Preliminarna Procjena Stabilnosti Stijenskih Kosina Pomoću Sistema Za Klasifikaciju Stijenskih Masa

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Transcript of Preliminarna Procjena Stabilnosti Stijenskih Kosina Pomoću Sistema Za Klasifikaciju Stijenskih Masa

  • l

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  • Preliminary estimation of rock slope stability using r~ck mass classification systemS.~:::~ ::.1;'.:., Der Gebrauch eines Klassifiziarungssyste.m ~m Scnatzung der StabilitAt von.Gestel~,raoetm.i;(.;'~::~!";

    . " vorlauftg zu machen ' ' .A{", "a~;,>

  • Table I. Comparilon of input paramc:crl 10 classifJCalion s)stems. .

    S)'Item Parameter

    Intact Material Strenach

    Rock Quality De.ianation

    Number of Joint Sell

    Spacing of Joints or Fracture Frequency

    Condition of loints


    Stress, natural or mining induced

    Structural Orientations


    Blasting influences

    Q Index

    Incorporated In SRI'





    ........ __ ..

    SRF (incorporating m~ .lIld dtpth below surface)



    ADJUmiD 9{l gO 6\170RATING 100

    SLOPE , ANOLB 1Ji)"6570>7' 7'


    Our, own cq:'enence has been fairly extensive in the \lse of rock mass da.ssificiltiOns for a large number of prvjects in a widc range of rock typea. '

    Table 3 pre.1enta a sample from this data base illustrating the usc of the .djuslt~ MRMR's for a ran~e of rock types an.J ~1{l1-I: beiplL ,An~es between 30 and 6S are shown fOI slupes belWeea 10 m and 200 m in height. This illustrates that the system can bo .ppliecl across a wide range of projerls from the feeratina stale of a mining ope.ation. From 'experience it has been of value to use a field sheet a~ pi_ted in figure Ito coUect the relevant d>tta and to assess the: pvameten for the detennination of the adju\ted MRMR. In &CneraJ practice, for the coUection of fieltj data to be used in the, 'lhroo mllin rock mau cllwifccatton systems pre\'iou~ly refeUnced in this paper, it hal been found useful to use the daHl sheet u mown in Ffaure 2.







    Je ,.







    Is (or FF to replace

    RQD & Js)

    Jc (adjur.ted for groundwater)

    Incorporated in Jc

    Mining induced stress


    Joint orientation


    Weat'lering adju:;tment

    Blasting adjustment

    The calculated Q and RMR values principaUy dcs.:ribc '.lr relate Ihe in-t.. lu cundition of the rock mass whereas the final adjusted MRMR relates to the condition of l!ie fl~.'k ma~s foil,' wh,;; excavation or during a period of the mining process

    colllidered that the ansles as given in Table 2 are conservalive but in fact represent an attempt to optimise slope design praclke ill the open pit situation. It is our opinion Ihat the use of IIwse analea in conjunction with a fair degree of engineeringjl:dgl'mcilt can reaub in a reasonable inilial eslimatc of angles.

    In vin,tally twcry ca!e history where the MRMR has been used tll

  • .' .


    " , ..

    Table 3. Examples of use of MRMR ratings.

    Project Itock Unit

    Operating Open Pit (RSA)

    Orebody Banded Ironstone CalerelCl Sund

    Road Cuttings (RSA)

    Granite Granite Granite Oranite Granite Dolerite

    Feasibility Study for Open Pit (RSA)

    Main Zor.e Dolerite Weathefed Zone

    Operating Open Pit (CHILE)

    Andesite Rhyolite Dacite Quartz Monzonite Overall

    Feasibility Study for Andesite ~ w ~ Open Pit (TU RKEY) Quartz Bro!ccia 00 w ~

    Schist 00 w ~ .. .---- -----+------.-----1------.....- .....

    Operating Open Pit Footwall Hornfels (NAMIBIA) Operating Open Pit Various sr!dimcntllo'Y (ZAMBIA) and mel:'Unorpho~( J

    rocks '"



    DATE. UCOIlOr.DIV, rttOJt.C1 (SOh ....:.."~I Ill..ocAiHlS I ~OCI( 1YI'I! , atllftllCh . 1)1111\1 CONllrno~s lOa , .......

    PAAA....mll (CAl1!GOIIV) VA1.ue Ml1~1)IM'nn) ,'AMML'11lR (CATECOIIY) VAWI I'I\IlQ!HJ'A08 (MHOIQ -

    111$ (0-11 I \WA11 ICIUNG (10>10lIII0) -_.


    '00 {~I I OI' )J:..r~ '.::...{~J' ;.

    '" u


    ; .... '




    ..... t .: ...:-,

    .- '.:-

  • .

    ,--_._'-------------_.,... - ...... ,--_._,---------------------.,




  • ,


    1'lIble 4. Milling rock milliS rlliing calculation for c"sc hi,rory I ",. t"

    " ~.', t




    Radras rOt Insilu COli

    Rock IRS ROD l& J~llnt C1lnliiliu :iliOf\l

    -J Adj."",, rot NQOl .. ' ~ , (1\' of OIl) TOial I'IMI be. DoooItIlSlope (Ff) I

    1)tpu Wltff Lt'II< Sn

    Toul ITout . _,' _._._ I", I...oi,. WrAthe, Orielle BIuI URMR Mp. Mp.": -~~ ._"~ ~::".'.. ..... (.) (') './

    I 0,.111" ., 21 'M - o,wi 0,1 Dolo"'.

    1\ II,Y~ 11,/111 I l.I n 0," 0,90 0." o.u 41 II II ,

    2 0 ..... 11 .. 26 to( 0.H1 0,' .!

    ~I 0.9$ n.l~ %l S6 0,9$ 0.90 0.91 ..., 46




    DoIoriI. (hllllt... 10 Dokdle

    Olll1lle , Dolerite

    Onolllte. II DoIoriI.

    Oranile. 12 Dolerite





    to( 0.911 0:IS 0,95

    M 0,\10 0'1\ 0,91

    to( 0,96 0:;\ 0,95

    M 0,110 0 1/ O,qs


    I 'o~ 29 Q

    0,110 11 61

    o,as 29 6S

    lI,n 19 54 I





    Sl U

    0.90 0,91 ..., $1 " *' ..

    0.90 0" o.u 51 " "

    0.90 0,91 ..., M SJ., *'

    0.90 0,91 0,lI 4$ $I " ,

    lCoy Wonk: UP



    The slope was ,subsequently mined and ha~ heen ex/" )sed for approximately 3 years. Signs of deterioration in the slop!' art' now evident.

    In carrying out a rock mass rating study on aVlIilnhle I: 'posure,

  • .x- .. II

    Figure 4. Design section for case history 2.

    experience in association with good engineering juJg~IIl"1\1 lilal will indicate the extent to which reliallce on c\ussilkali!lf. s)"~leIHS can be adopted. In our experience: we have found tremendous Villu.: 1 \Jill the USc

    of the MRMR system and the d..:~ign chan rcpnllh",,'" ill Ihis paper. Wi; believe that the systt!m is suffit-it'lltl)' t (lhu~t 10 accommodate variations in the joint parameters ,Ill f , take account of the influence of major structural features, However. careful consideration mllst be given to tht: in'lu,'nce lIf

    major structural features occurring within the slope liS these C:JU and often lead to instability.


    (!.lrlOn, N, Lien It. &; Lunde J. 1974, Enpnc:erina classifiauion of 'ock mass~ for the design of tunnellupport. Rock Mhani

  • 1 I,;t. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. Vol. 18, pp. 85 to 110.,[ "',t ( ~ergamon Press Ltd 1981. Printed in Great Britain 002()"7624j8lj020I-OOS5S02.00jO \. 00M \~ (l'~Y"lCQ-{1






    DOC NO.1


  • 86 International Society for Rock Mechanics

    INTRODUCTION A common deficiency of both geologic and geotechnical reports and published papers on rock mechanics problems has been the lack of an adequate and generally accepted means to transmit an overall assessment of the nature or rock masses to those who have not had an opportunity to observe them. A language common to rock mechanics specialists and experts from related fields should be available. This is why the ISR M, at its Council Meeting in Nancy, on October 3, 1971, decided to appoint a Commission on Classification of Rocks and Rock Masses (see A~dix 1). J.e., .,'.,\iQ n,y\~., . ~ ;h. (The first task of the Commission was an eXhad'sttve gath[rlng and study of documents (see References), in

    particular of the numerous classification systems presently in use. The Commission preferred to follow, as far as possible, classification criteria already in practice, rather than to innovate. . It was considered advisable to establish first a "Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock Masses" (BGD),

    general in nature; the experience gained in using it might then lead to special descriptions and/or classifications for different kinds of engineering works or aimed at specific types of geologic formations. Such a basic description is proposed in this document. . The intent of the Basic Description is to characterize in simplified form the various zones that constitute a given r

    rock mass, using information obtained from the observation of outcrops, trenches, aditsor boreholes. The Description may be used for written and symbolic characterization of rock masses; it may be included in borehole logs, trench or adit logs, or may be shown on maps and geological sections. It should be emphasized that, as the BGD is not an exhaustive description, it will often need to be supple

    mented by additional, more detailed, information. It is expected that application of the BGD to a variety of practical situations will suggest additions or

    modifications to the present document. Any remarks aimed at improving the Description should be addressed to the Secretariat of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, at the Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, A\enida do Brasil, 1799 Lisboa Cedex, Portugal.



  • 87 Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock Masses

    Basic Geotechnical Description of

    Rock Masses (BGD)


    The BG D is intended to meet the following major requirements:

    (a) To provide a language enabling the observer to transmit his general impression of a rock mass, parricularly with regard to its a~ti~ip'ai~d mechanical behaviour. The language of the BGD, must be unambiguous; different observers of a given rock mass should describe it in the s.ame way. (b) To contain as far as possible quantitative data, of

    interest in the solution of definite practical problems. (c) Whenever possible, to use simple measurements,

    rather than visual observations alone.


    The object of the BG D being essentially to characterize the mechanical behaviour of rock masses, the following five characteristics were taken into account:

    -the rock name, with a simplified geological description; -t\,iO structural characteristics of the rock mass,

    namely layer thickness and fracture intercept*; -two mechanical characteristics, namely the uni

    axial compressive strength of the rock material and the angle of friction of the fractures.

    The rock name and geological description are of great interest, owing to the abundant information, particularly of a mechanical nature, that they imply. The parameters layer thickness and fracture intercept

    are considered for the following reasons:

    -they characterize morphologic aspects of basic importance for the visualisation of the rock mass; -they usually have a considerable influence on the

    mechanical behaviour of the rock mass; -their quantitative assessment is generally not diffi


    The parameters, uniaxial compressive strength of the rock material and angle of friction of the fractures have been included for the following reasons:

    --these properties playa very considerable role in the mechanical behaviour of rock masses;

    * Definitions are presented in paragraphs 5 and 6.

    -from t heir values it is, as a rule, possible to infer other mechanical characteristics, particularly when considered in the light of the rock name and geologic characterization; -they can be assessed from simple tests or even from

    the observer's past experience alone; -their meaning is familiar to all specialists engaged

    in studies of rock masses.

    The interval limits for the four parameters (Tables 1-4) have been selected as far as possible, to correspond with boundaries of significance to engineering projects.


    When applying the BGD one should first divide the rock mass into zones, that is, geotechnical units, whose characteristics may be considered uniform with regard to the requirements of the project; relevant characteristics may however display considerable variation within a geotechnical unit. A zone may include noncontiguous volumes of the rock mass, such as interbeddedla-ye'rs-of sedimentary or volcanic formations with the same geotechnical characteristics. In the case of rock masses that vary cont inuously from place to place, for example due to weathering, it may be advisable to delineate arbitrary zone boundaries in such a way that the properties of each zone may be considered uniform.

    A preliminary zoning may be based on general geological data a vail able on the rock mass, reflecting lithological differentiation, degree of alteration, fracture characteristics, etc. Improvement of the zoning will be progressively achieved as additiona'l information is acquired on the geology and on the four parameters considered in the Description.

    After the zoning, the BGD is applied to each zone. Each of the four parameters considered in the Description is determined on samples that are selected as representative of the zone. The number, positions and dimensions of the samples will depend on the parameter to be determined and on the statistical refinement required. A similar procedure should be followed regarding the rock name and geological description.

    Sometimes, particularly in the preliminary stage of applying the BGD, the consideration of some parameters may be dispensed with, on account of the nature of the formations and/or the problem to be solved.

  • 88

    ,,,,(tr,,., r, . \ /! 1,://\," (',

    International Society for Rock Mechanics


    The rock will be given a name in accordance with the genetic classification presented in Appendix 2. The extent of the simplified geological description

    wi II depend on the nature of the formations and the requirements of the project. As a rule the following aspects need to be considered:

    -geologic structure of the rock mass (folds, faults, etc.); -fracturing of the rock mass (fracture sets and frac

    ture characteristics);' --colour. texture and mineral composition of the

    rock material; -degree of weathering assessed by the terms of the

    classification referred to in Appendix 3; the symbols (W 1 to W5) may be ,used instead of the terms.

    As a rule it will be advisable to consider a general geologic description and a supplementary description of each zone. The geologic description should be implemented by

    photographs, preferably a stereo pair.


    The layer thickness in a zone of a layered rock mass is the mean value of the thickness of the layers making up the zone, The term layer is used here in its most general sense and may be applied. to sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic formations. " " , The layer thickness can be determined on outcrops

    or other exposures and/or on core samples. The layer thickness in azone is characterized by indi

    cating the interval. amorig the five in Table 1, within which the thickness determined falls. The five intervals are represented by symbols Ll to L5 and are designated as shown in the table. Zones that are not layered are assigned the symbol Lo.

    In case when only three intervals are needed, those represented in Table 1 by the symbols L1.2' L3 , L4 s are used with the corresponding designations indicated in the table.


    The term fracture as used herein refers to any natural discontinuity surface with zero or very low tensile strength. An easy separation by hand can be used as an assessment criterion in practice. Fracture in,tercept* is defined as the mean distance between successive fractures as measured along an intersecting straight line. All fractures are counted, whether or not they belong

    \ ,,'\.,1"\


    Intervals (cm) Symbols Descriptive terms

    >200 LI Very large L1,z Large

    60-200 Lz Large 20-60 L3 L3 Moderate Moderate 6-20 L. Small

    L4 ., Small

  • 89 Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock Masses


    Intervals (MPa) Symbols Descriptive terms

    >200 SI Very high SI.2 High

    60-200 S2 High 20-60 Sl S3 Moderate Moderate 6-20 S4 Low

    S4.5 Low 45 Al Very high Au: High

    35-45 A2 High 25-35 A3 AJ Moderate Moderate 15-25 A", Low

    A",.5 Low

  • 90 International Society for Rock Mechanics

    REFERENCES J. lkrlo D. K. The Process of COJIIJIIllllicaricll1. Holt, Rinelmrl &

    Will1son. NC\I York (1960).. , Coales D. F. Classification of rocks for rock mechanics, 1111. 1.

    Rock Mecl! . .Itill. Sci. 1,411-429 (1964). 3. Coales D. F. Rock mechanic~ principles. Dept of Mines & Tech

    nical Survcys. Ottawa (1966). 4. Coales D. F. & Parsons R. C. Experimental critcria for classifi

    .:allon of rock substances. Inl. 1. Rock M(,(,/I. Mill. Sci. 3,181-191 119(6). Coltis G. I.. Dowcll R. W. & Franklin J. A. A rock classification system applied in civil enginecring. Cill. ElIglIg Public ReI'. 1. 611-614. and 2, 737-743 (June, 1971).

    6. Coon R. F. & Merritt A. H. Determination of the ill Silll modulus of deformation of rock. A.S. T.M. 154-173 (Feb, 19(9). Deere D. U. Technical description of rock cores for engineering purposes. Rock A1ecll: E/lg/lg Geol. I. 16-22 (1963). ~. Duffaut P. La position des betons et morliers par rapport a la

    classification mccunique des roches scion Don Deere. ReI'. lefmer. COIISlrIICI. Trar, Puhiies 659--660 (Aug/Sep. 1970).

    9. Duffaut P. Essai de description struclUrale des roches a I'usage de l'ing~nJeur. lSI COlIgr./lI/. Assoc, 1111, Geol./lIgellieur, Tome I, pp.

    ::95-300 (Scp. 1970). Paris. 10. Franklin 1. A. Rock quality in relation to the quarrying and

    performance of rock ..:onSiruction materials. Pro('. Jlld 1111, COllflr. 1111. A.\sOC, or EIiOIli!. Geol. Vol. 1. Sao Paulo. IV PC; 2.1-2, II (l974).

    II. Iida R, & Okamoto A. Geological rock classification of dam foundation. lap. Soc. Soil '\ll!cll. Fdn Enfln}1 Vol. 1. pp, 161-163. Joinl Commillee on Rock Mechanics. Japan (1970).

    I::. Jaeger 1. C. & Cook N. G. W. Fllndamelll(lis of Rock Mecluillics. Methuen. London (1968).

    13. 'Klau, W. J. An approach to rock mechanics. 1. Am. Soc. Civ. ElIgrs 88. 1-30 (August. 19(2).

    14. Kruse G. 1-1 .. Zerneke K. L. Scott 1. 3.. Johnson W. S. & NCison 1. S, Rock mechanics--thcory and practice. 1111r Symp. on Rock Mechanics. Chap. 10. APPl'Ou('/1 10 Clas~if,l'il11J Rock if" Tllllllel U/lca/' Desi!lll Berkeley. pp. 169-191 (1969).

    15. Ladanyi H. l'niaxial Testing of Rocb for Classification Purposes. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys Mines Branch, Ottawa. pp. 2-39 (Sep. 19(4),

    16. Mello Mendes F. ivll'C{illica clas ROc/laS. Set:;;iio de Folhas da A.E.I,S.T., Lisboa (1969).

    17. Mend V. Classification of solid ro~k masses. lilih Meelill,l of'lire

    /111, lJiil'oIi;1' Gehil'f/.mll'c/ulllik. LeipZig. pp. 122125 (19681.

    18. ~loles A. A, La Creellioll Sciell I(fl tJ 1/('. Kister, Gcncvc (1957), 19. Obert L & Duvall W. I. Rock ,1vfl'('/Ulllics'ul/{/lire DesiOIl of Sir/ii'

    IIIl'e ill Rock. Wik\,. New York (1967). 20, Oliveira R. Class(rimrtio (Ic> Tel'l'(,l/o.~" Clirso de G'>I)logia de

    Engenharia, LNEC. Li,boa (Nov. 1970). 21. Onodera T. F. Activities on rock mechanics. lap. SOL Soil Mecll.

    FilII Ellyn!1 Vol. I. Joint Committee IHl Rock Mechanics. Japan. pp. 3--7 (l970).

    22. Patching T. H. & Coates D. F. A recommended rock classification for rock mechanics purposes. Tbe Canadian Insliwle of Mining and Metallurgy and the Mining Society of ;";ova Scotia, Vol. 71, pp. 305~307 (l968).

    13. Rats M. V. & Chernyusnov S. N. Statistical aspect of the problem on the permeability of the joint)' rocks. Pmc. DIi/JroFllik Symp. 01/ HydroloilY (!f Fraclt/I''d Rocks. pp. 227 -235 (1965).

    24. Rocha M. Mecilllica das Rodllls. Laboratorio Nacional de Engl'nharia Civil de Lisbon (1971).

    25. Rzhcvsky Y. & Novik G. Till' PI',I'sics I:f Roch Mir. Moscow (1971 ).

    26. Staplcdon D. H. Discussion of the paper c1assific,)!ion of rock substances (D. F. Coates).lnl. 1. Rock Met/I. ;\fill. Sci. S. 371-373 (1968).

    n. Szechy K. The Arl (!l TII/Iliellilli!, Akademiai Kiado. Budapest 119661.

    28. Talobre J, A. La Mec/ullliqlle drs Roc/,e.l, Dunod. Paris [195;), 2'1. Tcrzaghi K. lrJl/'OdU('I;OlllU TUllllel Geology. Rock TlI/lI1e1lillY lI'il"

    Steel SIJPPOJ'lS by R, Proctor and T. White. Youngstown Printing.

    Youngstown, OH (1946), '

    30. Van-Del' Viis A. C. Rock classifkation by a simple hardness test. Prof. 2nd 1111. Callfl'. (!l rlie fm. Soc. qf Rock A'feci!. Vol. 2. Bel Igrade. paper J-4 (l nO).

    31. Voight B. On the functional dassific

  • 91 Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock Masses





    M. Rocha-Chairman (Portugal) B. Aisenstein (Israel) R. Call (U.S.A.) E. 1. Cording (U.S.A.) F. Franciss (Brazil) J. Franklin (Canada) H. Helfrich (Sweden) J. Jennings (South-Africa) C. O. Morfeldt (Sweden) L. Obert (U.S.A.) R. Oliveira (Portugal) M. Panet . (France) D. Stapledon (Australia) B. Voight (U.S.A.)

  • _______________ _

    \0 N



    prains of rock, quartz, feldspar and At least 50% of At least 50% of grainsComposition ~lay minerals grains 'are of are of fine-grained carbonate igneous rock

    Very Grains are of rock fragments coarse !BOULDERS Rounded grains SALINE grained (/) OBBLES Rounded grains: CARBON CALCI AGGLOMERATE ROCKS

    60 :::> CONGLOMERATE ATE RUDITE Halite0 Angular grains~ GRAVEL AnhydriteCoarse- u Angular grains: VOLCANIC BRECCIA;3 GRAVEL 2 grained :::> BRECCIA

    I:;; LAPILLI TUFF Gypsumc::: Ul

    -I..l ,

    Grains are mainly mineral fragments rd.... -I..l LIMESTONESANDSTONE: Grains are mainly >:: Ul

    mineral fragments ~ Ul DOLCl1ITEQUARTZ SANDSTONE: 95% quartz, 4-1 ::c4-1 (/) Medium voids empty or cemented CARBON CALC ri TUFF <

    ! -0

    grainec SAND ARKOSE: 75% quartz, up to 25% ATE ARENITE >:: u ~ ;:l H N

    'feldspar: voids empty or SAND 1' ;2; CHERTH

    .,,; :::> SILT grained particles 00 ATE SILTITE00 00 ~ ~~ ori ~ SILT CHALK _ FEAT0.002 uu 4-IUl ;2; 0 Very CLAYSTONE 50% very ~ _5 0 E-< , LIGNITEHE-< E-< CARBON (/) fine ~:::> fine grained particles o ~-I..l U) . CALCI ~ Very fine-grainedH~ E-< ~ 00 ~ ATE COALgrainec 0 CLAY (/) ::t: ::I ~ MUD~ cne GLASSY AMORPHOUS ,



    :::s ('1) -...

    :::s e!. o :::s ~ ~ (')


    ' :::s


    __._~"~._,"____~_.~..... ..~~"m."J~ ~ ._..

    ~.,;:.:t,..:,.~L, ...,~iili".:".,;.....

  • """.r-. IP'; 8.__W1fiIlIiI!'JI..,,,,,"*eOflilllllill r. , liXlllll')I1'1i ",j~i.. "Allin ,if 'iF' i ,,,:0 ' 'j I I,i I......... ,. ,..-""'". """""""''''''''''oM .,./---_.........._------.


    FOLIATED MASSIVE Quartz, feldspars, Light coloured minerals Dark and micas, acicular are quartz, feldspar, light dark minerals mica~' minerals

    Acid rocks I nt,ermedia te Basic rock~

    PEGMATITE GNEISS (ortho- MARBLE --para-, Alter- GRANITE DIORITE GABBRO nate layers of GRANULITE granular and flakey minerals







    Usual Structure I

    Dark minerals Composition

    Ultrabasic Very coarse-

    PYROXENITE grained 60 and Coarse-

    PERIDOTITE grained 2


    Medium-g '-'

    grained w N H CI)

    ;z; H ...:

    0.06 0::: '" Fine-

    grained 0.002 Very fine-grained GLASSY AMORPHOUS

    t:C s: o'" o g

    ~ :I o :::. t:l o '" ~ ~~ O :I o.....

    o ~ (')

    :: ;.;

    !); '" ~

    From: Bulletin of the illlernalicmal Association of Engineering Geology, No. 19. June/July, 1979,


  • 94 International Society for Rock Mechanics


    Term Description Symbols


    . Slightly weathered

    Moderately weathered

    No visible sign of rock material weathering: perhaps slight discolouratioll on major discontinuity surfaces. Discolourution indicates weathering of rock material and discontinu'ity surfaces. All the rock material may be discoloured by weathering and may be somewhat weaker than in its fresh condition. Less than half of the rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated to a soil. Fresh or discoloured rock is present dther as a discontinuous rramework or as corestones.




    Highly weathered

    More than half of the rock inateriul is decomposed and/or disintegrated to u soil. Fresh or discoloured rock j, present either as a discontinuous framework or as corcstones.


    Completely weathered

    All rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated to soil. Th~ original mass structUfe is still largely intact.


    Adapted rrom suggested Methods for the Quantitat ivc Description of Rock Masses and Discontinuities. [nl. Soc. for Rock Mech .. 1m. J. Rock Meek Mill. Sci. & Geomedl. Abslr. 15, 3\9-368 (1978)..

  • 95 Basic Geotechnical Description or Rock Masses


    Type of work: (1) .

    I nvestiga tion stage:(2) Exposure: (3) Location: IObserver; (4) I Date:

    Rock name and general geological description: (6)

    Supplementary geologic description:(7) Zone I:


    Occurrence Characterization(9) I Occurrence Characterization(9)Zones (%) ( 8) Zones (%) (8)

    I V

    II VI



  • 96 International Society for Rock Mechanics


    Samples Std BCDZone Parameters 1 2 3 4 Average dev. symbols

    Layer thickness (cm) I Fracture interc. (cm)

    U compo strength (MPa) Angle of friction (0)

    r thickness (cm) II Fracture interc. (cm)

    U compo strength (MPa) i Angle of friction (0) Layer thickness (cm)

    III Fracture interc. (cm) u compo strength (HPa) Angle of friction (0) Layer thickness (cm) Fracture interc. (em)

    IV U compo strength (NPa) Angle of friction (0) Layer thickness (cm)

    e' interc. (cm) v U strength (MEa)compo

    Angle of friction (0) Remarks(ll)

    Layer thickness: Fracture interc.: l! compo strength: Angle of friction:

    Supplementary information

    (1) Main characteristics of the structure (2) Preliminary, final, (3) Outcrop, trench, cores, (4) Name and qualification. (5) Stereo pairs of photographs, with the zones outlined. Other stereo may be added. Ordinary photographs and/ or sketches can be resorted to. (6) Rock name (Appendix III, BCD); structure (folds, foults ) fracturing (fracture sets, fracture characteristics); weathering (Appendix IV, BGD). (7)' Specific aspects should be considered for each zone (8) Estimated proportion, by volume, 'of the occurrence of each zone relative to the observed rock mass (9) - Rock name followed by the interval symbols of the parameter values (art. 9). (10) See art. 3, 5, 6, 7-and 8 of BCD (11) Methods followed in the determination of the parameters and difficulties encountered.

  • I Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock Masses 97 APPENDIX V EXAMPLES OF A PPLICA nON OF BGD

    Outcrop Date: June 77

    Rock name and general geologic descri~tion:(6) Isoclinal 'sequence of metasedimentary and meta-volcanic rocks composed by

    interbedded siliceous schists and graywackes (I), piroclastic rocks like tuff.

    and breccia (II), agglomerate with rhyolitic matrix (III), rhyolite (IV)" and

    porphyritic quartz-diorite (V).

    Suppl ementary geologic description: (7) Zone I: Rock mass formed of grey to red siliceous schist and interbedded

    graywacke thinly bedded (2-20 cm), and very often thinly laminated (0,6 to 2 cm). Rock mass is crossed by widely to very widely spaced joints, open, without filling material. Rock is fresh (WI) and strong.

    Zone II: Interbedded zone 30 meters thicl

  • 98 International Society for Rock Mechanics


    le 1 2 3 4 Average dev. symbols

    (cm) 4 10 8 6 7 L L4 I

    ! interc. (cm) F4 5 1-...,---"-~

    I l' . strength nlPa) 66 65 i 150"1 80 70 S2 i Angle of friction (0) 35 A2 I

    Layer thickness (cm) 10 12 16 15 13 L4 ! Fractur~ in~erc. (cm) 15 15 I F.4I11 ! u compo strength C'IPa) 15 20 12 15 15 S4

    ! Angle of friction (u) 30 A3 ii III Layer thickness (cm) - - - - - LO

    Fracture interc. (cm) 4 12 6 8 7 I F4 t: compo strength (r1Pa) 1236 250 150 170 200 I S2 IiAngle of friction (0) I 40 I A2

    IV ;Layer thickne~~~ (cm) 1_ - - ! LO "

    IFracture interc. (cm) 22 25 45 36 S~, U compo strength (~1Pa) 210 140 180 220 185 S2 Angle of friction (0) ! 40 A2 ,Layer thickness (cm) 80 210 120 160 I 140 L2 ~I I Fracture interc. '(cm) 4 7 12 18 10 , F4 iV lJ comp :eng (NPa) 92'" 55 60 50 55 S4 j Angle of friction (0) 40

    ..!2? j R1Ilarks(ll)

    loy lie leasured )utcrops I fracture interc.: measured "nd estimated U compo strength: lab. test and estimated

    e of friction: estimate;;I "Supplementary information

    ,"normal to layering

    (1) t-jain characteristics of the structure (2) Preliminary, final, (3) Outcrop, trench, cores, (4) Name and qualification. (5) Stereo pair of photographs, wi th the zones outlined. Other stereo pairs may be added. Ordinary photographs and/or sketches call be resorted to. (6) Rock name (Appendix III, BGD), structure (folds, foults). Fracturing (fracture sets, fracture characteristics); weathering (Appendix IV, BGD). (7) Specific aspects should be considered for each zone (8) Estimated proportion, by volume, of the occurrence of each zone relative to the observed rock mass (9) - Rock name follo~ed by the interval symbols of the parameter values (art. 9). (10) See art. 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of BGD (11) Methods followed in the, determination of the parameters and difficulties encountered.

  • I Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock Masses NATUHAL SLOPE, 80 rn high



    name and general geologic description: The rock mass is formed of alkaline granite (Granito do Porto) which

    outcrops sound to moderately weathered. The slope is an important scarp limited at the top by a national monument and at the base by the river Douro. The slope dips abo~,t 60 0 and its evolution is due to rock falls as a consequence of the jointing of the rock mass. The main joint sets are: N 550 W, subvertical; N 55 0 E, subvertical; N 100 W, 350 W. Supplementary geologic description:(7) Zone I:

    Sound to slightly l{eathered granite. The joints are sli[~ht1y open but generally not filled. The rock mass is formed of large blocks (some of many tons).

    Zone III Slightly to moderately weathered granite located in the west part of the scarp. The jointing is much more severe than in Zone I.

    Occurrence (%) (8) Characterization(9)Zones

    60 Granite,LO '

    Zones r-------~------- --------------+-------~-----------+~----- ........~--~-------~




  • 100 International Society for Rock Mechanics

    Samples [ Zone Parameters Std BGD

    1 2 3 4 Average dev. symbols Layer thickness (cm) - LO Fracture interc. . ( cm) 200 300 280 220 250Clfi F'1I U compo strength (MPa) amlPa S2 I Angle of friction (V) 50 Al Layer thickness (cm) - LO I-Fracture 'interc. (cm) 80 40 30 50 SOcm F3

    II U camp. strength (NPa) 50HPa S3 Angle of friction (0) 400 A2 .._..

    Layer thickness (cm) ! _.....

    III Fracture interc. (cm)-U compo strength (MPa) Angle of friction (0) Layer thickness (cm)

    IV Fracture interc. (cm) U camp. strength (MPa) I Angle of friction (0) Layer thickness (cm)

    V i Fracture interc. (cm) U compo strength (MPa) Angle of friction (0)

    Remarks(ll) Layer thickness: Fracture interc.: measured on the outcrop lu compo strength: lab tests [Angle of friction: estimated

    Supplementary information




    The photo was taken during the stabilization works and after the stripping of the rock mass. At this stage the intense vegetation and the displaced blocks had already been removed.

    A program of further works has been accomplished after this stage consisting mainly on the filling of the joints with grout and the bolting and anchoring of isolated blocks and of beamS built on the rock surface.

    (1) Main characteristics of the structure (2) Preliminary, final, (3) Outcrop, trench, cores, (4) Name and qualification. (5) Stereo pair of photographs, with the zones outlined. Other stereo pairs may be added. Ordinary photographs and/or sketches can be resorted to. (6) Rock name (Appendix III, BGD); structure (folds faults ) fracturing (fracture sets, fracture characteristics); weathering (Appendix IV, BGD). (7) Specific aspects should be considered for each zone (8) Estimated proportion, by Volume, of the occurrence of each zone relative to the observed rock mass (9) - Rock name followed by the interval symbols of the parameter values (art. 9). (10) See art. 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of BGD (11) Nethods followed in the determination of the parameters and difficulties encountered.

  • Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock Masses 101

    ; , ;


    Type of workl(l) Water Supply tunnel, length 5400 m and 3.00 diameter i Investigation ptagel(2) Preliminary , (3)Exposure; borehole cores Loca:tion: SCB4 - Castelo BOdelportUgal Observerl(4) Costa Pereira 1Date: 24/8/77

    Rock name and general geologic description: (6) The rock mass is composed of formations of metamorphic orlgln, gneisses,

    micaschists and migmatites overlaid by plio-pleistocenic formations of sandy clayey nature. The rock mass is highly folded and fractured. The foliation of the rock is N(0-250 )W; (35-650 )E, practically perpendicular to the axis of the tunnel and the rock mass is divided by two main joints sets, one parallel to the foliation and the other striking N(75-95)W; (45-75)S. A series of creeks develops along the gneissosity, corresponding with sheer zones.

    Zone II Sound gneiss with migmatitic layers, gneissosity forming an angle of 500 to the horizontal. Joints parallel to gneissosity, one set forming angle of 300 with it and one vertical; closed, rough joints showing vestiges of water circulation. Spacing of joints 0.30-0.40 m.

    Zone III Slightly altered to sound gneiss with gneissosity and sets of joints identical to Zone I. Rough and closed joints spaced 0.20-0.30 m.

    Zone Ill: Fairly altered gneiss with migmatitic layers, gneissosity and sets of jOints identical to Zone I. Open joints with discontinuous silty sand filling. Spacing between sides of joints about 2-3 mm and between joints 010-0.20 m.

    Zone IV: Fault zones, highly altered to decomposed gneiss with 1 m thickness of clay at depth of 13 m and parallel to gneissosity.

    Occurrence Characterization(9)

    Occurrence Characterization(9)Zones (%) (8) Zones (%) ( 8)

    I 60 Gneiss, V LO' S3' AZF3 ,

    II 15 Gnei ss, i VI LO' 53' A3F4,

    III 20 Gneiss, VII La, F4' S4' A3

    IV 5 Gneiss, VIII JLO' F5 , S5' A4

  • 102 International Society for Rock Mechanics




    I !

    Samples Std BCDZone Parameters 1 2 3 4 AveraGe dev. symbols

    Layer thickness, (cm) LO LO LO LO - LO I Fracture interc. ( cm) 110 55 60 57 58 F3

    :U compo strength (MPa) 37 45 50 35 42 S3 Angle of friction (0) 35 LrO 35 35 36 :\2 Layer thickness (cm) LO LO LO LO - LO

    II Fracture interc. (cm) 18 i 15 13 10 14 F ' I. IU compo strength U1Pa) 23 20 35 30 27 .'33 IAngle of friction (0) 30 25 35 30 30 A3 !Layer thickness (cm) LO LO LO LO - ~ i I Fracture interc. (cm) 10 7 8 10 9 F4

    III U strength (NPa) 18 12 10 15 14 S~compo Ahgle of friction (0) 25 20 35 30 27,5 A3

    . Layer thickness ( cm) LO LO LO LO - LO IV Fracture interc. (cm) 1 3 5 5 3,5 F5

    I--c-.... -

    S5U compo strength (MPa) 2 3 5 7 4 !Angle of friction (0) 15 20 20 15 17,5 A4 Layer thickness (cm)

    - - - - - - -

    V Fracture interc. ( crn) - - - - - - -u compo strength (MPa) - - - - - - -Angle of friction (0) - - - - - - -

    Remarks( 11) Layer thickness: Fracture interc.l measured in core sarr.ples !' v compo ;trength: lab. uniaxial compression tests

    e of



    Supplementary information

    The .:lescription is based on the observation of outcrops and of borehole cores, where

    measurements were taken.

    The zoning took into consideration the values of the logitudinal wave velocities

    obtained from seismic refraction measurements.

    (1) ~Iain characterisr:ics of the structure (2) Preliminary, final, ... (3) Outcrop, trench, cores, (4) Name and qualification. (5) Stereo pair of photographs, with the zones outlined. Other stereo pairs may be added. Ordinary photographs and/or sketches can be resorted to. (6) Rock name (Appendix III, BGD); structure (folds, faults ) fracturinE (fracture sets, fracture characteristics); weathering (Appendix IV, BGD) (7) Specific aspects should be considered for each zone (8) Estimated proportion by volume, of the occurrence of each zone relative to the observed rock mass (9) - Rock name fOllowed by the interval symbols of the parameter values (art. 9). (10) See art. 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of BGD (11) Hethods followed in, the determination of the parameters and difficulties encount.ered.


  • 103 Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock Masses

    T e of work: (1) Quarry r-~~------~------~

    Investigation stage:(2) Preliminary Exposure: (3) Operating Quarry Location: SA)lTA CATARINA-BRASIL Observer: (4)CLEMENTE,J. and RAYMUNDO, G. Date:JUNE 1978

    Rock name and general geologic description:(6) Basal tic flow from the extrusive succession of Parana Basin, in the

    vicinity of Serra Geral. Aphanitic texture, sometimes and massive. Rock is fresh. There are two groups of perpendicular vertical fractures and a'nother horizontal. I t forms columns of rectangular base.

    Supplementary description: (7)

    Zone II Dense and moderately fractured basalt, spacing between fractures are 50 em

    and 40 em, to vertical and horizontal groups. Fractures are open and

    millimetric, with smooth surfaces.

    Zone II: Dense, fresh and poor fractured basalt. Spacing between fractures vertical

    100 cm; horiZontal 200 cm. Prevailing fractures are closed.

    Occurrence Occurrence (7.) (8) (%) (8) Characterization(9)Characterization(9)Zones Zones

    50I v

    II .50 VI



  • 104 International Society for Rock Mechanics

    Samples 1 Std BGD -r Zone Parameters 1 2 3 4 Average dev. symbol s

    Layer thickness (cm) 350 350 350 350 350 0,0 Ll ! Fracture interc. (em) 40 45 50

    i 45 45 4,1 F3 iI u compo strength (HPa 200 300 250 250 50,0 Sl-

    Angle of friction (0) 45u 45u 47u 45 45~ 1,0 Al Layer thickness (em) 400 350 I 350 400 375 2S,9 Ll I Fracture'interc. (cm) 100 170 I 200 130 150 ~4'0 F,/II U Compo strength (NPa) 200 300 200 233 7,7 S1-Angle of friction (0) 4So 50 470 4So 4So 1,3 Al I Layer thickness (cm)

    III Fracture interc. (cm) \J Compo strength (HPa)


    Angle of friction (0) Layer thlckness (cm)

    IV Fracture interc. (cm) U comp.strength (HPa) Angle of friction (0) Layer thickness (cm)

    V Fracture interc. (cm) , U compo strength (HPa) Angle of friction (0)

    :ks(ll) ly thickness: 1>1"", "''',ing lith tape line

    'ing with tape line comp :eng l :yl es;ima tion with the aid of a geological hammer

    Eye Slop


    Supplementary information

    Quarry face height - Sm.

    Blasting has little effect on quarry faces's fractures.

    (1) Hain characteristics of the structure (2) Preliminary, final, (3) Outcrop, trench, cores, (4) Name and qualification. (5) Stereo pair of photographs, with the zones outlined. Other stereo pairs may be added. Ordinary photographs and/or sketches can be resorted to. (6) Rock name (Appendix III, BGD); structure (folds, foults ) fracturing (fracture sets, fracture characteristics); weathering (Appendix IV, BGD). (7) Specific aspects should be considered for each zone (8) Estimated proportion, by volume, of the occurrence of each zone relative to the observed rock mass (9) - Rock name fOllowed by the interval symbols of the parameter values (art. 9). (10) See art. 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of BGD (11) Methods followed in the determination of the parameters and difficulties encountered.


  • 105 Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock Masses

    Type of work;(l) Excavation slope

    Rock name and general geologic description:(6) Silty shales and little olive green fine sand interbedded with white clayey

    sandstone beds.

    Supplementary geologic description: (7) Zone I; Shale with millimetric fine sandstone lenses.

    Zone II: Fine clayey sandstone, moderately compacted, with well marked stratification. Two sets of perpendicular vertical fractures. There are also horizontal secondary fractures, parallel to the stratification.

    Zone III; Silty shale interbedded with fine sandstone lenses. Disintegrates easily along the fissili ty planes, producing centimetric lamellae.

    Occurrence Occurrence


    ., (2)Investlgatlon stage; Exposure: Highway cut


    CO (8) Characterization(9)(7.) (8) Characterization(9) Zones V30I Shale,L3 ,F3 ,S4,A3

    II 40 Sandstone,Lz,F4 'S3,A VI

    VIIShale,L3 ,F3 ,S4,A330III


  • 106 International Society for Rock Mechanics




    - ------,.------- --- ---------,--------Samples

    Std BCD 2 3 i

  • I Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock Masses 107


    Investi.gation Exposure: .) Highway Cut

    Location: Santa Catarina-BRASIL Observer: (4)CLEMENTE, J. and RANUNDO, G. Date:JUNE 78

    Rock name and general geologic description:(6) Sedimentary rocks of Rio do Rastro Formation, in Paran.i Sedimentary Basin. Interbeddings of reddish-brown siltstones and greenish-grey micaceous shales.

    Supplementary geologic description:(7) Zone I: Compact siltstone. Hoderately marl

  • 108 International Society for Rock Mechanics

    Samples Zone Parameters Std BGD

    1 2 3 4 Average dev. symbols I

    Layer thickness (cm) 90 45 45 60 L2 Fracture interc. (cm) 100 15 30 48.3 F3

    I U Compo strength' (MPa) 50 S3- - -Angle of friction (0) - - - 300 A3

    i Layer thickness (cm) 57 64 60 60 L2 Fracture interc. (cm) 85 50 15 50 F3II U compo strength (NPa) 15

    - - - S4 Angle of friction (V)

    - - -18

    . ALI Layer thickness (cm) Fracture interc. (cm)

    III U compo strength (MPa) Angle of friction (0) Layer thickness (cm)

    IV Fracture interc. ( cm) U compo strength (MPa) Angle of friction (0) Layer thickness (cm)

    V Fracture interc. (cm) U compo strength (MPa) Angle of friction (0)

    Remarks(ll) Layer thickness; Measuring with tape line


    Fracture interc.: Measuring with tape line U compo strength: Eye estimation Angle of friction: Eye estimation




    Supplementary information

    Scale is showed by hammer.

    Fracturing is vertical. Layers are horizontal. Shale disintegrates on

    exposure' leaving lamellae up to Scm long.

    (1) Main characteristics of the structure (2) Preliminary. final (3) Outcrop, trench, cores (4) Name and qualification. (5) Stereo pair of photographs. with the zo~es outlined. Other stereo pairs may be added. Ordinary photographs and/or sketches can be resorted to. (6) Rock name (Appendix HI. BGD); structure (folds, foults ) fracturing (fracture sets. fracture characteristics); weathering (Appendix IV, BGD). (7) Specific aspects should be considered for each zone (8) Estimated proportion, by volume, of the occurrence of each zone rela ti ve to the observed rock mass (9)- Rock name followed by the interval symbols of the parameter values (art. 9). (10) See art. 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of BGD (11) Methods followed in the determination of the parameters and difficulties encountered.


  • 109 Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock Masses

    Type of work:(l) Excavated Road Slope

    Investigation stage:(Z) Final Exposure:(3) Road cut exposed by blasting Location: JERUSALEM (ISRAEL) Observer:(4) B.A. and A.I. c/o Tahal; Date: AUG. 77

    B.R. Consultant

    Rock name and general geologic description:(6) The exposure is a 25 m long portion of a 4 to 5 m high vertical road cut oriented

    N 5 W. The rock mass is formed of interbedded hard and soft upper cretaceous limestone. Attitude of the folded belts in this exposure is N 850 H; 10-170 SW. No faults observed. Fracturing is moderate; most prominent set strikes N 25-400 E, dips 65-85 SE, uncoated. Hard beds are fresh, .soft beds are deeply weathered. Some flint lenses in limestone (Zone I) at bottom of outcrop. Supplementary geologic description:(7) Zone I: White, hard, dense, very fine grained limestone. These layers are fresh, having only light yellowish staining on fractures. Blocky appearance.

    Zone II: Light yellow very soft, friable, medium grained marly chalk. Fractures noted in Zone I do not continue through these soft completely weathered layers.

    Occur~etJceOccurt'e(lce (%) (8)(%) \.15) racterization(9) ZonesZones Characterization(9)

    I 75

    II 25



    Limestone; - 4; _ S2; _L3 FZ 3j AI Z

    Marly chalk; L4_5; Fl; S5; A4_5





  • 110 International Society for Rock Mechanics

    : I Samples Std BCD Zone I'a ramet cr s --,- Averacc I 2 3 4 dey. symbols,.

    ! Layer thickness ( ern)I ,

    cture interc. ( em) ! I U compo strength (MPa)1 ,

    of friction (0), AngleI ! Layer thickness (em) II Fracture interc. ( ern)

    I U compo strength (~Ipa) Angle of frict ion (0) ,

    i Layer thickness (em)i -~

    I fracture interc. I III ( em) I ! U compo strength (:iPa) !

    I,v IAngle of friction (0) I

    ly thicknes.s (em) Fracture interc. (em) U compo strength (NPa) j I.

    I Angle of friction (0) I Layer thickness (em) ..

    Fracture interc. (em) V U compo strength (NP~

    I Angle of friction (0) Remarks(llE thickness: measured on the outcrop

    cture interc.: measured on the outcrop jv compo strength: Values estimated, no samples taken for laboratory tests Angle of friction: Laboratory Tests

    Supplementary information

    The follol{ing more prominent fractures ( joints) were recorded from the mapped exposure (strikes given first-followed by dips):

    82 79 50 90; N 38 E, Zone I -

    N W, NE; N E, 84 SE;


    I I

    I I

    N 35 E, 77 SE; N 360 E, 68 SE; N 280 E, 80 SE; N 10 E, 60 NW; N 80 E, 70 SE; N 620 W, 89 SW; N 220 W, 87 SW.

    (1) Main characteristics of the structure (2) Preliminary, final, (3) Outcrop, trench, cores, (4) Name and qualification. (5) Stereo pair of Photographs, with the zones outlined. Other stereO pairs may be added. Ordinary photographs and/or sketches can be resorted to. (6) Rock name (Appendix III, BGD); structure (folds, foults ) fracturing (fracture sets, fracture characteristics); weathering (Appendix IV, BCD). (7) Specific aspects should be considered for each zone (8) Estimated proportion, by volume, of the occurrence of each zone relative to the observed rock mass (9) - Rock name followed by the interval symbols of the parameter values (art. 9). (10) See art. 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of BGD (ll) Methods followed in the determination of the parameters and difficulties encountered.