[Revolucioni nacionalist i popullit ukrainas The ...derr komunist qe nuk ishte i ri ne skenen e...

1 [Revolucioni nacionalist i popullit ukrainas – The nationalist revolution of the Ukrainian people] English version | page 9

Transcript of [Revolucioni nacionalist i popullit ukrainas The ...derr komunist qe nuk ishte i ri ne skenen e...

Page 1: [Revolucioni nacionalist i popullit ukrainas The ...derr komunist qe nuk ishte i ri ne skenen e politikes ukrainase. Yanukovysh anonte dukshem nga rusia po megjithate ne fillimet e


[Revolucioni nacionalist i popullit ukrainas –

The nationalist revolution of the Ukrainian people]

ssssssss English version | page 9


Page 2: [Revolucioni nacionalist i popullit ukrainas The ...derr komunist qe nuk ishte i ri ne skenen e politikes ukrainase. Yanukovysh anonte dukshem nga rusia po megjithate ne fillimet e



Si fillim duam te bejm me dije qe ky revolucion qe po e ndajme me ju ka vlera te

jashtezakonshme njerzore dhe shpirterore. Padyshim kto ideale nuk jan per shqiptarin

mesatar , i cili eshte servil partie , materialist , komunist, individualist apo ateist e

''modern''! Kto vlera qe paraqiten ne kte akt historik patriotizmi duhen te kuptohen ne

menyren e duhur, dhe po ashtu te vihen ne zbatim nga njerzit e duhur dhe ne kohen e

duhur, ne te miren e atdheut dhe popullit sa her qe nevoja therret per liri dhe pavarsi.

istoria e Ukraines eshte mjaft e koklavitur, po ashtu dhe

interferenca e shtetit komunist rus qe ka tentuar ta manipuloje

ne rrjedhen e saj ka qen nje problem mjaft i madh per ukranien

dhe popullin ukrainas. Mes ktyre shteteve ka patur historikisht probleme

te cilat e kan gjymtuar ukrainen, por jo shpirtin e rezistences qe ka ky

popull , padyshim ne shqiptaret jemi mjaft te ngjashem me ta pasi kemi

qene te shtypur nga fqinjet filorus apo otomanet injorant islamik.Kjo

eshte historia e nje populli qe luftoi per te ardhmen e vendit te tij dhe

familjen e madhe europiane .

Historia e ktij revolucioni fillon me zgjedhjen president te Viktor

Yanukovych me 17 janar 2010. Ky i fundit nje politikan filorus dhe nje

derr komunist qe nuk ishte i ri ne skenen e politikes ukrainase.

Yanukovysh anonte dukshem nga rusia po megjithate ne fillimet e tij ai

perdori si fasade endrren e madhe ukrainase per aneksim nga Europa

dhe diferencim nga Ruset.Loja e piste nga ky tradhtar u be e dukshme


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shume shpejt pas relatave lepirse me rusin dhe injorimit qe i bente


Pasi populli pa gjendjen filloi reagimet e para kundrjet ktij maskarai

dhe ne 21 nentor 2013 u be thirrje nga studentet per te protestuar ne

sheshin Maidan ne Kiev , te cilet ate dite marrshuan me thirrjet ''Ukraina


KAUZES.Ky ishte fillimi i dickaje historike dhe me vlera mjaft te

medha.Nga ketu nisi rrugetimi i protestave dhe revolucionit qe do vinte

me pas. Qeveria i injoroj keqasi kto zera qe kerkonin marrveshje me BE-

n per integrim dhe levizje te lire pa uzurpimin rus.Studentet e shumte

paqsore qe protestonin rrethohen nga polcia speciale BERKUT (e cila

ishte policia e liderit Yanukovych , totalisht proruse dhe antikombetare)

dhe u sulmuan pa shkak deri ne gjakosje. Studentet packa sulmit

vazhduan protesten duke kenduar himnin e republikes.

Te nesermen populli indinjohet per femijet e tyre dhe cohet i gjithi ne

protesta , kte here synimi nuk ishte vetem BE por clirimi nga influenca

ruse ,mirqenia , kauza kombetare etj. Gjate solidarizimit popullor perseri

dalin ne sken BERKUT-et e armatosur gjer me dhemb duke provokuar

turmen e cila nuk ngurroi te nxirrte inatin e fmijve te tyre qe u sulmuan

nje nate me pare. Turma popullore sebashku me grupe nacionaliste sulmoi

me cka kishte mundesi zagaret proruse me uniforme deri sa perdoren

dhe eskavator per te fituar betejen urbane. Dinakeria e BERKUT-eve

tregohet nga ndryshimi i rruges qe ata moren per te sulmuar popullin e

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thjeshte me gra dhe femij qe protestonin ne rrugicen tjeter aty prane


Shpejt erdhi dhe data 2 dhjetor e cila do te mbahet mend si dita ku

filluan te ngriheshin kampe e barrikada nga ana e protestuasve

nacionalist te Maidanit , tashme i gjith populli ishte ne shesh.Njerzit u

mobilizuan duke ngritur cadra ku sherbehej ushqim dhe mjekim per

protestuesit te cilet perlesheshin kunder tiranise pa pushim per dite me


Data 8 dhjetor, protestuesit hedhin statujen e liderit komunist rus

Vladimir Lenin.Kta te fundit u siguruan ta coptonin mir kte morr te kuq

, i cili ishte vendosur ne mes te Kievit nga lideret tradhtare filorus qe

sundonin vendin.

Me 10 dhjetor Yanukovych takohet me palen amerikane, ku ben nje

shfaqje fasade dialogu e cila rezultoi nje farse e madhe. Gjate kohes qe

dialogonin Yanukovych dha dhe urdher per sulme te tjera me te renda

drejt protestuesve. Protestat nuk ndalen , protestuesit perleshen me

akoma me shum forca policore te cilet kishin akoma me shum popull

perball te cilet luftonin plot zjarr duke kenduar himnnin kombetar.

Maidani i kishte dhen nje shembull te mire rinise e cila u organizua si

kurr me pare si nje trup i vetem per ti dal zot kombit .

Dite me vone barrikadat u forcuan dhe me thas te cila u mbushen me

bore dhe u krijuan struktura me drrasa dhe hekura disa metra te larta,

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te cilat ndane kampet misdis 2 palve , tradhetareve dhe nacionalisteve.

Gra e femije kontribuan per baballaret dhe vllezerit e tyre qe luftonin

per dit me rradhe.Protestata u zgjeruan ne te gjithe vendin me bllokim

rrugesh dhe deri ne bojkot te sistemit, i cili ishte ne sherbim te rusise.

Data 31 dhjetor ne diten e 41 te protestave solli nje unitet dhe paqe

mes popullit ne shesh, te cilet sebashku festonin festen e viit te ri me

thirrje nacionaliste.

Dite me vone parlamenti dhe politikanet prorus ben nje votim alla

stalinisto-leninist, duke ngrituar duart lart ne kaosin e sherreve qe

zhvilloheshin ne parlament mes tradhtarve qeveritare te cilet coptonin

kombin , dhe vendosen qe tu hiqnin te drejtat protestuesve si dhe ti

shpallnin kriminel e terroriste te gjith ata qe i kundershtonin kto derra

te politikes. Opozita qe synonte te kapte revolten ne shesh heshti dhe u

zhduk pa gjurme, per te justifikuar marrvjeshjet qe bente me sistemin .

Por populli e kishte injoruar opoziten qe prej fillimit dhe kishte mbushur

sheshet vetem per nje ideal: CESHTJEN KOMBETARE !

Pas ktyre ligjeve qe u miratuan nga llumi i kombit populli nuk mbajti

me dhe vendosi te bllokonte pralamentin, por BERKUT-et ishin aty ne

gadishmeri per lufte akoma dhe me te eger pasi urdherat i merrnin ne

Moske. Protestuesit nuk u ndalen dhe vazhduan luften perpara duke

gjuajtur me molotov dhe djegur goma me thirrjet ''politikan fajtore

largohuni''. Ne kete pike , revolucionit i ishin bashkuar dhe ish-ushtar

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dhe luftetar dhe veterane te cilet prinin betejen. Ketu u regjistruan dhe

luftimet apokaliptike me molotov, fishekzjarre ,gure etj. te cilat dogjen

te gjith qytetin. Pati mjaft te plagosur dhe te demtuar rende , shum me

shum se ne cdo perballje qe kishin ndodhur me pare.Pra me 18 shkurt

2014 nisen perleshjet e famshme te revoltes ukrainase, sic njihet ndryshe

dhe si lufta e ''Euromaidan''.Kievi u be shkrumb e hi sa qe dukej sikur

ishte bombarduar nga avion luftarak dhe nuk ngjante aspak me nje lufte


Lufta nuk ndalej dite dhe nate , por pas perplasjeve te ashpra me sa

duket moskoviteve i erdhi ne maje te hundes dhe i urdheruan zagaret e

tyre BERKUT , per perdorimin e plumbave kundrejt popullit.Ktu filloj dhe

masakra me e madhe ku ne kte lufte nuk u kursyen as mjeket e kryqit

te kuq apo te plagosurit qe qelloheshin per her te disate per ta

konfirmuar vrasjen e sigurt. Arriten deri aty sa qe hapen zjarr dhe ne

tendat ku strehoheshin police koleg e protestues te plagosur qe dergjeshin

ne vdekje.Populli vazhdonte te ishte i gatshem per luft deri ne vdekje.

Policia ne ditet ne vijim vazhdonte me arrestime ne pabesi te kokave

te protestes apo figurave te artit e kultures te cilet me kte strategji ata

synonin shuarjen e revoltes. Nderkohe qeveria ne pushtet kishte humbur

cdo lloj lufte morale me popullin.

Populli vendos disa pika si kerkese per sistemin te cilat perfshinin liri

per protestuesit apo zgjedhje te reja pa lideret tradhetar.Kte gje e ben

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duke marshuar paqesisht, por as kte here nuk u lan rehat nga policia

duke u sulmuar me gaz lotsjelles dhe mjete te forta. Nuk mbaroi me kaq

, ne tarracat e pallateve dolen qitesit BERKUT te urdheruar per masaker

, pikerishte ne protesten paqsore. Ngjarja kaloi ne sheshin e pavarsise ,

aty ku vriten akoma me shume njerez te cilet mbroheshin me mburoja

druri apo cka gjenin prane nen furine e bresherise se plumbave qe dukej

se nuk do mbaronte kurre. Qershia mbi torte vjen kur BERKUT-et

sulmojne me molotov turmat e njerzve ne sheshin e lirise. Ajo cka beri

pershtypje ishte qe njerzit perseri qendronin te bashkuar dhe askush nuk

dezertoi por i rezistuan dhe ksaj masakre vetem per idealin e atdheut.

Pak dite me vone policia vjen papritur dhe hap zjarr perseri mbi turmen

e cila kishte humbur cdo shprese se do kishte ndryshim ,por rezistenca

e tyre ishte bere menyr jetese ne kto dit terri.Thirrjet ''jemi popull

europian'' , apo ''do vdesim per komb e liri'' nuk ndaluan kurre !

Megjithate policia e pashpirt hapi zjarr edhe mbi rinin ku vdiqen akoma

dhe me shum protestues nga te cilet shume ishin nen moshen 18 vjec,

te gjith heronj te nje bote qe nuk e shijuan dot kurre ...

Ne ditet ne vijim pati ceremoni mortore per te gjith heronjte te cilet

rane per liri dhe nuk ngurruan te luftonin , qofte dhe nen moshe.Ata u

larguan pergjithmone me thirrjet ''Lavdi kombit''. U percollen ne banesen

e fundit qindra qytetare mes loteve nga i gjith populli ukrainas ,

nderkohe perendimi kapitalisto-materialist heshte per kte ngjarje dhe i

ferkonte shpatullat moskoviteve.

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Pas ktyre episodeve populli i ve ultimatum 24 or zagarit Yanukovych

per largim nga detyra dhe me date 22 shkurt 2014 ky i fundit kapet

nga nje kamera amatore te hypi ne nje helikopter dhe te niset per Rusi,

i cili strehohet nga Putin.

Ne 25 maj vijn dhe zgjedhjet e reja pasi tradhtari u largua me bisht

nder shale. Kto zgjedhje pa dyshim nuk rezultuan si zgjidhje

perfundimtare per ceshtjen kombetare por si normalizim dhe qetsim te

situates qe gjendej ukraina prej muajsh tashme.Qeveria e re nenshkroi

marveshjen me BE-n dhe gjithcka shkoi drejt nje normalizimi provizor.

Ajo cka ngeli ne mendjen dhe zemrat e njerzve ishte bashkimi i popullit

per liri , per pavarsi , per tradite , per kombesi dhe per tu bere pjese

e familjes europiane ku kjo enderr i mbahej peng nga filoruset komuniste.

Gjate ktij revolucioni ngelen te vdekur mbi 120 vete dhe mbi 50 te

humbur, plus 2000 njerez te lenduar nga perleshjet e shumta qe vazhduan

gjate.Forcat gjakatare te BERKUT-it u debuan perjet nga Ukraina .

Ne 2015 Rusia dergoi forca ushtarake per te ndihmuar forcat separatiste

ne kufirin me Ukrainen ku pati dhe perplasje gjakatare mes palve. Deri

ne pranveren e 2015 ne kte lufte te re pati me shum se 6000 viktima

te tjera nga pala ukrainase...

Lavdia e heronjve ukrainas do te kujtohet perjet nga ata te cilet kan

shpirtin e duhur per ta kuptuar kte sakrifice kombetare e nacionaliste.

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-PREFACE- We would like to make the reader aware that this revolution has both human and spiritual

value. Of course spiritual values mean nothing to the average Albanian, who is a sycophant,

or a materialist, or a communist, or an individualist, or an atheist and fancies himself

"modern"! The values displayed in this heroic act of patriotism should be understood in

the correct way, and should maybe even be put into practice from the right people in the

right time, for the good of the fatherland and of the people in times when freedom and

independence are urgently needed.

he history of Ukraine is quite convoluted, of course, the

intervening of the communist Russian government who has tried

to influence it has been a big problem for the Ukrainian people.

These two nations have had issues who have crippled Ukraine, but not

its spirit of resistance; we Albanians are similar to them since we too

have been oppressed by the our Russophile neighbors and the ignorant

Islamic Ottomans. This is the story of a people that fought for the future

of its country and the European family.

The story of this revolution started with the election of president Viktor

Yanukovych on January 17th 2010. He was a pro-Russian and a

communist pig, who was not new to Ukrainian politics. Yanukovych was


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always on the Russian side of things, although at first he falsely claimed

he intended to distance Ukraine from Russia and create closer ties to

Europe. The foul play of this traitor became obvious when he sucked up

to Russia and ignored Europe.

Afterwards, the people noticed what was happening and started reacting

against this scum and on the 21st of November 2013, the students

protested in Maiden Square in Kiev, with the motto "Ukraine is Europe",


PARTIES. This was the beginning of something historical and of great

value. From here started the path towards the revolution that came later.

The government ignored the voiced that requested the ones who wanted

relations with the EU without Russian usurpation. The students, who at

first protested peacefully were surrounded by the special police unit

BERKUT (a completely anti-nationalist and pro-Russian unit) who

attacked them without any provocation, causing many wounded. The

students did not stop due to the attacks, and continued the protests and

sang the hymn of the Republic.

The next day, the students were joined by their families, and this time

the goal was not only the EU, but freedom from Russian influence, the

wellbeing of the people and the national cause. During the protests, the

BERKUT come into play again, armed to the teeth, and provoked the

crowd, who did not hesitate to try and take revenge for what had been

done to their children the night previous. The crowd is joined by

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nationalist groups who also attacked the uniformed pro-Russian dogs,

and they even used excavator machines to win that urban battle. The

cunning of BERKUT was shown in the way they changed their positions

and outflanked the crowd from the side where there were mostly women

and children, and no nationalist groups.

The 2nd of December came quickly, who will be remembered as the day

where camps and barricades were erected by the Maidan protesters.

The people erected tents where food, water and medicine was given to

the protesters, who fought against tyranny day and night.

On December 8th, the protesters brought down the statue of the

communist leader Vladimir Lenin. They made sure to destroy the statue

of this red flea who had been put in the middle of Kiev by traitorous

pro-Russian politicians.

On December 10th, Yanukovych meets with the Americans, and claimed

he intended to promote dialogue between the conflicting sides, and that

turned out to be a lie. During the meeting, he ordered other, heavier

attacks on the protesters. The protests did not stop, but fought even

harder against greater numbers of policemen all while singing the

national hymn. Maidan became a rallying point for a youth who

organized themselves as they never had before, as one single body in

order to better their country.

Days later, the barricades were reinforced with snow-filled sacks, as

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well as with makeshift barriers of wood and steel several meters long,

and they divided the camps between two sides, that of the traitors and

that of the nationalists. Women and children helped their fathers,

husbands and brothers who fought day after day. The protests extended

to the entire country, where roads were blocked, and the system was

boycotted, the system who was in service to Russia.

On December 31st, on the 41st day of the protest, it was a ceasefire

and the people openly came out to celebrate the New Year.

Several days later, the parliament and the pro-Russian politicians held

a stalinist-leninist style vote, by raising their hands in the chaos of the

fights who broke out in the parliament between the traitors of the

government, who decided to remove the basic rights of the protesters

and declare them terrorists and criminals because they were against the

politician pigs. The opposition who tried to use the cause for its own

interests remained silent and disappeared, while making deals with the

government in secret. But the people did not care about the opposition

for they had only one cause: the NATIONAL CAUSE.

After these laws who were approved by the scum of the nation, the

people did not care anymore and besieged the parliament, but BERKUT

was there, ready for war and orders from Moscow had allowed them to

commit more savagery. The protesters were not intimidated and

continued the fight, using molotov cocktails and burning tires to fight

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while chanting "Guilty politicians, go away!". The revolution was joined

by former soldiers and veterans, who started to lead the battle. Here

the apocalyptic fights with molotov, fireworks, stones occurred, who set

the whole city on fire. Many were wounded, far more than in previous

fights. On 18th of February 2014, the proper revolt started, what became

known as "Euromaidan". Kiev was set on fire in such a way that it

looked like it had been carpet bombed. This was no common earthly


The war did not stop during the night either, and after many clashes,

the Muscovites were tired of their rebellious slaves and ordered the

dogs of BERKUT to use bullets against the people. The biggest massacre

in the war occurred at this point, where neither wounded nor the doctors

from the Red Cross were spared. Many were shot while lying down, to

make sure they would not live. The cops even opened fire on the

colleagues who had joined the people in protests. The people was ready

to fight to the death.

In the following days, many leaders of the protest, some people of which

were people of art and culture and well known in Ukraine were arrested

so that the revolt would stop. But the government had lost any sort of

moral high ground.

The people decide upon a few requests from the system, which included

freeing the arrested or new elections without the traitorous leaders. This

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was done through peaceful marching, but not even this time were they

left alone, for the police attacked them with tear gas. It did not finish

there, for snipers from BERKUT had taken up the roofs and were ordered

to commit massacres. Many were killed and the people tried to defend

themselves with whatever cover they could find under the rain of bullets.

BERKUT even used molotov against the crowd, but what was most

impressive is that no one deserted, and many resisted in the name of

their Fatherland.

A few days later, the police attacks again and opens fire on the crowd

again, the latter having lost any hope for change, but resistance had

become a style of life to them in those days of darkness. The mantras

"we are a European people" or "we will die for nation and freedom"

did not stop. Still, the police opened fire again and many died, some of

which were under eighteen years old, all of them heroes for a world

they will never enjoy...

In the following days the funerals were held for the heroes who fell in

the name of freedom and did not hesitate to fight, even if underage.

They were given their last goodbyes with the callings of "Glory to the

Nation". Hundreds were buried, and in the meanwhile the capitalist-

materialist West ignored this, and rubbed the shoulders of the


After these events, the people gave an ultimatum and 24 hours of time

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to Yanukovych to either to resign, and on February the 22nd, he is

caught by amateur cameras leaving for Russia on helicopter, where he

is given shelter by Putin.

On 25th of May there is an election after the cowardly fleeing of the

traitor. No ultimate solution to the national cause came from these

elections, but the situation calmed. The new government signed a deal

with the EU, and the situation tended towards a temporary normalization.

What remained in the minds and hearts of the people was the unification

of the people for freedom, independence, nation and to become part of

the European family; a dream who was held hostage by communist pro-

Russians. During this revolution, 120 died and 50 went M.I.A., 2000 were

wounded during the many protests and clashes. The bloodthirsty forces

of the BERKUT were exiled forever from Ukraine.

In 2015, Russia sent military forces to help the separatists on the border,

where bloody fights occurred between the two sides. Until spring 2015,

6000 more from the Ukrainian side perished.

The glory of the Ukrainian heroes will be remembered forever from those

who have the right spirit to understand this sacrifice in the name of


Slava Ukraini !