SEZNAM AKTUALNIH EVROPSKIH IN DRUGIH RAZPISOV (7. APRIL 2020) Novi razpisi so označeni z oranžno barvo! Razpis Evropske komisije: Podpora vključevanju državljank in državljanov v izvajanje kohezijske politike Razpisnik Evropska komisija, Generalni direktorat za regionalno in mestno politiko Datum objave 30. 3. 2020 Rok za oddajo 31. 5. 2020 Namen in cilj razpisa (na kratko) Izvajanje inovativnih ukrepov ali orodij, ki jih bo sofinancirala EU, za vključevanje državljank in državljanov v kohezijsko politiko. Poseben cilj je podpreti projekte, ki državljanom/organizacijam civilne družbe zagotavljajo učinkovita sredstva za aktivno udeležbo pri oblikovanju in/ali izvajanju in/ali spremljanju kohezijske politike. Prednost bodo imeli predlogi projektov, ki so namenjeni: razvoju novih orodij ali ukrepov za podporo vključevanja državljank in državljanov v kohezijsko politiko in/ali podpori nadgradnje obstoječih orodij ali dejavnosti za širše in intenzivnejše vključevanje državljank in državljanov v kohezijsko politiko. Upravičenci/prijavitelj Neprofitne organizacije (zasebne ali javne) iz držav članic EU Upravičeni stroški Dejavnosti, ki sledijo ukrepom za ustvarjanje novih in/ali izboljšanje obstoječih orodij ali ukrepov v podporo vključevanja državljank in državljanov v kohezijsko politiko. Višina sofinanciranja 85 % dejansko nastalih upravičenih stroškov, ki jih je prijavil upravičenec, najvišji možni znesek nepovratnih sredstev je 25.000 EUR. Link do razpisa opportunities/calls-for-proposal/ Odnosi med delodajalci in delojemalci ter socialni dialog: Razpis EU za podporo socialnemu dialogu v letu 2020 Razpisnik Generalni direktorat za zaposlovanje, socialne zadeve in vključevanje Datum objave 30. 3. 2020 Rok za oddajo 25. 5. 2020 Namen in cilj razpisa (na kratko) Svetovanja, srečanja, pogajanja in druge aktivnosti, ki so izpostavljene za komunikacijo na ravni EU Upravičenci/prijavitel j Organizacija socialnih partnerjev na evropski, nacionalni ali regionalni ravni Upravičeni stroški Stroški povezani z doseganjem glavnih aktivnosti projekta




(7. APRIL 2020)

Novi razpisi so označeni z oranžno barvo!

Razpis Evropske komisije: Podpora vključevanju državljank in državljanov v izvajanje

kohezijske politike

Razpisnik Evropska komisija, Generalni direktorat za regionalno in mestno politiko

Datum objave 30. 3. 2020

Rok za oddajo 31. 5. 2020

Namen in cilj razpisa (na kratko)

Izvajanje inovativnih ukrepov ali orodij, ki jih bo sofinancirala EU, za vključevanje državljank in državljanov v kohezijsko politiko. Poseben cilj je podpreti projekte, ki državljanom/organizacijam civilne družbe zagotavljajo učinkovita sredstva za aktivno udeležbo pri oblikovanju in/ali izvajanju in/ali spremljanju kohezijske politike. Prednost bodo imeli predlogi projektov, ki so namenjeni:

• razvoju novih orodij ali ukrepov za podporo vključevanja državljank in državljanov v kohezijsko politiko in/ali

• podpori nadgradnje obstoječih orodij ali dejavnosti za širše in intenzivnejše vključevanje državljank in državljanov v kohezijsko politiko.

Upravičenci/prijavitelj Neprofitne organizacije (zasebne ali javne) iz držav članic EU

Upravičeni stroški Dejavnosti, ki sledijo ukrepom za ustvarjanje novih in/ali izboljšanje obstoječih orodij ali ukrepov v podporo vključevanja državljank in državljanov v kohezijsko politiko.

Višina sofinanciranja 85 % dejansko nastalih upravičenih stroškov, ki jih je prijavil upravičenec, najvišji možni znesek nepovratnih sredstev je 25.000 EUR.

Link do razpisa

Odnosi med delodajalci in delojemalci ter socialni dialog: Razpis EU za podporo

socialnemu dialogu v letu 2020

Razpisnik Generalni direktorat za zaposlovanje, socialne zadeve in vključevanje

Datum objave 30. 3. 2020

Rok za oddajo 25. 5. 2020

Namen in cilj razpisa (na kratko)

Svetovanja, srečanja, pogajanja in druge aktivnosti, ki so izpostavljene za komunikacijo na ravni EU


Organizacija socialnih partnerjev na evropski, nacionalni ali regionalni ravni

Upravičeni stroški Stroški povezani z doseganjem glavnih aktivnosti projekta


Višina sofinanciranja Do 90 % upravičenih stroškov, projektni predlogi so lahko v vrednosti od 150 000 do 650 000 EUR.

Link do razpisa

COVID-19: Razpis SEP za sofinanciranje projektov na področju zdravstvene oskrbe in

telemedicine, e-izobraževanja ter podpore MSP

Razpisnik CEI Cooperation Fund

Datum objave 30. 3. 2020

Rok za oddajo 9. 4. 2020

Namen in cilj razpisa (na kratko)

Sofinanciranje manjših projektov v državah članicah SEP. Razpis je osredotočen na tri področja: (1) zdravstvena oskrba in telemedicina, (2) e-izobraževanje in učenje na daljavo ter (3) podpora mikro, malim in srednje velikim podjetjem.

Upravičenci/prijavitelj Pravne osebe javnega in zasebnega prava iz držav članic SEP (Albanija, Belorusija, Bosna in Hercegovina, Bolgarija, Hrvaška, Češka, Madžarska, Italija, Moldavija, Črna gora, Severna Makedonija, Poljska, Romunija, Srbija, Slovaška, Slovenija in Ukrajina.

Upravičeni stroški Oprema, software, e-seminarji, informacijski material, prevodi dokumentov, svetovanja.

Višina sofinanciranja Prijavite lahko projekte v vrednosti do 40.000,00 EUR, sofinancira se do 100% upravičenih stroškov.

Link do razpisa

CEF Telecom: e-identifikacija in e-podpis

Razpisnik Evropska komisija, Generalni direktorat za komunikacijska omrežja, vsebine in tehnologijo

Datum objave 30. 3. 2020

Rok za oddajo 20. 5. 2020

Namen in cilj razpisa (na kratko)

Podpora projektom na področju vseevropskih telekomunikacijskih omrežij v okviru instrumenta za povezovanje Evrope za obdobje 2014–2020

Upravičenci/prijavitelj Posamezne pravne osebe / Konzorciji

Upravičeni stroški Neposredni stroški, povezani z akcijami, ki prispevajo k skupnemu interesu, kot je identificirano v »Telecom Guidelines«

Višina sofinanciranja 75 % upravičenih stroškov (lump sum), 7 % »flate rate costs«, 50 % predfinanciranje

Link do razpisa


Poziv NED k predložitvi predlogov projektov za naslednji krog financiranja

Razpisnik National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Datum objave 26. 3. 2020

Rok za oddajo 19. 6. 2020

Namen in cilj razpisa (na kratko)

Podpora projektom s področja spodbujanja, razvoja in utrjevanja demokracije in pravne države ter spoštovanja človekovih pravic, vključno s podporo neodvisnim medijem. Podpirajo predvsem aktivnosti v državah v tranziciji ter v avtoritarnih državah.

Upravičenci/prijavitelj NVO

Upravičeni stroški Plače, stroški najema pisarne, oprema, stroški komunikacije, stroški poti, svetovanja, drugi neposredni stroški, povezani s projektom

Višina sofinanciranja

Link do razpisa

Ustvarjalna Evropa / podprogram MEDIA: Podpora za distribucijo evropskih

nenacionalnih filmov za leto 2020

Razpisnik EACEA - Izvajalska agencija za izobraževanje, avdiovizualno in kulturo

Datum objave 25. 3. 2020

Rok za oddajo 8. 9. 2020 / 22. 10. 2020

Namen in cilj razpisa (na kratko)

Podpora distribuciji nenacionalnih filmov – samodejni sistem distribucijskih in prodajnih zastopnikov – za leto 2020

Upravičenci/prijavitelj Pravne osebe: evropski kinematografski distributerji, evropski prodajni zastopniki

Upravičeni stroški

Višina sofinanciranja 60 % upravičenih stroškov

Link do razpisa;freeTextSearchKeyword=;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,31094503;programCode=CREA;programDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;callCode=EACEA-22-2019;sortQuery=openingDate;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=callTopicSearchTableState


AAL: Javni razpis za sofinanciranje IKT projektov na področju aktivnega staranja

za leto 2020

Izdajatelj Evropska komisija

Datum objave 10. 2. 2020

Rok za oddajo 22. 5. 2020

Namen in cilj razpisa (na kratko) Program AAL je namenjen izboljšanju kakovosti življenja starejših z uporabo novih informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij. S tem namenom so podprte raziskovalne, razvojne in inovacijske dejavnosti.

Upravičenci/prijavitelj Organizacije, ki so eksplicitno opredeljene v nacionalnih kriterijih, ki so objavljeni skupaj z razpisno dokumentacijo.

Upravičeni stroški do 2.500.000 EUR

Višina sofinanciranja 40-90 %

Link do razpisa



Status: aktiven Datum objave: 7.11.2017

Rok prijave: • 09. 06. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time • 27. 10. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time fti-2018- 2020;freeTextSearchKeyword=;typeCodes=0,1;statusCodes=31094502;programCode=H2020;prog ramDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;callCode=Default;sort Query=openingDate;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

FTI supports actions undertaking innovation from the demonstration stage through to market uptake, including activities such as piloting, test-beds, systems validation in real-world working conditions, validation of business models, pre-normative research, and standard-setting.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

100.000.000 EUR for 2020.

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranj:

The maximum EU contribution per action is €3 million (funding rate: 70% for for-profit entities; 100% for not-for-profit entities).

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Legal entities established in the following countries and territories will be eligible to receive funding through Horizon 2020 grants:

• The Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU), including their outermost regions;

• The Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to the Member States: Anguilla, Aruba, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, French Polynesia, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Greenland, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten), New Caledonia and Dependencies, Pitcairn, Saint Barthélemy,


Saint Helena, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,Turks and Caicos Islands, Wallis and Futuna Islands.

• The associated countries (AC): the latest information on which countries are associated, or in the process of association to Horizon 2020 can be found in the online manua.

• The following countries, except where this is explicitly excluded in the call text: Afghanistan, Algeria, American Samoa, Angola, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Democratic People’s Republic), Congo (Republic), Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Djibouti, Democratic People's Republic of Korea ,Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia,

Fiji, Gabon, Gambia,, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Buissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo*, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine**, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

EIC-SME Inst-2018-2020 - SME-2b SME Instrument


Status: aktiven Datum objave: 7.11.2017

Rok prijave: • 19. 05. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time, • 07. 10. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time smeinst-2018- 2020;freeTextSearchKeyword=;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,31094503;progra mCode=H2020;programDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;ca llCode=H2020-EIC-SMEINST-2018- 2020;sortQuery=openingDate;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=callTopicSearchTable State

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

Phase 2 helps you develop your business concept further into a market-ready product, service or process aligned with your company's growth strategy. Activities could, for example, include product/service development, trials, prototyping, validation, demonstration and testing in real- world conditions, and market replication. If the activity concerns a primarily technological innovation, a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 6 or above is required for primarily technological innovation or the equivalent for non-technological innovation. You can subcontract work essential for your innovation project.

Phase 2 offers a grant only support to SMEs in need of one last push before the scaling-up phase; and it will offer blended finance (combining grant and equity)[4] to SMEs looking to further develop their idea.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

600.986.592 EUR

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

Grant only funding is provided (funding rate 70%) of between €0.5 million and €2.5 million


Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Eligibility conditions are set out in the Horizon 2020 Work-Programme 2018-2020 page 44. A proposal will be considered eligible if all three of the following conditions are met: - the applicant is a for-profit SME, including newly created companies and start-ups,

from any sector; - the applicant is established in an EU Member State or a Horizon 2020 associated country;

- the applicant is not found in a situation of concurrent submission/implementation with another SME Instrument proposal/project.

Obzorje 2020: Razpisi za sofinanciranje v okviru delovnega programa »znanost z in za


Izdajatelj: Evropska komisija

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 11.12.2019

Rok prijave: • 15. 4. 2020 search;freeTextSearchKeyword=;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094502;programCode=H2020;progr amDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;callCode=H2020- SWAFS-2018- 2020;sortQuery=openingDate;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=callTopicSearchTable State

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

V okviru prednostne naloge »znanost z in za družbo« programa za raziskave in inovacije Obzorje 2020 so objavljeni razpisi za sofinanciranje projektov za leto 2020.

Delovni program je namenjen krepitvi sodelovanja med znanostjo in družbo ter večji družbeni odgovornosti raziskav in inovacij. Obsega naslednja strateška področja:

- podpora institucionalnim spremembam; - spodbujanje enakosti med spoloma v raziskavah in inovacijah; - vzpostavitev teritorialne dimenzije mreže »Swafs« partnerstev; - povezanost družbe z znanostjo;

- vzpostavitev baze znanja za področje »SwafS«. Objavljenih je štirinajst javnih razpisov:

• Open schooling and collaboration on science education • Research innovation needs & skills training in PhD programmes • Supporting research organisations to implement gender equality plans • Supporting the development of territorial Responsible Research and Innovation • Taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication • Grounding RRI in society with a focus on citizen science • Science education outside the classroom • Gender-based violence including sexual harassment in research organisations

and universities • Innovators of the future: bridging the gender gap • Hands-on citizen science and frugal innovation • The ethics of organoïds • The ethics of technologies with high socio-economic impact • Responsible Open Science: an ethics and integrity perspective • Bottom-up approach to build SwafS knowledge base

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:


Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Do finančnih sredstev v okviru programa Obzorje 2020 so upravičeni: (a) vsak pravni subjekt s sedežem v državi članici ali pridruženi državi ali ustanovljen v skladu s pravom Unije; (b) vsaka mednarodna evropska interesna organizacija; (c) vsak pravni subjekt s sedežem v tretji državi, ki je navedena v delovnem programu. Specifični pogoji sodelovanja za te razpise so opredeljeni v razpisni dokumentaciji.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange

Izdajatelj: Evropska komisija

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 9.12.2019

Rok prijave: • 28. 4. 2020 raziskovalnega-in-inovacijskega-osebja-za-leto-2020

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

Objective: The RISE scheme promotes international and cross-sector collaboration through exchanging research and innovation staff, and sharing knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice- versa). The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship and helps to turn creative ideas into innovative products, services or processes. Scope: RISE involves organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (in particular SMEs), based in Europe (EU Member States and Horizon 2020 Associated Countries) and outside Europe (third countries). Support is provided for the development of partnerships in the form of a joint research and innovation project. This is aimed at knowledge sharing via international as well as intersectoral mobility, based on secondments of research and innovation staff (exchanges) with an in-built return mechanism. The organisations constituting the partnership contribute directly to the implementation of a joint research and innovation project by seconding and/or hosting eligible staff members. Secondments shall always take place between legal entities independent from each other[1]. RISE should exploit complementary competences of the participating organisations, as well as other synergies, and enable networking activities, organisation of workshops and conferences to facilitate sharing of knowledge, new skills acquisition and career development for research and innovation staff members. RISE proposals can focus either on one dimension of mobility (intersectoral / international), or include a combination of both. Exchanges can be for both early-stage and experienced researchers and can also include administrative, managerial and technical staff directly involved in the research and innovation activities of the proposal. Support for the exchanges between institutions within Europe (EU Member States and Horizon 2020 Associated Countries) covers only intersectoral secondments. Exchanges with institutions from and to third countries can be intersectoral as well as within the same sector.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

80.000.000,00 EUR

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Do finančnih sredstev v okviru programa Obzorje 2020 so upravičeni: (a) vsak pravni subjekt s sedežem v državi članici ali pridruženi državi ali ustanovljen v skladu s pravom Unije; (b) vsaka mednarodna evropska interesna organizacija; (c) vsak pravni subjekt s sedežem v tretji državi, ki je navedena v delovnem programu. Specifični pogoji sodelovanja za te razpise so opredeljeni v razpisni dokumentaciji.


ERASMUS + KA3 - European Policy Experimentations in the field of Education and

Training led by high-level public authorities

Izdajatelj: EACEA - Izvajalska agencija za izobraževanje, avdiovizualno in kulturo

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 9.12.2019

Rok prijave: • 21. 4. 2020 education-and-training-led-by-high-level-public-authorities-2020_en

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

Eksperimentiranje na področju evropske politike obsega nadnacionalne projekte sodelovanja, ki jih vodijo javni organi na visoki ravni iz držav, vključenih v program. Vključujejo preverjanje ustreznosti, učinkovitosti, morebitnega vpliva in nadgradljivosti ukrepov politike z vzporednimi terenskimi poskusi v različnih državah, in sicer na podlagi (delno) eksperimentalnih pristopov in običajnih protokolov ocenjevanja. Posebni cilji tega razpisa za zbiranje predlogov so:

• spodbujati nadnacionalno sodelovanje in vzajemno učenje med javnimi organi upravičenih držav na najvišji institucionalni ravni za spodbujanje sistemskih izboljšav in inovacij na področju izobraževanja in usposabljanja,

• izboljšati zbiranje in analiziranje vsebinskih dokazov za zagotovitev uspešnega izvajanja inovativnih ukrepov,

• olajšati prenosljivost in nadgradljivost inovativnih ukrepov.

Prednostne teme tega razpisa za zbiranje predlogov so: SKLOP 1 — Digitalno izobraževanje in kompetence; Poučevanje in učitelji SKLOP 2 — Mehanizmi financiranja za nadgradnjo znanj in prekvalifikacijo, vključno s shemami, podobnimi individualnim izobraževalnim računom; Politika in postopki v podporo potrjevanju neformalnega in priložnostnega učenja, tudi z učinkovitim usmerjanjem.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

Skupni proračun, ki je na voljo za sofinanciranje projektov na podlagi tega razpisa za zbiranje predlogov, znaša 14.000.000 EUR ter je razdeljen na: sklop 1 – 12.000.000 EUR in sklop 2 – 2.000.000 EUR.

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

Najvišji znesek nepovratnih sredstev na projekt bo znašal 2.000.000 EUR. Finančni prispevek EU ne more presegati 75 % skupnih upravičenih stroškov projekta.

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Prijavitelji, ki se lahko prijavijo na ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov, so: • Javni organi (ministrstva ali enakovredno), odgovorni za izobraževanje in

usposabljanje na najvišji ravni v ustreznem okviru (nacionalni ali decentralizirani). Javni organi, pristojni za druga področja in ne za izobraževanje in usposabljanje (na primer zaposlovanje, mladino, finance, socialne zadeve, notranje zadeve, pravosodje, zdravstvo itd.), se štejejo za upravičene, če dokažejo, da imajo posebno pristojnost na področju, na katerem se bo izvajalo eksperimentiranje.

• Javne ali zasebne organizacije, ki so dejavne na področju izobraževanja ali usposabljanja ali na drugih ustreznih področjih.

• Javne ali zasebne organizacije ali ustanove, ki izvajajo medsektorske dejavnosti, povezane z izobraževanjem in usposabljanjem na drugih socialno-ekonomskih področjih (npr. nevladne organizacije, informacijske ali svetovalne službe, javni organi oblasti, javni organi, agencije ali službe, pristojni za: izobraževanje, usposabljanje, mlade, zaposlovanje, socialne zadeve, notranje zadeve, pravosodje, zagotavljanje kakovosti, priznavanje in/ali potrjevanje; poklicno usmerjanje, gospodarske zbornice, poslovni in socialni partnerji, poklicna združenja, organizacije civilne družbe, kulturne ali športne organizacije, subjekti, ki izvajajo ocenjevanje ali raziskovanje, mediji itd.).

Na razpisu lahko sodelujejo samo pravne osebe s sedežem v eni od naslednjih upravičenih držav, vključenih v program: države članice Evropske unije; države Efte/EGP: Islandija, Lihtenštajn, Norveška; države kandidatke za članstvo v EU: Severna Makedonija, Turčija in Srbija.


Za ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov morajo partnerstvo sestavljati najmanj štirje subjekti, ki zastopajo tri različne države, vključene v program. Podrobneje: • najmanj trije javni organi (ministrstva ali enakovredno), vsak iz druge države,

vključene v program, pri čemer mora biti vsaj eden od treh javnih organov iz države članice Evropske unije, in

• najmanj en javni ali zasebni subjekt s strokovnim znanjem iz analize in ocenjevanja učinka politik („raziskovalec“). Takšen subjekt je odgovoren za metodološke vidike in protokole ocenjevanja. V partnerstvo je mogoče vključiti več takšnih subjektov, če delo poteka usklajeno in dosledno.

Predlog projekta lahko v imenu vseh prijaviteljev usklajuje in predloži eden od naslednjih organov:

• javni organ (ministrstvo ali enakovredno), javni ali zasebni subjekt, pooblaščen s strani

javnega organa Glede drugih pogojev glej razpisno dokumentacijo

Europe For Citizens - Civil Society Projects

Izdajatelj: EACEA

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 17.12.2019

Rok prijave: • 01. 09. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time 2020;freeTextSearchKeyword=;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094502,31094503;programCode=EFC;programDivisionCode =null;focusAreaCode=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;callCode=EACEA-52- 2019;sortQuery=openingDate;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=callTopicSearchTableState

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

This measure aims at supporting projects promoted by transnational partnerships and networks directly involving citizens. Those projects gather citizens from different horizons, in activities directly linked to Union policies, with a view to give them an opportunity to actively participate in the Union policy-making process in areas related to the objectives of the Programme. As a reminder, this can be achieved at all stages, and with all institutional interlocutors, and includes notably: agenda-setting activities, advocating during the preparation phase and negotiation of policy proposals, providing feed-back on relevant initiatives that are implemented. To that end, those projects will invite citizens to act together or debate on the multiannual priority themes of the Programme at local and European level. The project should consist in stimulating and organising reflection, debates or other activities related to the multiannual priority themes of the Programme and propose practical solutions that can be found through cooperation or coordination at European level, and ensure a concrete link with the policy making process indicated above. Projects should actively involve a large number of citizens in the implementation and aim at setting the basis for, or encouraging the development of, long-lasting networking between many organisations active in the field. This measure supports projects implemented by transnational partnerships promoting opportunities for solidarity, societal engagement and volunteering at Union level. A Civil Society Project must include at least two of the following types of activities:

• Promotion of societal engagement and solidarity: activities promoting debate/campaigns/actions on themes of common interest in the framework of the rights and responsibilities of the Union citizens and making the link to the European political agenda and policy making process.

• Gathering of opinions: activities aiming at gathering the individual opinions of the citizens favouring a bottom up approach (including the use of social networks, webinars, etc.) and media literacy.


• Volunteering: activities promoting solidarity among Union citizens and beyond.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

3.941.274 EUR

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Applicants must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality (Please refer to specific eligibility criterion of each strand/measure). Natural persons are NOT eligible under this programme.

The applying organisation must be recognised as a "legal person" under its national law and thus provided with its independent legal personality, with the capacity to sign contracts and assume its own responsibility. In addition, the entity in question should be entitled to defend itself, in its own name, in litigation procedures and without the intervention of any parent organisation. Eligible countries:

Applicants must be established in the following eligible countries

• the Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,

Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. • Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro,

Serbia and Kosovo (This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence).

Europe For Citizens - Network of Towns

Izdajatelj: EACEA

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 17.12.2019

Rok prijave: • 01. 09. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time 2020;freeTextSearchKeyword=;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094502,31094503;programCode=EFC;programDivisionCode =null;focusAreaCode=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;callCode=EACEA-52- 2019;sortQuery=openingDate;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=callTopicSearchTableState


Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

Municipalities and associations working together on a common theme in a long-term perspective may wish to develop networks of towns to make their cooperation more sustainable. Networking between municipalities on issues of common interest appears to be an important means for enabling the exchange of good practices. Twinning is a strong link that binds municipalities; therefore, the potential of the networks created by a series of town twinning links should be used for developing thematic and long-lasting cooperation between towns. The European Commission supports the development of such networks, which are important for ensuring structured, intense and multifaceted cooperation, therefore contributing to maximising the impact of the Programme. Networks of Towns are expected to: • Integrate a range of activities around the subject(s) of common interest to be

addressed in the context of the Programme’s objectives or multiannual priorities; • Have defined target groups for which the selected themes are particularly relevant

and involve community members active in the subject area (i.e. experts, local associations, citizens and citizens’ groups directly affected by the theme, etc.);

• Mobilise citizens across the Europe: a project should involve a minimum of 30% of invited participants. "Invited participants" are international participants sent by the eligible partners. At least 30% of the projects' participants travel from eligible Programme countries to the country/ies hosting Networks of Towns events. It is possible to have participants to events from countries other than those where project partners are established, provided that they come from eligible countries within the framework of the Europe for Citizens Programme.

• Serve as a basis for future initiatives and actions between the towns involved, on the issues addressed or possibly on further issues of common interest.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

5.127.228 EUR

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Applicants must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality (Please refer to specific eligibility criterion of each strand/measure). Natural persons are NOT eligible under this programme. The applying organisation must be recognised as a "legal person" under its national law and thus provided with its independent legal personality, with the capacity to sign contracts and assume its own responsibility. In addition, the entity in question should be entitled to defend itself, in its own name, in litigation procedures and without the intervention of any parent organisation.

Applicants must be established in the following eligible countries • the Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,

Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

• Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence).


Europe For Citizens - Town Twinning

Izdajatelj: EACEA

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 17.12.2019

Rok prijave: • 01. 09. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time tt- 2020;freeTextSearchKeyword=;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094502;programCode=EFC;program DivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;callCode=EACEA-52- 2019;sortQuery=openingDate;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=callTopicSearchTable State

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

This measure aims at supporting projects bringing together a wide range of partner towns in a town twinning event around topics in line with the objectives of the Programme and taking into consideration the multi-annual priorities. Town twinning projects must organise project activities within 21 days (maximum duration of the project).

By mobilising citizens at local and Union levels to debate on concrete issues from the European political agenda, this measure will seek to promote civic participation in the Union policy making process and develop opportunities for societal engagement and volunteering at Union level.

Twinning must be understood in largo sensu, thus referring to the municipalities which signed or are engaged to sign twinning agreements as well as to the municipalities having other forms of partnerships fostering their cooperation and cultural links.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

4.750.160 EUR

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Applicants must be either public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality (Please refer to specific eligibility criterion of each strand/measure). Natural persons are NOT eligible under this programme.

The applying organisation must be recognised as a "legal person" under its national law and thus provided with its independent legal personality, with the capacity to sign contracts and assume its own responsibility. In addition, the entity in question should be entitled to defend itself, in its own name, in litigation procedures and without the intervention of any parent organisation. Applicants must be established in the following eligible countries • the Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,

Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

• Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence).


Razpis za zbiranje predlogov 2020 – EAC/A02/2019 Program Erasmus+

Izdajatelj: Evropska komisija, Generalni direktorat za izobraževanje, mladino, šport in kulturo

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 6.11.2019

Rok prijave: • pri posameznih ukrepih

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

Ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov se nanaša na naslednje ukrepe programa Erasmus+: • Ključni ukrep 1 (KU1)

o mobilnost posameznikov na področju izobraževanja; rok: 1. oktober 2020 ob 12.00

o mobilnost posameznikov in mladine; rok:, 7. maj 2020 ob 12.00 • Ključni ukrep 2 (KU2)

o sodelovanje za inovacije in izmenjavo dobrih praks o strateška partnerstva na področju izobraževanja, usposabljanja; rok: 23. april

2020 ob 12.00 o strateška partnerstva na področju mladine; rok: 7. maj 2020 ob 12.00, 1.

oktober 2020 ob 12.00 • Ključni ukrep 3 (KU3)

o podpora za reformo politik o projekti dialoga z mladimi; rok: 7. maj 2020 ob 12.00, 1. oktober 2020 ob

12.00 • Šport; rok: 21. april 2020 ob 17.00

o partnerska sodelovanja o mala partnerska sodelovanja o neprofitne evropske športne prireditve

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

Skupni proračun za ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov je ocenjen na 3.207,4 milijona EUR, in sicer: izobraževanje in usposabljanje: EUR 2.943,3 milijona, mladina: EUR 191,9 milijona Jean Monnet: EUR 14,6 milijona šport: EUR 57,6 milijona.

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Za financiranje v okviru programa Erasmus+ se lahko prijavi kateri koli javni ali zasebni subjekt, ki je dejaven na področju izobraževanja, usposabljanja, mladine in športa. Poleg tega lahko skupine mladih, ki so dejavni v mladinskem delu, ne pa nujno v okviru mladinske organizacije, zaprosijo za financiranje za učno mobilnost mladih in mladinskih delavcev ter za strateška partnerstva na področju mladine. Naslednje države programa lahko v celoti sodelujejo v vseh ukrepih programa Erasmus+ (2): — države članice Evropske unije, — države Efte/EGP: Islandija, Lihtenštajn in Norveška, — države kandidatke za članstvo v EU: Turčija, Severna Makedonija in Srbij


Razpis za zbiranje predlogov 2020 – EAC/A03/2019 Evropska solidarnostna enota

Izdajatelj: EACEA - Izvajalska agencija za izobraževanje, avdiovizualno in kulturo

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 11.11.2019

Rok prijave: • pri posameznih ukrepih

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

Ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov zajema naslednje ukrepe evropske solidarnostne enote:

• prostovoljske projekte; roki za oddajo: 5. februar 2020 30. april 2020 1. oktober 2020

• prostovoljska partnerstva (posebni sporazumi za leto 2020 na podlagi okvirnega sporazuma o partnerstvu 2018–2020), rok za oddajo: 30. april 2020

• prostovoljske skupine na prednostnih področjih; rok za oddajo: 17. september 2020 • pripravništva in zaposlitve; roki za oddajo: 5. februar 2020 30. april 2020 1. oktober

2020 • solidarnostne projekte; roki za oddajo: 5. februar 2020 30. april 2020 1. oktober

2020 • znak kakovosti.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

Skupni proračun, namenjen za ta razpis za zbiranje predlogov, je ocenjen na 117.650.000 EUR in temelji na letnem programu dela evropske solidarnostne enote za leto 2020.

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Za financiranje v okviru evropske solidarnostne enote se lahko prijavi kateri koli javni ali zasebni subjekt. Poleg tega se za financiranje za solidarnostne projekte lahko prijavijo skupine mladih, ki so registrirani na portalu evropske solidarnostne enote. V evropski solidarnostni enoti lahko sodelujejo naslednje države: 28 držav članic Evropske unije lahko v celoti sodeluje v vseh ukrepih evropske solidarnostne enote. V določenih ukrepih evropske solidarnostne enote pa lahko sodelujejo tudi organizacije iz: — držav Efte/EGP: Islandije, Lihtenštajna in Norveške, — držav kandidatk za vstop v EU: Turčije, Srbije in Republike Severne Makedonije, — partnerskih držav.

FET Proactive – High Performance Computing

Izdajatelj: European Commission

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 19.11.2019

Rok prijave: • 22. 04. 2020, 17:00:00 Brussels time details/fethpc-04- 2020;freeTextSearchKeyword=;typeCodes=0,1;statusCodes=31094502;programCode=null;progra mDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;callCode=Default;sortQ uery=openingDate;orderBy=desc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState


Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

The aim is to develop a strategic partnership in HPC with Latin America enabling closer research cooperation in HPC. Scope:

• Develop a roadmap for increased future research cooperation in HPC • Identify key HPC application areas and hardware/system requirements per Latin-

American country • Identify relevant national, regional and international funding schemes of HPC in

Latin America • Organise meetings, thematic workshops and summer schools in areas of common

interest • Promote the exchange of best practices between the European and Latin-American

HPC research communities • Improve links between the European and Latin-American HPC research communities

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 0.50 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. Expected Impact: • Development of a realistic HPC research cooperation roadmap with clearly identified

application areas, hardware/system requirements and funding schemes • Improved international cooperation of EU and Latin American research and industrial

communities on advanced HPC application development. • Improved sharing of information and expertise to solve common societal problems

with the use of advanced computing.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

500.000 EUR

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Legal entities established in the following countries and territories will be eligible to receive funding through Horizon 2020 grants: • The Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU), including their outermost

regions; • The Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to the Member States:

Anguilla, Aruba, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, French Polynesia, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Greenland, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten), New Caledonia and Dependencies, Pitcairn, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Helena, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,Turks and Caicos Islands, Wallis and Futuna Islands. • The associated countries (AC): the latest information on which countries are

associated, or in the process of association to Horizon 2020 can be found in the online manual2.

• The following countries, except where this is explicitly excluded in the call text3: Afghanistan, Algeria, American Samoa, Angola, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus,

Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Democratic People’s Republic), Congo (Republic), Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Djibouti, Democratic People's Republic of Korea ,Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia,, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Buissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo*, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine**, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic,


Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Call for proposals for action grants to support national or transnational e-justice


Izdajatelj: European Commission

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 15.1.2020 Rok prijave: 07. 05. 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time

Vir objave: ag- 2020;freeTextSearchKeyword=;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094501,31094502;programCode=JUST;program DivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;callCode=Default;sortQuery=opening Date;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

The key priorities for 2020 under this call are to:

1. Contribute to achieving the goals of the European e-Justice Strategy and Action Plan

2019-2023 by supporting the implementation of e-Justice projects at the European and

national level, as far as they have a European dimension.

Proposals aiming to develop projects on the main list of the Council e-Justice Action Plan

will have priority over other projects indicated in the Action Plan.

2. Support projects aiming at joining or enhancing existing or on-going e-Justice projects,

in particular: • Interconnection of national insolvency registers, in the context of Regulation (EU) 2015/848;

• Integration of electronic multilingual standard forms into national e-government

systems, in the context of Regulation (EU) 2016/1191. In this context, national

implementations must use and comply with the common XML schemas (XSDs) developed

by the Commission;

• The following e-CODEX use cases: European Small Claims Procedure, European Order for

Payment and iSupport;

• The e-Evidence Digital Exchange System, set up following the Council conclusions on

improving criminal justice in cyberspace from 9 June 2016; •Find a Lawyer (FAL);

•Find a Notary (FAN);

•Find a Bailiff (FAB);

• Implementation of the European Case Law Identifier (ECLI) in case law repositories and

interconnection with the e-Justice Portal;

•Land Registers Interconnection (LRI);

• European Court Database. 3. Support the development of concrete use cases based on artificial intelligence and blockchain technology in the justice area.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

The indicative maximum amount earmarked for the co-financing of projects under this call for proposals is estimated at 2.800.000 EUR.

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

The EU grant requested cannot be lower than 75.000 EUR. There is no maximum limit.

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Eligibility of the lead applicant (coordinator) and co-applicant(s) (partner(s)) • The applicant and the partners must be public bodies or private organisations, duly established in one of the countries participating in the programme, or international organisations.


• Organisations that are profit-oriented may only submit applications in partnership with public bodies or private non-profit organisations.

Under the Justice programme, entities affiliated to a beneficiary are not considered as project participants, unless they are included as partners in the proposal.

Razpis za pridobite akreditacije – EACEA/03/2020 Listina Erasmus za terciarno izobraževanje 2021-2027

Izdajatelj: AAL Association

Status: aktiven Datum objave: Rok prijave: 21. 04. 2020

Vir objave:

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

Listina Erasmus za terciarno izobraževanje (ECHE) določa splošni okvir kakovosti za

evropsko in mednarodno sodelovanje visokošolske ustanove, ki sodeluje pri

programu. Pridobitev listine Erasmus za terciarno izobraževanje je nujen pogoj za

vse visokošolske ustanove iz držav, ki so omenjene v nadaljevanju ter se želijo

prijaviti in sodelovati pri učni mobilnosti ter pri partnerstvih z organizacijami in

ustanovami in/ali želijo podpirati projekte razvoja politike v okviru programa 2021–

2027. Visokošolskim ustanovam iz tretjih držav, ki se niso pridružile programu, ni

treba pridobiti listine ECHE, saj se okvir kakovosti vzpostavi s sporazumi med

visokošolskimi ustanovami.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Visokošolske ustanove, ustanovljene v eni od držav, navedenih v nadaljevanju, lahko zaprosijo za pridobitev listine Erasmus za terciarno izobraževanje: — države članice Evropske unije, — tretje države, pridružene programu, pod pogoji, določenimi v pravni podlagi. Prijavitelji so upravičeni, če jih nacionalni organi države prijavitelja priznavajo za visokošolsko ustanovo.


Healthy Ageing with the Support of Digital Solutions

Izdajatelj: Evropska Komisija

Status: aktiven Datum objave: 14.2.2020 Rok prijave: 22/05/2020 at 17:00 hours Central European Time (CET)

Vir objave:

Kratek opis predmeta razpisa:

The aim of the Call is to support innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary

collaborative projects. Call 2020 is characterised by the following approach: 1.The AAL Call 2020 is open to developing ICT-based solutions targeting any

application area(s) within the AAL domain. The solutions need to be embedded in the

strategies of the participating end-user organisations, service providers and business

partners. 2.The AAL Call 2020 allows for more flexibility regarding the scope, size and duration

of the proposed projects (including small collaborative projects).

The AAL domains include solutions for Active Living, such as in work & training, for

vitality & abilities, in leisure & culture, for information & communication, as well as

for Assisted Living, such as in health & care, living & building, mobility & transport,

safety & security. Regarding the two types of projects to be funded under this call:


“Collaborative projects” (carried out by consortia composed of at least 3

organizations from 3 different countries including an end user organization and a business partner) will

remain the main funding tool for this call.


“Small collaborative projects” have a duration of 6 to 9 months, the same central

eligibility criteria as the Collaborative projects, a maximum co-funding budget of

€300.000 and leaner application and reporting procedures. Discover more what the two types of projects will fund by

reading the Call text.

Višina razpoložljivih sredstev:

24.136.400 EUR

Maksimalna višina sofinanciranja:

REGULAR COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS - This type of projects has a duration of 12 to 30 months with a maximum funding of 2.500.000 EUR. SMALL COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS - Maximum co-funding budget 300.000 EUR

Ciljne skupine oz. potencialni upravičenci:

Primary end-users: Older adults who are actually using AAL products and services. This group directly benefits from AAL solutions through an increased quality of life and autonomy. Primary end user organisations are organisations that represent older adults (e.g. senior organisations/cooperatives etc.). Secondary end-users: Persons or organisations directly in contact with primary end-users, such as formal and informal caregivers, family members, friends, neighbours, care organisations and their representatives. This group benefits from AAL directly when using AAL products and services (at a primary end-user’s home or remotely) and indirectly when the care needs of primary end-users are reduced. Tertiary end-users: Institutions and private or public organisations that are not


directly in contact with AAL products and services, but who somehow contribute in organising, paying or enabling them. This group includes the public sector and local government organisations, social security systems, insurance companies, housing corporations etc. Common to these organisations is that benefits from AAL come from increased efficiency and effectiveness which result in cost savings or by not having to increase expenses in the medium and long term. List of applicants: see the