OF I R I D O L O G Y (V). Bright Haven. Robin's Lane. Lolworth. Cambridge CB3 8HH

HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION For comprehensive list see

Vegan Holiday & Restaurant Guide.

IBIZA Vegan Fayre. Stay with English owners in their private finca (hostess vegan). Double room, shower. Also bunks, F/B. collection airport. £16 p.p. per night inclusive. Children half price.

BEXHILL-on-SEA. Veean/vegetarian B&B £7 night, £35 weekly. 10 Deerswood Lane, Bexhill TN39 4LT. Tel 042 43 5153. NORFOLK COUNTRYSIDE, peace, quietness, healthy eating, homemade bread, log fires, near Wildlife sancturies & stately homes. Burton, Bacton-on-Sea Vicarage. Tel. 0692 650375. ISLE OF WIGHT. Small private hotel, quietly situated, in an area of natural beauty. Comfortable accommodtion with central heating. Excellent home cooking by vegetarian proprietor. Wholefoods, vegetarian or vegan. Open Easter until October. Also self-catering holiday flat.


LINCOLNSHIRE, Vegan DB&B. Old house. CH. Quiet village. Children welcome. Guidedogs only. No smoking, alcohol. Lapwings, Apley, Lincoln LN3 5JQ. 0673 858101. ESCAPE to a country period Guest House, with tranquillity, peace and friendship, log fires, large garden. Ideal touring base, open all year to vegetarians and vegans only. Sae Holway Mill, Sandford Orcas, Sherborne, Dorset 096322 380 PENZANCE. Self-catering accommodation for 3-4. Two miles from Penzance with large garden, sea and countiy views. Occasional vegan meals available. Tel 0736 62242. EASTBOURNE - friendly guesthouse catering exclusively for vegetarians and vegans. Quiet road 50yds from sea. Delicious home cooking. From £70.50p per week. Rl

DEVON-DORSET BORDER. Eight miles Lyme Regis. Cosy, tranquil cottage in A.O.N.B. Excellent vegan food (organic). Open all year. Special rates for Christmas break. Phone 02977-597 or 0297-34710

CHRISTMAS IN TORQUAY Why not join Karen and David at Hazelmere Guest-House. Exclusively vegetarianA'egan. Situated close to town, beaches and beautiful cliff walks. Week b&b, four course evening dinner and Christmas tea,

re telephone

LUDLOW - INN SEVENTH HEAVEN is a unique guest house offering programmes in vegan/macrobiotic cuisine, counselling and organic gardening. We're ex-caterers to the Hollywood stars and serve meals daily (to your own dietary needs) in our charming Victorian house set in an unspoit countryside. If you are seeking relaxation, wanting to expand your health and gain direction we will give you our supportive guidance. Brochure 'The Hollies* Gravel Hill, Ludlow. Shropshire SY81 1QL Tel: 0584-3703

SK1-ING. Vegan self-catering. Persons wanted to share apartment for meaningful

SNOWDONIAN COAST "W^here the mountains sweep down to the sea." Exclusively vegetarian/vegan wholefood D.B&B. Our converted farmhouse (inglenook,beams) nestles on the slopes of Yr Eifel with spectacular views of sea/mountains. Designated 'area of national beauty*. Superb beach/hiking/

sailing/climbing. Stamp appreciated for brochure to: Llwyn-y-Brig, Trefor, Caernarfon N.Wales (0286 86 693).

MOORHAYES VEGETARIAN FARMHOUSE HOTEL, TALATON, EAST DEVON. Tel. WHIMPLE (0404) 822895. ASHLEY COURTENAY RECOMMENDED We offer comfortable, caring service in a relaxed, peaceful atmosphere with accommodation of 7 bedrooms, 4 en suite. The house is full of antiquity and character with dining room and lounge inglenook fireplaces. Beautiful rural surroundings, 10 miles coast. Organic vegetables, home-made bread. Our menu changes daily with a variety of freshly prepared, home-cooked dishes.

write or phone

ISLE OF SKYE Winter specials - B&B+EM £49 per week, Christmas and New Year £70 per week. We are a vegan guesthouse situated on an 8 acre croft overlooking Loch Dunvegan with panoramic views of the Cuillins and outer isles. We offer good, plentiful vegan home cooking, tea-making facilities, all day access, TV lounge, bicycle hire. Home from home. Children welcome. All rooms have H&C and heating. Open all year.

For more details contact:

Vegancroft, 11 Husabost By Dunvegan

Tel. Glendale (047-081) 303

MAIL ORDER VEGETABLE SEEDS (900 varieties) £1.00 voucher with first lists. SAE, Seeds-oy-Size, 60 Glenview Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. HP 1 1TB NUTRITIONAL YEAST FLAKES debut in England. 100% vegan. Excellent source of B-complex vitamins. One tablespoon sprinkled on soups, salads, blended into drinks provides twice R.D. A for B12. Quality protein, essential amino acids and minerals. Price/lb £3.25, plus £1.00 p&p Lifestream Wholefoods, Unit 3c, Dart Complex, Steamer Quay, Totnes, Devon TQ95AL

DOLMA VEGAN PERFUMES. Animal free, not animal tested. Stamp for details to Jim Payne, 34 Goodere Drive, Polesworth, Tamworth B78 1BZ.


BRAZIL. Really economical tour throughout Brazil next summer and Christmas. Tell your naturalist friends. Details 05 s,

RAW FOOD EATER, newly converted, seeks written correspondence wi r

COLIN, LIS, SOPHIE, LUCY & TIM extend warmest good wishes to Tony, Anna, Alicia, Anneka and Scruttock Mk III for their first Christmas down under, as well as deep appreciation for assistance rendered in the common cause.

PUBLICATIONS AHIMSA. Quarterly magazine of the American Vegan Society. Veganism, Natural Living, Reverence for Life. Calendar year subscription $8. Address: 501 Old Harding. Highway, Malaga. NJ 08328, USA. FUTURE MIND (formerly Western Buddhist) is a new magazine seeking the healthiest state of mind and way of life for people today. With articles/news of social action and mental training courses. Send £1.20 for issue 1 or write for details to: Future Mind (Dept C), 30 Hollingbourne Gardens, Ealing, London W13 8EN.



A full service in London and the home counties. No job too small. Almost

40,000 successfully completed jobs in more than ten years. Contractors to local authorities, banks, insurance companies,

housing associations and private householders. No hidden charges - we

publish our rates. For a quotation or for an emergency phone 01-654 3133 and

speak to Bob, Norma or Jeremy. You are welcome to ring for free advice at any

time and vegan society members should ask for 10% discount and 30 days free

credit. Simpson, Delvarr & Co Ltd actively supports the vegan movement.


Young, truly dedicated ANIMAL RESCUE CENTRE (Reg. Charity), needs totally reliable staff. Essential qualities - versatile, honest, hardworking, responsible, good memory, vegetarian/vegan, high sense of hygiene, ability to get on with people, not seeking fame or fortune, desire to help animals in everyway, 101% dedicated. In return - small wages, caravan accommodation, good fun, job satisfaction, exhaustion, sense of achievement, lots of animals to love. Any age if all above qualities are there but mature attitude essential. Please write enclosing phone number if possible) to: Heaven's Gate Animal Rescue Centre, W.Henley, Langport, Somerset TA10 9BE.

STOP PRESS Person desperately needed for above, to work in office. All above qualifications necessary, but agile mind and good telephone manner essential. Experience preferred. HELP desperately needed in cat sanctuary - south east London. Preferably for one or two regular sessions per week. Fares paid. Good permanent homes needed for rescued adult cats. Ring 01-326 4958.


26 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 27: The Vegan Winter 1986

MISCELLANEOUS GRAND NEW YEAR'S PARTY for single vegetarians and vegans. Central London. January 3rd. All ages wel

E to

CONTACT CENTRE is a friendship agency, quite different from all others. It enables you to choose your friend(s) from detailed advertisements or to write an advertisement yourself without disclosing your name and address. CONTACT CENTRE gives you full scope; you don't even have to complete a form. CONTACT CENTRE now operates a Vegan Service in addition to the Vegetarian/vegan Service and the International Pen-friend Service without hidden charges and with many offers for a nominal fee, or even free. As we cannot tell all in this advertisement, please find out how you too can benefit by the range of flexible services by requesting free details from Contact Centre, BCM Cuddle, London WC1V 6XX. Full translational services from and into German, French and Dutch.

MILL YOUR OWN A vegan diet begins with the seven grains

- wheat, rye, barley, oats, rice, maize, millet (plus buckwheat). Make the most

of them with a home mill. Mill fine for crepes, crimes & cakes;

coarse for wholemeal breads and hearty broths - always fresh, always wholemeal. Only fresh milling guarantees you all the

goodness of the grain. SAE for full list to:

Home Milling Enterprises, Old Laundry House,

Pencaitland, EH34 5AT, Scotland.

VEGAN COMMUNITY PROJECT Would you rather be living with other

vegans as your friends and neighbours? Whatever your ideas about the form a

vegan community should take, whether you want your own living space or to

share with others, whether you want an outside job, to run a vegan business or to aim for vegan self-suffiaency, the VCP has been set up to make it happen. The nature of the community/ies to emerge from the project will be determined by the people who are part of it, so tell us

about yourself and your ideas and we will do likewise. Send two SAEs for

information and subsequent Contacts List to: Liz, Geoffrey and Lorraine, 86 Tilehurst Road, Reading, or Paul and

Jenny 122 Jewell Road, Throop, Bournemouth.


Discover the benef i t , C o m p a r e the advantages

Moun ta in Breeze. Cn/sorr Hygeio . Astr id, Oos is etc

100 Day Trial • Free Book Ask for our free l oc i pock

*WE T a l 0 6 l - 4 8 3 9 4 ] 6 _ _

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RATES AND CONDITIONS All prices inclusive of VAT. Personal: £3.50 for 20 words (minimum). Additional words: 17p each. Commercial: £4.75 for 20 words (minimum). Additional words: 25p each. Box No: £2.00 extra Semi-display: £5.00 per single column centimetre Series discount (4 consecutive insertions): 10% PAYMENT By cheque or postal order, made payable to The Vegan Society Ltd and sent to: The Advertising Manager, The Vegan, 33-35 George Street, Oxford OX1 2AY.

Eire and Overseas: payment must be by sterling cheque drawn on an English bank or by international money order. PUBLICATION DATES 21st February, May, August, November COPY DATES The first day of the month preceding the month of publication. CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE The submission of an advertisement is deemed to warrant that the advertisement does not contravene any Act of Parliament nor is it in any other way illegal or defamatory or an infringement of any other party's rights or an infringement of the British Code of Advertising Practice.

The Vegan Society reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement without explanation.

Although every care is taken, the Vegan Society cannot accept liability for any loss or inconvenience incurred as a result of errors in the wording, or the late or non-appearance of an advertisement.

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27 The Vegan, VVinter 1986

Page 28: The Vegan Winter 1986


£1.50, p l u s 25p p & p , from:

T h e M e r c h a n d i s e D e p t , T h e V e g a n Society , 33-35 G e o r g e St ree t , O x f o r d O X 1 2AY

Cheques/POs payable to: The Vegan Society Ltd.

? e c u i u f RANGE PROVIDES VEGAN NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS with the essential CALCIUM and, VITAMINS B2, B12 and D2. Bom of a vision when this vegan company pioneered the first British-made soya milk in 1965.


- the latest, biggest-ever edition of this unique and best-selling checklist of cruelty-free commodities. Five easy-to-consult sections - Food & Drink, Toiletries & Cosmetics, Remedies & Supplements, Footwear, and Miscellaneous - plus useful appendices on the criteria for inclusion in the Guide, additives, alcoholic beverages and mail-order companies.


— T h e Vegan-Shopperls Guide