SSeeaattttllee AArreeaa SSeerrvviiccee CCoommmmiitttteeee 2010 SASC Min… · The Seattle Area...

Page 1 of 13 S S e e a a t t t t l l e e A A r r e e a a S S e e r r v v i i c c e e C C o o m m m m i i t t t t e e e e M M i i n n u u t t e e s s f f r r o o m m J J a a n n u u a a r r y y 3 3 , , 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 Next SASC is Sunday February 7, 2010 at 2pm Next Admin meeting at 1pm before April 11 SASC Lake City Community Center 12531 28th Ave. NE Seattle The 2010 SASC calendar is set as follows: Jan 3 Feb 7 March 7 April 11(second Sunday) May 2 June 6 July 11(second Sunday) August 1 Sept 12(second Sunday) Oct 3 Nov 7 Dec 5

Transcript of SSeeaattttllee AArreeaa SSeerrvviiccee CCoommmmiitttteeee 2010 SASC Min… · The Seattle Area...

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SSSeeeaaattttttllleee AAArrreeeaaa

SSSeeerrrvvviiiccceee CCCooommmmmmiiitttttteeeeee MMMiiinnnuuuttteeesss fffrrrooommm

JJJaaannnuuuaaarrryyy 333,,, 222000111000

Next SASC is Sunday February 7, 2010 at 2pm

Next Admin meeting at 1pm before April 11 SASC

Lake City Community Center

12531 28th Ave. NE Seattle

The 2010 SASC calendar is set as follows: Jan 3

Feb 7

March 7

April 11(second Sunday)

May 2

June 6

July 11(second Sunday)

August 1

Sept 12(second Sunday)

Oct 3

Nov 7

Dec 5

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Seattle Area Narcotics Anonymous

Minutes for January 3, 2010

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Opened: 2:10pm

1. Serenity Prayer Jon C.

2. Reading of the Traditions Rhonda

3. Reading of the Statement of Purpose Bob R.

4. Reading of the 12 Concepts of Service Bob S.

5. Reading of the 1st Concept Bob S.

-Sharing of the concept

6. Greetings to new GSR’s and others Jon C.

Diego of Tuesday Night Special, Carolyn w/o parallel, Donovan Oasis

7. Approval of minutes approved

8. Announcements

No smoking in the facility or under the awning

Please turn off all cell phones and pagers

Please stand up when sharing report and discussions

Please have all group donations to Treasurer before break

Note taking form for GSR’s to take notes and review at home group/available from /Secretary

Please submit all Open Sharing topics, Motions and Grievances before break

Help is needed 15 min. before and after each SASC meeting. Please assist in setting up and taking down the room

GSR’s please fill out Group Reports. Make sure secretary has your EMAIL address

GSR’s on-line Group Report Forms, Motion Forms, and SASC Guidelines are available at

Group Reports can also be submitted on-line prior to the next SASC at the same website location

9. Roll Call of Service Members

10. Group Roll Call

11. Service Members Reports

SASC Chair Patricia SASC Chair Report – January 3, 2010

It has been quite interesting to serve as Chair of the SASC. I have learned a lot. Thank you, Patricia Vice Chair Jon C Thanks for letting be of service this year. I have little to report other than I was able to attend the regular scheduled PR

meeting and all is good. The new schedules are here. Parliamentarian Open

Area Treasurer Al Seattle Area Treasurer Report

Month December 2009

Beginning Balance 9201.74 Ending Balance consists of:

General Fund 144.34

+ Income 3770.57 Activities 545.90

Literature 1930.98

- Expenses 9807.74 Unity Day 543.35

Ending Balance 3164.57 Total 3164.57


Group Donations 1365.77

Activities 417.00

Literature 1651.85

Unity Day


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Seattle Area Narcotics Anonymous

Minutes for January 3, 2010

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KISS 120.00

Men’s Retreat 215.95



Sub Committees:

PR 926.74

Admin 528.00



Secretary 31.08


Treasurer 7.88

Subtotal 1493.70

Other Expenses:

Activities 926.92

Literature 2132.36

Unity Day 4980.00


10% Donation Nov 145.28

10% Donation Dec 129.48

Excess Funds

Subtotal 8314.04


Asst. Treasurer Renee B-absent

Recording Secretary Lorrie

Rec Sec, 1/3/10 – Thanks to vice chair, PR, Newsletter coordinator, RCM & Sinac liaison for getting me your

written reports before this mtg. A reminder please get your written report to me within 1 week of Area. If you

don’t for two consecutive months you are non compliant with the responsibilities of your position. This month I

spent $27.94. Thank you for the privilege for service. Lorrie

Asst. Recording Secretary Cheryl Seattle Area Asst Sec – Jan 3

rd, 2010 – I will passing around two clip boards, one has mailing labels for those GSR’s that

want paper minutes sent to them, the other clip board is for email addresses. The GSR Group Report Forms are online at For those GSR’s that didn’t fill out their Group Report Forms before coming, we have extra forms on the

table. Please complete and return yours before the end of today’s meeting. In service, Cheryl T.

RCM Lynne To: Seattle Area Meeting

From: Lynne C, RCMI

Date: 1.3.10

Hello Friends,

The Conference Agenda Report is an advance look at the motions which will be discussed and voted on at the next

World Conference meeting. That report is now on line at Dan and Julia will be presenting a CAR workshop at Clean

and Free and I would also like to present it here at the February meeting and request that be put on the agenda for February. I

would suggest that you all read it on line before that meeting, so you can be clear about your questions, which I can then take

to the March RSC. The intention is that we all be completely informed and able to vote in April.

Briefly, Some of the motions that will be discussed are revisions to a number of PI’s, creation of a working guide for

the Traditions, creation of new key tags for one decade and one for multiple decades, discussion of the approval process for

new literature, options for conserving WSO funds without effecting service delivery of new literature or new translations, and

as they say “many more.”

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Seattle Area Narcotics Anonymous

Minutes for January 3, 2010

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All Subs on January 9 will be discussing combining H&I and P-I on the Regional level into a Regional PR

committee. If you have opinions or interest in this topic I would invite you to take the beautiful drive to Ellensburg that day

and participate.

As always, I appreciate the opportunity to serve this program, which has given me so much.

Lynne C

Regional Committee Member I

RCM 2 Mario-verbal

Activities Chair Gary H Hello N.A. members

We have had two events since our last area. One was our H&I PI. Learning days that I believe was a great success. I would

like to thank all of the people that helped with this event. The cooks did a fine job with this dinner it was well put together.

Also the people that sat at the tables selling drinks & popcorn I appreciate and thank you all.

And I especially want to thank the couple of people that stuck it out and stayed to the end to make sure the place got cleaned

and everything was packed up. For I, a committee of one, could not have done this event.

Our next event was the Gratitude dinner and again I want to thank all the people that stepped up and took a turkey and ham

home to cook for this event. And the people that helped with all the prep work that went with this event to setting up tables

and making sure that we had coffe to drink. Also I think its in good order to thank the home groups and the people that

brought side dishes to share. We did not have a dance this year because I thought to have a nice dinner like a family and sit

around and play games. It was new and it’s been nice to see people participating with games. We had a group of folks that

played a game of risk that went till midnight. There was plenty of food and people even got to take some home with them.

And the food that was left over we took up to tent city just up the hill from the event.

For the GSR,s that did not show up for area, activities needs help. I seem to get plenty of help during these events but when

it comes to staying late and helping with the packing things up and making sure the place in cleaned no one sticks around. So

if you can talk within your home groups and see if there is anybody that would like to help out with late service work give me

a call, my number is on the schedule.

Activities needs people to fill position within our committee. Our openings are as follows.

Chair: Open I, Gary, was only filling in till January’s elections. Vice Chair: Open Treasure: Open

Also need someone to facilitate people for set up and clean up: Open

If your interested in helping with this committee we meet at the old Dennis restaurant on 4th

ave. s. and if your still not sure

where that is give me a call. Gary.

Also activities is thinking about changing how they operate. And reducing the number of yearly events due to several

factors. (1) Lack of participation (2) the number of funds raisers put on by Unity day and SINAC. (SINAC, alone, has six

fundraisers scheduled for 2010.

We have considered disbanding activities and turning the Seattle area events over to Unity day and SINAC for fundraisers.

We would like your input. In loving service: Gary

---------------------------------------Short break and serenity Prayer --------------------------------

Literature Andy D The Seattle Area Narcotics Anonymous Literature Sub-Committee reports sales of $1,616.90 for December, 2009. The

literature order was a total of $2,827.97. I am turning in receipts in the total of $32.65 for receipts and copying.I wish to

assure everyone that there are now plenty of Basic Texts, Step Working Guides, and "Welcome" keytags available. I take

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Seattle Area Narcotics Anonymous

Minutes for January 3, 2010

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responsibility for this committee running out of these items. As an addict (in recovery), running out of anything is the last

thing I want to happen.Yes, indeed.

> In Service,

> Andy D.

P R Chair Ray

Here you go sorry for the delay and inconvenience , January 3, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Your PR Subcommittee met and conducted its monthly business on December 20th

at the Ballard Swedish Medical Center.

We oriented 8 new members to PR for H&I and Helpline services and also elected a new Newsletter Coordinator. I am

submitting reimbursements today for the monthly Helpline bill for $98.41 and printing costs of $54.86.

H&I; H&I conducted 40 panels last month. We elected 3 new panel leaders and currently have 5 panel positions open. KCJ

men’s 3rd

Tues. and 4th

Monday, Perinatal 2nd

and 3rd

Thursday and RCKC Detox the 2nd


PR Literature; PR Literature has not placed the order yet but I believe they will be purchasing 200 white booklets which

will cost $104.00 plus shipping.

Schedules; The new schedules are here today and we would ask that you take a minute and review your info, if you find

any errors please notify Jon C. in person or send the corrections by email to [email protected] .

Web Site; Guy is on the job monitoring and updated your website, if you have any questions or concerns please contact

him in person or email him at [email protected] .

Helpline; November received a total of 261 calls of which 108 were directed to live members. That is an average of 8.38

calls per day with 38% being answered and 62% being sent to the automated recordings. Expenses for the Helpline were

$98.41 which I have submitted for reimbursement. If you have any questions or concerns about the Helpline I encourage you

to speak to your Helpline coordinator Mikel O. either in person or his contact info can be found in the schedule.

Special Projects; Special Projects is finalizing the remaining details on the bus sign project which should be started here


Public Information; PI will be manning a table at the PSYPC Winter Holidays convention in January again this year.

Newsletter; We are excited to announce the Seattle area has a new Newsletter coordinator Nikki S. who will give her

report directly following mine.

The PR subcommittee has revised our guidelines over the last several months, basic housecleaning and simple motions. I was

going to print up several copies and present a motion to this body for approval and then it was suggested perhaps we ask for a

vote of confidence to move forward. I will present this item for open sharing. We are also beginning to look for a new

Helpline and Schedules coordinator, these positions are vital to our committee and fellowship and we want sufficient time for

mentoring so please help us with making these announcements at your meetings!

Your PR subcommittee is dedicated to further our primary purpose throughout the new year and we thank this body for the

opportunity to serve it.

Ray W.

Unity Day Chair 2010 Corey January 3, 2010

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Seattle Area Narcotics Anonymous

Minutes for January 3, 2010

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Hello All,

This month Unity Day has really started to stir. There are great ideas and movement happening in each of the subcommittees.

It seems to me that the norm for Unity Day 2010 is about freshening up the convention within each subcommittee and on

several different levels.

I received the final contract from the Seattle Center and turned in the signed document and the balance due in full in time to

solidify 2009 rates. The total of that venture was $3,180. We also took out a check from the Area Treasurer for $1800 to get

the merchandising committee set up. This left us pretty well tapped out with our Unity Day account for the time being. The

committee has decided to have one more fundraising event to cover the initial costs of the putting on our one day convention

as well. It will be a spiritual breakfast and details will be worked out at our next subcommittee meeting. Between this, pre-

event merchandise and preregistrations starting to roll in, I anticipate that our financial needs will be met without a problem.

We also determined at our last subcommittee meeting that making back the seed money is well within our ability within the

happenings of the event.

We elected John F. to the Registration Chair position and he has continued to step up to the plate to be of service to this

committee. As a result we have our preregistration flyers available for distribution, but to Region this month and for GSR’s to

bring back to their home groups and on the Seattle Area NA website.

Our Merchandising Chair officially stepped down, but the positon was picked up quickly by Bridget S. who has the fortitude

and enthusiasm to get the job done. As always, things are taken care of, even when there seems to be a problem. Our

committee is truly higher powered.

We are also gearing up for our upcoming event by increasing our subcommittee meetings to twice a month. This month we

will meet this coming Sunday January 10th

and Sunday January 24th

as well. Still at 3pm at Shaun and Kevin’s house in

Edmonds. The more addicts getting involved the better at this point. We can use all the able bodies we can get, so please

come and be of service.

Thank you as always for this opportunity to serve Narcotics Anonymous. Corey K.

SASC Rep to Conventions & Events Committee Jon S-absent w/report Good Afternoon Area,

My name is Jon and I am an addict. The Convention and Events Committee will have its quarterly meeting in

Ellensburg on January 23rd. Anyone that is interested in joining me please call me at (541) 914-5852. Clean and Free is

coming up on March 11-14 in Ocean Shores. Please register if you plan on attending. Sorry I cannot be at area today. I had

to take my son to a music lesson. That’s all I have for this month.


Jon S

SASC Rep to Conventions & Events Committee Alternate Open until 2010

SINACC Liaison Chair Nick H. Liaison Report to SASC – Jan 3, 2010

Hello Family

As I reported at the last area I am not present today, today I am sitting at the First Aid Post on Half Moon Cay (Holland

America’s private island). I probably have fine white sand in the most unimaginable places but I am happy and at peace.

Happy New Year to all of you!

Financials reported at the last SINAC Meeting are as follows, although these have probably changed since then:

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Seattle Area Narcotics Anonymous

Minutes for January 3, 2010

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Our expenses to date are: $972.26

Our income to date is: $7,226.05

Our current bank account balance is: $6,253.79

Fundraising has been going very well and we continue to plan events and goodies that will bring in funds and exposure for

the event. The Treasurer has proposed to add a budget line to this year’s budget for “2011 Seed Money” in the amount of

$15,000. This was also brought up at the last area meeting and I think it is an excellent idea in protecting the fellowship. The

committee remains committed to making this event sustainable. Penny A Day pins are still available. Please raise your hand

if you have some for sale. These are really wonderful pins, a great way to help support the event AND they get more

expensive every day!!! Buy yours now! Also we may have NA Chocolate coins left…they are 6 for 5 dollars!

There are flyers on the table for upcoming events and I am sure that Cheryl T could announce specifics about the ones right

around the corner.

I will be reporting more about Programming at the next Area Meeting.

The MOST important thing to report is that registration is now OPEN!!!! Premium Pre Registration Packets PPRPs are

available for sale TODAY!!! This year they are only $125.00!! This gets you into to all events and all meals and all the fun

you could possibly have. If we end up adding something that costs admission you will get into that too. More importantly,

we need those funds to be able to protect the fellowship when we sign contracts for $15,000 with the Seattle Center. Please if

you plan to buy a package for SINAC and you know that now and you have the money…we will take your check. Please see

Cheryl T. (sorry Cheryl).

I will report more specifics when I return from my nursing adventures at sea. If you have questions that can’t or won’t

wait…please email them to me at [email protected]

In loving Service

George B.


Serenity Prayer Patricia

12. Group Count and Roll Call

13. GSR’s Announcements & Sharing

Kevin representative for Evergreen Methodone Clinic meeting requires NA participation. If no addicts in recovery come by

between Noon to 1:30 on Wednesday to share the message they may not hear it. Kevin is moving to Oklahoma and is

worried that when he leaves the message may not be heard.

Benito – Breakfast of Champions moving to Boren/Denny.

Rhonda – Wednesdays at 6:30pm at Justice Works thrift store needs support. Can’t buy literature – Southside Recovery.

Elizabeth – All meetings at Recovery Café are moving to 2022 Boren Ave. Bus #8.

Dope Free in the CD – Bob R. They made their first donation! Needs support with carrying a clear NA message.

Jeremy – GSR – Insomniaddicts – Only late meeting in Seattle – they are thinking of moving to 3 days a week Wednesday –

Tuesday – Friday at 10am.

GSR Sunday Starters will not have a GSR for the month of February.

West Seattle – John – New meeting in West Seattle Admiral Congregational Church.

Jennell – Road to Recovery meeting needs support

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Seattle Area Narcotics Anonymous

Minutes for January 3, 2010

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Tony – Beyond Parallel – The meeting is out of schedule, they are introducing a new GSR Carolynn and they need support.

Nicky S about using the Newsletter to distribute GSR information.

14. Open Sharing:

Ray about the PR guidelines - can we just approve one in house motion regarding the election outside of PR in the separate

subcommittee. Another change is that the PR coordinators will be elected at area.

Lorraine said that the old and new guidelines will be posted on the website. They will ask for approval next month.

Kellsue wants to discuss Activities and their guidelines. We need to have an area treasurer audit.

Nick doesn’t believe that we should go forward with a review of Activities.

Patricia said that all of this can be handled at the inventory.

15. Old Business:

a. Elections Parliamentarian – Still open –To elect in February

Chairperson-Jon C. Elected Opposed:0, Abstained:0

Vice Chairperson- Mary K. Elected O:0, A:0

Recording Secretary-Open

Asst. Recording Secretary-Open

b. Motions:

1009-01 made by Lorraine L. 2

nd by Mary home group: Lovin Spoonful

I move that the following be added to the Seattle Guidelines:

Section V Subsection G To Read

Any motions shall not be voted on if the minutes have not been transmitted prior to their business

meeting. The Intent is to ensure motions are seen by groups so informed decisions can be made.


1209-02 Made by Corey K. Second by Jon F. Home Group: TNS

I move that SASC close Unity Day 09 books and move all leftover funds to the Unity Day 2010 account.

Intent to close Unity Day 2009 Business.

Passed O:1 A:0

16. New Business:



1209-01 Made by Jon C. Second by Lorraine L. Home Group: Lovin’ Spoonful

I move that SASC buy a Basic Text Ed. 06 for the Parliamentarian to keep in the file box. Intent to

replace existing Ed. 05 with new Ed. 06 PASSED O:0, A:0

17. Group Reports

Group Name: BOC, Meeting: Sat 10am, GSR: Benito B, SASC Donation: $28, Sec: Dwayne, Treasure: Maggie, Rent paid:

$10 per month, Group Report: All well at the front line.

Group Name: MGLA, Meeting: M/W/F Noon, GSR: True K, SASC Donation: $94.52, Sec: Thad/Heather/Deanne, Treasure:

Heather, Rent paid: $100 per month, Group Report: Thad is the new Monday Sec. All is good with MGLA!

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Seattle Area Narcotics Anonymous

Minutes for January 3, 2010

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Group Name: Charlie O’s, Meeting: Wed Noon, GSR: --, Phone --, SASC Donation: $27.80, Acting Sec: Kevin C, Treasure:

Kevin C, Rent paid: $5 per month, Group Report: We want NA members to stop by for sharing of their strength, hope and

experience and to serve as trusted servants.

Group Name:Hugs not drugs, Meeting: Thurs 7:30, GSR: Jeannie, SASC Donation: $0, Sec: Sok, Treasure: Greg, Rent paid:

$80 per month, Group Report: Meeting growing, Thanks.

Group Name: Serenity Circle, Meeting: Thurs 7pm, GSR: Mary, SASC Donation: $0, Sec: Nick B, Treasure: Pete, Rent paid:

$50 per month, Group Report: Great meeting. Come join us.

Group Name: Safe Haven, Meeting: Sat 7pm, GSR: Robert M, SASC Donation: $0, Sec: Steve G, Treasure: Lourie??, Rent

paid: $30 per month, Group Report: Cool.

Group Name: Big Guise, Meeting: Mon 7pm, GSR: Robert M, SASC Donation: $0, Sec: Keith C, Treasure: Jeremy, Rent

paid: $30 per month, Group Report: Issues with sharing times and disruption.

Group Name: Just the facts, Meeting: Tues 7:15pm, GSR: Barbara J, SASC Donation: $65.00, Sec: Mary H, Treasure:

Mauren H, Rent paid: $50 per month, Group Report: We are a literature meeting – we read a section of our text and then go

to candlelight.

Group Name: The Real Deal, Meeting: Sat 9pm, GSR: None, SASC Donation: $20.87, Sec: Veronica S., Treasure: Albert A,

Rent paid: $30 per month, Group Report: The real deal is a candlelight meeting. We need home group members who are

willing to do service. The GSR position is open.

Group Name: One Step Beyond, Meeting: Monday 7pm, GSR: Veronica, SASC Donation: $10, Sec: Jaimal, Treasure: Andy

F, Rent paid: $43.17 per month, Group Report: One Step Beyond has been active for over 23 years. We need home group

members who are willing to do service. The treasurer position will be open soon.

Group Name: Dope Free in the CD, Meeting: Fri 8pm, GSR: Bob R, SASC Donation: $11.84, Sec: Debbie N., Treasure:

Bridgette S., Rent paid: $50 per month, Group Report: We could really use support to carry a clear message of NA.

Group Name: Basic NA, Meeting: Thurs 5:45, GSR: Bob S, SASC Donation: $100, Sec: Open, Treasure: Steve P, Rent paid:

$100 per month, Group Report: Basic would like to thank all of NA for the support over the holidays. Most all our secretarys

loved being of service to you all. They felt the gift of service.

Group Name: One Promise, Meeting: Thurs 7pm, GSR: Celia G, SASC Donation: $30, Sec: Carrie, Treasure: Nikki, Rent

paid: $30 per month, Group Report: Getting larger.

Group Name: The NA Regulars, Meeting: Mon 8pm, GSR: Kris W, SASC Donation: $0, Sec: Casey F, Treasure: Casey O,

Rent paid: $80 per month, Group Report: Cheryl T celebrates 26 years clean this month on the 3rd

today! Our group is

growing. Our group’s elections for all positions is next month – February.

Group Name: Southside Recovery, Meeting: Wed 6:30pm, GSR: Rhonda D, SASC Donation: $0, Sec: Carolyn B, Treasure:

Rhonda D, Rent paid: $10 per month, Group Report: Our group is small but quaint. We need support from other addicts as

usual. We are located inside of the Justice Works Thrift Store.

RVNA Meets on: Sunday 7:00 AM GSR Jay T phone: none, donation: none, Report:Meeting is going strong with consitent

attendance by home group members, visitors and new comers. We can always use additional support.

We have decided to change the meeting format from reading/discussing from the Just for Today text to a combination of

alternating topics including: Basic text Informational pamphlets Steps study Ask it basket - random recovery topics picked

from attendees The new format will commence in January, topics will alternate weekly.

Group rent:$95 Secretary: Dominic Treasurer: Rhonda D

Closed : 4:25pm

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Minutes for January 3, 2010

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Group Roll Call SASC Officer, Subcommittee, Group Count and Roll Call

2010 Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Chair XX

Vice Chair XX

Parliamentarian OO

Treasurer XX

Asst. Treasurer AA

Rec. Secretary XA

Asst. Rec. Sec. XX



Activities XX

Literature XX


Unity Day 2010 XX

Convention & Events AA


Newsletter XX

Schedules XX

Web Coordinator AA

A Simple Solution XA

Back to Life AA

Bad Company AA

Ballard NA RR

Basic NA XX

The Big Guise XX

Breakfast of Champions XX

Carrying the Message AA

Charlie O's RR

Circle of Hope XX

Clean Living AA

Clean Street XX


Daily Fix XX

Destination Vashon AA

Dope Free in the CD XX

Dope Free Too AA

Eastshore NA XX

First Things First AA

Footloose & Drug Free AA

Forward From Here AA

Freedom Group AA

Friday Night Step Out AA

Friday Night Step Study AA

Get A Life AA

Groovy Effect AA

Hope Fiends XX

Hope Not Dope AA

Hugs Not Drugs XX

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Minutes for January 3, 2010

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Insomniaddicts XX

It's About Women's Time AA

Just 12 Steps & Traditions AA

Just for Today AA

Just the Facts XX

Life's A Beach AA

Little Yellow House XX

Lovin' Spoonful XX

Monday Night Recovery AA


NA Nooner AA

Never Gotta Use Again AA

Northwest Addicts RA

Nuevo Comienzo AA

Oasis AX

One Step Beyond XX

One Promise AX

Parents in Recovery AA

Pass It On AA

Principles B4 Personalities AA

Rainier Valley NA XR

Recovery in Progress AA

Recovery to Go AA

Reflections AA

Road to Recovery XX


Safe Haven XX

Saturday Morning Women AA

Serenity Circle XX

Sisters at Six AA

South Side Recovery XX

Spiritual Breakfast XX

Straight Ahead NA AA

Sunday Starters XX

The NA Regulars XX

The Real Deal AR

The Recovery Process RR

Taking the Steps AA

Together We Can AA

Top of the Hill NA AA

Tower of Power XX

Tuesday Night Special XX

We're Glad You're Here AA

We're Not Alone AA

Wharf Ratz AA

Without Parallel AX

Yes You Can! AA

Voting Members 27/29

KEY – A: Absent X: Present

Page 12: SSeeaattttllee AArreeaa SSeerrvviiccee CCoommmmiitttteeee 2010 SASC Min… · The Seattle Area Narcotics Anonymous Literature Sub-Committee reports sales of $1,616.90 for December,

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Seattle Area Member & Sub-Committee Chair List

January 2010


Jon C.

[email protected]

January Election



[email protected]

Jan. /Jul. Election



[email protected]

January Election


Mary K.

[email protected] January Election


Lynne C

[email protected]

September Election


Ray W.

[email protected]

March election



[email protected]

February Election

RCM – 2


[email protected]

September Election


Guy H..

[email protected]

March election



[email protected]

June Election


Andy D.

[email protected]

May Election


Mikel O

[email protected]

March Election



[email protected]

June Election


Guy H

[email protected]

March Election


Jon C [email protected]

March Election



[email protected]

Jan. /Jul. Election


Gary H.

[email protected]

February Election


Jon S. July Election


Dan F.

[email protected]


George B

[email protected]



[email protected]

February Election


P.O. Box 70404

Seattle, WA 98107

Narcotics Anonymous Committee Meeting’s Time and Location

Area Service Committee

2:00pm 1st Sunday

GSR Orientation: 1:30 pm

Lake City Community Center

12531 28th Ave. NE, Seattle,

room 6

[email protected]

Unity Day 2010

5:00 pm 2nd Sunday

Lake City Community Center

12531 28th Ave. NE, Seattle

Corey K.

[email protected]


12:30 pm 1st Sunday

Lake City Community Center

12531 28th Ave. NE, Seattle,

room 6

Andy D

[email protected]

PR Subcommittee

4:00 pm 3rd Sunday

Swedish Medical Center/Ballard Room A

New member orientation 3pm


[email protected]

Activities Subcommittee

6:30 pm 3rd Tuesday

4th Avenue Diner

2762 4th Avenue S, Seattle

Gary H.

[email protected]

Page 13: SSeeaattttllee AArreeaa SSeerrvviiccee CCoommmmiitttteeee 2010 SASC Min… · The Seattle Area Narcotics Anonymous Literature Sub-Committee reports sales of $1,616.90 for December,

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Service position Name


Area Chair Jon C.

Vice chair Mary K.

Parliamentarian Open

Treasurer Alan L.

Asst. treasurer Renee B.

Recording Secretary Lorrie

Asst. Recording Sec

Literature Andy D.

Unity Day Corey K.

Activities Gary H.

RCM Lynne C.

RCM 2 Mario

PR Chair Ray W.

PR Vice Chair Guy H.

Web Coordinator Guy H.

Schedules Jon C.

Newsletter Donny W.

Helpline Coordinator Mikel O.

H & I Coordinator Kendall B.

C&E Representative Jon S.

SINAC Liaison George B.